32 www.ittcannon.com
Dimensions shown in inches (mm)
Specifications and dimensions subject to change
Product Safety and Warranty
Electrical connectors do not usually contain
hazardous materials.
Electrical connectors and individual compo-
nents do not release or otherwise result in
exposure to hazardous chemicals under nor-
mal conditions of use and fall under the def-
inition of “Article," under the Hazard
Communication Standard, 29 CFR
1910.1200, and are not considered haz-
ardous materials.
Solder and fluxes can be hazardous if
inhaled or absorbed through the skin and
should only be used as recommended by the
manufacturer. Please consult your solder and
flux manufacturer for more specific applica-
tion recommendations.
There is no fire hazard when the connector is
correctly wired and used within the specified
parameters. Incorrect wiring or assembly of
the connector or careless use of metal tools
or conductive fluids, or transit damage to
any of the component parts may cause elec-
tric shock or burns. Live circuits must not be
broken by separating mated connectors as
this may cause arcing, ionization and burn-
ing. Heat dissipation is greater at maximum
resistance in a circuit. Hot spots may occur
when resistance is raised locally by damage,
e.g. cracked or deformed contacts, broken
strands of wire. Local overheating may also
result from the use of the incorrect applica-
tion tools or from poor quality soldering or
slack screw terminals. Overheating may
occur if the ratings in the product Data
Sheet/Catalog are exceeded and can cause
breakdown of insulation and hence electric
shock. If heating is allowed to continue it
intensifies by further increasing the local
resistance through loss of temper of spring
contacts, formation of oxide film on con-
tacts and wires and leakage currents
through carbonization of insulation and
tracking paths. Fire can then result in the
presence of combustible materials and this
may release noxious fumes. Overheating
may not be visually apparent. Burns may
result from touching overheated compo-
Care must be taken to avoid damage
to any component parts of electrical connec-
tors during installation and use. Although
there are normally no sharp edges, care
must be taken when handling certain com-
ponents to avoid injury to fingers. Always
wear safety glasses to avoid potential injury
to eyes during cleaning, soldering, fiber
preparation, etc.
Electrical connectors may be damaged in
transit to the customers, and damage may
result in creation of hazards. Products
should therefore be examined prior to instal-
lation/use and rejected if found to be dam-
aged. Proper lifting techniques shall be used
for handling shipping cartons.
Please recycle, reclaim or dispose of connec-
tors and individual components in accor-
dance with local, state and federal laws.
Incineration of certain materials may release
noxious or even toxic fumes..
Connectors with exposed contacts should
not be selected for use on the current supply
side of an electrical circuit, because an elec-
tric shock could result from touching
exposed contacts on an unmated connector.
Voltages in excess of 30 V ac or 42.5 V dc are
potentially hazardous and care should be
taken to ensure that such voltages cannot be
transmitted in any way to exposed metal
parts of the connector body. The connector
and wiring should be checked, before mak-
ing live, to have no damage to metal parts or
insulators, no solder blobs, loose strands,
conducting lubricants, swarf, or any other
undesired conducting particles. Circuit
resistance and continuity check should be
made to make certain that there are no high
resistance joints or spurious conducting
paths. Always use the specified application
tools, cleaning materials and assembly
instructions documented in the Data
Sheet/Catalog. Do not permit untrained per-
sonnel to wire, assemble or tamper with
connectors. For operation voltage please see
appropriate national regulations.
(i) Air and creepage paths/Operating volt-
age. The admissible operating voltages
depend on the individual applications and
the valid national and other applicable safe-
ty regulations.
For this reason the air and creepage path
data are only reference values. Observe
reduction of air and creepage paths due to
PC board and/or harnessing.
(ii) Temperature
All information given are temperature limits.
The operation temperature depends on the
individual application.
(iii) Pressure
All pressure information given are differen-
tial pressure limits. The specific differential
pressure limits, across the connector inter-
face, are documented in the Data
(iv) Other important information
Cannon continuously endeavors to improve
their products. Therefore, Cannon products
may deviate from the description, technical
data and shape as shown in this catalog and
data sheets.
Commodities in this catalog may be con-
trolled for export or re-export under the
Export Administration Regulations (EAR),
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Regulations, or by the International Traffic in
Arms Regulations (ITAR) when specifically
designed, modified or configured for mili-
tary use.
ITT Corporation Interconnect Solutions
Division, (“ITT”) manufactures high quality
products. However, these products are
intended to be used in accordance with the
specifications in this publication. Any use or
application that deviates from the stated
operating specifications is not recommend-
ed and may be unsafe. No information and
data contained in this publication shall be
construed to create any liability on the part
of ITT.
Product Warranty
A limited product warranty applies to ITT
products. Please refer to
www.ittcannon.com (General Terms and
Conditions of Sale) for the complete text of
ITT’s applicable Terms and Conditions of
Sale, including warranty.
This publication is not to be construed as an
offer. It is intended merely as an invitation
to make an offer. ITT does not assume liabil-
ity for any patent infringement or violation
of other rights claimed by third parties
which may result from its use.
With prior written consent, reprinting this
publication without any modifications is
generally permitted.
“ITT”, the Engineered Blocks Logo and
“Engineered for life” are registered trade-
marks of ITT Corporation. All other trade-
marks or registered trademarks are property
of their respective owners. All dates subject
to change without notice.