5 2-56 UNC 4 Places A Min 4 Full Threads (787) ew i tT - he-20(5.08) Ingulated Terminal... |} 150 Volt devices are. available in; 50.8100 Valtversions. 'V1000 Voit devices are available in-200, 400; 680-& 800 Volt versions. Notes: All ratings are at Tc = 25C unless otherwise specified. . eo Maximum operating and storage temperate range 55C to+150. @ Reverse recovery tiffie conditions: ly = 0.5A, |, = 1.0A, t, measured when rectifier regovers to 0.25 Amps. tr measured on discrete rectifiers prior to assembly. _ Add suffix L to the part number for leaded version; contact the factory for details. 221 West indisstry Court Deer Park, NY 11729-4881 Prone (631) 586-7800 Fax (631) 242-9798 * World Wide Web Site - httpy/www.sensitron.com. E-Mail Address= salee@sensitron.com 4-37,