User manual for SPI-bus RTC demoboard OM11059
Rev. 104 April 2013
User manual
Document information
PCF86063BTL, OM11059, demoboard, how to get started, SPI-bus,
RTC, Real-Time Clock, tuning
User manual for the RTC SPI-bus demoboard OM11059 which contains
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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1. Introduction
The PCF85063x are a family of CMOS Real-Time Clocks (RTC) and calendar optimized
for low power consumption. Different features sets are available.
The OM11059 is the ideal evaluation/demo board to use in the design phase of any
project, just power and SPI-bus must be hooked up.
A separate demoboard and a user manual are available for the I2C-bus RTCs
PCF85063ATL and PCF85063TP: OM11059A and UM10698.
2. Key features
The RTC PCF85063BTL with SPI-bus is mounted together with a quartz crystal and the
blocking capacitor, buffering the supply voltage.
2.1 PCF85063BTL
The RTC PCF85063BTL is a Real-Time Clock with very small form factor, counting
seconds, minutes, hours, days, weekdays, months, and years.
Electronic oscillator tuning
RAM: 1 Byte
Package: HXSON10 package: 2.6 x 2.6 x 0.5 mm
Alarm control
Interrupt: every 30 s or 60 s, alarm, timer
Interface: SPI-bus, up to 8 MHz
Clock out: enabled by pin or by software
Fig 1. Block diagram of the PCF85063BTL RTC
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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3. Hardware set-up
3.1 General requirements f or t he RTC PCF85 063BTL
The RTC circuit just requires one external part: tuning fork quartz as resonator. The
oscillation capacitors are integrated and therefore there is no need for external
capacitors. The quartz crystal must be placed close to the RTC circuit, avoiding long
lines which may pick up noise. Avoid any tracks with high frequency signals (fast edges)
close to the RTC, quartz, or quartz interconnect.
The interface uses a three-line standard SPI protocol: chip enable, serial clock, serial
data I/O operating up to 8 MHz.
Supply voltage: The RTC is specified from 1.8 V to 5.5 V. The RTC, excluding the SPI-
bus interface, is however operating down to a lower voltage. It is recommended to have a
decoupling capacitor on the VDD-VSS rails close by.
Due to the low power consumption of below 1 μW, no precautions for heat dissipations
are required.
CLKOUT can be used to measure the frequency or be used as reference for frequency
generation with a PLL.
Fig 2. Inter f acing to micr ocontrolle r
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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3.2 Demo board OM11059A
Fig 3. Picture and layout of demo ba rd OM11059
The OM11059 allows to easily demonstrating operation of the PCF85063BTL with SPI-
bus interface. No need to solder the tiny package to a breadboard 100 mil connector for
straight forward connections.
There are quartzes on the market with different load capacitance CL. 12.5 pF is most
common, 7 pF offers however lower power consumption. By default a quartz with 7 pF is
mounted. Additional landing pads are available on the board to take a quartz in a tubular
Straight forward interfacing:
- Connect supply voltage (e.g. 3.3 V): VSS to pin 1, VDD to pin 2
- Connect SPI-bus: CE to pin 4, SCL to pin 3, SDI/O to pin 7
- Communicate to the RTC
Fig 4. OM11059 block diagram
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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Fig 5. OM11059 schematics
4. Software set-up
4.1 Functionality
The RTC PCF85063BTL is controlled via standard SPI-bus interface. Common SPI
protocol applies.
Theoretically there is no lower speed limit, however the access of the RTC should be
performed within less than 1 second, otherwise time counter increments could be lost.
During access, the time registers of the RTC are frozen and after the read or write
sequence is completed, a seconds increment is executed if required.
The clock tracks the actual time from seconds to year. It must be initially set to the
correct time of the actual time zone. The days per month and leap year are corrected
automatically. Leap years are assumed whenever the year is dividable by 4.
The RTC can be programmed to generate an interrupt every 30 seconds or every
60 seconds.
At address byte 03h is a general purpose RAM byte to store temporary information.
4.2 System testing
There is a fast mode facility to test the functionality of the RTC; it can be activated by
setting the EXT_TEST bit in the Control_1 word.
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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The RTC PCF85063BTL has a frequency tuning facility; its operation is explained in
section 5.
The RTC can stay switched on all the time. There is no need to restart or reset the clock.
4.3 Software instructi ons for setting the clock
4.3.1 Setting the time
Setting the clock to 3.45 pm February 15, 2013,
CE chip enable
Register address 0000 0000 address pointer to status word 0
Status word 0 0000 0011 set 12 hour mode and select option for
12.5 pF quartz
0000 0010 set 12 hour mode and select option for
7 pF quartz
CE chip disable
CE chip enable
Register address 0000 0100 address pointer to seconds register
Seconds 0000 0000 0 Seconds (clock integrity ok MSB OS = 0)
Minutes 0100 0101 45 min
Hours 0010 0011 PM, 3 (clock integrity ok OS = 0)
Days 0001 0101 15th
Weekdays 0000 0101 Friday (5th day of the week)
Month 0001 0010 December
Year 0001 0011 (20)13
CE chip disable
4.3.2 Reading the clock
Reading the clock (2 minutes after writing)
CE chip enable
Register address 0000 0100 address pointer to seconds (R/W¯¯ bit = 1)
Read register 4,
seconds . . . . . . . . e.g. 56 Seconds, (clock integrity ok
OS = 0)
Minutes . . . . . . . . e.g. 46 (Minutes)
Hours . . . . . . . . e.g. 03 (PM 03h)
Days . . . . . . . . e.g. 15 (15th)
Weekdays . . . . . . . . e.g. 05 (Friday)
Month . . . . . . . . e.g. 03 (March)
Year . . . . . . . . e.g. 13 (20)13
CE chip disable
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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5. RTC tuning
5.1 Frequency tuning
The 32 kHz quartzes are typically sold with a tolerance at room temperature of either
±10 ppm or ±20 ppm. 11.5 ppm corresponds to 1 s/day.
The quartzes feature a characteristic load capacity of either 7 pF or 12.5 pF. Oscillators
utilizing 7 pF quartzes feature slightly lower power consumption, where the quartzes of
12.5 pF have largest production quantities. The tracks between quartz and RTC
represent also some parasitic capacitances and must be kept short.
The PCF85063 has a tuning facility where above tolerances can be compensated.
Tuning procedure:
Measure the 32xxx Hz (f) signal at the CLKOUT pin.
The offset is calculated in ppm as
Δf[ppm] = 106 × (f - 32768) / 32768
Consult the offset table in the data sheet. Take the correction value and write it into
the register 02h.
The correction is done by means of inhibition or addition: the oscillator runs at
constant speed, then every 2 hours (mode 0) 1 second is corrected to by making it
shorter or longer. This is not easily visible at the CLKOUT.
Corrections can also be applied every 4 minutes by using mode 1. This mode will
consume slightly more power.
The 32 kHz quartzes are of the type tuning fork and feature a parabolic frequency
response over temperature. When the application is dominantly used over a limited
temperature range, it is often helpful to tune the frequency to be slightly higher at the
turn-over point. The error around 25 °C (clock goes too fast) is then compensated during
the time when temperature is lower or higher. For example, for operation between 5 °C
and 45 °C, tune the clock 8 ppm faster than the value for 25 °C would be. (See Fig
6Error! Reference source not found. .)
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
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(1) Characteristic if tuned to 32.768 kHz at 25 ºC.
(2) Characteristic if tuned with the positive offset Δfoff.
Fig 6. Temperature averaged over application range 5 °C to 45 °C
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.
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6. Legal information
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NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.
© NXP B.V. 2013. All rights reserved.
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7. List of figures
Fig 1. Block diagram of the PCF85063BTL RTC ....... 3
Fig 2. Interfacing to microcontroller ............................. 4
Fig 3. Picture and layout of demo bard OM11059....... 5
Fig 4. OM11059 block diagram ................................... 5
Fig 5. OM11059 schematics ....................................... 6
Fig 6. Temperature averaged over application range
5 °C to 45 °C ..................................................... 9
NXP Semiconductors
User manual for SPI-bus RTC d em oboard OM11059
Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)
described herein, have been included in the section 'Lega
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© NXP B.V. 2013. All rights reserved.
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Date of release:
04 April 2013
Document identifier:
8. Contents
1. Introduction ......................................................... 3
2. Key features ......................................................... 3
2.1 PCF85063BTL ................................................... 3
3. Hardware set-up .................................................. 4
3.1 General requirements for the RTC
PCF85063BTL ................................................... 4
3.2 Demo board OM11059A .................................... 5
4. Software set-up ................................................... 6
4.1 Functionality ....................................................... 6
4.2 System testing .................................................... 6
4.3 Software instructions for setting the clock .......... 7
4.3.1 Setting the time .................................................. 7
4.3.2 Reading the clock ............................................... 7
5. RTC tuning ........................................................... 8
5.1 Frequency tuning ............................................... 8
6. Legal information .............................................. 10
6.1 Definitions ........................................................ 10
6.2 Disclaimers ....................................................... 10
6.3 Trademarks ...................................................... 10
7. List of figures ..................................................... 11
8. Contents ............................................................. 12
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