G E SOLID STATE aN aided rte me 3875081. GE SOLID STATE D1E 17747 D F- 25 -(7 2N5441-2N5446, T6420 Series File Number 593 TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS 40-A Silicon Triacs Features: m di/dt capability = 100 A/us = Low switching losses Low on-state voltage at high current levels = Low thermal resistance HCE 27776 2N5441-43 Voltage 200 V 400 V 600 V Package Types Types Types g205-27735Al Press-Fit 2N5441 2N5442 2N5443 16420 Sertes Stud 2N5444 2N5445 2N5446 lsolated-Stud T6420B T420D T6420M RCA triacs are gate-controlled, full-wave silicon ac switches. They are designed to switch from an off-state to an on-state for either polarity of applied voltage with positive or negative gate-triggering voltages. 2N5444-46 MAXIMUM RATINGS, Absolute-Maximum Values: For Operation with Sinusoidal Supply Voltage at Frequencies up to 50/60 Hz and with resistive or Inductive Load 2N5441 2N5442 2N5443 2N5444 2N5445 2N5446 * REPETITIVE PEAK OFF-STATE VOLTAGE , Vorom T6420B Ted20D Te420M Gate Open, Ts = -65 10 100C 2... cc ces evecconees peeeaeecareene seven 200 400 600 Vv RMS ON-STATE CURRENT (Conduction angle = 380C}, Irrma Case temperature Te = 70C (Press-fit types). ........csvccesceeees Perreeeererrsery) 40 A * Tc = 65C (Stud types}........ . . 40 A Te = 60C (Isolated-stud types). 40 A For other conditions.........0.005 See Fig. 3 PEAK SURGE (NON-REPETITIVE) ON-STATE CURRENT, lrem For one cycle of applied principal voltage . 60 Hz (sinusoidal) 300 A 50 Hz (sinusoidal) 265 A For more than one cycle of applied principal voltage.......seesecses _______. See Fig. 4 RATE OF CHANGE OF ON-STATE CURRENT, di/dt Vom = Vorom: fat = 200 mA, t, = 0.1 ws (See Fig. 12) .....006 taeeenaeee 100 A/ps FUSING CURRENT (for Triac Protection), (*t Ty = 65 to 110C, t= 1.25 to 10S ccc cececetee eens eeeeseeeerenes 450 As * PEAK GATE-TRIGGER CURRENT &, lam FOr 1 pS MAK. 2... cece cee cece teense ee eeterteeeseeesrtas 12 A * GATE POWER DISSIPATION Peak (For 10 ys max., lam 4A, Pom 40 W AV@rage, Patavt ceccceccccrcncnsceusccusscotvsaccserersnaeteceraseen 0.75 Ww * TEMPERATURE RANGE A Storage, Tay sveccsccccencevcccecerecs be eecereeusnese saetecenaeees ___ 86 to 160 c Operating (Case), To ...scceccreccccncetcetcraesenens eo eececeaeees ______ 66 to 110 C * TERMINAL TEMPERATURE (During Soldering), Tr For 10's max. (terminals and CASC) ......eccereee seaveeees veerenee 225 C STUD TORQUE, rs - Recommended....cccscesscccseuceeues ade eneeeenenencesecees veee 35 In-lb Maximum (DO NOT EXCEED) .... 50 In-Ib * In accordance with JEDEC registration data format (JS-14, RDF2) filed for the JEDEC (2N-Series) types. For either polarity of malin terminal 2 voltage (Vare} with reference to maln terminal 1. a For either polarity of gate voltage (Va) with reference to main terminal 1. 4 For temperature measurement reference point, see Dimensional Outline O1 DE ff sa7soa1 OO? 74? 3 tG E SOLID STATE 3875081 GE SOLID STATE: | O1E 17748 dp T2S"17 Triacs 2N5441-2N5446, T6420 Series ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS At Maximum Ratings Untess Otherwise Specified and at Indicated Case Temperature (Te) LIMITS FOR ALL TYPES CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL UNLESS OTHERWISE UNITS SPECIFIED MIN. TYP. MAX, Peak Off-State Current: Gate open, Ty = 110C, Vorom 7 Max, rated value ..... 'pRom - 0.2 4 mA Maximum On-State Voltage: For ig = 100A (peak), Te = 20C ...-eeeeeeceeeeers Vv - 17 2 Vv For iz = 56 A (peak), Tg = 28C ...-.-.-++ veeeeee - 15 185 DC Holding Current:* Gate open, Initial principal current = 600 mA (del, vp = 12V: Te = 28C wreeeeeeee se teneeees den eeeeee ve - 26 60 Tg = OBC. eee cece ence es vanes vee luo ~ ~ 100 mA For other case temperatures ..csseceeees . See Fig. 6 Critical Rate of Rise of Commutation Voltage: For Vp = Vorom: (RMS) 7 40 A, commutating di/dt = 22 Alms, gate unenergizad, (See Fig. 13): Te = 7OC (Press-fit typos} 20. cccer eee reser sees 5 wx - = 65C (Stud types} ...... ceeee dv/dt 6* KU - vius = 60C (Isolatadatud types) 2.0... cece ence eens 5 x - Critical Rate of Rise of Off-State Voltage:* Forvp = VpROM: exponential voltage rise, gate open, Te = 110C: 2N5441, 2N5444, T6420B.. evens 50* 200 - 2N6442, 2N5445, T6420D. . dvidt 30* 150 - Vins 2N5443, 2N5446, T6420M 1. cwceccnerrescecess 20* 100 _ DC Gate-Trigger Current:** Mode Vito Vg For vp = 12 V (de) 1* positive _ positive - 15 50 RL = Wa ne negative negative - 20 50 Tg = 26C I __ positive snegative - 30 80 111* negative _ positive - 40 80 let mA : Mode Yura Ve : Forvp = 12V (de) 1 positive positive - - 125 i Ry = wa HIT negative ~ negative - - 125* ! To = 68C (7 positives nagative - - 240 tt negative positive - - 240* I For other case temperatures 2... ec cee seen besetccese See Figs. 7 &8 | DC Gate-Trigger Voltage:4* | For vp = 12V (del, Ry = 308, i Te = BOC ce ccececeecec ere ee renee eee ene ene - 1,38 2.5 i sees : Ver - 18 a.a* v For other case temperatures ....eeserseeees See Fig. 9 For vp = Vprom AL = 126 2To = 110C 0.2 - - Gate-Controfled Turn-On Tima: L (Delay Time + Rise Time) For p = Vprom: !qt = 200 mA, t, = 0.1 us, I iy = 60A (peak), Fg = 26C (Sea Figs. J0&14) ....... tot - 17 3 us Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case: Steady-State Press-fit types ..00.cecceee - - 0.8* Studtypes ....... ae - - 0.9" | Isolated-stud types ......+6 Rose - - cw { Transient (Press-fit & stud types}... See Fig. 11 | 1 i i * In accordance with JEDEC registration data format (JS-14, ADF 2) filed for tha JEDEC (2N-Series) types. @ For either potarity of main terminal 2 voltage at) with reference to main terminal 1. @ For either polarity of gate voltage (Vg) with referance to main terminal 1. | Y291 Ar ae. 755 O1 ref 3a7508L DoL774a 5 feG E SOLID STATE 04 deff sa7soas oou774s 7 3875081 G E SOLID STATE - oie 17749 0 T=2S57-17 Triacs 2N5441-2N5446, T6420 Series I QUADRANT NOI MAIN TERMINAL 2 OFF STATE POSITIVE coupgerig sscue } Vv 2 | z 5 & a o 3 o = 2 8 2 = a zz QUADRANT y OFF STATE NO. MAIN TERMINAL 2 oy NEGATIVE STATE -I 92L5-22t4R5 FULL-CYCLE RMS ON-STATE CURRENT(ZTiaNs}]> 9S 2256R1 Fig. 1 - Principal voltage-current characteristic. Fig, 2 - Power dissipation vs. on-state current. LOAD RESISTIVE CURRENT WAVEFORM: S'NUSOIDAL LOAD! RESISTIVE OR INDUCTIVE RMS ON-STATE CURRENT [I(ansi]* 40.8 AT CONDUCTION ANGLE wove SPECIFIED CASE TEMP, . r | TUT tit y Tbe tat GATE CONTROL MAY BE LOST H OURING AND IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SURGE CURRENT INTERVAL. CONDUCTION ANSLE AS 47 Oy jt L NY OVERLOAD MAY NOT BE REPEATED A ww UNTIL JUNCTION TEMPERATURE HAS Be RETURNED TO STEADY-STATE & RAT] rateo VALUE. 2 se Pd LTT Os Sh leona tS 3, re FULL CYCLE RMS ON-STATE CURRENT Tronusi} _A saus-225sR3 t i oP i SURGE CURRENT DURATION-FULL CYCLES 92L$-2257h3 Fig. 3 - Maximum allowable case temperatura vs. on-state current. Fig. 4 - Peak surge on-state current vs. surge current duration. CASE TEMPERATURE (Te ' < { - : a- ey gs gz es ve i es g z o o2 af g 38 - gk 5 37 z z & 3 z 5 z I INSTANTANEOUS: VOLTAGE (Vr)<V CASE TEMPERATURE {Tg )*C (POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE) seLs-2280e2 e2cs-ts20081 Fig. 5 - On-state current vs. on-stage voltage. . Fig. 6 - DC holding current vs. case temperature. 756 1292 Aw13G E SOLID STATE are ey RR Ure NN ! 9875081 GE SOLID STATE 01 Def) 3a7sos. oo177so 3 Et oie 17750 oD T2S7!7 Triacs DC GATE-TRIGGER CURRENT (IgTimA =60 -50-40 -30-20-10 0 10 20 30 40 CASE TEMPERATURE (To }*C 9205-18199 Fig.7-DC gate-trigger current vs. case temperature s Hl- modes). VOLTAGE #12 V z zi z. - a re Zu az 5 ee 5 2 & 3 CASE TEMPERATURE (T)"C 92c5-15202AI Fig. 9 - DC gate trigger voltage vs. case temperature. 4 3 z wb x ze ta 5s Pry hE wi $ Ls a: se wt as 2 5 2 g 3 to? 2N5441-2N5446, T6420 Series OC YOLTAGE 12 RESISTIVE DC GATE-TRIGGER CURRENT CASE TEMPERATURE (1c }*C 928-15201 Fig. 8 - DC gate-trigger current vs. case temperature (Fr & lit meadas). z= 3 i Zz = a 8 4 4 8 g & 8 ; au g a OC GATE~ TRIGGER CURRENT UIgTimA 92L5-2266n2 Fig. 10 - Turn-on time vs. gate-trigger current. to! t TIME AFTER APPLICATION OF RECTANGULAR POWEA PULSE SECONDS 92L8-226381 Fig. 11 - Transient Junction-to-case thermal reistance vs. time for press-lit and stud types. 757 1293 A-14G E SOLID STATE O1 ve 3a75081 OOL7751 5 i 3875081 GE SOLID STATE O1E 17751 p T25717 Triacs 2N5441-2N5446, T6420 Serles SUPPLY VOLTAGE PRINCIPAL CURRENT COMMUTATING dv/di ! g2cs-17063 ! PRINCIPAL | VOLTAGE | COMMUTATING | dvidt 92LS-2409R4 Fig. 12 - Rate of change of on-state current with time (defining _Fig. 13 - Relationship between supply voltage and principal current difdt). (inductive load) showing reference points for definition of commutating voltage (dv/dt). fort ta tt, ~-90% POINT 92LS -2410R2 Fig. 14 - Relationship between off-state voltage, on-state current, and gate-trigger voltage showing reference points for definition of turn-on time (tg). etn rerenernenannnnnemamremmeettinrers Ft 758 1294 B-01