CALOGIC CORP DE D MM 1844322 coooOSY 2 mm _ CORPORATION g Low-Noise, Precision, High-Speed Operational Amplifier T-79-06-10 FEATURES: ii @ Replaces ..... Peewee ee ee eareees AD-510, 517, 725 eee ee eeeeenn PMI-OP27, OP37, OP07, OP05 : Lae eeneeeas Linear Tech. OP27, OP37, OP07 @ Low Nolse............. bene eee eee 3nV/VHz_@ 1kHz "nee c eee e ene nana 80nVpp (0.1Hz'to 10Hz) @ Low Drift... . ccc cece cee c nv eeaes 0.2nV/C @ Low Vog......00. Seen e cere teeta een eeuens 10uV @ Slew Rate ........ cece cece eee nes Seeeeee 17V/uS @ High Open Loop Gain ...............000, 1.8 Million @ Gain Bandwidth ......... 0. ccc cece cc eeeeen 63 MHz @ Superior CMRR ...........00. 126dB @ Voy of +11V DESCRIPTION: I The OP-37 provides the same high performance as the OP-27 but the design is optimized for circuits with gains greater than five. This design change increases slew rate to 17V/ys and gain-bandwidth product to 683MHz. The OP-37 operational amplifier combines outstanding low noise performance with precision D.C. characteristics and high speed operation. Wideband noise is 3nV/V/Hz at 10Hz., with a low 1/f noise corner frequncy of 2.7Hz. The OP-37's exceptionally low, noise process allows for accurate high-gain amplification of low level signals. A gain-bandwidth product of 68MHz and a 17V/usec slew rate provides excellent choice for reliable, OP-37 precision amplifier applications. The low input bias current of 10nA and offset current of 7nA are achieved by using a bias- current-cancellation circuit. Over the military temperature range this typically holds I-bias and I-os to 20nA and 15nA respectively. PSRR and CMRR exceed 120dB. These characteristics coupled with long-term drift of 0.2nV/month, allow the circuit designer to achieve performance levels previously attained by discrete designs. PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS: 1. Precision amplification of very low level, low frequency voltage inputs is enhanced by ultra-low input voltage noise. 2. The OP-37 maintains high DC accuracy due to ultra-low offet voltage, offset voltage drift and input bias current. 3. Internal frequency compensation, factory adjusted offset voltage (zener-zapped) and full device protection eliminate the need for additional components. 4. Long-term stability and accuracy is assured with low offset voltage drift over time. 5, Input errors are greatly reduced by superior common mode and power supply rejection. 6. Radiation hardenable to beyond 5 M Rads. l SIMPLIFIED SCHEMATIC _ PIN CONNECTIONS (Top View) * R12 ARE PERMANENTLY ADJUSTED AT WAFER TEST FOR MINIMUM OFFSET VOLTAGE, NON INVERTING INPUT () j Ne AS 6 Att t+ \W$4 Hy ERTING os ca INPUT (-) : oO 026 , ait) ar t i aay (ove a Ns nq 8 Vgg TRIM OVs O a te nv -IN [2] Ve se -IN2 6 OUT sn => Hs} our re +INID N.C v-[4] 5] N.C. q $s 4 V-(CASE) T0-99 (J-Suttix) arin Sutin). oIP -o : : ouTPUT EPOXY MINI-DIP : (P-Suffix) 4s N Ove 8-PIN PLASTIC SOIC - OP-37BRC (S-Suttix) LCC Package (RC-Suffix)- DICE Junction Temperature............. CALOGIC CORP elLE D MM@ 1444322 0000055 4 MI T-15-0b-10 CORPORATION tog 1 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 4) NOTES: Supply Voltage 0.0.0... cece eee eee +22V Internal Power Dissipation (Note 1) ............... 500mwW Input Voltage (Note 3) ........... 0c cece eee eee +22V Output Short-Circuit Duration ................0. Indefinite Differential Input Voltage (Note 2) ................. +0.7V Differential Input Current (Note 2) ............... . 25mA -65C to +150C Operating Temperature i Op-37A, Op-37B, Op-37C (J, Z, RC)..... 55C to +125C Op-37E, Op-37F, Op-37G (J, Z) ......... -25C to +85C Op:37E,:Op-37F, Op-37G (P, S)........ ++. OC to +70C Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 60 sec)......., 300C -65C to +150C Storage Temperature Range 1. See table for maximum ambient temperature rating and derating factor. MAXIMUM AMBIENT DERATE ABOVE TEMPERATURE MAXIMUM AMBIENT PACKAGE TYPE FOR RATING TEMPERATURE T0-99 (J) 80C 7.1mW/C 8-Pin Hermetic DIP (Z) 75C 6.7mMW/C 8-Pin Plastic SOIC (8) 62C 5.6mW/C 8-Pin Plastic DIP (P) 62C 5.7mW/C icc 80C 7.8mWIC 2. The OP-37's inputs are protected by back-to-back diodes. Current limiting resistors are not used in order to achieve low noise. If differential input voltage exceeds +40.7V, the input current should be limited to 25mA. 3. For supply voltages less than + 22V, the absolute maximum input voltage is equal to the supply voltage. 4. Absolute maximum ratings apply to both DICE and packaged parts, unless otherwise noted. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vg = + 15V, Ta = 25C, unless otherwise noted. OP-37A/E OP-37B/F OP-37C/G PARAMETER . SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX | UNITS Input Offset Voltage ,VosOS (Note 1) _ 10 25 20 60 30 100 nV Long-Term Vos Stability " Vos/Time (Notes 2, 3) + o2 10] ~ o8 15] o4 20] pV/Mo Input Offset Current los _ 7 35 9 50 _ 12 75 nA Input Bias Current le +10 +40 +412 +55 ~ 15 +80 nA Input Noise Voltage Enp-p 0,1Hz to 10Hz (Notes 3, 5) 0.08 0.18 0.08 0.18 0.09 0.25 uVp-p . Fo = 10Hz (Note 3) _ 3.5 5.5 _ 3.5 55 3.8 8.0 Input Noise Voltage Density Gn Fo = 30Hz (Note 3) _ 3.1 4.5 ~~ 31 4.5 3.3 5.6 | nVivHz Fo = 1000Hz (Note 3) - 3.0 3.8 - 3.0 3.8 3.2 4.5 re fo = 10Hz (Notes 3, 8) 17 '40/ 17 40 47. Input Nosie Current Density in fo = 30Hz (Notes 3, 6) _~ 10 23 _ 10 23, 1.0 | pAlVHz fo = 1000Hz (Notes 3, 6) - 0.4 0.6 _ 0.4 0.6 _ 0.4 0.6 Input Resistance Differential-Mode Rin (Note 7) 1.3 6 1] 0.94 5 ~ 0.7 4 - MQ Input Resistance - Common-Mode Rincm _ 3 _ + 2.5 2 _ GQ Input Voltage Range i Wa $11.0 412.3 {411.0 412.3 |411.0 412.3 Vv Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR Vem=411V 114 126. 106 123 _ 100 120 - dB Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSSR Vs +4V to + 18V _ 1 10 _- 1 10 2 20 nV : Rr 22kn, Vo= +10V 1000 1800 ]| 1000 1800 - 700 =1500 _ Large-Signal Voltage Gain Ava Rue 1k, Vo= + 10V 800 1500 800 1500 - 400 1500 _ VimV . Ri =6002 Vo+1V, Vs= +4V, (Note 4) 250 700 _ 250 700 |, 200 500 _ . Riz 2kn +12.0 +13.8 /4+12.0 413.8 [411.5 413.5 t Volt * = Vv Output Voltage Swing Vo Ri > 6000 J$10.0 4145 ]4100 4115 |/$100 41145 Slew Rate SR RL>2kn (Note 4) 11 17 _ W 17 ~ 11 17 ~~ Vips . : fo = 10kHz (Note 4), 45 63 45 63 45 63 Mh Gain Bandwidth Prod. GBW fo= 1MHz _ 40 _ _ 40. _ 40 _ z Open-Loop Output Resistance Ro Vo =0, lp =0 ; - 700 - vo! ] , 70 n Power Consumption Py Vo=0 to 90 140 90 140] .= 100 170 mW Otfset Adjustment Range Rp = 10k2 +40 #40 -| +40 mV NOTES: 1. Input offset voltage measurements are performed by automated test equipment approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. A/E grades guardnteed fully warmed up. 2. Long-term input offset voltage stability refers to the average trend line of Vos vs. Time over extended periods after the first 30 days of operation. Excluding the initial hour of operation, changes in Vog during the first 30 days are typically 2.5nV refer to typical performance curve. 3. Sample tested. 4, Guaranteed by design. 5. See test circuit and frequency response curve for 0.1Hz tester: 6. See test circuit for current noise measurement. 7. Guaranteed by input bias current.CALOGIC CORP 2lE D MM 1844322 OOOOOSE & mI T~79-O1-10 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS for Vg =+415V, 55C 2k, Vo= +10V 750 #81500 _ 700 1300 ~ 450 1000 VimvV Output Voitage. Swing Vo Re>2kn $11.7 413.6 }$11.4 413.5 1+11.0 413.3 _ Vv NOTES: 2. The TCVog performance is within the specifications unnulled or when nulled 1. Input offset voltage measurements are performed by automated test with Rp =8k@ to 20k9. TCVog is 100% tested for A/E grades, sample tested equipment approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. A/E grades for B/C/FIG grades. guaranteed fully warmed up. 3. Guaranteed by design. DICE CHARACTERISTICS 1. NULL \ 2. (-) INPUT 3. (+) INPUT DIE SIZE 0.057x0.099 inch, 5643 sq. mils 4.V~ (1.44x2.515mm, 3.62 sq. mm) 6. OUTPUT 7. V+ For additional DICE information contact factory. 8. NULLCALOGIC CORP ele D MH 1844322 OO000S7 8 mE Y-79-0L-/0 calogic WAFER TEST LIMITS at Vg =+15V, Ta devices, unless otherwise noted. OP-37 =25C for OP-37N, OP-37G and OP-37GR devices; Ta =125C for OP-37NT and OP-37GT OP-37G : OP-37NT OP-37N OP-37GT OP-37GR | PARAMETER. SYMBOL CONDITIONS LIMIT LIMIT LIMIT LMIT LIMIT UNITS Input Offset Voltage Vos (Note 1) 60 35 200 60 100 nV MAX ' Input Offset Current los 50 35 85 50 75 nA MAX Input Bias Current lp +60 +40 +95 +55 +80 nA MAX Input Voltage Range IVR ii +10.3 +11 + 10.3 #11 +11 V MIN Common-Mode Rejection Ratio | CMAR Vom = 11V 108 114 100 106 100 dB MIN Power Supply Ty = 25C, Vgi4V to + 18V 10 10 10 10 20 Rejection Ratio PSRR Ta= 125C, Vg= +4V to + 18V 16 _ 20 _ _ pVIN MAX Large-Signal Ri >2kQ, V/O= +.10V, 600 1000 500 1000 700 Voltage Gain Avo Ree 1k, Vo= + 10V _ B00 _ 800 = | VimV MIN . Riz 2kn +11.5 + 12.0 +11.0 + 12.0 +11.5 tput Vol Vi Output Voltage Swing 9 Ri>60gn _ + 10.0 + 10.0 + 10.0 V MIN Power Consumption Pa Vo=0 140 _ 140 170 mW MAX NOTES: 1. For 25C characteristics of OP-37NT and OP-37GT devices, see OP- 37N and OP-37G characteristics, respectively. Electrical tests are performed at water probe to the limts shown. Due to iy : : TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at Vg =+15V, Ta variations in assembaly methods and normal yield after packaging is not guaranteed for standard product dice. Consult factory to negotiate specifica- tions based on dice lot qualification through sample lot assembly and testing =25C, unless otherwise noted. ' : OP-37NT OP-37N OP-37GT OP-37G OP-37GR PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL UNITS Average Input Offset TCVog or Nulled or Unnulled Voltage Drift TCVosn Rp = 8kM to 20k0 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 BIC Average Input Offset Current Drift TClos 80 80 130 130 180 pA/c Average Input Bias Current Drift TClsg ; 100 + 100 160 160 200 pA/ec fo = 10Hz 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.8 Mt NO tse elt en fo = 30Hz 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.4 3.3 nv Vz g fo = 1000Hz 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.2 fo = 10Hz 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 noe ansi in fo = 30Hz 1.0 to] ' 1.0 1.0 1.0 pAVHz y fo = 1000Hz 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Input Noise Voltage Cnp-p 0.1Hz to 10Hz 0.08 _ 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.09 Vp-p Slew Rate: SR - RL> 2kn 17 17 17 17 17 Vins Gain Bandwidth Product GBW fo = 10Khz 63 63 63 63 63 MHz NOTES: 1. Input offset voltage measurements are performed by automated test equipment approximately 0.5 seconds after application of power. ORDERING INFORMATION 1 PACKAGE 1 Ta =25C HERMETIC HERMETIC PLASTIC PLASTIC . OPERATING VosMAX TO-99 DIP / DIP . SO-JEDEC j Loc TEMP (nV) 8-PIN 8-PIN - ; 8-PIN t 8-PIN RANGE 25 OP37AJ* OP37AZ* , i _ MIL 25 OP37EJ OP37EZ OP37EP OP37ES \ IND/COM. 60 OP37BJ* OP37BZ* OP37BRC/88 MIL 60 . OPS7FUJ OP37FZ OP37FP OP37FS , IND./COM. 100 ; OP37CJ* OP37CZ* MIL 100 OP37GJ OP37GZ _ OP37GP OP37GS IND./COM. For devices processed in total compliance to MIL-STD-883, add/883 after part number. Consult factory for 883 data sheet. 237 Whitney Place Fremont, CA 94539 (415) 656-2900 TLX: 6771346 FAX: (415) 651-1076 All commercial and industrial temperature range parts are available with burn- in. For ordering information call the factory. Information furnished by Calogic i is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Caloglc.