MPC8272 PowerQUICC II Family Hardware Specifications, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor 55
No connect4D194, J34, AD245
I/O power B4, F3, J2, N4, AD1, AD5, AE8,
AC13, AD18, AB24, AB26, W23, R25,
M25, F25, C25, C22, B17, B12, B8,
E6, F6, H6, L5, L6, P6, T6, U6, V5,
Y5, AA6, AA8, AA10, AA11, AA14,
AA16, AA17, AB19, AB20, W21, U21,
T21, P21, N21, M22, J22, H21, F21,
F19, F17, E16, F14, E13, E12, F10,
E10, E9
Core Power F5, K5, M5, AA5, AB7, AA13, AA19,
AA21, Y22, AC25, U22, R22, L21,
H22, E22, E20, E15, F13, F11, F8,
L3, V4, W3, AC11, AD11, AB15, U25,
T24, J24, H25, F23, B19, D17, C17,
D10, C10
Ground E19, E2, K1, Y2, AE1, AE4, AD9,
AC14, AE17, AC19, AE25, V24, P26,
M26, G26, E26, B21, C12, C11, C8,
A8, B18, A18, A2, B1, B2, A5, C5, D4,
D6, G2, L4, P1, R1, R4, AC4, AE7,
AC23, Y25, N24, J23, A23, D23, D20,
E18, A13, A16, K10, K11, K12, K13,
K14, K15, K16, K17, L10, L11, L12,
L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, M10, M11,
M12, M13, M14, M15, M16, M17,
N10, N11, N12, N13, N14, N15, N16,
N17, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15,
P16, P17, R10, R11,R12, R13, R14,
R15, R16, R17, T10, T11, T12, T13,
T14, T15, T16, T17, U10, U11, U12,
U13, U14, U15, U16, U17
1Must be tied to ground.
2Should be tied to VDDH via a 2K Ω external pull-up resistor.
3The default configuration of the CPM pins (PA[8–31], PB[18–31], PC[0–1,4–29], PD[7–25, 29–31]) is input. To prevent
excessive DC current, it is recommended either to pull unused pins to GND or VDDH, or to configure them as outputs.
4This pin is not connected. It should be left floating.
5Must be pulled down or left floating
Table 21. Pinout (continued)
Pin Name
MPC8272/MPC8248 and
MPC8271/MPC8247 MPC8272/MPC8271 Only