ACIOVOx:. 740 Belleville Ave., New Bedford, MA 02745 U.S.A. Phone (508) 994-9661 / TWX: 710-344-6985 FAX: (508) 994-9635 AOS 87 AEROVOX INC TECHNOLOGY ADVANCEMENT FOR THE 1990s e Latest series in Aerovoxs family of metallized electrode energy discharge (MetEDC) pulse capacitors e 2.5 times the energy densities and half the size and weight of com- petitive products e Increased Life Expectancy e Maximum rating to 1600 uF and 10,000 Volts DC BIE D M 0327555 0001372 47T Aerovoxs new series of metallized electrode energy discharge (MetEDC) pulse capacitors provides a highly reliable cost- effective source of energy storage for a variety of applications such as airport tower and runway lights, flash lamps for copiers and numerous high intensity flashing in- dustrial lights. The new MetEDC pulse capacitor designs are half the size and weight of competitive designs yet they safely store up to five joules of energy per cubic inch. Ratings are available up to 1600 uF in two distinct voltage ranges: type Z from 500 to 2,000 Vdc, and type Y from 2,000 to 5,000 Vdc. Standard designs from 1,000 to 5,000 Vdc are tabulated in this catalog. Special designs are also available up to 10,000 Vdc. Capacitance tolerance is + 10% for type Y and +6% for type Z. The capacitors are constructed of wound, metallized electrode sections enclosed ina case of terneplate steel which is more resis- tant to dents than aluminum. The solid dielectric material is impregnated with a specifically designed, non-PCB fluid. Steel covers are roll-seamed to the cases, using a sealant to ensure leakproof enclosures. Standard can heights range from 374 to 9 and are available in round, oval and rec- tangular cases. The latter style includes 6 x 8 welded casements. Terminals are either the male quick-connect QC pressure type or the threaded stud varie- ty. Single or multiple tug QC terminals are used with cup type Valox bushings up to 600 Amps peak and 15 Amps RMS. Both short and tall post-type terminals with porcelain bushings and #70-32 or #1/4-20 threaded steel studs are also available for peak cur- rents through 2,000 Amps peak/30 Amps RMS and 6,000 Amps peak/60 Amps RMS, respectively. \ % Both Y and Z type capacitors pass a rigorous series of tests to ensure con- sistently high levels of product quali- ty. Units are heat tested to check fluid seal and then tested for terminal-to- case current leakage and terminal-to- terminal withstand voltage. Each capacitor is also tested for a uniformly repeatable charge and discharge wave shape ensuring virtually no loss in stored energy prior to firing. A master form for specifying your com- panys MetEDC pulse capacitor ap- plications is provided in this catalog. Individual product specifications may be called, mailed, or even faxed to your Aerovox product specialist. Capacitor designs will then be tailored, built and tested to your specific needs. AeCIlOvOx:. REROVOX INC b3E D | MM 0327555 0001373 306 mm PART CAPACI- vDCc CASE SIZE STORED ENERGY WEIGHT TERMINAL MAXIMUM LIFE IN NUMBER TANCE (INCHES) x HEIGHT ENERGY DENSITY OPTIONS PEAK MILLIONS IN BASE (H) IN JOULES J/CY. IN. (REFER TO CURRENT AT OF CYCLE uFD (W xl) FIGURE NOTES) 2 CYCLES/SEC AT 45C ZR102EWO80P 80 1000 2.5 Round x 3.88 40J 2.3 0.8 Ibs. 5 500 amps 100 ZD102EW220P 220 1000 2.84x4.56 Rect. x 5.88 110J 1.6 2.9 Ibs. 3,4 1100 amps 70 ZD1IO2EWS40P 540 1000 3.75x4.56 Rect. x9 270J 1.9 5,7 Ibs. 3,4 700 amps 45 ZM102EH160P 1600 1000 6x8 Weided Rect. x 9 800J 2.0 19.0 Ibs. 6 1000 amps 30 ZR152EW045P 45 1500 2.5 Round x 3.88 51J 2.9 0.8 Ibs. 5 400 amps 45 ZD152EW100P 100 1500 2.84x4.56 Rect. x 5.88 112J 1.6 2.9 Ibs. 3,4 750 amps 70 ZD152EW240P 240 1500 3.75x4.56 Rect. x9 270J 1.9 5.7 Ibs. 3,4 1000 amps 45 ZM152EW700P 700 1500 6x8 Welded Rect. x 9 788J 2.0 19.0 Ibs. 6 1500 amps 30 YL202EW030R 30 2000 1% Oval xX 4.88 60J 3.2 1.1 Ibs. 1,2 600 amps 50 YL202EW055R 55 2000 2 Oval x 5,88 110J 3.4 1.8 Ibs. 1,2 1500 amps 50 YD202EW110R 110 2000 2.84x4.56 Rect. x 5.88 220J 3.2 3.6 Ibs. 3,4 2000 amps 50 YD202EW235R 235 2000 3.75x4.56 Rect. x9 470J 3.3 7.2 Ibs. 3,4 900 amps 50 YL352EW013R 13 3500 134 Oval x 4.88 80J 4.3 1.1 Ibs. 1,2 600 amps 7 YL352EW025R 25 3500 2 Oval x 5.88 153J 48 1.8 Ibs. 4,2 1300 amps 7 YD352EW050R 50 3500 2,84x4.56 Rect. x 5.88 306J 44 3.6 Ibs. 3,4 2000 amps 7 YD352EW120R 120 3500 3.75x4.56 Rect. x9 735J 5.1 7.1 Ibs. 3,4 1000 amps 7 YL502EWO06R 6 5000 1% Oval x 4.88 75J 4.0 1.1 Ibs. 1,2 600 amps 15 YL502EW012R 12 5000 2 Oval x 5.88 150J 47 1.8 Ibs. 1,2 900 amps 15 YOD502EW024R 24 5000 2.84x4.56 Rec. x 5.88 300J 4.3 3.5 Ibs 3,4 1800 amps 15 YD502EW056R 56 5000 3.75x4.56 Rect. x9 700J 49 7.0 Ibs. 3,4 1500 amps 15Derating Charts PEAK VOLTAGE VS. LIFE 2 ale b3E D = oO sy) oO 10 5.0 2.0 LIFE EXPECTANCY MULTIPLIER 1 80 85 90 95 100 105 PEAK VOLTAGE % OF RATED VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF LIFE who a00 N oO 4 OQ N Who LIFE EXPECTANCY MULTIPLIER a 0 10 20 30 40 #50 OPERATING TEMPERATURE (C) eee ae @-] 110 60 Flash Lamp Capacitor Characteristics Z and Y Type Maximum d.f. = 0.15% at 60Hz Operating temperature range: 0C to 65C Z Type 500 VDC to 2,000 VDC Maximum capacitance: 1,600 uF at 1,000 VDC 400 uF at 2,000 VDC Y Type 2,000 VDC to 5,000 VDC Maximum capacitance: 235 uF at 2,000 VDC 56 uF at 5,000 VDC FIGURE 7 Life vs. Operating Stress The life vs. operating stress relationship for the high energy density capacitors is shown in Figure 7. Life is based on a nominal shot cycle with a charge and hold time, and a discharge into a load with less than 10% reversal at the peak current shown. High reversals or long hold times will reduce the life of the capacitors. Y TYPE @ = Z TYPE FIGURE 8 Life vs. Temperature Figure 8 shows the relationship between life and temperature. The life of the capacitors is reduced by increased operating temperatures. Y TYPE ll @ @ @ = Z TYPETo: EDC Marketing AEROVOX INC ME 0327555 00014375 189 ACIOVOx:.. 740 Belleville Ave., New Bedford, MA 02745 U.S.A. Tel: (508) 994-9661 / TWX: 710-344-6985 FAX: (508) 994-9635 b3E DD 7 Name Title Company Address Data Required: To determine the MetEDC pulse capacitor that will best meet requirements for your companys flash lamp application, please provide the following data: Application Purpose: Production Quantities: Annual Customer Spec Development One Time Budgetary Projected Competition: Mfgr Capacitance Voltage: Rated Voltage Reversal: Normal Tolerance Oper %, Fault Energy Peak ss CRM %, No. of Faults Discharge Current: Rated Duty Cycle Ripple Current: Peak Test Rep Rate Ambient Temp: Normal Operating Peak Time On Charge Freq Storage Life Expt Max Inductance Size Limits Bushings Operating Environment:5S 00013?b O15 = + .06 FIG. 3 L +.06 7| 2.00 +.06 [- etl oo FIG. 2 1.38 4.06 @ #10-32UNF __t A ..03 a W +.06 DIMENSIONS CASE SIZE W H 1 3/4 OVAL 2.91 1.91 4.88 5.88 . 6.88 OVERALL HEIGHT OF STUDDED Z OVAL 3.66 1.97 4.88 5.88 6.88 7.25 9.00 TERMINAL DIMENSION (A) FIGURES 2,4 & 6 SHORT] .81 SMALL RECTANGLE 4.56 2.84 4.88 5.88 6.84 7.25 9.00 TALL | 1.19 LARGE RECTANGLE 4.56 3.75 7.22 9.00 ROUND CASE FIG. 5 $2.62 +.06 + STANDARD CAN HEIGHT DIMENSION (H) 3.88 4.75 4.88 _ 4t 5.88 .50 MAX. 6.88 TT I 22.50 +| H +.06 WELDED CASEMENTS FIG. 6 8.00 +.06 6.00 +.06 -47 + .06 T Ei A .03 r THREAD DIA. (D) ~ GROUND LUG H +.06 DIMENSION (H) MULTIPLE HEIGHTS AVAILABLE DIMENSION (D) #10-32 OR 1/420