MIC25400 2A Dual Output PWM Synchronous Buck Regulator IC General Description Features The MIC25400 is a synchronous PWM dual output step down converter with internal 2A high-side switches. The MIC25400 has an integrated low-side gate driver for synchronous step-down conversion by connecting an external N-channel MOSFET to achieve high efficiencies in low duty-cycle applications. The IC's switching frequency is 1MHz. A patented control scheme allows the use of a wide range of output capacitance from small ceramic capacitors to large electrolytic types with only one compensation component. A 2% output voltage tolerance over the temperature range allows the maximum level of system performance. The MIC25400 power good signal allows full control for sequencing the output voltages with minimum external components. An adjustable current limit allows the use of smaller inductors in lower current applications. The MIC25400 is available in the ePAD 24-pin 4mm x 4mm MLF(R) package, and has an operating junction temperature range of -40C to +125C. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4.5V to 13.2V input voltage range Adjustable output voltages down to 0.7V 2A per channel 180 out of phase operation Low-side driver for synchronous operation 2% output voltage accuracy (over temperature) 1MHz switching frequency Output voltage sequencing Programmable max current-limit Power good output Ramp ControlTM provides soft-start Low-side current sensing allows very low duty-cycle Works with ceramic output capacitors 24-pin 4mm x 4mm MLF(R) package Junction temperature range of -40C to +125C Applications * Multi-output power supplies with sequencing * DSP, FPGA, CPU and ASIC power supplies * Telecom and networking equipment, servers _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Typical Application MIC25400 Dual Output Buck Converter Ramp Control is a trademark of Micrel, Inc. MLF and MicroLeadFrame are registered trademarks of Amkor Technology, Inc. Micrel Inc. * 2180 Fortune Drive * San Jose, CA 95131 * USA * tel +1 (408) 944-0800 * fax + 1 (408) 474-1000 * http://www.micrel.com January 2011 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Ordering Information Part Number Voltage MIC25400YML Adj Switching Frequency 1MHz Temperature Range -40C to +125C Package 24-Pin 4mm x 4mm MLF Lead Finish (R) Pb-Free Pin Configuration 24-Pin 4mm x 4mm MLF(R) (ML) Pin Description Pin Number January 2011 Pin Name Pin Description 1 BST1 Boost 1 (Input): Provides voltage for high-side internal MOSFET for channel 1. Connect a 0.01F capacitor from SW1 to BST1 pin and a diode-to-PVDD. 2 LSD1 Low-side Drive 1 (Output): External low-side N-Channel MOSFET driver. Use 4.5V rated MOSFETs. 3 PGND1 4 CS1 Current Sense 1 (Input): Place a resistor from SW1 to this pin to program the current limit point from 0.5A to 2.7A. 5 PG1 Power Good 1 (Output): Open drain. Device is in the OFF state. i.e., high when output is within 90% of regulation. 6 EN/DLY1 Enable/Delay 1 (Input): This pin can be used to disable VOUT1. When used to disable VOUT1, this pin must be pulled down to ground in less than 1s for proper operation. It is also used for soft-start of the output. Soft start capacitor range is 4.7nf to 22nf. See the Functional Description section of this datasheet for additional information. 7 COMP1 Compensation 1 (Input): Pin for external compensation, Channel 1. 8 FB1 Feedback 1 (Input): Input to Ch1 error amplifier. Regulates to 0.7V. 9 NC No Connect. 10 AGND 11 FB2 Feedback 2 (Input): Input to Channel 2 error amplifier. Regulates to 0.7V. 12 COMP2 Compensation 2 (Input): Pin for external compensation, Channel 2. Power Ground 1 (Input). Analog Ground (Input): Control section ground. Connect to PGND. 2 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Pin Number Pin Description Enable/Delay 2 (Input): This pin can be used to disable VOUT2. When used to disable VOUT2, this pin must be pulled down to ground in less than 1s for proper operation. It is also used for soft-start of the output. Soft start capacitor range is 4.7nf to 22nf. See Functional Description section for additional information. 13 EN/DLY2 14 PG2 Power Good 2 (Output) Open drain. Device is in the OFF state. i.e., high when output is within 90% of regulation 15 CS2 Current Sense 2 (Input) Place a resistor from SW2 to this pin to program the current limit point from 0.5A to 2.7A 16 PGND2 Power Ground 2 (Input) 17 LSD2 Low-side Drive 2 (Output): External low-side N-Channel MOSFET driver. Use 4.5V rated MOSFETs. 18 BST2 Boost 2 (Input): Provides voltage for high-side internal MOSFET for Channel 2. Connect a 0.01F capacitor from SW2 to BST2 pin and a diode-to-PVDD. 19 SW2 Switch Node 2 (Output): Source of internal high-side power MOSFET. VIND2 Supply voltage (Input): For the drain of internal high-side power MOSFET 4.5V to 13.2V. 21 PVDD 5V Internal Linear Regulator (Output): PVDD is the external MOSFET gate drive for LSD1 and LSD2 and an internal supply bus for the IC. Connect to an external 1F bypass capacitor. When VIN is <6V, this regulator operates in drop-out mode. Connect VDD to VIN when VIN <6V. 22 VIN 23 VIND1 24 SW1 Switch Node 1 (Output): Source of internal high-side power MOSFET. EP GND Exposed thermal pad for package only. Connect to ground. Must make a full connection to the ground plane to maximize thermal performance of the package. 20 January 2011 Pin Name Supply voltage (Input): For the internal 5V linear regulator. 4.5V to 13.2V. Supply voltage (Input): For the drain of internal high-side power MOSFET 4.5V to 13.2V. 3 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) Operating Ratings(2) VIN to PGND .................................................... -0.3V to 16V VIND1, VIND2 to PGND........................................ -0.3V to 16V VPVDD to PGND .................................................. -0.3V to 6V VSW1, VSW2 to PGND ............................ -0.7V to (VIN + 0.3V) VCS1, VCS2 to PGND ............................. -0.7V to (VIN + 0.3V) VBST1 to VSW1, VBST2 to VSW2 ............................ -0.3V to 6.0V VBST1, VBST2 to PGND....................................... -0.3V to 22V VEN/DLY1, VEN/DLY2 to PGND...............-0.7V to (VPVDD + 0.3V) VCOMP1, VCOMP2 to PGND..................-0.7V to (VPVDD + 0.3V) VFB1, VFB2 to PGND..........................-0.7V to (VPVDD + 0.3V) VPG1, VPG2 to PGND .........................-0.7V to (VPVDD + 0.3V) PGND1, PGND2 to AGND ........................... -0.3V to +0.3V Junction Temperature ................................................ 150C Storage Temperature ...............................-65C to +150C Lead Temperature (soldering,10 sec.)....................... 260C Supply Voltage (VIN)................................... +4.5V to +13.2V Output Voltage Range (VOUT).....................0.7V to 0.7*VIN Maximum Output Current (IOUT)................. ................... 2A Junction Temperature (TJ) ........................ -40C to +125C Junction Thermal Resistance 4mm x 4mm MLF-24L (JA) ...............................35C/W Electrical Characteristics(4) VIN = 12; VEN=5V; VOUT=1.8V; ILOAD=10mA; TA = 25C, bold values indicate -40C TJ +125C, unless noted. Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units 13.2 V Power Input Supply Input Voltage Range (VIN) 4.5 Quiescent Supply Current VFB = 0.8V, IOUT = 0A; Both outputs not switching 3.6 7 mA Shutdown Current VEN1 = VEN2 = 0V 360 425 A VIN UVLO Threshold VIN Rising, PVDD open, for VIN6V 4.02 4.5 V 3.6 VIN UVLO Hysteresis VIN 6V 150 mV VIN UVLO VIN <6V) VIN Rising, PVDD connected to VIN, for VIN<6V 3.2 3.5 3.9 V VFB = 0.8V, IPVDD = 75mA 4.7 5.1 5.4 V Feedback Reference Voltage 2% over temperature 686 700 714 mV FB Bias Current VFB = 0.7V FB Line Regulation VDD Supply Internal Bias Voltages PVDD Reference (Each Channel) 5 nA VIN = 6V to 13.2V, IOU T = 10mA 0.005 %/V Output Voltage Line Regulation VIN = 6V to 13.2V , VOUT = 1.8V, IOU T = 1A 0.005 %/V Output Voltage Load Regulation VOUT = 1.8V, IOU T = 0A to 2A 0.15 % Output Voltage Total Regulation VIN = 6V to 13.2V , IOU T = 0.25A to 2A, VOUT = 1.8V 0.1 % External Current Sense, Adjustable Current Limit Trip Point Current Sourcing current 175 Current Limit Temperature Coefficient 225 750 Current Limit Comparator Offset January 2011 200 -10 4 0 A ppm/C 10 mV M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. Parameter MIC25400 Condition Min Typ Max Units 0.8 1 1.2 MHz 70 75 % 15 ns 68 dB 150 m Pull Up, ISOURCE = 10mA 4 Pull Down; ISINK = 10mA 2.5 Into 1000pF 12 ns Into 1000pF 9 ns (Adaptive) 25 ns Oscillator / PWM Switching Frequency Maximum Duty-cycle Minimum On-Time ILOAD > 200mA (5) Error Amplifier (each channel) DC Gain High-side internal MOSFET On Resistance RDS(ON) IFET = 1A, VFB=0.8V Low-side MOSFET driver DH On-Resistance DH Transition Time Driver Non-overlap Dead Time EN/DLY and soft-start control EN/DLY Pull-up Current VEN/DLY=0V 5.0 6.5 8.0 A PVDD Threshold PVDD turns on 0.3 0.4 0.6 V Soft-start Begins Threshold Channel soft-start begins 1 1.35 1.8 V Soft-start Ends Threshold Channel soft-start ends 2 2.4 2.8 V PG Threshold Voltage VOUT Rising (% of VOUT nominal) 86 90 94 %Nom PG Output Low Voltage VFB = 0V, IPG = 1mA 0.24 0.3 V PG Leakage Current VFB = 800mV, VPG = 5.5V Power Good 5 nA 172 C 22 C Thermal Protection Over-temperature Shutdown TJ Rising Over-temperature Shutdown Hysteresis Notes: 1. Exceeding the absolute maximum rating may damage the device. 2. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating rating. 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended. Human body model, 1.5k in series with 100pF. 4. Specification for packaged product only. 5. Minimum on-time before automatic cycle skipping begins. See applications section. January 2011 5 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Typical Characteristics IDD_OFF vs. Input Voltage IDD_ON vs. Input Voltage 6 60 1.40 -40C ENABLE THRESHOLD (V) 25C 55 5 50 25C IDD_ON (mA) IDD_OFF (mA) Enable Threshold vs. Input Voltage 4 3 45 40 -40C 35 85C 30 85C 25 2 20 6 8 10 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 12 8 10 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 6 3.10 3.05 3.30 85C 3.25 3.31 3.30 3.29 3.28 85C 3.27 -40C 3.26 3.25 VIN = 12V 3.24 3.20 8 10 12 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 25C 3.32 -40C 3.00 8 10 12 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 3.33 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 3.15 -40C Load Regulation 25C OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) CURRENT LIMIT THRESHOLD (A) 85C 1.32 12 3.35 25C VOUT = 3.3V 3.23 6 8 10 12 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 12VIN Efficiency vs. Output Current (09) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 OUTPUT CURRENT(A) 2.0 5VIN Efficiency vs. Output Current (09) 100.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 EFFICIENCY (%) EFFICIENCY (%) 1.34 Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage 3.20 100.0 25C 1.36 1.30 6 Current Limit Threshold vs. Input Voltage 6 1.38 70.0 60.0 50.0 5Vo 1.8Vo 1.2Vo 40.0 30.0 60.0 50.0 1.8Vo 40.0 1.2Vo 30.0 0.7Vo 20.0 70.0 0.7Vo 20.0 0.0 January 2011 0.5 1.0 1.5 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 2.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 OUTPUT CURRENT (A) 6 2.0 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Functional Characteristics January 2011 7 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Functional Diagram PWM Core MIC25400 Block Diagram January 2011 8 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 A 1F ceramic capacitor should be used to decouple VPVDD-to-ground. Functional Description The MIC25400 is a dual output, synchronous buck regulators. Output regulation is performed using a fixed frequency, voltage mode control scheme. The fixed frequency clock drives the two sections 180 out of phase, which reduces input ripple current. EN/DLY pin The EN/DLY pins are used to turn on, turn off and softstart the outputs. The pins can be controlled with an open collector or open drain device as shown in Figure 1. It must not be actively driven high or damage will result. When disabling the output with an external device, the enable pin turn-off time must be less than 1s. Oscillator An internal oscillator provides a clock signal to each of the two sides. The clock signals are 180 out of phase with the other. Each phase is used to generate a ramp for the PWM comparator and a clock pulse that terminates the switching cycle. The MIC25400 oscillator frequency is nominally 1MHz. UVLO The UVLO monitors voltage on the VIN pin. The circuit controls both regulators (side 1 and side 2). It disables the output drivers and discharges the EN/DLY capacitor when VIN is below the UVLO threshold. As VIN rises above the threshold, the internal high-side FET drivers and external low-side drives are enabled and the EN/DLY pins are released. A low impedance source should be used to supply input voltage to the MIC25400. When VIN drops below the UVLO threshold and the outputs turn off, the change in input current will cause VIN to slight rise. The output voltage will momentarily turn back on if the rise in VIN is greater than the UVLO hysteresis. The preferred method is to use the EN/DLY pins, as shown in Figure 1, for startup and shutdown of the outputs. This avoids the possibility of glitching during startup and shutdown. If an external control signal is not available, the circuit in Figure 1A may be used to set a higher turn-on and turn-off threshold than the internal UVLO circuit. Moreover, the hysteresis is adjustable and can accommodate a wider input source impedance range. Please refer to the MIC841 datasheet for additional information on selecting the resistor values. Figure 1. Enable and soft-start circuit Figure 1A. Adjustable UVLO startup circuit Regulator/Reference The internal regulator generates a PVDD pin voltage that powers the high-side MOSFET and low-side gate drive circuits. It also generates an internal analog voltage, AVDD, which is used by the low level analog and digital sections. The AVDD voltage is also used by the bandgap to generate a nominal 700mV for the error amplifier reference. The output undervoltage and power good circuits use the bandgap for their references. The dropout of the internal regulator causes VPVDD to drop when VIN is below 6V. When operating below 6V, the PVDD pin must be jumpered to VIN. This bypasses the internal LDO and prevents VPVDD from dropping out. January 2011 Minimum Output Load when Disabled When one output is disabled and the other enabled, then the disabled output requires a minimum output load to prevent its output voltage from rising. Typically, a 2k load on the output will keep the output voltage below 100mV. The output setting voltage divider resistors may be used for the 2k load if the total resistance is set low enough. A separate output resistor should be used for lower output voltages since the voltage divider resistance becomes impractically low. 9 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Output Sequencing Sequencing of the outputs is shown in Figure 3. The power good pin is used to disable VOUT2 until the VOUT1 reaches regulation. Sequencing waveforms are shown in Figure 4. Soft-start Enable and soft-start waveforms are shown in Figure 2. Figure 2. Soft-start Timing Diagram A capacitor, CSS, is connected to the EN/DLY pin. The CSS capacitor range is 4.7nf to 22nf. Releasing the pin allows an internal current source to charge the capacitor. The delay between the EN/DLY pin release and when VOUT starts to rise can be calculated by the equation below. tD = Figure 3. Output Sequencing C SS x VThreshold_Start ISS Where: CSS is the soft-start capacitor. ISS is the internal soft-start current (200A nominal). VThreshold_start is the EN/DLY pin voltage where the output starts to rise (1.35V nominal). The output voltage starts to rise when voltage on the EN/DLY pin reaches the start threshold. The output voltage reaches regulation when the EN/DLY pin voltage reaches the end threshold. The output voltage rise time can be calculated by the equation below: tD = C SS x (VThreshold_End - VThreshold_Start ) Figure 4. Output Sequencing Waveforms ISS Where: VThreshold_End is the EN/DLY pin voltage where the output reaches regulation. The MIC25400 must start up without a pre-biased output voltage. During start up, the MIC25400 pulls the output to ground if it is above 0V. This may cause the output to ring below ground and excessive voltage on the VSW node. A pre-bias condition can occur if the output is turned off then immediately turned back on before the output capacitor is discharged to ground. It is also possible that the output of the MIC25400 could be pulled up or pre-biased through parasitic conduction paths from one supply rail to another in multiple voltage level ICs like a FPGA. Power Good Power good is an open drain signal that asserts when VOUT exceed the power good threshold. The circuit monitors the FB pin. The internal FET is turned on while the FB voltage is below the FB threshold. When voltage on the FB in exceeds the FB threshold, the FET is turned off. A pull-up resistor can be connected to PVDD or and external source. The external source voltage must not exceed the maximum rating of the pin. The PG pin can be connected to another regulator's EN/DLY pin for sequencing of the outputs. A pull-up resistor is not used when the power good pin is connected to another regulators EN/DLY pin. January 2011 10 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 The low-side MOSFET gate voltage is supplied from VPVDD. Turn off of the MOSFET is accomplished by discharging the gate through the LSD pin. The return path is through the PGND pin and back to the MOSFET's source pin. These circuit paths must be kept short to minimize noise. See the layout section of this datasheet for additional information. Driving the low-side MOSFET on and off dissipates power in the MIC25400 regulator. The power can be calculated by the equation below: High-side Drive The internal high-side drive circuit is designed to switch the internal N-channel MOSFET. Figure 5 shows a diagram of the high-side MOSFET, gate drive and bootstrap circuit. D2 and CBST comprise the bootstrap circuit, which supplies drive voltage to the high-side MOSFET. Bootstrap capacitor CBST is charged through diode D2 when the low-side MOSFET turns on and pulls the SW pin voltage-to-ground. When the high-side MOSFET driver is turned on, energy from CBST charges the MOSFET gate, turning it on. Voltage on the SW pin increases to approximately VIN. Diode D2 is reversed biased and CBST flies high while maintaining gate voltage on the high-side MOSFET. A resistor should be added in series with the BST1 and BST2 pins. This will slow down the turn-on time of the high-side MOSFET while leaving the turn-off time unaffected. Slowing down the MOSFET risetime will reduce the turn-on overshoot at the switch node, which is important when operating with an input voltage close to the maximum operating voltage. The recommended capacitor for CBST is a 0.01F ceramic capacitor. The recommended value for RBST is 20. PDRIVER = Q G x VGS x f S Where: PDRIVER is the power dissipated in the regulator by switching the MOSFET on and off. QG is the total Gate charge of the MOSFET at VGS. VGS is the MOSFET's Gate to Source voltage which is equal to the voltage on PVDD. fS is the switching frequency of the regulator (1MHz nominal). dV/dT Induced Turn-on of the Low-Side MOSFET As the high-side MOSFET turns on, the rising dv/dt on the switch-node forces current through CGD of the lowside MOSFET causing a glitch on its gate. Figure 6 demonstrates the basic mechanism causing this issue. If the glitch on the gate is greater than the MOSFET's turnon threshold, it may cause an unwanted turn-on of the low-side MOSFET while the high-side MOSFET is on. A short circuit between input and ground would momentarily occur, which lowers efficiency and increases power dissipation in both FETs. Additionally, turning on the low-side FET during the off-time could interfere with overcurrent sensing. Figure 5. High-side Drive Circuitry Low-side Drive Output The LSD pin is used to drive an external MOSFET. This MOSFET is driven out of phase with the internal highside MOSFET to conduct inductor current during the high-side MOSFETs off-time. Circuitry internal to the regulator prevents short circuit "shoot-through" current from flowing by preventing the high-side and low-side MOSFETs from conducting at the same time. January 2011 Figure 6. dv/dt induced turn-on of the low-side MOSFET 11 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 an offset voltage (ICS x RCS) that is compared to the VDS of the low-side FET. When ISD (source-to-drain current) x RDSON is equal to this voltage the soft-start circuit is reset and a hiccup current mode is initiated to protect the power supply and load from excessive current during short circuits. The following steps can be taken to lower the gate drive impedance, minimize the dv/dt-induced current and lower the FET's susceptibility to the induced glitch: * Chose a low-side MOSFET with a high CGS/CGD ratio and a low internal gate resistance * Do not put a resistor between the LSD output and the gate. * Insure both the gate drive and return etch are short, low inductance connections. * Use a 4.5V VGS rated MOSFET. Its higher gate threshold voltage is more immune to glitches than a 2.5V or 3.3V rated MOSFET. MOSFETs that are rated for operation at less than 4.5 VGS should not be used. * Add a resistor in series with the BST pin. This will slow down the turn-on time of the high-side MOSFET while leaving the turn-off time unaffected. Current Limit Calculations and Maximum Peak Limit The current limit method requires careful selection of the inductor value and saturation current. If a short circuit occurs during the off-time, the overcurrent circuit will take up to a full cycle to detect the overcurrent once it exceed the overcurrent limit. The worst case occurs if the output current is 0A and a hard short is applied to the output. The short circuit causes the output voltage to fall, which increases the pulse width of the regulator. It may take three or four cycles for the current to build up in the inductor before current limit forces the part into hiccup mode. The wider pulse width generates a larger peak to peak inductor current which can saturate the inductor. For this reason, the minimum inductor value for the MIC25400 is 4.7H and the maximum peak current limit setpoint is 2.7A. The saturation current for each of these inductors should be at least 1.5A higher than the overcurrent limit setting. Current Limit The MIC25400 uses the synchronous (low-side) MOSFET's RDSON to sense an over-current condition. The low-side MOSFET is used because it displays lower parasitic oscillations after switching than the upper MOSFET. Additionally, it improves the accuracy and reduces false tripping at lower voltage outputs and narrow duty cycles since the off-time increases as dutycycle decreases. Figure 7 shows how over current protection is performed using the low-side MOSFET. Voltage Setting Components The regulator requires two external resistors to set the output voltage as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8. Setting the Output Voltage Figure 7. Over-current Circuit The output voltage is determined by the equation below. R1 VOUT = VREF x 1 + R2 Inductor current, IL, flows from the lower MOSFET source to the drain during the off-time, causing the drain voltage to become negative with respect to ground. This negative voltage is proportional to the instantaneous inductor current times the MOSFET RDSON. The lowside MOSFET voltage becomes even more negative as the output current increases. The over-current circuit operates by passing a known fixed current source through a resistor RCS. This sets up January 2011 Where: VREF is 0.7V nominal. If the voltage divider resistance is used to provide the minimum load (see EN/DLY section) then R1 should be low enough to provide the necessary impedance. Once R1 is selected, R2 can be calculated with the following formula: 12 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. R2 = MIC25400 VREF x R1 VOUT - VREF Minimum Pulse Width Output voltage is regulated by adjusting the on-time pulse width of the high-side FET. This is accomplished by comparing the error amplifier output with a sawtooth waveform (see block diagram). The pulse width output of the comparator becomes smaller as the error amplifier voltage decreases. Due to propagation delay and other circuit limitations, there is a minimum pulse width at the output of the comparator. If the error amplifier voltage drops any further, then the output of the comparator will be low. The PWM circuit will skip pulses if a smaller duty-cycle is required to maintain output voltage regulation. This effectively cuts the output frequency in half. Thermal Protection The internal temperature of the regulator is monitored to prevent damage to the device. Both outputs are inhibited from switching if the over-temperature threshold is exceeded. Hysteresis in the circuit allows the regulator to cool before turning back on. January 2011 13 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Input Capacitor A 10F ceramic is suggested on each of the VIN pins for bypassing. X5R or X7R dielectrics are recommended for the input capacitor. Y5V dielectrics should not be used. Besides losing most of their capacitance over temperature, they also become resistive at high frequencies, which reduce their ability to filter out high frequency noise. Application Information Component Selection Inductor The value of inductance is determined by the peak to peak inductor current. Higher values of inductance reduce the inductor current ripple at the expense of a larger inductor. Smaller inductance values allow faster response to output current transients but increase the output ripple voltage and require more output capacitance. The inductor value and saturation current are also controlled by the method of overcurrent limit used (see explanation in the previous section). The minimum value of inductance for the MIC25400 is 4.7H. The peak-to-peak ripple current may be calculated using the formula below. IPP = Output Capacitor The MIC25400 regulator is designed for ceramic output capacitors although tantalum and Aluminum Electrolytic may also be used. Output ripple voltage is determined by the magnitude of inductor current ripple, the output capacitor's ESR and the value of output capacitance. When using ceramic output capacitors, the primary contributor to output ripple is the value of capacitance. Output ripple using ceramic capacitors may be calculated using the equation below: VOUT ( VIN(max) - VOUT ) C OUT VIN(max) f S L Where: IPP is the peak to peak inductor ripple current L is the value of inductance fS is the switching frequency of the regulator is the efficiency of the power supply Efficiency values from the Functional Characteristics section can be use for these calculations. The peak inductor current in each channel is equal to the average output current plus one half of the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current. 2 VOUT The RMS inductor current is used to calculate the I2R losses in the inductor. IINDUCTORRMS I PP 2 = + [I PP R ESR ] 8 C OUT 2 f S The output capacitor RMS current is calculated below: 2 ICOUTRMS = Maximizing efficiency requires the proper selection of core material and minimizing the winding resistance. The high frequency operation of the MIC25400 requires the use of ferrite materials. Lower cost iron powder cores may be used but the increase in core loss will reduce the efficiency of the power supply. This is especially noticeable at low output power. The inductor winding resistance decreases efficiency at the higher output current levels. The winding resistance must be minimized although this usually comes at the expense of a larger inductor. The power dissipated in the inductor equals the sum of the core and copper losses. Core loss information is usually available from the magnetics vendor. January 2011 8 VOUT 2 f S Where: VOUT is the peak-to-peak output voltage ripple IPP is the peak-to-peak ripple current as see by the capacitors fS is the switching frequency (1MHz nominal). When using tantalum or Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors, both the capacitance and ESR contribute to output ripple. The total ripple is calculated below: IPK = IOUT + 0.5 x IPP 1 I = IOUT 1 + PP 3 I OUT IPP IPP 12 The power dissipated in the output capacitors can be calculated by the equation below: ( PDISSCOUT = ICOUTRMS )2 R ESR Current limit resistor The current limit circuit responds to the peak inductor current flowing through the low-side FET. Calculating the current setting resistor RCS should take into account the peak inductor current and the blanking delay of approximately 100ns. 14 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Figure 9. Overcurrent waveform Figure 9 shows the low-side MOSFET current waveform. Peak current is measured after a small delay. The equations used to calculate the current limit resistor value are shown below: I IPK = IOUT + PP 2 IOC = IPK - R CS = Figure 10. Output Parasitics One method of reducing the ringing is to use a resistor to lower the Q of the resonant circuit. The circuit in Figure 11 shows an RC network connected between the switch node and ground. Capacitor CS is used to block DC and minimize the power dissipation in the resistor. This capacitor value should be between five and ten times the parasitic capacitance of the MOSFET COSS. A capacitor that is too small will have high impedance and prevent the resistor from damping the ringing. A capacitor that is too large causes unnecessary power dissipation in the resistor, which lowers efficiency. The snubber components should be placed as close as possible to the low-side MOSFET and/or external schottky diode since in contributes to most of the stray capacitance. Placing the snubber too far from the FET or using an etch that is too long or too thin adds inductance to the snubber and diminishes its effectiveness. VOUT TDLY L IOC RDS ON ICS Where: IOC is the current limit set point L = inductor value TDLY = Current limit blanking time ~ 100ns ICS is the overcurrent pin sense current (200A nominal) RDSON is the on resistance of the low-side MOSFET Snubber A snubber is used to damp out high frequency ringing caused by parasitic inductance and capacitance in the buck converter circuit. Figure 10 shows a simplified schematic of one of the buck converter phases. Stray capacitance consists mostly of the two MOSFET's output capacitance (COSS). The stray inductance is mostly package and etch inductance. The arrows show the resonant current path when the high-side MOSFET turns on. This ringing causes stress on the semiconductors in the circuit as well as increased EMI. Figure 11. Snubber Circuit January 2011 15 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Proper snubber design requires the parasitic inductance and capacitance be known. A method of determining these values and calculating the damping resistor value is outlined below. 1. Measure the ringing frequency at the switch node which is determined by parasitic LP and CP. Define this frequency as f1. 2. Add a capacitor CS (normally at least 3 times as big as the COSS of the FET) from the switch node-to-ground and measure the new ringing frequency. Define this new (lower) frequency as f2. LP and CP can now be solved using the values of f1, f2 and CS. 3. Add a resistor RS in series with CS to generate critical damping. Solving for RS RS = Figure 11 shows the snubber in the circuit and the damped switch node waveform. The snubber capacitor, Cs, is charged and discharged each switching cycle. The energy stored in Cs is dissipated by the snubber resistor, Rs, two times per switching period. This power is calculated in the equation below. Psnubber = f S C S VIN Low-side MOSFET Selection An external N-channel logic level power MOSFET must be used for the low-side switch. The MOSFET gate-tosource drive voltage of the MIC25400 is regulated by an internal 5V regulator. Logic level MOSFETs, whose operation is specified at VGS = 4.5V must be used. Use of MOSFETs with a lower specified VGS (such as 3.3V or 2.5V) are not recommended since the low threshold can cause them to turn on when the high-side FET is turning on. When operating the regulator below a 6V input, connect VDD to VIN to prevent the VDD regulator from dropping out. Total gate charge is the charge required to turn the MOSFET on and off under specified operating conditions (VDS and VGS). The gate charge is supplied by the regulator's gate drive circuit. Gate charge is a source of power dissipation in the regulator due to the high switching frequencies. At low output load this power dissipation is noticeable as a reduction in efficiency. The average current required to drive the MOSFETs is: 1 2 L P C P Where: CP and LP are the parasitic capacitance and inductance Step 2: Add a capacitor, CS, in parallel with the synchronous MOSFET, Q2. The capacitor value should be approximately 3 times the COSS of Q2. Measure the frequency of the switch node ringing, f2. f2 = 1 2 LP (CS + CP ) Define f' as: f' = f1 f2 Combining the equations for f1, f2 and f' to derive CP, the parasitic capacitance CP = IDD = Q G f S CS Where: QG is the gate charge for both of the external MOSFETs. This information should be obtained from the manufacturer's data sheet. Since current from the gate drive is supplied by the input voltage, power dissipated in the MIC25400 due to gate drive is: ' 2 2 (f ) - 1 LP is solved by re-arranging the equation for f1. LP = 1 (2 ) 2 C P (f1 ) 2 PGATE_DRIVE = Q G f S VIN Step 3: Calculate the damping resistor. Critical damping occurs at Q=1 Q= 1 RS January 2011 2 Where: fS is the switching frequency for each phase VIN is the DC input voltage Step 1: First measure the ringing frequency on the switch node voltage when the high-side MOSFET turns on. This ringing is characterized by the equation: f1 = LP CS + CP Parameters that are important to MOSFET selection are: LP =1 CS + CP 16 * Voltage rating * On resistance * Total Gate Charge M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 The MOSFET is subjected to a VDS equal to the input voltage. A safety factor of 20% should be added to the VDS(max) of the MOSFET to account for voltage spikes due to circuit parasitics. Generally, 30V MOSFETs are recommended for all applications since lower VDS rated MOSFETs tend to have a VGS rating that is lower than the recommended 4.5V. Compensation The voltage regulation, filter and power stage section is shown in Figure 12. The error amplifier regulates the output voltage and compensates the voltage regulation loop. It is a simplified type III compensator utilizing two compensating zeros and two poles. Figure 12 also shows the transfer function for each section. Compensation is necessary to insure the control loop has adequate bandwidth and phase margin to properly respond to input voltage and output current transients. High gain at DC and low frequencies is needed for accurate output voltage regulation. Attenuation near the switching frequency prevents switching frequency noise from interfering with the control loop. The output filter contains a complex double pole formed by the capacitor and inductor and a zero from the output capacitor and its ESR. The transfer function of the filter is: RMS Current and MOSFET Power Dissipation Calculation Switching loss in the low-side MOSFET can be neglected since it is turned on and off at a VDS of 0V. The power dissipated in the MOSFET is mostly conduction loss during the on-time (PCONDUCTION). 2 PCONDUCTION = ISWITCHRMS RDS ON Where: RDSON is the on resistance of the MOSFET switch. The RMS value of the MOSFET current is: 2 ISW_RMS = (1 - D) (IOUT_MAX + 1+ 2 IPP ) 12 Gfilter(s) = 1+ Where: D is the duty-cycle of the converter IPP is the inductor ripple current D= s s + o Q o 2 Where: z = VOUT VIN 1 C O R ESR o = Where: is the efficiency of the converter. Q =R External Schottky Diode A freewheeling diode in parallel with the low-side FET is needed to maintain continuous inductor current flow while both MOSFETs are turned off (dead-time). Deadtime is necessary to prevent current from flowing unimpeded through both MOSFETs. An external Schottky diode is used to bypass the low-side MOSFET's parasitic body diode. An external diode improves efficiency due to its lower forward voltage drop as compared to the internal parasitic diode in the FET. It may also decrease high frequency noise because the Schottky diode junction does not suffer from reverse recovery. An external Schottky diode conducts at a lower forward voltage preventing the body diode in the MOSFET from turning on. The lower forward voltage drop dissipates less power than the body diode. Depending on the circuit components and operating conditions, an external Schottky diode may give up to 1% improvement in efficiency. January 2011 s z 1 CO L O CO L The Modulator Gain is proportional to the input voltage and inversely proportional to the internal ramp voltage generated by the oscillator. The peak-peak ramp voltage is 1V. VIN Gmod = VRAMP The output voltage divider attenuates VOUT and feeds it back to the error amplifier. The divider gain is: H= 17 V R4 = REF R1 + R4 VOUT M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Figure 12. Voltage Loop and Transfer Functions The modulator, filter and voltage divider gains can be multiplied together to show the open loop gain of these parts. Gv d Transfer Function 50 90 40 60 30 This transfer function is plotted in Figure 13. At low frequency, the transfer function gain equals the modulator gain times the voltage divider gain. As the frequency increases toward the LC filter resonant frequency, the gain starts to peak. The increase in the gain's amplitude equals Q. Just above the resonant frequency, the gain drops at a -40db/decade rate. The phase quickly drops from 0 to almost 180 before the phase boost of the zero brings it back up to -90. Higher values of Q will cause the phase to drop quickly. In a well damped, low Q system the phase will change more slowly. As the frequency approaches the zero frequency (fZ), formed by CO and its ESR, then the slope of the gain curve changes from -40db/dec. to -20db/dec and the phase increases. The zero causes a 90 phase boost. Ceramic capacitors, with their smaller values of capacitance and ESR, push the zero and its phase boost out to higher frequencies, which allow the phase lag from the LC filter to drop closer to -180. The system will be close to being unstable if the overall open loop gain crosses 0dB while the phase is close to -180. 30 Gain GAIN (dB) 20 10 -30 Phase 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -60 -90 VIN = 12V -120 VOUT = 1.8V -150 C OUT = 20F L = 4.7H -180 -50 10 100 1000 10000 -210 100000 1000000 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 13: Gvd Transfer Function If the output capacitance and/or ESR is high, the zero moves lower in frequency and helps to boost the phase, leading to a more stable system. Error Amplifier Poles and Zeros The error amplifier has internal poles and zeros that can be shifted in frequency with an external capacitor. The general form of the error amplifier compensation is shown in the equation below: Gea(s) = G DC January 2011 0 PHASE () Gvd(s) = Gfilter(s) H Gmod 18 s s 1 + 1 + z1 z2 x s s 1 + 1 + p1 p2 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 The GDC is the DC gain of the error amplifier. It is internally set to 2500 (68dB). As illustrated in Figure 12, there are two compensating zeros. z1 is internally set with R3 and C3. The zero frequency is fixed at a nominal 16kHz in the MIC25400. The second zero, z2, is set by the external capacitor, C2. For the MIC25400: R3 = 100k Voltage Divider Feedforward Capacitor The capacitor across the upper voltage divider resistor boosts the gain and phase of the control loop by short circuiting the high-side resistor at higher frequencies. The capacitor and upper resistor form a zero at a lower frequency. The capacitor and parallel combination of upper and lower resistors form a pole at a higher frequency. This phase boost circuit is most effective at higher output voltages, where there is a larger attenuation from the voltage divider resistors. The general form of the feedforward circuit is shown below. C3 = 100pf fz1 = fz2 = 1 = 16kHz 2 x x R3 x C3 1 s 1 + z3 R2 H(s) = x R1 + R2 s 1 + p3 2 x x 21 10 3 x C2 The two compensating pole frequencies are shown below. fp1 = 250Hz 1 fp2 = 2 x x 12 10 3 x C2 fp2 and fz2 both depend on the value of C2 and are proportionally spaced in frequency with the zero at a lower frequency than the pole. This provides gain and phase boost in the control loop. Where: 1 2 x x R1 x C1 1 fp3 = R1 x R2 2 x x C1 x R1 + R2 fz3 = The total open loop transfer function is: T(s) = Gea(s) x Gmod x Gfilter(s) x H(s) The following tables list the recommended values of compensation and filter components for different output voltages. The output capacitors are ceramic. VIN 12V 12V 12V 12V 12V 12V 12V January 2011 19 VOUT 1.0V 1.2V 1.4V 1.8V 2.5V 3.3V 5.0V R1 1k 1k 1k 1k 1k 1k 1k MIC25400 R2 C2 2.32k 47pF 1.4k 47pF 1k 47pF 634 47pF 383 47pF 274 68pF 162 68pF C1 1.5nF 1.5nF 1.5nF 1.5nF 3.3nF 3.3nF 3.3nF Lo 4.7H 4.7H 4.7H 4.7H 4.7H 4.7H 4.7H Co 22F 22F 22F 22F 22F 22F 22F M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 PCB Layout Guidelines Warning!!! To minimize EMI and output noise, follow these layout recommendations. PCB Layout is critical to achieve reliable, stable and efficient performance. A ground plane is required to control EMI and minimize the inductance in power, signal and return paths. The following guidelines should be followed to insure proper operation of the MIC25400 converter. * Do not replace the ceramic input capacitor with any other type of capacitor. Any type of capacitor can be placed in parallel with the input capacitor. * If a Tantalum input capacitor is placed in parallel with the input capacitor, it must be recommended for switching regulator applications and the operating voltage must be derated by 50%. * In "Hot-Plug" applications, a Tantalum or Electrolytic bypass capacitor must be used to limit the overvoltage spike seen on the input supply with power is suddenly applied. The value must be sufficiently large to prevent this voltage spike from exceeding the maximum voltage rating of the MIC25400. * An additional Tantalum or Electrolytic bypass input capacitor of 22F or higher is required at the input power connection. IC * Place the IC and the external Low-side MOSFET close to the point of load (POL). * Use fat traces to route the input and output power lines. * The exposed pad (EP) on the bottom of the IC must be connected to the ground. * Use several vias to connect the EP to the ground plane on layer 2. * Keep the inductor connection to the switch node (SW) short. * Signal and power grounds should be kept separate and connected at only one location, the EP ground of the package. * Do not route any digital or analog signal lines underneath or close to the inductor. * Keep the switch node (SW) away from the feedback (FB) pin. * To minimize noise, place a ground plane underneath the inductor. * Inductor The following signals and their components should be decoupled or referenced to the power ground plane: VIND1, VIND2, PVDD, PGND1, PGND2, LSD1, and LSD2. * These analog signals should be referenced or decoupled to the analog ground plane: VIN, EN/DLY1, EN/DLY2, COMP1, COMP2, FB1, and FB2. Output Capacitor * Use a wide trace to connect the output capacitor ground terminal to the input capacitor ground terminal. * Place the overcurrent sense resistor close to the CS1 or CS2 pins. The trace coming from the switch node to this resistor has high dv/dt and should be routed away from other noise sensitive components and traces. Avoid routing this trace under the inductor to prevent noise from coupling into the signal. * Phase margin will change as the output capacitor value and ESR changes. Contact the factory if the output capacitor is different from what is shown in the BOM. * The feedback trace should be separate from the power trace and connected as close as possible to the output capacitor. Sensing a long high current load trace can degrade the DC load regulation. * If 0603 package ceramic output capacitors are used, then make sure that it has enough capacitance at the desired output voltage. Please refer to the capacitor datasheet for more details. Input Capacitor * Place the input capacitor next. Ceramic capacitors must be placed between VIND1 and PGND1 and between VIND2 and PGND2. * Place the input capacitors on the same side of the board and as close to the IC and low-side MOSFET as possible. Diode * The external Schottky diode is placed next to the low-side MOSFET. Place several vias to the ground plane close to the input capacitor ground terminal, but not between the input capacitors and IC pins. * The connection from the Schottky diode's anode to the input capacitors ground terminal must be as short as possible. Use either X7R or X5R dielectric input capacitors. Do not use Y5V or Z5U type capacitors. * The diode's cathode connection to the switch node (SW) must be keep as short as possible. * Keep both the VIN and PGND connections short. * * January 2011 20 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 the gate. RC Snubber * * Place the RC snubber on the same side of the board and as close as possible to the low-side MOSFET. Low-side MOSFET * Low-side drive MOSFET traces (LSD pin-toMOSFET gate pin) must be short and routed over a ground plane. The ground plane should be the connection between the MOSFET source and PGND. * Chose a low-side MOSFET with a high CGS/CGD ratio and a low internal gate resistance to minimize the effect of dv/dt inducted turn-on. * Do not put a resistor between the LSD output and January 2011 Use a 4.5V Vgs rated MOSFET. Its higher gate threshold voltage is more immune to glitches than a 2.5V or 3.3V rated MOSFET. MOSFETs that are rated for operation at less than 4.5VGS should not be used. High-side MOSFET * 21 Add a 20 ohm resistor in series with the boost pin. This will slow down the turn-on time of the high-side MOSFET while leaving the turn-off time unaffected. M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 MIC25400 Evaluation Board Schematic January 2011 22 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 MIC25400 Bill of Materials Item C1 Part Number 12103D226MAT2A Manufacturer (1) AVX Description Qty. Ceramic Capacitor, 22F, 25V, X5R 1 C2, C13 12063D106MAT2A AVX Ceramic Capacitor, 10F, 25V, X5R 2 C4, C10, C6, C9 06033D103MAT2A AVX Ceramic Capacitor, 10nF, 25V 4 C5 08056D225MAT2A AVX Ceramic Capacitor, 2.2F, 6.3V 1 C7 VJ0603Y680KXXMB Vitramon(2) Ceramic Capacitor, 68pF, 50V, X7R 1 C8 VJ0603Y470KXXMB Vitramon Ceramic Capacitor, 47pF, 50V, X7R 1 08056D226MAT2A AVX Ceramic Capacitor, 22F, 6.3V, X5R 2 C11, C14 C12 06033D105MAT2A AVX Ceramic Capacitor, 1F, 25V 1 C16 VJ0603Y332KXXMB Vitramon Ceramic Capacitor, 3.3nF, 50V, X7R 1 C17 VJ0603Y152KXXMB Vitramon Ceramic Capacitor, 1.5nF, 50V, X7R 1 C18, C19 VJ0603Y102KXXMB Vitramon Ceramic Capacitor, 1nF, 50V, X7R 2 SD103BWS Vishay(2) Schottky Diode, 100mA, 30V 2 Schottky Diode, 30V, 0.5A 2 Inductor, 4.7H, 4.3A 2 D1, D2 D3, D4 B0530W L1, L2 DR74-4R7-R Diodes. Inc Cooper (3) (4) (2) R1, R6 CRCW06031001FRT1 Resistor, 1k (0603 size), 1% 4 R2 CRCW06032740FRT1 Vishay Dale Vishay Dale Resistor, 274 (0603 size), 1% 1 R3, R8 CRCW06031002FRT1 Vishay Dale Resistor, 10k (0603 size), 1% 4 R4, R5 CRCW06036040FRT1 Vishay Dale Resistor, 604 (0603 size), 1% 2 R7 CRCW06031401FRT1 Vishay Dale Resistor, 1.4k (0603 size), 1% 1 R9, R10 CRCW060320R0FRT1 Vishay Dale Resistor, 20 (0603 size), 1% 2 R12, R13 CRCW06034992FRT1 Vishay Dale Resistor, 49.9k (0603 size), 1% 2 R15, R16, R17 CRCW06030000FRT1 Vishay Dale Resistor, 0 (0603 size) 3 R20, R21 CRCW08051R21FRT1 Vishay Dale Resistor, 1.21 (0805 size), 1% 2 (5) Q1, Q2 FDN359AN Q3, Q4 BSS138 Fairchild MIC25400YML Micrel, Inc.(6) U1 Fairchild MOSFET 2 MOSFET 2 2A Dual Output PWM Synchronous Buck Regulator IC 1 Notes: 1. AVX: www.avx.com 2. Vishay: www.vishay.com 3. Diodes Inc.: www.diodes.com 4. Cooper Magnetics: www.cooperet.com 5. Fairchild Semiconductor: www.fairchildsemi.com 6. Micrel, Inc.: www.micrel.com January 2011 23 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 PCB Layout Recommendations Top Layer Mid Layer 1 January 2011 24 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Mid Layer 2 Bottom Layer January 2011 25 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Package Information 24-Pin 4mm x 4mm MLF(R) (ML) January 2011 26 M9999-020111-C Micrel, Inc. MIC25400 Recommended Land Pattern 24-Pin 4mm x 4mm MLF(R) (ML) MICREL, INC. 2180 FORTUNE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95131 USA TEL +1 (408) 944-0800 FAX +1 (408) 474-1000 WEB http://www.micrel.com Micrel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information furnished in this data sheet. This information is not intended as a warranty and Micrel does not assume responsibility for its use. Micrel reserves the right to change circuitry, specifications and descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express, implied, arising by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Micrel's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Micrel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Micrel disclaims any express or implied warranty relating to the sale and/or use of Micrel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Micrel Products are not designed or authorized for use as components in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of a product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems that (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A Purchaser's use or sale of Micrel Products for use in life support appliances, devices or systems is a Purchaser's own risk and Purchaser agrees to fully indemnify Micrel for any damages resulting from such use or sale. (c) 2009 Micrel, Incorporated. January 2011 27 M9999-020111-C