Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
GT8 Series
— High-Pressure Connectors —
<GT8, GT8A, GT8Z and GT8E>
<GT8, GT8A, GT8Z>
Crimp Terminals
Use of an air-tight dimple construction at the contact portion serves to prevent oxidation of the contact
F Connector Housing
Terminal number markings appear in a large size in consideration of insertion processing.
Form designed to prevent erroneous insertion.
M Connectors
Designed with escape holes for washing liquid to escape so that secondary soiling may be prevented when
the board has been washed.
The surrounding wall of the terminal has been constructed higher than the terminal so as to prevent terminal
The others
The F connector housing fits entirely inside of the M connector to prevent incomplete insertion and prevents
twisting and other problems. The F connector is guarded so that there is no slanting nor contact movement,
and the connector is resistant to vibration.
The color of the F connector housing and the M connector have been changed to prevent incomplete
M Connectors (SMT Product)
Instead of using screws for board fastening, a lead reflow type of reinforced fitting is used that permits
soldering at the time of reflow.
Internal connections of mobile units and industrial equipments.
GT 5GT 13GT 16PO5GGT 11GT 17GT 19GT 26GT 27GT 3GT 6WGT 7GT 10GT 18WGT 15GT 8GT 9GT 25GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
GT8 Series
GT 5 GT 13 GT 16 PO5G GT 11 GT 17 GT 19 GT 26 GT 27 GT 3 GT 6W GT 7 GT 10 GT 18W GT 15 GT 8 GT 9 GT 25 GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
1.5 1.7
Note : This product mates with GT8- or GT8A-*DP-2DSA(70).
Note : GT8-2428SC(70) loose terminals for hand tools are also available. There are 100 pieces per package.
Terminal No.
Part Number HRS No. Material Color
Number of positions
A dimension B dimension Packaging
GT8Z-14DS-2C 758-0009-0 14 15.8 22 1piece
GT8Z-20DS-2C 758-0007-4 PBT Dark Gray 20 21.8 28 1piece
GT8Z-24DS-2C 758-0008-7 24 25.8 32 1piece
F Connectors
Part Number HRS No. Material Finish Packaging
GT8-2428SCF(70) 758-0001-8-70
Phosphor bronze
Tin plating 10,000 pcs
GT8-2022SCF 758-0026-9
Phosphor bronze
Tin plating 10,000 pcs
GT8E-2022SCF 758-0033-4
Phosphor bronze
Tin plating 10,000 pcs
GT8E-2428SCF 758-0055-7
Phosphor bronze
Tin plating 10,000 pcs
Applicable housing
GT8-*DS-2C, GT8A-*DS-2C, GT8Z-*DS-2C
GT8E-*S-2C, GT8E-*DS-2C, GT8E-*S-HU, GT8E-*DS-HU
Housing (Without Flange)
Part Number HRS No. Material Color
Number of positions
A dimension
Specifications Packaging
GT8-14DS-2C 758-0018-0 14 15.8 1piece
GT8-20DS-2C 758-0003-3 20 21.8 1piece
GT8-24DS-2C 758-0005-9 PBT Dark Gray 24 25.8 1piece
GT8A-20DS-2C 758-0011-1 20 21.8 1piece
GT8A-24DS-2C 758-0012-4 24 25.8 1piece
Housing (With Flange)
Without lock
GT8 Series
GT 5GT 13GT 16PO5GGT 11GT 17GT 19GT 26GT 27GT 3GT 6WGT 7GT 10GT 18WGT 15GT 8GT 9GT 25GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
Plug Applicable
Applicable conductor
GT8E *S-2C AWG #20-22 GT8E-2022SCF
AWG #24-28 GT8B-2428SCF
Plug Applicable
Applicable conductor
GT8E-8DS-2C AWG #20-22 GT8E-2022SCF
AWG #24-28 GT8B-2428SCF
GT8E Series
F Connectors
Single low Housing
Single low Housing
Note 1: Applicable terminal is GT8E-2022SCF, GT8B-2428SCF(70).
Note 2: Applicable housing is GT8E-*S-HU.
Note 1: Applicable terminal is GT8E-2022PCF.
Note 2: Use this in combination with GT8EW-4P-R, GT8EW-4P/S-BR, GT8EW-4P/S-BHS.
Note 3: Applicable housing is GT8E-W-4S-HU.
Part Number HRS No. Material Color Number of positions Packaging
GT8E-8DS-2C 758-0027-1 PBT Black 8 1piece YES
Part Number HRS No. Material Color
Number of positions
A dimension
GT8E-2S-2C 758-0030-6 2 7.1 1piece
GT8E-8S-2C 758-0029-7 PBT Black 8 16.6 1piece YES
GT8 Series
GT 5 GT 13 GT 16 PO5G GT 11 GT 17 GT 19 GT 26 GT 27 GT 3 GT 6W GT 7 GT 10 GT 18W GT 15 GT 8 GT 9 GT 25 GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
Part Number HRS No. Material Color
Number of positions
A dimension B dimension C dimension Packaging
GT8E-3S-HU 758-0061-0 PBT Black 3 7.9 0.5 7.9 0.5 4 0.15 1piece
GT8E-4S-HU 758-0047-9 PBT Black 4 8.6 0.5 8.6 0.5 6 0.15 1piece
GT8E-5S-HU 758-0062-2 PBT Black 5 12 0.5 7.1 0.5 8 0.15 1piece
GT8E-6S-HU 758-0048-1 PBT Black 6 12.6 0.5 7.1 0.5 10 0.15 1piece
GT8E-7S-HU 758-0063-5 PBT Black 7 15.6 0.5 7.1 0.5 12 0.15 1piece
GT8E-8S-HU 758-0049-4 PBT Black 8 16.6 0.5 7.1 0.5 14 0.15 1piece
GT8E-10S-HU 758-0050-3 PBT Black 10 20.6 0.7 7.1 0.5 18 0.15 1piece
Note 1: Applicable terminal is GT8E-2022SCF, GT8B-2428SCF.
Note 2: This product mates with GT8E-*DP-DS.
Part Number HRS No. Material Color
Number of positions
A dimension B dimension Packaging
GT8E-12DS-HU CL758-0051-6 PBT Black 12 16.6 0.5 14 0.15 1piece
GT8E-16DS-HU CL758-0064-8 PBT Black 16 21.85 0.7 18 0.15 1piece
GT8E-20DS-HU CL758-0052-9 PBT Black 20 24.6 0.7 22 0.15 1piece
GT8E-24DS-HU CL758-0054-4 PBT Black 24 28.6 0.7 26 0.15 1piece
Note 1: Applicable terminal is GT8E-2022SCF, GT8B-2428SCF.
Note 2: This product mates with GT8E-*P-DS.
Plug Applicable
Applicable conductor
GT8E-*S-HU AWG #20-22 GT8E-2022SCF
AWG #24-28 GT8B-2428SCF
Plug Applicable
Applicable conductor
GT8E-*DS-HU AWG #20-22 GT8E-2022SCF
AWG #24-28 GT8B-2428SCF
Housing (3 to 10 pos./single row)
Howsing (Double row)
GT8 Series
GT 5GT 13GT 16PO5GGT 11GT 17GT 19GT 26GT 27GT 3GT 6WGT 7GT 10GT 18WGT 15GT 8GT 9GT 25GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
Part Number HRS No.
Number of positions
A dimension B dimension C dimension D dimension E dimension Packaging
GT8E-4P-DSA 758-0065-0 4 11.98 0.2 6 0.15 14.4 0.3 6 0.5 11.98 0.15 1piece
GT8E-7P-DSA 758-0066-3 7 18.98 0.2 12 0.15 21.4 0.3 12 0.5 18.98 0.15 1piece
M connector
Board type(Vertical Dip type)
BFully Mated connector assemblies
BRecommended Board Mounting Pattern
GT8 Series
GT 5 GT 13 GT 16 PO5G GT 11 GT 17 GT 19 GT 26 GT 27 GT 3 GT 6W GT 7 GT 10 GT 18W GT 15 GT 8 GT 9 GT 25 GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
BRecommended Board Mounting Pattern
Part Number HRS No. Material Color/Finish Packaging
PPS(Housing) Black
GT8E-8DP-2H(70) 758-0028-4-70 Brass(Contact) Tin plated 400pcs
Brass(Reinforced fitting)
Tin plated
Note 1: Applicable housing is GT8E-8DS-2C.
Note 1: Applicable housing is GT8E-*S-HU.
Board type(S.M.T. 8pos)
Board type(Small-size S.M.T.)
BRecommended Board
Mounting Pattern
BFully Mated connector assemblies
BFully Mated connector assemblies
PBT(Housing) Black
Brass(Contact) Tin plated
Brass(Metal fitting)
Tin plated
Part Number HRS No.
Number of positions
A dimension B dimension C dimension D dimension E dimension F dimension Packaging
2 13 0.15 9.15 0.15 2 10.58 2 10.58
GT8E-3P-2H 758-0096-4 3 13.7 0.3 9.85 0.3 4 11.28 4 11.28
GT8E-4P-2H 758-0079-5 4 14.4 0.3 10.55 0.3 6 11.98 6 11.98
GT8 Series
GT 5GT 13GT 16PO5GGT 11GT 17GT 19GT 26GT 27GT 3GT 6WGT 7GT 10GT 18WGT 15GT 8GT 9GT 25GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
Part Number HRS No. Material Finish Packaging
PPS(Housing) Black
GT8E-8/2P-2H(70) 758-0031-9-70 Brass(Contact) Tin plated 500pcs
Brass(Metal fitting)
Tin plated
Note 1: Applicable housing is GT8E-8S-2C.
Part Number HRS No. Material Finish Packaging
PPS(Housing) Black
GT8E-8/5P-2H 758-0073-9 Brass(Contact) Tin plated 500pcs
Brass(Metal fitting)
Tin plated
Note 1: Applicable housing is GT8E-5S-HU, GT8E-8S-2C.
Board type(Small-size 8/2pos)
Board type(8/5pos)
BFully Mated connector assemblies
BFully Mated connector assemblies
Recommended Board Mounting Pattern
Recommended Board Mounting Pattern
GT8 Series
GT 5 GT 13 GT 16 PO5G GT 11 GT 17 GT 19 GT 26 GT 27 GT 3 GT 6W GT 7 GT 10 GT 18W GT 15 GT 8 GT 9 GT 25 GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
PBT(Housing) Black
Brass(Contact) Tin plated
Brass(Metal fitting)
Tin plated
Note1 : Applicable housing is GT8E-*S-HU
Note2 : GT8E-2P-DS mates with GT8E-2S-2C.
Note : Applicable housing is GT8E-*DS-HU
Boad type(Double row DIP type)
BRecommended PCB Mounting Pattern
Board type(Single raw DIP type)
BRecommended PCB
Mounting Pattern
PBT(Housing) Black
Brass(Contact) Tin plated
Brass(Metal fitting)
Tin plated
Part Number HRS No. A dimension B dimension
C dimension D dimension E dimension F dimension Packaging
GT8E-2P-DS 758-0040-0 2 13±0.5 9.15±0.5 2±0.5 10.58±0.5 2±0.5 10.58±0.5 1piece
GT8E-3P-DS 758-0057-2 3 13.7±0.5 9.85±0.5 4±0.5 11.28±0.5 4±0.5 11.28±0.5 1piece
GT8E-4P-DS 758-0041-2 4 14.4±0.5 10.55±0.5 6±0.5 11.98±0.5 6±0.5 11.98±0.5 1piece
GT8E-5P-DS 758-0058-5 5 17.8±0.5 13.95±0.5 8±0.5 15.38±0.5 8±0.5 15.38±0.5 1piece
GT8E-6P-DS 758-0042-5 6 18.4±0.5 14.55±0.5 10±0.5 15.98±0.5 10±0.5 15.98±0.5 1piece
GT8E-7P-DS 758-0059-8 7 21.4±0.5 17.55±0.5 12±0.5 18.98±0.5 12±0.5 18.98±0.5 1piece
GT8E-8P-DS 758-0043-8 8 22.4±0.5 18.55±0.5 14±0.5 19.98±0.5 14±0.5 19.98±0.5 1piece
GT8E-10P-DS 758-0044-0 10 26.4±0.5 22.55±0.5 18±0.5 23.98±0.5 18±0.5 23.98±0.5 1piece
Part Number HRS No. A dimension B dimension
C dimension D dimension E dimension F dimension Packaging
GT8E-12DP-DS 758-0045-3 12 22.4±0.3 18.55±0.3 14±0.15 19.98±0.2 14±0.05 19.98±0.05 1 piece
GT8E-16DP-DS 758-0060-7 16 27.25±0.3 23.6±0.3 18±0.15 25.03±0.2 18±0.05 25.08±0.05 1 piece
GT8E-20DP-DS 758-0046-6 20 30±0.3 26.35±0.3 22±0.15 27.78±0.2 22±0.05 27.78±0.05 1 piece
GT8E-24DP-DS 758-0053-1 24 34±0.3 30.35±0.3 26±0.15 31.78±0.2 26±0.05 15.38±0.05 1 piece
Number of
Number of
BFully Mated connector assemblies
BFully Mated connector assemblies
GT8 Series
GT 5GT 13GT 16PO5GGT 11GT 17GT 19GT 26GT 27GT 3GT 6WGT 7GT 10GT 18WGT 15GT 8GT 9GT 25GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
Note 1: Applicable terminal is GT8E-2022PCF.
Note 2: Use this in combination with GT8EW-4P-R, GT8EW-4P/S-BR,
Note 3: Applicable housing is GT8E-W-4S-HU.
Part Number HRS No
Number of positions
GT8EW-4P-HU 7758-0059-1 4 1piece
Plug Applicable
Applicable conductor
GT8EW-4P-HU AWG #20-22 GT8E-2022PCF
In-Line Type
Note1 : Applicable terminal is GT8E-2022PCF, GT8E-2428PCF
Note2 : Mate with GT8E-*S-HU(8pos:GT8E-8S-2C)
Part Number HRS No. Material Color
Number of positions
A dimension B dimension Packaging
GT8E-3P-HU 758-0084-5 3 10.55±0.5 4 1piece
GT8E-4P-HU 758-0082-0 PBT BLACK 4 10.55±0.5 6 1piece
GT8E-8P-HU 758-0038-8 8 18.55±0.7 14 1piece
BFully Mated connector assemblies
GT8 Series
GT 5 GT 13 GT 16 PO5G GT 11 GT 17 GT 19 GT 26 GT 27 GT 3 GT 6W GT 7 GT 10 GT 18W GT 15 GT 8 GT 9 GT 25 GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
In-line socket (water proof)
Retainer (Only for GT8EW-4P-HU)
Retainer (Only for GT8EW-4S-HU)
Note 1: Applicable terminal is GT8E-2022SCF.
Note 2: Use this in combination with GT8EW-4P-R, GT8EW-4P/S-BR,
Note 3: Applicable housing is GT8E-W-4P-HU.
Note : Use this in combination with GT8EW-4P-HU.
Note : Use this in combination with GT8EW-4S-HU.
Part Number HRS No
Number of positions
GT8EW-4S-HU 758-0068-9 4 1piece
Part Number HRS No Packaging
GT8EW-4P-R 758-0077-0 1piece
Part Number HRS No Packaging
GT8EW-4S-R 758-0076-7 1piece
Plug Applicable
Applicable conductor
GT8EW-4S-HU AWG #20-22 GT8-2022SCF
GT8 Series
GT 5GT 13GT 16PO5GGT 11GT 17GT 19GT 26GT 27GT 3GT 6WGT 7GT 10GT 18WGT 15GT 8GT 9GT 25GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
B In line waterproof connector use hand book
1Climp the terminal and insert it into the in-line plug/socket. And mount the retainer.
2Fit the parts to the in-line plug/socket in following order:Bushing and Retainer.
Retainer (Used with GT8EW-4P-HU, GT8EW-4S-HU)
Bushing (Used with GT8EW-4P-HU, GT8EW-4S-HU)
Note : Use this in combination with GT8EW-4P-HU, GT8EW-4S-HU.
Note : Use this in combination with GT8EW-4P-HU, GT8EW-4S-HU.
Part Number HRS No Packaging
GT8EW-4P/S-BHS 758-0071-3 1piece
Part Number HRS No Packaging
GT8EW-4P/S-BR 758-0070-0 1piece
GT8 Series
GT 5 GT 13 GT 16 PO5G GT 11 GT 17 GT 19 GT 26 GT 27 GT 3 GT 6W GT 7 GT 10 GT 18W GT 15 GT 8 GT 9 GT 25 GT 22
Connections of the Various Units and Device Interiors
B Termination Tools
User's manuals are available. Please contact a Hirose Electric account representative.
Automatic Crimping Machine
Item Specification Remarks
Specification 1.5ton
Stroke length 30mm
Number of strokes 200 spm (50 Hz) 240 spm (60 Hz)
Wight 75 kg
Motor 0.2kw AC100V
Crimping speed
2,000 to 4,000 pcs. per Hour
* Crimp height setting tables are available for each cable type. Please contact your nearest Hirose Electric account
representative. Different cables will requires different crimp height settings.
Part number CM-105
Hand Tool
The photograph shows
just one example.
The product is subject to
AP105- GT8- 2428S
Applicator Product Number
Product Number HRS No.
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:
Hirose Electric:
GT8E-8S-HU HT304/GT8E-2022S