same temperature as the board on which the device is
mounted) can range from -55°C to +125°C. While the
temperature at the cold end fluctuates, the device contin-
ues to accurately sense the temperature difference at the
opposite end.
The device senses and corrects for the changes in the
reference junction temperature with cold-junction com-
pensation. It does this by first measuring its internal die
temperature, which should be held at the same tem-
perature as the reference junction. It then measures the
voltage from the thermocouple’s output at the reference
junction and converts this to the noncompensated ther-
mocouple temperature value. This value is then added
to the device’s die temperature to calculate the thermo-
couple’s “hot junction” temperature. Note that the “hot
junction” temperature can be lower than the cold junction
(or reference junction) temperature.
Optimal performance from the device is achieved when
the thermocouple cold junction and the device are at the
same temperature. Avoid placing heat-generating devices
or components near the MAX31855 because this could
produce cold-junction-related errors.
Conversion Functions
During the conversion time, tCONV, three functions are
performed: the temperature conversion of the internal
cold-junction temperature, the temperature conversion of
the external thermocouple, and the detection of thermo-
couple faults.
When executing the temperature conversion for the inter-
nal cold-junction compensation circuit, the connection to
signal from the external thermocouple is opened (switch
S4) and the connection to the cold-junction compensa-
tion circuit is closed (switch S5). The internal T- reference
to ground is still maintained (switch S3 is closed) and
the connections to the fault-detection circuit are open
(switches S1 and S2).
When executing the temperature conversion of the
external thermocouple, the connections to the internal
fault-detection circuit are opened (switches S1 and S2 in
the Block Diagram) and the switch connecting the cold-
junction compensation circuit is opened (switch S5). The
internal ground reference connection (switch S3) and the
connection to the ADC (switch S4) are closed. This allows
the ADC to process the voltage detected across the T+
and T- terminals.
During fault detection, the connections from the external
thermocouple and cold-junction compensation circuit to
the ADC are opened (switches S4 and S5). The internal
ground reference on T- is also opened (switch S3). The
connections to the internal fault-detection circuit are
closed (switch S1 and S2). The fault-detection circuit tests
for shorted connections to VCC or GND on the T+ and T-
inputs, as well as looking for an open thermocouple condi-
tion. Bits D0, D1, and D2 of the output data are normally
low. Bit D2 goes high to indicate a thermocouple short to
VCC, bit D1 goes high to indicate a thermocouple short
to GND, and bit D0 goes high to indicate a thermocouple
open circuit. If any of these conditions exists, bit D16 of
the SO output data, which is normally low, also goes high
to indicate that a fault has occurred.
Serial Interface
The Typical Application Circuit shows the device inter-
faced with a microcontroller. In this example, the device
processes the reading from the thermocouple and trans-
mits the data through a serial interface. Drive CS low
and apply a clock signal at SCK to read the results at
SO. Conversions are always being performed in the
background. The fault and temperature data are only be
updated when CS is high.
Drive CS low to output the first bit on the SO pin. A com-
plete serial-interface read of the cold-junction compen-
sated thermocouple temperature requires 14 clock cycles.
Thirty-two clock cycles are required to read both the
thermocouple and reference junction temperatures (Table
2 and Table 3.) The first bit, D31, is the thermocouple
temperature sign bit, and is presented to the SO pin within
tDV of the falling edge of CS. Bits D[30:18] contain the
converted temperature in the order of MSB to LSB, and
are presented to the SO pin within tD0 of the falling edge
of SCK. Bit D16 is normally low and goes high when the
thermocouple input is open or shorted to GND or VCC.
The reference junction temperature data begins with D15.
CS can be taken high at any point while clocking out con-
version data. If T+ and T- are unconnected, the thermo-
couple temperature sign bit (D31) is 0, and the remainder
of the thermocouple temperature value (D[30:18]) is 1.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the serial-interface timing and
order. Table 2 and Table 3 show the SO output bit weights
and functions.
MAX31855 Cold-Junction Compensated
Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated