Thermal Resistance
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Channel - soldering point1)
BF1009S, BF1009SR Rthchs ≤ 370 K/W
Electrical Characteristics at TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified
Parameter Symbol Values Unit
min. typ. max.
DC Characteristics
Drain-source breakdown voltage
ID = 500 µA, VG1S = 0 , VG2S = 0 V(BR)DS 12 - - V
Gate1-source breakdown voltage
+IG1S = 10 mA, VG2S = 0 , VDS = 0 +V(BR)G1SS 9 - 12
Gate2 source breakdown voltage
±IG2S = 10 mA, VG1S = 0 , VDS = 0 ±V(BR)G2SS 9 - 12
Gate1-source leakage current
VG1S = 6 V, VG2S = 0 +IG1SS - - 60 µA
Gate 2 source leakage current
±VG2S = 8 V, VG1S = 0 , VDS = 0 ±IG2SS - - 50 nA
Drain current
VDS = 9 V, VG1S = 0 , VG2S = 6 V IDSS - - 500 µA
Operating current (selfbiased)
VDS = 9 V, VG2S = 6 V IDSO 10 13 16 mA
Gate2-source pinch-off voltage
VDS = 9 V, ID = 500 µA VG2S(p) - 0.9 - V
1For calculation of RthJA please refer to Application Note Thermal Resistance