Altera Virtual JTAG (altera_virtual_jtag) IP Core User
The Altera Virtual JTAG (altera_virtual_jtag) IP core provides access to the PLD source
through the JTAG interface. This IP core is optimized for Intel® device architectures.
Using IP cores in place of coding your own logic saves valuable design time, and offers
more efficient logic synthesis and device implementation. You can scale the IP core's
size by setting parameters.
Related Information
Introduction to Intel FPGA IP Cores
The Virtual JTAG IP core allows you to create your own software solution for
monitoring, updating, and debugging designs through the JTAG port without using I/O
pins on the device, and is one feature in the On-Chip Debugging Tool Suite. The Intel
Quartus® Prime software or JTAG control host identifies each instance of this IP core
by a unique index. Each IP core instance functions in a flow that resembles the JTAG
operation of a device. The logic that uses this interface must maintain the continuity of
the JTAG chain on behalf the PLD device when this instance becomes active.
With the Virtual JTAG IP core you can build your design for efficient, fast, and
productive debugging solutions. Debugging solutions can be part of an evaluation test
where you use other logic analyzers to debug your design, or as part of a production
test where you do not have a host running an embedded logic analyzer. In addition to
debugging features, you can use the Virtual JTAG IP core to provide a single channel
or multiple serial channels through the JTAG port of the device. You can use serial
channels in applications to capture data or to force data to various parts of your logic.
Each feature in the On-Chip Debugging Tool Suite leverages on-chip resources to
achieve real time visibility to the logic under test. During runtime, each tool shares the
JTAG connection to transmit collected test data to the Intel Quartus Prime software for
analysis. The tool set consists of a set of GUIs, IP core intellectual property (IP) cores,
and Tcl application programming interfaces (APIs). The GUIs provide the configuration
of test signals and the visualization of data captured during debugging. The Tcl
scripting interface provides automation during runtime.
The Virtual JTAG IP core provides you direct access to the JTAG control signals routed
to the FPGA core logic, which gives you a fine granularity of control over the JTAG
resource and opens up the JTAG resource as a general-purpose serial communication
interface. A complete Tcl API is available for sending and receiving transactions into
your device during runtime. Because the JTAG pins are readily accessible during
runtime, this IP core enables an easy way to customize a JTAG scan chain internal to
the device, which you can then use to create debugging applications.
UG-SLDVRTL | 2018.07.19
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