The 50/EF with quick-action chuck.
Practical for use with different shaft diameters.
Slim, easily handled and light.
Quick-action chuck and electronic rev olutions adjustment, with feedback effect
( high engine power in the lower r evolut ions area) . S pecial, balanced, low noise
DC mot or with high lif e expectancy. A t r ansf ormer is requir ed for operation. We
r ecommend MICROMO T network devices f r om 1. 0A.
Tech ni cal data:
Dir ect voltage 12 - 18V. P ower absorption up t o 40W. 5, 000 - 20,000/min. Length
220mm. Weight 230g.
NO 28 512
The MI CROMO T 50/EF can also be used with MI CROMO T
st eel c lamping devic es. This is rec ommended when milling
c ontinuously at high lateral pr essure. T his makes it
impossible f or t he shaf ts t o become loosened af t er pr olonged
work ing. Using clamping devic es mak es t r ue running bett er than using t he quick -
action chuck.
The speed contr ol of our 12 volt devic es only work s when operated via non-
st abilised power supply unit s (e.g. all MI CROMOT mains adapt er s). Connec tion
to st abilised power supply unit s is possible. However, t he devic es will then
operate wit h maximum rotat ional speeds (also applies t o oper ation wit h
Other i nterest i ng machi nes and su itabl e accesso ries:
Mill/ dr ill units MICROMO T 50 and MI CROMO T 50/ E
MI CROMOT mains adapt e rs NG 2/S and NG 2/ E
MI CROMO T mains adapt er NG 5/ E
Footswitch FS
Q uick-action chuck of 0.3 -
3.2mm. P r imarily
advantageous when
wor k ing with HS S dr ill bits
of diff er ent power,
c omplying wit h DIN 338.
20mm-sy stem adaptation.
F or flange mount ing of
MICROMOT accessories.
Stable housing made of
glass-fibre r einforc ed
pleasant ly sof t handle.
- For milling, dr illing,
grinding, polishing,
brushing, c leaning, de-
rust ing, cutt ing, engr aving,
- For wor k ing steel,
prec ious met als, glass,
ceramics, plastics and
prec ious st ones.
- Ideal f or elec t r onic
hobbyists, model-bu ilder s,
mec hanics, jeweller s,
opticians, artists,
chir opodist s, dental
technicians, tool and
casting makers, etc.
- 12V supply allows the safe
use of c oolant ( wet gr inding
and cutt ing)!
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