ZMM 1 ... ZMM 200 Silicon Planar Zener Diodes in MiniMELF case especially for automatic insertion. The Zener voltages are graded according to the international E 24 standrad. Smaller voltage tolerances and higher Zener voltages on request. These diodes are also available in DO-35 case with the type designation BZX55C... These diodes are delivered taped. Details see Taping. Absolute Maximum Ratings (T, = 25 C) Cathode Mark tg }+- 3.50.1 >} fit aiLt= 1.45940. o Glass case MiniMELF Weight approx. 0.05g Dimensions in mm Symbol Value Unit Zener Current see Table Characteristics Power Dissipation at T,,,, = 25 C ot 500") mW Junction Temperature T, 175 C Storage Temperature Range T; -55 to + 175 C 1) Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. Characteristics at T,_, = 25 C Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Thermal Resistance R - - 0.3 K/mW Junction to Ambient Air mA ) Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. )ZMM 1 ... ZMM 200 Type Zener Voltage range Dynamic resistance Reverse leakage current coetticient of Zener Voltage Vonarn |_,for V_,2) Cir Fix, At Lag T,=25C T,=125C I,atV, TK, V mA V Q Q mA WA HA V YolK ZMM1) 0.75 2 0.7 ....0.8 <8 <50 1 = = = -0.26 ... -0.23 ZMM2.0 2.0 19.2.4 <85 <600 1 <100 <200 1 -0.09 ... -0.06 ZMM2.2 2.2 5 2.08 ... 2.33 <85 <600 1 <75 <160 1 -0,09 ... -0.06 2MM2.4 2.4 2 2.28 ... 2.56 <85 <600 1 <50 <100 1 -0.09 ... -0.06 ZMM2.7 af 5 26 ...29 <85 <600 1 <10 <50 1 -0.09 ... -0.06 ZMM3.0 3.0 8 2.8 ...3.2 <85 <600 1 <4 <40 1 -0.08 ... -0.05 ZMN3.3 3.3 <85 <600 1 <2 <40 1 -0.08 ... -0.05 2ZMN3.6 3.6 5 3.4 ...3.8 <85 <600 1 <2 <40 1 -0.08 ... -0.05 ZMM3.9 3.9 5 3.7....4.1 <85 <600 1 <2 <40 1 -0.08 ... -0.05 ZMM4.3 4.3 9 40.46 </5 <600 1 <1 <20 1 -0.06 ... -0.03 ZMM4.7 47 5 44 ...5.0 <60 <600 1 <0.5 <10 1 -0.05 ... +0.02 ZMN5.1 5.1 5 48...5.4 <35 <550 1 <0.1 <2 1 -0.02 ... +0.02 ZMM5.6 5.6 5 5.2...6.0 <25 <450 1 <0.1 <2 1 -0.05.... +0.05 ZMM6.2 6.2 8 5.8 ... 6.6 <10 <200 1 <0. 1 <2 2 0.03 ... 0.06 ZMM6.8 6.8 5 6.4... 7.2 <8 <150 1 <0.1 <2 3 0.03 ... 0.07 2ZMM7.5 70 5 1.0... 7.9 <7 <50 1 <0.14 <2 5 0.03 ... 0.07 ZMM8.2 8.2 5 if 87 <7 <50 1 <0.1 <2 6.2 Q.03 ... 0.08 ZMM9.1 9.4 5 8.5 ...9.6 <10 <50 1 <0.1 <2 6.8 0.03 ... 0.09 ZMM10 10 5 9.4... 10.6 <15 <70 1 <0.1 <2 79 0.03 ... 0.1 2ZMM11 44 5 10.4... 11.6 <20 </0 1 <0.1 <2 8.2 0.03 ... 0.11 2MM12 12 5 11.4... 12.7 <20 <90 1 <0.1 <2 9.1 Q.03 ... 0.11 ZMM13 13 5 12.4... 14.1 <26 <110 1 <0.1 <2 10 0.03... 0.14 ZMM15 15 5 13.8... 15.6 <30 <110 1 <0.1 <2 im 0.03 ...0.11 | ZMM16 16 5 15.3... 17.1 <40 <170 1 <0.1 <2 12 0.03 ... 0.11 2MM18 18 5 16.8... 19.1 <50 <170 1 <0.1 <2 13 0.03 ... 0.11 ZMM20 20 5 18.8... 21.2 <55 <220 1 <Q. 4 <2 15 0.03 ...0.11 ZMM22 22 5 20.8... 23.3 <55 <220 1 <0.1 <2 16 0.04...0.12 2MM24 24 5 22.8... 25.6 <80 <220 1 <0.1 <2 18 0.04...0.12 ZMM27 av 5 25.1... 28.9 <80 <220 1 <0.1 <2 20 0.04... 0.12 ZMM30 30 5 28 ... 32 <80 <220 1 <0.1 <2 22 0.04 ... 0.12 ZMM33 33 5 31.35 <80 <220 j <0.1 <2 24 0.04 ... 0.12 ZMM36 36 5 34... 38 <80 <220 1 <0.1 <2 27 0.04... 0.12 ZMM39 39 2.5 37... 41 <90 <500 0.5 <0.1 <5 30 0.04... 0.12 ZMM43 43 2.5 40... 46 <90 <900 0.5 <0.1 <5 33 0.04... 0.12 ZMM47 AT 2.5 44... 50 <110 <600 0.5 <0.1 <5 36 0,04 ...0.12 ZMM51 o1 2.5 48 ... 54 <125 <700 0.5 <0.1 <10 39 0.04 ...0.12 ZMM56 56 2.5 52... 60 <135 </00 0.5 <0.1 <10 43 0.04 ...0.12 ZMM62 62 2.5 58 ... 66 <150 <1000 0.5 <0.1 <10 47 0,04 ...0.12 ZMM68 68 2.5 64... 72 <200 < 1000 0.5 <0.1 <10 51 0.04 ...0.12 2MM75 75 25 70... 79 <250 <1000 0.5 <0.1 <10 56 0.04 ...0.12 ZMM&2 82 25 i? ... 87 <300 <1500 | 0.25 <0.1 <10 62 0.05... 0.12 ZMN91 91 1 85... 96 <450 <2000 0.1 <0. 14 <10 68 0.05 ... 0.12 2MM100 100 1 94... 106 <450 <9000 0.4 <0.1 <10 15 0.05 ... 0.12 2MM110 110 1 104 ... 116 <600 <5000 0.1 <0.1 <10 82 0.05 ....0.12 2MM120 120 1 114... 127 <800 <5500 0.1 <0.1 <10 91 0.05... 0.12 2ZMM130 130 1 124... 141 <950 <6000 0.1 <0.1 <10 100 0.05 ... 0.12 ZMM150 150 1 138... 156 <1250 | <6500 0.1 <0.1 <10 110 0.05 .., 0.12 2MM160 160 1 153... 171 <1400 | <7000 0.1 <0.1 <T0 120 0.05 ...0.12 ZMM180 180 1 168 ... 191 <1700 | <8500 0.1 <0.1 <10 130 0.05 ...0.12 ZMM200 200 1 188 ... 212 <2000 | <10000| 0.1 <0.1 <10 150 0.05 ... 0.12 Tested with pulses t, = 20 ms. ) Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. 3) The ZMM1 is a silicon diode with operation in forward direction. Hence, the index of all parameters should be "F" instead of "Z". Connect the cathode electrode to the negative pole. SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. H ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. )ZMM 1 ... ZMM 200 Breakdown characteristics T; = constant (pulsed) mA ZMM... 50 T_T TT rT TF = 25C ZMM 2,7 | 2wm)ae ZMMS6 I ZMM]3,3 | ZMMj/47 Z MM6,8 I, 40 ZMM1 | | IZ MM82 . } | 10 Test current Iz / | 5 mA y 0 | Z| J 0 } 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 V Breakdown characteristics T; = constant (pulsed) Test current | 5mA 0 10 20 30 40V SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. )ZMM 1 ... ZMM 200 Breakdown characteristics Tj = constant (pulsed) mA ZMM... 10 T= 25C ZMM 39, |ZMM 51 LZ 8 i | I fly] NI |! ZMM 437 IZ7MM 47 6 Test current Iz 5mA t- } me ---}+ -} _f- dy 444-11 t-te Ed Ee Ed LL FE 4 2 0 0 10. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 V Vz Forward characteristics Admissible power dissipation versus ambient temperature Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. mA ZMM... mW ZMM... 500 For 400 \ 300 N 200 \ 100 N 0 0 100 200 C Tamb SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. )ZMM 1 ... ZMM 200 Pulse thermal resistance Dynamic resistance versus pulse duration versus Zener current Valid provided that the electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. K/W ZMM... Q ZMM... 0 7 5 4 Tha 3 2 10 7 5 3 2 10 7 5 4 3 2 1s 4 3 2 1 ior 10 or 310 =O j Ws ___ tb Capacitance versus Dynamic resistance Zener voltage versus Zener current pF ZMM... Q ZMM.... 1000 100 T NNN y -25 C , QA Crore 4 a N 3 3 KN \ NA 33 2 ; SK NS 27 \ \ 22 100 10 AQ NT 8 7 \ ; ; YS M5 ANN M12 3 3 10 2 2 RY ZMM 6,2 10 1 1 2 345 10 2345 100 V Q) 2 5 1 2 5 10 2 s 100mA Vrat Ig=5mA Iz SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. )ZMM 1 ... ZMM 200 Dynamic resistance versus Zener current Q ZMM... +51 Thermal differential resistance versus Zener voltage Valid provided that electrodes are kept at ambient temperature. ZMM... AV, Fath Pina: eT, negative positive 1 2 3945 10 2 345 100V vz at 17 =5 mA Dynamic resistance versus Zener voltage Q ZMM... ~ _ & Fj = 25C 5=5mA 1 2 348 10 2 93 45 100 V Vy at Ip =5mA Temperature dependence of Zener voltage versus Zener voltage mv/K ZMM... 25 Az 29 4]j 1 23465 10 23 485 100 V Vz at l7=5mA SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. ) HeZMM 1... ZMM 200 Temperature dependence of Zener voltage versus Zener voltage mvV/K ZMM... 100 TT Iz7=5mA AVz ay, 80 60 40 7 20 0 2 #440 60 80 100V \, at I=5mA Change of Zener voltage versus junction temperature v ZMM... 9 8 Vz bei Z=5mA AV, 7 | J 6 S1V 5 ~ , As 7 VY 2 AA VA Yar ye Yo Ip=5mA L | | 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140C as > 7; Change of Zener voltage versus junction temperature V ZMM... 08 v3): 35V fs VA 07 | /| / 10 AV,06 A | L 2 / Yr 05 A A | / / 18 Q4 / 7 HW 7 03 // A, La . wT | 6,2 2 UY et Wee 0,1 Zee 7 " STR -0, "VY Tat -sSe Ww 02 atl, 5 mA UNG 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 C Change of Zener voltage from turn-on up to the point of thermal equilibrium versus Zener voltage V ZMM... 16 7 V2 =lzth Iz 14 | I7=5mA 4Vz '2 ! -0,2 - Of 1 2 345 10 2 345 100V e zat Iz7=5mA SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. )ZMM 1 ... ZMM 200 Change of Zener voltage from turn-on up to the point of thermal equilibrium versus Zener voltage Vv ZMM... 5 T T T AV = rup Iz AV, 4 / 3 Iz7=5mA | i 1 I>=2mA A 72 A 0 0 2 440 60 80 100V > Jy at Ip=5mA SEMTECH ELECTRONICS LTD. ( wholly owned subsidiary of AGMEY TECHNOLOGY LTO. )