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FIN1108 • FIN1108T (Preliminary)
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1) Recommended Operating
Note 1: The “Absolute Maximum Ratings”: are those values beyond which
damage to the device may occur. The databook specifications should be
met, without exception, to ensure that the system design is reliable over its
power supply, temperature and output/input loading variables. Fairchild
does no t re c om m end operation of circuit s o ut s ide data book specif ic ation.
DC Electrical Characteristics
Note 2: All typic al values are at TA = 25°C and with VCC = 3.3 V.
Supply Voltag e (VCC)−0.5V to +4.6V
LVDS DC Input Voltage (VIN)−0.5V to +4.6V
LVDS DC Output Voltage (VOUT)−0.5V to +4.6V
Driver Short Circuit Current (IOSD) Cont inuous 10 mA
Storage Temperature Range (TSTG)−65°C to +150°C
Max Junction Temperature (TJ)150°C
Lead Temperature (TL)
(Soldering, 10 seconds) 260°C
ESD (Human Body Model) 7500V
ESD (Machine Model) 400V
Supply Voltag e (VCC) 3.0V to 3.6V
Magnitude of Differential
Vol tage ( |VID|) 100 mV to VCC
Common Mode Voltage
Range (VIC)(0V + |VID|/2) to (VCC − |VID|/2)
Operating Temperature (TA)−40°C to +85°C
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 2)
VTH Differential Input Threshold HIGH See Figure 1; VIC = +0.05V, + 1.2V, or VCC − 0.05V 100 mV
VTL Differential Input Threshold LOW See Figure 1; VIC = +0.05V, + 1.2V, or VCC − 0.0 5V −100 mV
VIH Input HIGH Voltage (EN or EN)2.0V
VIL Input LOW Voltage (EN or EN)GND0.8V
VOD Output Differential Voltage 250 330 450 mV
∆VOD VOD Magnitude Change from 25 mV
Differential LOW-to-HIGH RL = 100 Ω, Driver Enabled,
VOS Offset Voltage See Figure 2 1.125 1.23 1.375 V
∆VOS Offset Magnitude Change from 25 mV
Differential LOW-to-HIGH
IOS Short Circuit Output Current DOUT+ = 0V and DOUT− = 0V, −3.4 −6mA
Driver Enabled
VOD = 0V, Driver Enabled ±3.4 ±6mA
IIN Input Current (EN, EN, DINx+, DINx−)V
IN = 0V to VCC, Other Input = VCC or 0V ±20 µA
(for Differential Inputs)
IOFF Power Off Input or Output Current VCC = 0V, VIN or VOUT = 0V to 3.6V ±20 µA
ICCZ Disabled Power Supply Current Drivers Disabled 20 mA
ICC Power Supply Current Drivers Enabled, Any Valid Input Condition 80 mA
IOZ Disabled Output Leakage Current Driver Disabled, DOUT+ = 0V to 3.6V or ±20 µA
DOUT− = 0V to 3.6V
VIC Common Mode Voltage Range VID/2 VCC − (VID/2) V
CIN Input Capacitance Enable Input 3 pF
LVDS Input 3
COUT Output Capacitance 3pF
VBB Output Reference Voltage VCC = 3.3V, IBB = 0 to −275 µA 1.125 1.2 1.375 V
RTTerminating Resistance 100 Ω