QPRO Series Configuratio n PROMs (XQ) including Radiation-Hardened Series (XQR)
DS062 (v2.0) June 1, 2000 www.xilinx.com 3
Advance Product Specification 1-800-255-7778
PROM Pinouts
Xilinx FPGAs and Compatible PROMs.
Controlling PROMs
Connecting the FPGA device with the PROM.
•The DATA output(s) of the of the PROM(s) drives the
DIN input of the lead FPGA device.
•The Master FPGA CCLK output drives the CLK input(s)
of the PROM(s).
•The CEO o utput of a PROM dr ives the CE input of t he
next PROM in a daisy chain (if any).
•The RESET/OE input of all PROMs is best driven by
the INIT output of the lead FPGA device. This
connection assures that the PROM address counter is
reset before the start of any (re)configuration, even
when a reconfiguration is initiated by a VCC glitch.
Other methods—suc h as dr iving RESET /O E fr om LD C
or system reset—assume the PROM internal
power-on-reset is always in step with the FPGAs
internal power-on-reset. This may not be a safe
•The PROM CE input can be driven from either the LDC
or DONE pins. Using LDC avoids potential contention
on the DIN pin.
•The CE input of the lead (or only) PROM is driven by
the DONE output of the lead FPGA device, provided
that DONE is not permanently grounded. Otherwise,
LDC can be used to drive CE, but must then be
unconditionally High during user operation. CE can
also be pe rmane ntly tied Low, but this keeps the DATA
output active and causes an unnecessary supply
current of 10 mA maximum.
FPGA Master Serial Mode Summary
The I /O and logic func tions of the Configurable Log ic Block
(CLB) and their associated interconnections are established
by a configuration program. The program is loaded either
automatically upon power up, or on command, depending
on the stat e of the three F PG A mode pins. In Master Seria l
mode, the FPGA automatically loads the configuration pro-
gram from an external memory. The Xilinx PROMs have
been designed for compatibility with the Master Serial
Upon power-up or reconfiguration, an FPGA enters the
Master Serial mode whenever all three of the FPGA
mode-select pins are Low (M0=0, M1=0, M2=0). Data is
read from the PROM sequentially on a single data line. Syn-
chronization is provided by the rising edge of the temporary
signal CCLK, which is generated during configuration.
Master Serial Mode provides a simple configuration inter-
face. Only a serial data line and two control lines are
required to configure an FPGA. Data from the PROM is
read sequenti ally, accessed via the internal address and bit
coun ters which a re incremented on ever y valid risin g edge
of CCLK.
If the user-programmable, dual-function DIN pin on the
FPGA is used only for configuration, it m ust still be held at a
defined level during normal operation. The Xilinx FPGA
families take care of this automatically with an on-chip
default pull-up resistor.
Pin Name 44-Pin CLCC
CE 21
GND 3, 24
CEO 27
VPP 41
VCC 44
Devices Co nf i gu ra ti on B i ts
XQR1704L 4,194,304
XQR1701L 1,048,576
XQ1704L 4,194,304
XQ1701L 1,048,576
Device Configuration Bits PROM
XQR4013XL 393,632 XQ1701L
XQR4036XL 832,528 XQ1701L
XQR4062XL 1,433,864 XQ1704L
XQR4013XL 393,632 XQR1701L
XQR4036XL 832,528 XQR1701L
XQR4062XL 1,433,864 XQR1704L
XQVR300 1,751,840 XQR1704L
XQVR600 3,608,000 XQR1704L
XQVR1000 6,127,776 XQR1704L x 2