How to read chart for MN14CEC/ST:
One #16 Stranded plus three #22 Stranded (equal-
ing four wires) can be connected using
an MN14CEC/ST connector.
How to read chart for MN10CEC/ST:
One #14 Solid plus four #18 Stranded
(equaling five wires) can be connected
using an MN10CEC/STconnector.
Closed End Connectors – Nylon Insulated (Steel Insert)
P ro d u c t U P C Wi re Range Copper Wi reB a rre l B a rre l Te rminals per:
N u m b e r( 0 5 4 0 0 7 - ) ( AW G ) C o m b i n a t i o n s LL e n g t h I . D . C a rt o n C a s e
MN14CEC/STX* 49610 22-14 see chart below 0.76 0.31 0.091 100 500
MN14CEC/STK* 01316 22-14 see chart below 0.76 0.31 0.091 1000
MN10CEC/STX* 49635 18-10 see chart below 0.85 0.34 0.152 50 500
MN10CEC/STK* 01821 18-10 see chart below 0.85 0.34 0.152 1000
* ULListed and CSACertified for use with TH-440 and TH-450 Crimping Tools.
Wire Range 22-14 18-10