5LS7LGH5$0&DQG5$0& $0&*$XGLR0RGHP&RGHF $0& 1. Overview 2. Features The Rockwell RipTide Audio Modem Codec (AMC) combines two coder/decoder functions, compliant to Intel Audio Codec '97 2.0 Extensions for a combo audio modem codec (AMC'97), into a single package. The AMC is available in either an 80-pin PQFP, which supports two telephone lines (RAMC002), or a 64-pin TQFP, which supports one telephone line (RAMC001). The AMC is supplied with Rockwell WaveStream 64 (WS64) or Mega WaveStream software and optionally with Rockwell MMX-based SoftK56 V.90/K56flex modem software (see Table 1). Line_out HP_Out PC_Beep PCM Voice Recognition GPIOs Mono_out GPIOs The AMC can be ordered by itself or as part of the Rockwell RipTide PCI Audio/Comm Device Family which also includes an Communications Controller (ACC) and optional Modem DSP and Rockwell RipTide V.90/K56flex modem software (see Product Description Order Number 1167). VM VM VM VM VM : Volume, Mute G : Gain PG : Programmable Gain SG : SCF Gain Mono Signal Stereo Signal A/D VM D/A D/A VM 3D/ Bass Boost Power Management Reset# PCM Stereo Input Bit_Clk Sdata_Out Sdata_In Digital Interface Sync A/D A/D 0/20 db Mic1 Mic2 SELECT PCM Stereo Out AC_LINK * Combined Audio/Modem Codec (AMC) - AC '97 Codec V2.0 compliant (AMC '97) * Advanced Power Management * Audio - Stereo Full-Duplex Codec with 18-bit resolution - Six Audio Analog Input Channels - Three Audio Analog Output Channels - 3D Spatialization and Bass Boost * Modem - Full-Duplex Codec with 16-bit resolution - 1-Line (64-pin TQFP) or 2-Line (80-pin PQFP) Telephone Line Interface - Dedicated Handset ADC/DAC - Dedicated Microphone ADC * GPIO Lines * Standard 64-pin TQFP and 80-pin PQFP VM Line_in VM CD VM AUX VM Video VM PCM HS Out D/A G LPF A/D G LPF TXAP_H VM PCM HS In VM 0/20 db RXA_H PCM MDM TX1 D/A G LPF SG TXA_L1 D/A G LPF SG TXA_L2 PCM MDM TX2 PCM MDM RX1 A/D G LPF PG RXA_L1 A/D G LPF PG RXA_L2 PCM MDM RX2 Figure 1. RipTide AMC Functional Block Diagram 3URGXFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 3UHOLPLQDU\ 52&.:(// 35235,(7$5< ,1)250$7,21 2UGHU 1R 5HY $SULO ',66(0,1$7,21 25 86( 2) 7+,6 ,1)250$7,21 ,6 127 3(50,77(' :,7+287 7+( :5,77(1 3(50,66,21 2) 52&.:(// ,17(51$7,21$/ RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 2.1 Detailed Features * Six Audio Analog Input Channels - Four Stereo Line-Level Inputs: Line_In, CD, Video, and AUX - Mono Mic Level Input Switchable from Two External Sources: Mic_1 and Mic_2 - Mono PC Beep input * Three Audio Analog Output Channels - Two Stereo Line-Level Outputs: Line_Out and Headphone_Out - Mono Output: Mono_Out 2.2 Ordering Information Table 1. AMC Models and Options 2UGHULQJ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 3DFNDJH DQG 6XSSRUWHG )XQFWLRQV 0DUNHWLQJ 2UGHU $0& 1R RI 7HOHSKRQH 6RIW. 0RGHP :DYH6WUHDP 0HJD :DYH6WUHDP 0RGHO 1R 1XPEHU 3DFNDJH /LQHV 6RIWZDUH 6RIWZDUH 6RIWZDUH 5$0& '657/ 3LQ 74)3 < < 5$0& '657/ 3LQ 74)3 < < 5$0& '657/ 3LQ 34)3 < < 5$0& '657/ 3LQ 34)3 < < OLQH 6RIW. PRGHP VRIWZDUH UHTXLUHG VHH 3URGXFW 'HVFULSWLRQ 2UGHU 1R IRU OLQH VXSSRUW E\ 0RGHP '63 DQG 6RIW. PRGHP VRIWZDUH RipTide and WaveStream are trademarks of Rockwell International. K56flex is a trademark of Rockwell International and Lucent Technologies. 2 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 3. System Description 3.1 RipTide System Solution A block diagram of the Rockwell RipTide Integrated PCI Audio/Communications System is shown in Figure 2. The three Rockwell devices in the system are the Audio and Modem Digital Controller (AMDC), Audio and Modem Codec (AMC) and optional Modem DSP (MDSP). The integrated RipTide system is described in Product Description Order Number 1167. 3.2 Audio and Modem Codec (AMC) The AMC in 80-pin PQFP (RAMC002) supports two telephone lines and the AMC in 64-pin TQFP supports one telephone line (RAMC001).The AMC communicates to the RipTide AMDC or other AC '97-compatible controller through a digital serial link (AC-link). All digital data audio stream, modem data (telephone stream, handset, and microphone), GPIO data, and codec command/status information is transferred between the controller and the codec over this point-to-point serial channel. RipTide System Device Set SERIAL CHANNEL PARALLEL BUS PCI BUS AC '97 Audio Commmunications Controller (ACC) RACC010: 176-Pin TQFP AC-LINK Modem DSP RDSP020: 80-Pin PQFP (Optional) AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) RAMC001: 64-Pin TQFP RAMC002: 80-Pin PQFP TELEPHONE LINE/ TELEPHONE HANDSET INTERFACE (DAA) TELEPHONE LINE 1 TELEPHONE LINE 2 * TEL HANDSET MICROPHONE/ SPEAKER ANALOG INPUTS EEPROM I2S * REQUIRES RAMC002 1167FX BD Figure 2. RipTide System Block Diagram 3.3 Reference Information RipTide PCI Audio/Comm Device Family Product Description (Order No. 1167). 1166 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 3 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 4. Hardware Interface Signals 4.1 AMC 64-Pin TQFP Pin Assignments The pin assignments for the AMC in 64-pin TQFP are shown in Figure 3 and are listed in Table 2. 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 VDD GPIO6 GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 CAP3 CAP2 TXAM_H TXAP_H AVDD AVSS HP_OUT_R RESERVED HP_OUT_L AVDD MONO_OUT This package has enough GPIOs to support one phone line. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 TXAM_L1 TXAP_L1 LINE_OUT_R LINE_OUT_L VC_M VREFP_M RXA_L1 RXA_H AVSS MIX_COUT_R MIX_CIN_R MIX_COUT_L MIX_CIN_L VC_A VREFOUT VREF AVSS PC_BEEP AVSS AUX_L AUX_R VIDEO_L VIDEO_R CD_L CD_GND CD_R MIC1 MIC2 LINE_IN_L LINE_IN_R AVDD AVSS 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 VSS GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 VDD XTLIN XTLOUT VSS SDATA_OUT BIT_CLK VSS SDATA_IN VDD SYNC RESET# AVDD 1166F_AMC-64 TQFP Figure 3. AMC Pin Assignments - 64-Pin TQFP 4 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description Table 2. AMC Pin Assignments - 64-Pin TQFP Pin Signal Label Interface2 I/O Type1 Pin Signal Label I/O Type Interface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types: Ia It Ix It/Ot4 Oa Ot4 Ox 1166 Input, analog Input, TTL Input, crystal/clock Input, TTL/Output, TTL, 4 mA, 50 pF Output, analog Output, TTL, 4 mA, 50 pF Output, crystal 2. Interface: AI LTI: AMDC Audio interface Line/telephone interface Audio and Modem Digital Controller ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 5 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 4.2 AMC 80-Pin PQFP Pin Assignments The pin assignments for the AMC in 80-pin PQFP are shown in Figure 4 and are listed in Table 3. 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 VDD GPIO10 GPIO9 GPIO8 GPIO7 GPIO6 GPIO5 GPIO4 GPIO3 CAP3 CAP2 TXAM_H TXAP_H TXAM_L2 TXAP_L2 AVDD AVSS HP_OUT_R RESERVED HP_OUT_L This package has enough GPIOs to support two phones lines. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 TESTOUT MONO_OUT TXAM_L1 TXAP_L1 LINE_OUT_R LINE_OUT_L AVDD VC_M VREFP_M RXA_L2 RXA_L1 RXA_H AVSS MIX_COUT_R MIX_CIN_R MIX_COUT_L MIX_CIN_L VC_A VREFOUT VREF AVSS CAP5 CAP6 AVDD PC_BEEP AVSS CAP4 AUX_L AUX_R VIDEO_L VIDEO_R CD_L CD_GND CD_R MIC1 MIC2 LINE_IN_L LINE_IN_R AVDD AVSS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 VSS GPIO11 GPIO12 GPIO13 GPIO14 GPIO15 GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 VDD XTLIN XTLOUT VSS SDATA_OUT BIT_CLK VSS SDATA_IN VDD SYNC RESET# 1166F_AMC-80 QFP Figure 4. AMC Pin Assignments - 80-Pin PQFP 6 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description Table 3. AMC Pin Assignments - 80-Pin PQFP Pin Signal Label Interface2 I/O Type1 Pin Signal Label Interface2 I/O Type1 966 *1' *1' 95() 5() $*1' WKURXJK X) DQG X) *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 95()287 5() $*1' WKURXJK X) DQG X) *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 9&B$ 5() $*1' WKURXJK X) DQG X) *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 0,;B&,1B/ ,D $, 0,;B&287/ WKURXJK X) *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 0,;B&287B/ 2D $, 0,;B&,1B/ WKURXJK X) *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 0,;B&,1B5 ,D $, 0,;B&287B5 WKURXJK X) *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 0,;B&287B5 2D $, 0,;B&,1B5 WKURXJK X) *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG $966 $*1' $*1' *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 5;$B+ ,D /7, +DQGVHW 5HFHLYH $QDORJ 9'' 3:5 9 RU 9 5;$B/ ,D /7, /LQH 5HFHLYH $QDORJ ;7/,1 ,[ 0+] &U\VWDO&ORFN ,Q 5;$B/ ,D /7, /LQH 5HFHLYH $QDORJ ;7/287 2[ 0+] &U\VWDO 2XW 95()3B0 5() $*1' WKURXJK X) DQG X) 966 *1' *1' 9&B0 5() $*1' WKURXJK X) DQG X) 6'$7$B287 , $0'& 6'$7$B287 $9'' 3:5 9$ %,7B&/. 2 $0'& %,7B&/. /,1(B287B/ 2D $, /LQH 2XW /HIW &KDQQHO 966 *1' *1' /,1(B287B5 2D $, /LQH 2XW 5LJKW &KDQQHO 6'$7$B,1 2 $0'& 6'$7$B,1 7;$3B/ 2D /7, /LQH 7UDQVPLW $QDORJ 3OXV 9'' 3:5 9 RU 9 7;$0B/ 2D /7, /LQH 7UDQVPLW $QDORJ 0LQXV 6<1& , $0'& 6<1& 0212B287 2D $, 6SHDNHU 5(6(7 ,W $0'& 5(6(7 7(67287 2 1& $966 $*1' $*1' +3B287B/ 2D $, +HDGSKRQH 2XW /HIW &KDQQHO &$3 2W 1& 5(6(59(' &$3 2W 1& +3B287B5 2D $, +HDGSKRQH 2XW 5LJKW &KDQQHO $9'' 3:5 9$ $966 $*1' $*1' 3&B%((3 ,D $, 3& 6SHDNHU EHHS SDVV WKURXJK $9'' 3:5 9$ $966 $*1' $*1' 7;$3B/ 2D /7, /LQH 7UDQVPLW $QDORJ 3OXV &$3 2W 1& 7;$0B/ 2D /7, /LQH 7UDQVPLW $QDORJ 0LQXV $8;B/ ,D $, $X[ $XGLR /HIW &KDQQHO 7;$3B+ 2D /7, +DQGVHW 7UDQVPLW $QDORJ 3OXV $8;B5 ,D $, $X[ $XGLR 5LJKW &KDQQHO 7;$0B+ 2D /7, +DQGVHW 7UDQVPLW $QDORJ 0LQXV 9,'(2B/ ,D $, 9LGHR $XGLR /HIW &KDQQHO &$3 2D &$3 WKURXJK Q) 9,'(2B5 ,D $, 9LGHR $XGLR 5LJKW &KDQQHO &$3 ,D $*1' WKURXJK Q) &'B/ ,D $, &' $XGLR /HIW &KDQQHO *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG &'B*1' *1' $, &' $XGLR DQDORJ JURXQG *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG &'B5 ,D $, &' $XGLR 5LJKW &KDQQHO *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 0,& ,D $, 0LFURSKRQH ,QSXW *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG 0,& ,D $, 0LFURSKRQH ,QSXW *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG /,1(B,1B/ ,D $, /LQH ,Q /HIW &KDQQHO *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG /,1(B,1B5 ,D $, /LQH ,Q 5LJKW &KDQQHO *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG $9'' 3:5 9$ *3,2 ,W2W $SSOLFDWLRQ DVVLJQHG $966 $*1' $*1' 9'' 3:5 9 RU 9 1. I/O types: Ia It Ix It/Ot4 Oa Ot4 Ox 1166 Input, analog Input, TTL Input, crystal/clock Input, TTL/Output, TTL, 4 mA, 50 pF Output, analog Output, TTL, 4 mA, 50 pF Output, crystal 2. Interface: AI LTI: AMDC 1& Audio interface Line/telephone interface Audio and Modem Digital Controller ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 7 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 4.3 Pin Signal Descriptions 4.3.1 System Signal Name Pin (80-PQFP) Pin (64-TQFP) I/O Type Description RESET# 20 15 It AC `97 Master H/W Reset XTLIN 11 6 Ix 24.576 MHz Crystal XTLOUT 12 7 Ox 24.576 MHz Crystal TESTOUT 60 NA O NC Pin (80-PQFP) Pin (64-TQFP) I/O Type BIT_CLK 15 10 O Bit Clock. 12.288 MHz AC-link bit clock. Connect to Controller BIT_CLK input. SYNC 19 14 I Frame Sync. 48 kHz fixed rate sample AC-link sync. Connect to Controller SYNC output. SDATA_IN 17 12 O Serial Data Input. Serial, time division multiplexed, AC-link input data stream. Connect to Controller SDATA_IN input. SDATA_OUT 14 9 I Serial Data Output. Serial, time division multiplexed, AC-link output stream. Connect to Controller SDATA_OUT output. RESET# 20 15 It Reset. Active low reset input. Connect to Controller RESET# input. 4.3.2 Digital Control, Crystal, Serial I/O Signal Name Description 4.3.3 General Purpose I/O Recommended AC '97 Application Signal Name GPIO0 8 Pin (80PQFP) Pin (64TQFP) I/O Type Name I/O 7 2 It/Ot4 LINE1_OH O Description Off Hook Line 1 GPIO1 8 3 It/Ot4 LINE1_RI I Ring Detect Line 1 GPIO2 9 4 It/Ot4 LINE1_CID O Caller ID path enable Line 1 GPIO3 72 60 It/Ot4 LINE1_LCS I Loop Current Sense Line 1 GPIO4 73 61 It/Ot4 LINE1_PULSE I/O Optional GPIO / Line 1 pulse dial (out) GPIO5 74 62 It/Ot4 LINE1_HL1R I/O Optional GPIO / HANDSET to Line 1 relay control (out) GPIO6 75 63 It/Ot4 LINE1_HOHD I/O Optional GPIO / HANDSET off hook detect (in) Optional GPIO / International Bit 1 / Line 1/2 AC (out) GPIO7 76 NA It/Ot4 LINE12_AC I/O GPIO8 77 NA It/Ot4 LINE12_DC I/O Optional GPIO / International Bit 2 / Line 1/2 DC (out) GPIO9 78 NA It/Ot4 LINE12_RS I/O Optional GPIO / International Bit 3 / Line 1/2 RS (out) GPIO10 79 NA It/Ot4 LINE2_OH O Off Hook Line 2 GPIO11 2 NA It/Ot4 LINE2_RI I Ring Detect Line 2 GPIO12 3 NA It/Ot4 LINE2_CID O Caller ID path enable Line 2 GPIO13 4 NA It/Ot4 LINE2_LCS I Loop Current Sense Line 2 GPIO14 5 NA It/Ot4 LINE2_PULSE I/O Optional GPIO / Line 2 pulse dial (out) GPIO15 6 NA It/Ot4 LINE2_HL2R O Optional GPIO / HANDSET_TO_LINE2 relay control (out) ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 4.3.4 Audio Analog Signals These signals connect the AC `97 component to analog sources and sinks, including microphones and speakers. Signal Name Pin (80-PQFP) Pin (64-TQFP) I/O Type Description PC_BEEP 25 18 Ia PC Speaker Beep Pass through. MIC1 35 27 Ia Microphone 1 Input. MIC2 36 28 Ia Microphone 2 Input. LINE_IN_L 37 29 Ia Line In Left Channel. LINE_IN_R 38 30 Ia Line In Right Channel. CD_L 32 24 Ia CD Audio Left Channel. CD_GND 33 25 Ia CD Audio Analog Ground. CD_R 34 26 Ia CD Audio Right Channel VIDEO_L 30 22 Ia Video Audio Left Channel. VIDEO_R 31 23 Ia Video Audio Right Channel. AUX_L 28 20 Ia Aux Audio Left Channel. AUX_R 29 21 Ia Aux Audio Right Channel. LINE_OUT_L 55 45 Oa Line Out Left Channel. LINE_OUT_R 56 46 Oa Line Out Right Channel. HP_OUT_L 61 51 Oa Headphone Out Left Channel. HP_OUT_R 63 53 Oa Headphone Out Right Channel . MONO_OUT 59 49 Oa Mono Sound Output. 4.3.5 Modem Analog Signals These signals connect the Codec to telephone line and telephone handset analog signals. Signal Name Pin (80-PQFP) Pin (64-TQFP) I/O Type TXAP_L1 57 47 Oa Line 1 Transmit Analog Plus. Plus level of differential analog output signal output to telephone line 1. TXAM_L1 58 48 Oa Line 1 Transmit Analog Minus. Minus level of differential analog output signal output to telephone line 1. RXA_L1 50 42 Ia Line 1 Receive Analog. Single-ended analog receive input signal from telephone line 1. TXAP_H 68 56 Oa Handset Transmit Analog Plus. Plus level of differential analog output signal output to the handset speaker. For DSVD or allowing TAM functions to be independent of modem ADC/DAC. TXAM_H 69 57 Oa Handset Transmit Analog Minus. Minus level of differential analog output signal output to the handset speaker. For DSVD or allowing TAM functions to be independent of modem ADC/DAC. RXA_H 49 41 Ia Handset Receive Analog. Single-ended analog receive input signal from the handset microphone. TXAP_L2 66 NA Oa Line 2 Transmit Analog Plus. Plus level of differential analog output signal output to telephone line 2. TXAM_L2 67 NA Oa Line 2 Transmit Analog Minus. Minus level of differential analog output signal output to telephone line 2. RXA_L2 51 NA Ia Line 2 Receive Analog. Single-ended analog receive input signal from telephone line 2. 1166 Description ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 9 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 4.3.6 Filter and Reference Voltage Connections Signal Name Pin (80-PQFP) Pin (64-TQFP) I/O Type Description VREF 41 33 REF Audio Reference Voltage. Connect to AGND through 10 uF (polarized) and 0.1 uF (ceramic) in parallel. VREFOUT 42 34 REF Reference Voltage Out. Intended for mic bias, if needed. Connect to AGND through 10 uF (polarized) and 0.1 uF (ceramic) in parallel. VC_A 43 35 REF Audio Reference Voltage. Connect to AGND through 10 uF (polarized) and 0.1 uF (ceramic) in parallel. MIX_CIN_L 44 36 Ia Mixer Common In Left. Connect to MIX_COUT_L through 1 uF. MIX_COUT_L 45 37 Oa Mixer Common Out Left. Connect to MIX_CIN_L through 1 uF. MIX_CIN_R 46 38 Ia Mixer Common In Right. Connect to MIX_COUT_R through 1 uF. MIX_COUTR 47 39 Oa Mixer Common Out Right. Connect to MIX_COUT_L through 1 uF. VREFP_M 52 43 REF Modem Reference Voltage. Connect to AGND through 10 uF (polarized) and 0.1 uF (ceramic) in parallel. VC_M 53 44 REF Modem Reference Voltage. Connect to AGND through 10 uF (polarized) and 0.1 uF (ceramic) in parallel. CAP2 70 58 Oa Generic Cap. Connect to CAP3 through 12 nF. CAP3 71 59 Ia Generic Cap. Connect to AGND through 47 nF. CAP4 27 NA Ot4 Generic Cap. No external connection. CAP5 22 NA Ot4 Generic Cap. No external connection. CAP6 23 NA Ot4 Generic Cap. No external connection. Pin (80-PQFP) Pin (64-TQFP) I/O Type AVDD 24, 39, 54, 65 16, 31, 50, 55 PWR Digital Portion of Analog Circuit Power. Connect to +5VA. AVSS 21, 26, 40, 48, 64 17, 19, 32, 54, 40 GND Analog Ground. Connect to AGND. VDD 10, 18, 80 5, 13, 64 PWR Digital Circuit Power. Connect to + 5V or +3.3V. VSS 1, 13, 16 1, 8, 11 GND Digital Ground. Connect to GND. 4.3.7 Power and Ground Signal Name 10 Description ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 5. Specifications 5.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Limits Units V Supply Voltage VDD = +3.3V VDD = +5V VDD Digital Input Voltage VIN -0.3 to (VDD +0.3) V Operating Temperature Range TA -0 to +70 C C -0.3 to +4.6 -0.3 to +6.0 Storage Temperature Range TSTG -55 to +125 Analog Input Voltage VIN -0.3 to (AVDD + 0.3) V Voltage Applied to Outputs in High Impedance (Off) State VHZ -0.3 to (VDD + 0.3) V DC Input Clamp Current IIK 20 mA DC Output Clamp Current IOK 20 mA Static Discharge Voltage (25C) VESD 2500 V Latch-up Current (25C) ITRIG 300 mA 5.1.2 Current and Power Requirements Table 5. Current and Power Requirements Mode Normal Mode Sleep Mode Normal Mode Sleep Mode Notes Maximum Power (mW) Maximum Current (mA) Typical Power (mW) 63.4 - 317.0 - VDD = +5V - - - - VDD = +5V 56.3 - 185.8 - VDD = +3.3V - - - - VDD = +3.3V Typical Current (mA) Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1166 Operating voltage: VDD = +3.3V 0.3V or +5V 5%; AVDD = 5VA 5%. Test conditions for VDD = +3.3V; VDD = +3.3V for typical values; VDD = +3.6V for maximum values. Test conditions for VDD = +5V; VDD = +5.0V for typical values; VDD = +5.25V for maximum values. Test conditions for AVDD = +5V; AVDD = +5.0V for typical values; AVDD = +5.25V for maximum values. Input Ripple 0.1 Vpeak-peak. f = Internal frequency. Stop Mode is the same as Sleep Mode with clocks turned off. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 11 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 5.1.3 DC Electrical Characteristics Table 6. DC Electrical Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max Units Input voltage range Parameter Vin -0.30 - 3.60 V VDD = +3.6V Input voltage range Vin -0.30 - 5.25 V VDD = +5.25V Low level input voltage Vil -0.30 - 0.25*VDD V High level input voltage Vih 0.65*VDD - VDD + 0.3 V High level output voltage Voh 0.85*VDD - VDD V Low level output voltage Vol 0 - 0.1*VDD V Input Leakage Current (AC-link inputs) - -10 - 10 uA Output Leakage Current (HiImpedance AC-link outputs) - -10 - 10 uA GPIO Output sink current at 0.4 V maximum - 2.4 - - mA GPIO Output source current at 2.97 V minimum - 2.4 - - mA 100 ns GPIO rise/fall time 20 Test Conditions Test conditions unless otherwise noted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 12 Temperature Digital Supply (VDD) Digital GND (VSS) External Load 25 C 3.3V 0.3V or 5.0V 5% 0V 50 pF ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 5.1.4 AC Performance Characteristics Table 7. AC Performance Characteristics Parameter Min Typical Max Units - 1.0 - Vrms Full Scale Input Voltage LINE_IN MIC (+20 dB Boost on) - 0.1 - Vrms MIC (+20 dB Boost off) - 1.0 - Vrms LINE_OUT - 1.0 - Vrms HP_OUT - - 1.41 Vrms 90 - 95 dB - 83 90 dB 90 - 95 dB 20 - 20,000 Hz D/A 85 90 92 dB A/D 75 80 85 dB - - 0.02 % Full Scale Output Voltage Analog S/N CD to LINE_OUT, HP_OUT, or MONO_OUT MIC (+20 dB Boost on ) to LINE_OUT, HP_OUT, or MONO_OUT Other to LINE_OUT, HP_OUT, or MONO_OUT Analog Frequency Response (1 dB limits) Digital S/N 1 Total Harmonic Distortion: LINE_OUT (0 dB gain, 20 kHz BW, 48 kHz Sample Frequency) HP_OUT (0 dB gain, 20 kHz BW, 48 kHz Sample Frequency) - - 1.0 % D/A and A/D Frequency Response (0.25 dB limits max; 0.10 dB typ) 20 - 20,000 Hz Transition Band 19,200 - 28,800 Hz Stop Band 28,800 - Hz -74 - - dB Out-of-Band Rejection - -40 - dB Group Delay - - 1 ms Power Supply Rejection Ratio (1 kHz) - -40 - dB Crosstalk between Input channels - - -85 dB 2 Stop Band Rejection 3 Crosstalk between headphone channels - - -85 dB Crosstalk between line ADC/DAC and any other channel - - -85 dB dB Isolation between audio and modem sections 100 - - Spurious Tone Reduction - -100 - dB Attenuation, Gain Step Size (except for PC Beep) - 1.5 - dB Interchannel Gain Mismatch (Difference between errors) -0.5 - 0.5 dB - - 0.75 dB LINE_OUT 10K - - ohm MONO_OUT 10K - - ohm Absolute Gain Step Error at any given setting Input Impedance HP_OUT 10K - - ohm Input Capacitance - 15 - pF Vrefout - 2.5 - V Audio ADCs - 10 50 mV Other ADCs - - 100 mV Audio DACs - 5 25 mV Other DACs - - 100 mV DC Offset 1166 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 13 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description Table 7. AC Performance Characteristics (Cont'd) Parameter Min Preliminary Max Units Modem Line DAC to Line Driver output SNR at -10 dBm, 1200 77 - 80 dB Line Input to ADC SNR at -6 dBm 77 - 80 dB Handset DAC to Line Driver output SNR at -10 dBm, 1200 77 - 80 dB Line Input to ADC SNR at -6 dBm 77 - 80 dB 77 - 80 dB - 65 - dB Mic ADC Line Input to ADC SNR at -6 dBm without 20 dB boost Line Input to ADC SNR at -6 dBm with 20 dB boost Notes: 1. The ratio of the rms output level with 1KHz full scale input to the rms output level with all zeros into the digital input. Measured "A wtd" over a 20Hz to a 20KHz bandwidth. (AES17-1991 Idle Channel Noise or EIAJ CP-307 Signal-to-noise Ratio). 2. Stop Band rejection determines filter requirements. Out-of-Band rejection determines audible noise. 3. The integrated Out-of-Band noise generated by the DAC process, during normal PCM audio playback, over a bandwidth 28.8 to 100 KHz, with respect to a 1 VRMS DAC output. Standard test conditions unless otherwise noted: Temperature 25 C Analog Supply (AVDD) 5.0 V 5% Digital Supply(VDD) 3.3 V 0.3V Input Voltage Levels: VDD = +5 V Logic Low 0.8 V Logic High 2.4 V Input signal 1 KHz sine wave Sample Frequency(FS) 48 KHz 0 dBV = 1 Vrms 10 kohm/50 pF load Testbench Characterization BW: Pass Band 20 Hz - 20 kHz Attenuation 0 dB Gain on inputs 0 dB 14 VDD = +3.3 V 1.0 V 2.97 V ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 5.1.5 AC Timing Characteristics Clocks T clk_low BIT_CLK T clk_high T clk_period T sync_low SYNC T sync_high T sync_period Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units - 12.288 - MHz Tclk_period - 81.4 - ns - - 750 ps BIT_CLK high pulse width (Note 1) Tclk_high 32.56 40.7 48.84 ns BIT_CLK low pulse width (Note 1) Tclk_low 32.56 40.7 48.84 ns - 48.0 - kHz Tsync_period - 20.8 - us SYNC high pulse width Tsync_high - 1.3 - us SYNC low pulse width Tsync_low - 19.5 - us BIT_CLK frequency BIT_CLK period BIT_CLK output jitter SYNC frequency SYNC period Notes: 1. 2. 1166 Worst case duty cycle restricted to 40/60. 50 pF external load. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 15 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description Data Setup and Hold T setup BIT_CLK SDATA_IN, SDATA-OUT T hold SYNC T setup Parameter T hold Symbol Min Typ Max Units Setup to falling edge of BIT_CLK Tsetup 15.0 - - ns Hold from falling edge of BIT_CLK Thold 5.0 - - ns Note: Setup and hold time parameters for SDATA_IN are with respect to the RipTideTM Controller . 16 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description Signal Rise and Fall Times BIT_CLK Trise clk Trise sync Tfall clk SYNC Tfall sync SDATA_IN Trise Tfall din din SDATA_OUT Trise Tfall dout Parameter dout Symbol Min Typ Max Units BIT_CLK rise time Triseclk 2 - 6 ns BIT_CLK fall time Tfallclk 2 - 6 ns SYNC rise time Trisesync 2 - 6 ns SYNC fall time Tfallsync 2 - 6 ns SDATA_IN rise time Trisedin 2 - 6 ns SDATA_IN fall time Tfalldin 2 - 6 ns SDATA_OUT rise time Trisedout 2 - 6 ns SDATA_OUT fall time Tfalldout 2 - 6 ns Note: 50pF external load; from 10% to 90% of VDD. RESET# (Cold Reset) T rst2clk T rst_low RESET# BIT_CLK Parameter 1166 Symbol Min Typ Max Units RESET# active low pulse width Trst_low 1.0 - - us RESET# inactive to BIT_CLK startup delay Trst2clk 162.8 - - ns ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 17 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description RESET# (Warm Reset) T sync_high T sync2clk SYNC BIT_CLK Parameter SYNC active high pulse width SYNC inactive to BIT_CLK startup delay Symbol Min Typ Max Units Tsync_high - 1.3 - us Tsync2clk 162.8 - - ns AC-link Low Power Mode Timing Slot 1 Slot 2 Write to 0x20 Data PR4 SYNC BIT_CLK SDATA_OUT Don't Care T s2 _pdown SDATAIN Note: BIT_CLK not to scale Parameter Symbol End of Slot 2 to BIT_CLK, SDATA_IN low Ts2_pdown Min Typ Max Units - - 1.0 uS Miscellaneous Parameter 18 Min Typ Max Units Setup to trailing edge of RESET# and SYNC Toff Symbol 15.0 - - ns Rising edge of RESET# to Hi-Z delay Toff - - 25.0 ns ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 5.1.6 Crystal Specification Table 8 lists the required crystal parameters. Note that the crystal circuit will be optimized for digital 3.3 V operation and thus the part is intended for this digital supply voltage. Table 8. Crystal Specification Parameter 1166 Range Frequency 24.576 MHz Oscillation Mode Fundamental Resonance Parallel Load Capacitance 22 pF Frequency Tolerance 40 ppm @ 25 C Temperature Stability 45 ppm, 0-70 C Operating Temperature 0 - 70 C Shunt Capacitance < 7 pF Equivalent Series Resistance < 40 ohms @ 20 nW Drive Level Drive Level 100 uW Correlation, 300 uW Max Aging 15 ppm over 5 years Storage Temperature Range -40 to +85C ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 19 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 6. General Description 6.1 Digital Interface The codec communicates with the controller via a digital serial link (AC-link). All digital audio streams, modem line codec stream, handset, GPIO, and command/status information is transferred between the controller and the codec over this point to point serial channel. The AC-link interface signals are shown in Figure 5 and are described in Table 9. AC '97 Digital Controller SYNC BIT_CLK SDATA_OUT SDATA-IN RESET# AMC '97 Codec 1166FX AC-LINK Figure 5. AMC '97 Codec Connection to AC '97 Controller Table 9. AC-link Serial Interface Signals Signal Name SYNC I/O I Description 48 kHz fixed rate sample synchronization from the controller. BIT_CLK O 12.288 MHz serial data clock from the codec. SDATA_IN O Serial data stream from the codec to the controller. SDATA_OUT I Serial data stream from the controller to the codec. RESET# I Master hardware reset from the controller The control and status slots allow writing and reading of registers internal to the AC '97 codec. These registers are defined as 16 bit and are addressed at word aligned byte addresses 0x00, 0x02, 0x04, ..., 0x7e. Registers 0x00 - 0x58 are predefined, 0x5a - 0x7a are reserved for the vendor, 0x7c and 0x7e are for the vendor ID. Because provisions exist for the modem and other sample rates to be less than 48 kHz, the TAG slot contains bits which indicate the validity of each slot in the serial stream. The AMC '97 specification also defines slot request bits that allow the codec to request samples from the controller. These bit definitions (active low) are implemented as defined in that specification. When a slot is valid for the outgoing stream, the controller places a one in the corresponding bit position in the TAG slot. For all slots other than the PCM left and right slots, the codec ignores the data present in the slot when the slot's tag bit is a 0 for that particular data phase. This allows the controller to simply repeat the current sample if desired. However, the controller must respond properly to the SLOTREQ bits. For the PCM left and right slots, the codec assumes every slot is valid. If the slot is invalid, the controller must send 0's for the data. When a slot is valid for the incoming stream, the codec places a one in the corresponding bit position in the TAG slot. The controller must ignore the data present in the slot when the slot's tag bit is a 0 for that particular data phase. The Codec puts zeros in the slot when the slot is invalid. The AC-link request for status always returns in the next frame. The request is, therefore, always delayed by one frame time. A write request in the current frame will not affect the status that is returned in that particular write frame. Read-Modify-Writes across the AC-link will thus incur latency issues and must be accounted for by the controller. For fixed 48 kHz sample rate operation, the SLOTREQ bits are always set active and a sample is transferred each frame. 20 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description For optional multiple sample rate input, the tag bit for each input slot indicates whether valid data is present or not. The AMC '97 codec configured for fixed 48 kHz operation is backwards compatible with AC '97 controllers. Thus, the codec is always the master: for SDATA_IN (codec to controller), the codec sets the TAG bit; for SDATA_OUT(controller to codec), the codec sets the SLOTREQ bit and then checks for the TAG bit in the next frame that should be set or reset by the controller. Any protocol violation in the AC-link, e.g., less than 256 BIT_CLKs in a SYNC frame, will result in a warm reset of the codec. This will be indicated by TESTOUT pin (80-pin PQFP only) output toggling from 0 to 1. This output will stay high until a cold reset occurs. 6.1.1 Rockwell AMC '97 Codec The Rockwell AMC '97 codec (AMC) is implemented only as a primary codec. The time slots supported by the AMC are listed in Table 10. Table 10. AMC '97 Slot Assignments Slot Number 1166 SDATAOUT (Controller to Codec) SDATAIN (Codec to Controller) 0 TAG 1 Command Address Port TAG Status Address Port 2 Command Data Port Status Data Port 3 PCM Playback Left Channel PCM Record Left Channel 4 PCM Playback Right Channel PCM Record Right Channel 5 Modem Line 1 DAC Input Data Modem Line 1 ADC Output Data 6 Not Supported Mic ADC Output Data 7 Not Supported Not Supported 8 Not Supported Not Supported 9 Not Supported Not Supported 10 Modem Line 2 DAC Input Data Modem Line 2 ADC Output Data 11 Handset DAC Input Data Handset ADC Output Data 12 GPIO Control GPIO Status ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 21 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 6.2 SDATA_IN (Codec to Controller) Slot Definitions 6.2.1 Input Slot 1: Status Address Port / SLOTREQ Bits Slot 1, the Status Address Port, delivers codec control register read address and variable sample rate slot request flags for all output slots. Bits 11 to 2 are defined as data request flags for output Slots 3-12. Input Slot 1: Status Address Port Bit 19 Description Reserved. Set to 0 by the codec. 18:12 Control Register Index. Echo of register index for which data is being returned. Set to 0s if tagged "invalid" by the controller. 11:2 "On Demand" Data Request Flags (next output frame). 0 = Send data, 1 = Do not send data. 11 Slot 3 Request. PCM Left channel. 10 Slot 4 Request. PCM Right channel. 9 Slot 5 Request. Modem Line 1. 8 Slot 6 Request. Not used. Set to 0 by the codec. 7 Slot 7 Request. Not used. Set to 0 by the codec. 6 Slot 8 Request. Not used. Set to 0 by the codec. 5 Slot 9 Request. Not used. Set to 0 by the codec. 4 Slot 10 Request. Modem Line 2. 3 Slot 11 Request. Handset. 2 1:0 Slot 12 Request. GPIO. Reserved. Set to 0 by the codec. The Slot 1 tag bit is independent of the bit 11:2 slot request field, and only indicates valid Status Address Port data (Control Register Index). The AMC sets SDATA_IN tag bits for Slot 1 (Address) and Slot 2 (Data) to "1" when returning valid data from a previous register read. They are otherwise set to 0. SLOTREQ bits have validity independent of the Slot 1 tag bit. SLOTREQ Behavior and Power Management SLOTREQ bits for fixed rate, powered down, and all unsupported Slots are driven with 0s for maximum compatibility with the original AC '97 Component Specification. When a DAC channel is powered down, it disappears completely from the serial frame: output tag and slot are ignored, and the SLOTREQ bit is absent (forced to zero). The SLOTREQ bit is forced to "1" in the interval between when the power-down bit for its associated channel is turned off and when its channel is ready to accept samples. The controller can take advantage of this scheme to eliminate the need to poll the AMC status registers. To power down a channel, the controller needs only to: 1. Disable the source of DAC samples in controller. 2. Set the PR bit for DAC channel in codec registers 26h, 2Ah, or 3Eh. To power up a channel, the controller needs only to: 1. Clear the PR bit for DAC channel in codec registers 26h, 2Ah, or 3Eh. 2. Enable the source of DAC samples in controller. 22 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description Variable Sample Rate Signaling Protocol For variable sample rate output, the codec examines its sample rate control registers, the state of its FIFOs, and the incoming SDATA_OUT tag bits at the beginning of each audio output frame to determine which SLOTREQ bits to set active (low). SLOTREQ bits asserted during the current audio input frame signal which active output slots require data from the controller in the next audio output frame. An active output slot is defined as any slot supported by the codec that is not in a power-down state. For fixed 48 kHz operation, the SLOTREQ bits are always set active (low) and a sample is transferred in each frame. For variable sample rate input, the tag bit for each input slot indicates whether valid data is present or not. Thus, even in variable sample rate mode, the codec is always the master: for SDATA_IN (codec to controller), the codec sets the TAG bit; for SDATA_OUT (controller to codec), the codec sets the SLOTREQ bit and then checks for the TAG bit in the next frame. Upon reset, the audio sample rate registers default to 48 kHz. The VRM bit controls the optional MIC ADC behavior. SLOTREQ bits for active modem DACs are always treated as valid (data on demand). 6.2.2 Input Slot 2: Status Data Port Input Slot 2, the Status Data Port, port delivers 16-bit control register read data. Input Slot 2: Status Data Port Bit Description 19:4 Control Register Read Data. Stuffed with 0's if tagged "invalid" by the codec. 11:0 Reserved. Stuffed with 0's by the codec. 6.2.3 Input Slot 3: PCM Left Record Data Input Slot 3 contains the 18-bit PCM left channel ADC output data. Input Slot 3: PCM Left Channel ADC Output Data Bit Description 19:2 PCM Left Channel ADC Output Data. 18-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 2 = LSB). 1:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. 6.2.4 Input Slot 4: PCM Right Record Data Input Slot 4 contains the 18-bit PCM right channel ADC output data. Input Slot 4: PCM Right Channel ADC Output Data Bit Description 19:2 PCM Right Channel ADC Output Data. 18-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 2 = LSB). 1:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. 6.2.5 Input Slot 5: Modem Line 1 ADC Output Data Input Slot 5 contains the 16-bit Modem Line 1 ADC output data. Input Slot 5: Modem Line 1 ADC Output Data Bit 1166 Description 19:4 Modem Line 1 ADC Output Data. 16-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 4 = LSB). 3:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 23 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 6.2.6 Input Slot 6: Microphone ADC Output Data Input Slot 6 contains the 16-bit Microphone ADC output data. Input Slot 6: Microphone ADC Output Data Bit Description 19:4 Microphone ADC Output Data. 16-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 4 = LSB). 3:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. 6.2.7 Input Slots 7-9: Reserved Input Slots 7-9 are reserved. Input Slot 7-9: Reserved Bit 19:0 Description Microphone ADC Output Data. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. 6.2.8 Input Slot 10: Modem Line 2 ADC Output Data Input Slot 10 contains the 16-bit Modem Line 1 ADC output data. Input Slot 10: Modem Line 2 ADC Output Data Bit Description 19:4 Modem Line 2 ADC Output Data. 16-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 4 = LSB). 3:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. 6.2.9 Input Slot 11: Handset ADC Output Data Input Slot 11 contains the 16-bit Handset ADC output data. Input Slot 11: Handset ADC Output Data Bit 24 Description 19:4 Handset ADC Output Data. 16-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 4 = LSB). 3:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 6.2.10 Input Slot 12: GPIO Control Input Slot 12 contains the GPIO status bits. The codec constantly updates the status slot based upon the logic level detected at each GPIO configured for input. The controller must debounce the reported states as required for the 48 kHz sample rate. Input Slot 12: GPIO Status Bit 19:4 Description GPIO[15:0] Status. 1 = High level detected at input pin; 0 = Low level detected at input pin. Bits corresponding to GPIO outputs reflect the command level. 19 GPIO15 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 18 GPIO14 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 17 GPIO13 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 16 GPIO12 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 15 GPIO11 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 14 GPIO10 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 13 GPIO9 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 12 GPIO8 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 11 GPIO7 Status. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 10 GPIO6 Status. Application assigned. 9 GPIO5 Status. Application assigned. 8 GPIO4 Status. Application assigned. 7 GPIO3 Status. Application assigned. 6 GPIO2 Status. Application assigned. 5 GPIO1 Status. Application assigned. 4 3:0 GPIO0 Status. Application assigned. Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the codec. 6.3 SDATA_OUT (Controller to Codec) Slot Definitions 6.3.1 Output Slot 1: Command Address Port Output Slot 1, the Command Address Port, is used to control features and monitor status (see Input Slots 1 and 2) for codec functions such as mixer settings and power management. Output Slot 1: Command Address Port Bit 19 Description Read/Write Command. 1 = Read; 0 = Write. 18:12 Control Register Index. 64 16-bit locations, addressed on even byte boundaries. 11:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. 1166 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 25 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 6.3.2 Output Slot 2: Command Data Port Output Slot 2, the Command Data Port, is used to deliver 16-bit control register write data in the event that the current command port operation is a write cycle (as indicated by Slot 1, bit 19). If the current command port operation is a read, then the entire slot time must be stuffed with 0's by the controller. Output Slot 2: Command Data Port Bit 19 Description Read/Write Command. 1 = Read; 0 = Write. 18:12 Control Register Index. 64 16-bit locations, addressed on even byte boundaries. 11:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. 6.3.3 Output Slot 3: PCM Left Playback Data Output Slot 3 contains the 18-bit PCM left channel DAC input data. Output Slot 3: PCM Left Channel DAC Input Data Bit Description 19:2 PCM Left Channel DAC Input Data. 18-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 2 = LSB). 1:0 Control Register Index. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. 6.3.4 Output Slot 4: PCM Right Playback Data Output Slot 4 contains the 18-bit PCM right channel DAC input data. Output Slot 4: PCM Right Channel DAC Input Data Bit Description 19:2 PCM Right Channel DAC Input Data. 18-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 2 = LSB). 1:0 Control Register Index. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. 6.3.5 Output Slot 5: Modem Line 1 DAC Input Data Output Slot 5 contains the 16-bit Modem Line 1 DAC input data. Output Slot 5: Modem Line 1 DAC Input Data Bit Description 19:4 Modem Line 1 DAC Input Data. 16-bit sample (bit 19 = MSD; bit 4 = LSD) 3:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. 6.3.6 Output put Slots 6-9: Reserved Output Slots 6-9 are reserved. Output Slot 6-9: Reserved Bit 19:0 26 Description Reserved. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 6.3.7 Output Slot 10: Modem Line 2 DAC Input Data Output Slot 10 contains the 16-bit Modem Line 2 input data. Output Slot 10: Modem Line 2 DAC Input Data Bit Description 19:4 Modem Line 2 Input Data. 16-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 4 = LSB). 3:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. 6.3.8 Output Slot 11: Handset DAC Input Data Output Slot 11 contains the 16-bit Handset DAC input data. Output Slot 11: Handset DAC Input Data Bit Description 19:4 Handset DAC Input Data. 16-bit sample (bit 19 = MSB; bit 4 = LSB). 3:0 Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. 6.3.9 Output Slot 12: GPIO Status Output Slot 12 contains the GPIO control bits. The codec constantly sets the GPIOs that are configured for output based upon the value of the corresponding bit position of the control slot. Output Slot 12: GPIO Control Bit 19:4 GPIO[15:0] Control. 1 = High level at the codec output pin.; 0 = Low level at the codec output pin. Bits corresponding to GPIO inputs are set to 0 by the controller. 19 GPIO15 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 18 GPIO14 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 17 GPIO13 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 16 GPIO12 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 15 GPIO11 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 14 GPIO10 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 13 GPIO9 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 12 GPIO8 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 11 GPIO7 Control. Application assigned. Not supported by the 64-pin TQFP. 10 GPIO6 Control. Application assigned. 9 GPIO5 Control. Application assigned. 8 GPIO4 Control. Application assigned. 7 GPIO3 Control. Application assigned. 6 GPIO2 Control. Application assigned. 5 GPIO1 Control. Application assigned. 4 GPIO0 Control. Application assigned. 3:0 1166 Description Not Used. Stuffed to 0's by the controller. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 27 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 6.4 General Purpose Inputs/Outputs The Codec contains a number of General Purpose Input/Outputs suitable for easy connection with minimal parts to a DAA circuit. The controller must configure any GPIOs as outputs on power-up. When configured as an input, a GPIO performs as a CMOS Schmitt triggered input for a 3.3V power supply. The board designers are responsible for connecting unused pins to VDD or VSS. However, to prevent excess power loss due to floating conditions during an extended reset period, all GPIOs, when RESET# is asserted, are pulled down. The GPIOs are tristated to a high impedance state on power-on or a cold reset. The controller must first enable the output after setting it to the desired state. To prevent overdrive of any transistors, the outputs have slow rise and fall times. Typical values should be 40 ns. In addition, the device sinks 2.4 mA at a maximum level of 0.4V and sources 2.4 mA at a minimum level of 2.97V. Upon a warm reset, the GPIOs that are configured for outputs maintain their output values. As long as the controller does not tag the GPIO control slot as valid, the outputs will not change. Interrupt *SDATA_IN (wake up) *GPIO_INT (slot 12, bit 0) Config (4Ch.n) (0=output) Other 15 bits... Wake (52h.n) GPIO.n Output Config (4Ch.n) GPIO.n Polartiy (4Eh.n) *0=CMOS *1=Open Drain Sticky (50h.n) Config (4Ch.n) *0=Output *1=Input GPIO Status (54h.n) Q S Q R input buffer (non -inverting) Write `0' to GPIO Status (54h.n) 1 1 0 0 Sticky (50h.n) Polarity (4Eh.n) *0=Low active *1=High active . Figure 6. Conceptual GPIO Configuration 6.5 Low Power Modes The Codec is a fully static design, i.e., when the clock is stopped to any subsection of the device, that subsection maintains its value. The low power modes specified in Section 7 of the AC '97 Specification are supported in full, i.e., the modem ADCs/DACs, the handset ADC/DAC, and the mic ADC can be individually powered down and up. See the appropriate registers for control, which are the Power-down Control/Status and the Modem Power-down Control/Status. The following paragraph shows an example of the procedure that would occur to wake-up the PC system using GPIOs in the controller in the D3 cold state with VAUX power. In this example, normal operation is occurring. The controller gets told to go into the D3hot state, meaning within a short period of time the RipTide system will be at the D3cold state. The controller would then 1. 28 Using the Modem Power-down Control/Status register: a) Shut down the 3D block (P3D). b) Shut down the Line ADCs/DACs (PRB, PRC, PD1, PD2). c) Shut down the Handset ADC/DAC (PRE, PRD). d) Shut down the mic ADC (PRF). e) Shut down the modem voltage reference (PREF). ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 2. Using the Power-down Control/Status register: a) Shut down the stereo ADC/DAC (PR0, PR1). b) Optionally shut down the stereo and mono amplifiers (PDA, PDM), depending upon if the analog still needs to be running. c) Optionally shut down the analog mixer with Vref on or off, depending upon if the analog still needs to be running. GPIOs toggling on the codec are detected by the controller across the AC-link which then forces the PCI bus PME# signal low. Operating system wake-up then occurs with the PC system giving a PCI reset to the controller and the controller then either going through the reverse of the above procedure or issuing a cold reset to restore everything to the normal state. 6.6 Loop Back Modes Several loop back modes are defined for the ADC/DAC pairs as well as the microphone ADC. These loop back modes are for diagnostic and test purposes. The description of the modes occurs in this section; however, the positions of the controlling bits are detailed in the Mixer Register definition section. Because the dedicated microphone ADC has no associated DAC, it must "borrow" a DAC from another source. Somewhat randomly, the source chosen is the handset DAC. Therefore, when referring to the microphone ADC loop back paths, the handset DAC is meant. In keeping with proper AC-link terminology, AC-link Outgoing streams go INTO the AMC '97 audio modem codec, while AClink Incoming streams go OUT of the codec. Note that the DAC outputs are squelched automatically when the loop back modes are used. 6.6.1 Modem/Handset/Microphone Loop Back Definitions The following definitions apply to the modem line 1, modem line 2, handset, and dedicated microphone ADC/DAC pairs. To conserve register space, implementation of the modes are done by combinations of bits, rather than by individual bits, with the exception of the one-bit output bit. ADC Loop Back The ADC Loop Back travels from the Line input signal through the continuous time anti-aliasing filter, the delta-sigma ADC, the lowpass switched capacitor filter, the lowpass continuous time filter, and then to the Line output. Line In -> AAF -> ADC -> SCF -> CTF -> Line Out. Local Analog Loop Back Otherwise known as Loop3, the digital bit stream from the appropriate outgoing stream slot of the AC-link is passed through the comb filter, the delta-sigma DAC, the lowpass switched capacitor filter, the lowpass continuous time filter, routed back through the delta-sigma ADC, the sinc decimation filter, and then out onto the appropriate incoming stream slot of the AC link. AC-link Out Stream -> DAC -> SCF -> CTF -> ADC -> Decimation -> AC-link In Stream DAC Digital Loop Back The DAC Digital Loop Back is a purely digital loop back. The digital bit stream from the appropriate outgoing stream slot of the AC-link is passed through the comb filter, the delta-sigma DAC, back to the sinc decimation filter, and then out onto the appropriate incoming stream slot of the AC-link. AC-link Out Stream -> DAC -> Decimation ->AC-link In Stream Remote Analog Loop Back Otherwise known as Loop4, the Line input signal is passed through the line anti-aliasing filter and routed directly back to the Line output. Line In -> AAF -> Line Out 1166 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 29 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description ADC and DAC Loop Back Combined This mode provides the option to perform both of the ADC and DAC loop backs at the same time since they use separate blocks of the codec. SCF One-bit In This mode enables the one-bit input of the SCF. The input to the SCF comes from one of the device pads. This pad is one of the GPIOs and only occurs when in test mode. This is for debugging purposes only. DAC One-bit out This mode enables the one-bit output of the DAC modulator to be accessible by an output pad. This pad is one of the GPIOs and only occurs when in test mode. This is for debugging purposes only. 6.6.2 Audio ADC/DAC Loop Back Definitions The following definitions apply to the audio ADC/DAC pairs. To conserve register space and to provide backward compatibility to AC '97, implementation of the modes are done by both a combination of bits and individual bits. Some have been defined previously by the AC '97 spec. ADC to DAC Loop Back The LPBK bit enables loop back of the ADC output to the DAC input without involving the AC-link, allowing for full system performance measurements. This will provide both left and right loop backs to occur simultaneously for backward compatibility. Individual bits are required to allow for left ADC to left DAC and right ADC to right DAC independently of each other. DAC to ADC Loop Back The DAC to ADC Loop Back is a purely digital loop back. The digital bit stream from the appropriate outgoing stream slot of the AC-link is passed through the interpolation filter, the delta-sigma DAC, back to the sinc and decimation filters, and then out onto the appropriate incoming stream slot of the AC-link. AC-link Out Stream -> DAC -> Decimation -> AC-link In Stream SCF One-bit In This mode enables the one-bit input of the SCF. The input to the SCF comes from one of the device pads. This pad is one of the GPIOs and only occurs when in test mode. This is for debugging purposes only. DAC One-bit out This mode enables the one-bit output of the DAC modulator to be accessible by an output pad. This pad is one of the GPIOs and only occurs when in test mode. This is for debugging purposes only. 30 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7. Interface Registers Table 11 identifies the AMC'97 Codec registers and bits. Table 11. Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Registers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a K [K (K ([WHQGHG 0RGHP 6WDWXV&RQWURO 35+ 35* 35) 35( 35' 35& 35% 35$ +'$& +$'& '$& $'& '$& $'& 05() *3,2 ))[[K K /LQH '$&$'& 5DWH 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 %%K K /LQH '$&$'& 5DWH 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 %%K K +DQGVHW '$&$'& 5DWH 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 %%K $K +DQGVHW '$&$'& OHYHO 0XWH [ [ '$& '$& '$& '$& '$& 0XWH G% [ [ $'& $'& $'& $'& K &K *3,2 3LQ &RQILJXUDWLRQ *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& ))))Ka )K (K *3,2 3LQ 3RODULW\7\SH *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 ))))K K *3,2 3LQ 6WLFN\ *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 K K *3,2 3LQ :DNH XS *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: K K *3,2 3LQ 6WDWXV *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, [[[[K K 0LVF 0RGHP $)( 6WDWXV&RQWURO ; [ [ [ X HSB2 HSB1 HSB0 x L2B2 L2B1 L2B0 x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a SLQ SDFNDJH SLQ package 1166 K Ka K ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 31 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1 Register Definitions 7.1.1 Reset Register (Index 00h) Writing any value to this register performs a register reset, which causes all registers to revert to their default values. Reading this register returns the ID code identifying supported functions and a code identifying the 3D Stereo Enhancement supplier. 5HJ K 1DPH 5HVHW Bit 15 14:10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Label SE[4:0] ID9 ID8 ID7 ID6 ID5 ID4 ID3 ID2 ID1 ID0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW ; 6( 6( 6( 6( 6( ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' K R/W RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO RO Description Reserved. Set to 0. 3D Stereo Enhancement Vendor ID. Identifies the Rockwell 3D Stereo Enhancement (01001b). 20-Bit ADC Supported Status. 0 = Not Supported. 18-Bit ADC Supported Status. 1 = Supported. 20-Bit DAC Supported Status. 0 = Not Supported. 18-Bit DAC Supported Status. 1 = Supported. Loudness (Bass Boost) Supported Status. 1 = Supported. Headphone Out Supported Status. 1 = Supported. Simulated Stereo (Mono to Stereo) Supported Status. 0 = Not Supported. Bass and Treble Control Supported Status. 0 = Not Supported. Modem Line Codec Supported Status. 1 = Supported. Dedicated Mic PCM in Channel Supported Status. 1 = Supported. 7.1.2 Play Master Volume Registers (Index 02h) This register controls the Play Master output volume. 5HJ K 1DPH 3OD\ 0DVWHU 9ROXPH Bit Label ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ [ [ 05 05 05 05 05 05 K 15 Mute R/W R/W 14 13 ML5 R/W 12:8 ML[4:0] R/W 7:6 5 MR5 R/W 4:0 MR[4:0] R/W Description Master Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= Channel volume is controlled by the ML[5:0] and MR[5:0] bits). Reserved. Left Master Volume Maximum Attenuation. 1= Force ML[4:0] to all 1s. 0= Do not force ML[4:0] to all 1s (channel volume controlled by ML[4:0] bits) . Left Master Volume Control Attenuation. This field controls the channel attenuation from 0 dB to 46.5 dB in 1.5 dB steps. Mute ML[5:0] Attenuation 0 00 0000 0 dB 0 01 1111 46.5 dB 0 1x xxxx 46.5 dB dB 1 xx xxxx Reserved. Right Master Volume Maximum Attenuation. 1= Force MR[4:0] to all 1s. 0= Do not force MR[4:0] to all 1s (channel volume controlled by MR[4:0] bits). Right Master Volume Control Attenuation. This field controls the channel attenuation from 0 dB to 46.5 dB in 1.5 dB steps. Mute MR[5:0] Attenuation 0 0 0 1 32 00 0000 01 1111 1x xxxx xx xxxx 0 dB 46.5 dB 46.5 dB dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.3 Headphone Volume Register (Index 04h) This register controls the Headphone output volume. 5HJ 1DPH K +HDGSKRQH 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ [ [ 05 05 05 05 05 05 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14 13 ML5 R/W 12:8 ML[4:0] R/W 7:6 5 MR5 R/W 4:0 MR[4:0] R/W Description Headphone Master Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the ML[5:0] and MR[5:0] bits. Reserved. Headphone Left Master Volume Maximum Attenuation. 1= Force ML[4:0] to all 1s. 0= Do not force ML[4:0] to all 1s (channel volume controlled by ML[4:0] bits (default). Headphone Left Master Volume Control. This field controls the channel attenuation from 0 dB to 46.5 dB in 1.5 dB steps. Mute ML[5:0] Attenuation 0 00 0000 0 dB 0 01 1111 46.5 dB 0 1x xxxx 46.5 dB dB(default). 1 xx xxxx Reserved. Headphone Right Master Volume Maximum Attenuation. 1= Force MR[4:0] to all 1s. 0= Do not force MR[4:0] to all 1s (channel volume controlled by MR[4:0] bits (default). Headphone Right Master Volume Control. This field controls the channel attenuation from 0 dB to 46.5 dB in 1.5 dB steps. Mute MR[5:0] Attenuation 0 0 0 1 00 0000 01 1111 1x xxxx xx xxxx 0 dB 46.5 dB 46.5 dB dB (default). 7.1.4 Mono Master Volume Register (Index 06h) This register controls the Mono Master output Volume. 5HJ 1DPH K 0RQR 0DVWHU 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 00 00 00 00 00 00 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:6 5 MM5 R/W 4:0 MM[4:0] R/W Description Mono Master Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the MM[5:0] bits. Reserved. Mono Master Volume Maximum Attenuation. 1= Force MM[4:0] to all 1s. 0= Do not force MM[4:0] to all 1s (channel volume controlled by MM[4:0] bits (default). Mono Master Volume Control. This field controls the Mono Master Volume Control output attenuation from 0 dB to -46.5 dB in 1.5 dB steps. Mute MMR[5:0] Attenuation 0 0 0 1 1166 00 0000 01 1111 1x xxxx xx xxxx 0 dB 46.5 dB 46.5 dB dB (default). ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 33 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.5 PC Beep Register (Index 0Ah) This register controls the PC Beep input volume. 5HJ 1DPH $K 3& %HHS 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 39 39 39 39 [ K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:5 4:1 PV[3:0] R/W Description PC Beep Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted. 0= The channel volume is controlled by the PV[3:0] bits (default). Because the PC Beep signal input to the audio mixer is used primarily for system diagnostic purposes, the default value for the PC Beep Volume is unmuted. Reserved. PC Beep Volume Control. This field controls the PC Beep output attenuation from 0 dB to 46.5 dB in approximately 3 dB steps. Mute PV[3:0] Attenuation 0 0 1 Reserved. 0 0000 1111 xxxx 0 dB (default) 45 dB dB 7.1.6 Mic Volume Register (Index 0Eh) This register controls the Mic input volume. 5HJ 1DPH (K 0LF 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ G% *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 *1 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:7 6 20dB R/W 5 GN5 R/W 4:0 GN[4:0] R/W Description Mic Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the GN[5:0] bits. Reserved. Mic 20 dB Gain Enable. 1= Enable the Mic 20 dB boost. 0= Disable the Mic 20 dB boost (default). Mic Volume Maximum Gain. 1= Force GL[4:0] to all 1s. 0= Do not force GL[4:0] to all 1s (channel volume controlled by GL[4:0] bits (default). Mic Volume. This field controls the Mic volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[4:0] Gain 0 0 0 1 34 00000 01000 11111 xxxxx +12 dB 0 dB (default) -34.5 dB - dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.7 Line In Volume Register (Index 10h) This register controls the Line In input volume. 5HJ 1DPH K /LQH ,Q 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ */ */ */ */ */ [ [ [ *5 *5 *5 *5 *5 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:13 12:8 GL[4:0] R/W 7:5 4:0 GR[4:0] R/W Description Line In Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the GL[4:0] and GR[4:0] bits. Reserved. Left Line In Volume. This field controls the Left Line In volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[4:0] Gain 0 00000 +12dB 0 01000 0 dB (default) 0 11111 -34.5 dB - dB 1 xxxxx Reserved. Right Line In Volume. This field controls the Right Line In volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GR[4:0] Gain 0 0 0 1 00000 01000 11111 xxxxx +12dB 0 dB (default) -34.5 dB - dB 7.1.8 CD Volume Register (Index 12h) This register controls the CD input volume. 5HJ 1DPH K &' 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ */ */ */ */ */ [ [ [ *5 *5 *5 *5 *5 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:13 12:8 GL[4:0] R/W 7:5 4:0 GR[4:0] R/W Description CD Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the GL[4:0] and GR[4:0] bits. Reserved. Left CD Volume. This field controls the Left CD Volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[4:0] Gain 0 00000 +12dB 0 01000 0 dB (default) 0 11111 -34.5 dB - dB 1 xxxxx Reserved. Right CD Volume. This field controls the Right CD Volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[4:0] Gain 0 0 0 1 1166 00000 01000 11111 xxxxx +12dB 0 dB (default) -34.5 dB - dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 35 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.9 Video Volume Register (Index 14h) This register controls the CD input volume. 5HJ 1DPH K 9LGHR 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ */ */ */ */ */ [ [ [ *5 *5 *5 *5 *5 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:13 12:8 GL[4:0] R/W 7:5 4:0 GR[4:0] Description Video Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the GL[4:0] and GR[4:0] bits. Reserved. Left Video Volume. This field controls the Left Video Volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[4:0] Gain 0 00000 +12dB 0 01000 0 dB (default) 0 11111 -34.5 dB - dB 1 xxxxx Reserved. Right Video Volume. This field controls the Right Video Volume from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. The default value is 0 dB. Mute GL[4:0] Gain R/W 0 0 0 1 00000 01000 11111 xxxxx +12dB 0 dB (default) -34.5 dB - dB 7.1.10 Aux Volume Register (Index 16h) This register controls the Aux input volume. 5HJ 1DPH K $X[ 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ */ */ */ */ */ [ [ [ *5 *5 *5 *5 *5 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:13 12:8 GL[4:0] R/W 7:5 4:0 GR[4:0] R/W Description Aux Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the GL[4:0] and GR[4:0] bits. Reserved. Left Aux Volume. This field controls the Left Aux Volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[4:0] Gain 0 00000 +12dB 0 01000 0 dB (default) 0 11111 -34.5 dB - dB 1 xxxxx Reserved. Right Aux Volume. This field controls the Right Aux Volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GR[4:0] Gain 0 0 0 1 36 00000 01000 11111 xxxxx +12dB 0 dB (default) -34.5 dB - dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.11 PCM Out Volume Register (Index 18h) This register controls the PCM Out output volume. 5HJ 1DPH K 3&0 2XWSXW 9ROXPH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ */ */ */ */ */ [ [ [ *5 *5 *5 *5 *5 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:13 12:8 GL[4:0] R/W 7:5 4:0 GR[4:0] Description PCM Out Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the GL[4:0] and GR[4:0] bits. Reserved. Left PCM Out Volume. This field controls the Left PCM Out Volume gain from +12 dB to -34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[4:0] Gain 0 00000 +12dB 0 01000 0 dB (default) 0 11111 -34.5 dB - dB 1 xxxxx Reserved. Right PCM Out Volume. This field controls the Right PCM Out Volume gain from +12 dB to 34.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GR[4:0] Gain R/W 0 0 0 1 00000 01000 11111 xxxxx +12dB 0 dB (default) -34.5 dB - dB 7.1.12 Record Select Register (Index 1Ah) This register selects the record source. 5HJ $K 1DPH 5HFRUG 6HOHFW ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW ; [ [ [ [ 6/ 6/ 6/ [ [ [ [ [ 65 65 65 K Bit 15:11 10:8 SL[2:0] R/W 7:3 2:0 SR[2:0] R/W 1166 Label ' R/W Description Reserved. Left Record Select. This field selects the record source for the left channel. SL[2] Left Record Source 0 Left Mic (default) 1 Left CD In 2 Left Video In 3 Left Aux In 4 Left Line In 5 Left Stereo Mix 6 Mono Mix 7 Reserved Reserved. Right Record Select. This field selects the record source for the right channel. SL[2] Right Record Source 0 Right Mic (default) 1 Right CD In 2 Right Video In 3 Right Aux In 4 Right Line In 5 Right Stereo Mix 6 Mono Mix 7 Reserved ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 37 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.13 Record Gain Register (Index 1Ch) This register controls the input record gain. 5HJ 1DPH &K 5HFRUG *DLQ Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ [ */ */ */ */ [ [ [ [ *5 *5 *5 *5 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:12 11:8 GL[3:0] R/W 7:4 3:0 GR[3:0] Description Input Record Gain Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= Record gain is controlled by the GL[3:0] and GR[3:0] bits. Reserved. Left Input Record Gain. This field controls the Left Input Record gain from 0 dB to +22.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[3:0] Function 0 1111 +22.5 dB 0 0000 0 dB (default) - dB 1 xxxxx Reserved. Right Input Record Gain. This field controls the Right Input Record gain from 0 dB to +22.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GR[3:0] Gain R/W 0 0 1 1111 0000 xxxxx +22.5 dB 0 dB (default) - dB 7.1.14 Record Gain Mic Register (Index 1Eh) This register controls the input record gain mic. 5HJ 1DPH (K 5HFRUG *DLQ 0LF Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ *0 *0 *0 *0 K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:12 11:8 GL[3:0] R/W 7:4 3:0 GR[3:0] R/W Description Input Record Gain Mic Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= Record gain is controlled by the GL[3:0] and GR[3:0] bits. Reserved. Left Input Record Gain Mic. This field controls the Left Input Record Gain Mic from 0 dB to +22.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GL[3:0] Function 0 1111 +22.5 dB 0 0000 0 dB (default) - dB 1 xxxxx Reserved. Right Input Record Gain Mic. This field controls the Right Input Record Gain Mic from 0 dB to +22.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute GR[3:0] Gain 0 0 1 38 1111 0000 xxxxx +22.5 dB 0 dB (default) - dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.15 General Purpose Register (Index 20h) This register controls several miscellaneous functions of the AC '97 component. This register should be read before writing, to generate a mask for only the bit(s) that need to be changed. The function default value is 0000h which is all off. 5HJ 1DPH K *HQHUDO 3XUSRVH Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 323 [ ' /' [ [ 0,; 06 /3%. [ 3&06 [ [ [ [ [ K 15 POP R/W R/W 14 13 3D R/W R/W 12 LD R/W 11:10 9 MIX R/W 8 MS R/W 7 LPBK R/W 6 5 PCMS R/W 4:0 1166 Label ' Description PCM Output Path Select. This bit controls the optional PCM out 3D bypass path and Mute (the pre and post 3D PCM out paths are mutually exclusive). 1= Post 3D. 0= Pre 3D (default) Must be 0. Defaults to 0. 3D Stereo Enhancement On/Off Control. 1= 3D Stereo Enhancement on. 0= 3D Stereo Enhancement off (default). Loudness (Bass Boost) On/Off Control. 1= Bass boost on. 0= Bass boost off (default). Reserved. Mono Output Select. 1= Mic input 0= Input Mixer output (default). Microphone Input Select. 1= Mic 2. 0= Mic 1 ADC/DAC Loopback Mode Enable. 1= Enable loopback of the stereo ADC output to the stereo DAC input (left-to-left, right-toright) without involving the AC-link, allowing for full system performance measurements. 0= Disable loopback (default). Reserved. PCM Output Selection. 0 = result of bit 15; 1 = PCM DAC Out to no Mix, Main Analog Out = PCM Stereo. See Figure 7. POP PCMS (Bit 15) (Bit 5) Description 0 0 Normal operation occurs, with the PCM stereo DAC output going into the audio mixer, going through the 3D/bass boost block (if enabled), and then out the speaker. This output can then be recorded if the record mux is selected properly. 1 0 The PCM stereo DAC output is summed after the 3D block. Again, the output can be record if the record mux is selected properly. 1 1 The PCM stereo DAC goes directly out to the speaker. What can be recorded is post 3D without the PCM stereo DAC. 0 1 The speaker, headphone, and mono output (if mic as input is not selected) are muted. Reserved. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 39 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description GP15 = 0 GP5 = 0 PCM Stereo DAC 3D on or off Other Analog Inputs Stereo ADC GP15 = 1 GP5 = 0 PCM Stereo DAC 3D on or off Other Analog Inputs Stereo ADC GP15 = 1 GP5 = 1 PCM Stereo DAC 3D on or off Other Analog Inputs Stereo ADC GP15 = 0 GP5 = 1 PCM Stereo DAC Mute 3D on or off Other Analog Inputs Stereo ADC Figure 7. PCM Output Select: 3-Way Mux Options 7.1.16 3D Control Register (Index 22h) This register controls the 3D Stereo Enhancement Gain. 5HJ K 1DPH ' &RQWURO Bit 15:12 11:8 7:4 3:0 Label CR[3:0] DP[3:0] ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW ; [ [ [ &5 &5 &5 &5 [ [ [ [ '3 '3 '3 '3 K R/W R/W R/W Description Reserved. 3D Stereo Enhancement Gain A. This field controls the 3D Stereo Enhancement Gain A from -32 dB, -12 dB to 9 dB in 1.5 dB steps. CR[3:0] Gain 0000 -32 dB (default) 0001 -12 dB .... .... 1111 9 dB Reserved. 3D Stereo Enhancement Gain B. This field controls the 3D Stereo Enhancement Gain B from -32 dB, -12 dB to 9 dB in 1.5 dB steps. DP[3:0] Gain 0000 0001 .... 1111 40 -32 dB (default) -12 dB .... 9 dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.17 Power-Down Control/Status Register (Index 26h) This register controls power-down states and monitors subsystem readiness. The lower four bits are read-only status with a "1" indicating that the subsection is "ready". Ready indicates the subsection is able to perform in its nominal state. When this register is written, the bit values that come in on AC-link have no effect on read only bits 4-0. When the AC-link "Codec Ready" indicator bit (SDATA_IN slot 0, bit 15) is a 1, it indicates that the AC-link and AMC'97 control and status registers are in a fully operational state. The AMC '97 controller must further probe this Power-down Control/Status Register to determine exactly which subsections, if any, are ready. PR0, PR1, and PR2 can be used individually rather than in combination with each other. 5HJ 1DPH K 3RZHUGRZQ &RQWURO6WDWXV Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35= 3'0 3'$ [ 5() $1/ '$& $'& [K 15 Label PR7 R/W R/W 14 PR6 R/W 13 PR5 R/W 12 PR4 R/W 11 PR3 R/W 10 PR2 R/W 9 PR1 R/W 8 PR0 R/W 7 PRZ R/W 6 PDM R/W 5 PDA R/W 4 MDM R 3 REF R 2 ANL R 1 DAC R 0 ADC R 1166 Description Power-down Modem DAC/ADC. Not supported. NOTE: Modem power-down control handled by Extended Modem Status and Control register (Index 3Eh). Power-down Headphone Amplifier. 1= Power-down Headphone Amplifier. 0= Do not power-down Headphone Amplifier (default). Power-down Internal Clock Circuit. 1= Power-down internal clock circuit (crystal oscillator and all codec clocks). 0= Do not power-down internal clock circuit (default). Power-down Digital Interface. 1= Power-down digital AC-link interface (external clock is off but oscillator circuit is on). 0= Do not power-down digital AC-link interface (default). Power-down Analog Mixer with Vref Off. PR3 can be used in combination with PR2 or by itself. 1= Power-down Analog Mixer and turn Vref off. 0= Do not power-down Analog Mixer (default). Power-down Analog Mixer with Vref On. 1= Power-down Analog Mixer but leave Vref on. 0= Do not power-down Analog Mixer (default). Power-down PCM Output DACs. 1= Power-down PCM Output DACs. 0= Do not power-down PCM Output DACs. (default). Power-down PCM Input ADCs and Input Mux. 1= Power-down PCM Input ADCs and Input Mux. 0= Do not power-down PCM Input ADCs and Input Mux (default). Power-down Clock Interface Except BIT_CLK. 1= Power-down Clock Interface except BIT_CLK output. This turns off all digital power to clock interface except BIT_CLK so the ASIC controller can monitor GPIOs. 0= Do not power-down Clock Interface (default). Power-down Mono Amplifier. 1= Power-down Mono output amplifier. 0= Do not power-down Mono output amplifier (default). Power-down Line Out Amplifiers. 1= Power-down stereo Line Out output amplifiers (left and right). 0= Do not power-down stereo Line Out output amplifiers (default). Modem Ready Status. Not supported, always 0 (default). NOTE: Modem status reported in Extended Modem Status and Control register (Index 3Eh). Audio Reference Voltages Ready Status. 1= Audio reference voltages (Vrefs) ready (at nominal level). 0= Audio reference voltages (Vrefs) not ready. Analog Mixers Ready Status. 1= Analog mixers, etc., ready. 0= Analog mixers, etc., not ready. DAC Ready Status. 1= Stereo playback DAC ready to accept data. 0= Stereo playback DAC not ready to accept data. ADC Ready Status. 1= Stereo record ADC ready to transmit data. 0= Stereo record ADC not ready to transmit data. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 41 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.18 Extended Audio ID Register (Index 28h) The read-only Extended Audio ID register identifies which extended audio features are supported (in addition to the original AC `97 features identified by reading the Reset register at Index 0h). A 1 indicates the extended audio feature is supported. 5HJ 1DPH K ([WHQGHG $XGLR ,' Bit 15:14 13:9 8 7 6 5:4 3 2 1 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW ,' ,' [ [ [ [ [ /'$& 6'$& &'$& [ [ 950 [ '5$ 95$ K Label ID[1:0] R/W RO LDAC SDAC CDAC RO RO RO VRM RO DRA VRA RO RO Description Codec Configuration Identifier. This 2-bit field identifies the codec configuration. 00 = Primary configuration supported. Reserved. PCM LFE DAC Supported. 0 = Not supported. PCM Surround DAC Supported. 0 = Not supported. PCM Center DAC Supported. 0 = Not supported. Reserved. Variable Rate Mic Supported. 1 = Supported. Reserved. Double-Rate PCM Audio Supported. 0 = Not supported. Variable Rate PCM Audio Supported. 0 = Not supported. 7.1.19 Extended Audio Status and Control Register (Index 2Ah) The Extended Audio Status and Control Register provides status and control of the extended audio features. 5HJ 1DPH $K ([WHQGHG $XGLR 6WDWXV&RQWURO Bit Label ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW [ 35/ [ [ [ [ 0$'& /'$& 6'$& &'$& [ [ 950 [ '5$ 95$ [K R/W 15 14 PRL R/W 13:10 9 MADC RO LDAC SDAC CDAC RO RO RO VRM R/W DRA VRA R/W R/W 8:4 8 7 6 8:4 3 2 1 0 42 Description Reserved. Power-down Mic ADC. 1= Power-down the MIC ADC (MIC ADC operation is independent of PR0 in address 26h) 0= Do not power-down the MIC ADC (default). Reserved. Mic ADC Ready Status. 1= Mic ADC is ready. 0= Mic ADC is not ready. Reserved. PCM LFE DAC Supported. 0 = Not supported. PCM Surround DAC Supported. 0 = Not supported. PCM Center DAC Supported. 0 = Not supported. Reserved. Variable Rate Audio for Dedicated Mic Enable. 1= Enables Variable Rate Audio mode for the dedicated Mic ADC. 0= Disables Variable Rate Audio mode for the dedicated Mic ADC (default). Reserved. Double-Rate Audio Mode Enable. 0 = Not supported (default). Variable Rate Audio Mode Enable. 0 = Not supported (default). ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.20 MIC ADC Rate Control Registers (Index 34h) This register controls the Mic ADC Sample rate. 5HJ K 1DPH 0,& $'& 5DWH Bit 15:0 Label SR[15:0] ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 %%K R/W R/W Description Mic ADC Sample Rate. 16-bit unsigned value between 0 and 65535 as follows, representing the rate of operation in Hz: D[15-0] (hex) Sample Rate (Hz) 1F40 8000 2580 9600 3592 13,714.28 (96000/7) 3E80 16000 4B00 19200 5DC0 24000 BB80 48000 7.1.21 Extended Modem ID Register (Index 3Ch) The extended modem ID is a read/write register that primarily identifies the enhanced codec's modem AFE capabilities. The default value will depend on features and hardware configuration. Writing any value to this register performs a warm modem AFE reset (register range 3C-56h), including GPIO (register range 4C-54h). The warm reset causes all affected registers to revert to their default values. Note: for AMC `97 parts the audio and modem AFE should be logically independent (writes to register 0h resets audio only). 5HJ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW &K ([WHQGHG 0RGHP ,' ,' ,' [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ +6(7 /,1 /,1 Ka K Bit 15:14 Label ID[1:0] R/W R/W 13:3 2 1 0 HSET LIN2 LIN1 RO RO RO 1166 1DPH Description Codec Configuration Identifier. This 2-bit field identifies the codec configuration: 00 = Primary 01 = Secondary 10 = Secondary 11 = Secondary Reserved. Handset DAC Supported. 1 = Supported. Line 2 Supported. 1 = Supported. Line 1 Supported. 1 = Supported. NOTE: All modem functionality is controlled via the Extended AC '97 registers, i.e., the Modem Status and Control Register (Index 3Eh). ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 43 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.22 Extended Modem Status and Control Register (Index 3Eh) This register controls modem and handset power-down and reports modem and handset ready status. This register functions similarly to the Power-down Control/Status Register (Index 26h), however, bits MDM and PR7 in register 26h are not supported and replaced by extended functions in this register. Read/write bits 15-8 control modem subsystem power-down. Read-only bits 7-0 are indicate modem subsystem readiness. 5HJ 1DPH ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW (K ([WHQGHG 0RGHP 6WDWXV&RQWURO 35+ 35* 35) 35( 35' 35& 35% 35$ +'$& +$'& '$& $'& '$& $'& 05() *3,2 ))[[K 15 Bit PRH R/W R/W 14 PRG R/W 13 PRF R/W 12 PRE R/W 11 PRD R/W 10 PRC R/W 9 PRB R/W 8 PRA R/W 7 HDAC R 6 HADC R 5 DAC2 R 4 ADC2 R 3 DAC1 R 2 ADC1 R 1 MREF R 0 GPIO R 44 Label Description Powerdown Handset DAC. 1= Powerdown DAC (default). 0= Do not powerdown DAC. Powerdown Handset ADC. 1= Powerdown ADC (default). 0= Do not powerdown ADC. Powerdown Modem Line 2 DAC. 1= Powerdown DAC (default). 0= Do not powerdown DAC. Powerdown Modem Line 2 ADC. 1= Powerdown ADC (default). 0= Do not powerdown ADC. Powerdown Modem Line 2 DAC. 1= Powerdown DAC (default). 0= Do not powerdown DAC. Powerdown Modem Line 1 ADC. 1= Powerdown ADC (default). 0= Do not powerdown ADC. Powerdown Modem Vref. 1= Powerdown Modem Vref (default). 0= Do not powerdown Modem Vref. Powerdown GPIO. 1= Powerdown GPIO (default). NOTE: When the GPIO section is powered down, all outputs are tri-stated and input slot 12 is marked invalid when the AC-link is active. 0= Do not powerdown GPIO. Handset DAC Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). Handset ADC Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). Modem Line 2 DAC Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). Modem Line 2 ADC Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). Modem Line 1 DAC Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). Modem Line 1 ADC Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). Modem Reference Voltage (Vrefs) Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). GPIO Ready Status. 1= Ready. 0= Not ready (default). ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.23 Modem Line 1 DAC/ADC Rate Control Register (Index 40h) 7.1.24 Modem Line 1 DAC/ADC Rate Control Register (Index 42h) These registers control the sample rate the modem ADCs/DACs are using for sending/receiving samples to/from the controller. A sample rate change will result in an unknown transient at both the analog output and the receive ADC input. The controller should mute the appropriate output, configure the codec as desired, wait for approximately TBD sample times, unmute the output, and then resume normal operation. For modem AFE, each DAC/ADC pair is governed by a read/write modem sample rate control register that contains a 16-bit unsigned value between 0 and 65535, representing the rate of operation in Hz. Any number written over BB80h will cause the sample rate to be 48 kHz. For all rates, if the value written to the register is supported that value will be echoed back when read, otherwise the closest (higher in case of a tie) rate supported is returned. 5HJ 1DPH ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW K /LQH '$&$'& 5DWH 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 %%K K /LQH '$&$'& 5DWH 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 %%K Bit 15:0 1166 Label SR[15:0] R/W R/W Description Modem Line 1 or Line 2 DAC/ADC Sample Rate. 16-bit unsigned value between 0 and 65535 as follows representing the rate of operation in Hz: D[15-0] (hex) Sample Rate (Hz) 1F40 8000 2580 9600 3592 13,714.28 (96000/7) 3E80 16000 4B00 19200 5DC0 24000 BB80 48000 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 45 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.25 Modem Handset DAC/ADC Rate Control Register (Index 44h) This register controls the sample rate the handset ADCs/DACs are using for sending/receiving samples to/from the controller. A sample rate change will result in an unknown transient at both the analog output and the receive ADC input. The controller should mute the appropriate output, configure the codec as desired, wait for approximately TBD sample times, unmute the output, and then resume normal operation. For modem AFE, each DAC/ADC pair is governed by a read/write modem sample rate control register that contains a 16-bit unsigned value between 0 and 65535, representing the rate of operation in Hz. Any number written over BB80h will cause the sample rate to be 48 kHz. For all rates, if the value written to the register is supported that value will be echoed back when read, otherwise the closest (higher in case of a tie) rate supported is returned. 5HJ 1DPH K +DQGVHW '$&$'& 5DWH Bit 15:0 Label SR[15:0] ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 %%K R/W R/W Description Modem Handset DAC/ADC Sample Rate. 16-bit unsigned value between 0 and 65535 as follows representing the rate of operation in Hz: D[15-0] (hex) Sample Rate (Hz) 1F40 8000 2580 9600 3592 13,714.28 (96000/7) 3E80 16000 4B00 19200 5DC0 24000 BB80 48000 7.1.26 Handset DAC/ADC Level Control Registers (Index 4Ah) This register controls the handset output volume and mute when the handset is connected to TXA_H via relay control as well as the handset input volume and mute. 5HJ 1DPH $K +DQGVHW '$&$'& OHYHO Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 0XWH [ [ '$& '$& '$& '$& '$& 0XWH G% [ [ $'& $'& $'& $'& K 15 Label Mute R/W R/W 14:13 12-8 DAC[4:0] R/W 7 Mute R/W ADC[3:0] R/W 6 5:4 3:0 Description Handset Output Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the DAC[4:0] bits. Reserved. Handset Output Volume. This field controls the handset output attenuation from 0 dB to -46. dB. DAC[4:0] Attenuation 00000 0 dB (default) 11111 46.5 dB Handset Input Volume Mute. 1= The channel is muted (default). 0= The channel volume is controlled by the ADC[3:0] bits. Handset 20 dB Attenuation Enable. 1= Enable 20 dB attenuation. 0= Disable 20 dB attenuation (default). Reserved. Handset Input Volume. This field controls the handset input gain from 0 dB to +22.5 dB in approximately 1.5 dB steps. Mute ADC[3:0] Gain 0 0 1 46 1111 0000 xxxx +22.5 dB 0 dB (default) - dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.27 GPIO Pin Configuration Register (Index 4Ch) The GPIO Pin Configuration is a read/write register that specifies whether a GPIO pin is configured for input (1) or for output (0), and is accessed via the standard slot 1 and 2 command address/data protocols. On reset (Cold or Warm), all pins are configured as inputs. The status of all implemented GPIO pins will initially read back "1" (via Slot 12 or reg 54h), any unimplemented GPIO pins will always read back "0". This scheme informs software as to how many GPIO pins have been implemented. It is up to the AMC `97 digital controller to send the desired GPIO pin value over output slot 12 in the outgoing stream of the AC-link before configuring any of these bits for output. 5HJ 1DPH &K *3,2 3LQ &RQILJXUDWLRQ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& ))))Ka )K 7.1.28 GPIO Pin Polarity/Type Register (Index 4Eh) The GPIO Pin Polarity/Type is a read/write register that defines GPIO Input Polarity (0=Low, 1=High active) when a GPIO pin is configured as an Input. It defines GPIO Output Type (0=CMOS, 1=OPEN-DRAIN) when a GPIO pin is configured as an Output. On reset (Cold or Warm) this register defaults to all 1s. Unimplemented GPIO pins always return "1s". 5HJ (K 1DPH *3,2 3LQ 3RODULW\7\SH ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 ))))K 7.1.29 GPIO Pin Sticky Register (Index 50h) The GPIO Pin Sticky is a read/write register that defines GPIO Input Type (0=Not Sticky, 1=Sticky) when a GPIO pin is configured as an input. GPIO inputs configured as Sticky are cleared by writing a "0" to the corresponding bit of the GPIO Pin Status register 54h (see below), and by reset. On reset (Cold or Warm) this register defaults to all "0's" specifying Non-Sticky. Unimplemented GPIO pins always return "0's". Sticky is defined as Edge sensitive, Non-Sticky as Level-sensitive. 5HJ K 1DPH *3,2 3LQ 6WLFN\ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 K 7.1.30 GPIO Pin Wake up Mask Register (Index 52h) The GPIO Pin Wake up is a read/write register that provides a mask for determining if an input GPIO change will generate a wake up or GPIO_INT (0=No, 1=Yes). When the AC-Link is powered down (Register 26h PR4 = 1 for Primary Codecs), a wake up event will trigger the assertion of SDATA_IN (the AC-Link wake up protocol is defined in Appendix C). When AC-link is powered up, a wake up event will appear as GPIO_INT=1 on bit 0 of input slot 12. On reset (Cold or Warm) this register defaults to all "0's" specifying no wake up event. Unimplemented GPIO pins always returns "0's". An AC-Link wake up Interrupt is defined as a "0" to "1" transition on SDATA_IN when the AC-Link is Powered down (Register 26h PR4="1"). GPIO bits that have been programmed as Inputs, Sticky and Pin Wake up, upon transition either (high-to-low) or (low-to-high) depending on pin polarity, will cause an AC-Link wake up event (transition of SDATA_IN from "0" to "1"), if and only if the AC-Link was powered down. 5HJ K 1DPH *3,2 3LQ :DNH XS ' ' *: *: ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: *: K 7.1.31 GPIO Pin Status Register (Index 54h) The GPIO Status is a read/write register that reflects the state of all GPIO pins (inputs and outputs) on slot 12. The value of all GPIO pin inputs and outputs comes in from the codec every frame on slot 12, but is also available for reading as GPIO Pin Status via the standard slot 1 and 2 command address/data protocols. GPIO inputs. 5HJ K 1166 1DPH *3,2 3LQ 6WDWXV ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, [[[[K ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 47 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.32 Miscellaneous Modem Register (Index 56h) This register defines the loop back modes available for the modem line ADCs/DACs, the handset ADCs/DACs, and the mic ADC. See section 6.6 for more information and a description of the modes. Note that the DAC outputs are squelched automatically when the loop back modes are used. Also included are bits allowing squelch of the modem line outputs. The handset output has a volume control register already that includes a mute level selection. 5HJ 1DPH ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW K 0LVF 0RGHP $)( 6WDWXV&RQWURO ; [ [ [ X HSB2 HSB1 HSB0 x L2B2 L2B1 L2B0 x L1B2 L1B1 L1B0 K Bit 15:11 10:8 HSB[2:0] R/W 7 6:4 L2B[2:0] R/W 3 2:0 L1B[2:0] R/W 48 Label R/W Description Reserved. Handset loop back Enable. HSB[2:0] Function 000 = Disabled (default) 001 = ADC loop back 010 = Local Analog loop back 011 = DAC loop back 100 = Remote Analog loop back 101 = ADC and DAC loop back combined 110 = DAC one bit out 111 = SCF one bit in Reserved. Modem Line 2 loop back Enable. L2B[2:0] Function 000 = Disabled (default) 001 = ADC loop back 010 = Local analog loop back 011 = DAC loop back 100 = Remote analog loop back 101 = ADC and DAC loop back combined 110 = DAC one bit out 111 = SCF one bit in Reserved. Modem Line 1 Loop back Enable. L2B[2:0] Function 000 = Disabled (default) 001 = ADC Loop back 010 = Local analog loop back 011 = DAC Loop back 100 = Remote analog loop back 101 = ADC and DAC loopback combined 110 = DAC one bit out 111 = SCF one bit in ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.33 Mixer Volume Register (Index 5Ah) This register controls the attenuation on each of the signals coming into the main mixer so as to prevent clipping of the final signal. The step size is 1.5 dB and the range is 0 to -21.0. 5HJ $K 1DPH 0L[HU 9ROXPH ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW ; [ [ [ 0;/ 0;/ 0;/ 0;/ [ [ [ [ 0;5 0;5 0;5 0;5 K Bit 15:12 11:8 MXL[3:0] R/W 7:4 3:0 MXR[3:0] R/W 1166 Label ' R/W Description Reserved. Left Mixer Volume Attenuation. This field controls the attenuation on each of the signals coming into the main mixer in 1.5 dB steps. Mute MXL[3:0] Attenuation 0 0000 0 dB (default) 0 0001 1.5 dB 0 .... .... 0 1110 21.0 dB Reserved. Right Mixer Volume Attenuation. This field controls the attenuation on each of the signals coming into the main mixer in 1.5 dB steps. Mute MXR[3:0] Attenuation 0 0000 0 dB (default) 0 0001 1.5 dB 0 .... .... 0 1110 21.0 dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 49 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.34 Miscellaneous Audio Register (Index 5Ch) This register allocates bits to control and provide status of the ADC DC offset calibration. It also has bits to enable dithering of the ADC output. All bits are defaulted 0. 5HJ 1DPH &K 0LVFHOODQHRXV $XGLR Bit ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW 3' 86(0 86(/ 86(5 &$/0 &$// &$/5 '0 [ [ )$,0 )$,/ )$,5 '210 '21/ '215 [[K 15 P3D R/W R/W 14 USEM R/W 13 USEL R/W 12 USER R/W 11 CALM R/W 10 CALL R/W 9 CALR R/W 8 DM R/W 5 FAIM R 4 FAIL R 3 FAIR R 2 DONM R 1 DONL R 7-6 0 DONR R 50 Label ' Description 3D Block Power Down Control. 1= Power-down 3D block. 0= Do not power-down 3D block (default). DC offset calibration use, dedicated mic ADC. 1 = Calibrate. 0 = Do not calibrate (default). DC offset calibration use, left channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibrate. 0 = Do not calibrate (default). DC offset calibration use, right channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibrate. 0 = Do not calibrate (default). DC offset calibration start, dedicated mic ADC. 1 = Calibrate. 0 = Do not calibrate (default). DC offset calibration start, left channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibrate. 0 = Do not calibrate. DC offset calibration start, right channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibrate. 0 = Do not calibrate. Dither enable for dedicated mic ADC. 1 = Enable dither 0 = Disable dither DC offset calibration fail, dedicated mic ADC. 1 = Calibration failed. 0 = Calibration did not failed (default). DC offset calibration fail, left channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibration failed. 0 = Calibration did not failed (default). DC offset calibration fail, right channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibration failed. 0 = Calibration did not failed (default). DC offset calibration done, dedicated mic ADC. 1 = Calibration complete. 0 = Calibration not complete (default). DC offset calibration done, left channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibration complete. 0 = Calibration not complete (default). Reserved. DC offset calibration done, right channel of audio ADC. 1 = Calibration complete. 0 = Calibration not complete (default). ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.35 Modem Control Register 1 (Index 5Eh) This register has several bits that perform required control functions for the modem line ADCs. The gain boosts provide performance improvements that are required for the K56 type modems. 5HJ (K 1DPH 0RGHP &RQWURO 5HJLVWHU Bit 15:14 Label LM[21:20] ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW /0 /0 6&0 90 90 $0 *0 *0 /0 /0 6&0 90 90 $0 *0 *0 K R/W R/W 13 SCM2 R/W 12:11 VM[21:20] R/W 10 AM2 R/W 9:8 GM:21:20] R/W 7:6 LM[11:10] R/W 5 SCM1 R/W 4:3 VM[11:10] R/W 2 AM1 R/W 1:0 GM[11:10] R/W 1166 Description Modem Line 2 TX Lowpass Filter Pole Location. LM[21:20] Location 00 = 8 kHz (default) 01 = 12 kHz 10 = 25 kHz 11 = 25 kHz Modem Line 2 TX SCF gain control 0= 0 dB gain (default) 1= 6 dB gain Modem Line 2 DAC interpolator gain VM[21:20] Gain 00 = 0 dB (default) 01 = 6 dB 10 = 12 dB 11 = -6 dB Modem Line 2 ADC LPF dB gain 0= 0 dB (default) 1= -4 dB Modem Line 2 ADC gain boost GM[21:20] Gain 00 = 0 dB (default) 01 = 10 dB 10 = 15 dB 11 = 20 dB Modem Line 1 TX Lowpass Filter Pole Location LM[11:10] Location 00 = 8 kHz (default) 01 = 12 kHz 10 = 25 kHz 11 = 25 kHz Modem Line 1 TX SCF gain control 0= 0 dB gain (default) 1= 6 dB gain Modem Line 1 DAC interpolator gain VM[11:10] Gain 00 = 0 dB (default) 01 = 6 dB 10 = 12 dB 11 = -6 dB Modem Line 1 ADC LPF dB gain 0= 0 dB (default) 1= -4 dB Modem Line 1 ADC gain boost GM[11:10] Gain 00 = 0 dB (default) 01 = 10 dB 10 = 15 dB 11 = 20 dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 51 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.36 Modem Control Register 2 (Index 60h) This register controls modem transmit squelch, handset and modem dither enable, handset transmit SCF gain, Handset lowpass filter pole location, and handset DAC interpolator gain. 5HJ K 1DPH 0RGHP &RQWURO 5HJLVWHU Label ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW [ [ [ [ [ [ 64 64 '+ '0 '0 /+ /+ 6&+ 9+ 9+ K Bit 15:10 9 R/W SQ2 R/W 8 SQ1 R/W 7 DH R/W 6 DM2 R/W 5 DM1 R/W 4:3 LH[1:0] R/W 2 SCH R/W 1:0 VH[1:0] R/W Description Reserved. Modem Line 2 TX Squelch. 1= Squelch 0= Do not squelch (default). Modem Line 1 TX Squelch. 1= Squelch 0= Do not squelch(default). Handset ADC Dither Enable. 1= Enable dither 0= Disable dither(default). Modem Line 2 ADC Dither Enable. 1= Enable dither 0= Disable dither(default). Modem Line 1 ADC Dither Enable. 1= Enable dither 0= Disable dither(default). Handset TX Lowpass Filter Pole Location. LH[1:0] Location 00 = 8 kHz (default) 01 = 12 kHz 10 = 25 kHz 11 = 25 kHz Handset TX SCF Gain Control 1= 6 dB gain. 0= 0 dB gain (default) Handset DAC Interpolator Gain. VH[1:0] Gain 00 = 01 = 10 = 11 = 52 0 dB (default) 10 dB 15 dB 20 dB ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 7.1.37 Rockwell Test Register (Index 78h) Register 78h is a Rockwell Test Register. 5HJ K 1DPH 5RFNZHOO 7HVW 5HJLVWHU Bit 15:3 2:0 Label LMI[2:0] ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ /0, /0, /,0 K R/W Description Reserved. Dedicated Mic Loop Back Enable. LMI[2:0] Function 000 = Normal Operation (default) 001 = NA 010 = Local analog loop back with handset DAC 011 = DAC Loop back 100 = Remote analog loop back with handset DAC 101 = ADC and handset DAC loopback combined 110 = NA 111 = NA R/W 7.1.38 Rockwell Reserved Register (Index 7Ah) Register 7Ah is reserved for Rockwell. 5HJ 1DPH $K 5RFNZHOO 5HVHUYHG ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW ; [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ; 7.1.39 Vendor ID Registers 1 and 2 (Indexes 7Ch, 7Eh) This register contains the vendor identification code and revision numbers. The vendor identification code is reported in the F[7:0], S[7:0], and T[7:0] fields. The ID method is Microsoft's Plug and Play Vendor ID code. The vendor revision number is reported in the REV[7:0] field. 5HJ 1DPH &K 9HQGRU ,' Bit 15:8 7:0 Label F[7:0] S[7:0] 5HJ (K 1DPH 9HQGRU ,' Bit 15:8 7:0 1166 Label T[7:0] REV[7:0] ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'HIDXOW ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 K 'HIDXOW R/W R R Description Vendor ID Code Character 1. RSS ID code character 1: ASCII "R" (52h). Vendor ID Code Character 2. RSS ID code character 2: ASCII "S" (53h). ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5(9 5(9 5(9 5(9 5(9 5(9 5(9 5(9 R/W R R Ka K Description Vendor ID Code Character 3. RSS ID code character 3: ASCII "S" (53h). Vendor Revision Number. RSS revision number (example): ASCII "6" (06h). The values inbetween the large step sizes can be used for revision codes for device changes relative to the base family. REV[7:0] Description 0000 01XX 64-pin codec 0001 00XX 80-pin codec with full support for two modem lines. ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 53 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 8. Package Dimensions The package dimensions are shown in Figure 2 (64 TQFP) and Figure 3 (80 PQFP). D CHAM (4X) See detail A D1 D2 PIN 1 REF D D1 D2 D1 e b TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW A A1 0.05 0.15 A2 1.35 1.45 0.0020 0.0059 0.0531 0.0571 D 12.00 REF 9.95 10.05 0.4724 REF 0.3917 0.3957 D1 D2 L A A2 Inches* Max. Min. 0.0571 0.0610 Millimeters Max. Min. 1.45 1.55 Dim. 0 0 0.45 0.75 0.0000 0.0000 0.0177 0.0295 L1 1.00 REF 0.0394 REF e 0.50 BSC 0.0197 BSC b 0.22 BSC 0.11 0.14 c Coplanarity 0.0087 BSC 0.0043 0.0075 0.1 MAX 0.004 MAX Ref: 64-PIN TQFP (GP00-D450) c A1 DETAIL A L L1 * Metric values (millimeters) should be used for PCB layout. English values (inches) are converted from metric values and may include round-off errors. PD-TQFP-64 (021798) Figure 8. 64-Pin TQFP package dimensions 54 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description D See detail A CHAM (4X) D1 D2 PIN 1 REF D D1 D2 D1 e b SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW Dim. A A1 0.0020 17.45 16.95 14.0 REF 0.6673 D1 D2 12.35 REF D L L1 e A2 0.0945 MAX 0.35 0.05 2.0 REF A2 A Inches* Max. Min. Millimeters Max. Min. 2.4 MAX 0.0138 0.0787 REF 0.6870 0.5512 REF 0.4862 REF 1.03 0.73 1.6 REF 0.0287 0.0406 0.0630 REF 0.65 BSC 0.0256 BSC b 0.25 0.45 0.0098 0.0177 c 0.19 0.13 0.1 MAX 0.0051 0.0075 Coplanarity 0.004 MAX Ref: 80-PIN PQFP (GP00-D227) c A1 DETAIL A L L1 * Metric values (millimeters) should be used for PCB layout. English values (inches) are converted from metric values and may include round-off errors. PD-PQFP-80 (040695) Figure 9. 80-Pin PQFP Package Dimensions 1166 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 55 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description 9. Application Connection Circuits 9.1 Typical Interface Connections and Supporting Components Figure 10 shows typical codec interface connections in an application circuit with required supporting components. Recommended supporting components are described in Table 12. C26 1uF J2 LINE IN R2 6.8K AGND C12 1uF 21 20 29 30 R4 6.8K C13 18 27 28 MIC1 MIC2 AGND C14 1uF AGND C15 0.1uF 22 23 VIDEO_L VIDEO_R R5 200 C17 0.1uF 33 34 35 43 44 C18 10uF C19 0.1uF C20 10uF C21 0.1uF C22 10uF C23 0.1uF AGND AGND MAGND MAGND C25 5 13 LINE OUT 45 46 AGND JP2 49 MONO_OUT LINE_IN_L LINE_IN_R 1 2 3 4 C28 1uF 41 56 57 RXA_H TXAP_H TXAM_H TELIN TELOUT MONO OUT PC_BEEP AGND MIC1 MIC2 RXA_L1 TXAP_L1 TXAM_L1 42 47 48 RXA_L1 TXA1_L1 TXA1_L2 VIDEO_L VIDEO_R AMC'97 CODEC VREF VREFOUT VC_A VREFP_M VC_M 7 XTLOUT 1 2 24.576MHz 2 3 4 60 61 62 63 GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 GPIO4 GPIO5 GPIO6 MIX_CINL MIX_COUTL MIX_CIN_R MIX_COUTR Y1 6 XTLIN C24 1uF 36 37 38 39 R7 47K DVDD1 64 DVDD3 DVDD2 8 AUX_R AUX_L 1uF PC_BEEP R6 47K AGND LINE_OUT_L LINE_OUT_R C31 AUX_R AUX_L AGND R3 6.8K 2 5 3 4 1 C27 1uF CD_GND 1uF C16 10uF CD_L CD_R CD_GND DVSS1 CD_L CD_R R1 6.8K 1 4 3 5 2 DVSS2 J6 24 26 25 DVSS3 1 11 3.3V C30 39pF C11 39pF 1uF 9 10 12 14 15 SDATA_OUT BIT_CLK SDATA_IN SYNC AC_RESET# HP_OUT_L RESERVED HP_OUT_R SDATA_OUT BITCLK SDATA_IN SYNC RESET# 51 52 53 HPOUT_R HPOUT_L C28 CAP2 CAP3 12nF C29 47nF 58 59 AVDD1 16 AVDD3 AVDD4 AVDD2 31 50 55 AVSS1 17 AVSS3 AVSS4 AVSS2 32 54 40 19 AVSS5 AGND +5VA AGND +5VA 3.3V C9 4.7uF * C10 4.7uF C1 0.1uF C2 0.1uF C3 0.1uF C4 4.7uF C5 4.7uF C6 0.1uF C7 0.1uF C8 0.1uF AGND Figure 10. AMC Interface Recommended Supporting Components 56 ROCKWELL PROPRIETARY INFORMATION 1166 RipTide AMC '97 Audio Modem Codec (AMC) Product Description Table 12. R AMC Interface Recommended Supporting Components Pin Name Connection Description VDD Connect to VSS through 0.1 uF ceramic capacitors AVDD Connect to AVSS through 0.1 uF ceramic and 10 uF capacitors in parallel with each other. One pair for each AVDD. XTALIN 39 pF to VSS XTALOUT 39 pF to VSS PC_BEEP 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor AUX_L 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor AUX_R 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor VIDEO_L 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor VIDEO_R 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor CD_L 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor CD_R 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor MIC1 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor MIC2 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor LINE_IN_L 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor LINE_IN_R 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor VREF 10 uF Tantalum in parallel with 0.1 uF ceramic to AVSS VREFOUT 200 ohm in series with 10 uF Tantalum in parallel with 0.1 uF ceramic to AVSS VC_A 10 uF Tantalum in parallel with 0.1 uF ceramic to AVSS MIX_CIN_L 1 uF ceramic to MIX_COUT_L MIX_CIN_R 1 uF ceramic to MIX_COUT_R VREFP_M 10 uF Tantalum in parallel with 0.1 uF ceramic to AVSS VC_M 10 uF Tantalum in parallel with 0.1 uF ceramic to AVSS LINE_OUT_L 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor. Also attach a 47 kohm resistor if the DC level is desired to be 0V LINE_OUT_R 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor. Also attach a 47 kohm resistor if the DC level is desired to be 0V MONO_OUT 1 uF AC-coupling capacitor. Also attach a 47 kohm resistor if the DC level is desired to be 0V CAP2 12 nF between CAP2 and CAP3. CAP3 47 nF to AVSS CAP4 NC (80-pin PQFP only) CAP5 NC (80-pin PQFP only) CAP6 NC (80-pin PQFP only) Information provided by Rockwell International Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Rockwell International for its use, nor any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Rockwell International other than for circuitry embodied in Rockwell products. Rockwell International reserves the right to change circuitry at any time without notice. This document is subject to change without notice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p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