TLE 4274
Data Sheet Version 1.3 16 2000-10-10
Edition 2000-10-10
Published by Infineon Technologies AG,
St.-Martin-Strasse 53,
D-81541 München
©Infineon Technologies AG 2000.
All Rights Reserved.
Attention please!
The information herein is given to describe
certain components and shall not be consid-
ered as warranted characteristics.
Terms of delivery and rights to technical
change reserved.
We hereby disclaim any and all warranties,
including but not limited to warranties of non-
infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions
and charts stated herein.
Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC
For further information on technology, deliv-
ery terms and conditions and prices please
contact your nearest Infineon Technologies
Office in Germany or our Infineon Technolo-
gies Representatives worldwide (see ad-
dress list).
Due to technical requirements components
may contain dangerous substances. For in-
contact your nearest Infineon Technologies
InfineonTechnologies Componentsmayonly
be used in life-support devices or systems
with the express written approval of Infineon
Technologies, ifa failure of such components
can reasonably beexpected to cause the fail-
ure of that life-support deviceor system,orto
affect the safety or effectiveness of that de-
vice or system. Life support devices or sys-
tems are intended to be implanted in the hu-
man body, or to support and/or maintain and
is reasonable to assume that the health of the
user or other persons may be endangered.