Parameter Symbol Unit Note
Read Cycle Time tRC 70 -85 -100 -150 -ns
Address Access Time tAA -70 -85 -100 -150 ns
Chip Enable Access Time tACE -70 -85 -100 -150 ns
Output Enable Access Time tOE -40 -40 -50 -70 ns
Output Hold from Address Change tOH 10 -10 -10 -10 -ns
Chip Enable to Output in Low-Z tCLZ 10 -10 -10 -10 -ns 4,5
Chip Disable to Output in High-Z tCHZ -30 -35 -40 -50 ns 4,5
Output Enable to Output in Low-Z tOLZ 5-5-5-5-ns 4,5
Output Disable to Output in High-Z tOHZ -25 -30 -35 -40 ns 4,5
Power-Up Time tPU 0-0-0-0-ns 5
Power-Down Time tPD -70 -85 -100 -150 ns 5
Read Cycle (3,9) (Vcc = 1.8 to 2.2V, Gnd = 0V, TA = 00C to +700C / -400C to +850C)
Write Cycle (3,11) (Vcc = 1.8 to 2.2V, Gnd = 0V, TA = 00C to +700C / -400C to +850C)
Parameter Symbol Unit Note
Write Cycle Time tWC 70 -85 -100 -150 -ns
Chip Enable to Write End tCW 60 -70 -80 -120 -ns
Address Setup to Write End tAW 60 -70 -80 -120 -ns
Address Setup Time tAS 0-0-0-0-ns
Write Pulse Width tWP 50 -60 -70 -100 -ns
Write Recovering Time tWR 0-0-0-0-ns
Data Valid to Write End tDW 30 -35 -40 -60 -ns
Data Hold Time tDH 0-0-0-0-ns
Write Enable to Output in High-Z tWZ -30 -35 -40 -50 ns 4,5
Output Active from Write End tOW 5-5-5-5-ns 4,5
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
-70 -85 -100
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
-70 -85 -100 -150