SKM 200 GB 128 D Absolute Maximum Ratings T case = 25 C, unless otherwise specified Symbol Conditions IGBT VCES IC Tcase = 25 (80) C I CRM Tcase = 25 (80) C, tp =1 ms VGES T vj, (Tstg) TOPERATION Tstg Visol AC, 1 min. Inverse Diode I FAV = - I C Tcase = 25 (80) C I FRM Tcase = 25 (80) C, tp < 1 ms I FSM tp = 10 ms; sin.; T j = 150 C Freewheeling Diode I FAV = - I C Tcase = 25 (80) C I FRM Tcase = 25 (80) C, tp < 1 ms I FSM tp = 10 ms; sin.; T j = 150 C Characteristics I:\Marke tin\FRA ME DA T\datbl\B06-ig bt\200 gb128d .fm Units 1200 285 (205) 650 (470) 20 - 40 ... +150 (125) 4000 V A A V C V 190 (130) 650 (470) 1450 A A A A A A VGE = V CE, IC = 6 mA VGE = 0, VCE = VCES , Tj = 25 (125) C Tj = 25 (125) C VGE = 15 V, Tj = 25 (125) C IC = 150 A, VGE = 15 V, chip level min. typ. max. Units 4,5 5,5 6,45 tbd 1,15 8,3(tbd) 2,4 0,35 (0,5) V mA V m V nF nF nF nH m 125 50 620 55 18 (15) ns ns ns ns mJ 1,0 (0,9) 6,7 (9,3) 2,0 (2,3) 13 2 2 VGE = 0, VCE = 25 V, f = 1 MHz 20 resistance, terminal-chip 25 (125) C under following conditions: VCC = 600 V, I C = 150 A RGon = RGoff = 7 , Tj = 125 C, VGE 15 V t d(on) tr t d(off) tf Eon (Eoff ) Inverse Diode under following conditions: VF = VEC IF = 150 A; V GE = 0 V; Tj = 25 (125) C VT(TO) Tj = 25 (125) C rT Tj = 25 (125) C I RRM IF = 150 A; Tj = 125 C Q rr di/dt = 4800 A/s Err VGE = 0 V FWD under following conditions: VF = VEC IF = A; V GE = 0 V; Tj = 25 (125) C VTO Tj = 25 (125) C rT Tj = 25 (125) C I RRM IF = A; T j = 125 C Q rr VGE = 0 V Err Thermal Characteristics Rth(j-c) per IGBT Rth(j-c)D per Inverse Diode Rth(j-c)FD per FWD Rth(c-s) per module Mechanical Data Ms to heatsink (M6) Mt for terminals (M5) w (c) by SEMIKRON SKM 200 GB 128 D Preliminary Data SEMITRANS 3 Tcase = 25 C, unless otherwise specified Symbol Conditions IGBT VGE(TO) I CES VCE(TO) rCE VCE(sat) Cies Coes Cres LCE RCC+ EE Values SEMITRANS TM M SPT IGBT Module 2,0 (1,8) 1,1 (tbd) 6 (tbd) 190 24 8 2,5 1,2 8,7(tbd) V V m A C mJ GB Features * Homogeneous Si * SPT = Soft-Punch-Through technology * VCE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient * High short circuit capability, self limiting to 6 x I C Typical Applications * AC inverter drives * UPS * Electronic welders fsw up to 20kHz V V m A C mJ 3 2,5 020826 0,095 0,25 - 0,038 K/W K/W K/W K/W 5 5 325 Nm Nm g 1