-LORAL MICROWAVE-FSI SIE D @@ 5540150 o000425 OSO mm 60-VOLT SILICON TUNING VARACTORS DESCRIPTION The GC1700 series tuning varactors are silicon abrupt junction devices. They offer the highest Q and lowest resistance available in 60 volt tuning diodes. A unique silicon dioxide passivation process assures greater stability, reliability, and low leakage currents at higher temperatures. APPLICATIONS The GC1700 series tuning varactors are used for both narrow and wide band tuning through S-Band. These devices are used in circuits requiring a high Q voltage variable capacitance such as: tunable filters and amplifiers, voltage controlled oscillators, frequency syn- thesizers and continuous phase shifters. They are also useful as frequency and phase modulators in com- munications applications. Standard capacitance tolerance is +10%. Diodes can be optimized for custom electrical or mechanical specifica- tions upon request. All specifications shown on the following page are based on the style 30 package. Other ceramic or glass packages are available. Chips mounted on carriers with gold wire/ribbon leads are also available. JUNCTION CAPACITANCE (c;) pF 100 = oS LM IINTY) | OA /1/Y Y- LTR LYALL LY SL - f _ o 10 ALA GC1720 GC1719 Gc1718 GC1717 GCt716 C1715 GC1714 6C1713 6C1712 GC1711 GC1710 GC1709 iS yGG1708 GC1707 GC 1706 GC1705 LEM V1 t / MY, J / REVERSE BIAS SCALE INCLUDES WORK aC r700 + FUNCTION FOR SILICON (=.7 VOLTS) {oa Pi taiil 1 VR (VOLTS) Typical Junction Capacitance vs Reverse Bias Qo 3 8 ofa a o oO iil i 1.0 LORAL Microwave - FSI 11LORAL MICROWAVE-FSI SLE D me S580130 oooo4ek 197 mm [-D7-/7 60-VOLT SILICON TUNING VARACTORS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Ta = 25C TOTAL CAPACITANCE! QUALITY FACTOR? CAPACITANCE RATIO! MODEL (AT -4V, 1 MHz) (AT -4V, 50 MHz) (Cro/Ce60) NUMBER C +-4 (pF) Q-4 (MIN) (MIN) GC1700A 0.6 2200 45 GC1700 0.8 2100 46 GC1701 1.0 2000 48 GC1702 1.2 1800 5.0 GC1703 1.5 1800 5.3 GC1704 1.8 1700 55 GC1705 2.2 1700 5.8 GC1706 2.7 1600 5.9 GC1707 3.3 1600 6.0 GC1708 3.9 1400 6.0 GC1709 47 1400 6.5 GC1710 5.6 1400 6.5 GC1711 6.8 1300 6.5 GC1712 8.2 1300 7.0 GC1713 10.0 1200 7.0 GC1714 12.0 1200 7.0 GC1715 15.0 1100 7.0 GC1716 18.0 1000 7.0 GC1717 22.0 1000 7.0 GC1718 27.0 900 7.0 GC1719 33.0 800 7.0 GC1720 39.0 800 7.0 NOTES: 1. These values include a package capacitance of .18pF. 2. Qis calculated from: Q= 1 IntReC) where f = 50 MHz and Rs = Series resistance measured at 1 GHz using transmission loss techniques. Capacitance is measured at 1 MHz. 3. Due to Die size, only case styles 11 and 55 are available for GC1718 to GC1720. Styles 15, 80, 85 and 89 are available for GC1700A to GC1710. When ordering, specify the desired case style by adding its number as a suffix to the basic part number. Some other case styles are available on request. RATINGS Minimum Voltage breakdown: Maximum Leakage Current: Capacitance-Temperature Coefficient: 60 volts at 10 LA max 0.02 LA at 55 volts and 25C 2.0 pA at 25 volts and 125C 300 ppm/C at Vr = -4V Operating Temperature: -55C to +150C Storage Temperature: -65C to +200C Lora. Microwave - FSI 12LORAL MICROWAVE-FSI SVE D Mm@ SS80130 On00427 923 m JT-07-/7 60-VOLT SILICON TUNING VARACTORS PACKAGE STYLES Bee 2 : ef an s MAX: fips.26pF pe ABnH Style 85 | () Heat sink end. Dimensions are in inches. Other Package Styles Are Available Upon Request The cathode is the heat sink end of each package. Reverse polarity is available at a slightly higher cost. ENGINEERING NOTES: LORAL Microwave - FSI 13