481 FIBER SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES Related Information General terms and conditions............. P.1 Glossary of terms / General precautions ..... P.983~/P.986~ Sensor selection guide......P.11~ / P.479~ Korea's S-mark ........................... P.1034~ LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Conforming to Machine & EMC Directives MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Listing Conforming to OSHA / ANSI AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS Certified (Some models only) Conforming to 4584-84 PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS diagnosis MEASUREMENT SENSORS SUNX website http://www.sunx.com Self-diagnosis Test input STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Interference PNP output type available prevention The SUNX light curtain uses new concepts and combines even greater safety with higher productivity It is possible to select from among three types according to the worksite Finger protection type Selection Guide Light Light Curtains Curtains SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights SF4B-F Hand protection type SF4B-H Minimum sensing object Minimum sensing object o1 mm o14 o25mm (10 mm 0.394 in beam pitch) (20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch) o0.551 in o0.984 in Arm / Foot protection type SF4B-A Minimum sensing object o45 mm o1.772 in (40 mm 1.575 in beam pitch) Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES PRODUCT CONFIGURATION ORDER GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS I/O CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE DIMENSIONS P.485 P.486~ P.492~ P.495~ P.501~ P.509~ APPLICATIONS 482 FIBER SENSORS Detecting the intrusion and presence of a human being Detecting the intrusion of a human being: Example 1 The light curtains allow you to discriminate between a workpiece and a human being by performing muting control for each beam axis. Detecting the intrusion of a human being: Example 2 By using the fixed blanking function, obstacles that always exist are ignored. LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS Safety distance greatly shortened to improve productivity! PARTICULAR USE SENSORS The finger protection type can detect very small objects with diameters of as small as 14 mm 0.551 in, so that the safety distance based on the ISO 13855 international standard has been shortened from previous models to a maximum of 122 mm 4.803 in. With production machinery becoming Safety distance Characteristic safety distance for equipment more compact, this helps contribute to improved productivity and more Characteristic safety distance for light curtain Maximum mm efficient utilization of space. Maximum 122 mm 4.803 in greatly shortened SF4B Finger protection type 122 (4.803 in) shortened (10 mm 0.394 in beam pitch) SENSOR OPTIONS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Mounting position of SF4B Hand protection type Previous model (20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch) Mounting position of previous model Selection Guide Light Curtains "ZERO" dead zone SF4B Unit length = protective height, so that no dead zone can occur in the interfaces between light curtains when units are connected in series. The equipment can be used with confidence because there are no dangerous openings resulting from dead zone. "ZERO" dead zone when using series mounting SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 "ZERO" dead zone when using L-shaped setups 5 Only mm 0.197 in from the center of the first beam channel to the edge of the light curtain (Except for finger protection type) (Arm / Foot protection type has 15 mm 0.591 in) Flexible cable releasing * Enlargement Up to a maximum 3 sets can be connected in series A wide range of variations are available with protective heights of 230 to 1,910 mm 9.055 to 75.197 in (1,270 mm 50.000 in for the finger protection type). Optional cable for series connection can be used to connect up to a maximum of 3 sets (maximum 192 beam channels) in series. The reduced amount of wiring needed lowers costs and also helps to prevent interference. To control circuits Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 483 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES A muting control function is provided to increase both safety and productivity The light curtain is equipped with a muting control function that causes the line to stop only when a person passes through the light curtain, and does not stop the line when a workpiece passes through. The muting sensors and muting lamps can be connected directly to the light curtain, so that a special controller is not required for muting. This both reduces costs and increases safety and productivity. MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Muting sensors Muting lamp AREA SENSORS Light curtain SF4B series SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS SF4B series PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS The light curtain has a built-in muting function that causes the light curtain to ignore workpiece when two or more of the four muting sensors are interrupted simultaneously as a result of a workpiece passing by. This prevents the line from stopping when a workpiece passes through the light curtain, thereby maintaining productivity. When a person passes through the light curtain, two or more of the muting sensors are not interrupted, and so the muting function is not activated. SENSOR OPTIONS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Motor, etc Avoiding line stoppages when a workpiece passes through Muting sensor CX-400 series PARTICULAR USE SENSORS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS External devices (Force-guided relay, etc.) Override function allows the line to be restarted smoothly after it has stopped while muting control was active In the case that the power turns off while the light curtain is being interrupted by a workpiece or in the case that the line stops before the muting conditions have Previous model SF4B been established (if Removal operation Removal operation only one muting sensor required unnecessary has been interrupted), When power turns off the machinery can be while light curtain was Workpiece must be restarted smoothly and interrupted removed before restart safely without removing Smooth restart the workpiece. Selection Guide Light Light Curtains Curtains SF4B SF2B The light curtain has a built-in external device monitoring function (such as for fused relay monitoring) and an interlock function. The safety circuit is constructed so that a separate safety relay unit is not needed, and the control board is also more compact, which both help contribute to lower costs. Previous model Equipped with a safety circuit that does not require a exclusive safety relay unit Reset input Monitor Light curtain BSF4-AH80 External device (Force-guided relay, etc.) Safety relay unit Motor, etc. Reset input SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights No safety relay unit needed Smaller control board SF4B Control Units Monitor SF4B series Built-in external device monitoring function External device (Force-guided relay, etc.) * Refer to p.491 for recommended safety relays and miniature contactors. Mutual interference is reduced without need for interference prevention lines * * * The* light curtain is equipped with the ELCA (Extraneous Light Check & Avoid) function which has already gained strong approval in the marketplace for its powerful suppression of mutual interference between light curtains. Because it automatically shifts the scan timing of the light curtain in order to avoid interference, it is not necessary to wire interference prevention lines between machineries, so that the light curtains can be positioned with much greater flexibility. Revolving light Reducing the number of malfunctions caused by extraneous light A double scanning method and retry processing are two new functions exclusive to SUNX that have been established in the workplace as being effective in eliminating the effects of momentary extraneous light from peripheral equipment. The reduction in operating errors caused by extraneous light reduces frequent stopping of machinery and helps to prevent losses in line operating efficiency. Obstruction sensor Motor, etc. Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES Equipped with a digital error indicator so that error details can be understood at a glance! Normal operation The system constantly checks the light curtain for problems such as incorrect cable wiring, disconnection and shortcircuits, and also for internal circuit problems and incoming light problems. If a problem should occur, the same output (OFF signal) as when the object was detected is maintained in order to ensure safety, and the details of the error appear on the digital display. Digital error The error details can be checked at a glance without the indicator inconvenience of the previous method of counting the number of LED blinks, so that smooth support is possible if problems occur at startup and during maintenance operations, even if assistance is given via telephone. Breaking out error 484 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS The beam-axis alignment indicators that incident light position can be seen at a glance Beam-axis alignment indicators display the beam channels of the light curtain in four blocks. When the beam channel at the bottommost channel (or topmost channel) that is used as a reference for beam-axis alignments correctly aligned, the LED blinks red. After this, each block lights red as the beam axes successively become aligned, and when all channel beam axes are aligned, all LEDs light green. The display also has a stability indicator (STB) added so that setup can be carried out with greater stability too. INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS Beam-axis alignment indicator Stability indicator SENSOR OPTIONS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS Supports both PNP and NPN polarities in a single model STATIC CONTROL DEVICES The SF4B series combines PNP transistor output and NPN transistor output in a single model. Overseas equipment that uses PNP, replacement with NPN sensors, factories that are positively grounded, and transfer of equipment overseas are all situations where the control circuits for a single model are suitable for use worldwide. LASER MARKERS PNP / NPN polarity indicator PNP or NPN side lights depending on which is selected. Handy-controller SFB-HC* that enables the user to select a variety of settings Selection Guide Separate muting control function for each beam channel Light Curtains The SFB-HC* (optional) Handy-controller can be used to carry out muting control for specified beam channels only. Because individual beam channels can be specified, additional guards to prevent entry do not need to be set up. While muting control is active (line operating) SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units Line stopped SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights SFB-HC For example, depending on the height of the workpiece, the muting function can be activated for 10 beam channels starting from the bottom, so that if the 11th or subsequent beam channels are interrupted, it is judged that a person has entered the area and the line stops. * A Handy-controller cannot be used with the SF4B--01 (refer to p.486) and the SF-C14EX-01. (refer to p.489) Any valid beam channels can be selected! The SF4B series incorporates a fixed blanking function Non-specified beam channels can be deactivated! The SF4B series incorporates a floating blanking function The SF4B series is equipped with a fixed blanking function that allows specific beam channels to be selectively interrupted, without causing the control output (OSSD) to output the OFF signal. This function is convenient for use with applications in which certain fixed obstacles always block specific beam channels. Furthermore, this function provides greater safety, as the control output (OSSD) will automatically output the OFF signal if the fixed obstacles are subsequently removed from the sensing area. 1, 2 or 3 non-specified beam channels can be deactivated. If the number of beam channels that are blocked is less than or equal to the set number of beam channels, then the control output (OSSD) will not output the OFF signal. This function is useful in the event that the positions of obstacles within the sensing area must be changed during workpiece rearrangement, or when workpiece go through the light curtain's sensing area. 485 FIBER SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES PRODUCT CONFIGURATION LASER SENSORS Mounting bracket and connecting cable are optional. PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS Muting control components (12-core cable, with interference prevention wire) Standard components (8-core cable) SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS 7 7 INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS 1 PARTICULAR USE SENSORS 3 SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS 1 4 2 LASER MARKERS Selection Guide Light Curtains SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 6 2 MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES 5 Component parts Required 1 Light curtain 2 Mounting bracket (Optional) 3 Component parts 1 Light curtain 2 Mounting bracket (Optional) 8-core bottom cap cable (Optional) 5 12-core bottom cap cable (Optional) 4 8-core extension cable (Optional, use for cable extension) 6 12-core extension cable (Optional, use for cable extension) 7 Cable for series connection (Optional, use for connect in series) 7 Cable for series connection (Optional, use for connect in series) Required Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES ORDER GUIDE FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS 1 Light curtains Mounting bracket and mating cable are not supplied with the light curtain. Be sure to order them separately. Operating range (Note 1) Min. sensing object o14 mm 0.551 in (10 mm 0.394 in beam pitch) Appearance Min. sensing object o25 mm 0.984 in (20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch) Hand protection type Finger protection type Type Beam channel No. 5 mm 0.197 in Protective height 0.3 to 7 m 0.984 to 22.966 ft Beam pitch 5 mm 10 mm 0.197 in 0.394 in Beam channel No. 5 mm 0.197 in 0.3 to 9 m 0.984 to 29.528 ft Protective height Beam pitch 5 mm 20 mm 0.197 in 0.787 in Min. sensing object o45 mm 1.772 in (40 mm 1.575 in beam pitch) Arm / Foot protection type 0.3 to 7 m 0.984 to 22.966 ft Beam channel No. 15 mm 0.591 in 0.3 to 9 m 0.984 to 29.528 ft Protective height Beam pitch 40 mm 1.575 in 15 mm 0.591 in 0.3 to 7 m 0.984 to 22.966 ft SF4B-F23 SF4B-F23-01 23 230 9.055 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS SF4B-F31 SF4B-F31-01 31 310 12.205 AREA SENSORS SF4B-F39 SF4B-F39-01 39 390 15.354 SF4B-F47 SF4B-F47-01 47 470 18.504 SF4B-F55 SF4B-F55-01 55 550 21.654 SF4B-F63 SF4B-F63-01 63 630 24.803 SF4B-F71 SF4B-F71-01 71 710 27.953 SF4B-F79 SF4B-F79-01 79 790 31.102 SF4B-F95 SF4B-F95-01 95 950 37.402 SF4B-F111 SF4B-F111-01 111 1,110 43.701 SF4B-F127 SF4B-F127-01 127 1,270 50.000 SF4B-H12 SF4B-H12-01 12 230 9.055 SF4B-H16 SF4B-H16-01 16 310 12.205 SF4B-H20 SF4B-H20-01 20 390 15.354 SF4B-H24 SF4B-H24-01 24 470 18.504 SF4B-H28 SF4B-H28-01 28 550 21.654 SF4B-H32 SF4B-H32-01 32 630 24.803 SF4B-H36 SF4B-H36-01 36 710 27.953 SF4B-H40 SF4B-H40-01 40 790 31.102 SF4B-H48 SF4B-H48-01 48 950 37.402 SF4B-H56 SF4B-H56-01 56 1,110 43.701 SF4B-H64 SF4B-H64-01 64 1,270 50.000 SF4B-H72 SF4B-H72-01 72 1,430 56.299 SF4B-H80 SF4B-H80-01 80 1,590 62.598 SF4B-H88 SF4B-H88-01 88 1,750 68.898 SF4B-H96 SF4B-H96-01 96 1,910 75.197 SF4B-A6 SF4B-A6-01 6 230 9.055 Selection Guide Light Curtains SF4B-A8 SF4B-A8-01 8 310 12.205 SF4B SF4B-A10 SF4B-A10-01 10 390 15.354 SF2B SF4B-A12 SF4B-A12-01 12 470 18.504 SF4B-A14 SF4B-A14-01 14 550 21.654 SF4B-A16 SF4B-A16-01 16 630 24.803 SF4B-A18 SF4B-A18-01 18 710 27.953 SF4B-A20 SF4B-A20-01 20 790 31.102 Optical Touch Switch SF4B-A24 SF4B-A24-01 24 950 37.402 SW-101 SF4B-A28 SF4B-A28-01 28 1,110 43.701 SF4B-A32 SF4B-A32-01 32 1,270 50.000 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights SF4B-A36 SF4B-A36-01 36 1,430 56.299 SF4B-A40 SF4B-A40-01 40 1,590 62.598 SF4B-A44 SF4B-A44-01 44 1,750 68.898 SF4B-A48 SF4B-A48-01 48 1,910 75.197 Model No. (Note 2) Handy-controller non-compatible type Number of beam channels Protective height (mm in) Notes: 1) The operating range is the possible setting distance between the emitter and the receiver. The light curtain can detect less than 0.3 m 0.984 ft away. Receiver cannot be placed in this range 0.3 m 0.984 ft Actual operating range of the light curtain 9 m 29.528 ft (SF4B-F, SF4B-H72/H80/H88/H96, SF4B-A36/A40/A44/A48: 7 m 22.966 ft) Setting range of the receiver Emitter 486 Receiver Receiver 2) The model No. with suffix "E" shown on the label affixed to the product is the emitter, "D" shown on the label is the receiver. (e.g.) Emitter of SF4B-F23: SF4B-F23E, Receiver of SF4B-F23: SF4B-F23D. SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 487 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES ORDER GUIDE 2 Mounting brackets Mounting bracket is not supplied with the light curtain. Be sure to order it separately. Designation Model No. PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS MS-SFB-1 Used to mount the light curtain on the rear surface and side surface (4 pcs. per set for emitter and receiver) Pitch adapter bracket MS-SFB-4 Used as the mounting bracket when changing over a previous light curtain with a protective height of 200 to 750 mm 7.874 to 29.528 in to the SF4B series. It is installed using two M5 hexagonsocket-head bolts. (4 pcs. per set for emitter and receiver) M8 mounting bracket MS-SFB-1-T Allows the light curtain to be mounted at the rear and side with one M8 hexagon-socket-head bolt. (4 pcs. per set for emitter and receiver) MS-SFB-4-T Used as the mounting bracket when changing over a previous light curtain with a protective height of 200 to 750 mm 7.874 to 29.528 in to the SF4B series. It is installed using two M8 hexagonsocket-head bolts. (4 pcs. per set for emitter and receiver) MS-SFB-3 Mounting with no dead zone is possible so that the mounting bracket does not project past the protective height. (4 pcs. per set for emitter and receiver) M8 pitch adapter bracket Dead zoneless mounting bracket Standard mounting bracket MS-SFB-1 Sensing surface Four bracket set Four M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) hexagon-socket-head bolts are attached. Pitch adapter bracket * MS-SFB-4 M8 pitch adapter bracket Dead zoneless mounting bracket * MS-SFB-1-T * MS-SFB-4-T * MS-SFB-3 M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) Hexagon-socket-head bolt (Accessory for MS-SFB-1-T) M8 mounting bracket MS-SFB-1-T M8 pitch adapter bracket MS-SFB-4-T Light curtain Sensing surface Four bracket set Four M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) hexagon-socket-head bolts are attached. M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) Hexagon-socket-head bolt (Accessory for MS-SFB-1) Light curtain M8 mounting bracket M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) Hexagon-socket-head bolt (Accessory for MS-SFB-4) Spacer (Accessory for MS-SFB-3) M5 (Length: 25 mm 0.984 in) Hexagon-socket-head bolt (Accessory for MS-SFB-3) Light curtain Sensing surface Light curtain Sensing surface Four bracket set Four M5 (Length: 25 mm 0.984 in) hexagon-socket-head bolts and four spacers are attached. Four bracket set Four M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) hexagon-socket-head bolts are attached. Four bracket set Four M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) hexagon-socket-head bolts are attached. SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch Pitch adapter bracket MS-SFB-4 Dead zoneless mounting bracket MS-SFB-3 M5 (Length: 16 mm 0.630 in) Hexagon-socket-head bolt (Accessory for MS-SFB-4-T) Light curtain Sensing surface Selection Guide Light Curtains * MS-SFB-1 Standard mounting bracket AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS Standard mounting bracket Description Mounting bracket The hexagon-socket head bolts on the mounting brackets for aligning the beam axis can be tightened from in front of the light curtain, so that work can be carried out easily while checking the hexagon-socket head bolt positions. This makes it much easier to adjust the light curtain angles when carrying out beam-axis alignment and greatly improves ease of installation work. Hexagon-socket head bolt for beam axis alignment (up to 15) Allen wrench 360 7rotation 360 rotation when used with hexagon-socket head bolt for alignment SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights Hexagon-socket head bolt for alignment (360 rotation for every 30) Robust die-cast! The beam axis can be aligned from the front side! Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES ORDER GUIDE 3 4 5 6 Type FIBER SENSORS 7 Mating cable / Extension cable / Cables for series connection Mating cable is not supplied with the light curtain. Be sure to order it separately. Appearance Model No. Discrete wire Bottom cap cable Connector Discrete wire With connectors on both ends With connector For receiver For emitter on one end 3 Connector With connectors on both ends With connector 7 connection Cable for series For receiver For emitter on one end Extension cable Bottom cap cable 3 Exclusive connection cable for SF-C14EX Adapter cable SFB-CCB7 SFB-CCB10 SFB-CCB15 5 Extension cable 6 Muting control components (12-core cable, with interference prevention wire) 4 Standard components (8-core cable) SFB-CCB3 3 488 SFB-CB05 SFB-CB5 SFB-CB10 SFB-CC3 SFB-CC10 Description Length: 3 m 9.843 ft Net weight: 370 g approx. (2 cables) Used for connecting to the light curtain and to other cables or Length: 7 m 22.966 ft the SF-C13 control unit. Net weight: 820 g approx. (2 cables) Two cables per set for emitter and receiver Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Cable color: Gray (for emitter) Net weight: 1,160 g approx. (2 cables) Gray with black line (for receiver) Length: 15 m 49.213 ft The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in Net weight: 1,710 g approx. (2 cables) Length: 0.5 m 1.640 ft Used for connecting to the light curtain and to an extension Net weight: 95 g approx. (2 cables) cable or the SF-C11 control unit. Two cables per set for emitter and receiver Length: 5 m 16.404 ft Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Net weight: 620 g approx. (2 cables) Connector outer diameter: o14 mm o0.551 in max. Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) Net weight: 1,200 g approx. (2 cables) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in Length: 3 m 9.843 ft Used for cable extension or connecting to the SF-C13 control unit. Net weight: 380 g approx. (2 cables) Two cables per set for emitter and receiver, Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Connector outer diameter: o14 mm o0.551 in max. Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) Net weight: 1,200 g approx. (2 cables) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in SFB-CCJ10E Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Net weight: 580 g approx. (1 cable) SFB-CCJ10D Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Net weight: 600 g approx. (1 cable) SFB-CCB3-MU SFB-CCB7-MU SFB-CB05-MU SFB-CC3-MU SFB-CC10-MU Used for cable extension or connecting to the SF-C11 and the SF-C14EX control unit. One each for emitter and receiver, Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Connector outer diameter: o14 mm o0.551 in max. Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) Connector color: Gray (for emitter), Black (for receiver) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in SFB-CSL05 SFB-CSL1 SFB-CSL5 SFB-CB05-EX SFB-CB5-EX SFB-CB10-EX For SF4A-AH (PNP type) SFB-CB05-A-P For SF4A-AH-N (NPN type) SFB-CB05-A-N For SF2-EH (PNP type) SFB-CB05-B-P For SF2-EH-N (NPN type) SFB-CB05-B-N PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Length: 3 m 9.843 ft Used for connecting to the light curtain and to other cables or Net weight: 420 g approx. (2 cables) the SF-C13 control unit. Two cables per set for emitter and receiver, Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Length: 7 m 22.966 ft Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) Net weight: 930 g approx. (2 cables) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in Used for connecting to the light curtain and to an extension cable or the SF-C12 control unit. Length: 0.5 m 1.640 ft Two cables per set for emitter and receiver, Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Net weight: Connector outer diameter: o16 mm o0.630 in max. 110 g approx. (2 cables) Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in Length: 3 m 9.843 ft Used for connecting to an extension cable or the SF-C13 Net weight: 430 g approx. (2 cables) control unit. Two cables per set for emitter and receiver, Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Connector outer diameter: o16 mm o0.630 in max. Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) Net weight: 1,300 g approx. (2 cables) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Used for connecting to an extension cable or the SF-C12 control unit. SFB-CCJ10E-MU Net weight: 660 g approx. (1 cable) One each for emitter and receiver, Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Connector outer diameter: o16 mm o0.630 in max. Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Connector color: Gray (for emitter), Black (for receiver) SFB-CCJ10D-MU Net weight: 680 g approx. (1 cable) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in SFB-CSL01 LASER SENSORS Length: 0.1 m 0.328 ft Net weight: 45 g approx. (2 cables) Used to connect light curtains in series Length: 0.5 m 1.640 ft Two cables per set for emitter and receiver (common for Net weight: 95 g approx. (2 cables) emitter and receiver) Length: 1 m 3.281 ft Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Net weight: 150 g approx. (2 cables) Cable color: Gray (common for emitter and receiver) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in Length: 5 m 16.404 ft Net weight: 630 g approx. (2 cables) Length: 0.5 m 1.640 ft Used for connecting to the light curtain and to SF-C14EX control unit or 8Net weight: 95 g approx. (2 cables) core extension cable with connectors on both ends (SFB-CCJ10E/CCJ10D) Two cables per set for emitter and receiver, Length: 5 m 16.404 ft Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in Net weight: 620 g approx. (2 cables) Connector outer diameter: o14 mm o0.551 in max. Length: 10 m 32.808 ft Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) Net weight: 1,200 g approx. (2 cables) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in 8-core bottom cap cable specifications. Used to allow connector cables connected to previous light curtains (at the control circuit side) to be smoothly adapted to the SF4B series. Length: 0.5 m 1.640 ft Two cables per set for emitter and receiver, Net weight: Cable outer diameter: o6 mm o0.236 in 110 g approx. (2 cables) Connector outer diameter: o14 mm o0.551 in max. Cable color: Gray (for emitter), Gray with black line (for receiver) The min. bending radius: R6 mm R0.236 in Selection Guide Light Curtains SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 489 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES ORDER GUIDE Intermediate supporting bracket Spare parts (Accessories for light curtain) * MS-SFB-2 Designation Model No. Description AREA SENSORS Intermediate supporting bracket (Note) MS-SFB-2 Used to mount the light curtain on the intermediate position. Mounting is possible behind or at the side of the light curtain. SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS Test rod o14 SF4B-TR14 Min. sensing object for regular checking (o14 mm o0.551 in), with finger protection type (min. sensing object o14 mm o0.551 in) PRESSURE SENSORS Test rod o25 SF4B-TR25 Min. sensing object for regular checking (o25 mm o0.984 in), with hand protection type (min. sensing object o25 mm o0.984 in) INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS Note: The number of sets required varies depending on the product. Refer to "DIMENSIONS" on p.512 for further details. PARTICULAR USE SENSORS Light curtain M5 hexagonsocket-head bolt Please arrange separately. Sensing surface M5 hexagonsocket-head bolt Please arrange separately. SENSOR OPTIONS Intermediate supporting bracket MS-SFB-2 Intermediate supporting bracket MS-SFB-2 Light curtain WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Sensing surface OPTIONS Exclusive control units Designation Appearance Application cable Description SF-C11 Use 8-core cable with connector to connect to the light Bottom cap cable: SFB-CB curtain. Extension cable: Compatible with up to control category 4. SFB-CCJ10 Interference prevention wires and muting function cannot be used. Robust type control unit SF-C12 Bottom cap cable: SFB-CB05-MU Extension cable: SFB-CCJ10-MU Use 12-core cable with connector to connect to the light curtain. Interference prevention wires can be used. Compatible with up to control category 4. Muting function cannot be used. Slim type control unit SF-C13 Bottom cap cable: SFB-CCB(-MU) Extension cable: SFB-CC(-MU) Use a discrete wire cable to connect to the light curtain. Muting function and interference prevention wires can be used. Compatible with up to control category 4. Application expansion unit for SF4B series SF-C14EX Bottom cap cable: SFB-CB-EX Extension cable: SFB-CCJ10 The muting control function and emergency stop input expand the applications of the light curtains. Use exclusive cable to connect to the light curtain. Compatible with up to control category 4. The handy-controller SFB-HC cannot be used with SF-C14EX-01 Bottom cap cable: SFB-CB05-CL SFB-CB5-CL SFB-CB10-CL Extension cable: SFB-CCJ10E-CL SFB-CCJ10D-CL This is a remote I/O unit that allows the safety field network "CC-Link Safety" to be connected to the light curtains or the safety components. Use exclusive cable to connect to the light curtain. Compatible with up to control category 4. Please contact our office for details. Connector connection type control unit Selection Guide Light Curtains Model No. SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights Handy-controller non-compatible type CC-Link Safety system Remote I/O unit for light curtain SF-C14EX-01 SF-CL1T264T Note: Refer to p.551~ for detailed specifications and connection diagrams of the special control unit. SF-C12 spare relay set A set of spare relays (2 safety relays and 1 removal tool) is available for the safety relay that is built into the SF-C12. Model No.: SF-C12-RY Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES 490 OPTIONS FIBER SENSORS Handy-controller LASER SENSORS In case of 8-core Designation Appearance Model No. Bottom cap cable (Note) Extension cable 8-core Handycontroller 8-core AREA SENSORS In case of 12-core Fix ed Floa bla ting nki Aux blan ng Lig iliary king ht con emoutput trol iss ion Co de Mo Pr nitor ote Co ct FU py NC TIO N FUNCTION SFB-HC 12-core 8-core 8-core 12-core CANCEL ENTER CA NC EL EN TE Bottom cap cable (Note) R * Includes 2 adapter cables Note: A handy-controller cannot be used with the SF4B--01 and the SF-C14EX-01. Adapter cable (Accessory) Designation Handy-controller Adapter cable (Accessory) Extension cable Note: If using a bottom cap cable with discrete wire, please order the SFB-CC3/CC10 separately. Refer to the instruction manual for the light curtain for details on the wiring. Protection bar set Front protection cover / Protection bar set / Corner mirror Applicable beam channels * MC-SFBH- Front protection cover Protection bar set M5 hexagon-socket-head bolt with washers Corner mirror Finger Hand Arm / Foot Model No. (Note) Model No. (Note) Model No. 23 12 6 31 16 8 39 20 10 47 24 12 55 28 14 63 32 16 71 36 18 79 40 20 95 48 24 111 56 28 127 64 32 - 72 36 - 80 40 - 88 44 - 96 48 FC-SFBH-12 FC-SFBH-16 FC-SFBH-20 FC-SFBH-24 FC-SFBH-28 FC-SFBH-32 FC-SFBH-36 FC-SFBH-40 FC-SFBH-48 FC-SFBH-56 FC-SFBH-64 FC-SFBH-72 FC-SFBH-80 FC-SFBH-88 FC-SFBH-96 MC-SFBH-12 MC-SFBH-16 MC-SFBH-20 MC-SFBH-24 MC-SFBH-28 MC-SFBH-32 MC-SFBH-36 MC-SFBH-40 MC-SFBH-48 MC-SFBH-56 MC-SFBH-64 MC-SFBH-72 MC-SFBH-80 MC-SFBH-88 MC-SFBH-96 RF-SFBH-12 RF-SFBH-16 RF-SFBH-20 RF-SFBH-24 RF-SFBH-28 RF-SFBH-32 RF-SFBH-36 RF-SFBH-40 RF-SFBH-48 RF-SFBH-56 RF-SFBH-64 RF-SFBH-72 RF-SFBH-80 RF-SFBH-88 RF-SFBH-96 Protection bar mounting bracket Protects sensing surface of the light curtain from flying objects such as welding spatter. The operating range reduces when the front protection cover is used. Light curtain STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Protection bar intermediate supporting bracket MS-SFB-6 (Optional) Selection Guide Light Curtains SF4B Number Remarks Protection bar 1 pc. Material: Aluminum Protection bar mounting bracket (For left side, for right side) 1 pc. each Material: Die-cast zinc alloy Hexagon-socket-head bolt with washers 2 pcs. M5 (Length 20 mm 0.787 in) Hexagon-socket-head bolt 2 pcs. M5 (Length 16 mm 0.630 in) 1 pc. Material: Cold rolled carbon steel (SPCC) Corner mirror SF4B-H SF4B-F SF4B-A * RF-SFBH- 12 to 64 beam 72 to 96 beam 6 to 32 beam 36 to 48 beam channels type channels type channels type channels type Only emitter installed 0.3 to 7.5 m 0.3 to 6 m 0.3 to 7.5 m 0.3 to 6 m 0.3 to 6 m 0.984 to 19.685 ft 0.984 to 24.606 ft 0.984 to 19.685 ft 0.984 to 24.606 ft 0.984 to 19.685 ft Only receiver installed 0.3 to 6 m 0.3 to 7.5 m 0.3 to 6 m 0.3 to 7.5 m 0.3 to 6 m 0.984 to 19.685 ft 0.984 to 24.606 ft 0.984 to 19.685 ft 0.984 to 24.606 ft 0.984 to 19.685 ft Both emitter and receiver installed 0.3 to 5.5 m 0.3 to 7 m 0.3 to 5.5 m 0.3 to 7 m 0.3 to 5.5 m 0.984 to 18.045 ft 0.984 to 22.966 ft 0.984 to 18.045 ft 0.984 to 22.966 ft 0.984 to 18.045 ft Note: The operating range is the possible setting distance between the emitter and the receiver. The light curtain can detect less than 0.3 m 0.984 ft away. SENSOR OPTIONS MEASUREMENT SENSORS Note: The protection bar intermediate supporting bracket MS-SFB-6 (optional) is installed to protection bars that are longer than the MC-SFBH-48. Use if there is much flexure bending in the protection bar. Please contact our office for details. Sensing range PARTICULAR USE SENSORS Protection bar Protection bar intermediate supporting bracket Material: Polycarbonate INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS LASER MARKERS Designation Front protection cover PRESSURE SENSORS M5 hexagonsocket-head bolt * Parts List Front protection cover SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS Note: The model Nos. given above denote a single unit, not a pair of units. 2 units are required for use in mounting to the emitter / receiver. * FC-SFBH- PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Corner mirror RF-SFBH- Percent decline of the sensing range With 1 mirror Declined to 90 % With 2 mirror Declined to 80 % SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 491 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES OPTIONS Laser alignment tool Designation Model No. Description Test rod o45 SF4B-TR45 Min. sensing object for regular checking (o45 mm o1.772 in), with arm / foot protection type (min. sensing object o45 mm o1.772 in) Laser alignment tool SF-LAT-2N Allows easy beam axis alignment using easy-to-see laser beam AREA SENSORS With the auxiliary output of the light curtain, the operation is easily observable from various directions. SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS Specifications * Supply voltage: 24 V DC 15 % * Current consumption: 12 mA or less * Indicators: Orange LED (8 pcs. used) [Light up when external contact is ON] * Ambient temperature: -10 to +55 C +14 to+55 F (No dew condensation or icing allowed) * Material: POM (Enclosure) Polycarbonate (Cover) Cold rolled carbon steel (SPCC) (Bracket) * Cable: 0.3 mm2 2-core cabtyre cable, 3 m 9.843 ft long * Weight: 70 g approx. (including bracket) PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS * SF-IND-2 Hexagon-sockethead bolt M5 (length 10 mm 0.394 in or more) Please arrange separately. Color code (Brown) +V MEASUREMENT SENSORS LASER MARKERS Large display unit for light curtain I/O circuit diagrams WIRESAVING SYSTEMS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES * SF-LAT-2N Large display unit for light curtain Attaches to top of light curtain. Tighten together the mounting bracket provided with the light curtain and the mounting bracket of SF-IND-2. + 24 V DC - 15 % SF-IND-2 Internal circuit (Blue) - V *1 Users' circuit *1 Non-voltage contact or NPN open-collector transistor or Color code (Brown) +V *1 + 24 V DC - 15 % Selection Guide Light Curtains (Blue) - V SF4B Internal circuit SF2B *1 Non-voltage contact or PNP open-collector transistor Users' circuit BSF4-AH80 or Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights Introduction to SUNX sensors that can be used as muting sensors Compact Photoelectric Sensor CX-400 SERIES Ultra-slim Photoelectric Sensor EX-10 SERIES U-shaped Photoelectric Sensor PM-64 SERIES DC 3-wire * Cylindrical Inductive Proximity Sensor GX-N SERIES * World standard size * 116 types for a wide variation * 3.5 mm 0.138 in thickness * Built-in connector saves space * Cost effectiveness * Long sensing range: 1 m 3.281 ft * Can be connected using * Easy-to-see operation indicator (Thru-beam type: EX-19) commercially-available connectors for higher reliability. * The EX-20 series that is compatible with M3 mounting screws is also available. Note: Check the specifications for the muting sensors before making a selection. Refer to "PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE" (P.502) for details on specifications and installation conditions. Recommended safety relays and miniature contactors * Safety relay Matsushita Electric Works Ltd. SF relay * Miniature contactor Matsushita Electric Works Ltd. PC-5 series Note: Contact the manufacturers for details on the recommended products. Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES SPECIFICATIONS FIBER SENSORS Individual specifications LASER SENSORS SF4B-F(-01 -01) Type Item Model No. (Note 2) SF4B-F23(-01) No. of beam channels Protective height Current consumption Min. sensing object o14 mm o0.551 in type (10 mm 0.394 in beam pitch) SF4B-F31(-01) SF4B-F39(-01) SF4B-F47(-01) SF4B-F55(-01) SF4B-F63(-01) 23 31 39 47 55 63 230 mm 9.055 in 310 mm 12.205 in 390 mm 15.354 in 470 mm 18.504 in 550 mm 21.654 in 630 mm 24.803 in Emitter: 80 mA or less, Receiver: 120 mA or less Net weight (Total of emitter and receiver) 570 g approx. 680 g approx. 800 g approx. Emitter: 100 mA or less, Receiver: 160 mA or less 920 g approx. 1,030 g approx. 1,150 g approx. Type Item Min. sensing object o14 mm o0.551 in type (10 mm 0.394 in beam pitch) SF4B-F79(-01) SF4B-F95(-01) SF4B-F111(-01) SF4B-F127(-01) Model No. (Note 2) SF4B-F71(-01) No. of beam channels Protective height Current consumption 71 79 95 710 mm 27.953 in 790 mm 31.102 in 950 mm 37.402 in 111 1,260 g approx. 1,380 g approx. 1,620 g approx. 127 SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS SF4B-H(-01 -01) Type Model No. (Note 2) SF4B-H12(-01) No. of beam channels Protective height Current consumption Item SF4B-H32(-01) 12 16 20 24 28 32 230 mm 9.055 in 310 mm 12.205 in 390 mm 15.354 in 470 mm 18.504 in 550 mm 21.654 in 630 mm 24.803 in 570 g approx. 680 g approx. 800 g approx. Emitter: 80 mA or less, Receiver: 115 mA or less 920 g approx. 1,030 g approx. 1,150 g approx. Protective height Current consumption 36 40 48 710 mm 27.953 in 790 mm 31.102 in 950 mm 37.402 in 56 1,260 g approx. 1,380 g approx. 1,620 g approx. 1,850 g approx. 72 80 88 64 2,090 g approx. 1,430 mm 56.299 in 1,590 mm 62.598 in 1,750 mm 68.898 in 1,910 mm 75.197 in Current consumption Emitter: 110 mA or less, Receiver: 180 mA or less Emitter: 120 mA or less, Receiver: 200 mA or less Net weight (Total of emitter and receiver) 2,320 g approx. 2,540 g approx. 2,780 g approx. Selection Guide Light Curtains 96 Protective height SF4B SF2B 3,010 g approx. Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +20 C +68 C. 2) The models with the suffix "-01" cannot be used with the handy-controller SFB-HC. BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 SF4B-A(-01 -01) Type Model No. (Note 2) No. of beam channels Protective height Current consumption Net weight (Total of emitter and receiver) SF4B-A6(-01) Min. sensing object o45 mm o1.772 in type (40 mm 1.575 in beam pitch) SF4B-A8(-01) SF4B-A10(-01) SF4B-A12(-01) SF4B-A14(-01) Optical Touch Switch SF4B-A16(-01) SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 6 8 10 12 14 16 230 mm 9.055 in 310 mm 12.205 in 390 mm 15.354 in 470 mm 18.504 in 550 mm 21.654 in 630 mm 24.803 in Emitter: 65 mA or less, Receiver: 85 mA or less 570 g approx. 680 g approx. 800 g approx. Emitter: 70 mA or less, Receiver: 95 mA or less 920 g approx. 1,030 g approx. 1,150 g approx. Type Min. sensing object o45 mm o1.772 in type (40 mm 1.575 in beam pitch) Model No. (Note 2) SF4B-A18(-01) SF4B-A20(-01) SF4B-A24(-01) SF4B-A28(-01) SF4B-A32(-01) No. of beam channels Protective height Current consumption Net weight (Total of emitter and receiver) Item LASER MARKERS 1,110 mm 43.701 in 1,270 mm 50.000 in Type Min. sensing object o25 mm o0.984 in type (20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch) Model No. (Note 2) SF4B-H72(-01) SF4B-H80(-01) SF4B-H88(-01) SF4B-H96(-01) No. of beam channels Item STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Emitter: 80 mA or less, Receiver: 115 mA or less Emitter: 90 mA or less, Receiver: 140 mA or less Emitter: 100 mA or less, Receiver: 160 mA or less Net weight (Total of emitter and receiver) Item MEASUREMENT SENSORS Type Min. sensing object o25 mm o0.984 in type (20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch) Model No. (Note 2) SF4B-H36(-01) SF4B-H40(-01) SF4B-H48(-01) SF4B-H56(-01) SF4B-H64(-01) No. of beam channels Item Min. sensing object o25 mm o0.984 in type (20 mm 0.787 in beam pitch) SF4B-H16(-01) SF4B-H20(-01) SF4B-H24(-01) SF4B-H28(-01) Emitter: 70 mA or less, Receiver: 95 mA or less Net weight (Total of emitter and receiver) SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS 2,090 g approx. Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +20 C +68 C. 2) The models with the suffix "-01" cannot be used with the handy-controller SFB-HC. Item AREA SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS 1,110 mm 43.701 in 1,270 mm 50.000 in 1,850 g approx. PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS PRESSURE SENSORS Emitter: 100 mA or less, Receiver: 160 mA or less Emitter: 115 mA or less, Receiver: 190 mA or less Emitter: 135 mA or less, Receiver: 230 mA or less Net weight (Total of emitter and receiver) 492 18 20 24 710 mm 27.953 in 790 mm 31.102 in 950 mm 37.402 in 28 32 1,110 mm 43.701 in 1,270 mm 50.000 in Emitter: 70 mA or less, Receiver: 95 mA or less Emitter: 75 mA or less, Receiver: 105 mA or less Emitter: 80 mA or less, Receiver: 120 mA or less 1,260 g approx. 1,380 g approx. 1,620 g approx. 1,850 g approx. 2,090 g approx. Type Min. sensing object o45 mm o1.772 in type (40 mm 1.575 in beam pitch) Model No. (Note 2) SF4B-A36(-01) SF4B-A40(-01) SF4B-A44(-01) SF4B-A48(-01) No. of beam channels 36 40 44 48 Protective height 1,430 mm 56.299 in 1,590 mm 62.598 in 1,750 mm 68.898 in 1,910 mm 75.197 in Current consumption Emitter: 85 mA or less, Receiver: 130 mA or less Emitter: 95 mA or less, Receiver: 140 mA or less Net weight Total of emitter and receiver) 2,320 g approx. 2,540 g approx. 2,780 g approx. 3,010 g approx. Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +20 C +68 C. 2) The models with the suffix "-01" cannot be used with the handy-controller SFB-HC. 493 Light Curtain Type 4 SPECIFICATIONS FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS Common specifications Type Min. sensing object o14 mm o0.551 in type Min. sensing object o25 mm o0.984 in type Min. sensing object o45 mm o1.772 in type MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Model No. (Note 2) Item Applicable standards Operating range (Note 3) Min. sensing object (Note 4) Effective aperture angle Supply voltage Control outputs (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS SF4B SERIES Operation mode Protection circuit Response time Auxiliary output (Non-safety output) LASER MARKERS Operation mode Protection circuit Interference prevention function Emission halt function Interlock function External device monitoring function Override function Selection Guide Light Curtains Muting function Optional functions (Note 9) SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights Environmental resistance SF4B SF4B-F(-01) SF4B-H(-01) SF4B-A(-01) ISO 13849-1 / JIS B 9705-1 (Category 4), EN 954-1 (Category 4), EN 61496-1 (Type 4), IEC 61496-1/2 (Type 4), UL 61496-1/2 (Type 4), JIS B 9704-1/2 (Type 4), UL 1998 12 to 64 beam channels type: 0.3 to 9 m 0.984 to 29.528 ft 6 to 32 beam channels type: 0.3 to 9 m 0.984 to 29.528 ft 72 to 96 beam channels type: 0.3 to 7 m 0.984 to 22.966 ft 36 to 48 beam channels type: 0.3 to 7 m 0.984 to 22.966 ft 0.3 to 7 m 0.984 to 22.966 ft o14 mm o0.551 in opaque object o25 mm o0.984 in opaque object o45 mm o1.772 in opaque object 2.5 or less [for an operating range exceeding 3 m 9.843 ft (conforming to IEC 61496-2 / UL 61496-2)] 24 V DC 10 % Ripple P-P 10 % or less PNP open-collector transistor / NPN open-collector transistor (switching method) * When selecting PNP output: Max. source current 200 mA, When selecting NPN output: Max. sink current 200 mA * Applied voltage: same as supply voltage When selecting PNP output: between the control output and +V, When selecting NPN output: between the control output and 0 V * Residual voltage: 2.5V or less (When selecting PNP output: source current 200 mA, when selecting NPN output: sink current 200 mA) (when using 20 m 65.617 ft length cable) ON when all beam channels are received, OFF when one or more beam channels are interrupted (OFF also in case of any malfunction in the light curtain or the synchronization signal)(Note 5,6) Incorporated OFF response: 14 ms or less, ON response: 80 to 90 ms PNP open-collector transistor / NPN open-collector transistor (switching method) * When selecting PNP output: Max. source current 60 mA, When selecting NPN output: Max. sink current 60 mA * Applied voltage: same as supply voltage When selecting PNP output: between the auxiliary output and +V, When selecting NPN output: between the auxiliary output and 0 V * Residual voltage: 2.5V or less (When selecting PNP output: source current 60 mA, when selecting NPN output: sink current 60 mA) (when using 20 m 65.617 ft length cable) OFF when control outputs are ON, ON when control outputs are OFF (Factory setting; operating mode can be changed using the SFB-HC handy-controller). Incorporated Incorporated (Note 7) Incorporated Incorporated [Manual reset / Auto reset (Note 8)] Incorporated Incorporated (Note 7) Incorporated (Note 7) Fixed blanking, floating blanking, auxiliary output switching, interlock setting changing, external relay monitor setting changing, muting setting changing, protecting, light emitting amount control Degree of protection IP65 (IEC) (Refer to p.984 for details of standards.) Ambient temperature -10 to +55 C +14 to +131 F (No dew condensation or icing allowed), Storage: -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F Ambient humidity Ambient illuminance Dielectric strength voltage 30 to 85 % RH, Storage: 30 to 95 % RH Incandescent light: 3,500 x or less at the light-receiving face 1,000 V AC for one min. between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Insulation resistance 20 M, or more, with 500 V DC megger between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz frequency, 0.75 mm 0.030 in amplitude in X, Y and Z directions for two hours each Shock resistance Emitting element Material Connecting method 300 m/s2 acceleration (30 G approx.) in X, Y and Z directions for three times each Infrared LED (Peak emission wavelength: 870 nm 0.034 mil) Enclosure: Aluminium, Upper / lower case: Zinc, Sensing surface: Polycarbonate, Cap: PBT Connector Cable length Total length up to 50 m 164.042 ft is possible for both emitter and receiver, with optional mating cables (Note 10) Accessories MS-SFB-2 (Intermediate supporting bracket): (Note 11) MS-SFB-2 (Intermediate supporting bracket): (Note 11) MS-SFB-2 SF4B-TR14 (Test rod): 1 No SF4B-TR25 (Test rod): 1 No (Intermediate supporting bracket): (Note 11) Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +20 C +68 C. 2) The models with the suffix "-01" cannot be used with the handy-controller SFB-HC. 3) The operating range is the possible setting distance between the emitter and the receiver. The light curtain can detect less than 0.3 m 0.984 ft away. 4) When the floating blanking function is used, the size of the min. sensing object is changed. For details, refer to "Safety distance" (p.506~). 5) The outputs are not "OFF" during muting function is active even if the beam channel is interruped. 6) In case the blanking function is valid, the operation mode is changed. For details, refer to "Safety distance" (p.506~). 7) Please use 12-core cable. 8) The manual reset and auto reset are possible to be switched depending on the wiring status. 9) In case of using optional function, the handy-controller (SFB-HC) (optional) is required. However, a handy-controller cannot be used with the SF4B--01 and the SF-C14EX-01. 10) The cable can be extended within 30 m 98.425 ft (for emitter / receiver) when two light curtains are connected with series connection, within 20 m 65.617 ft when three light curtains are connected with series connection. Furthermore, when the muting lamp is used, the cable can be extended within 40 m 131.234 ft (for emitter / receiver). 11) The intermediate supporting bracket (MS-SFB-2) is enclosed with the following models. The quantity of the enclosed bracket differs depending on the model as follows: 1 set: SF4B-F...Light curtain with 79 to 111 beam channels, SF4B-H...Light curtain with 40 to 56 beam channels, SF4B-A...Light curtain with 20 to 28 beam channels 2 sets: SF4B-F127, SF4B-H...Light curtain with 64 to 80 beam channels, SF4B-A...Light curtain with 32 to 40 beam channels 3 sets: SF4B-H...Light curtain with 88 to 96 beam channels, SF4B-A...Light curtain with 44 to 48 beam channels Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES SPECIFICATIONS FIBER SENSORS Handy-controller Model No. Item Supply voltage LASER SENSORS SFB-HC 24 V DC 10 % Ripple P-P10 % or less (common to light curtain power supply) Current consumption Communication method Digital display 65 mA or less RS-485 two-way communications (Specific procedure) 4-digit red LED display x 2 (Selected beam channels, setting contents etc. are displayed.) Function indicator Green LED x 9 (set function is displayed.) Fixed blanking (Factory setting: Disabled) / Floating blanking (Factory setting: Disabled) / Auxiliary output change (Factory setting: Negative Logic of OSSD) / Light emitting amount control (Factory setting: Disabled) / Muting setting change (Factory setting: All beam channels enabled, A = B) / Interlock setting change (Factory setting: start / restart) / External device monitoring setting change (Factory setting: Enabled, 300 ms) / Setting detail monitoring / Protecting (Factory setting: Disabled)(Factory password setting: 0000) / Initialization / Copy Functions Ambient temperature Ambient humidity -10 to +55 C +14 to +131 F (No dew condensation or icing allowed), Storage: -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F 30 to 85 % RH, Storage: 30 to 85 % RH Voltage withstandability Insulation resistance 1,000 V AC for one min. between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure 20 M , or more, with 500 V DC megger between all supply terminals connected together and enclosure Cable 8-core shielded cable, 0.5 m 1.640 ft long, with a connector at the end (2 cables) Weight Net weight: 200 g approx. Accessories 494 Adapter cable: 2 cables Note: Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +20 C +68 F. PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Laser alignment tool Model No. Item Supply voltage SF-LAT-2N 3 V (AA size battery x 2 pcs.) Battery 1.5 V (AA size battery) x 2 pcs. (replaceable) Battery lifetime 10 hours approx. of continuous operation (Manganese battery, at +25 C +77 F ambient temperature) Light source Red semiconductor laser: class 2 (IEC / JIS) (Max. output: 1 mW, Peak emission wavelength: 650 nm 0.026 mil) Spot diameter 10 mm 0.394 in approx. (at 5 m 16.404 ft distance) Ambient temperature Ambient humidity 0 to +40 C +32 to +104 F (No dew condensation), Storage: 0 to +55 C +32 to +131 F 35 to 85 % RH, Storage: 35 to 85 % RH Material Enclosure: ABS, Mounting part: Aluminum Weight Net weight: 200 g approx. (including batteries) Accessories AA size battery: 2 pcs. Note: Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +20 C +68 F. Model No. RF-SFBH- With one mirror: Declined to 90 %, With two mirrors: Declined to 80 % (When used in combination with the SF4B series) Ambient temperature -10 to +55 C +14 to +131 F (No dew condensation or icing allowed), Storage: -25 to +70 C -13 to +158 F Environmental resistance Attenuation rate of sensing range Ambient humidity Vibration resistance Shock resistance Material Accessories SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights Corner mirror Item Selection Guide Light Curtains 30 to 85 % RH, Storage: 30 to 95 % RH 10 to 55 Hz frequency, 0.75 mm 2.953 in amplitude in X, Y and Z directions for two hours each 300 m/s2 acceleration (30 G approx.) in X, Y and Z directions for three times each Enclosure: Alminium, Mounting bracket: Stainless Steel, Mirror (rear surface mirror): Glass, Side cover: EPDM Intermediate supporting bracket: 1 set (RF-SFBH-40/48/56/64), 2 sets (RF-SFBH-72/80/88/96) 495 Light Curtain Type 4 I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS SF4B SERIES I/O circuit diagram Emitter Emitter Color code of mating cable Color code of mating cable (Brown) +V AREA SENSORS (Brown) +V (Shield) Output polarity setting wire (Red) Muting lamp output * S1 SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS * S1 * S1 (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output SENSOR OPTIONS + - (Gray) Interference prevention + (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - 0.22 F 470 0.22 F 470 0.22 F 470 0.22 F 470 0.22 F 470 (Yellow) Override input (Pale purple) Interlock setting input 24 V DC 10 % Sensor circuit Sensor circuit PARTICULAR USE SENSORS 470 (Yellow) Override input (Pale purple) Interlock setting input (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS 0.22 F (Gray) Interference prevention + (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output * S1 Load (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input (Shield) Output polarity setting wire (Blue) 0 V (Blue) 0 V MEASUREMENT SENSORS (Orange) Synchronization + (Orange) Synchronization + Internal circuit (Orange / Black) Synchronization - Users' circuit Receiver * S1 Users' circuit (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Orange) Synchronization + * S1 (Brown) +V (Orange) Synchronization + (Brown) +V * S1 (Gray) Interference prevention + (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - 0.047 F 1 k * S1 24 V DC 10 % (Orange / Black) Synchronization - Internal circuit Receiver LASER MARKERS + - (Red) Muting lamp output WIRESAVING SYSTEMS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Load (Shield) Output polarity setting wire K1 (Light blue / White) Muting input A (Light blue / Black) Muting input B K1 (Black) OSSD 1 K2 K2 0.047 F 1 k Sensor circuit Selection Guide Light Curtains Sensor circuit (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input 0.22 F 470 (Black) OSSD 1 (Gray) Interference prevention + (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - SF4B (White) OSSD 2 SF2B (Shield) Output polarity setting wire Control Units Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 470 0.047 F 1 k 0.047 F 1 k K2 (Blue) 0 V (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input (Light blue / White) Muting input A K1 * S1 (Light blue / Black) Muting input B K2 * S1 (Blue) 0 V K1, K2: External device SF-C10 SW-101 0.22 F K1 BSF4-AH80 Optical Touch Switch (White) OSSD 2 Internal circuit K1, K2: External device Users' circuit Internal circuit Users' circuit Note: The above diagram is when using a 12-core cable. If an 8-core cable is used, the red, yellow, gray, gray / black, light blue / white and light blue / black lead wires are absent. Note: The above diagram is when using a 12-core cable. If an 8-core cable is used, the red, yellow, gray, gray / black, light blue / white and light blue / black lead wires are absent. * S1 * S1 Switch S1 * Emission halt input / Reset input For manual reset Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Emission halt (Note 1) Open: Emission For automatic reset Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Emission (Note 1) Open: Emission halt * Interlock setting input, Override input, Muting input A / B, External device monitor input Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Enable (Note 1) Open: Disabled Notes: 1) Vs is the applying supply voltage. 2) Switch S1 can be connected to either "+V" or "0 V". The above diagram shows a connection to "+V" as an example. Switch S1 * Emission halt input / Reset input For manual reset 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Emission halt Open: Emission For automatic reset 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Emission Open: Emission halt * Interlock setting input, Override input, Muting input A / B, External device monitor input 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Enable Open: Disabled Note: Switch S1 can be connected to either "+V" or "0 V". The above diagram shows a connection to "0 V" as an example. Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS FIBER SENSORS Connection example LASER SENSORS Standard components (8-core cable): Interlock function "enabled (manual reset)", external device monitoring function "enabled" The diagram at left shows the configuration when using PNP output, interlock function "enabled (manual reset)" and external device monitoring function "enabled". Color code of mating cable Emitter (Brown) +V * S1 (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output Cable color: Gray + - (Pale purple) Interlock setting input (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input 24 V DC 10 % In case of setting the interlock function to "disabled (automatic reset)" Emitter Load (Shield) Output polarity setting wire (Blue) 0 V (Orange) Synchronization + +24 V DC * S1 (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Pale purple) Interlock setting input (Orange) Synchronization + Cable color: Gray with black line Open (Brown) +V * Refer to p.501 for details of the interlock function. K1 (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input K2 In case of setting the external device monitoring function to "disabled" Emitter K1 (Shield) Output polarity setting wire SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS K2 (Blue) 0 V K1, K2: External device * S1 AREA SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS (Black) OSSD 1 (White) OSSD 2 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS (Orange / Black) Synchronization - Receiver 496 (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output Switch S1 * Emission halt input / Reset input For manual reset Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Emission halt (Note) * Open: Emission For automatic reset Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Emission (Note) Open: Emission halt STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Receiver (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input Note: Vs is the applying supply voltage. * Refer to p.502 for details of the external device monitoring function. The diagram at left shows the configuration when using NPN output, interlock function "enabled (manual reset)" and external device monitoring function "enabled". Color code of mating cable Emitter (Brown) +V (Shield) Output polarity setting wire (Pale purple) Interlock setting input Cable color: Gray (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output * S1 Load + - 24 V DC 10 % In case of setting the interlock function to "disabled (automatic reset)" Emitter (Pale purple) Interlock setting input (Orange / Black) Synchronization - Open (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input (Orange) Synchronization + (Brown) +V (Shield) Output polarity setting wire K1 K2 0V * Refer to p.501 for details of the interlock function. (White) OSSD 2 (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input K1 K2 In case of setting the external device monitoring function to "disabled" Emitter K1, K2: External device Switch S1 * Emission halt input / Reset input For manual reset 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Emission halt Open: Emission For automatic reset 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Emission Open: Emission halt SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights * S1 (Black) OSSD 1 * S1 BSF4-AH80 Optical Touch Switch (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Blue) 0 V SF2B SF-C10 (Orange) Synchronization + Cable color: Gray with black line SF4B Control Units (Blue) 0 V Receiver Selection Guide Light Curtains (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output Receiver (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input * Refer to p.502 for details of the external device monitoring function. 497 Light Curtain Type 4 I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS SF4B SERIES Connection example Muting control components (12-core cable, with interference prevention wires): Interlock function "disabled (automatic reset)", external device monitoring function "disabled" The diagram at left shows the configuration when using PNP output, interlock function "disabled (automatic reset)" and external device monitoring function "disabled". Color code of mating cable Emitter AREA SENSORS (Brown) +V (Red) Muting lamp output * S1 SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS Cable color: Gray (Gray) Interference prevention + Uses when the interference prevention function is used (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - (Yellow) Override input PRESSURE SENSORS (Pale purple) Interlock setting input: Open INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS * When the interlock function is "enabled (manual reset)", the override function cannot be used. + - 24 V DC 10 % Emitter (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input (Shield) Output polarity setting wire (Blue) 0 V (Orange) Synchronization + Receiver Cable color: Gray with black line MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS In case of setting the interlock function to "enabled (manual reset)" * S1 (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output * S1 (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Orange) Synchronization + (Brown) +V +24 V DC * S1 (Pale purple) Interlock setting input * Refer to p.501 for details of the interlock function. * S1 (Gray) Interference prevention + Uses when the interference * S1 prevention function is used (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - (Light blue / White) Muting input A (Light blue / Black) Muting input B (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input (Black) OSSD 1 (White) OSSD 2 K1 (Shield) Output polarity setting wire K1, K2: External K2 (Blue) 0 V device Switch S1 * Emission halt input / Reset input For manual reset Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Emission halt (Note), Open: Emission For automatic reset Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Emission (Note), Open: Emission halt * Override input, Muting input A / B, External device monitoring input Vs to Vs - 2.5 V (sink current 5 mA or less): Enabled (Note) ,Open: Disabled In case of setting the external device monitoring function to "enabled" +24 V DC K1 Receiver K2 (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input (Black) OSSD 1 K1 (White) OSSD 2 K2 K1, K2: External device 0 V * Refer to p.502 for details of the external device monitoring function. Note: Vs is the applying supply voltage. Selection Guide Light Curtains SF4B Color code of mating cable Emitter SF2B BSF4-AH80 Cable color: Gray Control Units * S1 (Pale purple) Interlock setting input: Open (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input + - 24 V DC 10 % (Gray) Interference prevention + Uses when the interference prevention function is used (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - (Yellow-green / Black) Auxiliary output * S1 SF-C10 In case of setting the interlock function to "enabled (manual reset)" * When the interlock function is "enabled (manual reset)", the override function cannot be used. (Red) Muting lamp output Optical Touch Switch Emitter (Blue) 0 V (Orange) Synchronization + SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights The diagram at left shows the configuration when using NPN output, interlock function "disabled (automatic reset)" and external device monitoring function "disabled". (Brown) +V (Shield) Output polarity setting wire (Yellow) Override input Receiver Cable color: Gray with black line (Pale purple) Interlock setting input (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Orange / Black) Synchronization - (Pink) Emission halt input / Reset input * S1 (Orange) Synchronization + (Brown) +V K1 (Shield) Output polarity setting wire K2 (Black) OSSD 1 (White) OSSD 2 (Gray) Interference prevention + Uses when the interference prevention function is used (Gray / Black) Interference prevention - (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input (Light blue / White) Muting input A * S1 0V * Refer to p.501 for details of the interlock function. In case of setting the external device monitoring function to "enabled" +24 V DC K1 Receiver (Light blue / Black) Muting input B * S1 (Blue) 0 V * S1 K1, K2: External device Switch S1 * Emission halt input / Reset input For manual reset 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Emission halt, Open: Emission For automatic reset 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Emission, Open: Emission halt * Override input, Muting input A / B, External device monitoring input 0 to +1.5 V (source current 5 mA or less): Enabled ,Open: Disabled K2 (Black) OSSD 1 (White) OSSD 2 (Yellow-green) External device monitoring input K1 K2 0V K1, K2: External device * Refer to p.502 for details of the external device monitoring function. Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS FIBER SENSORS SF-C11 LASER SENSORS SF4B series wiring diagram (Control category 4) When SF-C11 is connected to the light curtain, be sure to use the following mating cable. SFB-CB, SFB-CCJ10 For PNP output (minus ground) * Set the light curtain input polarity selection switch to the PNP side and ground the 0 V line. Light curtain input polarity selection switch +24 V DC A1 L1 RESET (Note 1) (Note 1) A B (Note 2) X1 X2 X3 F Receiver side connector FUSE1 Terminal arrangement diagram 33 41 K2 F.G. OUT 0V INTER_LOCK FAULT L1 L2 L3 T1 14 24 34 42 KA, KB: Magnet contactor KB KA N T2 AUX TEST (Note 3) * In the above diagram, set the light curtain input polarity selection switch to the NPN side and ground the + side. F.G. X3 A A Emitter side connector OUT 2 1 AUX A2 T2 T1 Test output terminal T2 Test input terminal AUX Semiconductor auxiliary output Connector pin No. 8 3 6 NPN PNP FAULT T1 Emitter side connector Receiver side connector 1 Interlock OSSD 2 2 +24 V DC +24 V DC 3 Emission halt OSSD 1 4 Auxiliary output EDM (External relay monitor) 5 Synchronization wire + Synchronization wire + 6 Synchronization wire - Synchronization wire - 7 0V 0V 8 Shield wire Shield wire SF-C12 SF4B series wiring diagram (Control category 4) * Set the two light curtain input polarity select switches to the PNP side and connect the FG terminal to the 0 V line. MPCE1 MPCE2 FUSE PNP FUSE Light curtain input polarity selection switch NPN Receiver side connector Terminal arrangement diagram INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Function FG A2 A1 13-14, 23-24 31-32 FB4 FB3 FB2 FB1 Frame ground (F.G.) terminal 0V +24 V DC Enabling path (NO contact x 2) Auxiliary output (NC contact x 1) External relay monitor terminal 2 External relay monitor terminal 1 1 10 2 3 12 11 8 For NPN output (plus ground) * In the above diagram, set the two light curtain input polarity selection switches to the NPN side and connect the FG terminal to the + side. Terminal R+ R- E+ E- T2 T1 X2 X1 Function Interference prevention wire - (Receiver side) Interference prevention wire + (Receiver side) Interference prevention wire - (Emitter side) Interference prevention wire + (Emitter side) Emission halt input terminal Automatic reset / manual reset selection terminal Manual reset: X1 - X2 short-circuited Pin layout for light curtain connectors 9 4 5 7 6 Note: Input and output for pin Nos. 11 and 12 are not used by this product. Connector pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Terminal Enabling path Auxiliary Power input output 24 V DC 10 % Note: The above diagram is when using manual reset. If automatic reset is used, connect a normal close-type pushbutton switch between T1 and T2 and leave between X1 and X2 open. X1 X2 T1 T2 E- E+ R- R+ FB1 FB2 FB3 FB4 32 31 24 23 14 13 A1 A2 FG When SF-C12 is connected to the light curtain, be sure to use the following maing cable. SFB-CB05-MU, SFB-CCJ10 -MU For PNP output (minus ground) X1 X2 T1 T2 E- E+ R- R+ FB1 FB2 FB3 FB4 32 31 24 23 14 13 A1 A2 FG PRESSURE SENSORS Selection Guide Light Curtains 0 V TEST Emission halt input switch (Note) (Note) Interference prevention wire Emitter side connector SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS SENSOR OPTIONS Pin layout for light curtain connectors 4 INTER_LOCK Not used B M 3 B SF-C11 control circuit Reset output terminal KA F Ui Auxiliary output (NC contact x 1) X1 Reset input terminal (Automatic) 5 Receiver side connector 41-42 Reset input terminal (Manual) 7 X1 X2 0V X3 RESET A1 A2 X2 Light curtain input polarity selection switch +24 V DC +24 V DC KB Notes: 1) The above diagram is when using manual reset. If automatic reset is used, disconnect the lead from X2 and connect it to X3. In this case, a reset (RESET) button is not needed. 2) Use a momentary-type switch as the reset (RESET) button. 3) Emission halt occurs when the test (TEST) button is open, and emission occurs when the test (TEST) button is short-circuited. If not using the test (TEST) button, short-circuit T1 and T2. For NPN output (plus ground) Function A1 13-14, 23-24, 33-34 Enabling path (NO contact x 3) K1 PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS Terminal FUSE2 13 23 NPN SF-C11 control circuit PNP Ui Emitter side connector A2 498 Emitter side connector Interlock +24 V DC Emission halt Auxiliary output Synchronization wire + Synchronization wire - 0V Shield wire Interference prevention wire + Interference prevention wire - (Muting lamp output) (Override input) Receiver side connector OSSD 2 +24 V DC OSSD 1 EDM (External relay monitor) Synchronization wire + Synchronization wire - 0V Shield wire Interference prevention wire + Interference prevention wire - (Muting input 1) (Muting input 2) Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 499 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS SF-C13 SF4B series wiring diagram (Control category 4) For PNP output (minus ground) For NPN output (plus ground) * Connect the light curtain control outputs OSSD 1 and OSSD 2 to S1 and S2 respectively. * Connect the light curtain control outputs OSSD 1 and OSSD 2 to S4 and S2 respectively and ground the + side. AREA SENSORS SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS (Orange / Black) Synchronization - Emitter Cable color: Gray PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS Receiver Cable color: Gray with black line (Orange) Synchronization + +V (Brown) +24 V DC Output Emission halt Auxiliary output Interlock setting polarity setting wire input / Reset (Yellow-green / input (Pale purple) Black) Open +V (Brown) (Shield) input(Pink) Load 0 V (Blue) 0 V (Blue) (Orange / Black) Synchronization - Emitter (Orange) Synchronization + +V (Brown) +24 V DC Output Emission halt Auxiliary output Interlock setting polarity input / Reset input (Yellow-green / input (Pale purple) setting wire (Pink) Black) Open (Shield) 0V Load +V (Brown) (Blue) Output polarity setting wire (Shield) External device monitoring input (Yellow-green) WIRESAVING SYSTEMS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES Output polarity setting wire (Shield) 0 V (Blue) External device monitoring input (Yellow-green) OSSD 2 (White) OSSD 1 (Black) OSSD 1 (Black) OSSD 2 (White) MEASUREMENT SENSORS L1 L1 RESET (Note 1,2) A1 S1 S2 S3 (Note 1) FUSE1 S4 X1 X2 X3 13 23 (Note 1) FUSE1 FUSE2 S1 A1 33 41 S2 S3 S4 X1 X2 X3 13 23 F F K1 Ui Ui SF-C13 control circuit OUT A2 0V SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 33 41 INTER_LOCK SF-C13 control circuit K2 F.G. OUT FAULT 14 24 AUX KA, KB: Magnet contactor L1L2L3 34 42 KB KB KA N KA M 3 Notes: 1) The above diagram is when using manual reset. If automatic reset is used, disconnect the lead from X2 and connect it to X3. In this case, a reset (RESET) button is not needed. 2) Use a momentary-type switch as the reset (RESET) button. Terminal arrangement diagram A1 A2 S1 S2 S3 S4 AUX X1 X2 X3 13 14 23 24 33 34 41 42 Terminal Function A1 +24 V DC A2 0V RESET (Note 1,2) K1 K2 SF4B FUSE2 F.G. LASER MARKERS Selection Guide Light Curtains Receiver Cable color: Gray with black line Cable color: Gray S1 to S4 Light curtain control output (OSSD) input terminal AUX Semiconductor auxiliary output X1 Reset output terminal X2 Reset input terminal (Manual) X3 Reset input terminal (Automatic) 13-14, 23-24, 33-34 Enabling path (NO contact x 3) 41-42 Auxiliary output (NC contact x 1) Use a separate terminal block to carry out wiring for light curtains that cannot be connected to the SF-C13. A2 0V INTER_LOCK FAULT 14 24 AUX KA, KB: Magnet contactor L1L2L3 34 42 KB KB KA N KA M 3 Notes: 1) The above diagram is when using manual reset. If automatic reset is used, disconnect the lead from X2 and connect it to X3. In this case, a reset (RESET) button is not needed. 2) Use a momentary-type switch as the reset (RESET) button. Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES I/O CIRCUIT AND WIRING DIAGRAMS FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS SF-C14EX SF4B series wiring diagram (Control category 4) For PNP output (minus ground) * Set the output polarity selection switch to the PNP side and ground the 0 V line. Emergency stop switch (Note 1) KA RESET KB (Note 2) +24 V DC (Note 1) KC RESET KD (Note 2) PLC etc. KE RESET KF (Note 2) A1 S11 S12 S21 S22 X11 X12 X13 X21 X22 X23 X31 X32 AUX1 AUX2 AUX3 AUX4 IE+ IE- IR+ IR- Receiver side NPN Output polarity connector selection switch PNP * When SF-C14EX is connected to the light curtain, be sure to use the following mating cable. SFB-CB05-EX (Cable length 0.5 m 1.640 ft) SFB-CB5-EX (Cable length 5 m 16.404 ft) SFB-CB10-EX (Cable length 10 m 32.808 ft) * If the NO (Normally Open) contact switch is used as a muting sensor, wire it as shown in the figure below. S3+ S3 S3- S4+ S4 S4- SF-C14EX control circuit * If the emergency stop switch is not used, short-circuit between the terminals S11 to S12 and S21 to S22 directly. A2 S3+ S3 S3- S4+ S4 S4- T1 T2 O1 O2 L1+ L1- L2+ L2- 14 24 34 44 54 64 KB KD KF +V OUT 0 V +V OUT 0 V 0V F.G. KA KC KE Muting sensor 2 (NPN output type) Override input TEST Muting lamp output 1 3.6 to 30 W Muting lamp output 2 3.6 to 30 W SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES For NPN output (plus ground) * Set the output polarity selection switch to the NPN side and ground the side of the power supply input. (Note 1) LASER MARKERS (Note 1) PLC etc. KA RESET KB (Note 2) +24 V DC AREA SENSORS 0V KA to KF: Force-guided relay or magnet contactors. Notes: 1) The above diagram is when using manual reset. If automatic reset is used, disconnect the lead from X12 and X22, and connect them to X13 and X23, as shown by the dotted lines. In this case, a reset (RESET) button is not needed. Terminals X31 to X32 are for manual reset only. 2) Use a momentary-type switch for the reset (RESET) button. Emergency stop switch PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS Emitter side connector Muting sensor 1 (PNP output type) 500 KC RESET KD (Note 2) KE RESET KF (Note 2) F.G. A1 S11 S12 S21 S22 X11 X12 X13 X21 X22 X23 X31 X32 AUX1 AUX2 AUX3 AUX4 IE+ IE- IR+ IR- Receiver side NPN Output polarity connector selection switch PNP SF-C14EX control circuit Emitter side connector A2 S3+ S3 S3- S4+ S4 S4- T1 T2 O1 O2 L1+ L1- L2+ L2- 14 24 34 44 54 64 KB KD KF +V OUT 0 V +V OUT 0 V 0V KA KC KE Muting sensor 1 (PNP output type) TEST Muting sensor 2 (NPN output type) Override input Terminal arrangement Terminal diagram Muting lamp output 1 3.6 to 30 W Function Muting lamp output 2 3.6 to 30 W Terminal 24 V Function 54 X11 Safety output 1 reset input Safety output 3 64 Emergency stop output X12 X11 - X12: Manual reset S3+ Muting sensor input 1 X13 X11 - X13: Automatic reset (PNP output type) S3 X21 Safety output 2 reset input S3+, S3-: Power supply, S3- S3: Sensor output X22 X21 - X22: Manual reset S4+ Muting sensor input 2 X23 X21 - X23: Automatic reset S4- T1 T2 O1 O2 (NPN output type) S4+, S4-: Power supply, S4: Sensor output Test input terminal Open: Test mode, Short-circuit: Normal operation Override input terminal Open: Invalid, Short-circuit: Valid 7 4 1 Interference prevention Interference prevention wire + wire + 2 +24 V DC 3 Interference prevention Interference prevention wire - wire - 4 Auxiliary output Not used Synchronization wire + Synchronization wire - Synchronization wire + Synchronization wire - 6 5 Receiver side connector 5 +24 V DC 7 0V 0V 8 Shield wire Shield wire AUX4 Auxiliary output 4, Light curtain auxiliary output IR+ Interference prevention terminal, Receiver side + 0V 3 Emitter side connector AUX2 Auxiliary output 2, Override output L2+ Muting lamp L2- output 2 A2 Connector pin No. 8 AUX1 Auxiliary output 1, Muting output IE+ Interference prevention terminal, Emitter side + +24 V DC 1 6 L1+ Muting lamp L1- output 1 A1 Control Units X31 Safety output 3 reset input X32 X31 - X32: Manual reset AUX3 Auxiliary output 3, Blown lamp output IE- Interference prevention terminal, Emitter side - IR- Interference prevention terminal, Receiver side - SF4B BSF4-AH80 Pin layout for light curtain connectors 2 Selection Guide Light Curtains SF2B KA to KF: Force-guided relay or magnet contactors. 14 Safety output 1, Light received / Light S11 Emergency stop 24 interrupted output of the light curtain S12 contact input 2 NC input 34 Safety output 2, Light curtain output S21 Between S11 and S12 44 including the muting function S22 Between S21 and S22 S4 Notes: 1) The left diagram is when using manual reset. If automatic reset is used, disconnect the lead from X12 and X22, and connect them to X13 and X23, as shown by the dotted lines. In this case, a reset (RESET) button is not needed. Terminals X31 to X32 are for manual reset only. 2) Use a momentary-type switch for the reset (RESET) button. SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 501 FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS MICRO PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS Light Curtain Type 4 SF4B SERIES PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE Interlock function Emission halt function * When the light curtain has been interrupted and control output (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) is OFF, the interlock function keeps the control output at OFF until a reset signal is input. * You can select whether interlock is enabled (manual reset) or disabled (automatic reset) by the way in which the interlock setting input line (pale purple) is connected. SAFETY SAFETY COMPONENTS COMPONENTS PRESSURE SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS WIRESAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS Interlock function Reset operation Interlock setting input (pale purple) Enabled Manual reset Connected to 0 V or +V Disabled Automatic reset Open Interlock enabled (manual reset) * When the light curtain has been interrupted and control outputs (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) are OFF, the control outputs (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) are kept at OFF and does not automatically turn back ON even if the incoming light status is restored. If a reset signal is input when incoming light is being received by the light curtain (emission halt input / reset input changes from "open" to "0 V" or the +V side changes from "short-circuited" to "open"), control outputs (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) turns ON. (Refer to p.495~ for wiring diagrams.) 20 ms or less Open Emission halt input / Reset input Short-circuited SF4B SF2B BSF4-AH80 Control Units SF-C10 Optical Touch Switch SW-101 Other Products Definition of Sensing Heights 14 ms or less 150 ms or less ON Control outputs (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) OFF Disabled (automatic reset) Emission status Open Emission Connected to 0 V or +V Emission halt Open Emission halt Connected to 0 V or +V Emission * During emission halt, the control outputs (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) become OFF status. * By using this function, malfunction due to extraneous noise or abnormality in the control outputs (OSSD 1, OSSD 2) and the auxiliary output can be determined even from the machinery side. * When the interlock function is disabled (automatic reset), normal operation is restored when the emission halt input / reset input wire (pink) is connected to 0 V or +V.