DS00049R-page 63 2001 Microchip Technology Inc.
The die fig ures have a ssociat ed bond p ad coordin ates.
These coordinates assist in the attaching of the bond
wire to th e die . Al l th e dim en si ons o f th es e c oo rdin ate s
are in micrometers (µm) unless otherwise specified.
The origin for the coordinates is the center of the die,
as shown in Figure 1. Refer to the Microchip Die S pec-
ific ation sheet for openin gs and pitch.
The die is capable of thermosonic gold or ultrasonic
wire bon ding. Die meet the mi nimum condit ions of MIL-
STD 883, Method 2011 on “Bond S tren gth (Des tructive
Bond Pull Test)”. The Bond Pad metallization is silicon
doped al uminum.
Substrate bonding may be required on certain product
familie s. For more in formation refer to the die spe cifica-
tion sheet.
Die Form Shi pping
Microc hip pro duc t i n d ie form c an be s hi ppe d i n w a f fl e-
pack. The waffle pack has sufficient cavity area to
restrain the die, whil e maint ain ing their ori ent ation. Li nt
free paper inserts are placed over the waffle packs, and
each pack is secured with a plastic locking clip. Groups
of waf fle p acks are asse mbled in to set s for shi pment. A
label with lot number, quantity, and part number is
These waffle packs are hermetically sealed in bags.
Wafer Form
Product s may also be shipped in wafer form (see order-
ing information). W afers are shipped in a wafer tub. The
tub is padded with non-conductive foam. Lint free
paper inserts are placed around each wafer. A label
with lot number, quantity, and part number is attached.
Sawn Wafer on Frames
Products may also be shipped on wafer frames. W afers
are mounted on plastic frames and 100% sawn
through. Saw n wafer on fram es may be shipped in bulk
(25 wafers per carrier) or in a single wafer in a carrier.
A label with lot number, quantity, and part number is
attached w ith each shipment.
Stor age Procedures
Temperature and humidity grea tly affec t the storage li fe
of die. It is recommended that the die be used as soon
as possible after receipt.
Upon receipt, the sealed bags should be stored in a
cool and dry environment (25°C and 25% relative
humidi ty). In these con ditions, sealed bags have a shelf
life of 12 months. Temperatures or humidities greater
than these will reduce the storage life.
Once a bag containing waffle packs has been opened,
the devices should be assembled and encapsulated
within 48 hours (assuming, 25°C and 25% humidity).
Origin (0,0)
Bottom Left
(x,y) †Top Right
(x,y) †
† All dimensions in µm unless specified otherwise.