5STP 18M6500
ABB Switzerland Ltd, Semiconductors reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Doc. No. 5SYA1010-05 Aug. 13 page 2 of 7
Maximum rated values 1)
Half sine wave, Tc = 70 °C
Peak non-repetitive surge
tp = 10 ms, Tvj = 125 °C,
sine half wave,
VD = VR= 0 V, after surge
Peak non-repetitive surge
tp = 10 ms, Tvj = 125 °C,
sine half wave,
VR= 0.6·VRRM, after surge
Characteristic values
IT = 1600 A, Tvj = 125 °C
IT = 1000 A - 3000 A, Tvj= 125 °C
Maximum rated values 1)
Critical rate of rise of on-state
Tvj = 125 °C,
ITRM = 2000 A,
VD 0.67·VDRM,
IFG = 2 A, tr = 0.5 µs
Circuit-commutated turn-off
Tvj = 125 °C, ITRM = 2000 A,
VR = 200 V, diT/dt = -1.5 A/µs,
VD 0.67VDRM, dvD/dt = 20 V/µs
Characteristic values
Tvj = 125 °C, ITRM = 2000 A,
VR = 200 V, diT/dt = -1.5 A/µs
Tvj = 25 °C, VD = 0.4VRM,
IFG = 2 A, tr = 0.5 µs