Rev.1.1 CMOS SERIAL EPROM S-29ZX30A The S-29ZX30A series are low power 4K/8K-bit E7PROM with a low operating voltage range. They are organized as 256-word x 16-bit 8-pin SOP[4] : See Page 10-18. | and 512-word x 16bit, respectively. Each is capable of sequential 8-pin SSOP : See Page 10-14. | read, at which time addresses are automatically incremented in 16- bit blocks. The instruction code is compatible with the NM93CSXX series. @ Package/Dimensions @ Features Low power consumption + Endurance : 10 cyclesfword Standby 2.0yAMax. (VCC=3.6V) Data ion : Operating : 0.6 mA Max. (VCC=3.6 V) Data retention : 10 years 10.4 mA Max. (VCC=2.7 V) + -292Z330A : 4K bits NM93CS66 instruction code compatible *Wide operating voltage range + $-29Z430A : 8K bits NM93CSXX series compatible Write :09to3.6V Read 0.9 to3.6V Sequential read capable @ = Pin Assignment 8-pin SOP2 Top view 8-pin SSOP cs a 1D gt Voc Top view sk 2 72 NC csHic BE Veco SK a9 7h NC bE 3 6 TEST bt 43 6h Test po G4 5/2 GND pocd4 5 GND $-29Z330ADFJA $-29Z330AFS $-29Z430ADFJA * See I Dimensions Figure 1 @ = Pin Functions Table 1 Name Pin Number Function SOP2| SSOP cs 1 1 Chip select input SK 2 2 Serial clock input DI 3 3 Serial data input DO 4 4 Serial data output GND 5 5 Ground TEST 6 6 Test pin (normally kept open) (can be connected to GND or Vec) NC 7 7 No Connection Vee 8 8 Power supply Seiko Instruments Inc. 3-345CMOS SERIAL E?PROM $-29ZX30A H Block Diagram Memory array Address Vee o4 decoder GND IT , Output buffer DO q Data register le 1 o__ | Mode decode [logic cs a SK Clock generator Figure 2 @ = Instruction Set Table 2 Instruction Start | Opo Address Data Bit | Code $-292330A | $-297430A READ (Read data) 1 10 Az to Ao xAgto Ao | Dis to Dp Output* WRITE (Write data) 1 ot A; to Ao xAgto Ag | Dis to Do Input ERASE (Erase data) 1 11 A; to Ao xAg to Ao _ EWEN (Program enable) 1 00 DV AKKKKKK | 1 TXXXXKXXX _ EWDS (Program disable) 4 00 O@coc00 | OGoocE00: _ x : Doesn't matter. * : Addresses are continuously incremented. M@ Absolute Maximum Ratings Table 3 Parameter Symbol Ratings Unit Power supply voltage Vec -0.3 to +7.0 Vv Input voltage Vin -0.3 to Vect+0.3 Vv Output voltage Vout -0.3 to Vec Vv Storage temperature under bias Thias -50 to +95 c Storage temperature Teg -65 to +150 c 3-346 Seiko Instruments Inc.CMOS SERIAL E?PROM $S-29ZX30A mM Recommended Operating Conditions Table 4 Parameter Symbot Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit READMWRITE/ERASE 0.9 - 36 Vv Power supply voltage Vee EWEN/EWDS VCC= 1.8to 3.6V 0.8 x Vee -- Vec Vv High fevel input voltage Vie Vec= 0.9 to 1.8V 0.9 x Vee -- Vee Vv VCC= 1.810 3.6V 0.0 - 0.2 x Vee Vv Low level input voltage Vit Vec= 0.9 to 1.8V 0.0 - 0.1 x Vee Vv Operating temperature Top - 40 ~ +85 C @ = Pin Capacitance Table (Ta=25 C, f=1.0 MHz, Vec=5 V) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Input Capacitance Cin Vin=O V _ _ 8 pF Output Capacitance Cour Vout=0 V _ 10 pF M@ Endurance Table 6 Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Endurance Nw 10 _ _ cycles/word Seiko Instruments Inc. 3-347CMOS SERIAL E7PROM S-29ZX30A _ @ = ODOC Electrical Characteristics Table 7 Parameter Smbl| Conditions Vec=2.7 V to 3.6V | Vec=1.8 V to2.7V | VCC=0.9to 1.8V Unit Min. | Typ. | Max. | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Min. | Typ. | Max. Current consumption lec: | DO unloaded | _ 0.6 _ _ 0.4 0.2 mA (READ) Current consumption lccg | DO unloaded | _ 5.0 _ _ 5.0 7 5.0 mA (PROGRAM) Table 8 Parameter Smbl Conditions Vec2.7Vto3.6V |] Vec=1.8 to 2.7V Voec=0.9 to 1.8V Unit Min. | Typ.|Max.} Min. | Typ.|Max.| Min. | Typ. | Max. lea CS=GND DO=Open Connected to Vec or GND ] 1.0 ~~ } 10 _ | 1.0} pA Standby current Topr=-10 ~ +70C consumption CS=GND DO=Open Connected to Vec or GND |] 20; | ] 20) | ] 20] pA Topr=-40 ~ +85C Input leakage lu | Viv=GND to Vee forfio} fortr1o} | or] 10] wa current Output leakage lio | Vour=GND to Voc |o1/ 10] |} o01}/10} | 01] 10] pA current Low level output lou= 100nA ~ a os =i=jo-ltV voltage Vor | lor= 30nA _ 1 _ 1 _ |-!]V lov= 1OnA _ | 01 _ | 01 _ {o2!1 V low= -100 Vec-0.7|{ ]| |{| }|]] Vv High level output oH HA ce voltage Vou | lon= -10pA Veo-0.7 | | |Voc-0.3| }|}] |} |I! Vv lon= -SpA Vee-0.7 | | |Vee-0.3] | [Vce-0.2) | |] V Write enable latch Von Only when write disable os ||] os |/|! og ||]I|v data hold voltage mode 3-348 Seiko instruments inc.BM AC Electrical Characteristics CMOS SERIAL E?7PROM S-29ZX30A Table 9 Input pulse voitage 0.1 x Vee to 0.9 x Vee Output reference voltage 0.5 x Vee Output load 100pF Table 10 Parameter Symble Conditions Vec=2.7 to 3.6V | Voc=1.8 to 2.7 V | Voc=0.9 to 1.8V Unit Min. | Typ. | Max.} Min. | Typ. | Max.| Min. | Typ. | Max. CS setup time tess 04 |j{-|10]]| 10 | |] us CS hold time tesu 04 |{{10!]y|]10;]]| ns CS deselect time tens 0.2 ||]{|04{|] 4 ]]]| ps Data setup time tos 04 |]||08;]|] 8 | ]] ps Data hold time tou 04 {|||]08];]--|] 8 ||]-]| ps Topr=-10 to +70C | - | - | 10] | j] 20] | | 50] us Output delay tep Topr=-40 to +85C | | | 10] | ] 2.0} | | 100] us > _ Clock frequency fex Topr=-10 to +70C 500; a 250 10 | KHz Topr=-40 to +85C |500; Oo | | 250) | | 5 | KHz Clock pulse width tei tex Topr=-10 to +70C | 1.0 | | | 2.0 | | ] 50 | | | us Topr=-40 to +85C | 1.0 | | | 2.0 | | | 100} | | ps Output disable time tuz1, tuze 0 _ 0.5 _ 1.0 0 50 ps Output enable time tsy 0 | 05 |10] 0 | 50 | ps Programming time ter | 40 }10.0] | 4.0 | 10.0); | | 10.0} ms tess tens cs SK DI Hi-Z <= > Hi-Z DO READ tev ( ) <t | too > tz Hi-Z Va Hi-Z DO xX (VERIFY) Figure 3 Read Timing Seiko Instruments Inc. 3-349CMOS SERIAL E?PROM S-292ZX30A @ Operation Instructions (in the order of start-bit, instruction, address, and data) are latched to Di in synchronization with the rising edge of SK after CS goes high. A start-bit can only be recognized when the high of DI is latched to the rising edge of SK when CS goes from low to high, it is impossible for it to be recognized as long as DI is low, even if there are SK pulses after CS goes high. Any SK pulses input while DI is low are called "dummy clocks." Dummy clocks can be used to adjust the number of clock cycles needed by the serial IC to match those sent out by the CPU. instruction input finishes when CS goes low, where it must be between commands during teps. All input, including DI and SK signals, is ignored while CS is low, which is stand-by mode. 1. Read The READ instruction reads data from a specified address. After AO is latched at the rising edge of SK, DO output changes from a high-impedance state (Hi-Z) to low level output Data is continuously output in synchronization with the rise of SK. When ail of the data (D15 to DO) in the specified address has been read, the data in the next address can be read with the input of another SK clock. Thus, it is possible for all of the data addresses to be read through the continuous input of SK clocks as long as CS is high. The last address (An --- A1 AO = 1 :-- 11) rolls over to the top address (An +: A1 AQ =0 --- 00). cs _/ Ye DI a]: me ee ; po me 12 [> Jou. on | --+[o]o]o Ds [ou D | -- + [dr] 0, | 0 [ds Du [Di --- ee 4 4 AsBeAcAcAcAAsAgt 1 AihcAcAsAArArAct2 Figure 4 Read Timing (S-29Z330A) \ o B/7: |e x[a|* Ta [as [a [a [as [a [a 60 Hz vo [os[o fom [ =~ Po [ofa fon [ou [oo] --- [oo [o [ou [oo] --- HY 4 A AsAReAcAuAsAA Act 1 Roi AeAsAAgAAAgt2 Figure Read Timing (S-29Z430A) 3-350 Seiko Instruments Inc.CMOS SERIAL E?PROM S-29ZX30A 2. Write (WRITE, ERASE) There are two write instructions, WRITE and ERASE. Each automatically begins writing to the non-volatile memory when CS goes low at the completion of the specified clock input. The write operation is completed in 10 ms (tpg Max.), and the typical write period is less than 4 ms. In the S- 292ZX30A series, itis easy to VERIFY the completion of the write operation in order to minimize the write cycle by setting CS to high and checking the DO pin, which is low during the write operation and high after its completion. This VERIFY procedure can be executed over and over again. There are two methods to detect a change in the DO output. One is to detect a change from low to high setting CS to high, and the other is to detect a change from low to high as a result of repetitious operations of returning the CS to low after setting CS to high and checking the DO output. Because all SK and DI inputs are ignored during the write operation, any input of instruction will also be disregarded. When DO outputs high after completion of the write operation or if it is in the high-impedence state (Hi-Z), the input of instructions is available. Even ifthe DO pin remains high, it will enter the high-impedence state upon the recognition of a high of DI (start-bit) attached to the rising edge of an SK pulse. (see Figure 3). DI input should be low during the VERIFY procedure. 2.1. WRITE This instruction writes 16-bit data to a specified address. After changing CS to high, input a start-bit, op-code (WRITE), address, and 16-bit data. If there is a data overflow of more than 16 bits, only the last 16-bits of the data is considered valid. Changing CS to low will start the WRITE operation. Itis not necessary to make the data "1" before initiating the WRITE operation. Figure 6 WRITE Timing (S-29Z330A) cs Standby SK DI BO Figure 7 WRITE Timing (S-292430A) Seiko Instruments Inc. 3-351CMOS SERIAL E?PROM $-29ZX30A 2.2 ERASE This command erases 16-bit data in a specified address. After changing CS to high, input a start-bit, op-code (ERASE), and address. It is not necessary to input data. Changing CS to low will start the ERASE operation, which changes every bit of the 16 bit data to "1." Figure 8 ERASE Timing (S-292330A) Figure 9 ERASE Timing (S-29Z430A) 3. Write enable (EWEN) and Write disable (EWDS) The EWEN instruction puts the S-29ZX30A series into write enable mode, which accepts WRITE and ERASE instructions. The EWDS instruction puts the S-29ZX30A series into write disable mode, which refuses WRITE and ERASE instructions. The S-29ZX30A series powers on in write disable mode, which protects data against unexpected, erroneous write operations caused by noise and/or CPU malfunctions. It should be kept in write disable mode except when performing write operations. 3-352 Seiko Instruments Inc.CMOS SERIAL E?PROM S$-29ZX30A cs / sk EL PLPLALPLE pT $79 11=EWEN SXs 00=EWDS Figure 10 EWEN/EWDS Timing (S-292330A) cs _/ \_ Standby Figure 11 EWEN/EWDS Timing (S-29Z430A) M@ Receiving a Start-Bit A start bit can be recognized by latching the high level of DI at the rising edge of SK after changing CS to high (Start-bit Recognition). The write operation begins by inputting the write instruction and setting CS to low. The DO pin then outputs low during the write operation and high at its completion by setting CS to high (Verify Operation). Therefore, only after a write operation, in order to accept the next command by having CS go high, will the DO pin switch from a state of high- impedence to a state of data output; but if it recognizes a start-bit, the DO pin returns to a state of high-impedence (see Figure 3). @ Three-wire Interface (DI-DO direct connection) Although the normal configuration of a serial interface is a 4-wire interface to CS, SK, DI, and DO, a 3-wire interface is also a possibility by connecting DI and DO. However, since there is a possibility that the DO output from the serial memory IC will interfere with the data output fram the CPU with a 3-wire interface, install a resistor between DI and DO in order to give preference to data output from the CPU to Di(See Figure 12). CPU $-29ZX30A more qc D qd bh q n q n q sio Dl a q a po =O CIUCIJTICI R: 10 to 100 kQ Figure 12 Seiko Instruments Inc. 3-353CMOS SERIAL E?PROM S-29ZX30A_ @ Ordering Information 3-354 Package DFJA = XXX FS Po Product $-29Z330A S-29Z430A SOP2 SSOP (S-29Z330A) 4Kbit BKbit Seiko Instruments Inc. @ Package/Dimensions 8-pin SOP[4] : See Page 10-18. 8-pin SSOP: See Page 10-14.@ Characteristics 1. DC Characteristics 1.1 Current consumption (READ) Ice: -- Ambient temperature Ta Vec=3.6 V fsk=500 KHz DATA=0101 0.4 IcCt (mA) 02 <] 0 40 0 85 Ta (C) 13 Current consumption (READ) lec: - Power supply voltage Vcc Ta=25 C. fscl=500 KHz DATA=0101 0.4 Icc1 (mA) 02 A i> A 0 1234 5 6 Vee (V) 15 Current consumption (READ) Icc:-- Power supply voltage Voc Ta=25 C fscl=10 KHz DATA=0101 04 Icct (mA) 0.2 Lar Lt 0 | 123 45 6 Vee (V) 17 Current consumption (WRITE) Icc2-- Power supply voltage Vcc Ta=25 C 2.0 Icc2 (mA) 1.0 ] 1 0 123 45 6 Vee (V) CMOS SERIAL E?PROM __S-292X30A 1.2 Current consumption (READ) lec: -- Ambient temperature Ta Voc#1.8V fsk=10 KHz DATA=0101 0.4 icc (mA) 02 Q 40 0 85 Ta (C) 1.4 Current consumption (READ) Ice: ~- Power supply voltage Voc Ta=25 C fscl=100 KHz DATA=0101 0.4 Icc1 (mA) 0.2 LAT ole 123 45 6 Vee (V) 1.6 Current consumption (WRITE) lec2- Ambient temperature Ta Vec=3.6 V 2.0 Icc2 (mA) peel 1.0 0 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 1.8 Standby current consumption Isp -- Ambient temperature Ta 10 Vcc=3.6V IsB 10 (A) 10 10 10 10" -40 0 85 Ta (C) Seiko Instruments Inc. 3-355CMOS SERIAL E?PROM S-292X30A 19 Input leakage current I, -- Ambient temperature Ta Vec=3.6 V CS,SK,DI=0 V 1.0 WL (HA) 0.5 QO 40 O 85 Ta (C) 1.11 Output leakage current ILo -- Ambient temperature Ta Ve=a36V DO=0 V 1.0 {Lo (HA) 05 0 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 1.13 High level output voltage Vor -- Ambient temperature Ta Vec=2.7 V 1OH=100 uA 2.8h VOH (Vv) 27 2.6 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 1.15 Low level output voltage Vo. -- Ambient temperature Ta q Voc=1.8V 0.03 | 1oL=100 uA _] VOL ) 0.02 0.01 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 3-356 1.10 Input leakage current |, -- Ambient temperature Ta Vcc=3.6 V CS,SK,DI=3.6 V 1.0 iu (WA) 05 0 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 1.12 Output leakage current lio -- Ambient temperature Ta Vec=3.6 V " DO=3.6 V 1.0 tu (HA) 0.5 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 1.14 High level output voltage Vou - Ambient temperature Ta Vec=0.9 V IOH=5 uA 1.0 VOH ) 0.9 08 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 1.16 Low level output voltage Vo, -- Ambient temperature Ta T T Vec=0.9V 0.03 ++ OL=10 ua VOL | | ) 0.02 0.01 400 85 Ta (C) Seiko Instruments inc.2. AC Characteristics 2.1 Maximum operating frequency fmax -- Power supply voltage Vic Ta=25 C frmax 1M (Hz) 100K 10K 123 4 Vec (V) 2.3 Program time tp - Ambient temperature Ta 5 T Voc=3.6 V 6 tWR (ms) 4 ee ee 2 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 2.5 Data output delay Ambient temperature Ta time top -- Vec2.7 V 06 tPD (us) 0.4 ra La 02 -40 0 85 Ta (C) 2.7 Data output delay Ambient temperature Ta time tp -- Vec=0.9 V 30 tPD (ts) 20 10 -40 0 Ta (C) 85 Seiko Instruments Inc. CMOS SERIAL E?PROM $-29ZX30A 2.2 Program time tpr -- Power supply voltage Vic Ta=25 C 6 (ms) ms. 4 N 2 12345 Vee 2) 2.4 Program time tpp -- Ambient temperature Ta Voc=0.9 V tWR mm | PK 4 2 -40 0 85 Ta C) 2.6 Data output delay time tpp -- Ambient temperature Ta 0.6 tPD (Hs) 0.4 0.2 Veo"1.8 -40 0 85 Ta (C)