RT = 13.1 x 109 x 1
FSW - 83 ns
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7.3 Feature Description
7.3.1 High Voltage VCC Regulator
The LM5002 VCC low dropout (LDO) regulator allows the LM5002 to operate at the lowest possible input
voltage. The VCC pin voltage is very nearly equal to the input voltage from 2.8 V up to approximately 6.9 V. As
the input voltage continues to increase, the VCC voltage is regulated at the 6.9 V set-point. The total input
operating range of the VCC LDO regulator is 3.1 V to 75 V.
The output of the VCC regulator is current limited to 20 mA. During power-up, the VCC regulator supplies current
into the required decoupling capacitor (0.47 µF or greater ceramic capacitor) at the VCC pin. When the VCC
voltage exceeds the VCC UVLO threshold of 2.8 V and the EN pin is greater than 1.26 V the PWM controller is
enabled and switching begins. The controller remains enabled until VCC falls below 2.7 V or the EN pin falls
below 1.16 V.
An auxiliary supply voltage can be applied to the VCC pin to reduce the IC power dissipation. If the auxiliary
voltage is greater than 6.9 V, the internal regulator essentially shuts-off, and internal power dissipation is
decreased by the VIN voltage times the operating current. The overall converter efficiency also improves if the
VIN voltage is much higher than the auxiliary voltage. Do not exceed 14 V with an externally applied VCC
voltage. The VCC regulator series pass MOSFET includes a body diode (see Functional Block Diagram)
between VCC and VIN that must not be forward biased in normal operation. Therefore, the auxiliary VCC voltage
must never exceed the VIN voltage.
In high voltage applications take extra care to ensure the VIN pin does not exceed the absolute maximum
voltage rating of 76 V. Voltage ringing on the VIN line during line transients that exceeds the Absolute Maximum
Ratings can damage the IC. Both careful PCB layout and the use of quality bypass capacitors placed close to the
VIN and GND pins are essential.
7.3.2 Oscillator
A single external resistor connected between RT and GND pins sets the LM5002 oscillator frequency. To set a
desired oscillator frequency (FSW), the necessary value for the RT resistor can be calculated with Equation 1.
The tolerance of the external resistor and the frequency tolerance indicated in the Electrical Characteristics must
be taken into account when determining the worst case frequency range.
7.3.3 External Synchronization
The LM5002 can be synchronized to the rising edge of an external clock. The external clock must have a higher
frequency than the free running oscillator frequency set by the RT resistor. The clock signal must be coupled
through a 100-pF capacitor into the RT pin. A peak voltage level greater than 2.6 V at the RT pin is required for
detection of the sync pulse. The DC voltage across the RT resistor is internally regulated at 1.5 V. The negative
portion of the AC voltage of the synchronizing clock is clamped to this 1.5 V by an amplifier inside the LM5002
with approximately 100-Ωoutput impedance. Therefore, the AC pulse superimposed on the RT resistor must
have positive pulse amplitude of 1.1 V or greater to successfully synchronize the oscillator. The sync pulse width
measured at the RT pin must have a duration greater than 15 ns and less than 5% of the switching period. The
sync pulse rising edge initiates the internal CLK signal rising edge, which turns off the power MOSFET. The RT
resistor is always required, whether the oscillator is free running or externally synchronized. Place the RT resistor
very close to the device and connected directly to the RT and GND pins of the LM5002.
7.3.4 Enable and Standby
The LM5002 contains a dual level Enable circuit. When the EN pin voltage is below 450 mV, the IC is in a low
current shutdown mode with the VCC LDO disabled. When the EN pin voltage is raised above the shutdown
threshold but below the 1.26-V standby threshold, the VCC LDO regulator is enabled, while the remainder of the
IC is disabled. When the EN pin voltage is raised above the 1.26-V standby threshold, all functions are enabled
and normal operation begins. An internal 6-µA current source pulls up the EN pin to activate the IC when the EN
pin is left disconnected.