Circuit Note CN-0410
Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 7
rail-to-rail input swing without the need for a second
differential pair. Therefore, it does not exhibit crossover
distortion. Using a zero crossover distortion amplifier in this
single-supply system provides wide dynamic output range while
maintaining linearity over the input common mode/input
digital code range. Details of the operation of the ADA4500-2
can be found in the ADA4500-2 data sheet.
The ADA4500-2 is a suitable candidate with high input impedance,
2 pA maximum input bias current at room temperature, and
190 pA maximum input bias current over temperature. This low
bias current results in 1.2 μV of worst-case error due to input
bias current, which is much less than 1 LSB.
The output the DAC is buffered and used to turn on the
MOSFET, with feedback taken from the current sense resistor.
A current source must be compensated properly to prevent
oscillations when driving an inductive load such as the wiring
to the LED board. The Rx resistor, Ry, resistor, Cx capacitor, and
Cy output capacitor provide frequency compensation. This
circuit tolerates a load inductance of up to 5 μH. (For example,
an LED board wired to the CN-0410, located 5 m away, with 16-
gauge wire, spaced 10 mm apart, is approximately 5.5 μH. Most
practical installations have conductors much closer together,
and therefore lower inductance.) An LTspice® simulation is
provided to aid in compensating for other loads.
Figure 2. Voltage to Current Stage
The circuit in Figure 2 converts the control voltage from the
DAC into a current that drives the LED. The MOSFET in the
circuit is able to handle currents of up to 6.3 A. However, the
current is limited to 1 A, which is the maximum rated current
of the LED.
The maximum current is limited by the resistors on each
channel: R7, R14, and R21. The maximum current can be
calculated by
IMAX = 2.048 V/R (Ω) =1.024 A
where R = 2 Ω.
Power Dissipation and Thermal Considerations
When driving LEDs with a linear current source, the power
dissipation of the sense resistors and MOSFETs must be
considered. Power dissipation in the sense resistors is always
less than their 3 W rating, even at the maximum setpoint
current of 1 A. MOSFET power dissipation increases if the LED
supply voltage is increased, resulting in more voltage drop
across the MOSFET. When used with the CFTL-LED-BAR and
a supply voltage of 16 V, keeping below half scale (500 mA)
reduces dissipation. Under these conditions, the board
temperature reaches approximately 79°C in the vicinity of the
MOSFETS with the board positioned vertically in still air. The
LTspice simulation can also be used to estimate power
dissipation for other load conditions.
For higher power levels, a heat sink or forced convective cooling
(fan) may be required to keep the board temperature lower than
130°C, the recommended maximum for FR-4. Figure 3 shows
the board operating in free air, at half of its maximum power on
Channel A at 500 mA, with an input voltage of 16 V.
The resistors reach 95°C, and the area around the FETs is
approximately 79°C.
Figure 3. Board Temperature at 500 mA
The board has as an area where there is no copper pour (shown
in Figure 4), which acts as a thermal isolation barrier from the rest
of the circuit. This area can be seen in Figure 3, where there is a
drastic drop in temperature across the two ground planes. This
barrier helps keep the temperature drift due to the components
on the left side of the board to its minimum.
Figure 4. Ground Layer—Thermal Barrier