80 Aerospace/Ruggedized Catalog 296350 AMI -_ Printed Circuit Board Connectors Issued 9-97 Replacement Contacts Plating Code Pin Contacts a Cantacts are plated in vari- fated AMP Part No. ous thicknesses. Trese [t-_ .B85 [15.11] t DOPaa 7-2 thicknesses are coded in a 2 202947-3 the charts as fo lows: (ee neg jeeee sees = 1, 000030 [0.00076] gold in For Straddle Mount Pin Headers the ccntact area, 000100 (9.00254. tin-lead cn the tail Receptacle Contacts over 000050 [0,00127] nickel on ine entire contact Lax AMP Pant No. 2, -O00050 [0.00127] o.d in Plating S-Row 3-Row ine contact area, 000100 0 SS kes Code connectors Connectors [0.00284] tin-leac onthe tail RSE 6 ?ne946-1 202946-2 over .900050 10,00127] nickel 7 202946-7 202946-5 on the entire contact 3,.000030 [0.90075] golc in the sortact area, OOO100 [6.00254] lin-lead or 11e fall ove 000030 [0.00076] nicxel on the entire conlaul 4 .0C0050 [3.00127" geld over 090030 [4 0N076) n ckel 5..0C0USC [0.00 27] gald in As contact arca, .000100 0.00254) tin- ead on the tail over 000030 [0.0076] nickel anihe entre cantac:. 5. .000030 [0.00078] gold in the contact area, in acco"- dance with MIL-C-55302 07 the tails over .OO9030 [(U.000/76] nckelon the etre contact. 7. .00C050 [0.00127] gald in ire contact area, 11 accor- dance with VIL-C-55302 G00 100 [0.30254] tn-lead on tails over 000050 [0.00127] nekel on the ettire comlact, Contact Extraction Pin Contacts Cxtractian Tool Part No. 91156-1 Receptacle Contacts Extactiar Tacl ANP Part No. 94035-1 oe 4 Military Part No. M81960/9-01 Posted Receptacle Contacts Contact for Rac< Mounting Fytracl on Tool Part No. 1-265871-7 (Extraction Tool Instruct on sheel IS 2636) Contact for Pc Board Yo toal neededAlter de-soldeirg, axirect by pressing on post end of santact. 014 x 019 [0.36 x 0.48] Channel Contact +235 [5.97] 160 [4.96] q__ | 085 [2.16 a .030 025 i oe wT | 10.76] Sp a + ee en . IT CI C)) & | 0801.27] Ret.-| | | 4 \ (605 + ait 940 [1.02] Ht - a gy MO _ Solder Eyalet Contact (Max. Wire Size, 26 AWG (0.15mm]) ; ar __ 118.17) Max. >| _] 010 x .020 [0.25 x 0.51] Posted Contact L Length Equals .540 Max. for 2-Row .619 Max for 3-Row AMP Part No. 8 a 7 Mi55302/32-01 $83218-3 For 2-Row Only Plating Code MIL-Part No. 11.010 .020 [0.25 x 0.51] posted contacts are used as replacement contacts in card extender assemolias. Posted Receptacle Contacts Tao | - - bL Max. -- Wrap-Type Contact for Rack Mounting Double Latch .025 x .025 [0.64 x 0.64] Post Plated Code AMP Part No. 3 5604524 5 1-583452.9 po - LMax Wrap-Type Contact for Pe Mounting Single Latch .022 x .027 [0.56 x 0.69) Post Dim. For Rack Mount (Double Latch} For Pe Mount (Single Latch} Terminations = L Plating Code 3 Plating Code 4 Plating Gode 3 Plating Code 4 AMP PartNo. MIL-PartNo. AMP PartNo. AMP PartNo, MIL-Part No. AMP Part No. 1 High ae 446629-6 M55902/92-05 1-446629-4 MB5302/32-02 2-583812-6 2 High joes 446829-9 Mbb302/32-06 1-448629-6 _ M55302/92-08 9-589812-8 3High 1115 j.4a6629-2 M8590292-07 1-44e520-8 983812. Mesaaa/a204 25838120 For drawings, tecanical dala u' samples, contact your AM? sales engirecr cr call the AMP Product Irfo-mation Center 1-803-522-6782 Dimensions are in inches and millimeters unless otherwise specified. Values in brackets arz metric equivalarts Specificat ons subject to change Gansult AMP Incorao-ated for latest Specificalions