PASSIVE DELAY LINES, DIP PACKAGE SERIES P1410 - 14 PIN, 10-TAP SERIES P2420 - 24 PIN, 20-TAP @ Economical cost, prompt delivery! Wide variety of values, 10nS to 1000nS M@ Precision-grade internal inductor elements ensure excellent stability M@ Fast rise times @ Operating temperature: 0C to 70C OPTIONS @ Custom circuits available @ Non-standard delay or impedance values Tighter tolerance or temp. coefficient @ Internal resistor termination @ Faster rise times @ Military screening per MIL-D-83531 TYPE P1410 14-PIN 10 TAP Total |Rise Time| Delay Attenuation Available Delay| Max.f per Tap Max. (%) Impedance (nSec)| (nSec) | (nSec) Values (+10%)* 10 3.0 1 5 509, 1000 20 45 2 5 500, 1000, 2009 30 6.0 3 5 509, 1000, 200Q 40 7.0 4 5 50, 100, 2009, 300, 5000 50 8.5 5 7 500, 100Q, 2009, 3000, 5002 60 10 6 7 502, 100Q, 2009, 300M, 500Q 75 125 75 7 50, 1009, 2009, 300, 500 100 17 10 7 502, 100, 200, 3002, 500Q 120 20 12 8 509, 100, 200, 300, 500 150 25 15 8 509, 100, 200, 3000, 5000 180 30 18 8 500, 1002, 2000, 3002, 5000 200 34 20 8 50M, 100, 2000, 300, 500 220 37 22 8 50, 100Q, 2009, 300, 5000 250 42 25 8 502, 1002, 200, 3000, 500 300 50 30 10 50M, 100M, 200, 300, 500N 375 62.5 37.5 10 50, 100, 2002, 300M, 500Q 500 85 50 12 509, 100, 2000, 3002 600 100 60 15 50Q, 100, 200, 300 750 125 75 16 50, 1000, 2000 1000 170 100 16 509, 1000 + Faster rise times available! TYPE P2420 24-PIN 20 TAP Total Rise Time Delay Attenuation Available Delay Max.t per Tap Max. (%) Impedance (nSec) (nSec) (nSec) Values (+10%)* 20 3 1 5 500, 100 40 4 2 8 50M, 100Q, 200Q 60 6 3 8 509, 100, 2009 80 8 4 8 509, 100, 2009 100 10 5 8 509, 1009, 2000 200 20 10 8 50Q, 100Q, 200Q 300 30 15 8 100, 2000 400 40 20 10 100, 2000 500 50 25 10 1000, 2000 600 60 30 10 1000, 2000 800 80 40 10 100M, 200 1000 100 50 10 100, 2002 * 1002 is the most common impedance value t Faster rise times available! RC] D) RCD Series P1410 and P2420 passive (analog) delay lines are a lumped constant design per applicable portions of MIL-D-23859. The series incorporates high performance inductors and multilayer capacitors in a molded DIP package ensuring stable transmission, low temperature coefficient, and excellent environmental performance. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Total Delay Tol.: 5% or +2nS whichever is greater Tap Delay Tol.: 10% or +1nS whichever is greater Temperature Coefficient: 100ppm/C Max. Dielectric Strength: 100VDC Insulation Resistance: 1000MQ Min. Distortion: +10% Max. TEST CONDITIONS @25C 1) Input test pulse shall have an amplitude of 3.2V, rise time of 2nS, and pulse width of 3x total delay 2) Delay line to be terminated to within 1% of its characteristic impedance TYPE P1410 4 CUCUIT A 3 vt on 4 Bet wm ro") j } j yen aco 0 tons ve-L c 1 L Loratonos o ow~we 1 crcurt's f + 8 4 ON yoy Y pe 13 0un Guo) se-L1_L 1 T Le 7 eno) cmcurt ce 2 e ant 14e-7 yo 7 UN 300 Max. (Std.} 200 Max topt A) 7] conor oD D2 123 (tt 1 5 1 8 (GINO) CIRCUIT DY t T ene i anny |{J- Spore? (oun mem ft e100 F ona tT I TT 1 1 L Les tons TYPE P2420 | en re | 900 Max a j2.% t kz 2 N F o20 fer INCHES XXX 4 010 254 "W500 MILLIMETEAS XX 25 ae 4 TAP %%%%HH%%%%N NS % %% %% HN % % PLLSL SASS RESELL SEE GND P2420 STANDARD CIRCUITS RCD Components, Inc., 520 East industrial Park Dr., Manchester, NH USA 03109 Tel: (603) 669-0054 TAP NUMBER circuit] in. [12 3 4.5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819|ouT| GNO A 213456 7 8 9 1011121415161718192021 22] 23 |1,24 B 213456 7 8 9 1011131415161718192021 22) 23 |12 Cc 112345 67 8 9 10111415161718192021 22) 23 |12,24 D 213456 7 8 9 101112191415161718192021] 22 11,24 HOW TO ORDER P1410 A 100nS 1000 C RCD Type (P1410, P2420) Low Profile Option (P1410 only) Total Delay impedance (50M, 100Q, 2009, 3000) Circuit (A, B, C, D) Fax: (603) 669-5455 73