SILICON SIGNAL DIODES 100 MA TYPES BV lm @ 25C Max. Ve Max. Co ter Package Package (1SEC) Outline Outline Number Part Number @ 100LA @ DV Min. (V) tray |] @ Va) (Vv) | @tr ima) PF 1N914 25 30 1INS14A 25 20 1N914B 25 20 1N916 25 20 1IN916A 25 20 1N916B 25 20 1N4148* 25 20 1N4149 25 20 1N4151 50 50 1N4152 50 30 1N4153* 50 50 1N4154 25 1N4305 50 1N4444 50 1N4446 20 1N4447 20 1N4448 20 1N4449 20 1N4454* 50 1N4531* 20 1N4532 50 1N4533 30 1N4534 50 1N4536 25 4N4727 20 1N4863 50 DA1701 30 DA1702 30 DA1703 30 DA1704 20 MA1701 30 MA1702 30 MA1703 30 D034 MA1704 20 0034 D2800 2 DO35 DZ805 12 D035 Dz806 22 D035 pb DO35 0035 0035 D035 D035 DO35 DO35 D035 D035 D035 D035 DO35 D035 D035 DO35 DO35 DO35 DO35 DO35 D034 D034 D034 D034 D034 D035 D035 D035 DO35 D035 D035 D034 D034 WINF]HLAPOWlM/]/] MBE ININ IN BIN [MOLE IN TEIN TINO TRIN [M(B ID [OLD RLS DE104 . DO35 DE110 D035 DE111 a DO35 DE112 ol D035 DE113 a D035 DE114 D035 DE115 DO35 * JAN and JANT X types available 1 Measured at 5LLA 119Silicon Diode The General Electric type 1N4727is a very high speed silicon planar epitaxial passivated diode for computer circuits, switching circuits and general purpose applications. It features maximum limits on junction capacitance and stored charge to ensure reproducible performance in high speed switch- ing circuits. The A291 is a power silicon rectifier diode for use in applications requiring blocking voltages up to 2000 volts and forward current ratings up to 250 amperes average in single phase applications. This device was formerly known as 6RWS1, and is reverse polarity device. The stud is the anode. absolute maximum ratings: (25C) (untess otherwise specified) IN4606 SEE PAGE 258 1N4607-8 SEE PAGE 274 a Go IN4727 a a \ m 1.250 + = fe 1280 1N4727 oa inax Voltage . . : ah | f Reverse (continuous operating) 20 volts | jae O78 Current 032 +.002 pal J 4 Average Rectified 15 mA CATHODE END NOTE: Forward Steady-State DC 115 mA ALL DIMENSIONS Recurrent Peak Forward 225 mA Peak Forward Surge (1 sec. @ 1% Duty Cycle) 2000 mA 1N4727, DHD Power (with Heatsinking .250 from end of diode body) Dissipation (Note 1) 500 mW Dissipation (125C) (Note 2) 200 mW Temperature Operating 65t0 +175 > C Storage ~<& 65 to +200 > C Lead (%65 + %e inch from case for 10 sec.) << 300 > C Derate Note1l: For ambient temperature above 25C 3.0 mW/C Note 2: For ambient temperature above 125C 4.0 mWw/C electrical characteristics: (25C) (untess otherwise specified) IN4727 Min. Typ. Max. Breakdown Voltage (In = 5 nA) By 30 Volts Forward Voltage (Ir = 10 mA) Vy 0.79 0.85 Volts Reverse Current (Vx 20V) In 02 0.1 pamp Vr = 20V, Ts = 100C) Ir 3 10 pamp Stored Charge (Note 5) (Ir = 10 mA) (Note 3) Qs 24 40 pCoul Capacitance Vr = OV). (Note 4) Co 1.5 4 pf Note 3: Stored charge as measured on B-Line Electronics model QS-3 Stored Charge Meter (pulse amplitude = 5 volts, pulse width = 50 ns, rise time = 0.4 ns, source impedance = 10 ohms) Note 4: Capacitance as measured on Boonton Electronics model 75A Capacitance Bridge at a sig- nal level of 50 mv rms and a frequency of 1 mc. 2861N4727 NOTE 5: STORED CHARGE When a forward biased diode is subjected to a reverse voltage step a reverse current will flow for a short time as a result of the stored charge consisting of minority carriers in the vicinity of the junction. The typical waveform of reverse current vs time for a diode subjected to a large reverse voltage is shown in Figure 1. The time required for the diode to recover its reverse blocking condition will depend on the quantity of charge stored and the rate at which the charge is removed by recombination inside the diode and by current flowing in the external circuit. Conventionally, the speed of a diode is characterized by the reverse recovery time, t.,, measured to some arbitrary current level as in Figure 1. However, for higher speed diodes reverse recovery time is not a satisfactory parameter for characterizing the speed of the diode since it is dependent on arbitrary circuit conditions and is very dependent on the construction of the test circuit. Stored charge, on the other hand, is measured by integrating the reverse cur- rent of the diode (as shown by the shaded area in Figure 1), and is consequently much TYPICAL REVERSE less dependent on the construction of the test circuit and on arbitrary circuit conditions. RECOVERY WAVEFORM Stored charge is a more ideal parameter for characterizing the speed of a diode since FOR A HIGH SPEED DIODE it represents an intrinsic characteristic of the diode and can be measured with good reproducibility on low cost instruments which have direct meter readout. FIGURE 1 Stored charge can be correlated with reverse recovery time measurements on a specific t., test jig. Typical correlation curves are shown on the graph below. References: (1) JEDEC Proposed Method for Direct Measurement of Diode Stored Charge, JS-2-65-11 (2) Measurement of Stored Charge in High Speed Diodes, T. P. Sylvan Application Note #90.30 (avail- able on request) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT - d,/dT - wv/"c -0.5 -LO 15 -2.0 72.5 -3.0 109 TYPICAL VARIATION OF REVERSE CURRENT WITH TEMPERATURE 1 REVERSE CURRENT I, ~- MICROAMPERES FORWARD CURRENT - I - MiILLIAMPERES ol Vp_AT 26C 0.01 0.2 04 os og 10 12 oO 25 50 1 100 125 150 FORWARD VOLTAGE-V, -VOLTS JUNCTION TEMPERATURE - 7) ~C 35 7 TT TYPICAL VARIATION OF STORED CHARGE TYPICAL CORRELATION BETWEEN A WITH FORWARD CURRENT | STORED CHARGE AND REVERSE ye 30 RECOVERY TIME /\ x a (Q, MEASURED IN B-LINE ELECTRONICS ee S |_ QS-3 STORED CHARGE METER AT Ls 8 Ig "IOMA, t,, MEASURED IN @ 25 yu | _ TEKTRONIX 291 DIODE TEST FIXTURE ee z gs AT CONDITIONS INDICATED) VY YA 3 s | owt 8 WA * Ls 8 : cy 2 20 =, 7 e \e 2 , ac ay on * g re 4 mw 15 4 9 w 3 wt < 3 ~ 1 Lt ah & a en . a oe YF A ah Ng & 10 woo 0 o & g a |r @ WA a 5 1 4 "| 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 6 (8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 30 FORWARD CURRENT I, - MILLIAMPERES STOREO CHARGE Qs PICO COULOMBS 287