Copyright © 2002 Microsemi Page 3
Rev. 1.0 8/15/03 Integrated Products
11861 Western Avenue, Garden Grove, CA. 92841, 714-898-8121, Fax: 714-893-2570
The LX1734 is a fixed frequency (1MHz)
current mode controller designed to develop a
negative output voltage from a positive input
voltage. The switching transistor and current
sense resistor are integrated into the part. The
PWM functions in a peak regulation mode using
the amplified error signal to determine the peak
switch current each cycle. Slope compensation
is added to provide stable operation at high duty
cycles. A current limit detector overrides the
regulation loop and prevents the switch current
from exceeding the over current threshold level.
The bandgap control circuit keeps Q1 biased
on and produces a reference current (IREF) that
produces a voltage drop across the internal
resistance that has a positive temperature
When this resistor voltage drop is added to the
negative temperature coefficient of the base-
emitter voltage drop of Q1, the result is a
temperature compensated reference voltage
(VREF) at the NFB pin. The summing node from
the external feedback network is connected
directly to NFB pin, which is relatively high
impedance (typically 150k). The feedback loop
minimizes the error current, (IERROR) which
effectively regulates the voltage at the NFB pin.
As with a conventional error amplifier, the error
signal is proportional to the difference between
the temperature compensated reference voltage
VREF) and the summing node voltage. A slight
correction factor is necessary to account for the
added summing node voltage due to the
reference current (IREF, typically 4µADC) flowing
through the Thevenin equivalent summing node
external resistance.
The LX1734 evaluation board contains two
application circuits. Application circuit #1 is
configured to provide a -5V output, and
application circuit #2 is configured to provide
both +5V and -5V outputs. Each application
circuit has separate header connections
associated with the input, output and shutdown
pins for independent control of each circuit along
with providing the user flexibility in applying a
load to either circuit.
The header pin descriptions for application
circuit #1 and application circuit #2 are
summarized in Table 1 and Table 2 respectively.
Please refer to these tables for evaluation board
setup. The factory installed active and passive
components list can be found in Table 3.
Following the two tables you will find the PCB
silkscreen Figure 1 and the circuit schematic in
Figure 2. All necessary PCB traces and
components are on the topside of the board.
Header Pin Description – Application Circuit #1
VIN Input Power (4.5V to 5.5V); P1-1 references the positive terminal, P1- 2 references GND.
VOUT Output Voltage (-5V); P2-1 references the output terminal; P2-2 references GND. User can either
monitor the output voltage direct or apply an external load.
SHDN Shutdown Pin; P3-1 references the positive terminal; P3-2 references GND. The LX1734 is active
when SHDN > 2.0V. It is recommended to tie this pin to the VIN.
Table 1 – Header Explanation; Application Circuit #1
Header Pin Description – Application Circuit #2
VIN Input Power (4.5V to 5.5V); P1A-1 references the positive terminal, P1A-2 references GND.
VOUT1 Output Voltage (+5V); P2A-1 references the output termin al; P2A-2 references GND. User can
either monitor the output voltage direct or appl y an externa l load.
VOUT2 Output Voltage (-5V); P4-1 references the output terminal; P4-2 references GND. User can either
monitor the output voltage direct or apply an external load.
SHDN Shutdown Pin; P3A-1 references the positiv e terminal; P3A-2 references GND. The LX17 34 is
active when SHDN > 2.0V. It is recommended to tie this pin to the VIN.
Table 2 – Header Explanation; Application Circuit #2