Intellimod™ Module
Application Specific IPM
8 Amperes/600 Volts
Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272
Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics, Tj = 25°C unless otherwise specified
Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Control Sector
Circuit Current (Average) IDTj = 25°C, VD = 15V, VIN = 5V ——50 mA
IDB Tj = 25°C, VD = VDB = 15V, VIN = 5V ——5mA
Input ON Threshold Voltage Vth(on) 0.8 1.4 2.0 Volts
Input OFF Threshold Voltage Vth(off) 2.5 3.0 4.0 Volts
Input Pull-up Resistor Ri Applied between —50 —kΩ
Input Terminal-inside Power Supply
PWM Input Frequency fPWM TC ≤ 100°C, Tj ≤ 125°C1—15 kHz
Arm Shoot-through Blocking Time* tDEAD Relates to Corresponding Inputs 2.2 ——µS
TC = -20°C ~ 100°C
Input Interlock Sensing tint Relates to Corresponding Input —100 —ns
Inverter DC-link IGBT Current Vamp 100% IC = IOP(100%), VD = 15V, Tj = 25°C 1.5 2.0 2.5 Volts
Sense Voltage Output Signal** Vamp 200% IC = IOP(200%), VD = 15V, Tj = 25°C 3.0 4.0 5.0 Volts
Inverter DC-link IGBT Current Vamp 250% IC = IOP(250%), VD = 15V 5.0 ——Volts
Sense Voltage Output Limit** Vamp 0% IC = IOP(0%), VD = 15V —50 100 mV
Ov er-Current Trip Level OC 8.5 10.6 16.0 Amperes
Over-Current Delay Time tOC Tj = 25°C—10 —µS
Short-Circuit Trip Lev el SC —16.0 —Amperes
Short-Circuit Delay Time tSC —2—µs
Tr ip Level UVD11.0 12.0 13.0 Volts
Supply Circuit Reset Level UVDr 11.5 12.5 13.5 Volts
Under-Voltage Trip Level UVDB TC = Tj = 25°C 10.1 10.8 11.6 Volts
Protection Reset Level UVDBr 10.6 11.3 12.1 Volts
Delay Time tdV —10 —µS
Fault Output Pulse Width*** tFO Tj = 25°C 1.0 1.8 —mS
Fault Output Current*** IFo(H) Open Collector Output —— 1µA
IFo(L) ——15 mA
* The dead-time has to be set externally by the CPU; it is not part of the ASIPM internal functions.
**Refer ro the graph on next page.
***Fault output signalling is given only when the internal OC, SC, and UV protection circuits are activated. The OC, SC and UV protection (and fault output) operate for the lower arms only.
The OC and SC protection fault output is given in a pulse format while that of UV protection is maintained thrpughout the duration of the under-voltage condition.