FX2M3 SERIES PLUG-IN CONNECTOR FOR DISK UNIT M@ OUTLINE F X2M3 Series Connectors , a new madel of HIROSE's popular FX2 Series half-pitch connectors, are plug-in connectors, having power supply terminals. A variety of models offer a variety of applications. Mi LEADING FEATURES { 1. Overall terminal number is as high as 128, 120 poles of which are half-pitch signal terminals, with the > remainder 8 poles used for power and grounding. Power and grounding terminals can handle up to 7.5 A of current. 2. For safe inserting/extracting of live cables, 3-step connecting structure is employed. 3. Flux penetration resulting from solder dipping is completely eliminated for straight dip type signal terminal section. 4, Signal terminals of socket side connector are of removable design, and can be selectively used from cable connector and terminating connector. Bus line connection is available for socket side connector. S 6. Floating ( 1 mn) structure is employed for installation of the socket type to panel. a = Applications Disk drives. 219(a MATERIAL/FINISH M@ ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE > tem Material Finish Item Specification PBT resing and poly-amide resin* Black pe | Signal: O74 rd we nef oe nnn Current rating * eh estay: | Terminal Power supply: 7.54 PPS resin* | Light brown | peme ee . | connector i Insulator }---4 Voltage rating | AC 125V : Selective a eee eR mT Header Brass copper : : Si nat: 100 MQ (Dc 250V) old o! . g approx. ce | SON plating Insulation resistance | 5 er supply: 1000 MQ approx. (DC 500V) | Receptacle : Selective Pa nen i Phosphor dronze : j Sj | terminal _ gold plating . . Signal: AC 300V 1 minute eignal fer forma nee orem fe ee Withstanding voltage Power supply: AC 1000V 1 minute rminal |: i Cable Beryllium copper Selective oe ; connector PP gold plating Contact resistance Signal: 45 mQ less than (DC 100 mA) ~~ t Power supply: 30 mQ less than (DC 100 mA) Header Brass copper | Tin plating Power bene nanane wane source Receptacle Phosphor bronze Tin plati g terminal rr nr finn re Socket : Brass copper Tin plating * UL94V-0 M@ ORDERING FORMAT FX 2M3 -- 128 i Series s Name | wore neon nner onl i | pe | No. + 4 Sere Op bccn er --)DS_ : Right Angle Dip RC : Socket (Note 1) | { : | : | ' | ' J 8 o a 4 L: Locking Tab . | DSA: Straight Dip | \ | | :S: Socket or seca 8: _ Number of Power Supply Terminals . ,P: Header (60 Pins Connector) FX 2BA-- 60 S ~ 1.27 RN ee e a eens puapaal : | Series Name bo ee | = R/N : Insulation Displacement eee oe Termination Type | Series Number | / SH : Putin SMT Type |2BA : Cable Connector ae . ~~ os rns _2M3 : Terminal Connector oe | Contact Space: 1.271 mm [80: Positions ae Connector) Receptacle {Terminal Connector) - ; Remarks CL 572 1007-0 : 6 2 B ot 80 ? : Receptacle Straight Dip / 602 sHeader Straight Dip | CI. 572 0685 3 / Go(Note 2) Cable Connector sre s s@Note 2), germinating Connector (Note 1) Signal connector is not installed. (Use FX2BA-80S-1.27R/L or FX2M3-605-1.27) 220 \ (Note 2) Can be mounted to FX2M3- 128S8-RC.7 FX2M8-128S8-RC uns CL572-1007-0 ee _ Ce WO Td a \ aaa oa a ' i : icy POG bee Floati ; | , ing eo a : Screw P7889 YMBxO5 Lo 62.88 ee . MO | -. ce NOE ~wt wT T + 7 Por er i 5 enepannnnne if i ho i wo _ L ih Fuh Fk me 2 Shunt Shunt Shunt Shunt Floating Screw (Attached) *~ 9 8 {ee uss =; M3-0 5 {Note} Signal connector is not mounted. Use FX2BA-60S-1.27R/N or FX2M3-60S-1.2SH. @ POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL Use commercially available tab terminal if Y (standard JIS part: JIS C 2809) for cable i connection at power supply terminal. {Phosphor bronze part should be used.) Ordering Format (Figure shows an FX2M3 connector having FX2BA-60S-1.27R/L or FX2M3-60S-1.27SH, installed.) FX2BA-60S- LETRA or RAQN3-605- 127 ait Ml SOCKET ) 221{_ Mated Status Mi CABLE CONNECTER FX2BA-60S-1.27R/N CL572-0685-5 (Note) This connector can be installed to FX2M3- 12888-RC. Applicable cable: 1.27 mm _ pitch flat cable ASG28 (7/0.127}, Outer diameter of insulation > CABLE ASSEMBLY covering 0.9 mm. MTERMINATING CONNECTOR ~ ks FX2M3-60S-1.27SH rr CL572- 1020-8 cee 222(a HEADER @ RIGHT ANGLE TYPE FX2M3-128P8-DSL CL572-1008-2 _ Nut of Screw Panel ~ 108 5.8 a eer e@ STRAIGHT TYPE FX2M3- 128P8-DSAL CL572-1010-4 223224 (a RECEPTACLE @ STRAIGHT TYPE FX2M3-128S8-DSAL CL572-1009-5{. # PC BOARD LAYOUT Za el : 2.5440.05 el de . 1.87 0.05 swipe PPE O e, yey : j 6 ~ Sbi-o0- C8010 oO /) OR, mt <A 8.89 = 0.05 ; Bae . 64.770.1 . < @FX2M3-128P8-DSAL t 1.640) pe 106-68 0.10 Soc tea te ee oe ae 8255) 36.8301 we SE 3688201 8.255 wi feb 2720.05 4,270.05 ' it we 1270.0 ; bt of bas . 1.905 76.05 D2 MPLO EN N Gib h80 + 4,905 +0.08 1.905 =:0.05 1.905 +0.05 ~~ 1,905 0.05 7.62+.0,05 a i ity } Pe i Qe SS \\00 0 8 wi in 2542 0.08 vey F aca9 - 5.05 . 64.77 0.1 a a . yeh. 2 01 oe ___\ Remainder Guide Pin @F X2M3-128S8-DSAL. t 16-01 _ a - _ 106.68 2.0.1 re - Ee o BSE 868.88 OT 8288 @FX2M3-128P8-DSL Mating Side t= 1.620.1: : a 106.68 20.1 7 : fe ITE 7 gp 8.255) 38.830. we SST 86.830. _ (8.255 L 1.2740.05 pop Ena ob 2740.05 | = Poop \ Bid hy 2 pode petted A 4 oe VY ay Q wa Mele) je On | aaper 9b - To ala RE Oy vo | a2 BOHR I lon - | 225(e PC BOARD LAYOUT (REAR MOUNTING) @FX2M3-128S8-RC 08.057 a iv - tee -_ Sim pope Floating + 1.0 103.25 = Bon oe 76.0 226 20.93 0 B @| Q 10) Un d | FX2M3-60S-1.27SH RECOMMENDED PC BOARD DIMENSION . 41.85, ; 2.485 36.83+0.1 _ 2.485 P~ 1.27+0.05 0 8-0.08 b30 b29 b? bi WW Spe te ee wee ee ee ce eee ee caine it 1.33 i = 6 oie . | : oo 4. h a 1.040 oo co qui mond a30 azd7 eo APPLICATION CHART FX2M3-128P8 DSL Qoooon og j] P - LN! | 1 Bes Lt Li I i TSI Srt ra ' + 4 | LL 3.8 Floating + 1.0 mm Floating t 1.0 mm FX2M3-128S8-RC FX2M3-128P8- DSAL c A pi J a FX2M3 12858-RC oO! os FX2M3- 128P8-DSAL { _ ah DOLLOORR AD eee aoe Of 2 05 REO RAO ERAN OES eb aah ene a i - A. Aan 4 f = : | PES I I<lt PE , - Terre TTI NTT ON TOTTI OT uv tr TT TAITROM TTT UTERO ICOT t A e TV HTT 3 FX2M3-12858-DSAL FX2M3-128P8-DSL F; ooo og ono no Po wi rm BS a LU ot TTT wr , ool 1 _ e TORTI ETTORE TICE TET OTe TET Ott 1 ae i S| FX2M3 128S8-DSAL 227(s FX2M3-128S8-RC APPLICATION CHART ~~, . oe mS , mo = a el Panel Floating Screw FX2M3-60S -1.27SH_~ 228 Tab Terminal JIS C2809 oo" Tab Terminal JIS C2809 (Good on the Market) Cable AWG#14 or 18 FX2BA-60S-1.27R/N 1.27 mm Pich Flat Cable AWG #287 FX2M3-12858-RC (How to use) med Signal Side as A Terminal Equipment Bus line connection is available for power supply terminal. cl----e2 cg 4 co meh c7 ---8 Two poles in pair are short- circuited in connector. Removable type signal terminal can be used as shown in the figure at the left in combina tion with cable type and ter- minal equipment. 229