System Description:
The PICDEM 18R Demonstration Board is a general purpose board that allows users
to prototype designs based on the PIC18C601/801. It demonstrates the different
memory interfaces and peripherals of the devices and has prototype area available,
so that the user can customize the board. This enables users to save time in getting
a prototype system running and iron out potential issues before manufacturing a
PC board. PICDEM 18R Block Diagram
Ordering Information:
Model Name:
Ordering Part Number:
Host System Requirements:
•PC-compatible system with an
Intel®80486 class or higher
processor, or equivalent
•A minimum of 16 MB RAM
•A minimum of 5 MB available hard
drive space
•CD-ROM drive (for use with the
accompanying CD)
•One available standard serial port
•Microsoft®Windows®95, Windows 98,
Windows NT®4.0 or Windows 2000
Customer Support:
Microchip maintains a worldwide network of
distributors, representatives, local sales
offices, Field Application Engineers, and
Corporate Application Engineers. Microchip’s
Internet home page can be reached at:
Development Tools from Microchip
MPLAB® IDE Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
MPASM™ Assembler Universal PICmicro macro-assembler
MPLINK™ Linker/MPLIB™ Librarian Linker/Librarian
MPLAB C17 C compiler for PIC17CXXX MCUs
MPLAB C18 C compiler for PIC18CXXX MCUs
C compiler Sold by third-party vendors (HI-TECH, IAR, CCS)
MPLAB SIM Simulator Software Simulator
MPLAB ICD In-Circuit Debugger
ICEPIC™ Emulator Low cost in-circuit emulator
MPLAB ICE 2000 Full-featured modular in-circuit emulator
PICSTART® Plus Programmer Entry-level development kit with programmer
PRO MATE® II Device Programmer Full-featured, modular device programmer
KEELOQ® Evaluation Kit Encoder/Decoder evaluator
KEELOQ Transponder Evaluation Kit Transmitter/Transponder evaluator
microID™ Developer’s Kit 125 kHz and 13.56 MHz RFID development tools
MCP2510 CAN Developer’s Kit MCP2510 CAN evaluation/development tool
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As of 10/01/01
Information subject to change. The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, KEELOQ, SEEVAL, MPLAB, FilterLab and The Embedded Control
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