For CB Test and automatic reclosure the CB auxiliary contact status derived with the binary inputs >CB1 ...
(No. 366 to 371, 410 and 411) is relevant to indicate the CB switching status. The other binary inputs
>CB ... (No. 351 to 353, 379 and 380) are used for detecting the status of the line (address 1134) and for
reset of the trip command (address 1135). Address 1135 is also used by other protection functions, e.g. by
the echo function, energization in case of overcurrent etc. For use with one circuit breaker only, both
binary input functions, e.g. 366 and 351, can be allocated to the same physical input. For applications with
2 circuit breakers per feeder (1.5 circuit breaker systems or ring bus), the binary inputs >CB1... must be
connected to the correct circuit breaker. The binary inputs >CB... then need the correct signals for detecting
the line status. In certain cases, an additional CFC logic may be necessary.
Address 1136 OpenPoleDetect. defines the criteria for operating the internal open-pole detector (see also
Section 2.20.1 Function Control, Subsection Open-Pole Detector). When using the default setting w/ meas-
urement, all available data are evaluated that indicate single-pole dead time. The internal trip command and
pickup indications, the current and voltage measured values and the CB auxiliary contacts are used. To eval-
uate only the auxiliary contacts including the phase currents, set the address 1136 to Current AND CB. If
you do not wish to detect single-pole dead time, set OpenPoleDetect. to OFF.
For manual closure of the circuit breaker via binary inputs, it can be specified in address 1151 MAN. CLOSE
whether the integrated manual CLOSE detection checks the synchronism between the busbar voltage and the
voltage of the switched feeder. This setting does not apply for a close command via the integrated control
functions. If the synchronism check is desired, the device must either feature the integrated synchronism
check function or an external device for synchronism check must be connected.
If the internal synchronism check is to be used, the synchronism check function must be enabled; an addi-
tional voltage Usy2 for synchronism check has to be connected to the device and this must be correctly para-
meterised in the Power System Data (Section Setting Notes, address 210 U4 transformer = Usy2
transf. and the associated factors).
If no synchronism check is to be performed with manual closing, set MAN. CLOSE = w/o Sync-check. If a
check is desired, set with Sync-check. To not use the MANUAL CLOSE function of the device, set MAN.
CLOSE to NO. This may be reasonable if the close command is output to the circuit breaker without involving
the 7SA522, and the relay itself is not desired to issue a close command.
For commands via the integrated control (on site, DIGSI, serial interface) address 1152 Man.Clos. Imp.
determines whether a close command via the integrated control regarding the MANUAL CLOSE handling for
the protection functions (like instantaneous re-opening when switching onto a fault) is to act like a MANUAL
CLOSE command via binary input. This address also informs the device to which switchgear this applies. You
can select from the switching devices which are available to the integrated control. Select the circuit breaker
which operates for manual closure and, if required, for automatic reclosure (usually Q0). If kein is set here, a
CLOSE command via the control will not generate a MANUAL CLOSE impulse for the protection function.
Three-pole coupling
Three-pole coupling is only relevant if single-pole auto-reclosures are carried out. If not, tripping is always
three-pole. The remainder of this margin heading is then irrelevant.
Address 1155 3pole coupling determines whether any multi-phase pickup leads to a three-pole tripping
command, or whether only multi-pole tripping decisions result in a three-pole tripping command. This setting
is only relevant for versions with single-pole and three-pole tripping and is only available there.
More information on the function is also given in Section 2.20.1 Function Control Pickup Logic for the Entire
With the setting with PICKUP every fault detection in more than one phase leads to three-pole coupling of
the trip outputs, even if only a single-phase earth fault is situated within the tripping region, and further faults
only affect the higher zones, or are located in the reverse direction. Even if a single-phase trip command has
already been issued, each further fault detection will lead to three-pole coupling of the trip outputs.
If, on the other hand, this address is set to with TRIP, three-pole coupling of the trip output (three-pole trip-
ping) only occurs when more than one pole is tripped. Therefore, if a single-phase fault occurs within the trip
zone and a further fault outside of it, single-pole tripping is possible. A further fault during the single-pole trip-
ping will only lead to a three-pole coupling, if it occurs within the trip zone.
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SA522, Manual 47
C53000-G1176-C155-9, Edition 05.2016