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Scotch® Varnished Cambric Tapes
2510 and 2520
Scotch® Varnished Cambric Tapes are made from straight-cut woven cotton cambric fabric. The
fabric is oil primed and coated with a high-grade y ellow electrical insulating varnish. Varnished
cambric tapes are flexible, electrically insulating and moisture resistant with a smooth finish.
Scotch® Varnished Cambric Tape 2510 is yellow, non-adhesive coated and 7 mils thick. Scotch®
Varnished Cambric Tape 2520 is yello w with a pressur e -sensitive adhesive and 8 mils thick.
They are designed to perform continuously in temperatures up to 105°C (220°F) with excellent
resistance to abrasion, puncture and cut-through. The adhesive on Scotch® Varnished Cambric
Tape 2520 holds the tape in position after application.
Excellent dielectric strength.
Electrical properties are stable up to 105°C.
High puncture and cut-through resistance.
Varnished cambric tapes are rated for Class A (105°C).
Non-corrosive adhesive on Scotch® Varnished Cambric Tape 2520. Adhesive holds film in
position until the jacket is applied.
For insulating joints requiring rapid and clean re-entry such as motor lead and service drop
connections, heavy split- bolts in raceways and bus bar insulating. Use in areas where mechanical
protection and puncture resistance is critical.
Note: Scotch Varnished Cambric Tapes 2510 and 2520 should not be used as primary insulation
for splicing and terminating PILC Cable
Contact your 3M Electrical Markets Division Representative for product
recommendation for splicing and terminating PILC Cable
Scotch Varnished Cambric Tapes shall be based on str aight - cut woven cotton cambric fabric. It shall
be coated to a specified thickness, with high grade yellow electrical insulating varnish producing a
visibly smooth surface.
The surface shall be free from peeling, blisters, contamination and other imperfections. Finished
product thickness shall be contr olled to plus or minus 1 mil. Tapes must unwind freely (except
adhesive – backed) with no binding between tape layers.
Yellow, dry-finish varnished cambric tape shall be wax- dipped to pr eser ve elec tr ical properties.
Appl y Scotc h Varnished Cambric Tape 2510 and 252 0 in half -lapped layers with sufficient tension to
conform to the connection surface. Apply a minimum of two half-lapped layers for mechanical
Jacket all varnished cambric applications with Scotch Rubber and Vinyl Splicing Tapes to provide a
contamination and moisture seal.