ARM28XXT Series
ARM28XXT Circuit Description
Figure I. ARM Block Diagram
Circuit Description and Application Information
Pulse Width
& Reference
The ARM28XXT series of converters have been designed
using a single ended forward switched mode converter
topology. (refer to Figure I.) Single ended topologies enjoy
some advantage in radiation hardened designs in that they
eliminate the possibility of simultaneous turn on of both
switching elements during a radiation induced upset; in
addition, single ended topologies are not subject to trans-
former saturation problems often associated with double
ended implementations.
The design incorporates an LC input filter to attenuate
input ripple current. A low overhead linear bias regulator is
used to provide bias voltage for the converter primary
control logic and a stable, well regulated reference for the
error amplifier. Output control is realized using a wide
band discrete pulse width modulator control circuit incor-
porating a unique non-linear ramp generator circuit. This
circuit helps stabilize loop gain over variations in line volt-
age for superior output transient response. Nominal con-
version frequency has been selected as 250 KHz to maxi-
mize efficiency and minimize magnetic element size.
Output voltages are sensed using a coupled inductor and
a patented magnetic feedback circuit. This circuit is rela-
tively insensitive to variations in temperature, aging, ra-
diation and manufacturing tolerances making it particu-
larly well suited to radiation hardened designs. The control
logic has been designed to use only radiation tolerant com-
ponents, and all current paths are limited with series re-
sistance to limit photo currents.
Other key circuit design features include short circuit pro-
tection, undervoltage lockout and an external synchroni-
zation port permitting operation at an externally set clock
Operating Guidelines
Thermal Considerations
The ARM series of converters is capable of providing
relatively high output power from a package of modest
volume. The power density exhibited by these devices is
obtained by combining high circuit efficiency with effective
methods of heat removal from the die junctions. Good
design practices have effectively addressed this require-
ment inside the device. However when operating at maxi-
mum loads, significant heat generated at the die junctions
must be carried away by conduction from the base. To
maintain case temperature at or below the specified maxi-
mum of 125°C, this heat can be transferred by attachment
The circuit topology used for regulating output voltages in
the ARM28XXT series of converters was selected for a
number of reasons. Significant among these is the ability
to simultaneously provide adequate regulation to three
output voltages while maintaining modest circuit complex-
ity. These attributes were fundamental in retaining the high
reliability and insensitivity to radiation that characterizes
device performance. Use of this topology dictates that the
user maintain the minimum load specified in the electrical
tables on each output. Attempts to operate the converter
without a load on any output will result in peak charging to
an output voltage well above the specified voltage regula-
tion limits, potentially in excess of ratings, and should be
avoided. Output loads that are less than specification
minimums will result in regulation performance outside the
limits presented in the tables. In most practical applica-
tions, this lower bound on the load range does not present
a serious constraint; however the user should be mindfull
of the results. Characteristic curves illustrating typical regu-
lation performance are shown in Figures VII, VIII and IX.