PSW-Series FEATURES * Voltage Rating : 30V/80V/160V/250V/800V, Output Power Rating : 360W1020\W * Constant Power Output for Multi-Range [V & |) Operation e CV /C.C Priority ; Particularly Suitable for the Battery and LED Industry Adjustable Slew Rate * Series Operation (2 units in Series) for (30V/80V/160), Parallel Operation (3 units in Parallel) for (30V/80V/160V /250V/800V) High Efficiency and High Power Density 1/2, 1/3, 1/6 Rack Mount Size Design (EIA/|IS Standard) for 360, 720W, 1080W Standard Interface : LAN, USB, Analog Control Interface * Optional Interface : GPIB-USB Adaptor ja InsSTEK LabVIEW Driver Simply ReliablePowerful Stretch with Multi-range Technology The PSW-Series is a single-output multi-range programmable switching DC Power Supply covering a power range up to 1080W. This series of products include fifteen models with the combination of 30V, 80, 160V, 250V and 800V rated voltages and 360W, 720W and 1080W maximum output powers. The multi-range feature allows the flexible and efficient configuration of voltage and current within the rated power range. As the PSW-Series can be connected in series for maximum 2 units or in parallel for maximum 3 units, the capability of connecting multiple PSW-Series units for higher voltage or higher current output provides a broad coverage of applications. With the flexibility of multi-range power utilization and series/parallel connection, the PSW-Series significantly reduces the users cost for various power supply products to accommodate the projects with different power requirements. The C.V/C.C priority selection of the PSW-Series is a very useful feature for DUT protection. The conventional power supply normally operates under CV mode when the power output is turned on. This could bring a high inrush current to the capacitive load or current-intensive load at the power output-on stage. Taking the I-V curve verification of LED as an exarnple, it becomes a very challenging task to perform this measurement using a conventional power supply. With LED connected to a power supply under C.V mode as the initial setting, when the power output is turned on and the voltage rises to the LED forward voltage, the current will suddenly peak up and exceed the preset value of current limit. Upon detecting this high current, the power supply starts the transition from C.V mode to C.C mode. Though the current becomes stable after the C.C mode being activated, the current spike occurred at the C.V and C.C crossover point may possibly darnage the DUT. At the power output-on stage, the PSW-Series is able to operate under C.C priority to limit the current spike occurred at the threshold voltage and therefore protects DUT from the inrush current damage. The adjustable slew rate of the PSW-Series allows users to set for either output voltage or output current, a specific rise time from low to high level transition, and a specific fall time from high to low level transition. This facilitates the characteristic verification of a DUT during voltage or current level changes with controllable slew rates. Most manufacturing tests of lighting device or large capacitor during power output-on are associated with the occurrence of high surge current, which can greatly reduce the life time of the DUT. To prevent inrush current from damaging current-intensive devices, a smooth and slow voltage transition during power On-Off can significantly reduce the spike current and protect the device from high current damage. The OVP and OCP are provided with the PSW-Series. Both OVP and OCP levels can be selected, with default level set at 110%, of the rated voltage/current of the power supply. When any of the protection levels is tripped, the power output will be switched off to protect the DUT. The PSW-Series provides USB Host/Device and LAN interfaces as standard and GPIB-USB adaptor as optional. The LabView driver and the Data Logging PC software are supported on all the available interfaces. An analog control/monitoring connector is also available on the rear panel for external control of power On/Off and external monitoring of power output Voltage and Current.PANEL INTRODUCTION c fora} use J tr | sss | Uist aire) Pec ta ts) 3. Output Key 4. Function Keys LPO ee PTET 7. Cover Panel eee La 9. Analog Control Connector aU ata SURO eared gee CEL a) 13. Output Terminal |-) oP 1 ee Ses ae PSW-Series (HV) Rear Panel PSW-Series (LV) Rear Panel = = ol Aewkg corto preotectes cores <a Arupog Carina! api tes cee a . n] S i _a o y te 77] io PARALLEL OPERATION (3 UNITS ) SERIES OPERATION (2 UNITS } PSW 80-40,5 (0-20v, 0-40.50, sow MODEL | SINGLE UNIT 2 UNITS | 3 UNITS NTe)e) a0 | SINGLEUNIT | 2UNITS _ | PSW 30-36 30V/364 VOW IT2A 30V 1084. PSW 30-36 30/364 SOV IA PSW 30-72 | 30V/72A J0V/144A | 30V/216A | | PSW 30-72 30V/72A 60V/72A == +6 PSW 30-108 G0V/1084 (J0V/216A | 20V/9244 PSW 30-108 J0V/10RA OV /10RA 277 PSW 80-13.5 80V/13.5A | 80V/27A BOV/40.5A_ | PSWB0-13.5 80/13.5A | 160V/13.5A PSW 80-27 SOW /27A SOV 544 BOW /E1A PSW 80-27 SOV/27A 160 /27A, PSW 80-40.5 BOV/40.54 SOV 814 BOV/T21.54 PSW 80-40.5 S0V/40.54 160/40.54 ba O-80, 0-274, 720W PSW160-7.2 | 1B0V/7.24 | TBOV14.44) 160v/2 1.64 PSW 160-7.2 Te0v (7.24 S20V/7.24 Pow B02) | ! PSW 160-14.4| 160V/14.4A | 160V/28.8A, 160V/43.2A | PSW160-14.4 | 160V/144A | 320V/14.44 PSW 160-21.6| 160VV/21.6A | 160V/43.2A 160V/64.8A | PSW160-21.6 | 160V/21.6A 320V/21,6A PSW 250-4,5. 250V/45A | 250V/5A 250 /13.54 PSW 2504.5 N/A N/A PSW 250-9 250V/9A | Z50V/1B4 | 250V 274, | | PSW 250-9 | N/A | N/A PSW 250-13.5) 250V/13.5A | 250V/27A 250V/405A | PSW250-13.5 Nia N/A PSW 800-1.44 | 800V/1.44A | S00V/2.88A 800V/432A| | PSW800144 | = N/A | N/A PSW 800-288) 800V/2.88A | S00V/5.76A, s00v/8.64a| | PSW800-288 | N/A | N/A PSW 800432 | 800V/4.324 SO0V/E.644 BO0V/1296A) | PSW 8004.32 N/A N/A PSW 80-13.5 (0-20v, 0-13.5A, 3600)A. MULTI-RANGE OPERATION 12 36 72 108 45 90 135 27 40.5 225 45 6757.2 144 21.6 35 i 80 ; ; 1804 30-44 == ' 30 804 80 Fife a ' 460 24 s Type | Type! 1404 Type | = no SSA Type Il = 60- Type Il = 120 ae 2 S.- om Type lll % == Type ll % 100-4 IIT type il 2 154 <r # 40-4 << so C 2 4 J. ee 10 3 =). 266 S$ eo 1 se! 50 ' 20+ T 2 r 54 ! ! 20 -] ! 9 T T T T T 0 T T T T T T T T 0 T T T T T 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 Current(A) Current(A) Current(A) PSW 30V Series Operating Area PSW 80V Series Operating Area PSW 160V Series Operating Area 300 250 200 4 150 4 Voltage (V) 100 4 50 4 Voltage (V) Current (A) PSW 250V Series Operating Area When the power supply is configured that the total output (Current x Voltage output) is less than the rated power output, it functions as a typical Constant Current (C.C) and Constant Voltage (C.V) power supply. B. .V /C.C PRIORITY SELECTION PSW 800V Series Operating Area However, when the power supply is configured such that the total output power (Current x Voltage Output) exceeds the rated power output, the effective output is actually limited to the operation area of the unit. The Inrush Current and Surge Voltage occur at LED Forward Voltage(Vf)Under C.V Priority The CC Priority Feature Effectively Limits the Occurrence of Inrush Current and Surge Voltage when the Supplied Voltage Rises to the LED Forward Voltage The PSW-Series provides C.C Mode and C.V Mode to fit various applications in the general purpose market. To get into critical application niches, however, the power supply needs to provide NBA NS The Adjustable Rise Time of the PSW 30V The Adjustable Rise Time of the PSW 800V The PSW-Series has adjustable slew rates for the level transition of both Current and Voltage. This gives the PSW-Series power supply the ability to set specific rise time and fall time of the Voltage and Current drawn from the power supply to verify DUT performance during the Voltage / Current level transition. The feature also provides the benefit to slow down the voltage transition at the power output-on to protect DUT from inrush current damage. This is especially useful for the test of heavy- current-drawn devices like capacitors. Dso GDS- 3354 LED Load Power Supply (AR111) V-1 Characteristic of Diode Operation Under C.V Priority and C.C Priority Respectively advanced features to meet the specific requirements. The C.C and C.V Priority Selection enable the power supply to run under C.C priority, rather than normal CV priority, at the output-on stage. . BLEEDERCONTROL PSW-Series Built-in Bleed Resistor The PSW-Series employs a bleed resistor in parallel with the output terminal. Bleed resistor is designed to dissipatch the power from the power supply filter capacitors when power is turned off and the load is disconnected. Without a bleed resistor, power terminal may remain charged on the filter capacitors for some time and be potentially hazardous. In addition, bleed resistor also allows for smoother voltage regulation of the power supply as the bleed resistor acts as a minimum voltage load. The bleed resistance can be turned on or off using the configuration setting.E. SERIES AND PARALLEL CONNECTIONS Master unit Master @-4 SNCS unit 77 [gigleicIeIelgle] = tS @ Slave ee! unit 1 7 bal Load Master unit Slave unit Slave unit 2 Parallel Connection . * . PSW 250V/800V only support parallel connections Series Connection Parallel Connection and riaximum units in parallel is three: To increase power output capacity, the PSW-Series could be connected and Series/Parallel connection capability, the PSW-Series is a high power in Series mode to perform double voltage rating or in parallel mode to density and cost-effective equipment for the tests of DC power modules, perform triple current rating for each model. With Multi-Range feature batteries and components in a broad power range. F. OUTPUT ON /OFF DELAY T thon U tor | 4 po ly PSW #1 (+3.3V) | | PSW #2 (+5V) 1 | toon hot k__ ! I PSW_ #3 (+15V) 1 b jon, off PSW #4 (-15V) = A k__ jon PSW #1 ON/OFF hs The Example of Output On/Off Delay Control Among Multiple Outputs of the PSW Units The output On/Off delay feature enables the setting of a specific time of each unit can be set respectively referring to fix time points. delay for output on after the power supply output is turned on, and a This multiple-output control can be done through the Analog specific time delay for output off after the power supply output is Control terminal at the rear panel or through the PC programming turned off. When multiple PSW units are used, the On/Off delay time with standard commands. G. VARIOUS INTERFACES SUPPORT & EXTENDED TERMINAL BOX Analog Control USB Interface for Output Terminal Output Terminal Connector Remote Control (for Low Voltage) (for High Voltage) LAN Port for System Communication ik . GUG-001 GET-001 GET-002 Rear Panel for PSW-Series GPIB to USB Adapter Extended Terminal Extended Terminal (for PSW 30V/80V/160V) (for PSW 250V/800V) The PSW-Series provides USB Host port in the front panel for easy An Extender Terminal box (P/N: GET-001/GET-002) is provided as access of stored data, such as test script program. In the rear panel, optional accessory to extend the power output form the rear panel to a USB Device port is available for remote control or | & V data the front side. This extender terminal gives R&D or QC engineers logging of power output through a PC controller. The LAN interface, convenience to do the jobs without frequently reaching the output which meets DHCP standard, is provided as a standard feature of terminal at the rear side of the PSW-Series. the PSW-Series for system communications and ATE applications.HH. EXTERNALANALOG REMOTE CONTROL 1 Zoom shieked | wire of twisted 0 pair External Voltage Control of the Voltage Output EXT-R PSw Per ald ZA tea] 1 Joe shicided | wie or twisted || pair a ! Switch yor ! { I i WZ Tes] i 2oom shigked 4 wie ce twisied pair 1 External Switch Control of the Output On/OtF On the rear panel of the PSW-Series power supply, a 26-pin Analog Control connector is available to perform lots of remote control and monitoring functions. The output voltage and current can be set using external voltage or resistance. External DMM Monitoring of the Qutput Current The power supply output on/off and main power shut-down can also be controlled using external switches. This Analog Control Connector is complied with the Mil 26 pin connector (OMRON XG4 IDC plug) standard. LF USING THE RACK MOUNT KIT lraicran. Ta!l tell atl er Rack Mount Kit GRA-410-) (JIS) The Rack Mount Kit of the PSW-Series supports both ELA and JIS standards. A standard rack can accommodate 6 units of type | (360W Output Power) models, or 3 units of type I (720W Output Power) models, or 2 units of type Il (lO80W Output Power) models. CraIerat SIs Ya er Rack Mount Kit GRA-410-E (EIA) The Rack Mount Kits for EIA standard (P/M: GRwA-410-E) and for IS standard (P/M: GRA-410-|) are provided as optional accessaries for the PSW-Series.eee PSW 30-36 | PSW 30-72 | PSW 30-108 |PSW 80-13.5) PSW 80-27 | PSW 80-40.5| PSW 160-7.2| PSW 160-144) POW 160-21.6 SUTPUT RATING Voltage O-30 O- 30 O= 3207 O- soy O- soy o- 80v O- 1604 o-160 O- 160 Current O~ 364 O~ 72a O~ 1084 O~ 13.54 O~ 27a O~ 40,54 O~ 72a O= 14,44 O~ 27.64 Power sew Fao Toso sew Taw 1asoy 260 720 Tosi REGULATION(CY] Load 20m 20m 20m 45m 45m 45m sam amv Som Line amv amv amv 43mVv 4amv 44m e3mnV amv B3imnV REGULATION(CC) Load a1mA 7imaA, 113mA4 18.54, a2m4 45.5m4, 12.2mA4, 19,44, 26,6m4, Line mA Tiina, 113m 18.5mA, 32mA 45.54, 12.2mA, 19.44, 26.64, RIPPLE& NOISE (Noise Bandwidth 20MH3z; Ripple Baodwidth=1MHz] CY p-p 6Omnv fom 100rn 6oriv fomv 10m Soin 20m 100m CV mms Fn Vin Vaden mv lim lami 12m 15m 20mV ec rms Fama 144mA4 216mA 27mA S4mA s1mA 154, Oma, 45mA PROGRAMMING ACCURACY Voltage 0156 410m | 1 41Om | 184m | O18 41Om | 14m | 1s Om |) 1 4100m) .1964100m) 0155 +10omy Current 156 + 30 | T5460) 14 10 | OL1904+ On) L196 + Ow) O14 iA) OL + SA, O.19e475m4 | 01% +204 MEASUREMENT ACCURACY Voltage 196 400m | RTP +10 | 0h1 35 +10mv 0.1% +10m 0.1% 400m | 0.19 470m | O18 +10) O19 1m) 01396 +10 Current OF196 30m, | 186 ote | 186 4100 | O71 95 +1, 0.195 430mA | 0,196 440mA | 0.796 45rd O19 @15e | 0.196 40m, RESPONSE TIME Raise Time 50ms 50ms 50ms 50ms 50ms 50ms 100ms 100ms 100ms Fall Time(Full Lead) | sors Sons Somes 5Oms 5Oms 50ms 100ms 100ns 100m Fall Time(No Load) | sooms S00ms S00ms 500s 500ms 5(ims Toms Toons 1o00ms Load Transient Is Teg Tes ims ims ims amg ams ams Recover Time (Load change fram 50-1036) PROGRAMMING RESOLUTION (By PC Remote Control Mode] Voltage Tey Ten Im amv amv emit anni am ami Current Ima ama Ima Ima ama, ama, Tra, ama Sina, MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION (By PC Remote Control Made) Voltage Imy Imy Im amv amv em im am amv Current Ima Zen Sink Tri ama mA, Tend 2rd Send SERIES AND PARALLEL CAPABILITY Parallel Operation Upiod units incliding the master unit Series Operation Upto 2 units including the master unit PROTECTION FUNCTION Ove a= 33V 323 333 a 88 ~ av a- aay 16- 176 16-176 16 - 176 OCP 3.6 - 39.64, 5-79.04 5 = 118.84 L325 - 14.854) 2.7 297A 4.05 - 44.554) O72 - 7.924 1.44-13.344) 2.16- 23.764 OHP Activated by elecated internal temperatures FRONT PAMEL DISPLAY ACCURACY (4 digits) Voltage O.1e20m O1a20m | 1 ee20m O.1%5220m O.18220m | O.18220m | 0.121 0m | 0.12 10Om | 0.7982 100m4 Current O.1iestinnd, OV ie lO | OTe 100m | 0.1 96220m4 O.1%240ma | O.1%250mA | 0.1 aed, O.1%230mA O.1 362304, ENVIRONMENT CONDITION : Operation Temp oc -s50C Storage Temp BC 700 Operating Humidity | 2095 ~ 85% RH; No condensation Storage Humidity 9096 RH or Less; No condensation READ BACK TEMP COEFFICIENT Voltage 1X0pam/iC of rated output voltage : after a 30 minute warm-up Current 200ppm/"C of rated output current: after a 30 minute warm-up OTHER Analog Contral Yes. Interface USB/LAN /GPIB(Optien) Fan With thermal sensing control POWER SOLACE SSVAC~265VAC, 47-63Hz, single phase DIMENSIONS PAR AL ZACH]| ECM A S4CHy | 2 aCw Nea) | PCa ZaCH) | acy af) | P1aeR else (Hy) Pee aaHy | Macys) 24(H)| 21epwyelaa(Hy & WEIGHT 350(D) mim; | x250(0)mm ; | t50/0) min; M350(D) mm; |x350/D) mm; | e350) mm: | e250(bp erm; [s350(D) mm: | x3508D) mm: (Ci tC} tC} (0) (C} tO} (0) tO) (PD) Approx. 3ke | Appros, 3,3ke Appros, 7,5ke Approx, 3ke Approx, 5.3ke | Approw, 75k | Appros. dke Approx, 5.3ke | Approx, 75kpe ORDERING INFORMATION ACCESSORIES ; CO-ROM s 1[Programmable User Manual, User Manual), GTL123 Test Lead x 1 Eee see Resi =sGh sata) Ml range Ei Powensthpy: (for PSW SOV /B0V/1E0V]. Power Cord x 1 [Region dependent}, GTL-240 USB Cable" L PSW 30-72 (0-S0V/0-72A/ 720) Multi-Range OC Power Supply Type a 1, PSW-O14 Basic Accesseries Kote 1 [for PSU JOV/R0N/ SOY), Includes : M4 Terrninal PS 30-108 (0-30V/0--1084 1080) Multi-Ra npe Ce Power Supply screws and washers x 2, Air Filter x 1, Analog contre! protection dummy x 1, Analog contre! PS 80-79.5 (0-80 0-1 SASSO) Multi-Range DC Power Supply lock lever x 1, M8 terminal belts, auts and washers x 2, PSWA00 Qasic Accessories kit PSW 80-27 (O-80V 0-27 4/7200) Multi-Range OC Power Supply (far PS 250VyRO0 BO CO ee ea rei nanBe OF Power Supply | WSS Ag TOTS ISN Wes] 55 PEW 160-7.2 (0. 160V/0-7,2A/360W) MultiRange DC Power Supply OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES PSW 160-144 (0-1E0V/0-14A 720) Multitange OC Power Supply Pow-001 Accessory Bot GTL-130 Test lead: 2x ned, 2x black(for POW 250/800] PSW 160-21.6 (0~10v/0.21.6A/1080%) Multi-flange DC Power Supply aH Simple | Oe Fool Foal S7RGHOBHOZOL Large Filter|for T20w/1ORONW) = i. : | i PEW 250-45 [0-290V/0-4.5A/360h) Mubt-Range DC Power Supply PSW.G05 Cable for 2 Units of PSW-Series in Series Mode Connectiontfor PSW 30V/S0V/ 1604) Baw 250-9 (0-250V/0-9A/72000) Multi.Range DC Power Supply PSweods Cable for F Units of S-Series in Parallel Mode Connection PSW250-13,5 (0-250/0-13.54/ 1080) Multi-Range OC Power Supply : Pesarcats 5 PSweto7 9 Cable for 3 Units of PS'-Series in Parallel Mode Connection PSW 00-144 (0-S00V0~1.4d4/3600) Multi: Range OC Power Supply CUG-01 GPIB te USE Adagtar PSW 200-2.88 (0-S00V/0-2.884/ 720%) Multi-Range DC Power Supply CRAIO) Rack Mount Kit (JIS) GET-O01 Extended Terminal (for SSW aOV/R0Vy 160) PSW 2004.32 (0-800 /0-4.324/ 10800) Multi-Range OC Power Supply GRA-4IO-E Rack Maunt Kit (EIA) GETAM Extencded Terminal (far PS 2504/8004}ee ed PEW 250-4.5 PSW 250-9 | PSW 250-13.5 | PEW 300-1 4d PSW 300-2.88 PEW 2004.32 OUTPUT RATING Voltage O- 2504 O~ 20 O~ 250V O~ s00 O~ #00 O- Sody Current O~ 4.54, O~ oA, 0-13.54 O~ 1444 O~ 2.884 O~ 4ag4 Power 360M rao 1osoWw 360 Tao Tosca REGULATION(CY) Load 130m Ve0m 130m 405m 405m 405m Line 128m T2imi T2imv 403m 40am 403m REGULATION(C) Load 9.SinA, 14mA, 14.5mA 6.44, 7 aA, 32th, Line 9.5rn4, l4maA, lho ma 6.44mA, 72amaA, 2.32mA, RIPPLE & NOISE (Maise Bandwidth 20n4Hz; Ripple BandwidthaTMHz) CV pp fdmv 10m 120m 130m 200m 200m cV mms 1am 1am 1am 0m mv 20mv OC rms 10ma, 204, Onn, Sm VOrnA 1S PROGRAMMING ACCURACY Voltage Oe eri O.1 +200 O12 C1400 0.14000 Cerri Current O1%65m4 0.1%6470mA 0.13641 54, O.13+2m4, 0.1 F644eria, O.1%46mA, MEASUREMENT ACCURACY Voltage O.1%e200mv 0.1 20m O.1364200my O1%-400mv 0.1m O.1%o0400mv Current OSS, 0.19641 0n0A, 0.19641 S00, Cito, 0.036414, OSi+6rnA, RESPONSE TIME Raise Time 100m 10ms 10ims 1S0ms 150rnes 180s Fall Time(Full Load) 150m 150ms 150m 300ms 200ms 200ms Fall Time(Mo Load) 1200ms 120m 1200ms 2000ms 2000ms 2000ms Load Transient aims ims Zms 2mm ams amg Recover Time (load ghange (rem 0-103) PROGRAMMING RESOLUTION (By PC Remote Control Mode) Voltage Seni amv cmv Tarn Tamv 14mm Current Jan, Tid, Tri, Teri, Tri, Teri, MEASUREMENT RESOLUTION (By PC Remote Control Mode) Voltage San Srv Srv lam iam lami Current Tim Tra Trt Ter, Tra, Ter SERIES AND PARALLEL CAPABILITY Parallel Operation 3 4 4 3 3 3 Series Operation Nya Nya Nya NYA NA MYA PROTECTION FUNCTION ove 20 ~ 275 20 ~ 275 20 ~ 275 20 ~ SSO 20~ 880 20 ~ BaOW ocr O45 ~ 4954, O09 ~ 9.94 1.35 ~ 14.854 O.144 ~ 15844 0.288 ~ 3.1684 O.432 ~ 4752 OHP Activated by elecated internal temperatures FRONT PANEL DISPLAY ACCURACY (4 digits) Valtage 0.1%2200m O.1%2200m O.1%62200m' 0.1%=400m O.1%2d00mi 0.1%2400m Current O1%25mA 0.19641 OA, O.1a20mA O.13he2riA 0.1 fed, O.13326rrnia LENVIRONMENT CONDITION Operation Temp c-500 Storage Temp zo = 700 Operating Humidity 20 ~ $594 RH: Na condensation Storage Humidity 9085 RH or Less; No condensation READ BACK TEMP COEFFICIENT Voltage 10Oppm/C of rated output valtage : after a 30 minute warm-up Current 200ppm/ 0 of rated output current: after a 90 minute warrn-wp OTHER Analog Control Yes Interface US8/LAN GPIB (Option) Fan With thermal sensing control POWER SOURCE SSVAC-265VAC, 47-63Hz, single phase DIMENSIONS 1px 24H] 142 (Wx 24H} ACW} 12H) TL yx 24 0H) 142 yx] 24H) 214(W)s124(H) & WEIGHT SI50(0) ronn; s350(0}rarn ; F5O(D) rein ; xS50(0) rrr: e350(0) mun ; e3I50(04 een; Approw. dep Approx, 52k Approx, 7. ble Approx. dkg Approx, dk Approx. Fok Global Headquarters GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT O., LTD. Mat], Jhonpsing Read, Tucheng Dist, Mew Taipe: City 256, Tanvan T s8S6.2-2208-0829 F i 886.2.2268-0049 E-mail: marketing. gt poedvill carn, China Subsidiary Tat GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT (SUZHOU) Cc, LTE, Ma, $21, Zhujiang Road, Sed, Suchow Jiangsw 215011 China V<86-512-6661-7177 F 485-512-6661-7277 E-mail: marketing Malaysia Subsidiary GOO WILL INSTRUMENT (M) SON. BHD. 27, Poesiaran Malauei 1/1, Sunway Taras, 11900 Rayan Lopas, Periang, Malaysia T+6D4-6309988 F +604-6300989 E-rnail: sales gh pooelyill.cors ery LU.5.4, Subsidiary INSTEK AMERICA CORP. E.miail: sales Japan Subsidiary Specifications subject ta change without notice. 3667 Walnut Avenue Ching, CA S771, USA, T 41 -908-5612952 Fel 908-59712280 TEXIO TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, FP Towa Fudesan Shin Yokohama alee. 2-18-13 Shie Yobonama, Kehoku-ku, fokohama, Kanagawa, 222-0033 Jagan T +R b-6-2303 F +3145-536-7181 E-rnail: jp Korea Subsidiary GOOD WILL INSTRUMENT KOREA CO., LTD. 41496, Ace Hiphtoeck-City BSD Garg, Mullac-Gorg 3a 55-20, Yoonpducngpo-Gu, Sool, Kerca T+82-2-3439-2205 F +82-2-2439-2207 E-rnail ; gwintseck Gigvicrstek coke SW BH GW INSTEK Simply Reliable