Crystal oscillator Product Number (please contact us) EG-2121CB P: X1M000211xxxx00 EG-2121CB L: X1M000231xxxx00 EG-2102CB P: X1M000201xxxx00 EG-2102CB L: X1M000221xxxx00 LOW-JITTER SAW OSCILLATOR (SPSO) OUTPUT : LV-PECL, LVDS EG - 2121 / 2102CB Frequency range Supply voltage : : : Output : Function : External dimensions : 100 MHz to 700 MHz 2.5 V EG-2121CB 3.3 V EG-2102CB LV-PECL or LVDS Output enable (OE) 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.4 mm Actual size Low jitter and low phase noise by SAW unit. Specifications (characteristics) Item Symbol Output frequency range Supply voltage Storage temperature Operating temperature Frequency tolerance Current consumption Disable current Symmetry LV-PECL EG-2121CB P EG-2102CB P LVDS EG-2121CB L EG-2102CB L VOD dVOD VOS dVOS L_ECL L_LVDS VIH VIL 100 MHz to 700 MHz 2.5 V 0.125 V 3.3 V 0.33 V 2.5 V 0.125 V 3.3 V 0.33 V -55 C to +125 C P:0 C to +70 C ,R:-5 C to +85 C ,S:-20 C to +70 C -6 -6 G: 50 10 ,H: 100 10 60 mA Max. 30 mA Max. 2 mA Max. 15 mA Max. 45 % to 55 % 1.55 V Typ. 2.35 V Typ. VCC-1.025 V to VCC-0.88 V 0.80 V Typ. 1.60 V Typ. VCC-1.81 V to VCC-1.62 V 350 mV Typ, 247 mV to 454 mV 50 mV Max. 1.25 V Typ, 1.125 V to 1.375 V 150 mV Max. 50 100 70 % VCC Min. 30 % VCC Max. Rise time / Fall time tr / tf 400 ps Max. Start-up time t_str f0 VCC T_stg T_use f_tol ICC I_dis SYM VOH Output voltage (LV-PECL) VOL Output voltage (LVDS) Output load condition (ECL) / (LVDS) Input voltage Phase Jitter 10 ms Max. 0.23 ps Max. 0.22 ps Max. 0.21 ps Max. 0.18 ps Max. 0.16 ps Max. 0.14 ps Max. 0.10 ps Max. tPJ Frequency aging Product Name (Standard form) 0.27 ps Max. 0.24 ps Max. 0.23 ps Max. 0.19 ps Max. 0.16 ps Max. 0.14 ps Max. 0.10 ps Max. 10 10 / year Max. -6 f_aging Conditions / Remarks Please contact us about available frequencies. Storage as single product. OE=VCC, L_ECL=50 or L_LVDS=100 OE=GND At outputs crossing point DC characteristics VOD1, VOD2 dVOD = VOD1-VOD2 DC characteristics VOS1, VOS2 dVOS = VOS1-VOS2 Terminated to VCC -2.0 V Connected between OUT to OUT OE terminal Between 20 % and 80 % of (VOH-VOL). Between 20 % and 80 %of Differential Output Peak to Peak voltage. Time at minimum supply voltage to be 0 s 100 MHz f0 150 MHz 150 MHz f0 200 MHz 200 MHz f0 300 MHz Offset frequency: 300 MHz f0 400 MHz 12 kHz to 20 MHz 400 MHz f0 500 MHz 500 MHz f0 600 MHz 600 MHz f0 700 MHz +25 C, First year, VCC=2.5 V,3.3 V EG-2121 CB 212.500000MHz P H P A (: GRA, GSA are not available) Frequency tolerance Model Package type Frequency -6 G 50 x 10 Output(P:LV-PECL, L:LVDS) -6 H 100 x 10 Frequency tolerance Operating temperature Frequency aging (A*1: Frequency tolerance include aging, N*2: Frequency tolerance exclude aging) Operating temp. P 0 to +70C R -5 to +85C S -20 to +70C *1 This includes initial frequency tolerance, temperature variation, supply voltage variation, reflow drift, and aging(+25 C,10 years). *2 This includes initial frequency tolerance, temperature variation, supply voltage variation, and reflow drift (except aging). External dimensions (Unit:mm) Footprint (Recommended) #4 #3 #2 #3 5.0 0.2 1.4 0.15 #1 #6 #5 2.54 OE pin = HIGH : Specified frequency output. OE pin = LOW : Output is high impedance #2 and #3 are connected to the cover. #2 1.27 #1 Pin map Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.6 2.0 E 212.50P 1P 1X1A #4 0.6 1.3 #5 3.2 0.2 #6 (Unit:mm) 0.84 0.64 Connection OE * GND GND OUT OUT VCC *) Standby function built-in. 1.27 2.54 To maintain stable operation, provide a 0.01 F to 0.1 F by-pass capacitor at a location as near as possible to the power source terminal of the crystal product (between VCC - GND).