Sampling Phase Detectors MSPD1011, MSPD1012, MSPD1013 Series Data Sheet Features * Operating Frequency: 10 MHz to 20 GHz * Surface mount package: 3.3 mm (L) x 2.8 mm (W) x 1.5 mm (H) * RoHS Compliant Applications * Phase locked loops * High frequency sampling Description The products of the MSPD101x-121 series are fully-contained sampling phase detectors, each comprising a beam lead silicon step recovery diode, beam lead DC blocking capacitors and a beam lead series-tee pair of low-barrier silicon Schottky diodes mounted on a ceramic substrate. The semiconductors and chip capacitors are protected with an epoxy encapsulation on the top side of the ceramic substrate. These products are manufactured using Aeroflex/Metelics proven diode fabrication and assembly processes which optimize diode characteristics for optimal electrical performance and excellent reliability. These low profile, compact (3.3 mm L x 2.8 mm W x 1.5 mm H) surface mount components offer RF and microwave signal performance superior to comparable chip-and-wire discrete devices in leaded packages. These rugged devices are capable of reliable operation in all military, commercial and industrial applications. The MSPD101x-121 family of devices is RoHS compliant. Enviromental Capabilities The MSPD101x-121 sampling phase detectors are capable of meeting the environmental requirements of MIL-STD-750 and MIL-STD-883. ESD Ratings As are all semiconductors, the MSPD101x-121 sampling phase detectors are susceptible to damage from ESD events. Proper ESD prevention procedures should be followed. The ESD rating for these devices is Class 0 (HBM). The moisture sensitivity level rating is MSL 1. 1 Document No. DS 13356 Rev.C, ECN 12490 Revision Date: 1/4/2013 MSPD1011, MSPD1012, MSPD1013 Sampling Phase Detectors Electrical Specifications TA= 25C (Unless otherwise noted) Parameter Conditions MSPD1011 Min Microwave signal level Typ MSPD1012 Max Min Typ MSPD1013 Max Min Typ -3 to 0 0 to 3 0 to 13 Low Med. High Max Unit dBm Schottky Diode Barrier height Forward voltage IF = 1 mA Junction capacitance VR = 0 V, f = 1 MHz 0.1 Total resistance IF = 5 mA 24 270 350 370 550 600 700 mV 0.1 0.1 pF 24 24 30 V Step Recovery Diode Breakdown voltage IR = 10 A 20 Carrier lifetime IF = 10 mA, IR = 6 mA 10 10 10 ns Transition time IF = 10 mA, VR = 10 V 70 70 70 ps Junction capacitance VR = 0 V, f = 1 MHz 30 20 0.25 30 20 0.25 0.25 pF 1 pF DC Block Capacitor Capacitance f = 1 MHz 0.5 1 0.5 1 0.5 Absolute Maximum Ratings TA= 25C (Unless otherwise noted) Parameter Conditions Applied to step recovery diode (pin 1 to pin 2) Applied to microwave input (pin 4) RF Incident Power Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Junction Temperature Total Dissipated Power Infinite heat sink, Tcase = 25C. Derate power linearly from 100 mW @ 85C to 0 W @ 125C Absolute Maximum Value 27 dBm 20 dBm -55C to 125C -65C to 150C 150C 100 mW Typical Performance Z0 = 50, TA = 25C (Unless otherwise noted) Beat Note Voltage (mV) 1000 Reference Frequency: 100 MHz Ref. Frequency Input Power: 17 dBm Microwave VCO Input Power: 0 dBm 800 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Microwave VCO Input Frequency (GHz) 2 603-641-3800 * 888-641-SEMI (7364) * * Document No. DS 13356 Rev.C, ECN 12490 Revision Date: 1/4/2013 MSPD1011, MSPD1012, MSPD1013 Sampling Phase Detectors Pinout Pin Description Table Pin 1 2 3 4 5 Description Cathode terminal of step recovery diode Anode terminal of step recovery diode Cathode connection of Schottky diode series tee Center node of Schottky diode series tee Anode connection of Schottky diode series tee Recommended Circuit 603-641-3800 * 888-641-SEMI (7364) * * Document No. DS 13356 Rev.C, ECN 12490 Revision Date: 1/4/2013 3 MSPD1011, MSPD1012, MSPD1013 Sampling Phase Detectors Assembly Instructions The MSPD101x family of sampling phase detectors may be soldered to a printed circuit using conventional solder reflow or wave soldering procedures with RoHS type or Sn60/Pb40 type solders per the recommended time temperature profile described in Table I and Figure I. Table 1. Time-Temperature Profile for Sn60/Pb40 or RoHS Type Solders Profile Feature SnPb Solder Assembly Pb-Free Solder Assembly 3C /second maximum 3C /second maximum - Temperature Min (TSMIN) 100C 150C - Temperature Max (TSMAX) 150C 200C 60-120 s 60-180 s Average Ramp-Up Rate (TL to TP) Preheat: - Time (min to max)(tS) TSMAX to TL - Ramp-Up Rate Time Maintained Above: - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) Peak temperature (TP) Time Within 5C of Actual Peak Temperature (tP) Ramp-Down Rate Time 25C to Peak Temperature 3C/s maximum 183C 217C 60-150 s 60-150 s 225 +0/-5C 260 +0/-5C 10 - 30 s 20 - 40 s 6C /s maximum 6C /s maximum 6 minutes maximum 8 minutes maximum Figure 1. Solder Re-Flow Time-Temperature Profile 4 603-641-3800 * 888-641-SEMI (7364) * * Document No. DS 13356 Rev.C, ECN 12490 Revision Date: 1/4/2013 MSPD1011, MSPD1012, MSPD1013 Sampling Phase Detectors Outline Drawing Case Style 121 (CS121) 603-641-3800 * 888-641-SEMI (7364) * * Document No. DS 13356 Rev.C, ECN 12490 Revision Date: 1/4/2013 5 MSPD1011, MSPD1012, MSPD1013 Sampling Phase Detectors Part Number Ordering Information Part Number Description MSPD1011-121-T Sampling Phase Detector, Low Barrier MSPD1013-121-T Sampling Phase Detector, High Barrier MSPD1012-121-T MSPD1011-121-R MSPD1012-121-R MSPD1013-121-R Sampling Phase Detector, Medium Barrier Sampling Phase Detector, Low Barrier Sampling Phase Detector, Medium Barrier Sampling Phase Detector, High Barrier MSPD1011-121-W Sampling Phase Detector, Low Barrier MSPD1012-121-W Sampling Phase Detector, Medium Barrier MSPD1013-121-W Sampling Phase Detector, High Barrier Packaging Tube Packaging Tape & Reel Packaging (QTY: 250 or 500 per reel) Waffle Pack Packaging Contact the factory for other packaging options. Aeroflex / Metelics, Inc. ISO 9001:2008 certified companies 54 Grenier Field Road, Londonderry, NH 03053 Tel: (603) 641-3800 Sales: (888) 641-SEMI (7364) Fax: (603)-641-3500 975 Stewart Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Tel: (408) 737-8181 Fax: (408) 733-7645 Aeroflex / Metelics, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to any products and services herein at any time without notice. Consult Aeroflex or an authorized sales representative to verify that the information in this data sheet is current before using this product. Aeroflex does not assume any responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any product or service described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Aeroflex; nor does the purchase, lease, or use of a product or service from Aeroflex convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual rights of Aeroflex or of third parties. Our passion for performance is defined by three attributes represented by these three icons: solution-minded, performance-driven and customer-focused. Copyright 2012 Aeroflex / Metelics. All rights reserved. Document No. DS 13356 Rev.C, ECN 12490 Revision Date: 1/4/2013 6