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The DS1804 is a single nonvo lat ile po tentiometer. The device has a tot al of 100 t ap-po int s inc lud in g t he
L- and H- t ermina ls. A t otal o f 99 resist ive segments exist between the L- and H- t erminals. These tap-
points are accessible to the W-terminal, whose position is controlled via a three-terminal control po rt. A
block diagram o f t he DS1804 is shown in Figure 1.
T he three -ter minal po rt of t he DS1804 pro vides an incre ment /decre ment inter face w hich is act ivated via a
chip-select input. This interface consists of the input signals
, and U/
. These input signals
control a 7-bit up/down counter. The out put of the 7-bit up/do wn co unt er controls a 1 of 100 decoder to
select w iper pos ition. Additionally, this int erface pr ovides for a w iper st or age o peratio n us ing the
input c ont rol pin s . T he timin g diagra m fo r the t hree-t ermina l inter face contro l is shown in Fig ure 2.
VCC - Power Supply. T he DS1804 will suppor t supp ly volt ages ranging from +2. 7V to +5.5V.
GND - Ground.
H - High-Terminal Pot entio meter. This is t he high ter minal of the potentiometer. It is not required that
this terminal be connected to a potential greater than the L-terminal. Vo ltage applied to the H-terminal
cannot exceed the po wer-supply vo lt age, VCC, or go belo w ground.
L - Low-Terminal P ote ntiomete r. Th is is the low terminal of the potentiometer. It is not required that this
terminal be connected to a potential less than the H-terminal. Voltage applied to the L-terminal cannot
exceed the po wer-supply volt age, VCC, or go below ground.
W - Wiper of the Potentiometer. This pin is the wiper of the potentiometer. Its position on the resistor
array is controlled by the three-terminal control port. Voltage applied to the wiper cannot exceed the
power-supply volt age, VCC, or go below ground.
- Chip Select. The
input is used to activate the control port of the DS1804. This input is active
low. When in a high-state, activity on the
and U/
port pins will not affect or change wiper
- Wip er Move ment C o nt ro l. T his inp u t p ro v ide s f o r w iper p o s itio n c ha ng e s w he n the
pin is low.
Wiper po sit ion c hanges o f t he W-t e rmin a l w il l o c c ur o ne pos it io n p er hig h-to-low tra n sition of th is input
signal. Posit ion changes wil l not o cc ur if the
pi n is in a high s tate .
- U p/Do wn Co nt rol. T his input set s the d ire ct io n o f wiper mo ve me nt. Whe n in a hig h st at e a nd
is low, any high-to-lo w t r ans it io n o n
will cause a one posit ion movement of the wiper towards the
H-terminal. When in a low state and
is low, any high-to-low transitions on
will cause the
positio n o f the wiper t o move tow ar ds the L-terminal.