SKDH 146/.. -L100 %012 %002) %02 3 4 "5$ 6 & % ",$$ % ".$$ 4 7$ 8 19 "5#:".;'"$$ "<$$ "#$$ 19 "5#:"#;'"$$ Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions Bridge - Rectifier SEMIPONTTM 6 3-Phase Bridge Rectifier + IGBT braking chopper SKDH 146/.. -L100 Preliminary Data Features ! "#$$% & & !' ( ) * + #, -,. Typical Applications & / 4 .- 8) Values Units 3 3>12:312 4 7$ 8= & 4 "$ = "7$8 =? "5$ ".-$ 6 6 @ 4 "$ = "7$8 =? <7$$ 6@ IGBT - Chopper %+1:%A+1 3 4 .- <$ 8 ".$$ : .$ ".- "$$ % 6 32 4 " = 4 .- <$ 8 .-$ .$$ 6 ".$$ ",$ B$ % 6 Freewheeling - CAL Diode %002 3> 4 .- <$ 8 3>2 4 " = 4 .- <$ 8 .5$ "7$ 6 &? C 3A / ; 5$ *** D "-$ ;5$***D ".; 5$ *** D "..#$ 8 8 8 % * * -$ () 021 " * : " ,$$$ : ,#$$ % ) "$ Characteristics Symbol Conditions Diode - Rectifier %E : ? 4 ".- 8 0?; 4 .- 8) min. typ. max. $)7 : 5 Units % : F $)7 9:G IGBT - Chopper %+ 0?; : : +D+ 3 4 "$$ 6) ? 4 .- 8= %A+ 4 "- % .),- 3A % $), & & H % 4 #$$ %= %A+ 4 "- %= 3 4 ".$ 6= ? 4 ".- 8= ? 4 ".- 8= 0A 4 "# I= 9:G ""5 : B5)75-)- : B5)- .5)5 J & CAL - Diode - Freewheeling %E : ? 4 ".- 8 0?; 3002 K & & H 3> 4 "$$ 6= %0 4 ; ;#$$ %= 3>: 4 ; ;"$$$ 6:L + ":7 "). : "" % : F $)# 9:G #"- 6 L %A+ 4 $ %= ? 4 ".- 8 J Temperature Sensor 01 4 .- "$$ 8= "$$$ "#<$ F Mechanical data 21 M .)-- ,)5- N DH 1 05-09-2007 DIL (c) by SEMIKRON SKDH 146/.. -L100 Fig. 1 Power dissipation per module vs. output current Fig. 2 Surge overload current vs. time Fig. 3 Forward characteristic of single rectifier diode Fig. 4 Forward characteristic of single thyristor Fig. 5 Temperature sensor characteristic Fig.6 Typ gate charge characteristic 2 05-09-2007 DIL (c) by SEMIKRON SKDH 146/.. -L100 Fig. 7 Output IGBT characteristics Ic=f(Vce), Tj=25C Fig. 8 Output IGBT characteristics Ic=f(Vce), Tj=125C Fig. 9 Turn-on/-off energy=f(Ic) Fig.10 Turn-on/-off energy=f(Rg) Fig. 11 Gate trigger characteristic of a single thyristor Fig. 12 Freewheeling diode forward characteristic 3 05-09-2007 DIL (c) by SEMIKRON SKDH 146/.. -L100 UL recognized File n° E63 532 Dimensions in mm A -B A -B This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, Chapter IX. This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. 4 05-09-2007 DIL (c) by SEMIKRON