Evaluation Board for Filterless Class-D Audio Amplifier EVAL-SSM2317-MINI Single-ended and differential input capability Small size board allows easy integration into custom space-constrained applications (6.6 mm x 6.6 mm) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SSM2317 is a fully integrated, single-chip, mono Class-D audio amplifier. It is designed to maximize performance for mobile phone applications. The application circuit requires a minimum of external components and operates from a single 2.5 V to 5.5 V supply. It is capable of delivering 1.4 W of continuous output power with less than 1% THD + N, driving an 8 load from a single 5.0 V supply. The SSM2317 is equipped with a differential mode input port and a high efficiency, full H-bridge at the output that enables direct coupling of the audio power signal to the loudspeaker. The differential mode input stage allows for cancelling of common-mode noise. 07824-001 The part also features a high efficiency, low noise output modulation scheme that does not require external LC output filters when attached to an inductive load. It operates with 85% efficiency at 1.4 W into 8 from a 5.0 V supply and has a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that is better than 93 dB. Figure 1. SSM2317 Evaluation Board Top View Spread-spectrum modulation is used to provide lower EMIradiated emissions. The modulation provides high efficiency even at low output power. Filterless operation also helps to decrease distortion due to the nonlinearities of output LC filters. This data sheet describes how to configure and use the SSM2317 mini evaluation board to test the SSM2317. It is recommended that this data sheet be read in conjunction with the SSM2317 data sheet, which provides more detailed information about the specifications, internal block diagrams, and application guidance for the amplifier IC. EVALUATION BOARD DESCRIPTION The SSM2317 mini evaluation board is a small form factor board (6.6 mm x 6.6 mm) with a pair of differential audio input terminals (IN+ and IN-), a pair of audio signal output terminals (OUT+ and OUT-), a ground terminal, and a VDD terminal. It is designed for easy integration into the SSM2317 application board. The SSM2317 mini evaluation board carries a complete application circuit for driving a loudspeaker. Figure 1 shows the top view of the evaluation board, and Figure 2 shows the bottom view. 07824-002 FEATURES Figure 2. SSM2317 Evaluation Board Bottom View Rev. 0 Evaluation boards are only intended for device evaluation and not for production purposes. Evaluation boards are supplied "as is" and without warranties of any kind, express, implied, or statutory including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other intellectual property by application or use of evaluation boards. Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Analog Devices reserves the right to change devices or specifications at any time without notice. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Evaluation boards are not authorized to be used in life support devices or systems. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. www.analog.com Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 (c)2009 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. EVAL-SSM2317-MINI TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 PCB Layout Guidelines.................................................................4 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Getting Started ...............................................................................4 Evaluation Board Description......................................................... 1 Evaluation Board Schematic and Artwork.....................................5 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Ordering Information .......................................................................8 Evaluation Board Hardware ............................................................ 3 Bill of Materials ..............................................................................8 Input and Output Configuration................................................ 3 Ordering Guide .............................................................................8 Component Selection................................................................... 3 ESD Caution...................................................................................8 REVISION HISTORY 5/09--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. 0 | Page 2 of 8 EVAL-SSM2317-MINI EVALUATION BOARD HARDWARE INPUT AND OUTPUT CONFIGURATION Input Coupling Capacitor Selection--C1 and C2 On the bottom side of the board, there are two pad terminals, IN+ and IN-, as shown in Figure 5. They are used to feed the audio signal into the board. The two output terminals, marked OUT+ and OUT- in Figure 5, drive a loudspeaker whose impedance should not be less than 4 . The input coupling capacitors, C1 and C2, should be large enough to couple the low frequency components in the incoming signal but small enough to filter out unnecessary lower frequency signals. For music signals, the cutoff frequency is, typically, between 20 Hz and 30 Hz. Although the SSM2317 does not require external LC output filters to operate because it has a low noise modulation scheme, if the speaker length is >10 cm, it is recommended to put a ferrite bead (L1 and L2) near each output pin of the SSM2317 to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI), as shown in the schematic in Figure 3. For optimal performance, as specified in the SSM2317 data sheet (in particular, for THD and SNR), remove the entire EMI filter, short across the ferrite bead terminals, and open the capacitor terminals. The cutoff frequency is calculated by COMPONENT SELECTION The L1 and L2 output beads are necessary components for filtering out the EMI caused at the switching output nodes when the length of the speaker wire is greater than 10 cm. The penalty for using ferrite beads for EMI filtering is slightly worse noise and distortion performance at the system level due to the nonlinearity of the beads. Make sure that these beads have enough current conducting capability while providing sufficient EMI attenuation. C = 1/(2Rfc), where: R = 10 k + Rext (the external resistor used to fine-tune the desired gain; on the schematics (see Figure 3), this is the 0 resistor at the input pins). fc is the cutoff frequency. Output Ferrite Beads--L1 and L2 Selecting the right components is the key to achieving the performance required at the budgeted cost. ALC Threshold Setting Resistor--R3 The maximum output amplitude threshold (VTH) during the limiting operation can be changed from 90% to 45% of VDD by inserting an external resistor, RTH, between the VTH pin and GND. Shorting the VTH pin to GND sets VTH to 90% of VDD. Leaving the VTH pin unconnected sets VTH to 45% of VDD. The relation of RTH to VTH is shown by the following equation: VTH = 0.9 x 50 k + RTH 50 k + 2 x RTH The current rating needed for an 8 load is about 420 mA. Impedance for the beads at 100 MHz must be 220 . In addition, the lower the dc resistance (DCR) of the beads, the better for minimizing their power consumption. Table 1 shows the recommended beads. x VDD Output Shunting Capacitors--C3 and C4 Maximum output power is derived from VTH by the following equation: POUT VTH 2 = RSP Two capacitors, C3 and C4, work with the L1 and L2 ferrite beads. Use small size (0603 or 0402), multilayer ceramic capacitors made from X7R or COG (NPO) materials. 2 Note that the capacitors can be used in pairs: a capacitor with small capacitance (up to 100 pF) plus a capacitor with bigger capacitance (1 nF). This configuration provides better EMI reduction for the whole frequency spectrum. For BOM cost reduction and capable performance, a single capacitor of approximately 470 pF can be used. where RSP is the speaker impedance. Table 1. Recommended Beads Part No. BLM18PG121SN1D MPZ1608S101A MPZ1608S221A BLM18EG221SN1D Manufacturer Murata TDK TDK Murata Z () 120 100 220 220 Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 8 IMAX (mA) 2000 3000 2000 2000 DCR () 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 Size (mm) 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.8 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.8 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.8 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.8 EVAL-SSM2317-MINI PCB LAYOUT GUIDELINES To keep the EMI under the allowable limit and ensure that the amplifier chip operates under the temperature limit, PCB layout is critical in application design. The SSM2317 works well only if the following techniques are implemented in the PCB design to keep EMI and the amplifier temperature low. Layer Stacks and Grounding Use a 4-layer structure in the stack-up for the evaluation board, as follows: * * * * Top layer--component layer with power and output copper land and ground copper pouring. Second layer--dedicated ground plane. Third layer--dedicated power plane. Bottom layer--bottom layer with ground copper pouring. Place all related components except decoupling capacitors on the same side as the SSM2317 to avoid vias and as close as possible to the chip (see Figure 4). Place the decoupling capacitors, C5 and C7, on the bottom side as close as possible to the VDD and GND pins (see Figure 5). Place the C3 and C4 capacitors and the R1 pull-up resistor on the bottom layer (see Figure 5). All traces between adjacent pads must be covered with solder resist. Traces should come symmetrically off the pads. Top Layer Copper Land and Ground Pouring The output peak current of this amplifier is more than 1 A; therefore, PCB traces should be wide (>2 mm) to handle high current. For the best performance, use symmetrical copper lands as large as space allows, instead of traces for output pins (see Figure 3). Pour ground copper on the top side and use many vias to connect the top layer ground copper to the dedicated ground plane. The copper pouring land on the top layer serves as both the EMI shielding ground plane and the heat sink for the SSM2317. Power Land Connect Pin B2 directly to Pin A2 by a 5 mil trace and make a copper land for the power near A2. If space allows, use four 12/24 mil vias to connect the top layer power land to the dedicated power plane (Layer 3). Component Placement and Clearance Traces and Solder Resist Use 5 mils traces at the SSM2317 pads to prevent the solder from escaping. GETTING STARTED To ensure proper operation, carefully follow Step 1 through Step 3. 1. 2. 3. Rev. 0 | Page 4 of 8 Connect the load to the audio output terminals, OUT+ and OUT-. Connect the audio input to the audio input terminals, IN+ and IN-. Connect the power supply to VDD and GND. EVAL-SSM2317-MINI EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATIC AND ARTWORK P1 VDD 1B IN+ OUT+ P3 C3 1nF 3C SD IN- VDD 3B L2 B0603 C4 1nF OUT- P4 R3 6.98k R1 100k R2 100k G1 GAP Figure 3. Schematic of the SSM2317-MINI Evaluation Board Rev. 0 | Page 5 of 8 07824-003 VDD OUT- VTH 1A C2 0.1F 3A IN- ALC_EN SSM2317 2A P2 OUT+ U1 C1 0.1F 2B P1 IN+ L1 B0603 VDD GND 2C C7 0.1F 1C C5 10F P6 07824-004 07824-007 EVAL-SSM2317-MINI Figure 4. Top Layer with Top Silkscreen 07824-008 07824-005 Figure 7. Top Layer Figure 5. Bottom Layer with Bottom Silkscreen (Mirror Image) 07824-006 07824-009 Figure 8. Top Layer Figure 6. Top Silkscreen Figure 9. Layer 2 (Ground Plane) Rev. 0 | Page 6 of 8 07824-012 07824-010 EVAL-SSM2317-MINI Figure 12. All Layer Silkscreen 07824-011 Figure 10. Layer 3 (Power Plane) Figure 11. Bottom Layer Rev. 0 | Page 7 of 8 EVAL-SSM2317-MINI ORDERING INFORMATION BILL OF MATERIALS Table 2. Qty 3 2 1 1 2 6 2 1 1 Reference Designator C1, C2, C7 C3, C4 C5 G1 L1,L2 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 R1, R2 R3 U1 Description Ceramic capacitor, 0.1 F, 6.3 V Ceramic capacitor, 1 nF, 10%, 5 V Ceramic capacitor, 10 F, 10 V GAP Ferrite chip, B0603, 220 , 2 A PAD1 Resistor, 100 k Resistor, 6.98 k SSM2317 ESD CAUTION ORDERING GUIDE Model SSM2317-MINI-EVALZ1 1 Supplier/Part No. Murata, GRM033R60J104KE19D Kemet, C0603C102J5GACTU Murata, GRM31MF51A106ZA01L N/A TDK, MPZ1608S221A N/A Panasonic, ERJ-1GEF1003C Panasonic, ERJ-1GEF6981C Analog Devices, SSM2317 Description Evaluation Board Z = RoHS Compliant Part. (c)2009 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EB07824-0-5/09(0) Rev. 0 | Page 8 of 8