Phone: 1-800-222-6440 Fax: 1-949-253-1680
Newport’s high efficiency, high-
power laser diodes consist of single
laser diode stripes emitting at center
wavelengths of 670, 808, 980 and
1930 nm and linear array bars emit-
ting at 808 nm.
The Aluminum-free laser diode
material used in most of these
devices* results in longer laser diode
lifetime due to the lack of oxidation
at the device facets, which is the
leading failure mech
anism in laser
diodes. The InGaAsP
material used in
these devices also shows improved
performance in areas such as resis-
tance to dark-line defects, sudden
failures and gradual degradation.
Devices with CW power of 200 mW
to 20 W are available in C-mount,
TO-3 and high heat load (HHL) pack-
age styles, with free-space outputs.
Several models with CW power of
100 and 200 mW are available in
fiber coupled HHL packages, featuring
a 200 µm, 1 meter fiber pigtail.
Termination with SMA, ST or FC con-
nector styles is optional for these
High-Power laser diodes are suited
for both R&D and OEM applications
such as solid-state laser pumping,
printing, medical diagnostics, pattern
recognition, and test measurement
and inspection sytems.
Optimal laser diode operation and
wavelength control can be achieved
by using one of Newport’s laser
diode drivers, temperature controllers
and medium or high-power mounts,
providing time tested laser diode
protection features. For more infor-
mation on our laser diode instru-
mentation, please see the Laser
Diode Instrumentation section of
this catalog.
Key Features
• Longer laser diode lifetime
due to aluminum free device
• Visible, near IR and
infrared laser diodes with
center wavelengths of 670,
808, 980 and 1930 nm
• Device CW power levels of
up to 20 W
• Laser diodes available in
C-mount, TO-3 and
high heat load (HHL)
package styles
• High heat load package
available with free-space and
fiber coupled outputs
High-Power Laser Diodes
* Except for 1930 nm devices and
all fiber pigtailed HHL pack-
aged devices.
Fiber Pigtailed