LM258, LM358, LM358A, LM2904, LM2904A, LM2904V, NCV2904, NCV2904V
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 5.0 V, VEE = GND, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
Characteristic Symbol
LM258 LM358 LM358A
Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Min Typ Max
Input Offset Voltage
VCC = 5.0 V to 30 V, VIC = 0 V to VCC −1.7 V,
VO ] 1.4 V, RS = 0
TA = 25°C−2.0 5.0 −2.0 7.0 −2.0 3.0
TA = Thigh (Note 5) − − 7.0 − − 9.0 − − 5.0
TA = Tlow (Note 5) − − 7.0 − − 9.0 − − 5.0
Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset
VIO/T−7.0 − − 7.0 − − 7.0 −V/°C
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5)
Input Offset Current IIO −3.0 30 −5.0 50 −5.0 30 nA
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5) − − 100 − − 150 − − 75
Input Bias Current IIB − −45 −150 − −45 −250 − −45 −100
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5) − −50 −300 − −50 −500 − −50 −200
Average Temperature Coefficient of Input Offset
IIO/T−10 − − 10 − − 10 −pA/°C
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5)
Input Common Mode Voltage Range (Note 6),
VCC = 30 V
VICR 0−28.3 0 −28.3 0 −28.5 V
VCC = 30 V, TA = Thigh to Tlow 0−28 0 −28 0 −28
Differential Input Voltage Range VIDR − − VCC − − VCC − − VCC V
Large Signal Open Loop Voltage Gain AVOL V/mV
RL = 2.0 k, VCC = 15 V, For Large VO Swing, 50 100 −25 100 −25 100 −
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5) 25 − − 15 − − 15 − −
Channel Separation CS − −120 − − −120 − − −120 −dB
1.0 kHz ≤ f ≤ 20 kHz, Input Referenced
Common Mode Rejection CMR 70 85 −65 70 −65 70 −dB
RS ≤ 10 k
Power Supply Rejection PSR 65 100 −65 100 −65 100 −dB
Output Voltage−High Limit
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5)
VCC = 5.0 V, RL = 2.0 k, TA = 25°C3.3 3.5 −3.3 3.5 −3.3 3.5 −
VCC = 30 V, RL = 2.0 k26 − − 26 − − 26 − −
VCC = 30 V, RL = 10 k27 28 −27 28 −27 28 −
Output Voltage−Low Limit VOL −5.0 20 −5.0 20 −5.0 20 mV
VCC = 5.0 V, RL = 10 k,
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5)
Output Source Current IO+mA
VID = +1.0 V, VCC = 15 V 20 40 −20 40 −20 40 −
TA = Thigh to Tlow (LM358A Only) 10 − −
Output Sink Current IO−
VID = −1.0 V, VCC = 15 V 10 20 −10 20 −10 20 −mA
TA = Thigh to Tlow (LM358A Only) 5.0 − − mA
VID = −1.0 V, VO = 200 mV 12 50 −12 50 −12 50 −A
Output Short Circuit to Ground (Note 7) ISC −40 60 −40 60 −40 60 mA
Power Supply Current (Total Device)
TA = Thigh to Tlow (Note 5)
VCC = 30 V, VO = 0 V, RL = ∞−1.5 3.0 −1.5 3.0 −1.5 2.0
VCC = 5 V, VO = 0 V, RL = ∞−0.7 1.2 −0.7 1.2 −0.7 1.2
5. LM258: Tlow = −25°C, Thigh = +85°C LM358, LM358A: Tlow = 0°C, Thigh = +70°C
LM2904/LM2904A: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +105°C LM2904V & NCV2904: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +125°C
NCV2904 and NCV2904V are qualified for automotive use. NCV2904V: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +150°C
6. The input common mode voltage or either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3 V. The upper end of
the common mode voltage range is VCC − 1.7 V.
7. Short circuits from the output to VCC can cause excessive heating and eventual destruction. Destructive dissipation can result from
simultaneous shorts on all amplifiers.