Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications.
Thin Film on Silicon 2CTA AC Terminator x 18
■RoHS compliant*
■18 RC terminators tied to a common
■Stable thin-film-on-silicon technology
■Ultra-miniature packages to JEDEC
■High-speed bus termination
■Low power consumption
■Ideal for space-constrained applications
General Information
The AC Terminator is used to provide termination for clock
and data lines where transmission line effects would
otherwise cause wave reflections or signal ringing. These
Silicon-based, Tantalum-Nitride resistors and capacitors
feature excellent stability, temperature coefficients and
tracking performance. This product series conforms to
JEDEC standards.
Package Schematic
Electrical Characteristics Symbol Minimum Nominal Maximum Unit
Resistance Range R 33 100 Ω
Resistor Tolerance ±10 % Ω
Power Rating per Resistor @ 70 °C 0.1 Watt
Capacitor Range C 33 180 pF
Capacitor Tolerance ±20 % pF
Capacitor Breakdown Voltage 25 35 V
Operating Voltage 50 V
Environmental Characteristics
Operating Temperature TJ-55 +125 °C
Storage Temperature Tstg -65 +150 °C
Power Rating per Package @ 70 °C 1.0 Watt
Electrical & Environmental Characteristics