s SINAMICS drives SINAMICS DCP DC/DC Power Converter List Manual Edition 05/2016 s Foreword SINAMICS drives SINAMICS DCP DC/DC Power Converter List Manual Fundamental safety instructions 1 Parameters 2 Function diagrams 3 Faults and alarms 4 Appendix A Index Valid for Firmware version SINAMICS DCP 05/2016 1.2 Legal information Warning notice system This Manual contains information which you must observe to ensure your own personal safety as well as to avoid material damage. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to equipment damage have no safety alert symbol. Depending on the hazard level, warnings are indicated in a descending order as follows: DANGER indicates that death or serious injury will result if proper precautions are not taken. WARNING indicates that death or serious injury could result if proper precautions are not taken. CAUTION indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken. NOTICE indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. If more than one level of danger is simultaneously applicable, the warning notice for the highest level is used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a triangular safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage. Qualified personnel The product/system described in this documentation may only be operated by personnel qualified for the specific task in accordance with the relevant documentation for the specific task, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems. Proper use of Siemens products Note the following: WARNING Siemens products are only permitted to be used for the applications listed in the catalog and in the associated technical documentation. If third-party products and components are used, then they must be recommended or approved by Siemens. These products can only function correctly and safely if they are transported, stored, set up, mounted, installed, commissioned, operated and maintained correctly. The permissible ambient conditions must be adhered to. Notes in the associated documentation must be observed. Trademarks All names identified with (R) are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Any other names used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner. Exclusion of Liability We have verified that the contents of this document correspond to the hardware and software described. Since variances cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. The information given in this document is reviewed at regular intervals and any corrections that might be necessary are made in the subsequent editions. Siemens AG Industry Sector P.O. Box 48 48 90026 NUREMBERG GERMANY Article number: 05/2016 Subject to change without prior notice Copyright (c) Siemens AG 2014 - 2016. All rights reserved Preface Information on the documentation This documentation is part of the technical customer documentation. In the interests of clarity, this documentation does not contain all the detailed information for all product types and cannot take into account every possible aspect of installation, operation or maintenance. The contents of this documentation are not part of an earlier or existing agreement, a promise or a legal agreement, nor do they change this. All obligations on the part of Siemens can be found in the respective sales contract, which also contains the complete and sole warranty provisions. These contractual warranty provisions are neither extended nor restricted as a result of the statements made in this documentation. Target group This documentation addresses commissioning engineers and service personnel. Objective This manual contains information about all parameters, function diagrams, faults and alarms required to commission and service the system. This manual should be used in addition to the other manuals and tools provided for the product. Search tools The following tools are provided to help you locate information in this manual: 1. Table of Contents - Table of contents for the complete manual (Page 7) - Table of contents for function diagrams (Page 310) 2. List of abbreviations (Page 501) 3. Index (Page 511) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 5 Preface 6 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Table of contents 1 2 3 4 A Fundamental safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1.1 General safety instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.2 Industrial security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.1 Overview of parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2 List of parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Function diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 3.1 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 3.3 CUD input/output terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 3.4 PROFIdrive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 3.5 Internal control/status words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 3.6 Sequence control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 3.7 Auxiliary functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 3.8 Superimposed closed-loop control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 3.9 Closed-loop control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 3.11 Faults and alarms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 3.12 Data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 3.13 Communication between devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 3.14 Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Faults and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 Overview of faults and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General information on faults and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Explanation of the list of faults and alarms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 382 384 4.2 List of faults and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 A.1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 A.2 List of abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 7 Table of contents 8 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fundamental safety instructions 1 Content 1.1 General safety instructions 10 1.2 Industrial security 11 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 9 1 Fundamental safety instructions 1.1 General safety instructions 1.1 General safety instructions WARNING Risk of death if the safety instructions and remaining risks are not carefully observed If the safety instructions and residual risks are not carefully observed in the associated hardware documentation, accidents involving severe injuries or death can occur. * Observe the safety instructions given in the hardware documentation. * When assessing the risk, take into account residual risks. WARNING Danger to life or malfunctions of the machine as a result of incorrect or changed parameter assignment Machines can malfunction as a result of incorrect or changed parameter assignment, which in turn can lead to injuries or death. * Protect the parameterization (parameter assignments) against unauthorized access. * Respond to possible malfunctions by applying suitable measures (e.g. EMERGENCY-STOP or EMERGENCY-OFF). 10 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1 Fundamental safety instructions 1.2 Industrial security 1.2 Industrial security Note Industrial security Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, solutions, machines, devices, and/or networks. They are important components in a holistic industrial security concept. With this in mind, Siemens products and solutions undergo continuous development. Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates. To ensure that Siemens products and solutions are operated securely, suitable preventive measures (e.g. cell protection concept) and each component must be integrated into a stateof-the-art holistic industrial security concept. Any third-party products that may be in use must also be taken into account. You will find more information about industrial security at: http://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity To receive information about product updates on a regular basis, register for our product newsletter. You will find more information at: http://support.automation.siemens.com WARNING Danger due to unsafe operating states caused by software manipulation Software manipulation (e.g. by viruses, Trojan horses, malware, worms) can cause unsafe operating states to develop in your installation which can result in death, severe injuries and/or material damage. * Update your software regularly. You can find information and newsletters on this subject at: http://support.automation.siemens.com * Integrate the automation and drive components into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept for the plant or machine. For more information, visit: http://www.siemens.com/industrialsecurity * Make sure that you include all installed products into the holistic industrial security concept. WARNING Danger to life due to software manipulation when using exchangeable storage media Storing files onto exchangeable storage media amounts to an increased risk of infection, e.g. with viruses and malware. As a result of incorrect parameterization, machines can malfunction, which in turn can lead to injuries or death. * Protect files stored on exchangeable storage media from malicious software by taking suitable protection measures, e.g. virus scanners. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 11 1 Fundamental safety instructions 1.2 Industrial security 12 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters Content 2.1 Overview of parameters 14 2.2 List of parameters 22 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 13 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters Basic structure of the parameter descriptions The data in the following example has been chosen at random. The table below contains the maximum amount of information that can be included in a parameter description. Some of the information is optional. The "List of parameters" (Page 22) has the following structure: - - - - - - - - - - - - Start of example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pxxxx[0...n] BICO: Full parameter name / abbreviated name Drive object (function module) Can be changed: C1(x), C2(x), U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Function diagram: 8070 Min. Max Factory setting 0.00 [Nm] 10.00 [Nm] 0.00 [Arms] Description: Text Value: 0: 1: 2: etc. Recommendation: Text Index: [0] = Name and meaning of index 0 [1] = Name and meaning of index 1 [2] = Name and meaning of index 2 etc. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 Dependency: Text Refer to: pxxxx, rxxxx Refer to: Fxxxxx, Axxxxx Danger: Warning: Name and meaning of value 0 Name and meaning of value 1 Name and meaning of value 2 Signal name Name and meaning of bit 0 Name and meaning of bit 1 Name and meaning of bit 2 etc. Caution: Notice: Note: 1 signal Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No FP 8060 8065 Safety notices with a warning triangle Safety notices without a warning triangle Information that might be useful. - - - - - - - - - - - - End of example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The individual pieces of information are described in detail below. 14 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters pxxxx[0...n] Parameter number The parameter number is made up of a "p" or "r", followed by the parameter number and the index (optional). Examples of the representation in the parameter list: * p... Adjustable parameter (read and write parameter) * r... Display parameters (read only) * p0918 Adjustable parameter 918 * p0099[0...3] Adjustable parameter 99, indices 0 to 3 * p1001[0...n] Adjustable parameter 1001, indices 0 to n (n = configurable) * r0944 Display parameter 944 * r2129.0...15 Display parameter 2129 with bit field from bit 0 (smallest bit) to bit 15 (largest bit) Other examples of the notation in the documentation: * p1070[1] Adjustable parameter 1070, index 1 * p2098[1].3 Adjustable parameter 2098, index 1 bit 3 * r0945[2](3) Display parameter 945, index 2 of drive object 3 * p0795.4 Adjustable parameter 795, bit 4 The following applies to adjustable parameters: The parameter value "when shipped" is specified under "Factory setting" with the relevant unit in square parentheses. The value can be adjusted within the range defined by "Min" and "Max". The following applies to display parameters: The fields "Min", "Max" and "Factory setting" are specified with a dash "-" and the relevant unit in square parentheses. Note The parameter list can contain parameters that are not visible in the expert lists of the particular commissioning software (e.g. parameters for trace functions). The value for the factory setting can deviate from the value shown in the list as a result of specific customer requirements. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 15 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters BICO: Full parameter name / abbreviated name The following abbreviations can appear in front of the parameter name: * BI: Binector Input This parameter is used for selecting the source of a digital signal. * BO: Binector Output This parameter is available as a digital signal for interconnection with other parameters. * CI: Connector Input This parameter is used for selecting the source of an "analog" signal. * CO: Connector Output This parameter is available as an "analog" signal for interconnection with other parameters. * CO/BO: Connector/Binector Output This parameter is available as an "analog" and digital signal for interconnection with other parameters. Note A connector input (CI) cannot be just interconnected with any connector output (CO, signal source). When interconnecting a connector input using the commissioning software, only the corresponding possible signal sources are listed. Drive object (function module) A drive object (DO) is an independent, "self-contained" functional unit that has its own parameters and, in some cases, faults and alarms. A parameter can belong to one, several, or all drive objects. The following information relating to "Drive object" and "Function module" can be displayed under the parameter number: Table 2-1 Data in the "Drive object (function module)" field Drive object (function module) Type Meaning All objects - This parameter is used by all drive objects. CU_DCP 6 Advanced Control Unit SINAMICS DCM (CUD) CU_DCP (PROFINET) - Advanced Control Unit SINAMICS DCP (CUD) with "PROFINET" function module (p0108.31). DCP_CTRL DCP_CTRL (PROFINET) 17 - Closed-loop control for SINAMICS DCP. Closed-loop control for SINAMICS DCP with "PROFINET" function module (r0108.31). TM150 208 Terminal Module 150. TM15DI_DO 204 Terminal Module 15 (for SINAMICS). TM31 200 Terminal Module 31. 16 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters Can be changed The "-" sign indicates that the parameter can be changed in any object state and that the change will be effective immediately. The information "C1(x), C2(x), T, U" ((x): optional) means that the parameter can be changed only in the specified drive unit state and that the change will not take effect until the unit switches to another state. This can be a single state or multiple states. The following states are available: * C1(x) Device commissioning C1: Commissioning 1 Device is being commissioned (p0009 > 0). Pulses cannot be enabled. The parameter can only be changed for the following device commissioning settings (p0009 > 0): * C1: Can be changed for all settings p0009 > 0. * C1(x): Can be changed only when p0009 = x. A modified parameter value does not take effect until the device commissioning mode is exited with p0009 = 0. * C2(x) Drive object commissioning C2: Commissioning 2 Drive commissioning is in progress (p0009 = 0 and p0010 > 0). Pulses cannot be enabled. The parameter can only be changed in the following drive commissioning settings (p0010 > 0): * C2: Can be changed for all settings p0010 > 0. * C2(x): Can only be changed for the settings p0010 = x. A modified parameter value does not take effect until drive commissioning mode is exited with p0010 = 0. * U Operation U: Run Pulses are enabled. * T Ready T: Ready to run The pulses are not enabled and the state "C1(x)" or "C2(x)" is not active. Note Parameter p0009 is CU-specific (belongs to the Control Unit). Parameter p0010 is drive-specific (belongs to each drive object). The operating state of individual drive objects is displayed in r0002. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 17 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters Access level Specifies the minimum access level required to be able to display and change the relevant parameter. The required access level can be set using p0003. The system uses the following access levels: * 1: Standard * 2: Extended * 3: Expert * 4: Service Parameters with this access level are password protected. Note Parameter p0003 is CU-specific (belongs to the Control Unit). A higher access level will also include the functions of the lower levels. Data type The information on the data type can consist of the following two items (separated by a slash): * First item Data type of the parameter. * Second item (for binector or connector input only) Data type of the signal source to be interconnected (binector/connector output). Parameters can have the following data types: * Integer8 I8 8-bit integer number * Integer16 I16 16-bit integer number * Integer32 I32 32-bit integer number * Unsigned8 U8 8 bits without sign * Unsigned16 U16 16 bits without sign * Unsigned32 U32 32 bits without sign * FloatingPoint32 Float 32-bit floating point number Depending on the data type of the BICO input parameter (signal sink) and BICO output parameter (signal source), the following combinations are possible when creating BICO interconnections: 18 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters Table 2-2 Possible combinations of BICO interconnections BICO input parameter CI parameter BICO output parameter BI parameter Unsigned32 / Integer16 Unsigned32 / Integer32 Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Unsigned32 / Binary CO: Unsigned8 x x - - CO: Unsigned16 x x - - CO: Integer16 x x r2050, r8850 - CO: Unsigned32 x x - - CO: Integer32 x x r2060, r8860 - CO: FloatingPoint32 x x x - BO: Unsigned8 - - - x BO: Unsigned16 - - - x BO: Integer16 - - - x BO: Unsigned32 - - - x BO: Integer32 - - - x BO: FloatingPoint32 - - - - x : BICO interconnection permitted Legend: -: BICO interconnection not permitted rxxxx: BICO interconnection is only permitted for the specified CO parameters Function diagram The parameter is included in this function diagram. The structure of the parameter function and its relationship with other parameters is shown in the specified function diagram. Parameter values Min. Minimum value of the parameter [unit] Max Maximum value of the parameter [unit] Factory setting Value when delivered [unit] In the case of a binector/connector input, the signal source of the default BICO interconnection is specified. A non-indexed connector output is assigned the index [0]. Description Explanation of the function of a parameter. Values Lists the possible values of a parameter. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 19 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters Recommendation Information about recommended settings. Index The name and meaning of each individual index is specified for indexed parameters. The following applies to the values (Min, Max, Factory setting) for indexed adjustable parameters: * Min, Max: The adjustment range and unit apply to all indices. * Factory setting: When all indices have the same factory setting, index 0 is specified with the unit to represent all indices. When the indices have different factory settings, they are all listed individually with the unit. Bit field For parameters with bit fields, the following information is provided about each bit: * Bit number and signal name * Meaning for signal states 1 and 0 * Function diagram (optional) The signal is shown on this function diagram. Dependency Conditions that must be fulfilled in conjunction with this parameter. Also includes special effects that can occur between this parameter and others. See also: List of other parameters to be additionally considered. 20 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.1 Overview of parameters Safety instructions Important information that must be observed to avoid the risk of physical injury or material damage. Information that must be observed to avoid any problems. Information that the user may find useful. Danger The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4). Warning The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4). Caution The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4). Notice The description of this safety notice can be found at the beginning of this manual, see "Legal information" (Page 4). Note Information that the user may find useful. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 21 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 2.2 List of parameters Product: SINAMICS DCP, Version: 4703500, Language: eng Objects: CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Product: SINAMICS DCDC_V, Version: 1200700, Language: eng Objects: DCP_CTRL r0002 Control Unit operating display / CU op_display CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2651 Min Max Factory setting 0 99 - Description: Operating display for the Control Unit (CU). Value: 0: 10: 20: 25: 31: 33: 34: 35: 70: 80: 99: Notice: For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed. r0002 Drive operating display / Drv op_display DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2651 Operation Ready Wait for run-up Wait for automatic FW update of DRIVE-CLiQ components Commissioning software download active Remove/acknowledge topology error Exit commissioning mode Carry out first commissioning Initialization Reset active Internal software error Min Max Factory setting 0 126 - Description: Operating display for the drive. Value: 0: 1: 12: 16: 31: 40: 41: 71: 80: 81: 91: 92: 101: 102: 103: 110: 121: 123: 124: 125: 126: Notice: For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed. Note: OC: Operating condition o0.0 No torque direction switched on o0.1 Torque direction I switched on o1.2 Wait for operating enable (signal source acc. to p0852) o1.6 Wait for withdrawal of the immediate pulse inhibit o3.1 Wait for line supply symmetry o4.0 Wait for voltage at 1U1, 1V1, 1W1 o4.1 Wait until fuse monitoring signals OK o7.1 Wait for power-on (signal source according to p0840) o8.0 Switching on inhibited o8.1 Simulation mode active o9.1 Quick stop (OFF3) (signal source acc. to p0848) present o9.2 Quick stop (OFF3) (signal source acc. to p0849) present o10.1 Voltage disconnect (OFF2) (signal source acc. to p0844) o10.2 Voltage disconnect (OFF2) (signal source acc. to p0845) o10.3 E stop (safety shutdown) (terminal 105/106) o11.0 Fault present o12.1 Initializ. of line voltage sensing for armature in progr. o12.3 Reading out data of the gating modules o12.4 Offset calibr. of curr. act. val. sensing being performed o12.5 Read out data from the power unit o12.6 Initializing the second processor (TMS320) RFG: Ramp-function generator COMM: Commissioning 22 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0002 TM150 operating display / TM150 op_display TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 250 - Description: Operating display for Terminal Module 150 (TM150) Value: 0: 40: 50: 60: 70: 120: 200: 250: Notice: For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed. r0002 TM15DI/DO operating display / TM15D op_display TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Module in cyclic operation Module not in cyclic operation Alarm Fault Initialization Module de-activated Wait for booting/partial booting Device signals a topology error Min Max Factory setting 0 250 - Description: Operating display for Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Value: 0: 40: 50: 60: 70: 120: 200: 250: Notice: For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed. r0002 TM31 operating display / TM31 op_display TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Module in cyclic operation Module not in cyclic operation Alarm Fault Initialization Module de-activated Wait for booting/partial booting Device signals a topology error Min Max Factory setting 0 250 - Description: Operating display for Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Value: 0: 40: 50: 60: 70: 120: 200: 250: Notice: For several missing enable signals, the corresponding value with the highest number is displayed. p0003 BOP access level / BOP acc_level CU_DCP Can be changed: C1, U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Module in cyclic operation Module not in cyclic operation Alarm Fault Initialization Module de-activated Wait for booting/partial booting Device signals a topology error Min Max Factory setting 1 4 1 Sets the access level for reading and writing parameters via the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 23 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Value: 1: 2: 3: 4: Standard Extended Expert Service Note: A higher set access level also includes the lower one. Access level 1 (standard): Parameters for simplest possible operations. Access level 2 (extended): Parameters to operate the basic functions of the drive unit. Access level 3 (experts): Expert know-how is required for these parameters (e.g. BICO parameterization). Access level 4 (service): For these parameters, it is necessary that authorized service personnel enter the appropriate password (p3950). p0004 BOP display filter / BOP disp_filter CU_DCP Can be changed: C2(1), U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 99 0 Description: Sets the display filter for parameters with the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 7: 12: 14: 15: 20: 21: 28: 47: 50: 90: 98: 99: Dependency: Refer to: p0003 Notice: The display filter via p0004 provides precise filtering and displays the corresponding parameters only when p0009 and p0010 = 0. Note: The set access level via p0003 is also relevant for the display filter via p0004. All parameters Displays, signals Power unit Motor Encoder/pos enc Technology/units Digital inputs/outputs, commands, sequence control Functions Control Data sets Communication Faults, alarms, monitoring functions Free function blocks Trace and function generator OA parameters Topology Command Data Sets (CDS) Drive Data Sets (DDS) Examples (assumption: p0009 = p0010 = 0): p0003 = 1, p0004 = 3 --> Only the parameters for the motor with access level 1 are displayed. p0003 = 2, p0004 = 3 --> Only the parameters for the motor with access levels 1 and 2 are displayed. p0005[0...1] BOP operating display selection / BOP op_disp sel CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 [0] 2 [1] 0 Description: Sets the parameter number and parameter index for display for p0006 = 4 for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Index: [0] = Parameter number [1] = Parameter index Dependency: Refer to: p0006 24 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Procedure: 1. The parameter number to be displayed should be set in index 0. Only the monitoring parameters (read-only parameters) can be set that actually exist for the actual drive object. If the set parameter number is not indexed, or if there is an index in index 1 that lies outside the valid range of the set parameter, then index 1 is automatically set to 0. 2. The index that belongs to the parameter set in index 0 should be set in index 1. The permissible changes in index 1 always depend on the parameter number set in index 0. p0005[0...1] BOP operating display selection / BOP op_disp sel DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 [0] 50000 [1] 0 Description: Sets the parameter number and parameter index for display for p0006 = 4 for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Index: [0] = Parameter number [1] = Parameter index Dependency: Refer to: p0006 Note: Procedure: 1. The parameter number to be displayed should be set in index 0. Only the monitoring parameters (read-only parameters) can be set that actually exist for the actual drive object. If the set parameter number is not indexed, or if there is an index in index 1 that lies outside the valid range of the set parameter, then index 1 is automatically set to 0. 2. The index that belongs to the parameter set in index 0 should be set in index 1. The permissible changes in index 1 always depend on the parameter number set in index 0. p0005[0...1] BOP operating display selection / BOP op_disp sel TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 [0] 2 [1] 0 Description: Sets the parameter number and parameter index for display for p0006 = 2, 4 for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Examples for the SERVO drive object: p0005[0] = 21, p0005[1] = 0: Actual speed smoothed (r0021) p0005[0] = 25, p0005[1] = 0: Output voltage smoothed (r0025) Index: [0] = Parameter number [1] = Parameter index Dependency: Refer to: p0006 Note: Procedure: 1. The parameter number to be displayed should be set in index 0. Only the monitoring parameters (read-only parameters) can be set that actually exist for the actual drive object. If the set parameter number is not indexed, or if there is an index in index 1 that lies outside the valid range of the set parameter, then index 1 is automatically set to 0. 2. The index that belongs to the parameter set in index 0 should be set in index 1. The permissible changes in index 1 always depend on the parameter number set in index 0. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 25 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0006 BOP operating display mode / BOP op_ disp mode CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 4 4 4 Description: Sets the mode of the operating display for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) in the operating states "ready for operation" and "operation". Value: 4: Dependency: Refer to: p0005 Note: Mode 4 is available for all drive objects. p0006 BOP operating display mode / BOP op_ disp mode TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - p0005 Min Max Factory setting 4 4 4 Description: Sets the mode of the operating display for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) in the operating states "ready for operation" and "operation". Value: 4: Dependency: Refer to: p0005 Note: Mode 0 ... 3 can only be selected if also r0020, r0021 are available on the drive object. p0005 Mode 4 is available for all drive objects. p0007 BOP background lighting / BOP lighting CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [s] 2000 [s] 0 [s] Sets the delay time until the background lighting of the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) is switched off. If no keys are actuated, then the background lighting automatically switches itself off after this time has expired. Note: p0007 = 0: Background lighting is always switched on (factory setting). p0008 BOP drive object after booting / BOP DO after boot CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 1 65535 2 Description: Sets the required drive object that is active at the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) after booting. Note: The value from p0008 initializes the display on the Basic Operator Panel (BOP) at the top left after booting. The drive object Control Unit is selected using the value 1. p0009 Device commissioning parameter filter / Dev comm par_filt CU_DCP Can be changed: C1, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 55 1 Sets the device and basic drive commissioning. By appropriately setting this parameter, those parameters are filtered that can be written into in the various commissioning steps. Value: 26 0: 1: 2: 3: Ready Device configuration Defining the drive type/function module Drive base configuration SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 4: 29: 30: 50: 55: Notice: Data set base configuration Device download Parameter reset OA application configuration OA application installation For p0009 = 10000 the following applies: After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996. Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0. Note: The drives can only be powered up outside the device commissioning (the drive enabled). In this case, p0009 must be 0 (Ready) and the individual drive objects must have already gone into operation (p0010). p0009 = 1: Device configuration At the first commissioning of the device, after booting, the device is in the "device configuration" state. To start the internal automatic first commissioning of the drive unit, p0009 should be set to 0 (Ready) after the ID for the actual topology (r0098) was transferred into the ID for the target topology (p0099). To do this, it is sufficient to set a single index value of p0099[x] the same as r0098[x]. Before the device has been completely commissioned, no other parameter can be changed. After the first commissioning was carried out, in this state, when required, other basic device configuration parameters can be adapted (e.g. the basic sampling time in p0110). p0009 = 2: Defines the drive type / function module In this state, the drive object types and/or the function modules can be changed or selected for the individual drive objects. To do this, the drive object type can be set using p0107[0...15] and the function can be set using p0108[0...15] (refer to p0101[0...15]). p0009 = 3: Drive basic configuration In this state, after the device has been commissioned for the first time, basic changes can be made for the individual drive objects (e.g. sampling times in p0111, p0112, p0115 and the number of data sets in p0120, p0130, p0140, p0170, p0180). p0009 = 4: Data set basic configuration In this state, after the device has been commissioned for the first time, for the individual drive objects changes can be made regarding the assignment of the components (p0121, p0131, p0141, p0151, p0161) to the individual data sets and the assignment of the power unit, motor and encoder to the drive data sets (p0185, ...). p0009 = 29: Device download If a download is made using the commissioning software, the device is automatically brought into this state. After the download has been completed, p0009 is automatically set to 0 (ready). It is not possible to manually set p0009 to this value. p0009 = 30: Parameter reset In order to bring the complete unit into the "first commissioning" state or to load the parameters saved using p0977, to start, p0009 must be set to this value. p0976 can then be changed to the required value. p0009 = 50: OA application configuration In this state, after the device has been commissioned for the first time, changes can be made for the individual drive objects regarding the activity (p4956) of the OA applications. p0009 = 55: OA application installation OA applications can be installed and/or uninstalled in this state. p0010 Drive commissioning parameter filter / Drv comm. par_filt DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 30 1 Description: Sets the parameter filter to commission a drive. Value: 0: 1: 4: 15: 29: 30: Note: The drive can only be powered up outside the drive commissioning (drive enable). To realize this, this parameter must be set to 0. Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps. Ready Quick commissioning Encoder commissioning Data sets Only Siemens int Reserved By setting p3900 to a value other than 0, the quick commissioning is completed, and this parameter is automatically reset to 0. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 27 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0010 TM150 commissioning parameter filter / TM150 com par_filt TM150 Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 30 0 Sets the parameter filter for commissioning a Terminal Module 150 (TM150). Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps. For the BOP, this setting also causes the read access operations to be filtered. Value: 0: 29: 30: Ready Only Siemens int Parameter reset Dependency: Refer to: p0970 Note: Only the following values are possible: p0010 = 0, 30 Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1. p0010 TM15DI/DO commissioning the parameterizing filter / TM15D com par_filt TM15DI_DO Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 30 0 Sets the parameter filter for commissioning a Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps. For the BOP, this setting also causes the read access operations to be filtered. Value: 0: 29: 30: Ready Only Siemens int Parameter reset Dependency: Refer to: p0970 Note: Only the following values are possible: p0010 = 0, 30 Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1. p0010 TM31 commissioning parameter filter / TM31 comm par_filt TM31 Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 30 0 Sets the parameter filter for commissioning a Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Setting this parameter filters out the parameters that can be written into in the various commissioning steps. For the BOP, this setting also causes the read access operations to be filtered. Value: 0: 29: 30: Ready Only Siemens int Parameter reset Dependency: Refer to: p0970 Note: Only the following values are possible: p0010 = 0, 30 Procedure for "Reset parameter": Set p0010 to 30 and p0970 to 1. p0011 BOP password entry (p0013) / BOP passw ent p13 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Sets the password for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Dependency: Refer to: p0012, p0013 28 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0012 BOP password acknowledgement (p0013) / BOP passw ackn p13 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Acknowledges the password for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Dependency: Refer to: p0011, p0013 p0013[0...49] BOP user-defined list / BOP list All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Sets the required parameters to read and write via the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Activation: 1. p0003 = 3 (expert). 2. p0013[0...49] = requested parameter number 3. If required, enter p0011 = password in order to prevent non-authorized de-activation. 4. p0016 = 1 --> activates the selected user-defined list. De-activation/change: 1. p0003 = 3 (expert). 2. If required, p0012 = p0011, in order to be authorized to change or de-activate the list. 3. If required p0013[0...49] = required parameter number. 4. p0016 = 1 --> activates the modified user-defined list. 5. p0003 = 0 --> de-activates the user-defined list. Dependency: Refer to: p0009, p0011, p0012, p0976 Note: The following parameters can be read and written on the Control Unit drive object: - p0003 (access stage) - p0009 (device commissioning, parameter filter) - p0012 (BOP password acknowledgement (p0013)) The following applies for the user-defined list: - password protection is only available on the drive object Control Unit and is valid for all of the drive objects. - p0013 cannot be included in the user-defined list for all drive objects. - p0003, p0009, p0011, p0012, p0976 cannot, for the drive object Control Unit, be included in the user-defined list. - the user-defined list can be cleared and de-activated "restore factory setting". A value of 0 means: Entry is empty. p0015 Macro drive unit / Macro drv unit CU_DCP Can be changed: C1 Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 999999 1 Runs the corresponding macro files. The selected macro file must be available on the memory card/device memory. Example: p0015 = 6 --> the macro file PM000006.ACX is run. Dependency: Refer to: p0700, p1000, p1500, r8570 Notice: After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996. Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0. Note: The macros in the specified directory are displayed in r8570. r8570 is not in the expert list of the commissioning software. When executing a specific macro, the corresponding programmed settings are made and become active. Macros available as standard are described in the technical documentation of the particular product. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 29 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0015 Macro drive object / Macro DO DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: C2(1) Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 999999 0 Runs the corresponding macro files. The selected macro file must be available on the memory card/device memory. Example: p0015 = 6 --> the macro file PM000006.ACX is run. Dependency: Refer to: p0700, p1000, p1500, r8570 Notice: After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996. Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0. When executing a specific macro, the corresponding programmed settings are made and become active. No errors were issued during quick commissioning (p3900 = 1) when writing to parameters of the QUICK_IBN group! Note: The macros in the specified directory are displayed in r8570. r8570 is not in the expert list of the commissioning software. Macros available as standard are described in the technical documentation of the particular product. p0016 Activate BOP user-defined list / BOP user list act CU_DCP Can be changed: C1, U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Setting for activating/de-activating the user-defined list for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). If p0016 = 1, then it is only possible to access parameters in the parameter list (p0013). Value: 0: 1: BOP user-defined list de-activated BOP user-defined list activated Dependency: Refer to: p0011, p0012, p0013 Note: The user-defined list can only be de-activated with p0011 = p0012 r0018 Control Unit basic firmware version / CU Basic FW Vers CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 - Description: Displays the basic firmware version of the Control Unit. Dependency: Refer to: r0158, r0197, r0198, r7844 Note: Example: The version of existing firmware on the device memory is displayed in r7844. The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. r0019.0...14 CO/BO: Control word BOP / STW BOP CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9912 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the control word for the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 07 13 14 30 Signal name ON / OFF (OFF1) No coast-down / coast-down (OFF2) No Quick Stop / Quick Stop (OFF3) Acknowledge fault (0 -> 1) Motorized potentiometer raise Motorized potentiometer lower 1 signal ON No coast down No Quick Stop Yes Yes Yes 0 signal OFF (OFF1) Coast down (OFF2) Quick Stop (OFF3) No No No FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0050.0 CO/BO: Command Data Set CDS effective / CDS effective DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8560 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the effective Command Data Set (CDS). Bit field: Bit 00 Dependency: Refer to: p0810, r0836 Note: The Command Data Set selected using a binector input (e.g. p0810) is displayed using r0836. Signal name CDS eff bit 0 1 signal ON r0051.0...1 CO/BO: Drive Data Set DDS effective / DDS effective DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - 0 signal OFF Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8565 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the effective Drive Data Set (DDS). Bit field: Bit 00 01 Dependency: Refer to: p0820, p0821, r0837 p0097 Select drive object type / Select DO type CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(1) Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: FP - Signal name DDS eff bit 0 DDS eff bit 1 1 signal ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting 0 15 0 FP - Executes an automatic device configuration. In so doing, p0099, p0107 and p0108 are appropriately set. Value: 0: 15: No selection Drive object type DC_CTRL Dependency: Refer to: r0098, p0099 Refer to: A01330 Note: For p0097 = 0, p0099 is automatically set to the factory setting. r0098[0...5] Actual device topology / Device_act topo CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the automatically detected actual device topology in coded form. Index: [0] = DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 [1] = DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101 [2...5] = Reserved Dependency: Refer to: p0097, p0099 Note: Topology coding: abcd efgh hex a=0 b=0 c=0 d = no. of motor encoders e = no. of additional encoders f = number of Terminal Modules g = number of Terminal Boards SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 31 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters h = reserved if the value 0 is displayed in all indices, then components are not detected via DRIVE-CLiQ. If a value F hex occurs at a position of the coding (abcd efgh hex), then an overflow has occurred. p0099[0...5] Device target topology / Device_target topo CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(1) Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 hex FFFF FFFF hex 0000 hex Sets the device target topology in coded form (refer to r0098). The setting is made during commissioning. De-activated or non-available components are also counted Index: [0] = DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 [1] = DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101 [2...5] = Reserved Dependency: The parameter can only be written into for p0097 = 0. To perform an automatic device configuration run, an index of the device target topology must be set to the value of the device actual topology in r0098 for acknowledgement. An index of the device actual topology with a value other than 0 must be selected. Refer to: p0097, r0098 Refer to: A01330 Note: The parameter can only be set to the values 0, the value of the actual device topology, the value of the actual device target topology and FFFFFFFF hex. If the value 0 is displayed in all of the indices, then the system has still not been commissioned. The value FFFFFFFF hex indicates that the topology was not generated by the automatic device configuration but was commissioned using the commissioning software (e.g. using parameter download). p0101[0...n] Drive object numbers / DO numbers CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(1) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 62 0 The parameter contains the object number via which every drive object can be addressed. The number of an existing drive object is entered into each index. Value = 0: No drive object is defined. Note: The numbers are automatically allocated. For the commissioning software, this object number cannot be entered using the expert list, but is automatically assigned when inserting an object. r0102[0...1] Number of drive objects / DO count CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of existing or existing and prepared drive objects. Index: [0] = Existing drive objects [1] = Existing and prepared drive objects Dependency: Refer to: p0101 Note: The numbers of the drive objects are in p0101. Index 0: Displays the number of drive objects that have already been set up. Index 1: Displays the number of drive objects that have already been set up and, in addition, the drive objects that still have to be set up. 32 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0103[0...n] Application-specific view / Appl_spec view CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(2) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 999 0 The application-specific view of an existing drive object is entered into each index. The parameter cannot be changed. Dependency: Refer to: p0107, r0107 Note: The application-specific views are defined in files on the memory card with the following structure: PDxxxyyy.ACX xxx: Application-specific view (p0103) yyy: Type of drive object (p0107) Example: PD052017.ACX --> "017" stands for the drive object of type DC_CTRL --> "052" is the number of the view for this drive object r0103 Application-specific view / Appl_spec view DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 - Description: Displays the application-specific view of the individual drive object. Dependency: Refer to: p0107, r0107 p0105 Activate/de-activate drive object / DO act/deact CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 1 Description: Setting to activate/de-activate a drive object. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r0106 Notice: The following applies when activating: De-activate drive object Activate drive object If components are inserted for the first time and the appropriate drive object is activated, then the drive system is automatically booted. To do this, the pulses of all of the drive objects must be suppressed. p0105 Activate/de-activate drive object / DO act/deact DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 2 1 Description: Setting to activate/de-activate a drive object. Value: 0: 1: 2: Recommendation: After inserting all of the components of a drive object, before activating, first wait for Alarm A01316. Dependency: Refer to: r0106 De-activate drive object Activate drive object Drive object de-activate and not present Refer to: A01316 Notice: The following applies when activating: If components are inserted for the first time and the appropriate drive object is activated, then the drive system is automatically booted. To do this, the pulses of all of the drive objects must be suppressed. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 33 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0105 Activate/de-activate drive object / DO act/deact TM150, TM15DI_DO Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 2 1 Description: Setting to activate/de-activate a drive object. Value: 0: 1: 2: Recommendation: After inserting all of the components of a drive object, before activating, first wait for Alarm A01316. Dependency: When activating drive objects with the safety functions enabled, the following applies: De-activate drive object Activate drive object Drive object de-activate and not present After reactivating, a warm restart (p0009 = 30, p0976 = 2, 3) or POWER ON should be carried out. Refer to: r0106 Refer to: A01316 Notice: The following applies when activating: If components are inserted for the first time and the appropriate drive object is activated, then the drive system is automatically booted. To do this, the pulses of all of the drive objects must be suppressed. Note: Re value = 0, 2: When a drive object is deactivated it no longer outputs any errors. If value = 0: All components of the drive object were completely commissioned and are deactivated using this value. They can be removed from the DRIVE-CLiQ without any error. If a component has been deactivated, only the component with the correct serial number may be inserted, or none at all. If value = 1: All components of the drive object must be available for error-free operation. If value = 2: Components of a drive object in a project generated offline and set to this value must never be inserted in the actual topology from the very start. This means that the components are marked to be bypassed in the DRIVE-CLiQ line. For components that comprise several individual components (e.g. Double Motor Modules), it is not permissible to set just one subset to this value. p0105 Activate/de-activate drive object / DO act/deact TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 2 1 Description: Setting to activate/de-activate a drive object. Value: 0: 1: 2: Recommendation: After inserting all of the components of a drive object, before activating, first wait for Alarm A01316. Dependency: Refer to: r0106 Warning: A drive that is moved by simulating the inputs of a Terminal Module is brought to a standstill while this parameter is being changed over. Notice: The following applies when activating: De-activate drive object Activate drive object Drive object de-activate and not present Refer to: A01316 If components are inserted for the first time and the appropriate drive object is activated, then the drive system is automatically booted. To do this, the pulses of all of the drive objects must be suppressed. 34 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Re value = 0, 2: When a drive object is deactivated it no longer outputs any errors. If value = 0: All components of the drive object were completely commissioned and are deactivated using this value. They can be removed from the DRIVE-CLiQ without any error. If a component has been deactivated, only the component with the correct serial number may be inserted, or none at all. If value = 1: All components of the drive object must be available for error-free operation. If value = 2: Components of a drive object in a project generated offline and set to this value must never be inserted in the actual topology from the very start. This means that the components are marked to be bypassed in the DRIVE-CLiQ line. For components that comprise several individual components (e.g. Double Motor Modules), it is not permissible to set just one subset to this value. r0106 Drive object active/inactive / DO act/inact All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 - Description: Displays the "active/inactive" state of a drive object. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: p0105 p0107[0...n] Drive object type / DO type CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(2) Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Drive object inactive Drive object active Min Max Factory setting 0 600 0 Description: The type of an existing drive object is entered into each index. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 6: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 30: 35: 40: 41: 42: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 SINAMICS S SINAMICS G SINAMICS I SINAMICS NX/CX32 SINAMICS DC SINAMICS S110 ACTIVE INFEED CONTROL SERVO VECTOR VECTORMV VECTORGL VECTOR3P VECTORSL DC_CTRL VECTORM2C VECTORDM SMART INFEED CONTROL RENEWABLE INFEED CONTROL BASIC INFEED CONTROL BRAKE MODULE M2C ACTIVE INFEED CONTROLMV BASIC INFEED CONTROLMV ACTIVE INFEED CONTROLM2C SINAMICS G120 230 (SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICSG120 240_2 (SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICS_G120_CU250S_V (SingleDO Drive combines Device+Vector) SINAMICSG120 G120D(SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICS_G120_CU250S_S (SingleDO Drive combines Device+Servo) 35 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 56: 57: 58: 70: 100: 102: 150: 200: 201: 202: 203: 204: 205: 206: 207: 208: 254: 300: 600: SINAMICSG110M (SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICS ET200 Link variant for Sinamics Microbasissystem HLA TB30 (Terminal Board) SINAMICS MV DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module TM31 (Terminal Module) TM41 (Terminal Module) TM17 High Feature (Terminal Module) TM15 (Terminal Module) TM15 (Terminal Module for SINAMICS) TM54F - Master (Terminal Module) TM54F - Slave (Terminal Module) TM120 (Terminal Module) TM150 (Terminal Module) CU-LINK ENCODER SINAMICS V60-G2 V80-G2 Dependency: Refer to: p0103, r0103 Caution: If you change this parameter and exit the device commissioning mode, then the complete software will be set up again and all of the previous drive parameter settings are deleted. Note: The number (p0101) and the associated drive object type are in the same index. r0107 Drive object type / DO type DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 600 - Description: Displays the type of each drive object. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 6: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 30: 35: 40: 41: 42: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: 58: 70: 36 Access level: 2 SINAMICS S SINAMICS G SINAMICS I SINAMICS NX/CX32 SINAMICS DC SINAMICS S110 ACTIVE INFEED CONTROL SERVO VECTOR VECTORMV VECTORGL VECTOR3P VECTORSL DC_CTRL VECTORM2C VECTORDM SMART INFEED CONTROL RENEWABLE INFEED CONTROL BASIC INFEED CONTROL BRAKE MODULE M2C ACTIVE INFEED CONTROLMV BASIC INFEED CONTROLMV ACTIVE INFEED CONTROLM2C SINAMICS G120 230 (SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICSG120 240_2 (SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICS_G120_CU250S_V (SingleDO Drive combines Device+Vector) SINAMICSG120 G120D(SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICS_G120_CU250S_S (SingleDO Drive combines Device+Servo) SINAMICSG110M (SingleDO-Drive which combines Device+Vector) SINAMICS ET200 Link variant for Sinamics Microbasissystem HLA SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 100: 102: 150: 200: 201: 202: 203: 204: 205: 206: 207: 208: 254: 300: 600: Dependency: TB30 (Terminal Board) SINAMICS MV DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module TM31 (Terminal Module) TM41 (Terminal Module) TM17 High Feature (Terminal Module) TM15 (Terminal Module) TM15 (Terminal Module for SINAMICS) TM54F - Master (Terminal Module) TM54F - Slave (Terminal Module) TM120 (Terminal Module) TM150 (Terminal Module) CU-LINK ENCODER SINAMICS V60-G2 V80-G2 Refer to: p0103, r0103 p0108[0...n] Drive objects function module / DO fct_mod CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(2) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin The function module of an existing drive object is entered into each index (also refer to p0101, p0107). The following bits are available for the Control Unit (Index 0): Bit 18: Free function blocks Bit 31: PROFINET For all other drive objects (Index > 0), the significance of the bits should be taken from the display parameters r0108 of the drive object. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - 37 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: A "function module" is a functional expansion of a drive object that can be activated when commissioning. r0108 Drive objects function module / DO fct_mod DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the activated function module for the particular drive object. Bit field: Bit 18 31 Note: A "function module" is a functional expansion of a drive object that can be activated when commissioning. r0110[0...2] Basic sampling times / t_basis CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Signal name Free function blocks / FBLOCKS PROFINET CBE20 / PROFINET CBE20 1 signal Activated Activated 0 signal Not activated Not activated Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [s] 10000.00 [s] - [s] FP - Displays the basic sampling times. The sampling times are set using p0112 and p0115. The values for the basic sampling times are determined as a result of these settings. Index: [0] = Basic sampling time 0 [1] = Basic sampling time 1 [2] = Basic sampling time 2 r0111 Basic sampling time selection / t_basis sel CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 2 - Description: Displays the selected basic sampling time for this drive object. Dependency: Refer to: r0110 r0111 Basic sampling time selection / t_basis sel TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 2 - Description: Displays the selected basic sampling time for this drive object. Dependency: Refer to: r0110 Note: For TB30 and the Terminal Module, this parameter has no significance. For TB30 and certain Terminal Modules, the sampling times can be set using p4099 (see description of p4099 for the Module in question). p0112 Sampling times pre-setting p0115 / t_sample for p0115 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Description: Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 3 3 Pre-assignment of the sampling times in p0115. The clock cycles for the current controller / speed controller / - / setpoint channel / - / - / technology controller are defined as follows: p0112 = 3: 1000 / 2000 / - / 4000 / - / - / 4000 s Value: 38 0: 3: Expert Standard SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: For p0112 = 0 (expert) the individual sampling times in p0115 can be adjusted. p0115[0] Sampling time for supplementary functions / t_samp suppl_fct CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [s] 16000.00 [s] 4000.00 [s] Sets the basic sampling time for supplementary functions (DCC, free function blocks) on this object. Only setting values that are an integer multiple of 125 s are permissible. Index: [0] = Basic sampl time p0115[0...6] Sampling times for internal control loops / t_sample int ctrl DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max 1000.00 [s] 16000.00 [s] Factory setting [0] 1000.00 [s] [1] 2000.00 [s] [2] 8000.00 [s] [3] 4000.00 [s] [4] 8000.00 [s] [5] 8000.00 [s] [6] 8000.00 [s] Description: Sets the sampling times for the control loops. Index: [0] = Current controller [1] = Speed controller [2] = [3] = Setpoint channel [4] = [5] = [6] = Techn controller Dependency: The sampling times can only be separately set if p0112 is 0 (expert). If a sampling time is modified in the expert mode, then all of the sampling times with higher indices are automatically changed in the same ratio as the sampling time itself was changed. Slower time slices are only taken if the calculated sampling time is also permitted. Upper limit is 8 ms. The default setting is made using p0112 and can only be individually changed for p0112 = 0 (expert). Higher-level controls must be calculated in integral ratios to lower-level controls (e.g. p0115[1] = N * p0115[0]; where N is an integer number). The sampling time of the speed controller (p0115[1]) can have as a maximum a value of 800% of the current controller sampling time (p0115[0]). Refer to: r0110, r0111, p0112 Note: For function modules that can be activated (e.g. technology controller), the parameters values are pre-assigned. The current controller sampling time (p0115[0]) is permanently set to 1 ms and cannot be changed. p0115[0] Sampling time for supplementary functions / t_samp suppl_fct TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [s] 16000.00 [s] 4000.00 [s] Sets the sampling times for supplementary functions (DCC, free function blocks) on this object. Only setting values that are an integer multiple of 125 s are permissible. Index: [0] = Basic sampl time Note: This parameter only applies to set the sampling times of possible supplementary functions. The sampling times for inputs/outputs must be set in p4099. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 39 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0116[0...1] Drive object clock cycle recommended / DO_clock recom CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL, Can be changed: TM15DI_DO, TM31 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [s] - [s] - [s] Displays the recommended sampling time for the drive objects. r00116[0] = recommended sampling time: Recommended value which would then make the complete system operational. r00116[1] = recommended sampling time: Recommended value, which after changing other clock cycles on the DRIVE-CLiQ line, would result in an operational system. Index: [0] = Change only for the actual drive object [1] = Changing all objects on the DRIVE-CLiQ line Dependency: Refer to: p0115 p0151 Terminal Module component number / TM comp_no TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: C1(4) Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 199 0 Sets the component number for the Terminal Module. This unique component number is assigned when parameterizing the topology. Only component numbers can be entered into this parameter that correspond to a Terminal Module. p0154 Terminal Module detection via LED / TM detection LED TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Detects the Terminal Module assigned to this drive and data set. Note: While p0154 = 1, the READY LED flashes green/orange or red/orange with 2 Hz at the appropriate Terminal Module. r0157 Terminal Module EEPROM data version / TM EEPROM version TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the version of the EEPROM data of the Terminal Module. Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. r0158 Terminal Module firmware version / TM FW version TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the firmware version of the Terminal Module. Dependency: Refer to: r0018, r0197, r0198 Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. 40 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0170 Number of Command Data Sets (CDS) / CDS count DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 2 2 2 Description: Sets the number of Command Data Sets (CDS). Note: It is possible to toggle between command parameters (BICO parameters) using this data set changeover. p0180 Number of Drive Data Sets (DDS) / DDS count DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8565 Description: Min Max Factory setting 4 4 4 Sets the number of Drive Data Sets (DDS). r0196[0...255] Topology component status / Top comp stat CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the status of the components. r0196[0]: group status of all components r0196[1]: Status of component with component number 1 ... r0196[255]: Status of component with component number 255 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Component status bit 0 Component status bit 1 Component status bit 2 Component status bit 3 Component state Part of the target topology Alarm present Safety message present Fault present Alarm class bit 0 Alarm class bit 1 Maintenance required Maintenance urgently required Fault gone/can be acknowledged Note: Re bit 03 ... 00: 1 signal High High High High Active Yes Yes Yes Yes High High Yes Yes Yes 0 signal Low Low Low Low Inactive/parking No only act topo No No No Low Low No No No FP - Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 0, 0, 0 --> component not available. Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 0, 0, 1 --> power-up, non-cyclic DRIVE-CLiQ communication (LED = orange). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 0, 1, 0 --> operating mode, cyclic DRIVE-CLiQ communication (LED = green). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 0, 1, 1 --> alarm (LED = green). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 1, 0, 0 --> fault (LED = red). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 1, 0, 1 --> detection via LED and operating mode (LED = green/orange). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 1, 1, 0 --> detection via LED and alarm (LED = green/orange). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 0, 1, 1, 1 --> detection via LED and fault (LED = red/orange). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 1, 0, 0, 0 --> firmware being downloaded (LED = green/red with 0.5 Hz). Bit 3, 2, 1, 0 = 1, 0, 0, 1 --> firmware download completed, wait for POWER ON (LED = green/red with 2.0 Hz). Re bits 12 ... 11: These status bits are used for the classification of internal alarm classes and are intended for diagnostic purposes only on certain automation systems with integrated SINAMICS functionality. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 41 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0197[0...1] Bootloader version / Bootloader vers CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the bootloader version. Index 0: Displays the bootloader version. Index 1: Displays the bootloader version 3 (for CU320-2 and CU310-2) Value 0 means that boot loader 3 is not available. Dependency: Refer to: r0018, r0158, r0198 Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. r0198[0...2] BIOS/EEPROM data version / BIOS/EEPROM vers CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the BIOS and EEPROM data version. r0198[0]: BIOS version r0198[1]: EEPROM data version EEPROM 0 r0198[2]: EEPROM data version EEPROM 1 Dependency: Refer to: r0018, r0158, r0197 Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. p0199[0...24] Drive object name / DO name All objects Can be changed: C1 Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Freely assignable name for a drive object. In the commissioning software, this name cannot be entered using the expert list, but is specified in the configuration assistant. The object name can be subsequently modified in the Project Navigator using standard Windows resources. Note: The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. r0203[0...15] Firmware package name / FW pkg name CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the name of the firmware package on the memory card/device memory. r0203[0]: Name character 1 ... r0203[15]: Name character 16 For the commissioning software, the ASCII characters are displayed uncoded. Notice: 42 An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0700[0...n] Macro Binector Input (BI) / Macro BI DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 999999 0 Runs the corresponding macro files. The binector inputs of the corresponding command data set are appropriately interconnected. The selected macro file must be available on the memory card/device memory. Example: p0700 = 6 --> macro file PM000006.ACX is run. Dependency: Notice: Refer to: p0015, p1000, p1500, r8571 No errors were issued during quick commissioning (p3900 = 1) when writing to parameters of the QUICK_IBN group! When executing a specific macro, the corresponding programmed settings are made and become active. Note: The macros in the specified directory are displayed in r8571. r8571 is not in the expert list of the commissioning software. Macros available as standard are described in the technical documentation of the particular product. BI: Binector Input CDS: Command Data Set p0700 Macro Binector Input (BI) for TMs / Macro BI TM TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 999999 0 Runs the corresponding macro files. The selected macro file must be available on the memory card/device memory. Example: p0700 = 6 --> macro file PM000006.ACX is run. Dependency: Refer to: r8571 Notice: No errors were issued during quick commissioning (p3900 = 1) when writing to parameters of the QUICK_IBN group! Note: The macros in the specified directory are displayed in r8571. r8571 is not in the expert list of the commissioning software. When executing a specific macro, the corresponding programmed settings are made and become active. Macros available as standard are described in the technical documentation of the particular product. BI: Binector Input CDS: Command Data Set p0802 Data transfer: memory card as source/target / mem_card src/targ CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 100 0 Sets the number for data transfer of a parameter backup from/to memory card. Transfer from memory card to device memory (p0804 = 1): - Sets the source of parameter backup (e.g. p0802 = 48 --> PS048xxx.ACX is the source). Transfer from non-volatile device memory to memory card (p0804 = 2): - Sets the target of parameter backup (e.g. p0802 = 23 --> PS023xxx.ACX is the target). Dependency: Refer to: p0803, p0804 Notice: If the data between the volatile and non-volatile device memories differ, then it may be necessary to save the data on the memory card in a non-volatile fashion prior to the transfer (e.g. p0971 = 1). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 43 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0803 Data transfer: device memory as source/target / Dev_mem src/targ CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 20 0 Sets the number for data transfer of a parameter backup from/to device memory. Transfer from memory card to device memory (p0804 = 1): - Sets the target of the parameter backup (e.g. p0803 = 10 --> PS010xxx.ACX is the target). Transfer from non-volatile device memory to memory card (p0804 = 2): - Sets the source of the parameter backup (e.g. p0803 = 11 --> PS011xxx.ACX is the source). Value: 0: 10: 11: 12: 20: Dependency: Refer to: p0802, p0804 Notice: If the data between the volatile and non-volatile device memories differ, then it may be necessary to save the data on the memory card in a non-volatile fashion prior to the transfer (e.g. p0971 = 1). p0804 Data transfer start / Data transf start CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Source/target standard Source/target with setting 10 Source/target with setting 11 Source/target with setting 12 Source/target with setting 20 Min Max Factory setting 0 1100 0 Sets the transfer direction and start of data transfer between the memory card and non-volatile device memory. Example 1: The parameter backup is to be transferred from the device memory to the memory card with setting 0. The parameter backup is to be stored on the memory card with setting 22. p0802 = 22 (parameter backup stored on memory card as target with setting 22) p0803 = 0 (parameter backup stored in device memory as source with setting 0) p0804 = 2 (start data transfer from device memory to memory card) --> PS000xxx.ACX is transferred from device memory to memory card and stored as PS022xxx.ACX. Example 2: The parameter backup is to be transferred from the memory card to the device memory with setting 22. The parameter backup is to be stored in the device memory as setting 0. p0802 = 22 (parameter backup stored on memory card as source with setting 22) p0803 = 0 (parameter backup stored in device memory as target with setting 0) p0804 = 1 (start data transfer from memory card to device memory) --> PS022xxx.ACX is transferred from memory card to device memory and stored as PS000xxx.ACX. Value: 0: 1: 2: 1001: 1002: 1003: 1100: Inactive Memory card to device memory Device memory to memory card File on memory card cannot be opened File in device memory cannot be opened Memory card not found File cannot be transferred Dependency: Refer to: p0802, p0803 Notice: The memory card must not be removed while data is being transferred. Note: If a parameter backup with setting 0 is detected on the memory card when the Control Unit is switched on (PS000xxx.ACX), this is transferred automatically to the device memory. When the memory card is inserted, a parameter backup with setting 0 (PS000xxx.ACX) is automatically written to the memory card when the parameters are saved in a non-volatile memory (e.g. by means of "Copy RAM to ROM"). Once the data has been successfully transferred, this parameter is automatically reset to 0. If an error occurs, the parameter is set to a value > 1000. Possible fault causes: 44 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0804 = 1001: The parameter backup set in p0802 as the source on the memory card does not exist or there is not sufficient memory space available on the memory card. p0804 = 1002: The parameter backup set in p0803 as the source in the device memory does not exist or there is not sufficient memory space available in the device memory. p0804 = 1003: No memory card has been inserted. p0806 BI: Inhibit master control / PcCtrl inhibit DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source to block the master control. Dependency: Refer to: r0807 Note: The commissioning software (drive control panel) uses the master control, for example. r0807.0 BO: Master control active / PcCtrl active DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays what has the master control. The drive can be controlled via the BICO interconnection or from external (e.g. the commissioning software). Bit field: Bit 00 Signal name Master control active 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP 2580, 3113, 3130 Dependency: Refer to: p0806 Notice: The master control only influences control word 1 and speed setpoint 1. Other control words/setpoints can be transferred from another automation device. Note: Bit 0 = 0: BICO interconnection active Bit 0 = 1: Master control for PC/AOP The commissioning software (drive control panel) uses the master control, for example. p0809[0...2] Copy Command Data Set CDS / Copy CDS DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8560 Min Max Factory setting 0 15 0 Description: Copies one Command Data Set (CDS) into another. Index: [0] = Source Command Data Set [1] = Target Command Data Set [2] = Start copying procedure Note: Procedure: 1. In Index 0, enter which command data set should be copied. 2. In Index 1, enter the command data set that is to be copied into. 3. Start copying: Set index 2 from 0 to 1. p0809[2] is automatically set to 0 when copying is completed. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 45 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0810 BI: Command data set selection CDS bit 0 / CDS select., bit 0 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 8560 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source to select the Command Data Set bit 0 (CDS bit 0). Dependency: Refer to: r0050, r0836 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: The Command Data Set selected using the binector inputs is displayed in r0836. The currently effective command data set is displayed in r0050. A Command Data Set can be copied using p0809. p0819[0...2] Copy Drive Data Set DDS / Copy DDS DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(15) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8565 Min Max Factory setting 0 31 0 Description: Copies one Drive Data Set (DDS) into another. Index: [0] = Source Drive Data Set [1] = Target Drive Data Set [2] = Start copying procedure Note: Procedure: 1. In Index 0, enter which drive data set is to be copied. 2. In Index 1, enter the drive data set data that is to be copied into. 3. Start copying: Set index 2 from 0 to 1. p0819[2] is automatically set to 0 when copying is completed. p0820[0...n] BI: Drive Data Set selection DDS bit 0 / DDS select., bit 0 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(15), T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 8565, 8570 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source to select the Drive Data Set, bit 0 (DDS, bit 0). Dependency: Refer to: r0051, r0837 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. p0821[0...n] BI: Drive Data Set selection DDS bit 1 / DDS select., bit 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(15), T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 8565, 8570 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source to select the Drive Data Set, bit 1 (DDS, bit 1). Dependency: Refer to: r0051, r0837 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. r0835.2 CO/BO: Data set changeover status word / DDS_ZSW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8575 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status word for the drive data set changeover. Bit field: Bit 02 46 Signal name Internal parameter calculation active 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Re bit 02: A data set changeover is delayed by the time required for the internal parameter calculation. r0836.0 CO/BO: Command Data Set CDS selected / CDS selected DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8560 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the command data set (CDS) selected via the binector input. Bit field: Bit 00 Dependency: Refer to: r0050, p0810 Note: Command data sets are selected via binector input p0810. Signal name CDS select. bit 0 1 signal ON 0 signal OFF FP - The currently effective command data set is displayed in r0050. r0837.0...1 CO/BO: Drive Data Set DDS selected / DDS selected DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8565 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the drive data set (DDS) selected via the binector input. Bit field: Bit 00 01 Dependency: Refer to: r0051, p0820, p0821 Note: Drive data sets are selected via binector input p0820 and following. Signal name DDS select. bit 0 DDS select. bit 1 1 signal ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF FP - The currently effective drive data set is displayed in r0051. p0840[0...n] BI: ON / OFF (OFF1) / ON / OFF (OFF1) DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2460, 2580 Min Max - - Factory setting [0] 2090.0 [1] 1 Description: Sets the signal source for the command "ON/OFF (OFF1)". Recommendation: When the setting for this binector input is changed, the motor can only be switched on by means of an appropriate signal change of the source. Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective. Notice: For binector input p0840 = 0 signal, the motor can be moved, jogging using binector input p1055 or p1056. For the PROFIdrive profile, this command corresponds to control word 1 bit 0 (STW1.0). The command "ON/OFF (OFF1)" can be issued using binector input p0840 or p1055/p1056. For binector input p0840 = 0 signal, the switch-on inhibit is acknowledged. Only the signal source that originally powered up can also power down again. The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: For drives with closed-loop speed control (p50084 = 1), the following applies: - BI: p0840 = 0 signal: OFF1 (braking with the ramp-function generator, then pulse suppression and switch-on inhibit) For drives with closed-loop torque control (p50084 = 2), the following applies: - BI: p0840 = 0 signal: immediate pulse suppression For drives with closed-loop speed/torque control, the following applies: - BI: p0840 = 0/1 signal: ON (pulses can be enabled) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 47 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0844[0...n] BI: No coast-down / coast-down (OFF2) signal source 1 / OFF2 S_src 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2580 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the first signal source for the command "No coast down/coast down (OFF2)". The following signals are AND'ed: - BI: p0844 "No coast-down / coast-down (OFF2) signal source 1" - BI: p0845 "No coast-down / coast-down (OFF2) signal source 2" For the PROFIdrive profile, the result of the AND logic operation corresponds to control word 1 bit 1 (STW1.1). BI: p0844 = 0 signal or BI: p0845 = 0 signal - OFF2 (immediate pulse suppression and switch on inhibit) BI: p0844 = 1 signal and BI: p0845 = 1 signal - No OFF2 (enable is possible) Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective. Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. p0845[0...n] BI: No coast-down / coast-down (OFF2) signal source 2 / OFF2 S_src 2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Description: Func. diagram: 2580 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the second signal source for the command "No coast down/coast down (OFF2)". The following signals are AND'ed: - BI: p0844 "No coast-down / coast-down (OFF2) signal source 1" - BI: p0845 "No coast-down / coast-down (OFF2) signal source 2" For the PROFIdrive profile, the result of the AND logic operation corresponds to control word 1 bit 1 (STW1.1). BI: p0844 = 0 signal or BI: p0845 = 0 signal - OFF2 (immediate pulse suppression and switch on inhibit) BI: p0844 = 1 signal and BI: p0845 = 1 signal - No OFF2 (enable is possible) Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is effective. p0848[0...n] BI: No Quick Stop / Quick Stop (OFF3) signal source 1 / OFF3 S_src 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2580 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the first signal source for the command "No quick stop/quick stop (OFF3)". The following signals are AND'ed: - BI: p0848 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 1" - BI: p0849 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 2" For the PROFIdrive profile, the result of the AND logic operation corresponds to control word 1 bit 2 (STW1.2). BI: p0848 = 0 signal or BI: p0849 = 0 signal - OFF3 (braking along the OFF3 ramp (p50296), then pulse suppression and switch on inhibit) BI: p0848 = 1 signal and BI: p0849 = 1 signal - No OFF3 (enable is possible) Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective. Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. 48 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0849[0...n] BI: No Quick Stop / Quick Stop (OFF3) signal source 2 / OFF3 S_src 2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2580 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the second signal source for the command "No quick stop/quick stop (OFF3)". The following signals are AND'ed: - BI: p0848 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 1" - BI: p0849 "No quick stop / quick stop (OFF3) signal source 2" For the PROFIdrive profile, the result of the AND logic operation corresponds to control word 1 bit 2 (STW1.2). BI: p0848 = 0 signal or BI: p0849 = 0 signal - OFF3 (braking along the OFF3 ramp (p50296), then pulse suppression and switch on inhibit) BI: p0848 = 1 signal and BI: p0849 = 1 signal - No OFF3 (enable is possible) Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is effective. p0852[0...n] BI: Enable operation/inhibit operation / Operation enable DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2460, 2580 Min Max - - Factory setting [0] 2090.1 [1] 1 Description: Sets the signal source for the command "enable operation/inhibit operation". For the PROFIdrive profile, this command corresponds to control word 1 bit 3 (STW1.3). BI: p0852 = 0 signal Inhibit operation (suppress pulses). BI: p0852 = 1 signal Enable operation (pulses can be enabled). Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective. Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. p0854[0...n] BI: Control by PLC/no control by PLC / Master ctrl by PLC DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2580 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source for the command "control by PLC/no control by PLC". For the PROFIdrive profile, this command corresponds to control word 1 bit 10 (STW1.10). BI: p0854 = 0 signal No control by PLC BI: p0854 = 1 signal Master control by PLC. Caution: When "master control from PC" is activated, this binector input is ineffective. Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: This bit is used to initiate a response for the drives when the control fails (F07220). If there is no control available, then binector input p0854 should be set to 1. If a control is available, then STW1.10 must be set to 1 (PZD1) so that the received data is updated. This applies regardless of the setting in p0854 and even in the case of free telegram configuration (p0922 = 999). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 49 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0898.0...14 CO/BO: Control word sequence control / STW seq_ctrl DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2580 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the control word of the sequence control. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 14 Note: OC: Operating condition Signal name ON/OFF1 OC / OFF2 OC / OFF3 Operation enable Ramp-function generator enable Continue ramp-function generator Speed setpoint enable Command open brake Jog 1 Jog 2 Master ctrl by PLC Speed controller enable Command close brake 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No No No No No No FP - r0899.0...15 CO/BO: Status word sequence control / ZSW seq_ctrl DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2585, 2750, 3150, 3151, 3152, 6810, 6830 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status word of the sequence control. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 12 13 14 15 Note: Re bits 00, 01, 02, 04, 05, 06, 09: Signal name Rdy for switch on Ready Operation enabled Jog active No coasting active No Quick Stop active Switching on inhibited active Drive ready Controller enable Control request Pulses enabled Open holding brake Command close holding brake Pulse enable from the brake control Setpoint enable from the brake control 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes OFF2 inactive OFF3 inactive Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No OFF2 active OFF3 active No No No No No No No No No FP - For PROFIdrive, these signals are used for status word 1. p0918 PROFIBUS address / PB address CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 1520, 2410 Description: 50 Min Max Factory setting 1 126 126 Sets the PROFIBUS address for PROFIBUS interface (X126) on the Control Unit. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters The address can be set as follows: Via p0918 --> The address is saved in a non-volatile fashion using the function "copy from RAM to ROM". --> A change only becomes effective after a POWER ON. Note: Permissible PROFIBUS addresses: 1 ... 126 Address 126 is used for commissioning. Every PROFIBUS address change only becomes effective after a POWER ON. p0922 IF1 PROFIdrive PZD telegram selection / IF1 PZD telegr CU_DCP Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 1520, 2420 Min Max Factory setting 999 999 999 Description: Sets the send and receive telegram. Value: 999: p0922 IF1 PROFIdrive PZD telegram selection / IF1 PZD telegr DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 1520, 2420 Free telegram configuration with BICO Min Max Factory setting 999 999 999 Description: Sets the send and receive telegram. Value: 999: Dependency: Refer to: F01505, F01506 Note: For p0922 = 100 ... 199, p2038 is automatically set to 1 and p2038 can no longer be changed. This means that for these telegrams, the "SIMODRIVE 611 universal" interface mode is set and cannot be changed. Free telegram configuration with BICO If a value is not equal to 999, a telegram is set and the automatically set interconnections in the telegram are inhibited. The inhibited interconnections can only be changed again after setting value 999. r0924[0...1] ZSW bit pulses enabled / ZSW pulse enab DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the position of the "Pulses enabled" status signal in the PROFIdrive telegram. Index: [0] = Signal number [1] = Bit position r0944 CO: Counter for fault buffer changes / Fault buff change All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays fault buffer changes. This counter is incremented every time the fault buffer changes. Recommendation: Used to check whether the fault buffer has been read out consistently. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109 r0945[0...63] Fault code / Fault code CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the numbers of faults that have occurred. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 51 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3120, r3122 Notice: The properties of the fault buffer should be taken from the corresponding product documentation. Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). Fault buffer structure (general principle): r0945[0], r0949[0], r0948[0], r2109[0], r3115[0] --> actual fault case, fault 1 ... r0945[7], r0949[7], r0948[7], r2109[7], r3115[7] --> actual fault case, fault 8 r0945[8], r0949[8], r0948[8], r2109[8], r3115[8] --> 1st acknowledged fault case, fault 1 ... r0945[15], r0949[15], r0948[15], r2109[15], r3115[15] --> 1st acknowledged fault case, fault 8 ... r0945[56], r0949[56], r0948[56], r2109[56], r3115[56] --> 7th acknowledged fault case, fault 1 ... r0945[63], r0949[63], r0948[63], r2109[63], r3115[63] --> 7th acknowledged fault case, fault 8 r0945[0...63] Fault code / Fault code TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the numbers of faults that have occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3120, r3122 Notice: The properties of the fault buffer should be taken from the corresponding product documentation. Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). Fault buffer structure (general principle): r0945[0], r0949[0], r0948[0], r2109[0], r3115[0] --> actual fault case, fault 1 ... r0945[7], r0949[7], r0948[7], r2109[7], r3115[7] --> actual fault case, fault 8 r0945[8], r0949[8], r0948[8], r2109[8], r3115[8] --> 1st acknowledged fault case, fault 1 ... r0945[15], r0949[15], r0948[15], r2109[15], r3115[15] --> 1st acknowledged fault case, fault 8 ... r0945[56], r0949[56], r0948[56], r2109[56], r3115[56] --> 7th acknowledged fault case, fault 1 ... r0945[63], r0949[63], r0948[63], r2109[63], r3115[63] --> 7th acknowledged fault case, fault 8 r0946[0...65534] Fault code list / Fault code list CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Lists the fault codes stored in the drive unit. The indices can only be accessed with a valid fault code. Dependency: The parameter assigned to the fault code is entered in r0951 under the same index. r0946[0...65534] Fault code list / Fault code list TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8060 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Lists the fault codes stored in the drive unit. The indices can only be accessed with a valid fault code. Dependency: 52 The parameter assigned to the fault code is entered in r0951 under the same index. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0947[0...63] Fault number / Fault number CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - This parameter is identical to r0945. r0947[0...63] Fault number / Fault number TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: This parameter is identical to r0945. r0948[0...63] Fault time received in milliseconds / t_fault recv ms CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the fault occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0949, r2109, r2114, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3115, r3120, r3122 Notice: The time comprises r2130 (days) and r0948 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. When the parameter is read via PROFIdrive, the TimeDifference data type applies. r0948[0...63] Fault time received in milliseconds / t_fault recv ms TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8050, 8060 Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the fault occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0949, r2109, r2114, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3115, r3120, r3122 Notice: The time comprises r2130 (days) and r0948 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. When the parameter is read via PROFIdrive, the TimeDifference data type applies. r0949[0...63] Fault value / Fault value CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays additional information about the fault that occurred (as integer number). Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3115, r3120, r3122 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 53 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0949[0...63] Fault value / Fault value TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 8050, 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays additional information about the fault that occurred (as integer number). Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3115, r3120, r3122 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. p0952 Fault cases counter / Fault cases qty CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Number of fault situations that have occurred since the last reset. Dependency: The fault buffer is deleted (cleared) by setting p0952 to 0. Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136 p0952 Fault cases counter / Fault cases qty TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6700, 8060 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Number of fault situations that have occurred since the last reset. Dependency: The fault buffer is deleted (cleared) by setting p0952 to 0. Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136 r0963 PROFIBUS baud rate / PB baud rate CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 - Description: Displays the corresponding value for the PROFIBUS baud rate. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 255: 9.6 kbit/s 19.2 kbit/s 93.75 kbit/s 187.5 kbit/s 500 kbit/s 1.5 Mbit/s 3 Mbit/s 6 Mbit/s 12 Mbit/s 31.25 kbit/s 45.45 kbit/s Unknown r0964[0...6] Device identification / Device ident CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: 54 Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the device identification. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = Company (Siemens = 42) [1] = Device type [2] = Firmware version [3] = Firmware date (year) [4] = Firmware date (day/month) [5] = Number of drive objects [6] = Firmware patch/hot fix Note: Example: r0964[0] = 42 --> SIEMENS r0964[1] = device type, see below r0964[2] = 403 --> first part of the firmware version V04.03 (for second part, refer to index 6) r0964[3] = 2010 --> year 2010 r0964[4] = 1705 --> 17th of May r0964[5] = 2 --> 2 drive objects r0964[6] = 200 --> second part, firmware version (complete version: V04.03.02.00) Device type: r0964[1] = 5490 --> SINAMICS DCM r0965 PROFIdrive profile number / PD profile number CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the PROFIdrive profile number and profile version. Constant value = 0329 hex. Byte 1: Profile number = 03 hex = PROFIdrive profile Byte 2: Profile version = 29 hex = Version 4.1 Note: When the parameter is read via PROFIdrive, the Octet String 2 data type applies. p0969 System runtime relative / t_System relative CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 4294967295 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in ms since the last POWER ON. Note: The value in p0969 can only be reset to 0. The value overflows after approx. 49 days. When the parameter is read via PROFIdrive, the TimeDifference data type applies. p0970 TM150 reset parameters / TM150 par reset TM150 Can be changed: C2(30) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 100 0 Description: The parameter is used to initiate a reset of the parameters on Terminal Module 150 (TM150). Value: 0: 1: 100: Dependency: Refer to: p0010 Notice: After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996. Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0. Note: A factory setting run can only be started if p0010 was first set to 30 (parameter reset). Inactive Start a parameter reset Start a BICO interconnection reset At the end of the calculations, p0970 is automatically set to 0. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 55 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p0970 TM15DI/DO reset parameter / TM15D par reset TM15DI_DO Can be changed: C2(30) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 100 0 The parameter is used to initiate a reset of the parameters on Terminal Module 15 (TM15). The sampling time p4099 is not reset if in so doing a conflict occurs with the basic clock cycle. Parameter p0151 is not reset. It is only reset if the entire drive unit is reset to the factory settings (p0976). Value: 0: 1: 100: Inactive Start a parameter reset Start a BICO interconnection reset Dependency: Refer to: p0010 Notice: After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996. Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0. Note: A factory setting run can only be started if p0010 was first set to 30 (parameter reset). At the end of the calculations, p0970 is automatically set to 0. p0970 TM31 reset parameters / TM31 par reset TM31 Can be changed: C2(30) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 100 0 The parameter is used to initiate a reset of the parameters on Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The sampling time p4099 is not reset if in so doing a conflict occurs with the basic clock cycle. Parameter p0151 is not reset. It is only reset if the entire drive unit is reset to the factory settings (p0976). Value: 0: 1: 100: Inactive Start a parameter reset Start a BICO interconnection reset Dependency: Refer to: p0010 Notice: After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996. Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0. Note: A factory setting run can only be started if p0010 was first set to 30 (parameter reset). At the end of the calculations, p0970 is automatically set to 0. p0971 Save drive object parameters / Drv_obj par save CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Setting to save the parameter of the particular drive object in the non-volatile memory. When saving, only the adjustable parameters intended to be saved are taken into account. Value: 0: 1: Inactive Save drive object Dependency: Refer to: p0977, r3996 Caution: If a memory card (optional) is inserted, the following applies: The parameters are also saved on the card and therefore overwrite any existing data! Notice: The Control Unit power supply may only be powered down after data has been saved (i.e. after data save has been started, wait until the parameter again has the value 0). Writing to parameters is inhibited while saving. The progress while saving is displayed in r3996. 56 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Starting from the particular drive object, the following parameters are saved: CU3xx: Device-specific parameters and PROFIBUS device parameters. Other objects: Parameters of the actual object and PROFIBUS device parameters. Prerequisite: In order that the parameter of a drive object, saved with p0971 = 1, is read the next time that the Control Unit is booted, then all parameters must, as a minimum, have first been saved once with p0977 = 1. p0971 Save drive object parameters / Drv_obj par save TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Setting to save the parameter of the particular drive object in the non-volatile memory. When saving, only the adjustable parameters intended to be saved are taken into account. Value: 0: 1: Inactive Save drive object Dependency: Refer to: p0977, r3996 Notice: The Control Unit power supply may only be powered down after data has been saved (i.e. after data save has been started, wait until the parameter again has the value 0). Writing to parameters is inhibited while saving. The progress while saving is displayed in r3996. Note: Starting from the particular drive object, the following parameters are saved: CU3xx: Device-specific parameters and PROFIBUS device parameters. Other objects: Parameters of the actual object and PROFIBUS device parameters. Prerequisite: In order that the parameter of a drive object, saved with p0971 = 1, is read the next time that the Control Unit is booted, then all parameters must, as a minimum, have first been saved once with p0977 = 1. p0972 Drive unit reset / Drv_unit reset CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the required procedure to execute a hardware reset for the drive unit. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Danger: It must be absolutely ensured that the system is in a safe condition. Inactive Hardware-Reset immediate Hardware reset preparation Hardware reset after cyclic communication has failed The memory card/device memory of the Control Unit must not be accessed. Note: If value = 1: Reset is immediately executed and communications interrupted. After communications have been established, check the reset operation (refer below). If value = 2: Help to check the reset operation. Firstly, set p0972 = 2 and then read back. Secondly, set p0972 = 1 (it is possible that this request is possibly no longer acknowledged). The communication is then interrupted. After communications have been established, check the reset operation (refer below). If value = 3: The reset is executed after interrupting cyclic communication. This setting is used to implement a synchronized reset by a control for several drive units. If cyclic communication is not active, then the reset is immediately executed. If the cyclic communication is active for both PROFIdrive interfaces, then the reset is executed after completing both cycle communications. After communications have been established, check the reset operation (refer below). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 57 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters To check the reset operation: After the drive unit has been restarted and communications have been established, read p0972 and check the following: p0972 = 0? --> The reset was successfully executed. p0972 > 0? --> The reset was not executed. r0975[0...10] Drive object identification / DO identification CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the identification of the drive object. Index: [0] = Company (Siemens = 42) [1] = Drive object type [2] = Firmware version [3] = Firmware date (year) [4] = Firmware date (day/month) [5] = PROFIdrive drive object type class [6] = PROFIdrive drive object sub-type Class 1 [7] = Drive object number [8] = Reserved [9] = Reserved [10] = Firmware patch/hot fix Note: Example: r0975[0] = 42 --> SIEMENS r0975[1] = 11 --> SERVO drive object type r0975[2] = 102 --> first part, firmware version V01.02 (second part, refer to index 10) r0975[3] = 2003 --> year 2003 r0975[4] = 1401 --> 14th of January r0975[5] = 1 --> PROFIdrive drive object, type class r0975[6] = 9 --> PROFIdrive drive object sub-type class 1 r0975[7] = 2 --> drive object number = 2 r0975[8] = 0 (reserved) r0975[9] = 0 (reserved) r0975[10] = 600 --> second part, firmware version (complete version: V01.02.06.00) r0975[0...10] Drive object identification / DO identification DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the identification of the drive object. Index: [0] = Company (Siemens = 42) [1] = Drive object type [2] = Firmware version [3] = Firmware date (year) [4] = Firmware date (day/month) [5] = PROFIdrive drive object type class [6] = PROFIdrive drive object sub-type Class 1 [7] = Drive object number [8] = Reserved [9] = Reserved [10] = Firmware patch/hot fix Note: Example: r0975[0] = 42 --> SIEMENS r0975[1] = 17 --> DC_CTRL drive object type r0975[2] = 102 --> first part, firmware version V01.02 (second part, refer to index 10) r0975[3] = 2003 --> year 2003 58 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r0975[4] = 1401 --> 14th of January r0975[5] = 1 --> PROFIdrive drive object, type class r0975[6] = 9 --> PROFIdrive drive object sub-type class 1 r0975[7] = 2 --> drive object number = 2 r0975[8] = 0 (reserved) r0975[9] = 0 (reserved) r0975[10] = 600 --> second part, firmware version (complete version: V01.02.06.00) p0976 Reset and load all parameters / Reset load all par CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(30) Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1013 0 Description: Resets or downloads all parameters of the drive system. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 10: 11: 12: 20: 100: 200: 1011: 1012: 1013: Notice: After the value has been modified, no further parameter modifications can be made and the status is shown in r3996. Modifications can be made again when r3996 = 0. Inactive Start reset of all parameters to factory setting Start dnload of param. saved in non-volatile mem w/ p0977=1 Start download of volatile parameters from RAM Start dnload of param. saved in non-volatile mem w/ p0977=10 Start dnload of param. saved in non-volatile mem w/ p0977=11 Start dnload of param. saved in non-volatile mem w/ p0977=12 Start download Siemens internal setting 20 Start resetting of all BICO interconnections Start deleting all user data Start dnload of param. saved in volatile mem w/ p0977=1011 Start dnload of param. saved in volatile mem w/ p0977=1012 Start dnload of param. saved in volatile mem w/ p0977=1013 After executing p0976 = 200, the Control Unit is powered on automatically. Note: After all of the parameters have been reset to their factory setting, the system must be commissioned for the first time again. Resetting or loading is realized in the non-volatile memory. Procedure: 1. Set p0009 = 30 (parameter reset). 2. Set p0976 to "required value". The system is rebooted. p0976 is automatically set to 0 after execution. p0977 Save all parameters / Save all par CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1013 0 Saves all parameters of the drive system to the non-volatile memory. When saving, only the adjustable parameters intended to be saved are taken into account. Value: 0: 1: 10: 11: 12: 20: 80: 1011: 1012: 1013: Inactive Save in non-volatile memory - downloaded at POWER ON Save as opt. in non-vol. memory - downloaded w/ p0976=10 Save as opt. in non-vol. memory - downloaded w/ p0976=11 Save as opt. in non-vol. memory - downloaded w/ p0976=12 Save in non-volatile memory as setting 20 (reserved) Save in non-volatile memory time-optimized (reserved) Save in volatile memory, downloaded with p0976=1011 Save in volatile memory, downloaded with p0976=1012 Save in volatile memory, downloaded with p0976=1013 Dependency: Refer to: p0976, r3996 Caution: Memory card inserted: The drive parameterization is also saved on the card. Any backed-up data is overwritten! SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 59 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Notice: The Control Unit power supply may only be powered down after data has been saved (i.e. after data save has been started, wait until the parameter again has the value 0). Writing to parameters is inhibited while saving. The progress while saving is displayed in r3996. Note: Parameters saved with p0977 = 10, 11 or 12 can be downloaded again with p0976 = 10, 11 or 12. Identification and maintenance data (I&M data, p8806 and following) are only saved for p0977 = 1. p0978[0...n] List of drive objects / List of the DO CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(1) Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max 0 255 Factory setting [0] 1 [1...24] 0 Description: This parameter is an image of p0101 in conformance with PROFIdrive. Parameters p0101 and p0978 contain the following information: 1) The same number of drive objects 2) The same drive objects In this sense, they are consistent. Difference between p0101 and p0978: p0978 can be re-sorted and a zero inserted in order to identify those drive objects that participate in the process data exchange and to define their sequence in the process data exchange. Drive objects that are listed after the first zero, are excluded from the process data exchange. For p0978, in addition, the value 255 can be inserted a multiple number of times. p0978[n] = 255 means: The drive object is visible for the PROFIBUS master and is empty (without any actual process data exchange). This allows cyclic communications of a PROFIBUS master with unchanged configuring to the drive units with a lower number of drive objects. Dependency: Refer to: p0101, p0971, p0977 Note: p0978 cannot be changed when the drive system is first commissioned. The reason for this is that at this time the actual topology has still not been acknowledged (p0099 is still not equal to r0098 and p0009 is set to 0). r0980[0...299] List of existing parameters 1 / List avail par 1 All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the parameters that exist for this drive. Dependency: Refer to: r0981, r0989 Note: The existing parameters are displayed in indices 0 to 298. If an index contains the value 0, then the list ends here. In a long list, index 299 contains the parameter number at which position the list continues. This list consists solely of the following parameters: r0980[0...299], r0981[0...299] ... r0989[0...299] The parameters in this list are not displayed in the expert list of the commissioning software. However, they can be read from a higher-level control system (e.g. PROFIBUS master). r0981[0...299] List of existing parameters 2 / List avail par 2 All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the parameters that exist for this drive. Dependency: Refer to: r0980, r0989 60 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: The existing parameters are displayed in indices 0 to 298. If an index contains the value 0, then the list ends here. In a long list, index 299 contains the parameter number at which position the list continues. This list consists solely of the following parameters: r0980[0...299], r0981[0...299] ... r0989[0...299] The parameters in this list are not displayed in the expert list of the commissioning software. However, they can be read from a higher-level control system (e.g. PROFIBUS master). r0989[0...299] List of existing parameters 10 / List avail par 10 All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the parameters that exist for this drive. Dependency: Refer to: r0980, r0981 Note: The existing parameters are displayed in indices 0 to 298. If an index contains the value 0, then the list ends here. This list consists solely of the following parameters: r0980[0...299], r0981[0...299] ... r0989[0...299] The parameters in this list are not displayed in the expert list of the commissioning software. However, they can be read from a higher-level control system (e.g. PROFIBUS master). r0990[0...99] List of modified parameters 1 / List chang par 1 All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays those parameters with a value other than the factory setting for this drive. Dependency: Refer to: r0991, r0999 Note: Modified parameters are displayed in indices 0 to 98. If an index contains the value 0, then the list ends here. In a long list, index 99 contains the parameter number at which position the list continues. This list consists solely of the following parameters: r0990[0...99], r0991[0...99] ... r0999[0...99] The parameters in this list are not displayed in the expert list of the commissioning software. However, they can be read from a higher-level control system (e.g. PROFIBUS master). r0991[0...99] List of modified parameters 2 / List chang par 2 All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays those parameters with a value other than the factory setting for this drive. Dependency: Refer to: r0990, r0999 Note: Modified parameters are displayed in indices 0 to 98. If an index contains the value 0, then the list ends here. In a long list, index 99 contains the parameter number at which position the list continues. This list consists solely of the following parameters: r0990[0...99], r0991[0...99] ... r0999[0...99] The parameters in this list are not displayed in the expert list of the commissioning software. However, they can be read from a higher-level control system (e.g. PROFIBUS master). r0999[0...99] List of modified parameters 10 / List chang par 10 All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays those parameters with a value other than the factory setting for this drive. Dependency: Refer to: r0990, r0991 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 61 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Modified parameters are displayed in indices 0 to 98. If an index contains the value 0, then the list ends here. This list consists solely of the following parameters: r0990[0...99], r0991[0...99] ... r0999[0...99] The parameters in this list are not displayed in the expert list of the commissioning software. However, they can be read from a higher-level control system (e.g. PROFIBUS master). p1000[0...n] Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for speed setpoints / Macro CI n_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 999999 0 Runs the corresponding macro files. The Connector Inputs (CI) for the speed setpoints of the appropriate Command Data Set (CDS) are appropriately interconnected. The selected macro file must be available on the memory card/device memory. Example: p1000 = 6 --> the macro file PM000006.ACX is run. Dependency: Refer to: p0015, p0700, p1500, r8572 Notice: No errors were issued during quick commissioning (p3900 = 1) when writing to parameters of the QUICK_IBN group! Note: The macros in the specified directory are displayed in r8572. r8572 is not in the expert list of the commissioning software. When executing a specific macro, the corresponding programmed settings are made and become active. Macros available as standard are described in the technical documentation of the particular product. CI: Connector Input p1500[0...n] Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for torque setpoints / Macro CI M_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(1), T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 999999 0 Runs the corresponding macro files. The Connector Inputs (CI) for the torque setpoints of the appropriate Command Data Set (CDS) are appropriately interconnected. The selected macro file must be available on the memory card/device memory. Example: p1500 = 6 --> the macro file PM000006.ACX is run. Dependency: Refer to: p0015, p0700, p1000, r8573 Notice: No errors were issued during quick commissioning (p3900 = 1) when writing to parameters of the QUICK_IBN group! Note: The macros in the specified directory are displayed in r8573. r8573 is not in the expert list of the commissioning software. When executing a specific macro, the corresponding programmed settings are made and become active. Macros available as standard are described in the technical documentation of the particular product. CI: Connector Input p2006 Reference temp / Ref temp TM150, TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 50.00 [C] 300.00 [C] 100.00 [C] Sets the reference quantity for temperature. All temperatures specified as relative value are referred to this reference quantity. The reference quantity corresponds to 100% or 4000 hex (word) or 4000 0000 hex (double word). 62 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2011 Comm IF address / Comm add CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 1 127 3 Description: Sets the address for the commissioning interface (PPI). Note: Only odd-numbered addresses can be set. Changes only become effective after POWER ON. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. r2019[0...7] Comm IF error statistics / Comm err CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the receive errors at the commissioning interface (RS232). Index: [0] = Number of error-free telegrams [1] = Number of rejected telegrams [2] = Number of framing errors [3] = Number of overrun errors [4] = Number of parity errors [5] = Number of starting character errors [6] = Number of checksum errors [7] = Number of length errors p2020 Field bus interface baud rate / Field bus baud CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9310 Min Max Factory setting 4 13 8 Description: Sets the baud rate for the fieldbus interface USS. Value: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: Note: Fieldbus IF: Fieldbus interface 2400 baud 4800 baud 9600 baud 19200 baud 38400 baud 57600 baud 76800 baud 93750 baud 115200 baud 187500 baud Changes only become effective after POWER ON. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. The parameter is set to the factory setting when the protocol is reselected. p2021 Field bus interface address / Field bus address CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 31 0 Description: Sets the address for the fieldbus interface USS. Dependency: Refer to: p2030 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 63 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Changes only become effective after POWER ON. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. The parameter is set to the factory setting when the protocol is reselected. p2022 Field bus int USS PZD no. / Field bus USS PZD CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9310 Min Max Factory setting 0 16 2 Description: Sets the number of 16-bit words in the PZD part of the USS telegram for the field bus interface. Dependency: Refer to: p2030 Note: The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. p2023 Field bus int USS PKW no. / Field bus USS PKW CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9310 Min Max Factory setting 0 127 127 Description: Sets the number of 16-bit words in the PKW part of the USS telegram for the field bus interface. Value: 0: 3: 4: 127: Dependency: Refer to: p2030 Note: The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. r2029[0...7] Field bus int error statistics / Field bus error CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9310 PKW 0 words PKW 3 words PKW 4 words PKW variable Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the receive errors on the field bus interface (USS). Index: [0] = Number of error-free telegrams [1] = Number of rejected telegrams [2] = Number of framing errors [3] = Number of overrun errors [4] = Number of parity errors [5] = Number of starting character errors [6] = Number of checksum errors [7] = Number of length errors p2030 Field bus int protocol selection / Field bus protocol CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 3 3 Description: Sets the communication protocol for the field bus interface. Value: 0: 1: 3: Note: Changes only become effective after POWER ON. No protocol USS PROFIBUS The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. 64 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2032 Master control control word effective / PcCtrl STW eff DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the effective control word 1 (STW1) of the drive for the master control. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Notice: The master control only influences control word 1 and speed setpoint 1. Other control words/setpoints can be transferred from another automation device. Note: OC: Operating condition p2035 Fieldbus interface USS PIV drive object number / Fieldbus USS DO_no CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Signal name ON/OFF1 OC / OFF2 OC / OFF3 Operation enable Ramp-function generator enable Start ramp-function generator Speed setpoint enable Acknowledge fault Jog bit 0 Jog bit 1 Master ctrl by PLC 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No No No No Min Max Factory setting 1 62 2 Description: Sets the drive object number for communication via the field bus interface (USS). Dependency: Refer to: p0978 Note: p2035 defines the destination for USS parameter requests (PIV). FP 3030 3030 - p0978[0] defines the destination for USS process data (PZD). The parameter is available globally on all drive objects. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. p2037 IF1 PROFIdrive STW1.10 = 0 mode / IF1 PD STW1.10=0 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Sets the processing mode for PROFIdrive STW1.10 "master control by PLC". Generally, control world 1 is received with the first receive word (PZD1) (this is in conformance to the PROFIdrive profile). The behavior of STW1.10 = 0 corresponds to that of the PROFIdrive profile. For other applications that deviate from this, the behavior can be adapted using this particular parameter. Value: 0: 1: 2: Recommendation: Do not change the setting p2037 = 0. Note: If the STW1 is not transferred according to the PROFIdrive with PZD1 (with bit 10 "master control by PLC"), then p2037 should be set to 2. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Freeze setpoints and continue to process sign-of-life Freeze setpoints and sign-of-life Do not freeze setpoints 65 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2039 Select debug monitor interface / Debug monit select CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 3 1 Sets the serial interface for the debug monitor. With p2039 = 1, the serial interface COM2 (X179) is set. Other values are not permitted. p2040 Fieldbus interface monitoring time / Fieldbus t_monit CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9310 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 1999999 [ms] 100 [ms] Description: Sets the monitoring time to monitor the process data received via the fieldbus interface. Dependency: Refer to: F01910 Note: p2040 = 0: If no process data is received within this time, then an appropriate message is output. Monitoring is de-activated. p2042 PROFIBUS Ident Number / PB Ident No. CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the PROFIBUS Ident Number (PNO-ID). SINAMICS can be operated with various identities on PROFIBUS. This allows the use of a PROFIBUS GSD that is independent of the device (e.g. PROFIdrive VIK-NAMUR with Ident Number 3AA0 hex). Value: 0: 1: SINAMICS VIK-NAMUR Note: Every change only becomes effective after a POWER ON. r2043.0...2 BO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD state / IF1 PD PZD state CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PROFIdrive PZD state. Bit field: Bit 00 02 Dependency: Refer to: p2044 Note: When using the "setpoint failure" signal, the bus can be monitored and an application-specific response triggered when the setpoint fails. p2044 IF1 PROFIdrive fault delay / IF1 PD fault delay DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Signal name Setpoint failure Fieldbus oper 1 signal Yes Yes FP - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: 0 signal No No Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting 0 [s] 100 [s] 1 [s] Sets the delay time to initiate fault F01910 after a setpoint failure. The time until the fault is initiated can be used by the application. This means that is is possible to respond to the failure while the drive is still operational (e.g. emergency retraction). 66 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r2043 Refer to: F01910 p2047 PROFIBUS additional monitoring time / PB suppl t_monit CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2410 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 20000 [ms] 0 [ms] Sets the additional monitoring time to monitor the process data received via PROFIBUS. Enables short bus faults to be compensated. If no process data is received within this time, then an appropriate message is output. Recommendation: In the isochronous mode, the additional monitoring time should not be set. Dependency: Refer to: F01910 Note: For controller STOP, the additional monitoring time is not effective. p2048 IF1 PROFIdrive PZD sampling time / IF1 PZD t_sample CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 1.00 [ms] 16.00 [ms] 4.00 [ms] Description: Sets the sampling time for the cyclic interface 1 (IF1). Note: The system only permits certain sampling times and after writing to this parameter, displays the value that has actually been set. For clock cycle synchronous operation, the specified bus cycle time applies (Tdp). r2050[0...19] CO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD receive word / IF1 PZD recv word CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output to interconnect PZD (setpoints) with word format received from the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 Note: IF1: Interface 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 67 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2050[0...63] CO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD receive word / IF1 PZD recv word DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2440 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output to interconnect PZD (setpoints) with word format received from the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 68 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Dependency: Refer to: r2060 Notice: Where there is a multiple interconnection of a connector output, all the connector inputs must either have Integer or FloatingPoint data types. A BICO interconnection for a single PZD can only take place either on r2050 or r2060. Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2050[0...4] CO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD receive word / IF1 PZD recv word TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output to interconnect PZD (setpoints) with word format received from the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Note: IF1: Interface 1 p2051[0...24] CI: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD send word / IF1 PZD send word CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Func. diagram: 2450, 2483 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) with word format to be sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: IF1: Interface 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 69 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2051[0...63] CI: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD send word / IF1 PZD send word DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Func. diagram: 2450, 2470, 2483 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) with word format to be sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 70 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Dependency: Refer to: p2061 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: IF1: Interface 1 p2051[0...4] CI: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD send word / IF1 PZD send word TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) with word format to be sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2053[0...24] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics PZD send word / IF1 diag send word CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2483 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD (actual values) with word format sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 Bit field: Bit 00 01 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 1 signal ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF FP - 71 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF - IF1: Interface 1 r2053[0...63] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics PZD send word / IF1 diag send word DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2450, 2470 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD (actual values) with word format sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 72 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Dependency: Refer to: p2051, p2061 Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2053[0...4] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics PZD send word / IF1 diag send word TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD (actual values) with word format sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - FP - 73 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF - Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2054 PROFIBUS status / PB status CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting 0 4 - Description: Status display for the PROFIBUS interface. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: Note: Re r2054 = 3: OFF No connection (search for baud rate) Connection OK (baud rate found) Cyclic connection with master (data exchange) Cyclic data OK In state 3 (the LED flashes green), a cyclic connection has been established to the PROFIBUS master; however, one of the following prerequisites is missing for cyclic operation: - No setpoints are being received as the PROFIBUS master is in the STOP condition. Only for clock-cycle synchronous operation, the following applies: - The drive is not in synchronism as the global control (GC) has an error. Re r2054 = 4: In the status 4 (LED green), the cyclic connection to the PROFIBUS master has been established and setpoints are being received. The clock cycle synchronization is OK, the global control (GC) is error-free. This state does not provide any statement regarding the quality of the clock cycle synchronous sign-of-life characters on the drive objects. r2055[0...2] PROFIBUS diagnostics standard / PB diag standard CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Diagnostics display for the PROFIBUS interface. Index: [0] = Master bus address [1] = Master input total length bytes [2] = Master output total length bytes r2060[0...62] CO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD receive double word / IF1 PZD recv DW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 2440, 2460 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output to interconnect PZD (setpoints) with double word format received from the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 + 2 [1] = PZD 2 + 3 [2] = PZD 3 + 4 [3] = PZD 4 + 5 [4] = PZD 5 + 6 [5] = PZD 6 + 7 [6] = PZD 7 + 8 [7] = PZD 8 + 9 74 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [8] = PZD 9 + 10 [9] = PZD 10 + 11 [10] = PZD 11 + 12 [11] = PZD 12 + 13 [12] = PZD 13 + 14 [13] = PZD 14 + 15 [14] = PZD 15 + 16 [15] = PZD 16 + 17 [16] = PZD 17 + 18 [17] = PZD 18 + 19 [18] = PZD 19 + 20 [19] = PZD 20 + 21 [20] = PZD 21 + 22 [21] = PZD 22 + 23 [22] = PZD 23 + 24 [23] = PZD 24 + 25 [24] = PZD 25 + 26 [25] = PZD 26 + 27 [26] = PZD 27 + 28 [27] = PZD 28 + 29 [28] = PZD 29 + 30 [29] = PZD 30 + 31 [30] = PZD 31 + 32 [31] = PZD 32 + 33 [32] = PZD 33 + 34 [33] = PZD 34 + 35 [34] = PZD 35 + 36 [35] = PZD 36 + 37 [36] = PZD 37 + 38 [37] = PZD 38 + 39 [38] = PZD 39 + 40 [39] = PZD 40 + 41 [40] = PZD 41 + 42 [41] = PZD 42 + 43 [42] = PZD 43 + 44 [43] = PZD 44 + 45 [44] = PZD 45 + 46 [45] = PZD 46 + 47 [46] = PZD 47 + 48 [47] = PZD 48 + 49 [48] = PZD 49 + 50 [49] = PZD 50 + 51 [50] = PZD 51 + 52 [51] = PZD 52 + 53 [52] = PZD 53 + 54 [53] = PZD 54 + 55 [54] = PZD 55 + 56 [55] = PZD 56 + 57 [56] = PZD 57 + 58 [57] = PZD 58 + 59 [58] = PZD 59 + 60 [59] = PZD 60 + 61 [60] = PZD 61 + 62 [61] = PZD 62 + 63 [62] = PZD 63 + 64 Dependency: Refer to: r2050 Notice: Where there is a multiple interconnection of a connector output, all the connector inputs must either have Integer or FloatingPoint data types. A BICO interconnection for a single PZD can only take place either on r2050 or r2060. A maximum of 4 indices of the "trace" function can be used. Note: IF1: Interface 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 75 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2061[0...62] CI: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD send double word / IF1 PZD send DW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer32 Func. diagram: 2450, 2470 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) with double word format to be sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 + 2 [1] = PZD 2 + 3 [2] = PZD 3 + 4 [3] = PZD 4 + 5 [4] = PZD 5 + 6 [5] = PZD 6 + 7 [6] = PZD 7 + 8 [7] = PZD 8 + 9 [8] = PZD 9 + 10 [9] = PZD 10 + 11 [10] = PZD 11 + 12 [11] = PZD 12 + 13 [12] = PZD 13 + 14 [13] = PZD 14 + 15 [14] = PZD 15 + 16 [15] = PZD 16 + 17 [16] = PZD 17 + 18 [17] = PZD 18 + 19 [18] = PZD 19 + 20 [19] = PZD 20 + 21 [20] = PZD 21 + 22 [21] = PZD 22 + 23 [22] = PZD 23 + 24 [23] = PZD 24 + 25 [24] = PZD 25 + 26 [25] = PZD 26 + 27 [26] = PZD 27 + 28 [27] = PZD 28 + 29 [28] = PZD 29 + 30 [29] = PZD 30 + 31 [30] = PZD 31 + 32 [31] = PZD 32 + 33 [32] = PZD 33 + 34 [33] = PZD 34 + 35 [34] = PZD 35 + 36 [35] = PZD 36 + 37 [36] = PZD 37 + 38 [37] = PZD 38 + 39 [38] = PZD 39 + 40 [39] = PZD 40 + 41 [40] = PZD 41 + 42 [41] = PZD 42 + 43 [42] = PZD 43 + 44 [43] = PZD 44 + 45 [44] = PZD 45 + 46 [45] = PZD 46 + 47 [46] = PZD 47 + 48 [47] = PZD 48 + 49 [48] = PZD 49 + 50 [49] = PZD 50 + 51 [50] = PZD 51 + 52 [51] = PZD 52 + 53 [52] = PZD 53 + 54 [53] = PZD 54 + 55 [54] = PZD 55 + 56 [55] = PZD 56 + 57 [56] = PZD 57 + 58 76 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [57] = PZD 58 + 59 [58] = PZD 59 + 60 [59] = PZD 60 + 61 [60] = PZD 61 + 62 [61] = PZD 62 + 63 [62] = PZD 63 + 64 Dependency: Refer to: p2051 Notice: A BICO interconnection for a single PZD can only take place either on p2051 or p2061. The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2063[0...62] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics PZD send double word / IF1 diag send DW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 2450, 2470 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD (actual values) with double word format sent to the fieldbus controller. Index: [0] = PZD 1 + 2 [1] = PZD 2 + 3 [2] = PZD 3 + 4 [3] = PZD 4 + 5 [4] = PZD 5 + 6 [5] = PZD 6 + 7 [6] = PZD 7 + 8 [7] = PZD 8 + 9 [8] = PZD 9 + 10 [9] = PZD 10 + 11 [10] = PZD 11 + 12 [11] = PZD 12 + 13 [12] = PZD 13 + 14 [13] = PZD 14 + 15 [14] = PZD 15 + 16 [15] = PZD 16 + 17 [16] = PZD 17 + 18 [17] = PZD 18 + 19 [18] = PZD 19 + 20 [19] = PZD 20 + 21 [20] = PZD 21 + 22 [21] = PZD 22 + 23 [22] = PZD 23 + 24 [23] = PZD 24 + 25 [24] = PZD 25 + 26 [25] = PZD 26 + 27 [26] = PZD 27 + 28 [27] = PZD 28 + 29 [28] = PZD 29 + 30 [29] = PZD 30 + 31 [30] = PZD 31 + 32 [31] = PZD 32 + 33 [32] = PZD 33 + 34 [33] = PZD 34 + 35 [34] = PZD 35 + 36 [35] = PZD 36 + 37 [36] = PZD 37 + 38 [37] = PZD 38 + 39 [38] = PZD 39 + 40 [39] = PZD 40 + 41 [40] = PZD 41 + 42 [41] = PZD 42 + 43 [42] = PZD 43 + 44 [43] = PZD 44 + 45 [44] = PZD 45 + 46 [45] = PZD 46 + 47 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 77 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [46] = PZD 47 + 48 [47] = PZD 48 + 49 [48] = PZD 49 + 50 [49] = PZD 50 + 51 [50] = PZD 51 + 52 [51] = PZD 52 + 53 [52] = PZD 53 + 54 [53] = PZD 54 + 55 [54] = PZD 55 + 56 [55] = PZD 56 + 57 [56] = PZD 57 + 58 [57] = PZD 58 + 59 [58] = PZD 59 + 60 [59] = PZD 60 + 61 [60] = PZD 61 + 62 [61] = PZD 62 + 63 [62] = PZD 63 + 64 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notice: A maximum of 4 indices of the "trace" function can be used. Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2064[0...7] PB/PN diagnostics clock cycle synchronism / PB/PN diag clock CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: - Description: Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - - FP - Displays the last parameter received from the PROFIBUS/PROFINET controller for clock synchronism. The parameters for clock synchronism are created when configuring the bus and are transferred at the start of cyclic operation from the controller to the device. 78 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = Clock synchronous mode activated [1] = Bus cycle time (Tdp) [s] [2] = Master cycle time (Tmapc) [s] [3] = Instant of actual value acquisition (Ti) [s] [4] = Instant of setpoint acquisition (To) [s] [5] = Data exchange interval (Tdx) [s] [6] = PLL window (Tpll-w) [1/12 s] [7] = PLL delay time (Tpll-d) [1/12 s] r2065 PB/PN controller sign of life diagnostics / PB/PN ctr SoL diag CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays how often the sign-of-life from the clock synchronous PROFIBUS/PROFINET controller last failed. r2067[0...1] IF1 PZD maximum interconnected / IF1 PZDmaxIntercon All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Display for the maximum interconnected PZD in the receive/send direction Index 0: receive (r2050, r2060) Index 1: send (p2051, p2061) p2072 Response receive value after PZD failure / Resp aft PZD fail DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 bin Description: Sets the response for the receive value (r2090) after PZD failure. Bit field: Bit 00 Signal name 1 signal Unconditionally open holding brake (p0855) Freeze value 0 signal Zero the value r2074[0...19] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics bus address PZD receive / IF1diag addr recv CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PROFIBUS address of the sender from which the process data (PZD) is received. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 FP - 79 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 125: Bus address of the sender 65535: Not assigned r2074[0...63] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics bus address PZD receive / IF1diag addr recv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PROFIBUS address of the sender from which the process data (PZD) is received. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 80 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 125: Bus address of the sender 65535: Not assigned r2074[0...4] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics bus address PZD receive / IF1diag addr recv TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PROFIBUS address of the sender from which the process data (PZD) is received. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 125: Bus address of the sender 65535: Not assigned r2075[0...19] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD receive / IF1 diag offs recv CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive receive telegram (controller output). Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 81 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 65535: Not assigned r2075[0...63] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD receive / IF1 diag offs recv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive receive telegram (controller output). Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 82 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 65535: Not assigned r2075[0...4] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD receive / IF1 diag offs recv TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive receive telegram (controller output). Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 65535: Not assigned r2076[0...24] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD send / IF1 diag offs send CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive send telegram (controller input). Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 83 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 65535: Not assigned r2076[0...63] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD send / IF1 diag offs send DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive send telegram (controller input). Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 84 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 65535: Not assigned r2076[0...4] IF1 PROFIdrive diagnostics telegram offset PZD send / IF1 diag offs send TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD byte offset in the PROFIdrive send telegram (controller input). Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Note: IF1: Interface 1 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 65535: Not assigned r2077[0...15] PROFIBUS diagnostics peer-to-peer data transfer addresses / PB diag peer addr CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the addresses of the slaves (peers) where peer-to-peer data transfer has been configured via PROFIBUS. p2079 IF1 PROFIdrive PZD telegram selection extended / IF1 PZD telegr ext CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 390 999 999 Description: Sets the send and receive telegram. Value: 390: 391: 392: 393: 394: Contrary to p0922, a telegram can be selected using p2079 and subsequently expanded. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 SIEMENS telegram 390, PZD-2/2 SIEMENS telegram 391, PZD-3/7 SIEMENS telegram 392, PZD-3/15 SIEMENS telegram 393, PZD-4/21 SIEMENS telegram 394, PZD-3/3 85 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 395: 396: 999: Note: SIEMENS telegram 395, PZD-4/25 SIEMENS telegram 396, PZD-20/21 Free telegram configuration with BICO For p0922 < 999 the following applies: p2079 has the same value and is inhibited. All of the interconnections and extensions contained in the telegram are inhibited. For p0922 = 999 the following applies: p2079 can be freely set. If p2079 is also set to 999, then all of the interconnections can be set. For p0922 = 999 and p2079 < 999 the following applies: The interconnections contained in the telegram are inhibited. However, the telegram can be extended. p2079 IF1 PROFIdrive PZD telegram selection extended / IF1 PZD telegr ext DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 1 999 999 Description: Sets the send and receive telegram. Value: 1: 3: 4: 20: 220: 352: 999: Dependency: Refer to: p0922 Note: For p0922 < 999 the following applies: Contrary to p0922, a telegram can be selected using p2079 and subsequently expanded. Standard telegram 1, PZD-2/2 Standard telegram 3, PZD-5/9 Standard telegram 4, PZD-6/14 Standard telegram 20, PZD-2/6 SIEMENS telegram 220, PZD-10/10 SIEMENS telegram 352, PZD-6/6 Free telegram configuration with BICO p2079 has the same value and is inhibited. All of the interconnections and extensions contained in the telegram are inhibited. For p0922 = 999 the following applies: p2079 can be freely set. If p2079 is also set to 999, then all of the interconnections can be set. For p0922 = 999 and p2079 < 999 the following applies: The interconnections contained in the telegram are inhibited. However, the telegram can be extended. p2080[0...15] BI: Binector-connector converter status word 1 / Bin/con ZSW1 All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2472 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent to the PROFIdrive controller. The individual bits are combined to form status word 1. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2088, r2089 86 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. p2081[0...15] BI: Binector-connector converter status word 2 / Bin/con ZSW2 All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2472 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent to the PROFIdrive controller. The individual bits are combined to form status word 2. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2088, r2089 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: For clock synchronous operation, bit 12 to 15 to transfer the sign-of-life are reserved in status word 2 - and may not be freely interconnected. p2082[0...15] BI: Binector-connector converter status word 3 / Bin/con ZSW3 All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2472 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent to the PROFIdrive controller. The individual bits are combined to form free status word 3. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2088, r2089 Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 87 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2083[0...15] BI: Binector-connector converter status word 4 / Bin/con ZSW4 All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2472 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent to the PROFIdrive controller. The individual bits are combined to form free status word 4. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2088, r2089 p2084[0...15] BI: Binector-connector converter status word 5 / Bin/con ZSW5 All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2472 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent to the PROFIdrive controller. The individual bits are combined to form free status word 5. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2088, r2089 p2088[0...4] Invert binector-connector converter status word / Bin/con ZSW inv All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2472 Description: 88 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Setting to invert the individual binector inputs of the binector connector converter. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = Status word 1 [1] = Status word 2 [2] = Free status word 3 [3] = Free status word 4 [4] = Free status word 5 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2080, p2081, p2082, p2083, r2089 r2089[0...4] CO: Send binector-connector converter status word / Bin/con ZSW send All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2472 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted 0 signal Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output to interconnect the status words to a PZD send word. Index: [0] = Status word 1 [1] = Status word 2 [2] = Free status word 3 [3] = Free status word 4 [4] = Free status word 5 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2051, p2080, p2081, p2082, p2083 Note: r2089 together with p2080 to p2084 forms five binector-connector converters. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - FP - 89 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2090.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIBUS PZD1 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD1 recv bitw CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2440, 2460, 2481 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD1 (normally control word 1) received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2090.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIBUS PZD1 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD1 recv bitw TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2468 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - - FP - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD1 (normally control word 1) received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: IF1: Interface 1 90 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2091.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD2 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD2 recv bitw CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2460, 2481 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD2 received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2091.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD2 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD2 recv bitw TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2468 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD2 received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2092.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD3 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD3 recv bitw CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2468 Description: Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - - FP - FP - Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD3 received from the PROFIdrive controller. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 91 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2092.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD3 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD3 recv bitw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - FP - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2460 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD3 received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2093.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD4 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD4 recv bitw CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2468 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - - FP - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD4 (normally control word 2) received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 92 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2093.0...15 BO: IF1 PROFIdrive PZD4 receive bit-serial / IF1 PZD4 recv bitw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2460 Min Max Factory setting - - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD4 (normally control word 2) received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: IF1: Interface 1 r2094.0...15 BO: Connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2460, 2481 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial onward interconnection of a PZD word received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2099 The PZD is selected via p2099[0]. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - 93 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2094.0...15 BO: Connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2468 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Binector output for bit-serial onward interconnection of a PZD word received from the PROFIdrive controller. The PZD is selected via p2099[0]. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Dependency: Refer to: p2099 r2095.0...15 BO: Connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2440, 2460, 2481 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of a PZD word received from the PROFIdrive controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2099 The PZD is selected via p2099[1]. 94 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2095.0...15 BO: Connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2468 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of a PZD word received from the PROFIdrive controller. The PZD is selected via p2099[1]. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Dependency: Refer to: p2099 p2098[0...1] Inverter connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp inv CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: FP - Func. diagram: 2460, 2481 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Setting to invert the individual binector outputs of the connector-binector converter. Using p2098[0], the signals of connector input p2099[0] are influenced. Using p2098[1], the signals of connector input p2099[1] are influenced. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: r2094, r2095, p2099 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted 0 signal Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted FP - 95 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2098[0...1] Inverter connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp inv TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2468 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Setting to invert the individual binector outputs of the connector-binector converter. Using p2098[0], the signals of connector input p2099[0] are influenced. Using p2098[1], the signals of connector input p2099[1] are influenced. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Dependency: Refer to: r2094, r2095, p2099 p2099[0...1] CI: Connector-binector converter signal source / Con/bin S_src CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T FP - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Description: 0 signal Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Func. diagram: 2460, 2481 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for the connector-binector converter. A PZD receive word can be selected as signal source. The signals are available to be serially passed-on (interconnection). Dependency: Refer to: r2094, r2095 Note: From the signal source set via the connector input, the corresponding lower 16 bits are converted. p2099[0...1] together with r2094.0...15 and r2095.0...15 forms two connector-binector converters: Connector input p2099[0] to binector output in r2094.0...15 Connector input p2099[1] to binector output in r2095.0...15 p2099[0...1] CI: Connector-binector converter signal source / Con/bin S_src TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Description: Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Func. diagram: 2468 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for the connector-binector converter. A PZD receive word can be selected as signal source. The signals are available to be serially passed-on (interconnection). Dependency: Refer to: r2094, r2095 Note: From the signal source set via the connector input, the corresponding lower 16 bits are converted. p2099[0...1] together with r2094.0...15 and r2095.0...15 forms two connector-binector converters: Connector input p2099[0] to binector output in r2094.0...15 Connector input p2099[1] to binector output in r2095.0...15 96 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2100[0...19] Change fault response fault number / Chng resp F_no CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Selects the faults for which the fault response should be changed Dependency: The fault is selected and the required response is set under the same index. Refer to: p2101 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. p2100[0...19] Change fault response fault number / Chng resp F_no TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Selects the faults for which the fault response should be changed Dependency: The fault is selected and the required response is set under the same index. Refer to: p2101 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. p2101[0...19] Change fault response response / Chng resp resp CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 0 0 Description: Sets the fault response for the selected fault. Value: 0: Dependency: The fault is selected and the required response is set under the same index. Notice: For the following cases, it is not possible to re-parameterize the fault response to a fault: NONE - Fault number does not exist (exception value = 0). - Message type is not "fault" (F). - Fault response is not permissible for the set fault number. Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. p2101[0...19] Change fault response response / Chng resp resp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 7 0 Description: Sets the fault response for the selected fault. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 5: 6: 7: Dependency: The fault is selected and the required response is set under the same index. NONE OFF1 OFF2 OFF3 Reserved Reserved Reserved Refer to: p2100 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 97 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Notice: For the following cases, it is not possible to re-parameterize the fault response to a fault: - Fault number does not exist (exception value = 0). - Message type is not "fault" (F). - Fault response is not permissible for the set fault number. Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. The fault response can only be changed for faults with the appropriate identification (see the List Manual, chapter "Faults and alarms"). Example: F12345 and fault response = OFF3 (OFF1, OFF2, NONE) --> The default fault response OFF3 can be changed to OFF1, OFF2 or NONE. Re value = 1 (OFF1): Braking along the ramp-function generator down ramp followed by a pulse inhibit. Re value = 2 (OFF2): Internal/external pulse inhibit. Re value = 3 (OFF3): Braking along the OFF3 down ramp followed by a pulse inhibit. Parameter values designated as "reserved", act just like the value = 2 (OFF2) p2101[0...19] Change fault response response / Chng resp resp TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 0 0 Description: Sets the fault response for the selected fault. Value: 0: Dependency: The fault is selected and the required response is set under the same index. Notice: For the following cases, it is not possible to re-parameterize the fault response to a fault: NONE - Fault number does not exist (exception value = 0). - Message type is not "fault" (F). - Fault response is not permissible for the set fault number. Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. p2102 BI: Acknowledge all faults / Ackn all faults CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546, 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source to acknowledge all faults at all drive objects of the drive system. Note: A fault acknowledgement is triggered with a 0/1 signal. p2103 BI: 1. Acknowledge faults / 1. Acknowledge CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the first signal source to acknowledge faults. Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: A fault acknowledgement is triggered with a 0/1 signal. 98 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2103[0...n] BI: 1. Acknowledge faults / 1. Acknowledge DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the first signal source to acknowledge faults. Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. Note: A fault acknowledgement is triggered with a 0/1 signal. p2104 BI: 2. Acknowledge faults / 2. Acknowledge CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the second signal source to acknowledge faults. Note: A fault acknowledgement is triggered with a 0/1 signal. p2104[0...n] BI: 2. Acknowledge faults / 2. Acknowledge DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the second signal source to acknowledge faults. Note: A fault acknowledgement is triggered with a 0/1 signal. p2105 BI: 3. Acknowledge faults / 3. Acknowledge CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the third signal source to acknowledge faults. Note: A fault acknowledgement is triggered with a 0/1 signal. p2105[0...n] BI: 3. Acknowledge faults / 3. Acknowledge DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the third signal source to acknowledge faults. Note: A fault acknowledgement is triggered with a 0/1 signal. p2106 BI: External fault 1 / External fault 1 CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external fault 1. Dependency: Refer to: F07860 Note: An external fault is triggered with a 1/0 signal. If this fault is output at the Control Unit, then it is transferred to all existing drive objects. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 99 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2106[0...n] BI: External fault 1 / External fault 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external fault 1. Dependency: Refer to: F07860 Note: An external fault is triggered with a 1/0 signal. If this fault is output at the Control Unit, then it is transferred to all existing drive objects. p2107 BI: External fault 2 / External fault 2 CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external fault 2. Dependency: Refer to: F07861 Note: An external fault is triggered with a 1/0 signal. If this fault is output at the Control Unit, then it is transferred to all existing drive objects. p2107[0...n] BI: External fault 2 / External fault 2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external fault 2. Dependency: Refer to: F07861 Note: An external fault is triggered with a 1/0 signal. If this fault is output at the Control Unit, then it is transferred to all existing drive objects. p2108 BI: External fault 3 / External fault 3 CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source for external fault 3. External fault 3 is initiated by the following AND logic operation: - BI: p2108 negated - BI: p3111 - BI: p3112 negated Dependency: Refer to: p3110, p3111, p3112 Refer to: F07862 Note: An external fault is triggered with a 1/0 signal. If this fault is output at the Control Unit, then it is transferred to all existing drive objects. p2108[0...n] BI: External fault 3 / External fault 3 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Description: 100 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source for external fault 3. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters External fault 3 is initiated by the following AND logic operation: - BI: p2108 negated - BI: p3111 - BI: p3112 negated Dependency: Refer to: p3110, p3111, p3112 Refer to: F07862 Note: An external fault is triggered with a 1/0 signal. If this fault is output at the Control Unit, then it is transferred to all existing drive objects. r2109[0...63] Fault time removed in milliseconds / t_flt resolved ms CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8050, 8060 Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the fault was removed. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2114, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3115, r3120, r3122 Notice: The time comprises r2136 (days) and r2109 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. r2109[0...63] Fault time removed in milliseconds / t_flt resolved ms DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the fault was removed. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2114, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3115, r3120, r3122 Notice: The time comprises r2136 (days) and r2109 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. r2110[0...63] Alarm number / Alarm number All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: This parameter is identical to r2122. p2111 Alarm counter / Alarm counter CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Number of alarms that have occurred after the last reset. Dependency: When p2111 is set to 0, the following is initiated: - all of the alarms of the alarm buffer that have gone [0...7] are transferred into the alarm history [8...63]. - the alarm buffer [0...7] is deleted. Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125 Note: The parameter is reset to 0 at POWER ON. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 101 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2111 Alarm counter / Alarm counter TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8065 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Number of alarms that have occurred after the last reset. Dependency: When p2111 is set to 0, the following is initiated: - all of the alarms of the alarm buffer that have gone [0...7] are transferred into the alarm history [8...63]. - the alarm buffer [0...7] is deleted. Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125 Note: The parameter is reset to 0 at POWER ON. p2112 BI: External alarm 1 / External alarm 1 CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external alarm 1. Dependency: Refer to: A07850 Note: An external alarm is triggered with a 1/0 signal. p2112[0...n] BI: External alarm 1 / External alarm 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external alarm 1. Dependency: Refer to: A07850 Note: An external alarm is triggered with a 1/0 signal. r2114[0...1] System runtime total / Sys runtime tot CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the total system runtime for the drive unit. The time comprises r2114[0] (milliseconds) and r2114[1] (days). After r2114[0] has reached a value of 86.400.000 ms (24 hours) this value is reset and r2114[1] is incremented. Index: [0] = Milliseconds [1] = Days Dependency: Refer to: r0948, r2109, r2123, r2125, r2130, r2136, r2145, r2146 Note: The time in r2114 is used to display the times for faults and alarms. When the electronic power supply is switched out, the counter values are saved. After the drive unit is powered up, the counter continues to run with the last value that was saved. p2116 BI: External alarm 2 / External alarm 2 CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external alarm 2. Dependency: Refer to: A07851 102 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: An external alarm is triggered with a 1/0 signal. p2116[0...n] BI: External alarm 2 / External alarm 2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external alarm 2. Dependency: Refer to: A07851 Note: An external alarm is triggered with a 1/0 signal. p2117 BI: External alarm 3 / External alarm 3 CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external alarm 3. Dependency: Refer to: A07852 Note: An external alarm is triggered with a 1/0 signal. p2117[0...n] BI: External alarm 3 / External alarm 3 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for external alarm 3. Dependency: Refer to: A07852 Note: An external alarm is triggered with a 1/0 signal. p2118[0...19] Change message type message number / Chng type msg_no CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Selects faults or alarms for which the message type should be changed. Dependency: Selects the fault or alarm selection and sets the required type of message realized under the same index. Refer to: p2119 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a message is present. The change only becomes effective after the message has gone. p2118[0...19] Change message type message number / Chng type msg_no DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Selects faults or alarms for which the message type should be changed. Dependency: Selects the fault or alarm selection and sets the required type of message realized under the same index. Refer to: p2119 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a message is present. The change only becomes effective after the message has gone. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 103 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p2119[0...19] Change message type type / Change type type CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8075 Min Max Factory setting 1 3 1 Description: Sets the message type for the selected fault or alarm. Value: 1: 2: 3: Dependency: Selects the fault or alarm selection and sets the required type of message realized under the same index. Fault (F) Alarm (A) No message (N) Refer to: p2118 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a message is present. The change only becomes effective after the message has gone. The message type can only be changed for messages with the appropriate identification (exception, value = 0). Example: F12345(A) --> Fault F12345 can be changed to alarm A12345. In this case, the message number that may be possibly entered in p2100[0...19] and p2126[0...19] is automatically removed. p2119[0...19] Change message type type / Change type type TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8075 Min Max Factory setting 1 3 1 Description: Sets the message type for the selected fault or alarm. Value: 1: 2: 3: Dependency: Selects the fault or alarm selection and sets the required type of message realized under the same index. Fault (F) Alarm (A) No message (N) Refer to: p2118 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a message is present. The change only becomes effective after the message has gone. The message type can only be changed for messages with the appropriate identification (exception, value = 0). Example: F12345(A) --> Fault F12345 can be changed to alarm A12345. In this case, the message number that may be possibly entered in p2100[0...19] and p2126[0...19] is automatically removed. r2120 CO: Sum of fault and alarm buffer changes / Sum buffer changed All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the sum of all of the fault and alarm buffer changes in the drive unit. Dependency: Refer to: r0944, r2121 r2121 CO: Counter alarm buffer changes / Alrm buff changed All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: This counter is incremented every time the alarm buffer changes. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125 104 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2122[0...63] Alarm code / Alarm code CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of alarms that have occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2123, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Notice: The properties of the alarm buffer should be taken from the corresponding product documentation. Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). Alarm buffer structure (general principle): r2122[0], r2124[0], r2123[0], r2125[0] --> alarm 1 (the oldest) ... r2122[7], r2124[7], r2123[7], r2125[7] --> Alarm 8 (the latest) When the alarm buffer is full, the alarms that have gone are entered into the alarm history: r2122[8], r2124[8], r2123[8], r2125[8] --> Alarm 1 (the latest) ... r2122[63], r2124[63], r2123[63], r2125[63] --> alarm 56 (the oldest) r2122[0...63] Alarm code / Alarm code TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of alarms that have occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2123, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Notice: The properties of the alarm buffer should be taken from the corresponding product documentation. Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). Alarm buffer structure (general principle): r2122[0], r2124[0], r2123[0], r2125[0] --> alarm 1 (the oldest) ... r2122[7], r2124[7], r2123[7], r2125[7] --> Alarm 8 (the latest) When the alarm buffer is full, the alarms that have gone are entered into the alarm history: r2122[8], r2124[8], r2123[8], r2125[8] --> Alarm 1 (the latest) ... r2122[63], r2124[63], r2123[63], r2125[63] --> alarm 56 (the oldest) r2123[0...63] Alarm time received in milliseconds / t_alarm recv ms CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the alarm occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2114, r2122, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Notice: The time comprises r2145 (days) and r2123 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. r2123[0...63] Alarm time received in milliseconds / t_alarm recv ms TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8050, 8065 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the alarm occurred. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 105 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2114, r2122, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Notice: The time comprises r2145 (days) and r2123 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. r2124[0...63] Alarm value / Alarm value CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays additional information about the active alarm (as integer number). Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. r2124[0...63] Alarm value / Alarm value TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 8050, 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays additional information about the active alarm (as integer number). Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. r2125[0...63] Alarm time removed in milliseconds / t_alarm res ms CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the alarm was cleared. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2114, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Notice: The time comprises r2146 (days) and r2125 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. r2125[0...63] Alarm time removed in milliseconds / t_alarm res ms TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8050, 8065 Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the system runtime in milliseconds when the alarm was cleared. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2114, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Notice: The time comprises r2146 (days) and r2125 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. p2126[0...19] Change acknowledge mode fault number / Chng ackn F_no CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: 106 Func. diagram: 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Selects the faults for which the acknowledge mode is to be changed SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Selects the faults and sets the required acknowledge mode realized under the same index Refer to: p2127 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. p2126[0...19] Change acknowledge mode fault number / Chng ackn F_no TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8075 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Selects the faults for which the acknowledge mode is to be changed Dependency: Selects the faults and sets the required acknowledge mode realized under the same index Refer to: p2127 Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. p2127[0...19] Change acknowledge mode mode / Chng ackn mode CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8075 Min Max Factory setting 1 3 1 Description: Sets the acknowledge mode for selected fault. Value: 1: 2: 3: Dependency: Selects the faults and sets the required acknowledge mode realized under the same index Acknowledgment only using POWER ON Ack IMMEDIATELY after the fault cause has been removed Acknowledgement only for PULSE INHIBIT Refer to: p2126 Notice: It is not possible to re-parameterize the acknowledge mode for a fault in the following cases: - Fault number does not exist (exception value = 0). - Message type is not "fault" (F). - Acknowledge mode is not permissible for the set fault number. Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. The acknowledge mode can only be changed for faults with the appropriate identification. Example: F12345 and acknowledge mode = IMMEDIATELY (POWER ON) --> The acknowledge mode can be changed from IMMEDIATELY to POWER ON. p2127[0...19] Change acknowledge mode mode / Chng ackn mode TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8075 Min Max Factory setting 1 3 1 Description: Sets the acknowledge mode for selected fault. Value: 1: 2: 3: Dependency: Selects the faults and sets the required acknowledge mode realized under the same index Acknowledgment only using POWER ON Ack IMMEDIATELY after the fault cause has been removed Acknowledgement only for PULSE INHIBIT Refer to: p2126 Notice: It is not possible to re-parameterize the acknowledge mode for a fault in the following cases: - Fault number does not exist (exception value = 0). - Message type is not "fault" (F). - Acknowledge mode is not permissible for the set fault number. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 107 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Re-parameterization is also possible if a fault is present. The change only becomes effective after the fault has been resolved. The acknowledge mode can only be changed for faults with the appropriate identification. Example: F12345 and acknowledge mode = IMMEDIATELY (POWER ON) --> The acknowledge mode can be changed from IMMEDIATELY to POWER ON. p2128[0...15] Faults/alarms trigger selection / F/A trigger sel CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8070 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Sets the faults/alarms for which a trigger signal should be generated in r2129.0...15. Dependency: If the fault/alarm set in p2128[0...15] occurs, then the particular binector output r2129.0...15 is set. Refer to: r2129 p2128[0...15] Faults/alarms trigger selection / F/A trigger sel TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8050, 8070 Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Sets the faults/alarms for which a trigger signal should be generated in r2129.0...15. Dependency: If the fault/alarm set in p2128[0...15] occurs, then the particular binector output r2129.0...15 is set. Refer to: r2129 r2129.0...15 CO/BO: Faults/alarms trigger signal / F/A trigger signal All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8070 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the trigger signals of the faults/alarms set in p2128[0...15]. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: If the fault/alarm set in p2128[0...15] occurs, then the particular binector output r2129.0...15 is set. Signal name Trigger signal p2128[0] Trigger signal p2128[1] Trigger signal p2128[2] Trigger signal p2128[3] Trigger signal p2128[4] Trigger signal p2128[5] Trigger signal p2128[6] Trigger signal p2128[7] Trigger signal p2128[8] Trigger signal p2128[9] Trigger signal p2128[10] Trigger signal p2128[11] Trigger signal p2128[12] Trigger signal p2128[13] Trigger signal p2128[14] Trigger signal p2128[15] 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - Refer to: p2128 Note: CO: r2129 = 0 --> None of the selected messages has occurred. CO: r2129 > 0 --> At least one of the selected messages has occurred. 108 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2130[0...63] Fault time received in days / t_fault recv days All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the system runtime in days when the fault occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2114, r2133, r2136, r3115, r3120, r3122 Notice: The time comprises r2130 (days) and r0948 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). r2131 CO: Actual fault code / Act fault code All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the code of the oldest active fault. Dependency: Refer to: r3131, r3132 Note: 0: No fault present. r2132 CO: Actual alarm code / Actual alarm code All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the code of the last alarm that occurred. Note: 0: No alarm present. r2133[0...63] Fault value for float values / Fault val float All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays additional information about the fault that occurred for float values. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2136, r3115 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). r2134[0...63] Alarm value for float values / Alarm value float All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays additional information about the active alarm for float values. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125, r2145, r2146, r3121, r3123 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). r2135.0...2 CO/BO: Status word faults/alarms 2 / ZSW fault/alarm 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2548 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Display and BICO output for the second status word of faults and alarms. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 109 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 Signal name Fault encoder 1 Fault encoder 2 Fault encoder 3 1 signal Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No r2135.0...15 CO/BO: Status word faults/alarms 2 / ZSW fault/alarm 2 DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2548 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the second status word of faults and alarms. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 12 13 14 15 r2136[0...63] Fault time removed in days / t_flt resolv days All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8060 Signal name Fault encoder 1 Fault encoder 2 Fault encoder 3 Fault motor overtemperature Fault power unit thermal overload Alarm motor overtemperature Alarm power unit thermal overload 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the system runtime in days when the fault was removed. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2114, r2130, r2133, r3115, r3120, r3122 Notice: The time comprises r2136 (days) and r2109 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). r2138.7...15 CO/BO: Control word faults/alarms / STW fault/alarm CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Func. diagram: 2546, 8060, 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the control word of faults and alarms. Bit field: Bit 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p2103, p2104, p2105, p2106, p2107, p2108, p2112, p2116, p2117, p3110, p3111, p3112 r2138.7...15 CO/BO: Control word faults/alarms / STW fault/alarm TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2546 110 FP 8016 8014 8016 8014 Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: FP - Signal name Acknowledge fault External alarm 1 (A07850) effective External alarm 2 (A07851) effective External alarm 3 (A07852) effective External fault 1 (F07860) effective External fault 2 (F07861) effective External fault 3 (F07862) effective 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No Min Max Factory setting - - - FP 8060 8065 8065 8065 8060 8060 8060 Display and BICO output for the control word of faults and alarms. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Bit field: Bit 07 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Acknowledge fault External alarm 1 (A07850) effective External alarm 2 (A07851) effective External alarm 3 (A07852) effective External fault 1 (F07860) effective External fault 2 (F07861) effective External fault 3 (F07862) effective 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Dependency: Refer to: p2103, p2104, p2105, p2106, p2107, p2108, p2112, p2116, p2117, p3110, p3111, p3112 r2139.0...15 CO/BO: Status word faults/alarms 1 / ZSW fault/alarm 1 CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - 0 signal No No No No No No No FP 8060 8065 8065 8065 8060 8060 8060 Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2548, 8060, 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for status word 1 of faults and alarms. Bit field: Bit 00 01 03 05 06 07 08 11 12 13 14 15 Note: Re bit 03, 05, 07: Signal name Being acknowledged Acknowledgment required Fault present Safety message present Internal message 1 present Alarm present Internal message 2 present Alarm class bit 0 Alarm class bit 1 Maintenance required Maintenance urgently required Fault gone/can be acknowledged 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes High High Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No Low Low No No No FP 8060 8065 - These bits are set if at least one fault/alarm occurs. Data is entered into the fault/alarm buffer with delay. This is the reason that the fault/alarm buffer should only be read if, after "fault present" or "alarm present" has occurred, a change in the buffer was also detected (r0944, r9744, r2121). Re bit 06, 08: These status bits are used for internal diagnostic purposes only. Re bit 12, 11: These status bits are used for the classification of internal alarm classes and are intended for diagnostic purposes only on certain automation systems with integrated SINAMICS functionality. r2139.0...15 CO/BO: Status word faults/alarms 1 / ZSW fault/alarm 1 TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2548 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for status word 1 of faults and alarms. Bit field: Bit 00 01 03 05 06 07 08 11 12 13 14 15 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Being acknowledged Acknowledgment required Fault present Safety message present Internal message 1 present Alarm present Internal message 2 present Alarm class bit 0 Alarm class bit 1 Maintenance required Maintenance urgently required Fault gone/can be acknowledged 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes High High Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No Low Low No No No FP 8060 8065 - 111 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Re bit 03, 05, 07: These bits are set if at least one fault/alarm occurs. Data is entered into the fault/alarm buffer with delay. This is the reason that the fault/alarm buffer should only be read if, after "fault present" or "alarm present" has occurred, a change in the buffer was also detected (r0944, r9744, r2121). Re bit 06, 08: These status bits are used for internal diagnostic purposes only. Re bit 12, 11: These status bits are used for the classification of internal alarm classes and are intended for diagnostic purposes only on certain automation systems with integrated SINAMICS functionality. r2145[0...63] Alarm time received in days / t_alarm recv days All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the system runtime in days when the alarm occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2114, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2146, r3121, r3123 Notice: The time comprises r2145 (days) and r2123 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). r2146[0...63] Alarm time removed in days / t_alarm res days All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the system runtime in days when the alarm was cleared. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2114, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2145, r3121, r3123 Notice: The time comprises r2146 (days) and r2125 (milliseconds). Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). p2147 Delete fault buffer of all drive objects / Del fault buffer CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to delete the fault buffer of all existing drive objects. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136 Note: p2147 is automatically set to 0 after execution. Inactive Start to delete the fault buffer of all drive objects r2197.3...7 CO/BO: Status word monitoring 1 / ZSW monitor 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2534 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the first status word of the monitoring functions. Bit field: Bit 03 07 112 Signal name n_act >= 0 Speed setp - act val deviation in tolerance t_off 1 signal Yes Yes 0 signal No No FP 8011 8011 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r2199.1 CO/BO: Status word monitoring 3 / ZSW monitor 3 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2537 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the third status word of the monitoring functions. Bit field: Bit 01 r2706 CO: Reference temp / Reference temp TM150, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Signal name f or n comparison value reached or exceeded 1 signal Yes 0 signal No Min Max Factory setting - - - FP 8010 Connector output of the reference quantity for temperatures. All temperatures specified as relative value are referred to this reference quantity. The reference quantity corresponds to 100% or 4000 hex (word) or 4000 0000 hex (double word). This parameter has the unit degree Celsius. Note: This BICO parameter provides the numerical value of the reference quantity for the temperature as a connector output for interconnection with Drive Control Chart (DCC). The numerical value can be adopted unchanged from this connector output in DCC. This BICO parameter is not suitable for interconnecting for cyclic communication. p2900[0...n] CO: Fixed value 1 [%] / Fixed value 1 [%] DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -10000.00 [%] 10000.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Setting and connector output for a fixed percentage value. Dependency: Refer to: p2901, r2902, p2930 Notice: A BICO interconnection to a parameter that belongs to a drive data set always acts on the effective data set. Note: The value can be used to interconnect a scaling function (e.g. scaling of the main setpoint) p2901[0...n] CO: Fixed value 2 [%] / Fixed value 2 [%] DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -10000.00 [%] 10000.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Setting and connector output for a fixed percentage value. Dependency: Refer to: p2900, p2930 Notice: A BICO interconnection to a parameter that belongs to a drive data set always acts on the effective data set. Note: The value can be used to interconnect a scaling function (e.g. scaling of the supplementary setpoint) r2902[0...14] CO: Fixed values [%] / Fixed values [%] DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for frequently used percentage values. Index: [0] = Fixed value +0 % [1] = Fixed value +5 % [2] = Fixed value +10 % [3] = Fixed value +20 % SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 113 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [4] = Fixed value +50 % [5] = Fixed value +100 % [6] = Fixed value +150 % [7] = Fixed value +200 % [8] = Fixed value -5 % [9] = Fixed value -10 % [10] = Fixed value -20 % [11] = Fixed value -50 % [12] = Fixed value -100 % [13] = Fixed value -150 % [14] = Fixed value -200 % Dependency: Refer to: p2900, p2901, p2930 Note: The signal sources can, for example, be used to interconnect scalings. p2930[0...n] CO: Fixed value M [Nm] / Fixed value M [Nm] DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -100000.00 [Nm] 100000.00 [Nm] 0.00 [Nm] Description: Setting and connector output for a fixed torque value. Dependency: Refer to: p2900, p2901, r2902 Notice: A BICO interconnection to a parameter that belongs to a drive data set always acts on the effective data set. Note: The value can, for example, be used to interconnect a supplementary torque. p3100 RTC time stamp mode / RTC t_stamp mode CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 2 2 Sets the mode for the time stamp p3100 = 0: Time stamp, operating hours p3100 = 1: Time stamp, UTC format p3100 = 2: Time stamp, operating hours + 01.01.2000 Notice: The realtime format (p3100 = 1), once selected, remains until the next time that the system is switched off. Switching back to operating hours (p3100 = 0) or operating hours + 01.01.2000 (p3100=2) is prevented. Note: RTC: Real-time clock UTC: Universal Time Coordinates The UTC time started, according to the definition on 01.01.1970 at 00:00:00 and is output in days and milliseconds. p3101[0...1] RTC set UTC time / RTC set UTC CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 0 Setting the UTC time. This means that the drive system is synchronized to the time specified by the time master. To start p3101[1] must be written to followed by p3101[0]. After writing to p3101[0], the UTC time is accepted. p3101[0]: Milliseconds p3101[1]: Days 114 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r3102[0...1] RTC read UTC time / RTC read UTC CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the actual UTC time in the drive system. p3102[0]: Milliseconds p3102[1]: Days p3103 RTC synchronization source / RTC sync_source CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the synchronization source/technique. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: p3104 BI: RTC real time synchronization PING / RTC PING CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - PROFIBUS PROFINET PPI PROFINET PTP Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for the PING event to set the UTC time. Notice: The parameter may be protected as a result of p0922 or p2079 and cannot be changed. r3107[0...3] RTC synchronizing time / RTC t_sync CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the last synchronizing event in the drive system. 3107[0, 1]: synchronizing event after synchronization r3107[0]: milliseconds r3107[1]: days 3107[2, 3]: synchronizing event before synchronization r3107[2]: milliseconds r3107[3]: days r3108[0...1] RTC last synchronization deviation / RTC sync_dev CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the absolute value of the last synchronization deviation that was determined. r3108[0]: Milliseconds r3108[1]: Days SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 115 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p3109 RTC real time synchronization tolerance window / RTC sync tol CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 1000 [ms] 100 [ms] Sets the tolerance window for time synchronization. When this tolerance window is exceeded, an appropriate alarm is output. Dependency: Refer to: A01099 p3110 External fault 3 power-up delay / Ext fault 3 t_on All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2546 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 1000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for external fault 3. Dependency: Refer to: p2108, p3111, p3112 Refer to: F07862 p3111 BI: External fault 3 enable / Ext fault 3 enab CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source for the enable signal of external fault 3. External fault 3 is initiated by the following AND logic operation: - BI: p2108 negated - BI: p3111 - BI: p3112 negated Dependency: Refer to: p2108, p3110, p3112 Refer to: F07862 p3111[0...n] BI: External fault 3 enable / Ext fault 3 enab DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source for the enable signal of external fault 3. External fault 3 is initiated by the following AND logic operation: - BI: p2108 negated - BI: p3111 - BI: p3112 negated Dependency: Refer to: p2108, p3110, p3112 Refer to: F07862 p3112 BI: External fault 3 enable negated / Ext flt 3 enab neg CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2546 Description: 116 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for the negated enable signal of external fault 3. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters External fault 3 is initiated by the following AND logic operation: - BI: p2108 negated - BI: p3111 - BI: p3112 negated Dependency: Refer to: p2108, p3110, p3111 Refer to: F07862 p3112[0...n] BI: External fault 3 enable negated / Ext flt 3 enab neg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for the negated enable signal of external fault 3. External fault 3 is initiated by the following AND logic operation: - BI: p2108 negated - BI: p3111 - BI: p3112 negated Dependency: Refer to: p2108, p3110, p3111 Refer to: F07862 r3113.0...15 CO/BO: NAMUR message bit bar / NAMUR bit bar CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Display and BICO output for the status of the NAMUR message bit bar. The faults and alarms are assigned to the appropriate signaling/message classes and influence a specific message bit. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 Note: Signal name Fault converter information electronics/software error Network fault DC link overvoltage Fault drive converter power electronics Drive converter overtemperature Ground fault Motor overload Bus error External safety-relevant shutdown Mot encoder fault Error communication internal Fault infeed Other faults 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No - Re bit 00: Hardware or software malfunction was identified. Carry out a POWER ON of the component involved. If it occurs again, contact the hotline. Re bit 01: A line supply fault has occurred (phase failure, voltage level, ...). Check the line supply / fuses. Check the supply voltage. Check the wiring. Re bit 02: The DC link voltage has assumed an inadmissibly high value. Check the dimensioning of the system (line supply, reactor, voltages). Check the infeed settings. Re bit 03: An inadmissible operating state of the power electronics was identified (overcurrent, overtemperature, IGBT failure, ...). Check that the permissible load cycles are maintained. Check the ambient temperatures (fan). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 117 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Re bit 04: The temperature in the component has exceeded the highest permissible limit. Check the ambient temperature / control cabinet cooling. Re bit 05: A ground fault / inter-phase short-circuit was detected in the power cables or in the motor windings. Check the power cable (connection). Check the motor. Re bit 06: The motor was operated outside the permissible limits (temperature, current, torque, ...). Check the load cycles and limits that have been set. Check the ambient temperature / motor cooling. Re bit 07: The communication to the higher-level control system (internal coupling, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, ...) is faulted or interrupted. Check the state of the higher-level control system. Check the communication connection/wiring. Check the bus configuration / clock cycles. Re bit 08: A safety operation monitoring function (Safety) has detected an error. Re bit 09: When evaluating the encoder signals (track signals, zero marks, absolute values, ...) an illegal signal state was detected. Check the encoder / state of the encoder signals. Observe the maximum frequencies. Re bit 10: The internal communication between the SINAMICS components is faulted or interrupted. Check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring. Ensure an EMC-compliant design. Observe the maximum permissible quantity structure / clock cycles. Re bit 11: The infeed is faulted or has failed. Check the infeed and the surroundings (line supply, filter, reactors, fuses, ...). Check the closed-loop infeed control. Re bit 15: Group fault. Determine the precise cause of the fault using the commissioning tool. r3114.9...11 CO/BO: Messages status word global / Msg ZSW global CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the global status word for messages. The appropriate bit is set if at least one message is present at the drive objects. Bit field: Bit 09 10 11 Signal name Group alarm present Group fault present Safety group message present 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Note: The status bits are displayed with delay. r3115[0...63] Fault drive object initiating / F DO initiating CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - FP 8065 8060 - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Description: 0 signal No No No Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the drive object number of the initiating drive object for this fault as integer number. Value = 63: The fault was initiated by the drive object itself. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3120, r3122 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. 118 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r3115[0...63] Fault drive object initiating / F DO initiating TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 8050, 8060 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the drive object number of the initiating drive object for this fault as integer number. Value = 63: The fault was initiated by the drive object itself. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3120, r3122 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. p3116 BI: Acknowledgement automatically suppressed / Ackn suppress CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 8060 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for the automatic acknowledgement on the device drive object. BI: p3116 = 0 signal Faults present are automatically acknowledged on the device drive object. Local device faults are forwarded to the first active drive object. BI: p3116 = 1 signal Faults present are not automatically acknowledged on the device drive object. Local device faults are not forwarded. Dependency: Refer to: p2102, p2103, p2104, p2105, p3981 Note: When selecting a standard telegram, the BICO interconnection for control signal STW1.10 (master control by PLC) is automatically established. r3120[0...63] Component fault / Comp fault All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the component of the fault which has occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3122 Note: Value = 0: Assignment to a component not possible. The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. r3121[0...63] Component alarm / Comp alarm All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the component of the alarm which has occurred. Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3123 Note: Value = 0: Assignment to a component not possible. The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 119 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r3122[0...63] Diagnostic attribute fault / Diag_attr fault All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the diagnostic attribute of the fault which has occurred. Bit field: Bit 00 15 16 17 18 19 20 Dependency: Refer to: r0945, r0947, r0948, r0949, r2109, r2130, r2133, r2136, r3120 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). Signal name Hardware replacement recommended Message has gone PROFIdrive fault class bit 0 PROFIdrive fault class bit 1 PROFIdrive fault class bit 2 PROFIdrive fault class bit 3 PROFIdrive fault class bit 4 1 signal Yes Yes High High High High High 0 signal No No Low Low Low Low Low FP - The structure of the fault buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r0945. Re bits 20 ... 16: Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 0: not assigned Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 1: hardware fault/software error Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 2: line fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 3: supply voltage fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 4: DC link fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 5: power electronics faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 6: overtemperature electronic components Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 7: ground fault/phase fault detected Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 8: motor overload Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 9: communication error to the higher-level control Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 10: safe monitoring channel has identified an error Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 11: incorrect position actual value/speed actual value or not available Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 12: internal (DRIVE-CLiQ) communication error Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 13: infeed unit faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 14: braking controller/Braking Module faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 15: line filter faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 16: external measured value/signal state outside the permissible range Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 17: application/technology function faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 18: error in the parameterization/configuration/commissioning sequence Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 19: general drive fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 20: auxiliary unit faulted r3123[0...63] Diagnostic attribute alarm / Diag_attr alarm All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the diagnostic attribute of the alarm which has occurred. Bit field: Bit 00 11 12 13 120 Signal name Hardware replacement recommended Alarm class bit 0 Alarm class bit 1 Maintenance required 1 signal Yes High High Yes 0 signal No Low Low No FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Maintenance urgently required Message has gone PROFIdrive fault class bit 0 PROFIdrive fault class bit 1 PROFIdrive fault class bit 2 PROFIdrive fault class bit 3 PROFIdrive fault class bit 4 Yes Yes High High High High High No No Low Low Low Low Low Dependency: Refer to: r2110, r2122, r2123, r2124, r2125, r2134, r2145, r2146, r3121 Note: The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). - The structure of the alarm buffer and the assignment of the indices is shown in r2122. Re bit 12, 11: These status bits are used for the classification of internal alarm classes and are intended for diagnostic purposes only on certain automation systems with integrated SINAMICS functionality. Re bits 20 ... 16: Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 0: not assigned Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 1: hardware fault/software error Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 2: line fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 3: supply voltage fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 4: DC link fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 5: power electronics faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 6: overtemperature electronic components Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 7: ground fault/phase fault detected Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 8: motor overload Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 9: communication error to the higher-level control Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 10: safe monitoring channel has identified an error Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 11: incorrect position actual value/speed actual value or not available Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 12: internal (DRIVE-CLiQ) communication error Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 13: infeed unit faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 14: braking controller/Braking Module faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 15: line filter faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 16: external measured value/signal state outside the permissible range Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 17: application/technology function faulted Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 18: error in the parameterization/configuration/commissioning sequence Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 --> PROFIdrive message class 19: general drive fault Bits 20, 19, 18, 17, 16 = 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 --> PROFIdrive message class 20: auxiliary unit faulted r3131 CO: Actual fault value / Act fault val All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the fault value of the oldest active fault. Dependency: Refer to: r2131, r3132 r3132 CO: Actual component number / Comp_no act All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the component number of the oldest fault that is still active. Dependency: Refer to: r2131, r3131 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 121 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p3135 Suppress active fault / Supp act flt DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8060 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Sets the suppression of r2139.3 "Fault present" for certain fault responses. Bit field: Bit 08 10 Dependency: Refer to: r2139 Note: Depending on the suppression of a fault reaction in this parameter, r2139.1 "Acknowledgement required" is set when at least one fault occurs. Signal name Suppression of fault response ENCODER Suppression of fault response NONE 1 signal ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF FP - Re bit 08: The suppression is only effective if p0491 = 1. p3950 Service parameter / Serv par CU_DCP Can be changed: C1, U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: For service personnel only. r3974 Drive unit status word / Drv_unit ZSW CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status word for the drive unit. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 Signal name Software reset active Writing of parameters disabled as parameter save in progress Writing of parameters disabled as macro is running 1 signal Yes Yes 0 signal No No FP - Yes No - r3977 BICO counter topology / BICO counter topo CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the BICO interconnections that have been parameterized in the complete (overall) topology. The counter is incremented by one for each modified BICO interconnection. Dependency: Refer to: r3978, r3979 r3978 BICO CounterDevice / BICO CounterDevice CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the counter reading for modified BICO interconnections on this device. The counter is incremented by one for each modified BICO interconnection. 122 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r3979 BICO counter drive object / BICO counter DO DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the counter reading for modified BICO interconnections on this drive object. The counter is incremented by one for each modified BICO interconnection. p3981 Faults acknowledge drive object / Faults ackn DO All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8060 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Setting to acknowledge all active faults of a drive object. Notice: Safety messages cannot be acknowledged using this parameter. Note: Parameter should be set from 0 to 1 to acknowledge. After acknowledgement, the parameter is automatically reset to 0. p3985 Master control mode selection / PcCtrl mode select DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the mode to change over the master control / LOCAL mode. Value: 0: 1: Danger: When changing the master control in operation, the drive can manifest undesirable behavior - e.g. it can accelerate up to another setpoint. r3986 Parameter count / Parameter No. All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Change master control for STW1.0 = 0 Change master control in operation Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of parameters for this drive unit. Dependency: Refer to: r0980, r0981, r0989 r3988[0...1] Boot state / Boot_state CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - The number comprises the device-specific and the drive-specific parameters. Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 10800 - Index 0: Displays the boot state. Index 1: Displays the partial boot state Value: 0: 1: 10: 20: 30: 40: SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Not active Fatal fault Fault Reset all parameters Drive object modified Download using commissioning software 123 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 50: 90: 100: 110: 150: 160: 170: 180: 200: 210: 250: 325: 350: 360: 370: 380: 550: 625: 650: 660: 670: 680: 690: 700: 725: 740: 745: 750: 800: 10050: 10100: 10150: 10200: 10250: 10300: 10350: 10400: 10450: 10500: 10550: 10600: 10800: Parameter download using commissioning software Reset Control Unit and delete drive objects Start initialization Instantiate Control Unit basis Wait until actual topology determined Evaluate topology Instantiate Control Unit reset Initialization YDB configuration information First commissioning Create drive packages Wait for topology acknowledge Wait for input of drive type Determine drive type Write into topology-dependent parameters Wait until p0009 = 0 is set Check topology Call conversion functions for parameter Wait non-cyclic starting DRIVE-CLiQ Start cyclic operation Evaluate drive commissioning status Autom. FW update DRIVE-CLiQ components Wait for CU LINK slaves Wait non-cyclic starting DRIVE-CLiQ Save parameters Wait until DRIVE-CLiQ cyclic Check the ability to operate Start of the time slices Interrupt enable Initialization finished Wait for synchronization Wait for CU LINK slaves Wait until actual topology determined Evaluation component status Call conversion functions for parameter Preparation cyclic operation Autom. FW update DRIVE-CLiQ components Wait for slave properties Check CX/NX status Wait until DRIVE-CLiQ cyclic Carry out warm start Evaluate, encoder status Partial boot completed Index: [0] = System [1] = Partial boot r3996[0...1] Parameter write inhibit status / Par_write inhib st All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays whether writing to parameters is inhibited. r3996[0] = 0: Parameter write not inhibited. 0 < r3996[0] < 100: Parameter write inhibited. The value shows how the calculations are progressing. Index: [0] = Progress calculations [1] = Cause Note: Re index 1: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. 124 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4021 TM15DI/DO digital inputs terminal actual value / TM15D DI act val TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9400, 9401, 9402 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the actual value at the digital inputs. This means that the actual input signal can be checked at terminal DI x or DI/DO x prior to switching from the simulation mode (p4095.x = 1) to terminal mode (p4095.x = 0). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Note: If a DI/DO is parameterized as output (p4028.x = 1), then r4021.x = 0 is displayed. FP - DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output r4021 TM31 digital inputs terminal actual value / TM31 DI act value TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9550, 9552, 9560, 9562 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the actual value at the digital inputs. This means that the actual input signal can be checked at terminal DI x or DI/DO x prior to switching from the simulation mode (p4095.x = 1) to terminal mode (p4095.x = 0). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name DI 0 (X520.1) DI 1 (X520.2) DI 2 (X520.3) DI 3 (X520.4) DI 4 (X530.1) DI 5 (X530.2) DI 6 (X530.3) DI 7 (X530.4) DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - 125 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: If a DI/DO is parameterized as output (p4028.x = 1), then r4021.x = 0 is displayed. DI: Digital Input DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output r4022.0...23 CO/BO: TM15DI/DO digital inputs status / TM15D DI status TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9399, 9400, 9401, 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status of the digital inputs of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Dependency: Refer to: r4023, r4024, r4025 Notice: For the BICO interconnection of the connector output (CO) only bit 00 ... 15 are transferred. Note: DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - r4022.0...11 CO/BO: TM31 digital inputs status / TM31 DI status TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9550, 9552, 9560, 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status of the digital inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 126 Signal name DI 0 (X520.1) DI 1 (X520.2) DI 2 (X520.3) DI 3 (X520.4) DI 4 (X530.1) DI 5 (X530.2) DI 6 (X530.3) DI 7 (X530.4) DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r4023 Note: DI: Digital Input DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output r4023.0...23 CO/BO: TM15DI/DO digital inputs status inverted / TM15D DI stat inv TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9399, 9400, 9401, 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the inverted status of the digital inputs of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Dependency: Refer to: r4022, r4024, r4025 Notice: For the BICO interconnection of the connector output (CO) only bit 00 ... 15 are transferred. Note: DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - r4023.0...11 CO/BO: TM31 digital inputs status inverted / TM31 DI status inv TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9550, 9552, 9560, 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the inverted status of the digital inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name DI 0 (X520.1) DI 1 (X520.2) DI 2 (X520.3) DI 3 (X520.4) DI 4 (X530.1) DI 5 (X530.2) DI 6 (X530.3) DI 7 (X530.4) DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - 127 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r4022 Note: DI: Digital Input DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output r4024 CO: TM15DI/DO digital inputs 16 ... 23 status / TM15D DI 16-23 St TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status of digital inputs 16 ... 23 of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Dependency: Refer to: r4022, r4023, r4025 Note: DI: Digital Input r4025 CO: TM15DI/DO digital inputs 16 ... 23 status inverted / TM15D DI 16-23 inv TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9402 Signal name DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - - FP - Description: Displays the inverted status of digital inputs 16 ... 23 of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Dependency: Refer to: r4022, r4023, r4024 Note: DI: Digital Input p4028 TM15DI/DO set input or output / TM15D DI or DO TM15DI_DO Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9399, 9400, 9401, 9402 Signal name DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Sets the bidirectional digital inputs/outputs on the Terminal Module 15 (TM15) as input or output. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 128 FP - Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) 1 signal Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output 0 signal Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Output Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input - Note: DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4028 TM31 set input or output / TM31 DI or DO TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9560, 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Sets the bidirectional digital inputs/outputs as input or output on the Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 08 09 10 11 Note: DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4030 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 0 / TM15D S_src DI/DO0 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9399, 9400 Signal name DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal Output Output Output Output 0 signal Input Input Input Input Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 0 (X520.2) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.0 = 1). FP - DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4030 BI: TM31 signal source for terminal DO 0 / TM31 s_src DO 0 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9549, 9556 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for the digital output DO 0 (X542.1, X542.2, X542.3) of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Digital output 0 of TM31 is a relay output. If the signal at the binector input p4030 is low, then terminal COM 0 (X542.2) is connected to NC 0 (X542.1). This connection also matches the mechanical quiescent setting of the relay. If the signal at the binector input p4030 is high, then terminal COM 0 (X542.2) is connected to NO 0 (X542.3). Note: DO: Digital Output NC: Normally Closed contact NO: Normally Open contact SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 129 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4031 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 1 / TM15D S_src DI/DO1 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9400 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 1 (X520.3) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.1 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4031 BI: TM31 signal source for terminal DO 1 / TM31 s_src DO 1 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9549, 9556 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for the digital output DO 1 (X542.4, X542.5, X542.6) of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Digital output 1 of TM31 is a relay output. If the signal at the binector input p4031 is low, then terminal COM 1 (X542.5) is connected to NC 1 (X542.4). This connection also matches the mechanical quiescent setting of the relay. If the signal at the binector input p4031 is high, then terminal COM 1 (X542.5) is connected to NO 1 (X542.6). Note: DO: Digital Output NC: Normally Closed contact NO: Normally Open contact p4032 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 2 / TM15D S_src DI/DO2 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9400 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 2 (X520.4) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.2 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4033 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 3 / TM15D S_src DI/DO3 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9400 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 3 (X520.5) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.3 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4034 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 4 / TM15D S_src DI/DO4 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9400 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 4 (X520.6) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.4 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output 130 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4035 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 5 / TM15D S_src DI/DO5 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9400 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 5 (X520.7) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.5 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4036 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 6 / TM15D S_src DI/DO6 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9400 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 6 (X520.8) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.6 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4037 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 7 / TM15D s_src DI/DO7 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9400 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 7 (X520.9) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.7 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4038 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 8 / TM15D s_src DI/DO8 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 8 (X521.2) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.8 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4038 BI: TM31 signal source for terminal DI/DO 8 / TM31 S_src DI/DO8 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9549, 9560 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 8 (X541.2) of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.8 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4039 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 9 / TM15D s_src DI/DO9 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 9 (X521.3) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 131 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.9 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4039 BI: TM31 signal source for terminal DI/DO 9 / TM31 S_src DI/DO9 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9560 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 9 (X541.3) of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.9 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4040 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 10 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO10 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 10 (X521.4) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.10 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4040 BI: TM31 signal source for terminal DI/DO 10 / TM31 S_src DI/DO10 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 10 (X541.4) of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.10 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4041 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 11 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO11 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 11 (X521.5) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.11 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4041 BI: TM31 signal source for terminal DI/DO 11 / TM31 S_src DI/DO11 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9549, 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 11 (X541.5) of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.11 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output 132 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4042 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 12 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO12 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 12 (X521.6) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.12 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4043 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 13 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO13 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 13 (X521.7) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.13 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4044 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 14 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO14 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 14 (X521.8) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.14 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4045 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 15 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO15 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9401 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 15 (X521.9) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.15 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4046 TM31 digital outputs limit current / TM31 DO limit curr TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9560 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the limit for the total output voltage of terminals X541.1, X541.2, X541.3 and X541.4 (DI/DO 8 ... 11) of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: p4028 Warning: Since the sum of the output currents at terminals X541.1, X541.2, X541.3 and X541.4 is limited, an overcurrent or short circuit at one output terminal can cause a dip in the signal at the other terminals. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 0.1 A total current limit DI/DO 8 ... 11 1.0 A total current limit DI/DO 8 ... 11 133 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4047 TM15DI/DO digital outputs status / TM15D DO status TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9400, 9401, 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status of the digital outputs of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Note: Inversion using p4048 has been taken into account. Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - The setting of the DI/DO as either input or output is of no significance (p4028). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output r4047 TM31 digital outputs status / TM31 DO status TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9556, 9560, 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status of the digital outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 00 01 08 09 10 11 Note: Inversion using p4048 has been taken into account. Signal name DO 0 (X542.1 - 3) DO 1 (X542.4 - 6) DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - The setting of the DI/DO as either input or output is of no significance (p4028). DO: Digital Output DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output 134 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4048 TM15DI/DO invert digital outputs / TM15D DO inv TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9400, 9401, 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Setting to invert the signals at the digital outputs of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Note: DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4048 TM31 invert digital outputs / TM31 DO inv TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9556, 9560, 9562 Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted 0 signal Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted FP - Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Setting to invert the signals at the digital outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 00 01 08 09 10 11 Note: DO: Digital Output Signal name DO 0 (X542.1 - 3) DO 1 (X542.4 - 6) DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted 0 signal Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted FP - DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output r4052[0...1] CO: TM31 analog inputs current input voltage/current / TM31 AI U/I_inp TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the actual input voltage in V when set as voltage input. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 135 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Displays the actual input current in mA when set as current input and with the load resistor switched in. Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Dependency: The type of analog input AI x (voltage or current input) is set using p4056. Refer to: p4056 Note: AI: Analog Input p4053[0...1] TM31 analog inputs smoothing time constant / TM31 AI T_smooth TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting 0.0 [ms] 1000.0 [ms] 0.0 [ms] Description: Sets the smoothing time constant of the 1st-order low pass filter for the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Note: AI: Analog Input r4055[0...1] CO: TM31 analog inputs actual value in percent / TM31 AI value in % TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the currently referred input value of the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Note: AI: Analog Input When interconnected, the signals are referred to the reference quantities p200x and p205x. p4056[0...1] TM31 analog inputs type / TM31 AI type TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 5 4 Sets the type of analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). p4056[x] = 0, 4 correspond to a voltage input (r4052, p4057, p4059 are displayed in V). p4056[x] = 2, 3, 5 correspond to a current input (r4052, p4057, p4059 are displayed in mA). In addition, the associated switch S5 must be appropriately set. AI 0: S5.0 = V --> voltage input, S5.0 = I --> current input (burden resistor = 250 Ohm) AI 1: S5.1 = V --> voltage input, S5.1 = I --> current input (burden resistor = 250 Ohm) Value: 0: 2: 3: 4: 5: Unipolar voltage input (0 V ... +10 V) Unipolar current input (0 mA ... +20 mA) Unipolar current input monitored (+4 mA to +20 mA) Bipolar voltage input (-10 V ... +10 V) Bipolar current input (-20 mA to +20 mA) Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Warning: The maximum voltage difference between the analog input terminals AI+, AI- and the ground of the TM31 (X520.6, X530.3) may not exceed 35 V. For operation with the load resistor switched in, the voltage between the differential inputs AI+ and AI- may not exceed 15 V or the impressed current of 60 mA; if this is not carefully observed, the input will be damaged. Notice: 136 For operation as a voltage input/current input, switch S5.0 or S5.1 must be appropriately set. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: When changing p4056, the parameters of the scaling characteristic (p4057, p4058, p4059, p4060) are overwritten with the following default values: For p4056 = 0, 4, p4057 is set to 0.0 V, p4058 to 0.0 %, p4059 to 10.0 V and p4060 to 100.0 %. For p4056 = 2, 5, p4057 is set to 0.0 mA, p4058 to 0.0 %, p4059 to 20.0 mA and p4060 to 100.0 %. For p4056 = 3, p4057 is set to 4.0 mA, p4058 to 0.0 %, p4059 to 20.0 mA and p4060 to 100.0 %. p4057[0...1] TM31 analog inputs characteristic value x1 / TM31 AI char x1 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Description: Min Max Factory setting -20.000 20.000 0.000 Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog inputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the x coordinate (input voltage in V or input current in mA) of the 1st value pair of the characteristic. Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Dependency: The unit of this parameter (V or mA) depends on the analog input type. Refer to: p4056 Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when the analog input type (p4056) is modified. Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. p4058[0...1] TM31 analog inputs characteristic value y1 / TM31 AI char y1 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.00 [%] 1000.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog inputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the y coordinate (percentage) of the 1st value pair of the characteristic. Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when the analog input type (p4056) is modified. Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. p4059[0...1] TM31 analog inputs characteristic value x2 / TM31 AI char x2 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Description: Min Max Factory setting -20.000 20.000 10.000 Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog inputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the x coordinate (input voltage in V or input current in mA) of the 2nd value pair of the characteristic. Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Dependency: The unit of this parameter (V or mA) depends on the analog input type. Refer to: p4056 Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when the analog input type (p4056) is modified. Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 137 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4060[0...1] TM31 analog inputs characteristic value y2 / TM31 AI char y2 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.00 [%] 1000.00 [%] 100.00 [%] Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog inputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the y coordinate (percentage) of the 2nd value pair of the characteristic. Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when the analog input type (p4056) is modified. Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. p4061[0...1] TM31 analog inputs wire breakage monitoring response threshold / TM31 WireBrkThresh TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [mA] 20.00 [mA] 2.00 [mA] Description: Sets the response threshold for wire-breakage monitoring of the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Dependency: For the following analog input type, the wire breakage monitoring is active: p4056[x] = 3 (unipolar current input monitored (+4 mA ... +20 mA)) Refer to: p4056 p4062[0...1] TM31 analog inputs wire breakage monitoring delay time / TM31 wirebrk t_del TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 1000 [ms] 100 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for wire-breakage monitoring of the analog inputs on Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) p4063[0...1] TM31 analog inputs offset / TM31 AI offset TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting -20.000 20.000 0.000 Description: Sets the offset for the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) The offset is added to the input signal before the scaling characteristic. p4066[0...1] TM31 analog inputs activate absolute value generation / TM31 AI absVal act TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Activates the absolute value generation for the analog input signals of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Value: 0: 1: 138 No absolute value generation Absolute value generation switched in SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) p4067[0...1] BI: TM31 analog inputs invert signal source / TM31 AI inv s_src TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source to invert the analog inputs signals of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) p4068[0...1] TM31 analog inputs window to suppress noise / TM31 AI window TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 20.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the noise suppression window of the analog inputs for Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Changes less than the window are suppressed. Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Note: AI: Analog Input p4069[0...1] BI: TM31 analog inputs signal source for enable / TM31 AI enable TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for the enable signal of the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) p4071[0...1] CI: TM31 analog outputs signal source / TM31 AO s_src TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9572 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Note: AO: Analog Output r4072[0...1] TM31 analog outputs output value currently referred / TM31 AO outp_val TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the actual referred output value of the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 139 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4073[0...1] TM31 analog outputs smoothing time constant / TM31 AO T_smooth TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Min Max Factory setting 0.0 [ms] 1000.0 [ms] 0.0 [ms] Description: Sets the smoothing time constant of the 1st-order low pass filter for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) r4074[0...1] TM31 analog outputs current output voltage/current / TM31 AO U/I_outp TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the actual output voltage in V when set as voltage output. Displays the actual output voltage in mA when set as current output. Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Dependency: The type of the analog output AO x (voltage or current output) is set using p4076. Refer to: p4076 Note: AO: Analog Output p4075[0...1] TM31 analog outputs activate absolute value generation / TM31 AO absVal act TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9572 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Activates the absolute value generation for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Value: 0: 1: Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) p4076[0...1] TM31 analog outputs type / TM31 AO type TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9572 Description: No absolute value generation Absolute value generation switched in Min Max Factory setting 0 4 4 Sets the type of analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). p4076[x] = 1, 4 correspond to a voltage output (p4074, p4078, p4080, p4083 are displayed in V). p4076[x] = 0, 2, 3 correspond to a current output (p4074, p4078, p4080, p4083 are displayed in mA). Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: Current output (0 mA ... +20 mA) Voltage output (0 V ... +10 V) Current output (+4 mA ... +20 mA) Current output (-20 mA ... +20 mA) Voltage output (-10 V ... +10 V) Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Dependency: Refer to: p4077, p4078, p4079, p4080 Note: When changing p4076, the parameters of the scaling characteristic (p4077, p4078, p4079, p4080) are overwritten with the following default values: For p4076 = 0, 3, p4077 is set to 0.0 %, p4078 to 0.0 mA, p4079 to 100.0 % and p4080 to 20.0 mA. For p4076 = 1, 4, p4077 is set to 0.0 %, p4078 to 0.0 V, p4079 to 100.0 % and p4080 to 10.0 V. For p4076 = 2, p4077 is set to 0.0 %, p4078 to 4.0 mA, p4079 to 100.0 % and p4080 to 20.0 mA. 140 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4077[0...1] TM31 analog outputs characteristic value x1 / TM31 AO char x1 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.00 [%] 1000.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog outputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the x coordinate (percentage) of the 1st value pair of the characteristic. Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Dependency: Refer to: p4076 Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when changing p4076 (type of analog outputs). Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. p4078[0...1] TM31 analog outputs characteristic value y1 / TM31 AO char y1 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Description: Min Max Factory setting -20.000 [V] 20.000 [V] 0.000 [V] Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog outputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the y coordinate (output voltage in V or output current in mA) of the 1st value pair of the characteristic. Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Dependency: The unit of this parameter (V or mA) depends on the analog output type. Refer to: p4076 Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when changing p4076 (type of analog outputs). Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. p4079[0...1] TM31 analog outputs characteristic value x2 / TM31 AO char x2 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.00 [%] 1000.00 [%] 100.00 [%] Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog outputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the x coordinate (percentage) of the 2nd value pair of the characteristic. Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Dependency: Refer to: p4076 Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when changing p4076 (type of analog outputs). Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. p4080[0...1] TM31 analog outputs characteristic value y2 / TM31 AO char y2 TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Description: Min Max Factory setting -20.000 [V] 20.000 [V] 10.000 [V] Sets the scaling characteristic for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The scaling characteristic for the analog outputs is defined using 2 points. This parameter specifies the y coordinate (output voltage in V or output current in mA) of the 2nd value pair of the characteristic. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 141 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Dependency: The unit of this parameter (V or mA) depends on the analog output type. Refer to: p4076 Notice: This parameter is automatically overwritten when changing p4076 (type of analog outputs). Note: The parameters for the characteristic do not have a limiting effect. p4082[0...1] BI: TM31 analog outputs invert signal source / TM31 AO inv s_src TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9572 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source to invert the analog output signals of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) p4083[0...1] TM31 analog outputs offset / TM31 AO offset TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9572 Description: Min Max Factory setting -20.000 20.000 0.000 Sets the offset for the analog outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The offset is added to the output signal after the scaling characteristic. Index: [0] = AO 0 (X522.1, X522.2, X522.3) [1] = AO 1 (X522.4, X522.5, X522.6) Dependency: The unit of this parameter (V or mA) depends on the analog input type. Refer to: p4076 Note: This means, for example, the offset of a downstream isolating amplifier can be compensated. p4086 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 16 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO16 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 16 (X522.2) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.16 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4087 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 17 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO17 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 17 (X522.3) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.17 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4088 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 18 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO18 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Description: 142 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 18 (X522.4) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.18 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4089 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 19 / TM15D s_srcDI/DO19 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 19 (X522.5) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.19 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4090 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 20 / TM15D S_srcDI/DO20 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 20 (X522.6) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.20 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4091 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 21 / TM15D S_srcDI/DO21 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 21 (X522.7) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.21 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4092 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 22 / TM15D S_srcDI/DO22 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 22 (X522.8) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.22 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4093 BI: TM15DI/DO signal source for terminal DI/DO 23 / TM15D S_srcDI/DO23 TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for terminal DI/DO 23 (X522.9) of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Note: Prerequisite: The DI/DO must be set as an output (p4028.23 = 1). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 143 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4094.0...23 BO: TM15 digital inputs status inverted raw data internal / TM15 DI st raw dat TM15DI_DO Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the inverted status of the raw data of the digital inputs of the Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Notice: The raw data of the digital inputs is directly displayed (e.g. without any debounce). Note: Should only used for internal Siemens purposes (alternative r4022, r4023). p4095 TM15DI/DO digital inputs simulation mode / TM15D DI sim_mode TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9400, 9401, 9402 Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High FP - Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Sets the simulation mode for the digital inputs of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 144 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) 1 signal Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation 0 signal Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Dependency: DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval - The setpoint for the input signals is specified using p4096. Refer to: p4096 Warning: A drive that is moved by simulating the inputs of a Terminal Module is brought to a standstill while the Terminal Module is being activated or de-activated. Note: This parameter is not saved when data is backed-up (p0971, p0977). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4095 TM31 digital inputs simulation mode / TM31 DI sim_mode TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9550, 9552, 9560, 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Sets the simulation mode for the digital inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Dependency: The setpoint for the input signals is specified using p4096. Warning: A drive that is moved by simulating the inputs of a Terminal Module is brought to a standstill while the Terminal Module is being activated or de-activated. Note: This parameter is not saved when data is backed-up (p0971, p0977). Signal name DI 0 (X520.1) DI 1 (X520.2) DI 2 (X520.3) DI 3 (X520.4) DI 4 (X530.1) DI 5 (X530.2) DI 6 (X530.3) DI 7 (X530.4) DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation Simulation 0 signal Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval Terminal eval FP - Refer to: p4096 DI: Digital Input DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4096 TM15DI/DO digital inputs simulation mode, setpoint / TM15D DI sim setp TM15DI_DO Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9400, 9401, 9402 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Sets the setpoint for the input signals in the simulation mode of the digital inputs of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name DI/DO 0 (X520.2) DI/DO 1 (X520.3) DI/DO 2 (X520.4) DI/DO 3 (X520.5) DI/DO 4 (X520.6) DI/DO 5 (X520.7) 1 signal High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - 145 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Dependency: DI/DO 6 (X520.8) DI/DO 7 (X520.9) DI/DO 8 (X521.2) DI/DO 9 (X521.3) DI/DO 10 (X521.4) DI/DO 11 (X521.5) DI/DO 12 (X521.6) DI/DO 13 (X521.7) DI/DO 14 (X521.8) DI/DO 15 (X521.9) DI/DO 16 (X522.2) DI/DO 17 (X522.3) DI/DO 18 (X522.4) DI/DO 19 (X522.5) DI/DO 20 (X522.6) DI/DO 21 (X522.7) DI/DO 22 (X522.8) DI/DO 23 (X522.9) High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low - The simulation of a digital input is selected using p4095. Refer to: p4095 Note: This parameter is not saved when data is backed-up (p0971, p0977). DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4096 TM31 digital inputs simulation mode setpoint / TM31 DI sim setp TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9550, 9552, 9560, 9562 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Sets the setpoint for the input signals in the simulation mode of the digital inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Dependency: The simulation of a digital input is selected using p4095. Signal name DI 0 (X520.1) DI 1 (X520.2) DI 2 (X520.3) DI 3 (X520.4) DI 4 (X530.1) DI 5 (X530.2) DI 6 (X530.3) DI 7 (X530.4) DI/DO 8 (X541.2) DI/DO 9 (X541.3) DI/DO 10 (X541.4) DI/DO 11 (X541.5) 1 signal High High High High High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP - Refer to: p4095 Note: This parameter is not saved when data is backed-up (p0971, p0977). DI: Digital Input DI/DO: Bidirectional Digital Input/Output p4097[0...1] TM31 analog inputs simulation mode / TM31 AI sim_mode TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the simulation mode for the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Value: 0: 1: Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) 146 Terminal evaluation for analog input x Simulation for analog input x SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: The setpoint for the input voltage is specified via p4098. Refer to: p4098 Note: This parameter is not saved when data is backed-up (p0971, p0977). AI: Analog Input p4098[0...1] TM31 analog inputs simulation mode setpoint / TM31 AI sim setp TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9566, 9568 Min Max Factory setting -20.000 20.000 0.000 Description: Sets the setpoint for the input value in simulation mode of the analog inputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = AI 0 (X521.1/X521.2, S5.0) [1] = AI 1 (X521.3/X521.4, S5.1) Dependency: The simulation of an analog input is selected using p4097. If AI x is parameterized as voltage input (p4056), then the setpoint is a voltage in V. If AI x is parameterized as current input (p4056), then the setpoint is a current in mA. Refer to: p4056, p4097 Note: This parameter is not saved when data is backed-up (p0971, p0977). AI: Analog Input p4099 TM15DI/DO inputs/outputs sampling time / TM15D I/O t_sampl TM15DI_DO Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9399, 9400 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [s] 5000.00 [s] 4000.00 [s] Description: Sets the sampling time for the inputs and outputs of Terminal Module 15 (TM15). Dependency: The parameter can only be modified for p0009 = 3, 29. The following applies for the sampling time: The sampling times at a DRIVE-CLiQ line must be integral multiples of one another. The sampling times of this TM must be an integral multiple of a servo or vector drive that exists in the system. The minimum permissible sampling time is 125 s. Refer to: p0009, r0110, r0111 Note: The changed sampling time is immediately effective after a completed sub-boot (p0009 -> 0). Parameter p4099[0] must never be equal to zero. p4099[0...2] TM31 inputs/outputs sampling time / TM31 I/O t_sample TM31 Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9550 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [s] 5000.00 [s] 4000.00 [s] Description: Sets the sampling time for the inputs and outputs of Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Index: [0] = Digital inputs/outputs (DI/DO) [1] = Analog inputs (AI) [2] = Analog outputs (AO) Dependency: The parameter can only be modified for p0009 = 3, 29. The following applies for the sampling time: The sampling times at a DRIVE-CLiQ line must be integral multiples of one another. The sampling times of this TM must be an integral multiple of a servo or vector drive that exists in the system. The minimum permissible sampling time is 125 s. The sampling times entered in index 0 (digital inputs/outputs) and index 2 (analog outputs) must always be greater than or equal to the sampling time in index 1 (analog inputs). Refer to: p0009, r0110, r0111 Notice: The sampling times entered in index 0 (digital inputs/outputs) and index 2 (analog outputs) must always be greater than or equal to the sampling time in index 1 (analog inputs). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 147 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: The changed sampling time is immediately effective after a completed sub-boot (p0009 -> 0). Parameter p4099[0] must never be equal to zero. p4100[0...11] TM150 sensor type / TM150 sensor type TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Min Max Factory setting 0 6 5 Description: Sets the sensor type for Terminal Module 150 (TM150) Value: 0: 1: 2: 4: 5: 6: Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Notice: For p4102[0...23] = 251 C, evaluation of the corresponding threshold is deactivated. This means that the temperature sensor type is selected and the evaluation is switched in. Evaluation disabled PTC thermistor KTY84 Bimetallic NC contact PT100 PT1000 For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[0...11] = 1, 4), the following applies: To activate the corresponding alarm or fault, p4102[0...23] must be set <= 250 C. Note: The temperature sensors are connected to the following terminals: X531 = channel 0 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 6) X532 = channel 1 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 7) X533 = channel 2 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 8) X534 = channel 3 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 9) X535 = channel 4 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 10) X536 = channel 5 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 11) Details on the wiring are included in the parameter description for p4108. p4100 TM31 sensor type / TM31 sensor type TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9576 Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Sets the sensor type for Terminal Module 31 (TM31) Value: 0: 1: 2: Notice: For p4102[0...1] = 251 C, evaluation of the corresponding threshold is deactivated. This means that the temperature sensor type is selected and the evaluation is switched in. Evaluation disabled PTC thermistor KTY84 For sensor type "PTC thermistor" (p4100 = 1), the following applies: To activate the corresponding alarm or fault, p4102[0...1] must be set <= 250 C. Note: 148 The temperature sensor is connected at terminals X522.7(+) and X522.8(-). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4101[0...11] TM150 sensor resistance / TM150 R_sensor TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Min Max Factory setting - [ohm] - [ohm] - [ohm] Description: Displays the actual resistance value of the temperature sensor connected at the Terminal Module. Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Note: The maximum measurable resistance value is approx. 2500 Ohm. For 1x2 and 2x2 wire evaluation: The actual sensor resistance is displayed in this parameter(i.e. the wire resistance (p4110) is taken into account). The temperature sensors are connected to the following terminals: X531 = channel 0 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 6) X532 = channel 1 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 7) X533 = channel 2 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 8) X534 = channel 3 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 9) X535 = channel 4 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 10) X536 = channel 5 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 11) Details on the wiring are included in the parameter description for p4108. r4101 TM31 sensor resistance / TM31 R_sensor TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9576 Min Max Factory setting - [ohm] - [ohm] - [ohm] Description: Displays the actual resistance value of the temperature sensor connected at the Terminal Module. Note: The maximum measurable resistance value is approx. 2170 Ohm. The temperature sensor is connected at terminals X522.7(+) and X522.8(-). p4102[0...23] TM150 fault threshold/alarm threshold / TM150 F/A_thresh TM150 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Description: Min Max Factory setting -99 [C] 251 [C] 251 [C] Sets the fault threshold/alarm threshold for Terminal Module 150 (TM150). For alarms (even indices [0, 2, 4 ... 22]), the following applies: - The corresponding alarm is initiated, if the temperature actual value associated with a temperature channel exceeds the associated alarm threshold (r4105[x] > p4102[2x]. In addition, the timer is started (p4103[x]). - The alarm remains until the temperature actual value (r4105[x]) reaches or falls below the threshold value (p4102[2x] - hysteresis (p4118[x]). For faults (uneven indices [1, 3, 5 ... 23]), the following applies: - The corresponding fault is initiated, if the temperature actual value associated with a temperature channel exceeds the associated fault threshold (r4105[x] > p4102[2x+1] or the associated timer (p4103[x] has expired. - The fault remains until the temperature actual value (r4105[x]) reaches or falls below the threshold value (p4102[2x+1]) - hysteresis (p4118[x]) and the fault has been acknowledged. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 149 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = Channel 0 alarm threshold (A35211) [1] = Channel 0 fault threshold (F35207) [2] = Channel 1 alarm threshold (A35212) [3] = Channel 1 fault threshold (F35208) [4] = Channel 2 alarm threshold (A35213) [5] = Channel 2 fault threshold (F35209) [6] = Channel 3 alarm threshold (A35214) [7] = Channel 3 fault threshold (F35210) [8] = Channel 4 alarm threshold (A35410) [9] = Channel 4 fault threshold (F35400) [10] = Channel 5 alarm threshold (A35411) [11] = Channel 5 fault threshold (F35401) [12] = Channel 6 alarm threshold (A35412) [13] = Channel 6 fault threshold (F35402) [14] = Channel 7 alarm threshold (A35413) [15] = Channel 7 fault threshold (F35403) [16] = Channel 8 alarm threshold (A35414) [17] = Channel 8 fault threshold (F35404) [18] = Channel 9 alarm threshold (A35415) [19] = Channel 9 fault threshold (F35405) [20] = Channel 10 alarm threshold (A35416) [21] = Channel 10 fault threshold (F35406) [22] = Channel 11 alarm threshold (A35417) [23] = Channel 11 fault threshold (F35407) Dependency: Refer to: p4103, r4104, r4105, p4118 Notice: Faults F35207 ... F35210 and F35400 ... F35407 only result in the drive being shut down if at least one BICO interconnection exists between the drive and the TM150. For p4102[0...23] = 251 C, evaluation of the corresponding threshold is deactivated. For sensor type "PTC thermistor" (p4100[0...11] = 1), the following applies: To activate the corresponding alarm or fault, p4102[0...23] must be set <= 250 C. Note: The hysteresis can be set in p4118[0...11]. p4102[0...1] TM31 fault threshold/alarm threshold / TM31 F/A_thresh TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9576 Min Max -48 [C] 251 [C] Factory setting [0] 100 [C] [1] 120 [C] Description: Sets the fault threshold/alarm threshold for Terminal Module 31 (TM31). A35211 is initiated, if the temperature actual value r4105[0] > p4102[0] F35207 is initiated if the temperature actual value r4105[0] > p4102[1] or timer p4103[0] has expired For alarm A35211 the following applies: - Remains until the temperature actual value (r4105) reaches or falls below the value (p4102[0] - hysteresis). For fault F35207 the following applies: - Remains until the temperature actual value (r4105) reaches or falls below the value (p4102[1] - hysteresis) and the fault has been acknowledged. - The hysteresis value is 5 K and cannot be changed by the user. Index: [0] = Alarm threshold [1] = Fault threshold Dependency: Refer to: r4104 Notice: Fault F35207 only causes the drive to be shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and TM31. For p4102[0...1] = 251 C, evaluation of the corresponding threshold is deactivated. For sensor type "PTC thermistor" (p4100 = 1), the following applies: To activate the alarm or fault, p4102[0...1] must be set <= 250 C. 150 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4103[0...11] TM150 delay time / TM150 t_delay TM150 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.0 [s] 600.0 [s] 0.0 [s] Sets the delay time for the output of the fault for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). The timer is started when the alarm threshold (e.g. p4102[0]) is exceeded. If the delay time has expired and the alarm threshold has, in the meantime, not been fallen below, then the corresponding fault is output. The fault can be acknowledged, if, after the delay time has expired, the alarm threshold is again fallen below. For sensor type "KTY84", "PT100", "PT1000" (p4100[0...11] = 2, 5, 6) the following applies: - If the fault threshold (e.g. p4102[1]) is exceeded before the delay time has expired, then the corresponding fault is immediately output. For sensor type "PTC thermistor", "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[0...11] = 1, 4), the following applies: - Alarm and fault threshold simultaneously respond. The fault is only issued after the delay time has expired. Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Dependency: Refer to: p4102, r4104, r4105, p4118 Warning: The fault F35207 ... F35210 and F35400 ... 35407 only results in the drive being shut down if at least one BICO interconnection exists between the drive and the TM150. Note: For p4103 = 0 s and sensor type "KTY84", "PT100", "PT1000" (p4100[0...11] = 2, 5, 6) the following applies: - The corresponding fault can only be initiated via the fault threshold (output of the timer is always a logical 0). For p4103 = 0 s and sensor type "PTC thermistor", "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[0...11] = 1, 4), the following applies: - The corresponding alarm and fault are simultaneously output (delay time = 0 s). p4103 TM31 temperature evaluation delay time / TM31 temp t_delay TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 9576 Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [ms] 600000.000 [ms] 0.000 [ms] Sets the delay time for the output of the fault for the Terminal Module 31 (TM31). The timer is started when the alarm threshold (p4102[0]) is exceeded. If the delay time has expired and the alarm threshold has, in the meantime, not been fallen below, then fault F35207 is output. The fault can be acknowledged, if, after the delay time has expired, the alarm threshold is again fallen below. For sensor type "KTY84" (p4100 = 2), the following applies: If the fault threshold (p4102[1]) is exceeded before the delay time has expired, then fault F35207 is immediately output. For sensor type "PTC thermistor" (p4100 = 1), the following applies: - Alarm and fault threshold simultaneously respond. The fault is only issued after the delay time has expired. Dependency: Refer to: r4104 Warning: Fault F35207 only causes the drive to be shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and TM31. Note: With p4103 = 0 ms, the timer is de-activated and only the fault threshold is effective. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 151 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4104.0...23 BO: TM150 temperature evaluation status / TM150 temp status TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and binector output for the status for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Dependency: Refer to: p4102, p4103, r4105, p4118 r4104.0...1 BO: TM31 temperature evaluation status / TM31 temp status TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9549, 9576 Signal name Channel 0 alarm present Channel 0 fault present Channel 1 alarm present Channel 1 fault present Channel 2 alarm present Channel 2 fault present Channel 3 alarm present Channel 3 fault present Channel 4 alarm present Channel 4 fault present Channel 5 alarm present Channel 5 fault present Channel 6 alarm present Channel 6 fault present Channel 7 alarm present Channel 7 fault present Channel 8 alarm present Channel 8 fault present Channel 9 alarm present Channel 9 fault present Channel 10 alarm present Channel 10 fault present Channel 11 alarm present Channel 11 fault present 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Min Max Factory setting - - - FP 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9626 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 9627 Description: Display and binector output for the status for the Terminal Module 31 (TM31). Bit field: Bit 00 01 Dependency: Refer to: p4102 r4105[0...11] CO: TM150 temperature actual value / TM150 temp_act val TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Signal name Alarm is present Fault is present 1 signal Yes Yes Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Description: Displays the temperature actual value for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 152 0 signal No No FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Dependency: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[0...11] = 1, 4), the following applies: - below the nominal response temperature, r4105[0...11] = -50 C. - above the nominal response temperature, r4105[0...11] = 250 C. For sensor type "KTY84", "PT100", "PT1000" (p4100[0...11] = 2, 5, 6) the following applies: - the displayed value corresponds to the temperature actual value. Refer to: p4100, p4111, r4112, r4113, r4114 Note: r4105[0...11] = -300 C is displayed in the following cases: - temperature actual value invalid (F35920 ... F35931 output). - no sensor selected (p4100[0...11] = 0). The temperature actual values can be grouped using p4111[0...2] and the maximum value, minimum value as well as the average value for each group evaluated (r4112[0...2], r4113[0...2], r4114[0...2]). r4105 CO: TM31 temperature actual value / TM31 temp_act val TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9549, 9576 Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Description: Displays the temperature actual value for the Terminal Module 31 (TM31) Dependency: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" (p4100 = 1), the following applies: - below the nominal response temperature, r4105 = -50C. - above the nominal response temperature, r4105 = 250 C. For sensor type "KTY84" (p4100 = 2), the following applies: - the displayed value corresponds to the temperature actual value. Refer to: p4100 Note: r4105 = -300 C is displayed in the following cases: - temperature actual value invalid (F35920 output). - no sensor selected (p4100 = 0). The temperature sensor is connected at terminals X522.7(+) and X522.8(-). p4108[0...5] TM150 terminal block measuring method / TM150 meas method TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9625, 9626, 9627 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 3 1 Sets the measuring method for the terminal block X531 ... X536 for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). Re p4108[0...5] = 0 (1x2 wire evaluation): - the temperature sensor is connected at terminals 1(+) and 2(-). Re p4108[0...5] = 1 (2x2 wire evaluation): - The first temperature sensor is connected at terminals 1(+) and 2(-). - The second temperature sensor is connected at terminals 3(+) and 4(-). Re p4108[0...5] = 2 (3 wire evaluation): - the temperature sensor is connected at terminals 3(+) and 4(-). - the measuring conductor is connected at terminal 1(+). - terminals 2(-) and 4(-) must be jumpered. Re p4108[0...5] = 3 (4 wire evaluation): - the temperature sensor is connected at terminals 3(+) and 4(-). - the measuring conductor is connected at terminals 1(+) and 2(-). Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1x2 wire evaluation 2x2 wire evaluation 3 wire evaluation 4 wire evaluation 153 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = X531 [1] = X532 [2] = X533 [3] = X534 [4] = X535 [5] = X536 Note: The temperature sensors are connected to the following terminals: X531 = channel 0 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 6) X532 = channel 1 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 7) X533 = channel 2 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 8) X534 = channel 3 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 9) X535 = channel 4 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 10) X536 = channel 5 (for 2x2 wire evaluation, additionally channel 11) Re p4108[0...5] = 0, 2, 3 (1x2, 3, 4 wire evaluation): The temperature channel belonging to the terminal block with the higher number is automatically deactivated (e.g. for X531 with 3-wire evaluation, channel 6 is deactivated). p4109[0...11] TM150 wire resistance measurement / TM150 R_wire meas TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Setting to start the measurement of the wire resistance for a channel for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). For a 2 wire evaluation, the total wire resistance is measured and saved. During the temperature evaluation, the temperature actual value is automatically calibrated using the measured wire resistance. Procedure: 1. Select the measuring method (1x2/2x2) for the corresponding terminal block (p4108[0...5] = 0, 1). 2. Set the required sensor type for the corresponding channel (p4100[x] = 1 ... 6, x = 0...5 or 0...11). 3. Jumper the sensor to be connected (short-circuit the sensor conductor close to the sensor). 4. Connect the sensor conductors to the appropriate terminals 1(+), 2(-) or 3(+), 4(-). 5. For the corresponding channel, start the measurement of the wire resistance (p4109[x] = 1). 6. After p4109[x] = 0, check the measured resistance value in p4110[x]. 7. Remove the jumper across the temperature sensor. Value: 0: 1: Inactive Start Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Dependency: Refer to: p4100, p4108, p4110 Notice: Wire resistance measurement is only possible for 1x2 or 2x2 wire evaluation (p4108[0...5] = 0, 1). Note: The wire resistance value can be also directly entered into p4110[0...11]. The automatic conductor calibration for 1x2 and 2x2 wire evaluation is always performed with the value in p4110[0...11]. 154 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4110[0...11] TM150 wire resistance value / TM150 R_wire value TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ohm] 3000.00 [ohm] 0.00 [ohm] Sets and displays the wire resistance for Terminal Module 150 (TM150). The value is used for the automatic conductor calibration. The value is automatically set by starting the wire resistance measurement (p4109[0...11]) of the corresponding channel. Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Dependency: Refer to: p4109 Notice: Wire resistance measurement is only possible for 1x2 or 2x2 wire evaluation (p4108[0...5] = 0, 1). Note: Automatic conductor calibration is deactivated using p4110[0...11] = 0. p4111[0...2] TM150 group channel assignment / TM150 grp channel TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9625 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Assigns the temperature channels to groups for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) For each group, the following calculated values are provided from the temperature actual values (r4105[0...11]): - Maximum value (r4112[0...2]) - Minimum value (r4113[0...2]) - average value (r4114[0...2]) Index: [0] = Group 0 [1] = Group 1 [2] = Group 2 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Dependency: Refer to: r4105, r4112, r4113, r4114 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Temperature channel 0 Temperature channel 1 Temperature channel 2 Temperature channel 3 Temperature channel 4 Temperature channel 5 Temperature channel 6 Temperature channel 7 Temperature channel 8 Temperature channel 9 Temperature channel 10 Temperature channel 11 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No No No No No FP - 155 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Notice: When forming groups, it must be ensured that in one particular group, only temperature channels with the following sensor types are included: - "KTY84", "PT100", "PT1000" (p4100[0...11] = 2, 5, 6), real temperature actual value or alternatively - "PTC thermistor", "bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[0...11] = 1, 4), fictitious temperature actual value (-50 C, 250 C) If these sensor types are combined within one group, then the calculated values for maximum, minimum and average value will be falsified. Note: Active and inactive temperature channels can be included in one group. However, when calculating the values (r4112, r4113, r4114) only the active temperature channels with valid actual value are taken into account (r4105[0...11] not equal to -300 C). r4112[0...2] CO: TM150 group temperature actual value maximum value / TM150 grp temp max TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9625 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Display and connector output for the maximum value of each group for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). This value is calculated from the actual temperature values (r4105[0...11]) of each group. Recommendation: The following connector inputs can use these connector outputs for interconnection: - CI: p0603 - CI: p0608[0...3] - CI: p0609[0...3] - CI: p2051 Index: [0] = Group 0 [1] = Group 1 [2] = Group 2 Dependency: Refer to: r4105, p4111, r4113, r4114 r4113[0...2] CO: TM150 group temperature actual value minimum value / TM150 grp temp min TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9625 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Display and connector output for the minimum value of each group for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). This value is calculated from the actual temperature values (r4105[0...11]) of each group. Recommendation: The following connector inputs can use these connector outputs for interconnection: - CI: p0603 - CI: p0608[0...3] - CI: p0609[0...3] - CI: p2051 Index: [0] = Group 0 [1] = Group 1 [2] = Group 2 Dependency: Refer to: r4105, p4111, r4112, r4114 r4114[0...2] CO: TM150 group temperature average actual value / TM150 grp temp av TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9625 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Display and connector output for the average value of each group for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). This value is calculated from the actual temperature values (r4105[0...11]) of each group. 156 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Recommendation: The following connector inputs can use these connector outputs for interconnection: - CI: p0603 - CI: p0608[0...3] - CI: p0609[0...3] - CI: p2051 Index: [0] = Group 0 [1] = Group 1 [2] = Group 2 Dependency: Refer to: r4105, p4111, r4112, r4113 Note: If one group is assigned sensor type "PTC" or "bimetal NC contact", then the average value -300 C is output. p4117[0...2] TM150 group sensor error effect / TM150 error effect TM150 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9625 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the effect for an error of a sensor of a group for Terminal Module TM150 (TM150). For p4117 = 0, the following applies: The defective temperature sensor assigned to a group is not take into account when forming the group. For p4117 = 1, the following applies: For a sensor error, for the maximum value, minimum value and average value of the corresponding group, a value of -300 C is output. Value: 0: 1: Skip sensor Output value = -300 C Index: [0] = Group 0 [1] = Group 1 [2] = Group 2 Dependency: Refer to: r4105, p4111, r4112, r4113, r4114 p4118[0...11] TM150 fault threshold/alarm threshold hysteresis / TM150 thresh hyst TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Min Max Factory setting 0 [K] 50 [K] 5 [K] Description: Sets the hysteresis for the fault threshold/alarm threshold (p4102[0...23]) for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Dependency: Refer to: p4102, p4103, r4104, r4105 Note: The following applies for a corresponding alarm: - Remains until the temperature actual value (r4105[x]) reaches or falls below the threshold value (p4102[2x] hysteresis (p4118[x]). The following applies for a corresponding fault: - Remains until the temperature actual value (r4105[x]) reaches or falls below the threshold value (p4102[2x+1]) hysteresis (p4118[x]) and the fault has been acknowledged. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 157 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4119[0...11] TM150 activate/deactivate smoothing / TM150 smooth act TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Setting to activate/deactivate the filter to smooth the temperature signal for the Terminal Module 150 (TM150). The smoothing is realized with a 1st order lowpass filter The effective smoothing time constant depends on the number of channels that are simultaneously active and is displayed in r4120. Value: 0: 1: Filter deactivated Filter activated Index: [0] = Temperature channel 0 [1] = Temperature channel 1 [2] = Temperature channel 2 [3] = Temperature channel 3 [4] = Temperature channel 4 [5] = Temperature channel 5 [6] = Temperature channel 6 [7] = Temperature channel 7 [8] = Temperature channel 8 [9] = Temperature channel 9 [10] = Temperature channel 10 [11] = Temperature channel 11 Dependency: Refer to: r4120 r4120 TM150 temperature filter time constant / TM150 temp_filt T TM150 Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Min Max Factory setting - [ms] - [ms] - [ms] Description: Displays the smoothing time constant for the temperature filter for Terminal Module 150 (TM150). Dependency: Refer to: r4105, p4111, r4112, r4113 Note: The time constant lies in the range from 80 to 1000 ms and depends on the number of channels that are simultaneously active. p4121 TM150 filter rated line frequency / TM150 filt f_line TM150 Can be changed: T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9626, 9627 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the rated line frequency for the filter to skip the line frequency for Terminal Module 150 (TM150). Value: 0: 1: p4641[0...2] OEM encoder diagnostic signal selection / OEM enc diag sel DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - 50 Hz 60 Hz Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Description: Trace functionality for OEM encoder manufacturers. Index: [0] = Encoder 1 [1] = Encoder 2 [2] = Encoder 3 158 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4700[0...1] Trace control / Trace control CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Setting to control the trace function. Value: 0: 1: 2: Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4701 Measuring function control / Meas fct ctrl CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Stop trace Start trace Start trace and save values Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Setting to control the measurement function. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: p4703[0...1] Trace options / Trace options CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Stop measuring function Start measuring function Measuring function check parameterization Start measuring function without enable signals Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 bin Description: Sets the options for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Bit field: Bit 00 Dependency: Refer to: p4700 Note: Re bit 00: Signal name Automatically start trace with time slices 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP - 0: The trace starts with p4700 as before. 1: When powering up, the trace starts immediately with the saved parameter settings with the start of the time slices. r4705[0...1] Trace status / Trace status CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 4 - Description: Displays the actual status of the trace. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Trace inactive Trace is recording presamples Trace is waiting for trigger event Trace is recording Recording (trace) ended 159 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4706 Measuring function status / Meas fct status CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 5 - Description: Displays the actual status of the measuring function. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: p4707 Measurement function configuration / Meas fct config CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Measurement function inactive Measuring function parameterization checked Measuring function waits for stabilizing time Measuring function recording (tracing) Measuring function trace ended with error Measuring function trace successfully completed Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to configure the measurement function. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: The parameter cannot be changed when the measurement function has been started (r4706 = 2, 3). Note: Standard Free meas fct This parameter involves the free measuring functions and is only active for p4810=6. For value = 0: The free measuring function is parameterized with master control. For value = 1: The free measuring function is parameterized without master control. r4708[0...1] Trace memory space required / Trace mem required CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the required memory in bytes for the actual parameterization. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Refer to: r4799 r4709[0...1] Trace memory space required for measuring functions / Trace mem required CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the required memory in bytes for the actual parameterization. This applies, if the trace for the measurement functions is used. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Refer to: r4799 160 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4710[0...1] Trace trigger condition / Trace Trig_cond CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 1 8 2 Description: Sets the trigger condition for the trace. Value: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4711[0...5] Trace trigger signal / Trace trig_signal CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Immediate trace start Positive edge Negative edge Entry to hysteresis band Leaving hysteresis band Trigger at bit mask Start with function generator Trigger at bit mask with edge Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the trigger signal for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id Dependency: Only effective when p4710 does not equal 1. Note: It only makes sense to trace the PINs using the commissioning software. For index 2(4) and 3(5) equal to zero, index 0(1) can only be written and vice versa. Re index 0 ... 1: Here, the trigger signal for trace 0 or 1 is entered as parameter in the BICO format. For trace with a physical address (p4789), the data type of the trigger signal is set here. Re index 2 ...3: The triggering PIN for trace 0 is entered here. Index 2 bit 31 ... 16: Number of the Drive Object (DO), bit 15 ... 0: Number of the chart Index 3 bit 31 ... 16: Number of the block, bit 15 ... 0: Number of the PIN Re index 4 ... 5: The triggering PIN for trace 1 is entered here. Index 4 bit 31 ... 16: Number of the Drive Object (DO), bit 15 ... 0: Number of the chart Index 5 bit 31 ... 16: Number of the block, bit 15 ... 0: Number of the PIN p4712[0...1] Trace trigger threshold / Trace trig_thresh CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -340.28235E36 340.28235E36 0.00 Description: Sets the trigger threshold for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Only effective when p4710 = 2, 3. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 161 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4713[0...1] Trace tolerance band trigger threshold 1 / Trace trig thr 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -340.28235E36 340.28235E36 0.00 Description: Sets the first trigger threshold for trigger via tolerance band. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Only effective when p4710 = 4, 5. p4714[0...1] Trace tolerance band trigger threshold 2 / Trace trig thr 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -340.28235E36 340.28235E36 0.00 Description: Sets the second trigger threshold for trigger via tolerance band Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Only effective when p4710 = 4, 5. p4715[0...1] Trace bit mask trigger, bit mask / Trace trig mask CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 0 Description: Sets the bit mask for the bit mask trigger. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Only effective when p4710 = 6. p4716[0...1] Trace bit mask trigger trigger condition / Trace Trig_cond CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 0 Description: Sets the trigger condition for bit mask trigger. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Only effective when p4710 = 6. r4719[0...1] Trace trigger index / Trace Trig_index CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trigger index in the trace buffer. The trigger event occurred at this point. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Only valid when p4705 = 4. 162 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4720[0...1] Trace recording cycle / Trace record_cyc CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [ms] 60000.000 [ms] 1.000 [ms] Description: Sets the recording cycle for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4721[0...1] Trace recording time / Trace record_time CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [ms] 3600000.000 [ms] 1000.000 [ms] Description: Sets the recording time for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4722[0...1] Trace trigger delay / Trace trig_delay CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting -3600000.000 [ms] 3600000.000 [ms] 0.000 [ms] Sets the trigger delay for the trace. Trigger delay < 0: Pretrigger: Tracing (recording) starts the selected time before the trigger event actually occurs. Trigger delay > 0: Post trigger: Tracing does not start until the set time after the trigger event. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4723[0...1] Trace time slice cycle / Trace cycle CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.03125 [ms] 4.00000 [ms] 0.12500 [ms] Description: Sets the time slice cycle in which the trace is called. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4724[0...1] Trace average in the time range / Trace average CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 0001 bin 0000 bin Description: Sets the averaging in the time range for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 163 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4725[0...1] Trace data type 1 traced / Trace rec type 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 1 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4726[0...1] Trace data type 2 traced / Trace rec type 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 2 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4727[0...1] Trace data type 3 traced / Trace rec type 3 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 3 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4728[0...1] Trace data type 4 traced / Trace rec type 4 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 4 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4729[0...1] Trace number of recorded values / Trace rec values CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of traced values for each signal. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Only valid when p4705 = 4. p4730[0...5] Trace record signal 0 / Trace record sig 0 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: 164 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects the first signal to be traced. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id p4731[0...5] Trace record signal 1 / Trace record sig 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the second signal to be traced. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id p4732[0...5] Trace record signal 2 / Trace record sig 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the third signal to be traced. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id p4733[0...5] Trace record signal 3 / Trace record sig 3 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the fourth signal to be traced. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id p4734[0...5] Trace record signal 4 / Trace record sig 4 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the fifth signal to be traced. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 165 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4735[0...5] Trace record signal 5 / Trace record sig 5 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the sixth signal to be traced. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id p4736[0...5] Trace record signal 6 / Trace record sig 6 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the seventh signal to be traced. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id p4737[0...5] Trace record signal 7 / Trace record sig 7 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the eighth signal to be traced. Index: [0] = Trace 0 parameter in BICO format [1] = Trace 1 parameter in BICO format [2] = Trace 0 PINx with DO Id and chart Id [3] = Trace 0 PINx with block Id and PIN Id [4] = Trace 1 PINy with DO Id and chart Id [5] = Trace 1 PINy with block Id and PIN Id r4740[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 0 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 0 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 0. The trace (record) buffer is sub-divided into memory banks, each containing 16384 values. Parameter p4795 can be used to toggle between the individual banks. Example A: The first 16384 values of signal 0, trace 0 are to be read out. In this case, memory bank 0 is set with p4795 = 0. The first 16384 values can now be read out using r4740[0] to r4740[16383]. Example B: The values 16385 to 32768 from signal 0, trace 0 are to be read out. In this case, memory bank 1 is set with p4795 = 1. The values can now be read out in r4740[0] to r4740[16383]. Dependency: 166 Refer to: p4795 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4741[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 1 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 1. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4742[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 2 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 2. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4743[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 3 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 3 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 3. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4744[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 4 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 4 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 4. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4745[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 5 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 5 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 5. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4746[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 6 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 6 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 6. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 167 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4747[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 7 floating point / Trace 0 tr sig 7 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 7. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4750[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 0 floating point / Trace 1 trace sig0 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 0. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4751[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 1 floating point / Trace 1 tr sig 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 1. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4752[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 2 floating point / Trace 1 tr sig 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 2. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4753[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 3 floating point / Trace 1 tr sig 3 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 3. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4754[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 4 floating point / Trace 1 tr sig 4 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 4. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 168 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4755[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 5 floating point / Trace 1 tr sig 5 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 5. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4756[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 6 floating point / Trace 1 tr sig 6 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 6. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4757[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 7 floating point / Trace 1 tr sig 7 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 7. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, p4795 r4760[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 0 / Trace 0 tr sig 0 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Note: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 0 as integer number. For signals, data type I32 or U32, the trace buffer is assigned as follows: r4760[0] = value 0 r4760[1] = value 1 ... r4760[8191] = value 8191 For signals, data type I16 or U16, the trace buffer is assigned as follows: r4760[0] = value 1 (bit 31 ... 16) and value 0 (bit 15 ... 0) r4760[1] = value 3 (bit 31 ... 16) and value 2 (bit 15 ... 0) ... r4760[8191] = value 16383 (bit 31 ... 16) and value 16382 (bit 15 ... 0) For signals, data type I8 or U8, the trace buffer is assigned as follows: r4760[0] = value 3 (bit 31 ... 24) value 2 (bit 23 ... 16) value 1 (bit 15 ... 8) value 0 (bit 7 ... 0) r4760[1] = value 7 (bit 31 ... 24) value 6 (bit 23 ... 16) value 5 (bit 15 ... 8) value 4 (bit 7 ... 0) ... r4760[8191] = value 32767 (bit 31 ... 24) value 32766 (bit 23 ... 16) value 32765 (bit 15 ... 8) value 32764 (bit 7 ... 0) r4761[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 1 / Trace 0 tr sig 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 1. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 169 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4762[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 2 / Trace 0 tr sig 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 2. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4763[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 3 / Trace 0 tr sig 3 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 3. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4764[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 4 / Trace 0 tr sig 4 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 4. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4765[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 5 / Trace 0 tr sig 5 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 5. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4766[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 6 / Trace 0 tr sig 6 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 6. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4767[0...16383] Trace 0 trace buffer signal 7 / Trace 0 tr sig 7 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 0 and signal 7. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 170 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4770[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 0 / Trace 1 trace sig0 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 0. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4771[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 1 / Trace 1 tr sig 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 1. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4772[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 2 / Trace 1 tr sig 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 2. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4773[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 3 / Trace 1 tr sig 3 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 3. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4774[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 4 / Trace 1 tr sig 4 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 4. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4775[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 5 / Trace 1 tr sig 5 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 5. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 171 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4776[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 6 / Trace 1 tr sig 6 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 6. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 r4777[0...16383] Trace 1 trace buffer signal 7 / Trace 1 tr sig 7 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the trace buffer (record buffer) for trace 1 and signal 7. Dependency: Refer to: r4760 p4780[0...1] Trace physical address signal 0 / Trace PhyAddr Sig0 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the first signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4730. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4781[0...1] Trace physical address signal 1 / Trace PhyAddr Sig1 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the second signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4731. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4782[0...1] Trace physical address signal 2 / Trace PhyAddr Sig2 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the third signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4732. Index: 172 [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4783[0...1] Trace physical address signal 3 / Trace PhyAddr Sig3 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the fourth signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4733. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4784[0...1] Trace physical address signal 4 / Trace PhyAddr Sig4 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the fifth signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4734. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4785[0...1] Trace physical address signal 5 / Trace PhyAddr Sig5 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the sixth signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4735. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4786[0...1] Trace physical address signal 6 / Trace PhyAddr Sig6 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the seventh signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4736. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4787[0...1] Trace physical address signal 7 / Trace PhyAddr Sig7 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Sets the physical address for the eighth signal to be traced. The data type is defined using p4737. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 173 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4789[0...1] Trace physical address trigger signal / Trace PhyAddr Trig CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 hex FFFF FFFF hex 0000 hex Sets the physical address for the trigger signal. The data type is defined by making the appropriate selection in p4711. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4790[0...1] Trace data type 5 traced / Trace rec type 5 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 5 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4791[0...1] Trace data type 6 traced / Trace rec type 6 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 6 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4792[0...1] Trace data type 7 traced / Trace rec type 7 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 7 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 r4793[0...1] Trace data type 8 traced / Trace rec type 8 CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the recorded data type 8 for the trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 p4795 Trace memory bank changeover / Trace mem changeov CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 500 0 Description: Changes over the memory bank to read out the contents of the trace buffer. Dependency: Refer to: r4740, r4741, r4742, r4743, r4750, r4751, r4752, r4753 174 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4797[0...1] Trace 0 trigger instant / Trace 0 t_trigger CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the instant in time for fulfilling the trigger condition for trace recorder 0. Index: [0] = Milliseconds [1] = Days Dependency: Refer to: r2114, r3102, r4719 Notice: The accuracy of the trigger instant depends on the accuracy of the underlying basis time. The time comprises milliseconds (index 0) and days (index 1). For clarification: The trigger instant is calculated with a s accuracy. If the underlying basis time is only available with ms accuracy, then as a result of rounding effects, an inaccuracy of 1 ms can occur. When referred to r4719, the trigger instant can therefore deviate somewhat. Note: If the time calculation of the drive can be synchronized with a higher-level control, then this time can be taken from the actual UTC time (r3102 ). Otherwise, the time is based on the system runtime (r2114). r4798[0...1] Trace 1 trigger instant / Trace 1 t_trigger CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the instant in time for fulfilling the trigger condition for trace recorder 1. Index: [0] = Milliseconds [1] = Days Dependency: Refer to: r2114, r3102, r4719 Notice: The accuracy of the trigger instant depends on the accuracy of the underlying basis time. The time comprises milliseconds (index 0) and days (index 1). For clarification: The trigger instant is calculated with a s accuracy. If the underlying basis time is only available with ms accuracy, then as a result of rounding effects, an inaccuracy of 1 ms can occur. When referred to r4719, the trigger instant can therefore deviate somewhat. Note: If the time calculation of the drive can be synchronized with a higher-level control, then this time can be taken from the actual UTC time (r3102 ). Otherwise, the time is based on the system runtime (r2114). r4799 Trace memory location free / Trace mem free CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the free memory for the trace in bytes. Dependency: Refer to: r4708 p4800 Function generator control / FG control CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 The function generator is started with p4800 = 1. The signal is only generated for a 1 signal of binector input p4819. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 175 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Stop function generator Start function generator Check function generator parameterization Start function generator without enable signals Dependency: Refer to: p4819 r4805 Function generator status / FG status CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 6 - Description: Displays the actual status of the function generator. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Dependency: Refer to: p4800, p4819 r4806.0 BO: Function generator status signal / FG status signal CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Inactive Generate accelerating ramp to offset Generate parameterized signal shape Generate braking ramp Function generator stopped due to missing enable signals Function generator waits for BI: p4819 Function generator parameterization has been checked Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the status of the function generator. 0 signal: Function generator inactive 1 signal: Function generator running Bit field: Bit 00 Signal name Bit 0 1 signal ON 0 signal OFF p4810 Function generator mode / FG operating mode CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 99 0 Description: Sets the operating mode of the function generator. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 99: p4812 Function generator physical address / FG phys address CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Connection at connector output r4818 Connection at current setpoint after filter and r4818 Connection as disturbing torque and r4818 Connection at speed setpoint after filter and r4818 Connection at current setpoint before filter and r4818 Connection at speed setpoint before filter and r4818 Connection for free measurement function r4818 and r4834 Connection at physical address and r4818 Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 0 Description: Sets the physical address where the function generator is to be connected. Dependency: Only effective when p4810 = 99. 176 FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4813 Function generator physical address reference value / FG phys addr ref CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 1.00 1000000.00 1.00 Description: Sets the reference value for 100 % for referred inputs. Dependency: Only effective when p4810 = 99. p4816 Function generator output signal integer number scaling / FG outp integ scal CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -2147483648 2147483647 0 Description: Sets the scaling for the integer number of the output signal for the function generator. Dependency: Refer to: r4805, r4817 Note: The parameter can only be changed in the following operating states: r4805 = 0, 4, 6 r4817 CO: Function generator output signal integer number / FG outp integ no. CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the integer number of the output signal for the function generator. Dependency: Refer to: p4816 Note: The value is output independent of the function generator operating mode. r4818 CO: Function generator output signal / FG outp_sig CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the output signal for the function generator. Dependency: Refer to: p4810 Note: The value is displayed independently of the function generator mode. p4819 BI: Function generator control / FG control CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source to control the function generator. When the function generator is running, signal generation is stopped with a 0 signal from BI: p4819 and p4800 is set to 0. Dependency: Refer to: p4800 p4820 Function generator signal shape / FG signal shape CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 1 5 1 Sets the signal to be generated for the function generator. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 177 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Value: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: Square-wave Staircase Delta Binary noise - PRBS (Pseudo Random Binary Signal) Sine-wave p4821 Function generator period / FG period duration CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ms] 60000.00 [ms] 1000.00 [ms] Description: Sets the period of the signal to be generated for the function generator. Dependency: Ineffective when p4820 = 4 (PRBS). p4822 Function generator pulse width / FG pulse width CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ms] 60000.00 [ms] 500.00 [ms] Description: Sets the pulse width for the signal to be generated for the function generator. Dependency: Only effective when p4820 = 1 (square-wave). p4823 Function generator bandwidth / FG bandwidth CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.0025 [Hz] 16000.0000 [Hz] 4000.0000 [Hz] Description: Sets the bandwidth for the signal to be generated for the function generator. Dependency: Only effective when p4820 = 4 (PRBS). Refer to: p4830 Refer to: A02041 p4824 Function generator amplitude / FG amplitude CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -1600.00 [%] 1600.00 [%] 5.00 [%] Description: Sets the amplitude for the signal to be generated for the function generator. Dependency: Units are dependent on p4810. If p4810 = 1, 2, 4: The amplitude is referred to p2002 (reference current). If p4810 = 3, 5: The amplitude is referred to p2000 (reference speed). p4825 Function generator 2nd amplitude / FG 2nd amplitude CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -1600.00 [%] 1600.00 [%] 7.00 [%] Description: Sets the second amplitude for the signal to be generated for the function generator. Dependency: Only effective for p4820 = 2 (staircase). Units are dependent on p4810. If p4810 = 1, 2, 4: The amplitude is referred to p2002 (reference current). If p4810 = 3, 5: The amplitude is referred to p2000 (reference speed). 178 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4826 Function generator offset / FG offset CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -1600.00 [%] 1600.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the offset (DC component) of the signal to be generated for the function generator. Dependency: Units are dependent on p4810. If p4810 = 1, 2, 4: The offset is referred to p2002 (reference current). If p4810 = 3, 5: The offset is referred to p2000 (reference speed). If p4810 = 2: In order to avoid the undesirable effects of play (backlash), the offset does not act on the current setpoint, but instead on the speed setpoint. p4827 Function generator ramp-up time to offset / FG ramp-up offset CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ms] 100000.00 [ms] 32.00 [ms] Description: Sets the ramp-up time to the offset for the function generator. p4828 Function generator lower limit / FG lower limit CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -10000.00 [%] 0.00 [%] -100.00 [%] Description: Sets the lower limit for the function generator. Dependency: For p4810 = 2 the limit only applies to the current setpoint, but not the speed setpoint (offset). p4829 Function generator upper limit / FG upper limit CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 10000.00 [%] 100.00 [%] Description: Sets the upper limit for the function generator. Dependency: For p4810 = 2 the limit only applies to the current setpoint, but not the speed setpoint (offset). p4830 Function generator time slice cycle / FG time slice CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0.03125 [ms] 2.00000 [ms] 0.12500 [ms] Description: Sets the time slice cycle in which the function generator is called. p4831 Function generator amplitude scaling / FG amplitude scal CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00000 [%] 200.00000 [%] 100.00000 [%] Sets the scaling for the amplitude of the signal waveforms for all output channels. The value can be changed while the function generator is running. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 179 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p4832[0...2] Function generator amplitude scaling / FG amplitude scal CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting -340.28235E36 [%] 340.28235E36 [%] 100.00000 [%] Sets the scaling for the amplitude of the signal waveforms separately for each output channel. The value cannot be changed while the function generator is running. Index: [0] = First drive for connection [1] = Second drive for connection [2] = Third drive for connection p4833[0...2] Function generator offset scaling / FG offset scal CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting -340.28235E36 [%] 340.28235E36 [%] 100.00000 [%] Sets the scaling for the offset of the signal waveforms separately for each output channel. The value cannot be changed while the function generator is running. Index: [0] = First drive for connection [1] = Second drive for connection [2] = Third drive for connection r4834[0...4] CO: Function generator free measurement output signal / FG fr MeasFct outp CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the output signal for the free measurement function. Index: [0] = Signal 1 [1] = Signal 2 [2] = Signal 3 [3] = Signal 4 [4] = Signal 5 Dependency: Refer to: p4810 Note: The signals are only output in the "free measurement function" operating mode (p4810 = 6) p4835[0...4] Function generator free measurement function scaling / FG fr MeasFct scal CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting -200.00000 [%] 200.00000 [%] 100.00000 [%] Description: Sets the scaling of the output signals for the free measurement function. Index: [0] = Signal 1 [1] = Signal 2 [2] = Signal 3 [3] = Signal 4 [4] = Signal 5 Note: The parameter cannot be changed when the measurement function has been started (r4706 = 2, 3). p4840[0...1] MTrace cycle number setting / Cycle number CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: 180 Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 0 Sets the number of cycles of a multiple trace. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters The multiple trace is de-activated with a value = 0. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Refer to: r4841, p4844 Refer to: A02097, A02098 Notice: A multiple trace can have a negative impact on the total system performance. From their inherent principle of operation, flash memory cards are subject to wear as a result of write operations. As a consequence, the lifetime of flash memory cards is reduced when using the multiple trace functionality. r4841[0...1] MTrace cycle actual display / Cycle act display CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the currently running cycle (including deadtime) of the multiple trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Refer to: p4840, p4844 p4844[0...1] MTrace ring buffer files number / Ring buff file qty CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 5 5 5 Description: Sets the number of ring buffer files for the measurement results of the multiple trace. Index: [0] = Trace 0 [1] = Trace 1 Dependency: Refer to: p4840, r4841 r4950 OA DO-specific number / OA DO qty CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 16 - Description: Displays the number of OA applications installed on this drive object. Dependency: Refer to: r4951, r4952, r4955, p4956, r4957, r4958, r4959, r4960 Note: DO: Drive Object OA: Open Architecture (OA application) r4951 OA DO-specific identifier total length / OA DO id tot_lgth CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 144 - Description: Displays the total length of the identifiers of the OA applications installed on this drive object. Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4952, r4955, p4956, r4957, r4958, r4959, r4960 Note: The identifier of an OA application comprises a maximum of 8 characters plus separator. r4952 OA DO-specific GUID total length / OA DO GUID length CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 288 - Displays the total length of the GUIDs of the OA applications installed on this drive object. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 181 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4951, r4955, p4956, r4957, r4958, r4959, r4960 Note: The GUID of an OA application comprises 16 characters plus 1 character major information plus 1 character, minor information. GUID: Globally Unique IDentifier r4955[0...n] OA DO-specific identifier / OA DO ident CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the identifier of the OA applications installed on this drive object. r4955[0...8]: Identifier of OA application 1 r4955[9...17]: Identifier of OA applications 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4951, r4952, p4956, r4957, r4958, r4959, r4960 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. p4956[0...n] OA DO-specific activation / OA DO act CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: C1, T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Setting to activate the OA applications installed on this drive object. r4956[0]: Activates OA application 1 r4956[1]: Activates OA application 2, ... Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4951, r4952, r4955, r4957, r4958, r4959, r4960 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. r4957[0...n] OA DO-specific version / OA DO version CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: OA application inactive OA application active Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 - Displays the version of the OA applications installed on this drive object. r4957[0]: Version of OA application 1 r4957[1]: Version of OA application 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4951, r4952, r4955, p4956, r4958, r4959, r4960 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. r4958[0...n] OA DO-specific interface version / OA DO interf_vers CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the interface version of OA applications installed on this drive object. r4958[0]: Interface version of OA application 1 r4958[1]: Interface version of OA applications 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4951, r4952, r4955, p4956, r4957, r4959, r4960 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. 182 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4959[0...n] OA DO-specific GUID / OA DO GUID CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the GUIDs of the OA applications installed on this drive object. r4959[0...15]: GUID of OA application 1 r4959[16]: Major information of OA application 1 r4959[17]: Minor information of OA application 1 r4959[18...33]: GUID of OA application 2 r4959[34]: Major information of OA application 2 r4959[35]: Minor information of OA application 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4951, r4952, r4955, p4956, r4957, r4958, r4960 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. r4960[0...n] OA DO-specific GUID drive object / OA DO GUID DO CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the GUIDs of this drive object of the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4960[0...15]: GUID of this drive object of OA application 1 r4960[16]: Major information of this drive object of OA application 1 r4960[17]: Minor information of this drive object of OA application 1 r4960[18...33]: GUID of this drive object of OA application 2 r4960[34]: Major information of this drive object of OA application 2 r4960[35]: Minor information of this drive object of OA application 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4950, r4951, r4952, r4955, p4956, r4957, r4958, r4959 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. p4961[0...n] OA DO-specific logbook module selection / OA DO log module CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0000 hex FFFF FFFF hex 0000 hex Description: Only for service purposes. r4985 OA number / OA no CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 16 - Description: Displays the number of OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. Dependency: Refer to: r4986, r4987, r4988, r4989, r4990, r4991, r4992, r4993, r4994 Note: OA: Open Architecture (OA application) r4986 OA identifier total length / OA id tot_length CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 144 - Displays the total length of the IDs of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 183 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4987, r4988, r4989, r4990, r4991, r4992, r4993, r4994 Note: The identifier of an OA application comprises a maximum of 8 characters plus separator. r4987 OA GUID total length / OA GUID tot_length CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 288 - Description: Displays the total length of the GUIDs of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4988, r4989, r4990, r4991, r4992, r4993, r4994 Note: The GUID of an OA application comprises 16 characters plus 1 character major information plus 1 character, minor information. GUID: Globally Unique IDentifier r4988[0...n] OA identifier / OA ID CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the IDs of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4988[0...8]: Identifier of OA application 1 r4988[9...17]: Identifier of OA applications 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4987, r4989, r4990, r4991, r4992, r4993, r4994 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. r4989[0...n] OA version / OA version CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the version of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4989[0]: Version of OA application 1 r4989[1]: Version of OA application 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4987, r4988, r4990, r4991, r4992, r4993, r4994 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. r4990[0...n] OA interface version / OA interf_vers CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the interface version of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4990[0]: Interface version of OA application 1 r4990[1]: Interface version of OA applications 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4987, r4988, r4989, r4991, r4992, r4993, r4994 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. Note: Example: The value 1010100 should be interpreted as V01.01.01.00. 184 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r4991[0...n] OA GUID / OA GUID CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the GUID of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4991[0...15]: GUID of OA application 1 r4991[16]: Major information of OA application 1 r4991[17]: Minor information of OA application 1 r4991[18...33]: GUID of OA application 2 r4991[34]: Major information of OA application 2 r4991[35]: Minor information of OA application 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4987, r4988, r4989, r4990, r4992, r4993, r4994 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. r4992[0...n] OA GUID ES / OA GUID ES CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the GUID of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4992[0...15]: GUID of OA application 1 r4992[16]: Major information of OA application 1 r4992[17]: Minor information of OA application 1 r4992[18...33]: GUID of OA application 2 r4992[34]: Major information of OA application 2 r4992[35]: Minor information of OA application 2, ... Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4987, r4988, r4989, r4990, r4991, r4993, r4994 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. r4993[0...n] OA activation status / OA act stat CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 - Displays the activation status of the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4993[0]: Activates OA application 1 r4993[1]: Activates OA application 2, ... Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4987, r4988, r4989, r4990, r4991, r4992, r4994 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. r4994[0...n] OA properties / OA property CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: OA application inactive OA application active Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the properties of all the OA applications installed on the memory card/device memory. r4994[0]: Version of OA application 1 r4994[1]: Version of OA application 2, ... SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 185 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 Signal name Properties diagnostics bit 0 Properties diagnostics bit 1 Properties diagnostics bit 2 OEM Properties diagnostics bit 4 Properties diagnostics bit 5 1 signal Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes 0 signal No No No Yes No No Dependency: Refer to: r4985, r4986, r4987, r4988, r4989, r4990, r4991, r4992, r4993 Notice: If there is no OA application, then it is not possible to access an index. Note: The parameter is only for internal Siemens diagnostics. r7760 Write protection/know-how protection status / Wr_prot/KHP stat CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - FP - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status for the write protection and know-how protection. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 Note: KHP: Know-How Protection Signal name Write protection active Know-how protection active Know-how protection temporarily withdrawn Know-how protection cannot be deactivated Extended copy protection is active Basic copy protection is active Trace and measuring functions for diagnostic purposes active 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No FP - Re bit 00: Write protection can be activated/deactivated via p7761 on the Control Unit. Re bit 01: The know-how protection can be activated by entering a password (p7766 ... p7768). Re bit 02: If it has already been activated, know-how protection can be temporarily deactivated by entering the valid password in p7766. In this case, bit 1 = 0 and bit 2 = 1 offset. Re bit 03: Know-how protection cannot be deactivated, as p7766 is not entered in the OEM exception list (only the factory setting is possible). This bit is only set if know-how protection is active (bit 1 = 1) and p7766 has not been entered in the OEM exception list. Re bit 04: When know-how protection has been activated, the contents of the memory card (parameter and DCC data) can be additionally protected against being used with other memory cards/Control Units. This bit is only set if know-how protection is active and p7765 bit 00 is set. Re bit 05: When know-how protection has been activated, the contents of the memory card (parameter and DCC data) can be additionally protected against being used with other memory cards. This bit is only set if know-how protection is active and in p7765 bit 01 is set and not bit 00. Re bit 06: When know-how protection is activated, the drive data can be traced using the device trace function. This bit is only set if know-how protection is active and in p7765.2 is set. p7763 KHP OEM exception list number of indices for p7764 / KHP OEM qty p7764 CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 1 500 1 Sets the number of parameters for the OEM exception list (p7764[0...n]). p7764[0...n], with n = p7763 - 1 Dependency: 186 Refer to: p7764 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: KHP: Know-How Protection Even if know-how protection is set, parameters in this list can be read and written to. p7764[0...n] KHP OEM exception list / KHP OEM excep list TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 OEM exception list (p7764[0...n] for setting parameters that should be excluded from know-how protection. p7764[0...n], with n = p7763 - 1 Dependency: The number of indices depends on p7763. Refer to: p7763 Note: KHP: Know-How Protection Even if know-how protection is set, parameters in this list can be read and written to. p7770 NVRAM action / NVRAM action TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Sets the action to be executed for NVRAM data. At the end of the action the value is automatically set to 0. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Inactive Load NVRAM data to parameters Load parameters to NVRAM Reset Notice: After action p7770 = 1 no more pulses may be enabled. After action p7770 = 2, it is essential that parameters are backed up (p0977 = 1) and that a warm restart is then performed (p0009 = 30, p0976 = 2, 3). This will apply the values written. Note: If value = 1: This action loads the NVRAM data to the parameters. If value = 2: This action loads the parameters to the NVRAM. If value = 3: This action sets parameters p7771 ... p7774 to the factory setting. It is recommended to avoid placing unnecessary load on the subsequent upload/download operation. r7843[0...20] Memory card serial number / Mem_card ser.no CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the actual serial number of the memory card. Notice: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. Note: Example: displaying the serial number for a memory card: The individual characters of the serial number are displayed in the ASCII code in the indices. r7843[0] = 49 dec --> ASCII characters = "1" --> serial number, character 1 r7843[1] = 49 dec --> ASCII characters = "1" --> serial number, character 2 r7843[2] = 49 dec --> ASCII characters = "1" --> serial number, character 3 r7843[3] = 57 dec --> ASCII characters = "9" --> serial number, character 4 r7843[4] = 50 dec --> ASCII characters = "2" --> serial number, character 5 r7843[5] = 51 dec --> ASCII characters = "3" --> serial number, character 6 r7843[6] = 69 dec --> ASCII characters = "E" --> serial number, character 7 r7843[7] = 0 dec --> ASCII characters = " " --> serial number, character 8 ... SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 187 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r7843[19] = 0 dec --> ASCII characters = " " --> serial number, character 20 r7843[20] = 0 dec Serial number = 111923E r7844[0...2] Device memory firmware version / Dev_mem FW CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the version of the firmware stored on the device memory. Index: [0] = Internal [1] = External [2] = Parameter backup Note: Re index 0: Displays the internal firmware version (e.g. 01402315). This firmware version is the version of the device memory and not the CU firmware (r0018), however, normally they have the same versions. Re index 1: Displays the external firmware version (e.g. 01040000 -> 1.4). Re index 2: Displays the internal CU firmware version (r0018) of the parameter backup. With this CU firmware version, the parameter backup was saved, which was used when powering up. r7850[0...n] Drive object operational/not operational / DO ready for oper CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting -32786 32767 - Displays whether, for an activated drive object, all activated topology components are available or not (or whether these can be addressed). 0: Drive object not ready for operation 1: Drive object ready for operation p7857 Sub-boot mode / Sub-boot mode TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 1 Description: Sets the mode for the sub-boot. Value: 0: 1: Note: For p7857 = 0 (manual sub-boot) the following applies: Sub-boot manual Sub-boot automatic The parameter should be set to 1 to start the sub-boot. r7871[0...15] Configuration changes drive object / Config_chng DO TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the configuration changes on the drive object. Index: [0] = Sum of the following indices [1] = p0010, p0107, p0108 [2] = Drive object name (p0199) [3] = Structure-relevant parameters (e.g. p0180) [4] = BICO interconnections 188 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [5] = Activate/de-activate drive object [6] = Data backup required [7] = Reserved [8] = Reference or changeover parameters (e.g. p2000) [9] = Parameter count through Drive Control Chart (DCC) [10] = p0107, p0108 [11] = Reserved [12] = Write protection and know-how protection status [13] = Reserved [14] = Reserved [15] = Reserved Note: Re index 0: When changing one of the following indices, then the value in this index is incremented. Re index 1: Drive object commissioning: When changing p0010, p0107 or p0108, the value in this index is incremented. Re index 2: Drive object name. When changing p0199, the value in this index is incremented. Re index 3: Drive object structure. When changing a parameter that is relevant for the structure (e.g. number of data sets), the value in this index is incremented. Re index 4: Drive object BICO interconnections. When changing r3977, the value in this index is incremented. Re index 5: Drive object activity: When changing p0105, the value in this index is incremented. Re index 6: Drive object, data save. 0: There are no parameter changes to save. 1: There are parameter changes to save. Re index 8: Drive object changeover of units. When changing reference or changeover parameters (e.g. p2000, p0304), the value in this index is incremented. Re index 9: Drive object parameter count. When changing the number of parameters by loading Drive Control Chart (DCC), the value in this index is incremented. Re index 10: Drive object configuration. When changing either p0107 or p0108, the value in this index is incremented. Re index 12: Drive object configuration. When activating/deactivating write protection or know-how protection, the value in this index is incremented. r7872[0...3] Drive object status changes / DO stat_chng CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status changes on the drive object. Index: [0] = Sum of the following indices [1] = Faults (r0944) [2] = Alarms (r2121) [3] = Safety messages (r9744) Note: Re index 0: When changing one of the following indices, then the value in this index is incremented. Re index 1: Drive object faults. When changing r0944, the value in this index is incremented. Re index 2: Drive object alarms. When changing r2121, the value in this index is incremented. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 189 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Re index 3: Drive object safety messages. When changing r9744, the value in this index is incremented. p8550 AOP LOCAL/REMOTE / AOP LOCAL/REMOTE CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 1001 bin Description: Setting for saving the actual configuration of the Advanced Operator Panel (AOP). Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 14 15 r8570[0...39] Macro drive object / Macro DO All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Signal name LOCAL save Start in LOCAL Change in oper OFF acts like OFF1 OFF acts like OFF2 OFF acts like OFF3 Reserved CW/CCW active Jog active Save speed setpoint Inhibit operation Inhibit parameterization 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No No No No No Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the macro file saved in the appropriate directory on the memory card/device memory. Dependency: Refer to: p0015 Note: For a value = 9999999, the following applies: The read operation is still running. r8571[0...39] Macro Binector Input (BI) / Macro BI DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the ACX file saved in the appropriate directory in the non-volatile memory. Dependency: Refer to: p0700 Note: For a value = 9999999, the following applies: The read operation is still running. r8572[0...39] Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for speed setpoints / Macro CI n_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the ACX file saved in the appropriate directory in the non-volatile memory. Dependency: Refer to: p1000 Note: For a value = 9999999, the following applies: The read operation is still running. 190 FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r8573[0...39] Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for torque setpoints / Macro CI M_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the ACX file saved in the appropriate directory in the non-volatile memory. Dependency: Refer to: p1500 Note: For a value = 9999999, the following applies: The read operation is still running. r8585 Macro execution actual / Macro executed All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the macro currently being executed on the drive object. Dependency: Refer to: p0015, p0700, p1000, p1500, r8570, r8571, r8572, r8573 p8805 Identification and maintenance 4 configuration / I&M 4 config CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the configuration for the content of identification and maintenance 4 (I&M 4, p8809). Value: 0: 1: Dependency: For p8805 = 0, if the user writes at least one value in p8809[0...53], then p8805 is automatically set to = 1. Standard value for I&M 4 (p8809) User value for I&M 4 (p8809) When p8805 is reset = 0, then the content of the factory setting is set in p8809. Note: Re p8805 = 0: PROFINET I&M 4 (p8809) contains the information for the SI change tracking. Re p8805 = 1: PROFINET I&M 4 (p8809) contains the values written by the user. p8806[0...53] Identification and Maintenance 1 / I&M 1 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max - - Factory setting Description: Parameters for the PROFINET data set "Identification and Maintenance 1" (I&M 1). Dependency: Refer to: p8807, p8808 This information is known as "System identifier" and "Location identifier". Notice: Only characters belonging to the standard ASCII character set may be used (32 dec to 126 dec). Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. Re p8806[0...31]: System identifier. Re p8806[32...53]: Location identifier. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 191 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p8807[0...15] Identification and Maintenance 2 / I&M 2 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max - - Factory setting Parameters for the PROFINET data set "Identification and Maintenance 2" (I&M 2). This information is known as "Installation date". Dependency: Refer to: p8806, p8808 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. Re p8807[0...15]: Dates of installation or first commissioning of the (ASCII) device with the following format options. YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm - YYYY: year - MM: month 01 ... 12 - DD: day 01 ... 31 - hh: hours 00 ... 23 - mm: minutes 00 ... 59 Separators must be placed between the individual data, i.e. a hyphen '-', space ' ' and colon ':'. p8808[0...53] Identification and Maintenance 3 / I&M 3 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max - - Factory setting Parameters for the PROFINET data set "Identification and Maintenance 3" (I&M 3). This information is known as "Supplementary information". Dependency: Refer to: p8806, p8807 Notice: Only characters belonging to the standard ASCII character set may be used (32 dec to 126 dec). Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. Re p8808[0...53]: Any supplementary information and comments (ASCII). p8809[0...53] Identification and Maintenance 4 / I&M 4 CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0000 bin 1111 1111 bin 0000 bin Description: Parameters for the PROFINET data set "Identification and Maintenance 4" (I&M 4). Dependency: This parameter is preassigned as standard (see note). This information is known as "Signature". After writing information to p8809, p8805 is automatically set to = 1. Refer to: p8805 Note: For p8805 = 0 (factory setting) the following applies: Parameter p8809 contains the information described below. Re p8809[0...3]: Contains the value from r9781[0] "SI change tracking checksum functional". Re p8809[4...7]: Contains the value from r9782[0] "SI change tracking time stamp checksum functional". Re p8809[8...53]: Reserved. 192 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p8837 IF2 STW1.10 = 0 mode / IF2 STW1.10=0 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 2 2 Sets the processing mode for PROFIdrive STW1.10 "master control by PLC". Generally, control world 1 is received with the first receive word (PZD1) (this is in conformance to the PROFIdrive profile). The behavior of STW1.10 = 0 corresponds to that of the PROFIdrive profile. For other applications that deviate from this, the behavior can be adapted using this particular parameter. Value: 0: 1: 2: Freeze setpoints and continue to process sign-of-life Freeze setpoints and sign-of-life Do not freeze setpoints Recommendation: Do not change the setting p2037 = 0. Note: If the STW1 is not transferred according to the PROFIdrive with PZD1 (with bit 10 "master control by PLC"), then p2037 should be set to 2. p8839[0...1] PZD interface hardware assignment / PZD IF HW assign CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(1) Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2198 Min Max Factory setting 0 99 99 Description: Assignment of the hardware for cyclic communications via PZD interface 1 (IF1) and interface 2 (IF2). Value: 0: 1: 2: 99: Index: [0] = Interface 1 [1] = Interface 2 Dependency: Refer to: p2030 Note: For value = 99 (automatic) the following applies: Inactive Control Unit onboard COMM BOARD Automatic - if a COMM BOARD is not inserted, then the integrated communication interface (PROFIBUS/USS) communicates via IF1. - if a CBE20 is inserted, then PROFINET CBE20 communicates via IF1 and PROFIBUS/USS via IF2. For a value not equal to 99 (automatic) the following applies: - both indices must be set to a number not equal to 99 (automatic). A new setting only becomes effective after POWER ON, reset or download. p8840 COMM BOARD monitoring time / CB t_monit CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 65535000 [ms] 500 [ms] Sets the monitoring time to monitor the process data received via COMM BOARD. If, during this time, the Control Unit does not receive any process data from the COMM BOARD, then an appropriate message is output. Dependency: Refer to: F08501 Note: This monitoring function only monitors the connection between the Control Unit and COMM BOARD and not the data traffic on the fieldbus. Value = 0: Monitoring is de-activated. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 193 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p8841[0...239] COMM BOARD send configuration data / CB s config_dat CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Unsigned16 Description: Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Sets the send configuration data for the COMM BOARD. The setting is activated with p8842. Dependency: Refer to: p8842 Note: The configuration data are specific to the inserted COMM BOARD. For CBE20, the configuration data are not relevant. p8842 Activate COMM BOARD send configuration / CB s config act CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Unsigned16 Description: Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Activate a modified send configuration for COMM BOARD. With p8842 = 1, the values in p8841 are transferred to the COMM BOARD and activated. After this, p8842 is automatically set to zero. Dependency: Refer to: p8841 Note: For CBE20, certain SINAMICS parameters are newly evaluated and activated. An existing, cyclic bus connection is interrupted. r8843.0...2 BO: IF2 PZD state / IF2 PZD state CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PROFIdrive PZD state. Bit field: Bit 00 02 Dependency: Refer to: p2044 Note: When using the "setpoint failure" signal, the bus can be monitored and an application-specific response triggered when the setpoint fails. p8844 IF2 fault delay / IF2 F delay DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Signal name Setpoint failure Fieldbus oper 1 signal Yes Yes FP - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: 0 signal No No Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting 0 [s] 100 [s] 0 [s] Sets the delay time to initiate fault F01910 after a setpoint failure. The time until the fault is initiated can be used by the application. This means that is is possible to respond to the failure while the drive is still operational (e.g. emergency retraction). Dependency: Refer to: r2043 Refer to: F01910 p8848 IF2 PZD sampling time / IF2 PZD t_sample CU_DCP Can be changed: C1(3) Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: 194 Min Max Factory setting 1.00 [ms] 16.00 [ms] 4.00 [ms] Sets the sampling time for the cyclic interface 2 (IF2). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: The system only permits certain sampling times and after writing to this parameter, displays the value that has actually been set. For clock cycle synchronous operation, the specified bus cycle time applies (Tdp). r8849[0...139] COMM BOARD receive configuration data / CB r config_dat CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned16 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the receive configuration data for the COMM BOARD. r8850[0...4] CO: IF2 PZD receive word / IF2 PZD recv word TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2491 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output for interconnecting the PZD (setpoints) received via interface 2 in the word format. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Note: IF2: Interface 2 PZD1 to PZD2 are displayed bit-serially in r8890 to r8891. p8851[0...63] CI: IF2 PZD send word / IF2 PZD send word DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Func. diagram: 2487, 9208 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) to be sent via interface 2 in the word format. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 195 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Dependency: Refer to: p8861 Note: IF2: Interface 2 p8851[0...4] CI: IF2 PZD send word / IF2 PZD send word TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Func. diagram: 2493, 9210 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) to be sent via interface 2 in the word format. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Note: IF2: Interface 2 r8853[0...63] IF2 diagnostics PZD send / IF2 diag PZD send DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2487, 9208, 9210 Description: 196 Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the sent PZD (actual values) sent via interface 2. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 197 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Dependency: Refer to: p8851, p8861 Note: IF2: Interface 2 r8853[0...4] IF2 diagnostics PZD send / IF2 diag PZD send TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2493 Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the sent PZD (actual values) sent via interface 2. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: IF2: Interface 2 r8854 COMM BOARD state / CB state Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Integer16 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Access level: 3 Max Factory setting 0 255 - Status display for COMM BOARD. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: FP - Func. diagram: - Min Description: FP - Access level: 3 Description: 198 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF No initialization Fatal fault Initialization Send configuration Receive configuration SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 5: 6: 255: r8858[0...39] Non-cyclic communication Cyclic communications but no setpoints (stop/no clock cycle) Cyclic communication COMM BOARD read diagnostics channel / CB diag_chan read CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned16 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the COMM BOARD diagnostics data. Note: The display depends on the COMM BOARD being used. Example for CBE20: r8858[0] = 4201 --> Siemens CBE20 r8858[1] = 1 --> firmware type = PROFINET device (see p8835) r8858[2] = x --> state of cyclic communication r8858[3] = y --> state of the IP configuration r8858[4] = 1281 --> device ID 0501 hex = SINAMICS S120/S150 r8858[5 ... 39] --> only for internal Siemens diagnostics. r8859[0...7] COMM BOARD identification data / CB ident data CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned16 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the COMM BOARD identification data Index: [0] = Version interface structure [1] = Version interface driver [2] = Company (Siemens = 42) [3] = CB type [4] = Firmware version [5] = Firmware date (year) [6] = Firmware date (day/month) [7] = Firmware patch/hot fix Note: Example for CBE20: r8859[0] = 100 --> version of the interface structure V1.00 r8859[1] = 111 --> version of the interface driver V1.11 r8859[2] = 42 --> SIEMENS r8859[3] = 0 --> CBE20 r8859[4] = 1200 --> first part, firmware version V12.00 (second part, see index 7) r8859[5] = 2010 --> year 2010 r8859[6] = 2306 --> 23rd June r8859[7] = 1300 --> second part, firmware version (complete version: V12.00.13.00) r8860[0...62] CO: IF2 PZD receive double word / IF2 PZD recv DW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 2485, 9204, 9206 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output for interconnecting the PZD (setpoints) received via interface 2 in the double word format. Index: [0] = PZD 1 + 2 [1] = PZD 2 + 3 [2] = PZD 3 + 4 [3] = PZD 4 + 5 [4] = PZD 5 + 6 [5] = PZD 6 + 7 [6] = PZD 7 + 8 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 199 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [7] = PZD 8 + 9 [8] = PZD 9 + 10 [9] = PZD 10 + 11 [10] = PZD 11 + 12 [11] = PZD 12 + 13 [12] = PZD 13 + 14 [13] = PZD 14 + 15 [14] = PZD 15 + 16 [15] = PZD 16 + 17 [16] = PZD 17 + 18 [17] = PZD 18 + 19 [18] = PZD 19 + 20 [19] = PZD 20 + 21 [20] = PZD 21 + 22 [21] = PZD 22 + 23 [22] = PZD 23 + 24 [23] = PZD 24 + 25 [24] = PZD 25 + 26 [25] = PZD 26 + 27 [26] = PZD 27 + 28 [27] = PZD 28 + 29 [28] = PZD 29 + 30 [29] = PZD 30 + 31 [30] = PZD 31 + 32 [31] = PZD 32 + 33 [32] = PZD 33 + 34 [33] = PZD 34 + 35 [34] = PZD 35 + 36 [35] = PZD 36 + 37 [36] = PZD 37 + 38 [37] = PZD 38 + 39 [38] = PZD 39 + 40 [39] = PZD 40 + 41 [40] = PZD 41 + 42 [41] = PZD 42 + 43 [42] = PZD 43 + 44 [43] = PZD 44 + 45 [44] = PZD 45 + 46 [45] = PZD 46 + 47 [46] = PZD 47 + 48 [47] = PZD 48 + 49 [48] = PZD 49 + 50 [49] = PZD 50 + 51 [50] = PZD 51 + 52 [51] = PZD 52 + 53 [52] = PZD 53 + 54 [53] = PZD 54 + 55 [54] = PZD 55 + 56 [55] = PZD 56 + 57 [56] = PZD 57 + 58 [57] = PZD 58 + 59 [58] = PZD 59 + 60 [59] = PZD 60 + 61 [60] = PZD 61 + 62 [61] = PZD 62 + 63 [62] = PZD 63 + 64 Dependency: Refer to: r8850 Notice: Where there is a multiple interconnection of a connector output, all the connector inputs must either have Integer or FloatingPoint data types. A BICO interconnection for a single PZD can only take place either on r8850 or r8860. A maximum of 4 indices of the "trace" function can be used. Note: 200 IF2: Interface 2 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p8861[0...62] CI: IF2 PZD send double word / IF2 PZD send DW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer32 Func. diagram: 2487, 9208, 9210 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Selects the PZD (actual values) to be sent via interface 2 in the double word format. Index: [0] = PZD 1 + 2 [1] = PZD 2 + 3 [2] = PZD 3 + 4 [3] = PZD 4 + 5 [4] = PZD 5 + 6 [5] = PZD 6 + 7 [6] = PZD 7 + 8 [7] = PZD 8 + 9 [8] = PZD 9 + 10 [9] = PZD 10 + 11 [10] = PZD 11 + 12 [11] = PZD 12 + 13 [12] = PZD 13 + 14 [13] = PZD 14 + 15 [14] = PZD 15 + 16 [15] = PZD 16 + 17 [16] = PZD 17 + 18 [17] = PZD 18 + 19 [18] = PZD 19 + 20 [19] = PZD 20 + 21 [20] = PZD 21 + 22 [21] = PZD 22 + 23 [22] = PZD 23 + 24 [23] = PZD 24 + 25 [24] = PZD 25 + 26 [25] = PZD 26 + 27 [26] = PZD 27 + 28 [27] = PZD 28 + 29 [28] = PZD 29 + 30 [29] = PZD 30 + 31 [30] = PZD 31 + 32 [31] = PZD 32 + 33 [32] = PZD 33 + 34 [33] = PZD 34 + 35 [34] = PZD 35 + 36 [35] = PZD 36 + 37 [36] = PZD 37 + 38 [37] = PZD 38 + 39 [38] = PZD 39 + 40 [39] = PZD 40 + 41 [40] = PZD 41 + 42 [41] = PZD 42 + 43 [42] = PZD 43 + 44 [43] = PZD 44 + 45 [44] = PZD 45 + 46 [45] = PZD 46 + 47 [46] = PZD 47 + 48 [47] = PZD 48 + 49 [48] = PZD 49 + 50 [49] = PZD 50 + 51 [50] = PZD 51 + 52 [51] = PZD 52 + 53 [52] = PZD 53 + 54 [53] = PZD 54 + 55 [54] = PZD 55 + 56 [55] = PZD 56 + 57 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 201 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [56] = PZD 57 + 58 [57] = PZD 58 + 59 [58] = PZD 59 + 60 [59] = PZD 60 + 61 [60] = PZD 61 + 62 [61] = PZD 62 + 63 [62] = PZD 63 + 64 Dependency: Refer to: p8851 Notice: A BICO interconnection for a single PZD can only take place either on p8851 or p8861. Note: IF2: Interface 2 r8863[0...62] IF2 diagnostics PZD send double word / IF2 diag send DW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 2487 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the PZD sent via interface 2 (actual values) with double word format. Index: [0] = PZD 1 + 2 [1] = PZD 2 + 3 [2] = PZD 3 + 4 [3] = PZD 4 + 5 [4] = PZD 5 + 6 [5] = PZD 6 + 7 [6] = PZD 7 + 8 [7] = PZD 8 + 9 [8] = PZD 9 + 10 [9] = PZD 10 + 11 [10] = PZD 11 + 12 [11] = PZD 12 + 13 [12] = PZD 13 + 14 [13] = PZD 14 + 15 [14] = PZD 15 + 16 [15] = PZD 16 + 17 [16] = PZD 17 + 18 [17] = PZD 18 + 19 [18] = PZD 19 + 20 [19] = PZD 20 + 21 [20] = PZD 21 + 22 [21] = PZD 22 + 23 [22] = PZD 23 + 24 [23] = PZD 24 + 25 [24] = PZD 25 + 26 [25] = PZD 26 + 27 [26] = PZD 27 + 28 [27] = PZD 28 + 29 [28] = PZD 29 + 30 [29] = PZD 30 + 31 [30] = PZD 31 + 32 [31] = PZD 32 + 33 [32] = PZD 33 + 34 [33] = PZD 34 + 35 [34] = PZD 35 + 36 [35] = PZD 36 + 37 [36] = PZD 37 + 38 [37] = PZD 38 + 39 [38] = PZD 39 + 40 [39] = PZD 40 + 41 [40] = PZD 41 + 42 [41] = PZD 42 + 43 [42] = PZD 43 + 44 [43] = PZD 44 + 45 [44] = PZD 45 + 46 [45] = PZD 46 + 47 202 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [46] = PZD 47 + 48 [47] = PZD 48 + 49 [48] = PZD 49 + 50 [49] = PZD 50 + 51 [50] = PZD 51 + 52 [51] = PZD 52 + 53 [52] = PZD 53 + 54 [53] = PZD 54 + 55 [54] = PZD 55 + 56 [55] = PZD 56 + 57 [56] = PZD 57 + 58 [57] = PZD 58 + 59 [58] = PZD 59 + 60 [59] = PZD 60 + 61 [60] = PZD 61 + 62 [61] = PZD 62 + 63 [62] = PZD 63 + 64 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Notice: A maximum of 4 indices of the "trace" function can be used. Note: IF2: Interface 2 r8867[0...1] IF2 PZD maximum interconnected / IF2 PZDmaxIntercon DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 Bit 16 Bit 17 Bit 18 Bit 19 Bit 20 Bit 21 Bit 22 Bit 23 Bit 24 Bit 25 Bit 26 Bit 27 Bit 28 Bit 29 Bit 30 Bit 31 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Min Max Factory setting - - - FP - Display for the maximum interconnected PZD in the receive/send direction Index 0: receive (r8850, r8860) Index 1: send (p8851, p8861) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 203 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p8870[0...15] SINAMICS Link receive telegram word PZD / Recv link word DCP_CTRL (PROFINET CBE20), TM150 (PROFINET CBE20), TM15DI_DO (PROFINET CBE20), TM31 (PROFINET CBE20) Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Assignment of a PZD to a telegram word from a SINAMICS Link receive telegram. Min Max Factory setting 0 16 0 For p8839[0] = 2 (COMM BOARD via interface 1), the following applies: - PZD p2050[index] is assigned by means of p8870[index], p8872[index]. For p8839[1] = 2 (COMM BOARD via interface 2), the following applies: - PZD p8850[index] is assigned by means of p8870[index], p8872[index]. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 Dependency: Refer to: p8872 Note: Value range: 0: Not used 1 ... 16: Telegram word A pair of values p8870[index], p8872[index] may only be used once in single a device. A change only becomes effective after POWER ON, reset, project download or p8842 = 1. p8871[0...15] SINAMICS Link send telegram word PZD / Send link word TM150 (PROFINET CBE20), TM15DI_DO (PROFINET CBE20), TM31 (PROFINET CBE20) Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Assigns a PZD to a telegram word in the SINAMICS Link send telegram. Min Max Factory setting 0 16 0 For p8839[0] = 2 (COMM BOARD via interface 1), the following applies: - p8871[index] assigns PZD p2051[index]. For p8839[1] = 2 (COMM BOARD via interface 2), the following applies: - p8871[index] assigns PZD p8851[index]. Index: 204 [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 Dependency: Refer to: p2051, p8851 Refer to: A50002 Note: Value range: 0: Not used 1 ... 16: Send telegram word A specific telegram word send may only be used once within a single device. A change only becomes effective after POWER ON, reset, project download or p8842 = 1. p8872[0...15] SINAMICS Link address receive PZD / Link addr recv TM150 (PROFINET CBE20), TM15DI_DO (PROFINET CBE20), TM31 (PROFINET CBE20) Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Selects the address of the SINAMICS Link sender from which the process data (PZD) is received. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 Dependency: Refer to: p8870 Note: Value range: Min Max Factory setting 0 64 0 0: Not used 1 ... 64: Address A change only becomes effective after POWER ON, reset, project download or p8842 = 1. r8874[0...63] IF2 diagnostics bus address PZD receive / IF2 diag addr recv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the bus address of sender from which the PZD is received. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 205 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Note: IF2: Interface 2 Value range: 0 - 125: Bus address of the sender 255: Not assigned r8874[0...4] IF2 diagnostics bus address PZD receive / IF2 diag addr recv TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: 206 Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the bus address of sender from which the PZD is received. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 r8875[0...63] IF2 diagnostics telegram offset PZD receive / IF diag offs recv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the byte offset of the PZD in the receive telegram. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 207 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Note: IF2: Interface 2 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 255: Not assigned r8875[0...4] IF2 diagnostics telegram offset PZD receive / IF diag offs recv TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the byte offset of the PZD in the receive telegram. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 r8876[0...63] IF2 diagnostics telegram offset PZD send / IF2 diag offs send DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the byte offset of the PZD in the send telegram. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 [5] = PZD 6 [6] = PZD 7 [7] = PZD 8 [8] = PZD 9 [9] = PZD 10 [10] = PZD 11 [11] = PZD 12 [12] = PZD 13 [13] = PZD 14 [14] = PZD 15 [15] = PZD 16 [16] = PZD 17 [17] = PZD 18 [18] = PZD 19 [19] = PZD 20 [20] = PZD 21 [21] = PZD 22 [22] = PZD 23 [23] = PZD 24 [24] = PZD 25 [25] = PZD 26 208 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [26] = PZD 27 [27] = PZD 28 [28] = PZD 29 [29] = PZD 30 [30] = PZD 31 [31] = PZD 32 [32] = PZD 33 [33] = PZD 34 [34] = PZD 35 [35] = PZD 36 [36] = PZD 37 [37] = PZD 38 [38] = PZD 39 [39] = PZD 40 [40] = PZD 41 [41] = PZD 42 [42] = PZD 43 [43] = PZD 44 [44] = PZD 45 [45] = PZD 46 [46] = PZD 47 [47] = PZD 48 [48] = PZD 49 [49] = PZD 50 [50] = PZD 51 [51] = PZD 52 [52] = PZD 53 [53] = PZD 54 [54] = PZD 55 [55] = PZD 56 [56] = PZD 57 [57] = PZD 58 [58] = PZD 59 [59] = PZD 60 [60] = PZD 61 [61] = PZD 62 [62] = PZD 63 [63] = PZD 64 Note: IF2: Interface 2 Value range: 0 - 242: Byte offset 255: Not assigned r8876[0...4] IF2 diagnostics telegram offset PZD send / IF2 diag offs send TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the byte offset of the PZD in the send telegram. Index: [0] = PZD 1 [1] = PZD 2 [2] = PZD 3 [3] = PZD 4 [4] = PZD 5 p8880[0...15] BI: IF2 binector-connector converter status word 1 / Bin/con ZSW1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2489 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent via interface 2. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 209 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters The individual bits are combined to form status word 1. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8888, r8889 p8881[0...15] BI: IF2 binector-connector converter status word 2 / Bin/con ZSW2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2489 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent via interface 2. The individual bits are combined to form status word 2. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8888, r8889 p8882[0...15] BI: IF2 binector-connector converter status word 3 / Bin/con ZSW3 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2489 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent via interface 2. The individual bits are combined to form free status word 3. Index: 210 [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8888, r8889 p8883[0...15] BI: IF2 binector-connector converter status word 4 / Bin/con ZSW4 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2489 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent via interface 2. The individual bits are combined to form free status word 4. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8888, r8889 p8884[0...15] BI: IF2 binector-connector converter status word 5 / Bin/con ZSW5 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2489 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Selects bits to be sent via interface 2. The individual bits are combined to form free status word 5. Index: [0] = Bit 0 [1] = Bit 1 [2] = Bit 2 [3] = Bit 3 [4] = Bit 4 [5] = Bit 5 [6] = Bit 6 [7] = Bit 7 [8] = Bit 8 [9] = Bit 9 [10] = Bit 10 [11] = Bit 11 [12] = Bit 12 [13] = Bit 13 [14] = Bit 14 [15] = Bit 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8888, r8889 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 211 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p8888[0...4] IF2 invert binector-connector converter status word / Bin/con ZSW inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2489 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Description: Setting to invert the individual binector inputs of the binector connector converter. Index: [0] = Status word 1 [1] = Status word 2 [2] = Free status word 3 [3] = Free status word 4 [4] = Free status word 5 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8880, p8881, p8882, p8883, p8884, r8889 r8889[0...4] CO: IF2 send binector-connector converter status word / Bin/con ZSW send DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Connector output to interconnect the status words to a PZD send word. Index: [0] = Status word 1 [1] = Status word 2 [2] = Free status word 3 [3] = Free status word 4 [4] = Free status word 5 Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8851, p8880, p8881, p8882, p8883, p8884, p8888 212 0 signal Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: r8889 together with p8880 to p8884 forms five binector-connector converters. r8890.0...15 BO: IF2 PZD1 receive bit-serial / IF2 PZD1 recv bitw DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2485, 2491, 9204, 9206 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD1 (normally control word 1) received via interface 2. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: r8850 Note: IF2: Interface 2 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - r8891.0...15 BO: IF2 PZD2 receive bit-serial / IF2 PZD2 recv bitw DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2485, 2491, 9204, 9206 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD2 received via interface 2. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: r8850 Note: IF2: Interface 2 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - 213 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r8892.0...15 BO: IF2 PZD3 receive bit-serial / IF2 PZD3 recv bitw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2485, 9204, 9206 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD3 received via interface 2. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: r8850 Note: IF2: Interface 2 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - r8893.0...15 BO: IF2 PZD4 receive bit-serial / IF2 PZD4 recv bitw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2485, 9204, 9206 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of PZD4 (normally control word 2) received via interface 2. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: r8850 Note: IF2: Interface 2 214 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r8894.0...15 BO: IF2 connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2485, 2491 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of a PZD word received via interface 2. The PZD is selected via p8899[0]. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Dependency: Refer to: p8899 r8895.0...15 BO: IF2 connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2485, 2491 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Binector output for bit-serial interconnection of a PZD word received via interface 2. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: p8898, p8899 FP - The PZD is selected via p8899[1]. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 0 signal OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF FP - 215 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p8898[0...1] IF2 invert connector-binector converter binector output / Con/bin outp inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2485, 2491 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 0000 0000 0000 bin Setting to invert the individual binector outputs of the connector-binector converter. Using p8898[0], the signals of CI: p8899[0] are influenced. Using p8898[1], the signals of CI: p8899[1] are influenced. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: Refer to: r8894, r8895, p8899 p8899[0...1] CI: IF2 connector-binector converter signal source / Con/bin S_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Integer16 Func. diagram: 2485, 2491 Description: Signal name Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 Bit 6 Bit 7 Bit 8 Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 Bit 12 Bit 13 Bit 14 Bit 15 1 signal Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted Inverted 0 signal Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Not inverted Min Max Factory setting - - 0 FP - Sets the signal source for the connector-binector converter. A PZD receive word can be selected as signal source. The signals are available to be serially passed-on (interconnection). Dependency: Refer to: r8850, r8894, r8895, p8898 Note: From the signal source set via the connector input, the corresponding lower 16 bits are converted. p8899[0...1] together with r8894.0...15 and r8895.0...15 forms two connector-binector converters: Connector input p8899[0] to binector output in r8894.0...15 Connector input p8899[1] to binector output in r8895.0...15 r8909 PN device ID / PN device ID CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Description: Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the PROFINET Device ID. Every SINAMICS device type has its own PROFINET Device ID and its own PROFINET GSD. Note: List of the SINAMICS Device IDs: 0501 hex: S120/S150 0504 hex: G130/G150 050A hex: DC MASTER 050C hex: MV 050F hex: G120P 0510 hex: G120C 0511 hex: G120 CU240E-2 216 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 0512 hex: G120D 0513 hex: G120 CU250S-2 Vector 0514 hex: G110M p8940[0...239] CBE2x Name of Station / CBE2x Name Stat CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Sets the station name for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). Dependency: Refer to: p8941, p8942, p8943, p8944, p8945 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. The interface configuration (p8940 and following) is activated with p8945. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. p8941[0...3] CBE2x IP Address of Station / CBE2x IP of Stat CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 0 Description: Sets the IP address for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). Dependency: Refer to: p8940, p8942, p8943, p8944, p8945 Note: The interface configuration (p8940 and following) is activated with p8945. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. p8942[0...3] CBE2x Default Gateway of Station / CBE2x Def Gateway CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 0 Description: Sets the standard gateway for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). Dependency: Refer to: p8940, p8941, p8943, p8944, p8945 Note: The interface configuration (p8940 and following) is activated with p8945. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. p8943[0...3] CBE2x Subnet Mask of Station / CBE2x Subnet Mask CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 0 Description: Sets the subnet mask for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). Dependency: Refer to: p8940, p8941, p8942, p8944, p8945 Note: The interface configuration (p8940 and following) is activated with p8945. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. p8944 CBE2x DHCP Mode / CBE2x DHCP Mode CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 0 Description: Sets the DHCP mode for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). Dependency: Refer to: p8940, p8941, p8942, p8943, p8945 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 217 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Notice: When the DHCP mode is active (p8944 > 0), then PROFINET communication via this interface is no longer possible! However, the interface can be used by the STARTER/SCOUT commissioning tool. Note: The active DHCP mode is displayed in parameter r8954. The interface configuration (p8940 and following) is activated with p8945. The parameter is not influenced by setting the factory setting. If value = 0: DHCP deactivated. If value = 1: Reserved. If value = 2: DHCP activated. The MAC address of this interface is used for client identification. If value = 3: DHCP activated. The station name of this interface is used for client identification. p8945 CBE2x interface configuration / CBE2x int config CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: U, T CBE20) Data type: Integer16 Description: Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Sets the activation of the interface configuration for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). p8945 is automatically set to 0 at the end of an operation. Value: 0: 2: 3: No function Save and activate configuration Delete configuration Dependency: Refer to: p8940, p8941, p8942, p8943, p8944 Notice: When the DHCP mode is active (p8944 > 0), then PROFINET communication via this interface is no longer possible! However, the interface can be used by the STARTER/SCOUT commissioning tool. Note: For CBE20, the parameter is only valid for firmware version "PROFINET Device" (p8835 = 1) or "Ethernet/IP" (p8835 = 4). Otherwise, it is locked. This restriction is not applicable for the CBE25. Re p8945 = 2: The interface configuration (p8940 and following) is saved and activated after the next POWER ON. Re p8945 = 3: The factory setting of the interface configuration is loaded after the next POWER ON. r8950[0...239] CBE2x Name of Station active / CBE2x Name act CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the active station name for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). r8951[0...3] CBE2x IP Address of Station active / CBE2x IP act CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Description: 218 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 - Displays the active IP address for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r8952[0...3] CBE2x Default Gateway of Station active / CBE2x def GW act CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 - Description: Displays the active standard gateway for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). r8953[0...3] CBE2x Subnet Mask of Station active / CBE2x Sub Mask act CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 - Description: Displays the active subnet mask for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). r8954 CBE2x DHCP Mode active / CBE2x DHCP act CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 - Description: Displays the active DHCP mode for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). Notice: When the DHCP mode is active (parameter value greater than 0), PROFINET communication via this interface is no longer possible! However, the interface can be used by the STARTER/SCOUT commissioning tool. Note: If value = 0: DHCP deactivated. If value = 2: DHCP activated. The MAC address of this interface is used for client identification. If value = 3: DHCP activated. The station name of this interface is used for client identification. r8955[0...5] CBE2x MAC Address of Station / CBE2x MAC Addr CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0000 hex 00FF hex - Description: Displays the MAC address for the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). r8959 CBE2x DAP ID / CBE2x DAP ID CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned32 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0000 hex FFFF FFFF hex - Description: Displays the DAP ID for PROFINET via the Communication Board Ethernet 20/25 (CBE20/CBE25). Note: DAP ID: Device Access Point ID The combination of device ID (r8909) and DAP ID (r8959) uniquely identifies a PROFINET access point. DAP ID = 20007 hex: SINAMICS CBE20 V4.5 DAP ID = 20008 hex: SINAMICS CBE20 V4.6 DAP ID = 20009 hex: SINAMICS CBE20 V4.7 DAP ID = 20209 hex: SINAMICS CBE25 V4.7 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 219 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r8960[0...2] PN subslot controller assignment / PN subslot assign All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 8 - Description: Displays the controller assignment of a PROFINET subslot on the actual drive object. Index: [0] = Subslot 2 PROFIsafe [1] = Subslot 3 PZD telegram [2] = Subslot 4 PZD supplementary data Note: Example: If the parameter contains the value 2 in index [1], then this means that subslot 3 is assigned to controller 2. r8970[0...2] CBE2x subslot controller assignment / CBE2x subslot CU_DCP (PROFINET CBE20), DCP_CTRL (PROFINET CBE20), TM150 (PROFINET CBE20), TM15DI_DO (PROFINET CBE20), TM31 (PROFINET CBE20) Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Displays the controller assignment of a PROFINET subslot on the actual drive object. Index: [0] = Subslot 2 PROFIsafe [1] = Subslot 3 PZD telegram [2] = Subslot 4 PZD supplementary data Dependency: Refer to: r8971, r8972 Note: Example: Min Max Factory setting 0 8 - If the parameter contains the value 2 in index [1], then this means that subslot 3 is assigned to controller 2. r8971[0...3] CBE2x IP Address Remote Controller 1 / CBE2x IP Rem Ctrl1 CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 - Description: Displays the IP address of the first PROFINET controller connected with the device via CBE20/CBE25. r8972[0...3] CBE2x IP Address Remote Controller 2 / CBE2x IP Rem Ctrl2 CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 255 - Description: Displays the IP address of the second PROFINET controller connected with the device via CBE20/CBE25. p9206[0...2] Topology direct access / Topo access CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 0 Data setting to read topology properties. The result is displayed depending on the property in r9207 or r9208. Re index 0: 0: actual topology, 1: target topology Re index 1: Sets the component number of the component involved. 220 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Re index 2: 7: Name (r9208) 8: Component type (r9207) 9: Number of DRIVE-CLiQ connections (r9207) 11: Manufacturer (upper byte) and version (lower byte) (r9207) 12: Serial number (r9208) 13: Index (r9207) 15: Comparison level (r9207) 23: Order number (r9207) 24: Hardware serial number (r9208) 25: Collective order number (r9207) 28: Firmware version (r9207) 29: EEPROM version (r9207) 30: Hardware version (r9207) 1000: Name of DRIVE-CLiQ connection 0 (r9208) 1001: Name of DRIVE-CLiQ connection 1 (r9208) ... 1015: Name of DRIVE-CLiQ connection 15 (r9208) Index: [0] = Actual topology/target topology [1] = Component number [2] = Identifier/property Dependency: Refer to: r9207, r9208 r9207 Topology direct access integer value / Topo access int CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the value for the property set in p9206. A value is only displayed for integer type properties. Dependency: Refer to: p9206, r9208 r9208[0...50] Topology direct access string / Topo access string CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the value for the property set in p9206. A value is only displayed for string type properties. Dependency: Refer to: p9206, r9207 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. p9210 Flashing component number / Flash comp_no CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 499 0 Description: Sets the component number for a component to get its status LED to flash. Dependency: Refer to: p9211 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 221 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p9211 Flash function / Flash fct. CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting -1 1 -1 Sets the function for the component selected in p9210. After initiating a function, the parameter is automatically reset again. Example: - Set the component number (p9210). - Select the "flashing on" function (set p9211 = 1). Value: -1: 0: 1: Select function Flashing off Flashing on Dependency: Refer to: p9210 Notice: If a task cannot be executed (e.g. the component number in p9210 does not exist), the following applies: - There is no negative feedback signal. - The value is reset anyway. r9220 Statistic number of entries / Statistic size CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Supplies the number of entries in p9222. Dependency: In p9221, the component Id is set whose statistic entries are to be displayed. Refer to: p9221 p9221 Statistic components Id / Statistic compId CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0000 hex 00FF hex 0002 hex Selects the component Id whose statistics are to be displayed in p9222. r9222[0...n] Statistic Drive-CLiQ acyclic communication / Statistic CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Represents the statistic of acyclic Drive-CLiQ communication. The component is preset in p9221. The entry comprises the following elements: Index 0: Parameter Id Index 1: Number of messages sent. Index 2: Minimum time of all acyclic requests referred to the parameter Id (index 0). Index 3: Maximum time of all acyclic requests referred to the parameter Id (index 0). Index 4: Average of all acyclic requests referred to the parameter Id (index 0). The time unit is 10us. 222 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: The number of statistic entries is displayed in p9220. In p9221, the component Id can be set whose statistic is to be displayed. Refer to: r9220, p9221 Note: As a statistic entry comprises 5 data, when calling the entries via the terminal, a size that represents a multiple of 5 must be specified. Example: the 2nd entry must be called: rdp 1 9222 5 5 or rdpa 1 9222 5 5. p9400 Safely remove memory card / Mem_card rem CU_DCP Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 100 0 Setting and display when memory card is "removed safely". Procedure: Setting p9400 = 2 results in a value of 3 --> The memory card can be removed safely. After removal the value sets itself to 0 automatically. Setting p9400 = 2 results in a value of 100 --> The memory card cannot be removed safely. Removal may destroy the file system on the memory card. It may be necessary to set p9400 = 2 again. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 100: No memory card inserted Memory card inserted Request "safe removal" of the memory card "Safe removal" possible "Safe removal" not possible due to access Dependency: Refer to: r9401 Notice: Removing the memory card without a request (p9400 = 2) and confirmation (p9400 = 3) may destroy the file system on the memory card. The memory card will then no longer work properly and must be replaced. Note: The status when the memory card is being "removed safely" is shown in r9401. Re value = 0, 1, 3, 100: These values can only be displayed, not set. r9401 Safely remove memory card status / Mem_card rem stat CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the status of the memory card. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 Dependency: Refer to: p9400 Note: Re bit 01, 00: Signal name Memory card inserted Memory card activated SIEMENS memory card Memory card as USB data storage medium from the PC used 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No FP - Bit 1/0 = 0/0: No memory card inserted (corresponds to p9400 = 0). Bit 1/0 = 0/1: "Safe removal" possible (corresponds to p9400 = 3). Bit 1/0 = 1/0: Status not possible. Bit 1/0 = 1/1: Memory card inserted (corresponds to p9400 = 1, 2, 100). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 223 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Re bit 02, 00: Bit 2/0 = 0/0: No memory card inserted. Bit 2/0 = 0/1: Memory card inserted, but not a SIEMENS memory card. Bit 2/0 = 1/0: Status not possible. Bit 2/0 = 1/1: SIEMENS memory card inserted. r9406[0...19] PS file parameter number parameter not transferred / PS par_no n transf All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the parameters that were not able to be transferred when reading the parameter back-up files (PS files) from the non-volatile memory (e.g. memory card). r9406[0] = 0 --> All of the parameter values were able to be transferred error-free. r9406[0...x] > 0 --> indicates the parameter number in the following cases: - parameter, whose value was not able to be completely accepted. - indexed parameter, where at least 1 index was not able to be accepted. The first index that is not transferred is displayed in r9407. Dependency: Refer to: r9407, r9408 Note: All indices from r9406 to r9408 designate the same parameter. r9406[x] parameter number, parameter not accepted r9407[x] parameter index, parameter not accepted r9408[x] fault code, parameter not accepted r9407[0...19] PS file parameter index parameter not transferred / PS parameter index All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the first index of the parameters that could not be transferred when the parameter backup files (PS files) were read from the non-volatile memory (e.g. memory card). If, from an indexed parameter, at least one index was not able to be transferred, then the parameter number is displayed in r9406[n] and the first index that was not transferred is displayed in r9407[n]. r9406[0] = 0 --> All of the parameter values were able to be transferred error-free. r9406[n] > 0 --> Displays r9407[n] the first index of the parameter number r9406[n] that was not transferred. Dependency: Refer to: r9406, r9408 Note: All indices from r9406 to r9408 designate the same parameter. r9406[x] parameter number, parameter not accepted r9407[x] parameter index, parameter not accepted r9408[x] fault code, parameter not accepted r9408[0...19] PS file fault code parameter not transferred / PS fault code All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Only for internal Siemens service purposes. Dependency: Refer to: r9406, r9407 224 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: All indices from r9406 to r9408 designate the same parameter. r9406[x] parameter number, parameter not accepted r9407[x] parameter index, parameter not accepted r9408[x] fault code, parameter not accepted r9409 Number of parameters to be saved / Qty par to save All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of modified parameters and those that have still not be saved for this drive object. Dependency: Refer to: p0971, p0977 Notice: Inherent to the system, the list of the parameters to be backed up is empty after the following actions: - Download - Warm restart - Factory setting In these cases, a new parameter backup must be initiated, which is then the starting point for the list of modified parameters. Note: The modified parameters that still need to be saved are internally listed in r9410 ... r9419. r9481 Number of BICO interconnections / BICO count All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of BICO interconnections (signal sinks). Dependency: Refer to: r9482, r9483 Note: The selected BICO interconnections should be entered into r9482 and r9483. r9482[0...n] BICO interconnections BI/CI parameters / BICO BI/CI par All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the signal sinks (binector/connector inputs, BI/CI parameters). The number of BICO interconnections is displayed in r9481. Dependency: Refer to: r9481, r9483 Note: The list is sorted according to signal sources and is structured as follows: r9842[0]: Interconnection 1 (signal sink, BICO coded), r9843[0]: Interconnection 1 (signal source, BICO coded) r9842[1]: Interconnection 2 (signal sink, BICO coded), r9843[1]: Interconnection 2 (signal source, BICO coded) ... r9483[0...n] BICO interconnections BO/CO parameters / BICO BO/CO par All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the signal sources (binector/connector outputs, BO/CO parameters). The number of BICO interconnections is displayed in r9481. Dependency: Refer to: r9481, r9482 Note: The list is sorted according to signal sources and is structured as follows: r9842[0]: Interconnection 1 (signal sink, BICO coded), r9843[0]: Interconnection 1 (signal source, BICO coded) r9842[1]: Interconnection 2 (signal sink, BICO coded), r9843[1]: Interconnection 2 (signal source, BICO coded) ... SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 225 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p9484 BICO interconnections search signal source / BICO S_src srch All objects Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 4294967295 0 Sets the signal source (BO/CO parameter, BICO coded) to search in the signal sinks. The question is answered: How often is a connection made to a signal source in the drive object and from which index are these interconnections saved (r9482 and r9483)? Dependency: Refer to: r9481, r9482, r9483, r9485, r9486 r9485 BICO interconnections signal source search count / BICO S_src srchQty All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of BICO interconnections to the signal sink being searched for. Dependency: Refer to: r9481, r9482, r9483, p9484, r9486 Note: The signal source to be searched is set in p9484 (BICO-coded). The search result is contained in r9482 and r9483 and is specified by the count (r9485) and the first index (r9486). r9486 BICO interconnections signal source search first index / BICO S_src srchIdx All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the first index of the signal source being searched for. Dependency: Refer to: r9481, r9482, r9483, p9484, r9485 Note: The signal source to be searched is set in p9484 (BICO-coded). The search result is contained in r9482 and r9483 and is specified by the count (r9485) and the first index (r9486). r9490 Number of BICO interconnections to other drives / Qty BICO to drive All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the number of signal sources from this drive to other drives/drive objects (Binector Output/Connector Output, BO/CO). Dependency: Refer to: r9491, r9492, p9493 r9491[0...9] BI/CI of BICO interconnections to other drives / BI/CI to drive All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the signal receiver list (Binector Input/Connector Input, BI/CI) for the first interconnections between this drive and other drives/drive objects. Dependency: Refer to: r9490, r9492, p9493 Notice: A drive cannot be deleted if this list is not empty! Otherwise, another drive would continue to attempt to read a signal from a drive that no longer existed. Note: All indices of r9491 to p9493 designate the same interconnection. r9491[x] contains the signal receiver and r9492[x] the matching signal source; p9493[x] can be set to modify the interconnection. 226 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r9492[0...9] BO/CO of BICO interconnections to other drives / BO/CO to drive All objects Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the signal source list (Binector Output/Connector Output, BO/CO) for the first interconnections between this drive and other drives/drive objects. Dependency: Refer to: r9490, r9491, p9493 Notice: A drive cannot be deleted if this list is not empty! Otherwise, another drive would continue to attempt to read a signal from a drive that no longer existed. Note: All indices of r9491 to p9493 designate the same interconnection. r9491[x] contains the signal receiver and r9492[x] the matching signal source; p9493[x] can be set to modify the interconnection. p9493[0...9] Reset BICO interconnections to other drives / Reset BICO to drv All objects Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 15 15 Setting to reset the BICO interconnections to other drives. Each interconnection can be individually reset. Value: 0: 1: 2: 15: Set connection to 0 Set connection to 1 (100 %) Set connection to factory setting Finished Dependency: Refer to: r9490, r9491, r9492 Note: All indices of r9491 to p9493 designate the same interconnection. r9491[x] contains the signal receiver and r9492[x] the matching signal source; p9493[x] can be set to modify the interconnection. p9495 BICO behavior for de-activated drive objects / Behav for deact DO All objects Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Sets the behavior for BICO interconnections to drive objects that are either not capable of operation or have been deactivated. BO/CO parameters are on the drive object that is either not capable of operation or has been deactivated (signal source). Value: 0: 1: 2: Inactive Save interconnections Save interconnections and establish the factory setting Dependency: Refer to: p9496, p9497, p9498, p9499 Refer to: A01318, A01507 Note: For p9495 = 0, the following applies: - the number of interconnections is zero (p9497 = 0). For p9495 not equal to 0, the following applies: - the BI/CI parameters involved are listed in p9498[0...29] (signal sink). - the associated BO/CO parameters are listed in p9499[0...29] (signal source). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 227 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p9496 BICO behavior when activating drive objects / Behav when act DO All objects Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Sets the behavior when activating BICO interconnections to drive objects that are either not capable of operation or have been deactivated. Value: 0: 1: 2: Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9497, p9498, p9499 Inactive Restore the interconnections from the list Delete the interconnections from the list Refer to: A01318, A01507 Note: The BI/CI parameters involved are listed in p9498[0...29] (signal sink). The associated BO/CO parameters are listed in p9499[0...29] (signal source). After p9496 = 1, 2 the following applies: - p9497 = 0 - p9496 = 0 p9497 BICO interconnections to de-activated drive objects number / Interconn obj qty All objects Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 Displays the number of saved BICO interconnections to drive objects that are either not capable of operation or have been deactivated. BO/CO parameters are on the drive object that is either not capable of operation or has been deactivated (signal source). Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9496, p9498, p9499 Refer to: A01318, A01507 p9498[0...29] BICO BI/CI parameters to de-activated drive objects / BI/CI to deact obj All objects Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Displays the saved BI/CI parameters (signal sink), whose source is located on drive objects that are either not capable of operation or have been deactivated. Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9496, p9497, p9499 Refer to: A01318, A01507 Note: A BICO interconnection (signal sink, signal source) is displayed in the same index of p9498 and p9499. p9499[0...29] BICO BO/CO parameters to de-activated drive objects / BO/CO to deact obj All objects Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Displays the saved BO/CO parameters (signal source), which are located on drive objects that are either not capable of operation or have been deactivated. Dependency: Refer to: p9495, p9496, p9497, p9498 Refer to: A01318, A01507 Note: 228 A BICO interconnection (signal sink, signal source) is displayed in the same index of p9498 and p9499. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r9925[0...99] Firmware file incorrect / FW file incorr CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the directory and name of the file whose status as shipped from the factory was identified as impermissible. Dependency: Refer to: r9926 Refer to: A01016 Note: The directory and name of the file is displayed in the ASCII code. r9926 Firmware check status / FW check status CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the status when the firmware is checked when the system is booted. 0: Firmware not yet checked. 1: Check running. 2: Check successfully completed. 3: Check indicates an error. Dependency: Refer to: r9925 Refer to: A01016 r9975[0...7] System utilization measured / Sys util meas CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Displays the measured system utilization. The higher the value displayed, the higher the system utilization. Index: [0] = Computing time utilization (min) [1] = Computing time utilization (averaged) [2] = Computing time utilization (max) [3] = Largest total utilization (min) [4] = Largest total utilization (averaged) [5] = Largest total utilization (max) [6] = Reserved [7] = Reserved Dependency: Refer to: r9976, r9979, r9980, r9981 Refer to: F01054, F01205 Note: Re index 3 ... 5: The total utilizations are determined using all sampling times used. The largest total utilizations are mapped here. The sampling time with the largest total utilization is displayed in r9979. Total utilization: Computing time load of sampling time involved including load from higher-priority sampling times (interrupts). r9976[0...7] System utilization / Sys util CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Displays the system utilization. If the utilization is greater than 100%, fault F01054 is output. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 229 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = Reserved [1] = Computing time utilization [2] = Reserved [3] = Reserved [4] = Reserved [5] = Largest total utilization [6] = Reserved [7] = Reserved Dependency: Refer to: r9979, r9980 Refer to: F01054, F01205 Note: Re index 1: The value shows the total computing time load of the system. Re index 5: The total utilization is determined using all sampling times used. The largest total utilization is mapped here. The sampling time with the largest total utilization is displayed in r9979. Total utilization: Computing time load of sampling time involved including load from higher-priority sampling times (interrupts). r9979 Sampling time with largest total utilization / t_sampl lg total CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [s] - [s] - [s] Description: Displays the sampling time with the largest total utilization. Dependency: Refer to: r9976 Refer to: F01054 Note: The largest total utilization is displayed in r9976[5]. Total utilization: Computing time load of sampling time involved including load from higher-priority sampling times (interrupts). r9980[0...165] Sampling times utilization calculated / t_sampl util calc CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the calculated utilizations for the active sampling times based on the existing target topology. Index: [0] = Net utilization 0 [1] = Total utilization 0 [2] = Net utilization 1 [3] = Total utilization 1 [4] = Net utilization 2 [5] = Total utilization 2 [6] = Net utilization 3 [7] = Total utilization 3 [8] = Net utilization 4 [9] = Total utilization 4 [10] = Net utilization 5 [11] = Total utilization 5 [12] = Net utilization 6 [13] = Total utilization 6 [14] = Net utilization 7 [15] = Total utilization 7 [16] = Net utilization 8 [17] = Total utilization 8 [18] = Net utilization 9 [19] = Total utilization 9 [20] = Net utilization 10 [21] = Total utilization 10 [22] = Net utilization 11 230 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [23] = Total utilization 11 [24] = Net utilization 12 [25] = Total utilization 12 [26] = Net utilization 13 [27] = Total utilization 13 [28] = Net utilization 14 [29] = Total utilization 14 [30] = Net utilization 15 [31] = Total utilization 15 [32] = Net utilization 16 [33] = Total utilization 16 [34] = Net utilization 17 [35] = Total utilization 17 [36] = Net utilization 18 [37] = Total utilization 18 [38] = Net utilization 19 [39] = Total utilization 19 [40] = Net utilization 20 [41] = Total utilization 20 [42] = Net utilization 21 [43] = Total utilization 21 [44] = Net utilization 22 [45] = Total utilization 22 [46] = Net utilization 23 [47] = Total utilization 23 [48] = Net utilization 24 [49] = Total utilization 24 [50] = Net utilization 25 [51] = Total utilization 25 [52] = Net utilization 26 [53] = Total utilization 26 [54] = Net utilization 27 [55] = Total utilization 27 [56] = Net utilization 28 [57] = Total utilization 28 [58] = Net utilization 29 [59] = Total utilization 29 [60] = Net utilization 30 [61] = Total utilization 30 [62] = Net utilization 31 [63] = Total utilization 31 [64] = Net utilization 32 [65] = Total utilization 32 [66] = Net utilization 33 [67] = Total utilization 33 [68] = Net utilization 34 [69] = Total utilization 34 [70] = Net utilization 35 [71] = Total utilization 35 [72] = Net utilization 36 [73] = Total utilization 36 [74] = Net utilization 37 [75] = Total utilization 37 [76] = Net utilization 38 [77] = Total utilization 38 [78] = Net utilization 39 [79] = Total utilization 39 [80] = Net utilization 40 [81] = Total utilization 40 [82] = Net utilization 41 [83] = Total utilization 41 [84] = Net utilization 42 [85] = Total utilization 42 [86] = Net utilization 43 [87] = Total utilization 43 [88] = Net utilization 44 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 231 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [89] = Total utilization 44 [90] = Net utilization 45 [91] = Total utilization 45 [92] = Net utilization 46 [93] = Total utilization 46 [94] = Net utilization 47 [95] = Total utilization 47 [96] = Net utilization 48 [97] = Total utilization 48 [98] = Net utilization 49 [99] = Total utilization 49 [100] = Net utilization 50 [101] = Total utilization 50 [102] = Net utilization 51 [103] = Total utilization 51 [104] = Net utilization 52 [105] = Total utilization 52 [106] = Net utilization 53 [107] = Total utilization 53 [108] = Net utilization 54 [109] = Total utilization 54 [110] = Net utilization 55 [111] = Total utilization 55 [112] = Net utilization 56 [113] = Total utilization 56 [114] = Net utilization 57 [115] = Total utilization 57 [116] = Net utilization 58 [117] = Total utilization 58 [118] = Net utilization 59 [119] = Total utilization 59 [120] = Net utilization 60 [121] = Total utilization 60 [122] = Net utilization 61 [123] = Total utilization 61 [124] = Net utilization 62 [125] = Total utilization 62 [126] = Net utilization 63 [127] = Total utilization 63 [128] = Net utilization 64 [129] = Total utilization 64 [130] = Net utilization 65 [131] = Total utilization 65 [132] = Net utilization 66 [133] = Total utilization 66 [134] = Net utilization 67 [135] = Total utilization 67 [136] = Net utilization 68 [137] = Total utilization 68 [138] = Net utilization 69 [139] = Total utilization 69 [140] = Net utilization 70 [141] = Total utilization 70 [142] = Net utilization 71 [143] = Total utilization 71 [144] = Net utilization 72 [145] = Total utilization 72 [146] = Net utilization 73 [147] = Total utilization 73 [148] = Net utilization 74 [149] = Total utilization 74 [150] = Net utilization 75 [151] = Total utilization 75 [152] = Net utilization 76 [153] = Total utilization 76 [154] = Net utilization 77 232 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [155] = Total utilization 77 [156] = Net utilization 78 [157] = Total utilization 78 [158] = Net utilization 79 [159] = Total utilization 79 [160] = Net utilization 80 [161] = Total utilization 80 [162] = Net utilization 81 [163] = Total utilization 81 [164] = Net utilization 82 [165] = Total utilization 82 Dependency: Refer to: r9976, r9979 Refer to: F01054 Note: The corresponding sampling times can be read out in parameter r7901. Net utilization: Computing time load that is only called by the sampling time involved. Total utilization: Computing time load of sampling time involved including load from higher-priority sampling times (interrupts). r9981[0...165] Sampling times utilization measured / t_sampl util meas CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the utilizations measured for the active sampling times. Index: [0] = Net utilization 0 [1] = Total utilization 0 [2] = Net utilization 1 [3] = Total utilization 1 [4] = Net utilization 2 [5] = Total utilization 2 [6] = Net utilization 3 [7] = Total utilization 3 [8] = Net utilization 4 [9] = Total utilization 4 [10] = Net utilization 5 [11] = Total utilization 5 [12] = Net utilization 6 [13] = Total utilization 6 [14] = Net utilization 7 [15] = Total utilization 7 [16] = Net utilization 8 [17] = Total utilization 8 [18] = Net utilization 9 [19] = Total utilization 9 [20] = Net utilization 10 [21] = Total utilization 10 [22] = Net utilization 11 [23] = Total utilization 11 [24] = Net utilization 12 [25] = Total utilization 12 [26] = Net utilization 13 [27] = Total utilization 13 [28] = Net utilization 14 [29] = Total utilization 14 [30] = Net utilization 15 [31] = Total utilization 15 [32] = Net utilization 16 [33] = Total utilization 16 [34] = Net utilization 17 [35] = Total utilization 17 [36] = Net utilization 18 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 233 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [37] = Total utilization 18 [38] = Net utilization 19 [39] = Total utilization 19 [40] = Net utilization 20 [41] = Total utilization 20 [42] = Net utilization 21 [43] = Total utilization 21 [44] = Net utilization 22 [45] = Total utilization 22 [46] = Net utilization 23 [47] = Total utilization 23 [48] = Net utilization 24 [49] = Total utilization 24 [50] = Net utilization 25 [51] = Total utilization 25 [52] = Net utilization 26 [53] = Total utilization 26 [54] = Net utilization 27 [55] = Total utilization 27 [56] = Net utilization 28 [57] = Total utilization 28 [58] = Net utilization 29 [59] = Total utilization 29 [60] = Net utilization 30 [61] = Total utilization 30 [62] = Net utilization 31 [63] = Total utilization 31 [64] = Net utilization 32 [65] = Total utilization 32 [66] = Net utilization 33 [67] = Total utilization 33 [68] = Net utilization 34 [69] = Total utilization 34 [70] = Net utilization 35 [71] = Total utilization 35 [72] = Net utilization 36 [73] = Total utilization 36 [74] = Net utilization 37 [75] = Total utilization 37 [76] = Net utilization 38 [77] = Total utilization 38 [78] = Net utilization 39 [79] = Total utilization 39 [80] = Net utilization 40 [81] = Total utilization 40 [82] = Net utilization 41 [83] = Total utilization 41 [84] = Net utilization 42 [85] = Total utilization 42 [86] = Net utilization 43 [87] = Total utilization 43 [88] = Net utilization 44 [89] = Total utilization 44 [90] = Net utilization 45 [91] = Total utilization 45 [92] = Net utilization 46 [93] = Total utilization 46 [94] = Net utilization 47 [95] = Total utilization 47 [96] = Net utilization 48 [97] = Total utilization 48 [98] = Net utilization 49 [99] = Total utilization 49 [100] = Net utilization 50 [101] = Total utilization 50 [102] = Net utilization 51 234 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters [103] = Total utilization 51 [104] = Net utilization 52 [105] = Total utilization 52 [106] = Net utilization 53 [107] = Total utilization 53 [108] = Net utilization 54 [109] = Total utilization 54 [110] = Net utilization 55 [111] = Total utilization 55 [112] = Net utilization 56 [113] = Total utilization 56 [114] = Net utilization 57 [115] = Total utilization 57 [116] = Net utilization 58 [117] = Total utilization 58 [118] = Net utilization 59 [119] = Total utilization 59 [120] = Net utilization 60 [121] = Total utilization 60 [122] = Net utilization 61 [123] = Total utilization 61 [124] = Net utilization 62 [125] = Total utilization 62 [126] = Net utilization 63 [127] = Total utilization 63 [128] = Net utilization 64 [129] = Total utilization 64 [130] = Net utilization 65 [131] = Total utilization 65 [132] = Net utilization 66 [133] = Total utilization 66 [134] = Net utilization 67 [135] = Total utilization 67 [136] = Net utilization 68 [137] = Total utilization 68 [138] = Net utilization 69 [139] = Total utilization 69 [140] = Net utilization 70 [141] = Total utilization 70 [142] = Net utilization 71 [143] = Total utilization 71 [144] = Net utilization 72 [145] = Total utilization 72 [146] = Net utilization 73 [147] = Total utilization 73 [148] = Net utilization 74 [149] = Total utilization 74 [150] = Net utilization 75 [151] = Total utilization 75 [152] = Net utilization 76 [153] = Total utilization 76 [154] = Net utilization 77 [155] = Total utilization 77 [156] = Net utilization 78 [157] = Total utilization 78 [158] = Net utilization 79 [159] = Total utilization 79 [160] = Net utilization 80 [161] = Total utilization 80 [162] = Net utilization 81 [163] = Total utilization 81 [164] = Net utilization 82 [165] = Total utilization 82 Dependency: Refer to: r9975, r9980 Refer to: F01054 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 235 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Note: The corresponding sampling times can be read out in parameter r7901. Net utilization: Computing time load that is only called by the sampling time involved. Total utilization: Computing time load of sampling time involved including load from higher-priority sampling times (interrupts). r9982[0...4] Data memory utilization / Mem_util dat_mem CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the calculated data memory utilization rates based on the existing target topology. Index: [0] = Fast data memory 1 [1] = Fast data memory 2 [2] = Fast data memory 3 [3] = Fast data memory 4 [4] = Reserved Dependency: Refer to: F01068 r9983[0...4] Measured data memory utilization (actual load) / Mem_ut dat_mem ms CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the measured data memory utilization rates based on the existing target topology. Index: [0] = Fast Memory 1 [1] = Fast Memory 2 [2] = Fast Memory 3 [3] = Fast Memory 4 [4] = Heap Dependency: Refer to: F01068 r9984[0...4] Data memory utilization OA / Mem_ut dat_mem OA CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Displays the utilization of the data memory by OA applications. Index: [0] = Fast Memory 1 [1] = Fast Memory 2 [2] = Fast Memory 3 [3] = Fast Memory 4 [4] = Reserved Dependency: Refer to: F01068 r9986[0...7] DRIVE-CLiQ system load / DQ system load CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Displays the calculated DRIVE-CLiQ system load based on the existing target topology. The values are not made available until the RUNUP READY (800) state is adopted (see p3988). Index 0 ... 7 corresponds to DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 ... X107. Dependency: 236 Refer to: F01340 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r9987[0...7] DRIVE-CLiQ bandwidth load / DQ bandw load CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Displays the calculated DRIVE-CLiQ bandwidth load based on the existing target topology. The values are not made available until the RUNUP READY (800) state is adopted (see p3988). Index 0 ... 7 corresponds to DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 ... X107. Dependency: Refer to: F01340 r9988[0...7] DRIVE-CLiQ DPRAM load / DQ DPRAM load CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Displays the calculated DRIVE-CLiQ DPRAM load based on the existing target topology. The values are not made available until the RUNUP READY (800) state is adopted (see p3988). Index 0 ... 7 corresponds to DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 ... X107. Dependency: Refer to: F01340 p9990 DO memory usage actual value determination selection / Mem_use ActVal sel CU_DCP Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 65535 0 The meaning of the parameter differs for reading and writing. Read: - Returns the number of memory areas monitored. Write: - Memory usage of a drive object: Enter drive object number - Memory usage of the complete system: Enter value 65535 r9991[0...4] Memory usage drive object actual value / Mem_use DO ActVal CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the memory usage for each drive object as actual value. Index: [0] = Fast Memory 1 [1] = Fast Memory 2 [2] = Fast Memory 3 [3] = Fast Memory 4 [4] = Heap r9992[0...4] Memory usage drive object reference value / Mem_use DO ref val CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the memory usage for each drive object as reference value. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 237 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = Fast Memory 1 [1] = Fast Memory 2 [2] = Fast Memory 3 [3] = Fast Memory 4 [4] = Heap r9993[0...4] Memory usage OA application / Mem_use OA CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the memory usage of an OA application. Index: [0] = Fast Memory 1 [1] = Fast Memory 2 [2] = Fast Memory 3 [3] = Fast Memory 4 [4] = Heap r9999[0...99] Software error internal supplementary diagnostics / SW_err int diag CU_DCP Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: - Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Diagnostics parameter to display additional information for internal software errors. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. r50000 Operating display / Op_display DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2650, 6855 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - o0.0 No current direction switched on o0.1 Current direction I switched on o0.2 Current direction II switched on o1.2 Wait for operating enable (signal source acc. to p0852) o4.2 Wait until precharging has been completed o7.1 Wait for switch-on (signal source according to p0840) o7.5 Wait until offset calibration has been completed o8.0 Wait for switching-on inhibited to be acknowledged o8.1 Simulation mode active (see p55270) o8.2 Wait until the power unit has cooled down (5 min) o8.3 Contactor test active (p55370) o9.1 Quick stop (OFF3) (signal source acc. to p0848) present o9.2 Quick stop (OFF3) (signal source acc. to p0849) present o10.1 Voltage disconnect (OFF2) (signal source acc. to p0844) pending o10.2 Voltage disconnect (OFF2) (signal source acc. to p0845) pending o11.0 Fault o12.3 Read-out calibration data o12.4 Offset calibr. of curr. act. val. sensing being performed o12.5 Read out data from the power unit o12.6 Wait until the second processors go into normal operation 238 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r50001 CO: Sequence control quadrant display / Seq_ctrl quad_dis DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Integer32 Func. diagram: 2650, 6830 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Display and connector output for the sequence control operating state. SINAMICS DCP is presently being operated in these quadrants. Note: Value: significance (quadrant) 0: pulse inhibit 1: step-down, positive current 2: step-up, positive current -1: step-down, negative current -2: step-up, negative current r50047[0...31] Faults additional information / Fault add info DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2650 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays more detailed information about faults which have occurred with numbers 60000 and higher. [0] = Fault value [1] = Additional information about the most recent fault which occurred (see corresponding fault) ... [30] = Additional information about the most recent fault which occurred (see corresponding fault) [31] = Fault number r50060[0...14] Software version / SW version DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 8054 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the existing software versions. Index: [0] = Complete device version external [1] = Complete device version internal [2] = DSAC bootloader version [3] = BIOS version [4] = Configuration EEPROM version [5] = Base system version [6] = DC/DC converter version [7] = TMS version [8] = TMS image version [9] = TMS bootloader version [10] = TMS bootloader image version [11] = Mainboard version [12] = Mainboard bootloader version [13] = DCC version [14] = FBLOCKS version Note: Some of these software versions are also displayed using the following parameters. Index 0 <--> r7844[1] Index 1 <--> r7844[0] Index 2 <--> r0197 Index 5 <--> r0018 Index 6, 13, 14 <--> r4957[x] SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 239 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r50068[0...31] Options / Options DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 6860 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the options. Index 0: options character 1 ... Index 31: options character 32 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. r50069[0...31] Serial number / Serial no. DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 6860 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the serial number. Index 0: serial number character 1 ... Index 31: serial number character 32 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. r50070[0...31] Article number / Article No. DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 6860 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the article number. Index 0: article number character 1 ... Index 31: serial number character 32 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. r50071 Rated voltage / U_rated DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6860 Min Max Factory setting - [V] - [V] - [V] Description: Displays the rated DC current as stamped on the rating plate. r50072 Rated DC current / I_rated DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6860 Description: 240 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Displays the rated DC current as stamped on the rating plate. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50099 Communication monitoring delay time / Com mon t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9350 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [s] 1000.000 [s] 30.000 [s] Sets the delay time for monitoring the communication interfaces. Monitoring power unit-related communication interfaces (parallel interface) after switching on the electronics power supply are only active after the delay time set here has expired. Note: Switching-on the electronics power supply of the components at different times prevents the interface monitoring functions from responding. p50401 Fixed value 1 / Fix val 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets fixed value 1. Dependency: Refer to: r52401 p50402 Fixed value 2 / Fix val 2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 This value is available at connector output r52401 for interconnection. Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets fixed value 2. Dependency: Refer to: r52402 p50403 Fixed value 3 / Fix val 3 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 This value is available at connector output r52402 for interconnection. Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets fixed value 3. Dependency: Refer to: r52403 p50421 Fixed bit 0 / Fix bit 0 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 This value is available at connector output r52403 for interconnection. Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the signal level for fixed bit 0. This value is available at binector output r53230.0 for interconnection. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r53230 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Low High 241 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50422 Fixed bit 1 / Fix bit 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the signal level for fixed bit 1. This value is available at binector output r53230.1 for interconnection. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r53230 p50423 Fixed bit 2 / Fix bit 2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 Description: Low High Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the signal level for fixed bit 2. This value is available at binector output r53230.2 for interconnection. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r53230 p50424 Fixed bit 3 / Fix bit 3 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 Description: Low High Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the signal level for fixed bit 3. This value is available at binector output r53230.3 for interconnection. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r53230 p50425 Fixed bit 4 / Fix bit 4 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 Description: Low High Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the signal level for fixed bit 4. This value is available at binector output r53230.4 for interconnection. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r53230 p50426 Fixed bit 5 / Fix bit 5 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 Description: Low High Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the signal level for fixed bit 5. This value is available at binector output r53230.5 for interconnection. Value: 242 0: 1: Low High SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r53230 p50427 Fixed bit 6 / Fix bit 6 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the signal level for fixed bit 6. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r53230 p50428 Fixed bit 7 / Fix bit 7 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 3100 This value is available at binector output r53230.6 for interconnection. Description: Low High Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Sets the signal level for fixed bit 7. This value is available at binector output r53230.7 for interconnection. Value: 0: 1: Low High Dependency: Refer to: r53230 p50490 Temperature sensor external type / Temp_sens ext typ DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8030 Min Max Factory setting 0 8 0 Description: Sets the external temperature sensor type (terminal X177.53-55). Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: Note: For value = 2, 3, 4, 5 (PTC thermistor): No sensor KTY84 PTC thermistor R_rated 600 PTC thermistor R_rated 1200 PTC thermistor R_rated 1330 PTC thermistor R_rated 2660 PT100 NTC therm K227 PT1000 - PTC thermistor according to DIN 44081/44082 with specified R at the rated response temperature. - parameters p50491 and p50492 (alarm and switch-off temperature) are ineffective. The alarm and switch-off temperatures are defined by the PTC thermistor type being used. For value = 7 (NTC thermistor K227): The evaluation electronics on the CUD only allow resistance values of less than approx. 2 kOhm to be measured. As a consequence, only temperatures greater than approx. 90 C can be measured when using these temperature sensors. For lower temperatures, the lowest possible value (approx. 90 C) is displayed. p50491 Temperature monitoring external alarm threshold / Ext temp A thresh DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8030 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [C] 200 [C] 0 [C] Sets the alarm threshold for monitoring the external temperature (terminal X177.53-55). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 243 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: The parameter is only valid for the following temperature sensors with a continuous characteristic: - KTY84 (p50490 = 1) - PT100 (p50490 = 6). - NTC thermistor K227 (p50490 = 7) - PT1000 (p50490 = 8) p50492 Temperature monitoring external fault threshold / Ext temp F thresh DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8030 Min Max Factory setting 0 [C] 200 [C] 0 [C] Description: Sets the fault threshold for monitoring the external temperature (terminal X177.53-55). Dependency: The parameter is only valid for the following temperature sensors with a continuous characteristic: - KTY84 (p50490 = 1) - PT100 (p50490 = 6). - NTC thermistor K227 (p50490 = 7) - PT1000 (p50490 = 8) p50700 CUD analog input 0 type / CUD AI 0 type DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Sets the type for analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26) on the CUD. Value: 0: 1: 2: Note: AI: Analog Input Bipolar voltage input (-10 V ... +10 V) Bipolar current input (-20 mA ... +20 mA) Unipolar current input monitored (+4 mA ... +20 mA) p50701[0...n] CUD analog input 0 scaling / CUD AI 0 scal DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.0 [%] 1000.0 [%] 100.0 [%] Sets the scaling for analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26) on the CUD. The value indicates the percentage value for mapping an input voltage of 10 V or an input current of 20 mA at the analog input. Example: p50701 = 90% --> 10 V or 20 mA is scaled to 90% --> 5 V or 10 mA is equivalent to 45% Note: AI: Analog Input p50702 CUD analog input 0 offset / CUD AI 0 offs DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the offset for analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input 244 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50703 CUD analog input 0 signal processing / CUD AI 0 sig proc DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the signal processing mode for analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26) on the CUD. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Note: AI: Analog Input p50704 BI: CUD analog input 0 inversion / CUD AI 0 inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2075 Description: Signal not influenced Signal absolute value generation Signal inverted Signal absolute value generation inverted Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for inverting the signal from analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26) on the CUD. 1 signal: inversion 0 signal: no inversion Note: AI: Analog Input p50705 CUD analog input 0 smoothing time constant / CUD AI 0 T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the signal from analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input p50706 BI: CUD analog input 0 signal source for enable / CUD AI 0 ena s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source to enable analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input p50710 CUD analog input 1 type / CUD AI 1 type DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Sets the type for analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28) on the CUD. Value: 0: 1: 2: Note: AI: Analog Input SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Bipolar voltage input (-10 V ... +10 V) Bipolar current input (-20 mA ... +20 mA) Unipolar current input monitored (+4 mA ... +20 mA) 245 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50711[0...n] CUD analog input 1 scaling / CUD AI 1 scal DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.0 [%] 1000.0 [%] 100.0 [%] Sets the scaling for analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28) on the CUD. The value indicates the percentage value for mapping an input voltage of 10 V or an input current of 20 mA at the analog input. Example: p50711 = 90% --> 10 V or 20 mA is scaled to 90% --> 5 V or 10 mA is equivalent to 45% Note: AI: Analog Input p50712 CUD analog input 1 offset / CUD AI 1 offs DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the offset for analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input p50713 CUD analog input 1 signal processing / CUD AI 1 sig proc DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the signal processing mode for analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28) on the CUD. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Note: AI: Analog Input p50714 BI: CUD analog input 1 inversion / CUD AI 1 inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2080 Description: Signal not influenced Signal absolute value generation Signal inverted Signal absolute value generation inverted Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for inverting the signal from analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28) on the CUD. 1 signal: inversion 0 signal: no inversion Note: AI: Analog Input p50715 CUD analog input 1 smoothing time constant / CUD AI 1 T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the signal from analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input 246 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50716 BI: CUD analog input 1 signal source for enable / CUD AI 1 ena s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source to enable analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input p50721[0...n] CUD analog input 2 scaling / CUD AI 2 scal DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.0 [%] 1000.0 [%] 100.0 [%] Sets the scaling for analog input 2 (AI 2, X177.29/30) on the CUD. The value indicates the percentage value for mapping an input voltage of 10 V at the analog input. Example: p50721 = 90% --> 10 V is scaled to 90% --> 5 V corresponds to 45% Note: AI: Analog Input p50722 CUD analog input 2 offset / CUD AI 2 offs DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the offset for analog input 2 (AI 2, X177.29/30) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input p50723 CUD analog input 2 signal processing / CUD AI 2 sig proc DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the signal processing mode for analog input 2 (AI 2, X177.29/30) on the CUD. Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Note: AI: Analog Input p50724 BI: CUD analog input 2 inversion / CUD AI 2 inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2080 Description: Signal not influenced Signal absolute value generation Signal inverted Signal absolute value generation inverted Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for inverting the signal from analog input 2 (AI 2, X177.29/30) on the CUD. 1 signal: inversion 0 signal: no inversion Note: AI: Analog Input SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 247 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50725 CUD analog input 2 smoothing time constant / CUD AI 2 T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the signal from analog input 2 (AI 2, X177.29/30) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input p50726 BI: CUD analog input 2 signal source for enable / CUD AI 2 ena s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source to enable analog input 2 (AI 2, X177.29/30) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input p50731[0...3] Fast analog inputs scaling / Fast AI scal DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2085, 2090 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1000.0 [%] 1000.0 [%] 100.0 [%] Sets the scaling for fast analog inputs "Select input 3 ... 6". The value indicates the percentage value for mapping an input voltage of 10 V at the analog input. Example: p50731[2] = 90% --> 10 V is scaled to 90% for select input 5 --> 5 V corresponds to 45% for select input 5 Index: [0] = Select input 3 (X177.1/2) [1] = Select input 4 (X177.3/4) [2] = Select input 5 (X177.5/6) [3] = Select input 6 (X177.7/8) Note: AI: Analog Input p50732[0...3] Fast analog inputs offset / Fast AI offs DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2085, 2090 Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the offset for fast analog inputs "Select input 3 ... 6". Index: [0] = Select input 3 (X177.1/2) [1] = Select input 4 (X177.3/4) [2] = Select input 5 (X177.5/6) [3] = Select input 6 (X177.7/8) Note: AI: Analog Input p50733[0...3] Fast analog inputs signal processing / Fast AI sig DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2085, 2090 Description: 248 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Sets the signal processing for fast analog inputs "Select input 3 ... 6". SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Signal not influenced Signal absolute value generation Signal inverted Signal absolute value generation inverted Index: [0] = Select input 3 (X177.1/2) [1] = Select input 4 (X177.3/4) [2] = Select input 5 (X177.5/6) [3] = Select input 6 (X177.7/8) Note: AI: Analog Input p50734[0...3] BI: Fast analog inputs inversion / Fast AI inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2085, 2090 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for inverting the signals for fast analog inputs "Select input 3 ... 6". 1 signal: inversion 0 signal: no inversion Index: [0] = Select input 3 (X177.1/2) [1] = Select input 4 (X177.3/4) [2] = Select input 5 (X177.5/6) [3] = Select input 6 (X177.7/8) Note: AI: Analog Input p50735[0...3] Fast analog inputs smoothing time constant / Fast AI T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2085, 2090 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the signals for fast analog inputs "Select input 3 ... 6". Index: [0] = Select input 3 (X177.1/2) [1] = Select input 4 (X177.3/4) [2] = Select input 5 (X177.5/6) [3] = Select input 6 (X177.7/8) Note: AI: Analog Input p50736[0...3] BI: Signal source to enable fast analog inputs / Fast AI ena sig s DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2085, 2090 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for enabling fast analog inputs "Select input 3 ... 6". Index: [0] = Select input 3 (X177.1/2) [1] = Select input 4 (X177.3/4) [2] = Select input 5 (X177.5/6) [3] = Select input 6 (X177.7/8) Note: AI: Analog Input p50741[0...n] Analog input main actual value scaling / AI m act scal DCP_CTRL Can be changed: C2(1), U, T Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Description: Min Max Factory setting -270.00 [V] 270.00 [V] 60.00 [V] Sets the input voltage (8 - 270 V) for scaling to 100%. Notice: This analog input cannot be externally accessed. It is reserved for subsequent use. Note: AI: Analog Input SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 249 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50742 Analog input main actual value offset / AI m act offs DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Description: Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the offset for the "main actual value" (XT1.103/104). Notice: This analog input cannot be externally accessed. It is reserved for subsequent use. Note: AI: Analog Input p50743 Analog input main actual value signal processing / AI m act sig DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the mode for signal processing for the "main actual value" analog input (XT1.103/104). Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Notice: This analog input cannot be externally accessed. It is reserved for subsequent use. Note: AI: Analog Input p50744 BI: Analog input main actual value inversion / AI m act inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2075 Description: Signal not influenced Signal absolute value generation Signal inverted Signal absolute value generation inverted Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for inverting the signal from the "main actual value" analog input (XT1.103/104). 0 signal: no inversion 1 signal: inversion Notice: This analog input cannot be externally accessed. It is reserved for subsequent use. Note: AI: Analog Input p50745 Analog input main actual value smoothing time constant / AI m act T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the signal from the "main actual value" analog input (XT1.103/104). Notice: This analog input cannot be externally accessed. It is reserved for subsequent use. Note: AI: Analog Input p50746 BI: Signal source to enable analog input main actual value / AI m act ena s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for enabling the analog input for the "main actual value (XT1.103/104). Notice: This analog input cannot be externally accessed. It is reserved for subsequent use. Note: AI: Analog Input 250 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50750 CI: CUD analog output 0 signal source / CUD AO 0 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for the output value at analog output 0 (AO 0, X177.49/50). Note: AO: Analog Output p50751 CUD analog output 0 signal processing / CUD AO 0 sig proc DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the mode for signal processing at analog output 0 (AO 0, X177.49/50). Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Note: AO: Analog Output p50752 CUD analog output 0 smoothing time constant / CUD AO 0 T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Signal not influenced Signal absolute value generation Signal inverted Signal absolute value generation inverted Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the signal from analog output 0 (AO 0, X177.49/50). Note: AO: Analog Output p50753 CUD analog output 0 scaling / CUD AO 0 scal DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Description: Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [V] 200.00 [V] 10.00 [V] Sets the scaling for analog output 0 (AO 0, X177.49/50). The value indicates the output value for mapping an input value of 100% at the analog output. Note: AO: Analog Output p50754 CUD analog output 0 offset / CUD AO 0 offs DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting -10.00 [V] 10.00 [V] 0.00 [V] Description: Sets the offset for analog output 0 (AO 0, X177.49/50). Note: AO: Analog Output p50755 CI: CUD analog output 1 signal source / CUD AO 1 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for the output value at analog output 1 (AO 1, X177.51/52). Note: AO: Analog Output SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 251 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50756 CUD analog output 1 signal processing / CUD AO 1 sig proc DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Description: Sets the mode for signal processing at analog output 1 (AO 1, X177.51/52). Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: Note: AO: Analog Output p50757 CUD analog output 1 smoothing time constant / CUD AO 1 T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Signal not influenced Signal absolute value generation Signal inverted Signal absolute value generation inverted Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the signal from analog output 1 (AO 1, X177.51/52). Note: AO: Analog Output p50758 CUD analog output 1 scaling / CUD AO 1 scal DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Description: Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [V] 200.00 [V] 10.00 [V] Sets the scaling for analog output 1 (AO 1, X177.51/52). The value indicates the output value for mapping an input value of 100% at the analog output. Note: AO: Analog Output p50759 CUD analog output 1 offset / CUD AO 1 offs DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting -10.00 [V] 10.00 [V] 0.00 [V] Description: Sets the offset for analog output 1 (AO 1, X177.51/52). Note: AO: Analog Output p50765 CUD digital input 0 delay time / CUD DI 0 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2050 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital input 0 (DI 0, X177.11) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI: Digital Input p50766 CUD digital input 1 delay time / CUD DI 1 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2050 Description: 252 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Sets the delay time for digital input 1 (DI 1, X177.12) on the CUD. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI: Digital Input p50767 CUD digital input 2 delay time / CUD DI 2 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2050 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital input 2 (DI 2, X177.13) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI: Digital Input p50768 CUD digital input 3 delay time / CUD DI 3 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2050 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 50 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital input 3 (DI 3, X177.14) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI: Digital Input p50770[0...3] CUD digital outputs inversion / CUD DO inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to invert the signal from digital output 0 ... 3 (DO 0 ... DO 3) of the CUD. Value: 0: 1: Index: [0] = DO 0 (X177.19) [1] = DO 1 (X177.20) [2] = DO 2 (X177.21) [3] = DO 3 (X177.22) Note: DO: Digital Output p50771 BI: CUD digital output 0 signal source / CUD DO 0 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2055 Not inverted Inverted Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for digital output 0 (DO 0, X177.19) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output p50772 BI: CUD digital output 1 signal source / CUD DO 1 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for digital output 1 (DO 1, X177.20) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 253 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50773 BI: CUD digital output 2 signal source / CUD DO 2 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for digital output 2 (DO 2, X177.21) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output p50774 BI: CUD digital output 3 signal source / CUD DO 3 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for digital output 3 (DO 3, X177.22) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output p50775 CUD digital output 0 delay time / CUD DO 0 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital output 0 (DO 0, X177.19) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output p50776 CUD digital output 1 delay time / CUD DO 1 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital output 1 (DO 1, X177.20) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output p50777 CUD digital output 2 delay time / CUD DO 2 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital output 2 (DO 2, X177.21) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output p50778 CUD digital output 3 delay time / CUD DO 3 t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2055 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital output 3 (DO 3, X177.22) on the CUD. Note: DO: Digital Output 254 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50780[0...3] CUD digital input/output 4 ... 7 inversion / CUD DI/DO inv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2060, 2065 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to invert the signal at digital input/output 4 ... 7 (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 7) of the CUD. Value: 0: 1: Index: [0] = DI/DO 4 (X177.15) [1] = DI/DO 5 (X177.16) [2] = DI/DO 6 (X177.17) [3] = DI/DO 7 (X177.18) Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[0...3] = 1). Not inverted Inverted Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50781 BI: CUD digital input/output 4 signal source / CUD DI/DO 4 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2060 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for digital input/output 4 (DI/DO 4, X177.15) on the CUD. Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[0] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50782 BI: CUD digital input/output 5 signal source / CUD DI/DO 5 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2060 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for digital input/output 5 (DI/DO 5, X177.16) on the CUD. Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[1] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50783 BI: CUD digital input/output 6 signal source / CUD DI/DO 6 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2065 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for digital input/output 6 (DI/DO 6, X177.17) on the CUD. Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[2] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50784 BI: CUD digital input/output 7 signal source / CUD DI/DO 7 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 2065 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Sets the signal source for digital input/output 7 (DI/DO 7, X177.18) on the CUD. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 255 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[3] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50785 CUD digital input/output 4 output delay time / DI/DO 4 t_del_out DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2060 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital input/output 4 (DI/DO 4, X177.15) on the CUD. Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[0] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50786 CUD digital input/output 5 output delay time / DI/DO 5 t_del_out DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2060 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital input/output 5 (DI/DO 5, X177.16) on the CUD. Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[1] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50787 CUD digital input/output 6 output delay time / DI/DO 6 t_del_out DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2065 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital input/output 6 (DI/DO 6, X177.17) on the CUD. Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[2] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50788 CUD digital input/output 7 output delay time / DI/DO 7 t_del_out DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2065 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the delay time for digital input/output 7 (DI/DO 7, X177.18) on the CUD. Dependency: The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[3] = 1). Refer to: p50789 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50789[0...3] CUD digital input/output 4 ... 7 type / CUD DI/DO typ DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 2060, 2065 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the type for digital input/output 4 ... 7 (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 7) of the CUD. Value: 0: 1: 256 Input Output SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index: [0] = DI/DO 4 (X177.15) [1] = DI/DO 5 (X177.16) [2] = DI/DO 6 (X177.17) [3] = DI/DO 7 (X177.18) Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50790 CUD digital input/output 4 input delay time / DI/DO 4 t_del_inp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2060 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the input delay time for digital input/output 4 (DI/DO 4, X177.15) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50791 CUD digital input/output 5 input delay time / DI/DO 5 t_del_inp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2060 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the input delay time for digital input/output 5 (DI/DO 5, X177.16) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50792 CUD digital input/output 6 input delay time / DI/DO 6 t_del_inp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2065 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the input delay time for digital input/output 6 (DI/DO 6, X177.17) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output p50793 CUD digital input/output 7 input delay time / DI/DO 7 t_del_inp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2065 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 10000 [ms] 0 [ms] Description: Sets the input delay time for digital input/output 7 (DI/DO 7, X177.18) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r53010 Note: DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output r50810[0...31] Mainboard serial number / Mainb serial no. DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8054 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the mainboard serial number. Index 0: serial number character 1 ... Index 31: serial number character 32 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 257 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r50811[0...31] Mainboard part number / Mainb part no. DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8054 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the mainboard part number. Index 0: part number character 1 ... Index 31: part number character 32 Note: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. r50812[0...31] Mainboard calibration values / Mainb calib_values DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8054 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the calibration values for the mainboard. ---------Index 0: voltage side 1 - setpoint voltage 1 [0.1 V] Index 1: voltage side 1 - actual voltage 1 [0.1 V] Index 2: voltage side 1 - setpoint voltage 2 [0.1 V] Index 3: voltage side 1 - actual voltage 2 [0.1 V] ---------Index 4: voltage side 2 - setpoint voltage 1 [0.1 V] Index 5: voltage side 2 - actual voltage 1 [0.1 V] Index 6: voltage side 2 - setpoint voltage 2 [0.1 V] Index 7: voltage side 2 - actual voltage 2 [0.1 V] ---------Index 8: current power unit 1 - setpoint current 1 [0.01 A] Index 9: current power unit 1 - actual current 1 [0.01 A] Index 10: current power unit 1 - setpoint current 2 [0.01 A] Index 11: current power unit 1 - actual current 2 [0.01 A] ---------Index 12: averaged current power unit 1 - setpoint current 1 [0.01 A] Index 13: averaged current power unit 1 - actual current 1 [0.01 A] Index 14: averaged current power unit 1 - setpoint current 2 [0.01 A] Index 15: averaged current power unit 1 - actual current 2 [0.01 A] ---------Index 16: current power unit 2 - setpoint current 1 [0.01 A] Index 17: current power unit 2 - actual current 1 [0.01 A] Index 18: current power unit 2 - setpoint current 2 [0.01 A] Index 19: current power unit 2 - actual current 2 [0.01 A] ---------Index 20: averaged current power unit 2 - setpoint current 1 [0.01 A] Index 21: averaged current power unit 2 - actual current 1 [0.01 A] Index 22: averaged current power unit 2 - setpoint current 2 [0.01 A] Index 23: averaged current power unit 2 - actual current 2 [0.01 A] ---------Index 24: current power unit 3 - setpoint current 1 [0.01 A] Index 25: current power unit 3 - actual current 1 [0.01 A] Index 26: current power unit 3 - setpoint current 2 [0.01 A] Index 27: current power unit 3 - actual current 2 [0.01 A] ---------- 258 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Index 28: averaged current power unit 3 - setpoint current 1 [0.01 A] Index 29: averaged current power unit 3 - actual current 1 [0.01 A] Index 30: averaged current power unit 3 - setpoint current 2 [0.01 A] Index 31: averaged current power unit 3 - actual current 2 [0.01 A] r50820[0...1] CO: TMS320 processor utilization / TMS320 util DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8054 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the utilization of the TMS320 signal processors. Index: [0] = TMS320 on CUD [1] = TMS320 on mainboard r50823[0...1] Electronic power supply voltage display / Electr supp U_disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8048 Min Max Factory setting - [V] - [V] - [V] Description: Displays the reference voltages +10 V and -10 V. Index: [0] = P10 (+10 V) [1] = N10 (-10 V) Dependency: Refer to: F60091, F60092 Note: For index 0: A voltage value outside the permissible deviation triggers fault F60091. For index 1: A voltage value outside the permissible deviation triggers fault F60092. r50827[0...1] Internal diagnostics / Int diag DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8054 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: This parameter is only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. r50829[0...55] CUD calibration values / CUD calib. val DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8054 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the calibration values for the analog inputs/outputs on the Control Unit (CUD). p50831 Diagnostics memory trace control word / Diag_mem trace STW DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8056 Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Sets the trigger resolution for the trace. Value: 0: 1: 2: SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 No trigger for start Immediately start trace Start trace together with the commissioning tool 259 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p50832 Diagnostics memory copy recorded file to memory card / Diag_mem copy file DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 8056 Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Setting for starting the procedure to copy the diagnostics file to the memory card. Value: 0: 1: 2: p50837[0...11] Reset thyristor load data / Reset ThyrLoadData DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: - Inactive Start copying Copy file to User\Data folder Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to reset the load data for a thyristor. Value: 0: 1: Index: [0] = Thyristor X11 [1] = Thyristor X12 [2] = Thyristor X13 [3] = Thyristor X14 [4] = Thyristor X15 [5] = Thyristor X16 [6] = Thyristor X21 [7] = Thyristor X22 [8] = Thyristor X23 [9] = Thyristor X24 [10] = Thyristor X25 [11] = Thyristor X26 Do not reset data Reset data p50838[0...2] Diagnostics memory message number / Diag_mem msg_no DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8056 Description: Min Max Factory setting 60000 60999 60000 Sets message numbers for the diagnostics memory. A trace is saved in the diagnostics file if one of these messages occurs. p50839[0...5] CI: Diagnostics memory trace signal source / Diag_mem tr s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8056 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for the signals to be recorded in the diagnostics memory. r50850 CO: Trace status / Trace stat DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Display and connector output for the status of the trace. In the least significant byte, the parameter value contains the status of trace 0 - and in the most significant byte, the status of trace 1. 260 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters The status values have the following meaning: 0: trace inactive. 1: trace records pre-samples. 2: trace waits for trigger event. 3: trace is being recorded. 4: Recording (trace) ended. p51800 Power unit topology position / PU topo pos DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9350 Min Max Factory setting 0 11 0 Description: Sets the position of the power unit in the converter topology. Value: 0: 10: 11: Note: If value = 0: Parallel interface not active Master Slave The parallel interface is inactive, the hardware does not have to be connected. The power unit operates alone. p51805 Parallel interface bus terminator / Par_IF bus term DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 9350 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to activate/deactivate the bus terminator for the parallel interface. Value: 0: 1: Note: If value = 0: Bus terminator off Bus terminator on The parallel interface is inactive, the hardware does not have to be connected. The power unit operates alone. p51806 Parallel interface bus address / Par IF bus addr DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9350 Min Max Factory setting 0 15 1 Description: Sets the bus address for connecting devices in parallel. p51807 Parallel interface telegram monitoring failure time / Telegr mon t_fail DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 9350 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [s] 100.000 [s] 0.100 [s] Sets the permissible telegram failure time for the parallel interface. This setting means that every device connected to the parallel interface can monitor whether it is connected to the parallel interface. If a telegram is not received from other devices connected to the parallel interface for longer than the set time, then BICO output r53310.0 is set = 1 - and for the factory setting, fault F60014 is also output. Value = 0.0: Telegram monitoring is deactivated. Value = 0.001 ... 100.000: Telegram monitoring is activated. Note: Telegram monitoring is active in the following cases: - from the first telegram received error-free after switching on the electronics power supply. The telegram can be received from any device. - from the first telegram received error-free after the telegram monitoring responds (as the failure time has expired). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 261 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p51808 BI: Parallel interface signal source for F60014 / P_IF F60014 s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 9350 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 53310.0 Sets the signal source to initiate fault F60014 - "Telegram monitoring time expired". The fault is triggered for a 1 signal. r51809[0...4] Parallel interface diagnostics information / Par_IF diag info DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9350 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the diagnostics information for the parallel interface. Index: [0] = Telegrams transmitted without errors [1] = Telegrams received without errors [2] = Transmission error [3] = Receive error [4] = Timeouts Note: The counters are reset to 0 at POWER ON. The counters restart at 0 after reaching a value of 65535 (overflow). r51810 Parallel interface activity display / Par_IF act disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9350 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays the activities of the individual devices connected to the parallel interface. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Note: The counters are reset to 0 at POWER ON. Signal name Station 1 transmitting data Station 2 transmitting data Station 3 transmitting data Station 4 transmitting data Station 5 transmitting data Station 6 transmitting data Station 7 transmitting data Station 8 transmitting data Station 9 transmitting data Station 10 transmitting data Station 11 transmitting data Station 12 transmitting data Station 13 transmitting data Station 14 transmitting data Station 15 transmitting data Station 16 transmitting data 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No FP 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 The counters restart at 0 after reaching a value of 65535 (overflow). r51811 Parallel interface CAN diagnostics information / Par_IF CAN diag DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 9350 Description: 262 Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays the CAN diagnostic information for the parallel interface. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Abort acknowledge flag Write denied flag Wake-up flag Received msg lost flag Bus-off condition flag Error passive mode flag Warning level flag Form error flag Bit error flag Stuck at dominant bit CRC error Stuff bit error ACK error Bus-off status Error passive state Warning status Note: The counters are reset to 0 at POWER ON. 1 signal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 signal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FP 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 9350 The counters restart at 0 after reaching a value of 65535 (overflow). r52000 CO: Fixed value 0 % / Fix val 0% DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value value 0 %. r52001 CO: Fixed value 100 % / Fix val 100 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value value 100 %. r52002 CO: Fixed value 200 % / Fix val 200 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value value 200 %. r52003 CO: Fixed value -100 % / Fix val -100 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value value -100 %. r52004 CO: Fixed value -200 % / Fix val -200 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Connector output with constant fixed value value -200 %. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 263 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r52005 CO: Fixed value 50 % / Fix val 50 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value value 50 %. r52006 CO: Fixed value 150 % / Fix val 150 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value value 150 %. r52007 CO: Fixed value -50 % / Fix val -50 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value value -50 %. r52008 CO: Fixed value -150 % / Fix val -150 % DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Connector output with constant fixed value -150%. r52010 CO: CUD analog input main setpoint raw value / CUD AI m set raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at the "Main setpoint" analog input (X177.25/26). Note: AI: Analog Input r52011 CO: CUD analog input main setpoint / CUD AI m set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the "Main setpoint" analog input (X177.25/26). Note: AI: Analog Input r52012 CO: CUD analog input main actual value raw value / CUD AI m act raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at the "Main actual value" analog input (XT1.103/104). Note: AI: Analog Input 264 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r52013 CO: CUD analog input main actual value / CUD AI m act DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2075 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the "Main actual value" analog input (XT1.103/104). Notice: This analog input cannot be externally accessed. It is reserved for subsequent use. Note: AI: Analog Input r52014 CO: CUD analog input select input 1 raw value / CUD AI sel 1 raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at the analog "Select input 1" (X177.27/28). Note: AI: Analog Input r52015 CO: CUD analog input select input 1 / CUD AI sel 1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the analog "Select input 1" (X177.27/28). Note: AI: Analog Input r52016 CO: CUD analog input select input 2 raw value / CUD AI sel 2 raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at the analog "Select input 2" (X177.29/30). Note: AI: Analog Input r52017 CO: CUD analog input select input 2 / CUD AI sel 2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2080 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the analog "Select input 2" (X177.29/30). Note: AI: Analog Input r52018 CO: CUD analog input 3 raw value / CUD AI 3 raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2085 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at analog input 3 (X177.1/2) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r52019 Note: AI: Analog Input SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 265 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r52019 CO: CUD analog input 3 result / CUD AI 3 res DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2085 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the conversion result at analog input 3 (X177.1/2) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input r52020 CO: CUD analog input 4 raw value / CUD AI 4 raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2085 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at analog input 4 (X177.3/4) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r52021 Note: AI: Analog Input r52021 CO: CUD analog input 4 result / CUD AI 4 res DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2085 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the conversion result at analog input 4 (X177.3/4) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input r52022 CO: CUD analog input 5 raw value / CUD AI 5 raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2090 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at analog input 5 (X177.5/6) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r52023 Note: AI: Analog Input r52023 CO: CUD analog input 5 result / CUD AI 5 res DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2090 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the conversion result at analog input 5 (X177.5/6) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input r52024 CO: CUD analog input 6 raw value / CUD AI 6 raw DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2090 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the raw value at analog input 6 (X177.7/8) on the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: r52025 Note: AI: Analog Input 266 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r52025 CO: CUD analog input 6 result / CUD AI 6 res DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2090 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the conversion result at analog input 6 (X177.7/8) on the CUD. Note: AI: Analog Input r52026 CO: CUD analog output 0 value after smoothing / CUD AO 0 val af sm DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for analog output 0 (X177.49/50) of the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: p50750 Note: AO: Analog Output r52027 CO: CUD analog output 1 value after smoothing / CUD AO 1 val af sm DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 2095 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for analog output 1 (X177.51/52) of the CUD. Dependency: Refer to: p50755 Note: AO: Analog Output r52050[0...6] CO: Temperature sensor display / Temp sensor disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8048 Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Description: Display and connector output for the device's temperature outputs. Index: [0] = Temperature power unit 1 [1] = Temperature power unit 2 [2] = Power supply temperature [3] = Mainboard temperature [4] = CUD Control Unit temperature [5] = Air intake temperature [6] = Temperature power unit 3 r52051[0...2] CO: Temperature sensor power unit display / Temp_sens PU_dis DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8048 Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Description: Display and connector output for the power unit temperatures of the device. Index: [0] = Temperature power unit 1 [1] = Temperature power unit 2 [2] = Temperature power unit 3 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 267 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r52052 CO: Temperature sensor external display / Temp_sens ext disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8030 Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Description: Display and connector output for the external temperature (terminal X177.53-55). r52401 CO: Fixed value 1 display / Fix val 1 disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for fixed value 1 set in p50401. Dependency: Refer to: p50401 r52402 CO: Fixed value 2 display / Fix val 2 disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for fixed value 2 set in p50402. Dependency: Refer to: p50402 r52403 CO: Fixed value 3 display / Fix val 3 disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 3100 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for fixed value 3 set in p50403. Dependency: Refer to: p50403 r52800 CO: Sequence control operating state / Seq_ctr op_state DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2650 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the sequence control operating state. Note: The value corresponds to operating display r0002 (DCP_CTRL). r53010.0...15 CO/BO: CUD digital inputs status / CUD DI status DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2050, 2060, 2065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the CUD's digital inputs. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 268 Signal name DI 0 (X177.11) DI 0 inverted (X177.11) DI 1 (X177.12) DI 1 inverted (X177.12) DI 2 (X177.13) DI 2 inverted (X177.13) 1 signal High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low FP 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 2050 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Dependency: DI 3 (X177.14) DI 3 inverted (X177.14) DI/DO 4 (X177.15) DI/DO 4 inverted (X177.15) DI/DO 5 (X177.16) DI/DO 5 inverted (X177.16) DI/DO 6 (X177.17) DI/DO 6 inverted (X177.17) DI/DO 7 (X177.18) DI/DO 7 inverted (X177.18) High High High High High High High High High High Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low 2050 2050 2060 2060 2060 2060 2065 2065 2065 2065 For bit 08 ... 15: The terminal must be set as an input (p50789[0...3] = 0). Note: DI: Digital Input DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output r53020.0...7 CO/BO: CUD digital outputs status / CUD DO status DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2055, 2060, 2065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the CUD's digital outputs. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Dependency: For bits 04 ... 07: Signal name DO 0 (X177.19) DO 1 (X177.20) DO 2 (X177.21) DO 3 (X177.22) DI/DO 4 (X177.15) DI/DO 5 (X177.16) DI/DO 6 (X177.17) DI/DO 7 (X177.18) 1 signal High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low FP 2055 2055 2055 2055 2060 2060 2065 2065 The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[0...3] = 1). Note: DO: Digital Output DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output r53021.0...7 CO/BO: CUD digital outputs overload monitoring / CUD DO overl_monit DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2055, 2060, 2065 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the overload monitoring of the digital outputs. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Dependency: For bits 04 ... 07: Signal name DO 0 (X177.19) overload present DO 1 (X177.20) overload present DO 2 (X177.21) overload present DO 3 (X177.22) overload present DI/DO 4 (X177.15) overload present DI/DO 5 (X177.16) overload present DI/DO 6 (X177.17) overload present DI/DO 7 (X177.18) overload present 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No FP 2055 2055 2055 2055 2060 2060 2065 2065 The terminal must be set as an output (p50789[0...3] = 1). Note: DO: Digital Output DI/DO: bidirectional digital input/digital output SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 269 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r53030.0...1 CO/BO: CUD analog inputs wire break signal / CUD AI wire brk DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 2075, 2080 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the "Wire break" signal in the case of the CUD analog inputs. Bit field: Bit 00 01 Signal name AI "Main setpoint" wire break monitoring responded AI 1 (X177.27/28) wire break monitoring responded 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP 2075 Yes No 2080 Dependency: Refer to: F60046, F60047 Note: AI: Analog Input r53130.0...1 CO/BO: Temperature monitoring external state / Temp_monit state DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8030 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the state of the monitoring of the external temperature sensor (terminal X177.53-55). Bit field: Bit 00 01 r53230.0...7 CO/BO: Fixed bit display / Fix bit displ DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 3100 Signal name External temperature alarm External temperature fault 1 signal Yes Yes 0 signal No No Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for fixed bit 0 ... 7. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Dependency: Refer to: p50421, p50422, p50423, p50424, p50425, p50426, p50427, p50428 r53310.0...3 CO/BO: Parallel interface telegram monitoring state / Par_IF mon state DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Signal name Fixed bit 0 (p50421) Fixed bit 1 (p50422) Fixed bit 2 (p50423) Fixed bit 3 (p50424) Fixed bit 4 (p50425) Fixed bit 5 (p50426) Fixed bit 6 (p50427) Fixed bit 7 (p50428) 1 signal High High High High High High High High 0 signal Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Func. diagram: 9350 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the state of the telegram monitoring for the parallel interface. Bit field: Bit 00 270 FP - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 01 02 03 FP 8030 8030 Signal name Telegram monitoring timeout - continuous signal Telegram monitoring timeout - pulse OFF1 from master Pulse enable from the master 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP 9350 Yes 1 1 No 0 0 9350 9350 9350 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54000 CI: MPP tracker current setpoint manual signal source / MPPT I_s man s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 2050[1] Sets the signal source for the current setpoint for manual operation. Manual operation is selected via binector input p54001 = 0 signal. Dependency: Refer to: p54001 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54001 BI: MPP tracker manual/automatic signal source / MPPT man/aut s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6700 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source for switching over between manual and automatic operation. BI: p54001 = 1 signal: Automatic operation is selected. BI: p54001 = 0 signal: Manual operation is selected. Dependency: Refer to: p54000 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54002 CI: MPP tracker current limit signal source / MPPT I_limit s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for the current limit of the MPP tracker. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54003 CI: MPP tracker current start value signal source / MPPT I stVal s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - - 55112[0] Description: Sets the signal source for the start value of the MPP tracker current. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54005 MPP tracker search interval / MPPT srch interv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.10 [s] 100.00 [s] 2.00 [s] Sets the search interval for the MPP tracker. In this time interval, the MPP tracker changes the current setpoint in order to identify the point with the maximum power. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 271 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54006 MPP tracker current stage / MPPT I_stage DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting 0.10 [%] 100.00 [%] 1.00 [%] Description: Sets the current stage of the MPP tracker. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54007 MPP tracker current reduction factor / MPPT I_reduce DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 The MPP tracker changes the current setpoint in these stages in order to identify the point with the maximum power. Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.10 [%] 100.00 [%] 90.00 [%] Sets the current reduction factor of the MPP tracker. Factor by which the MPP tracker reduces the current setpoint when the lower voltage limit is reached. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54009 MPP tracker energy flow direction / MPPT energy direct DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6700 Description: Min Max Factory setting -1 1 -1 Sets the energy flow direction for the MPP tracker. Value = -1: Energy flows from side 2 to side 1. The MPP tracker specifies a negative current. Value = +1: Energy flows from side 1 to side 2. The MPP tracker specifies a positive current. Value: -1: 1: Negative (side 2 to side 1) Positive (side 1 to side 2) Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54010 CI: MPP tracker actual power signal source / MPPT act P s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - - 55540[0] Description: Sets the signal source for the actual power of the MPP tracker. Dependency: Refer to: p54011, r54015 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54011 MPP tracker actual power smoothing time constant / MPPT act P T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [s] 100.00 [s] 0.05 [s] Description: Sets the time constant for smoothing the actual power value. Dependency: Refer to: p54010, r54015 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) 272 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54013 BI: MPP tracker lower voltage threshold reached signal source / MPPT U_min rch s_s DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - - 55125.11 Description: Sets the signal source for the "undervoltage limited reached" signal of the MPP tracker. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54014[0...3] BI: MPP tracker enable signal source / MPPT enable s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max - - Factory setting [0] 899.11 [1] 1 [2] 55125.7 [3] 0 Description: Sets the signal source for the "enable" signal of the MPP tracker. BI: p54014[0, 1] = 1 signal: - the MPP tracker is enabled. BI: p54014[0, 1] = 0 signal: - the MPP tracker is inhibited. BI: p54014[2, 3] = 1 signal: - the MPP tracker is inhibited. BI: p54014[2, 3] = 0 signal: - the MPP tracker is enabled. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) r54015 CO: MPP tracker actual power smoothed / MPPT act P smooth DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the smoothed actual power. Dependency: Refer to: p54010, p54011 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) r54020 CO: MPP tracker output / MPPT outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the output of the MPP tracker. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) r54021 CO: MPP tracker output total / MPPT outp total DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the output of the MPP tracker after manual/automatic switchover. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 273 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54030 MPP tracker operating mode / MPPT op_mode DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - - 0001 bin Description: Sets the operating mode of the MPP tracker. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 Signal name PV array characteristic plot time controlled PV array characteristic plot at search range limits Reserved Reserved 1 signal Yes Yes 0 signal No No FP 6700 6700 Yes Yes No No - Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54035 MPP tracker characteristic plot interval / MPPT char interval DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting 60 [s] 3600 [s] 300 [s] Sets the interval for plotting the characteristic of the PV array. This parameter is only active in operating mode p54030.0 = 1. Dependency: Refer to: p54030 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54036 MPP tracker characteristic plot duration / MPPT char dur DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting 1 [s] 60 [s] 10 [s] Description: Sets the duration for plotting the characteristic of the PV array. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54037 MPP tracker current search range / MPPT I srch range DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting 1.00 [%] 100.00 [%] 10.00 [%] Sets the search range of the MPP tracker. The MPP tracker searches for the MPP each time that the PV array characteristic is plotted. Starting from this point, the MPP tracker continually changes the current setpoint to identify the point with the maximum power. The search range (i.e. the permissible current setpoint) is limited to the following range: Current setpoint for the MPP according to the characteristic +/- at the value set using this parameter. Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) r54040[0...31] MPP tracker characteristic current / MPPT char I DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: 274 Func. diagram: 6700 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Displays the current values of the last PV array characteristic that was plotted. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Points along the characteristic: r54040[0]: current value characteristic point 0 r54041[0]: power value characteristic point 0 r54040[1]: current value characteristic point 1 r54041[1]: power value characteristic point 1 ... r54040[31]: current value characteristic point 31 r54041[31]: power value characteristic point 31 Dependency: Refer to: r54041 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) r54041[0...31] MPP tracker characteristic power / MPPT char P DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6700 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [kW] - [kW] - [kW] Displays the power values of the last PV array characteristic that was plotted. Points along the characteristic: r54040[0]: current value characteristic point 0 r54041[0]: power value characteristic point 0 r54040[1]: current value characteristic point 1 r54041[1]: power value characteristic point 1 ... r54040[31]: current value characteristic point 31 r54041[31]: power value characteristic point 31 Note: MPP: maximum power point (point along the characteristic with the maximum power) p54100 CI: Voltage controller setpoint signal source / U_ctrl setp s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source for the voltage controller setpoint. p54101 Voltage controller ramp-up time/ramp-down time / U_ctrl t_RU/t_RD DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [s] 10.000 [s] 0.050 [s] Sets the ramp-up time/ramp-down time for the voltage controller setpoint. The setpoint change is limited so that the setpoint can change by a maximum of 100 % in the time that is set here. p54102 Voltage controller actual value selection / U_ctrl act val sel DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting 1 4 3 Description: Selects the signal source for the voltage actual value. Value: 1: 2: 3: 4: SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Actual value voltage side 1 Actual value voltage side 2 Actual value voltage inner side 1 Actual value voltage inner side 2 275 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r54103 CO: Voltage controller setpoint after the ramp-function generator / U_ctr U_set af RFG DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the voltage setpoint after the ramp-function generator. p54105 BI: Voltage controller activation signal source / U_ctrl act s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for activating the voltage controller. p54121 Voltage controller actual value rate time / U_ctr act val Tv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ms] 100.00 [ms] 10.00 [ms] Description: Sets the rate time in the voltage actual value channel of the voltage controller. p54122 Voltage controller actual value smoothing time constant / U_ctrl act val T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ms] 100.00 [ms] 2.00 [ms] Description: Sets the smoothing time constant for the voltage actual value channel of the voltage controller. p54124 Voltage controller DC link buffering dead range / U_ctr VDC dead rng DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 100.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the width of the dead range in the setpoint-actual value difference channel for the "DC link buffering" function. Dependency: Refer to: p54146 Note: The set value refers to the rated voltage of the SINAMICS DCP. p54125 Voltage controller proportional gain / U_ctrl Kp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting 0.001 30.000 2.000 Description: Sets the proportional gain Kp for the voltage controller. p54126 Voltage controller integral time / U_ctrl Tn DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Description: 276 Min Max Factory setting 0.01 [ms] 1000.00 [ms] 0.30 [ms] Sets the integral time Tn for the voltage controller. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54127 Voltage controller droop / U_ctrl droop DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 20.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the droop for the voltage controller. r54130 CO: Voltage controller actual value / U_ctrl act val DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the actual value of the voltage controller. r54131 CO: Voltage controller P component display / U_ctrl Kp disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the P component of the voltage controller. r54132 CO: Voltage controller I component display / U_ctrl I-comp disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the I component of the voltage controller. r54135.0...2 CO/BO: Voltage controller state / U_ctrl state DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the state of the voltage controller. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 Signal name Voltage controller has reached its limit Voltage actual value is within the dead range Voltage controller is enabled. 1 signal Yes Yes 0 signal No No FP 6818 6818 Yes No 6818 p54141 CI: Voltage controller positive current limit signal source / U_ctr I_lim posS_s DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 52002[0] Sets the signal source for the positive current limit of the voltage controller. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 277 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54142 CI: Voltage controller negative current limit signal source / U_ctr I_lim negS_s DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - - 52004[0] Description: Sets the signal source for the negative current limit of the voltage controller. p54145 BI: Voltage controller enable signal source / U_ctrl enab s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Description: Sets the signal source to enable the voltage controller. p54146 Voltage controller DC link buffering minimum time / U_ctrl Vdc t_min DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ms] 100000.00 [ms] 0.00 [ms] Description: Sets the minimum time to enable the voltage controller for the "DC link buffering" function. Dependency: Refer to: p54124 p54200 CI: Battery charging char. manual current setpoint signal source / Batt man I_s s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6720 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 2050[1] Sets the signal source for the current setpoint for manual operation of the battery charging characteristic. Manual operation: Binector input p54201 = 1 signal Dependency: Refer to: p54201 p54201 BI: Battery charging characteristic manual/auto signal source / Batt man/aut s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6720 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 1 Sets the signal source for switching over between manual and automatic operation for the battery charging characteristic. BI: p54201 = 1 signal: Automatic operation. BI: p54201 = 0 signal: Manual operation. p54203 CI: Battery charging char. voltage actual value signal source / Batt U_act s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6720 Description: 278 Min Max Factory setting - - 55506[0] Sets the signal source for the voltage actual value of the battery charging characteristic. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54204 BI: Battery charging characteristic enable signal source / Batt enab s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6720 Min Max Factory setting - - 899.11 Description: Sets the signal source for the "enable" signal of the battery charging characteristic. p54210[0...3] Battery charging characteristic voltage values / Batt U_values DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6720 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [V] 2000.00 [V] [0] 600.00 [V] [1] 650.00 [V] [2] 680.00 [V] [3] 690.00 [V] Description: Sets the voltage values for the battery charging characteristic. Every point comprises a voltage/current value pair: p54210[x]/p54211[x] Points along the characteristic: r54210[0]: voltage value characteristic point 0 r54211[0]: current value characteristic point 0 r54210[1]: voltage value characteristic point 1 r54211[1]: current value characteristic point 1 r54210[2]: voltage value characteristic point 2 r54211[2]: current value characteristic point 2 r54210[3]: voltage value characteristic point 3 r54211[3]: current value characteristic point 3 Dependency: Refer to: p54211 Note: Linear interpolation is realized between the individual points. The voltages of the characteristic points must be set to increase monotonously and they must differ by at least 1 V. p54211[0...3] Battery charging characteristic current values / Batt I_values DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6720 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [A] 2000.00 [A] 50.00 [A] Sets the current values for the battery charging characteristic. Every point comprises a voltage/current value pair: p54210[x]/p54211[x] Points along the characteristic: r54210[0]: voltage value characteristic point 0 r54211[0]: current value characteristic point 0 r54210[1]: voltage value characteristic point 1 r54211[1]: current value characteristic point 1 r54210[2]: voltage value characteristic point 2 r54211[2]: current value characteristic point 2 r54210[3]: voltage value characteristic point 3 r54211[3]: current value characteristic point 3 Note: Linear interpolation is realized between the individual points. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 279 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54214 Battery charging characteristic hysteresis / Batt hyst DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6720 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [V] 2000.00 [V] 50.00 [V] Description: Sets the hysteresis of the battery charging characteristic. r54220 CO: Battery charging characteristic output / Batt outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6720 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the output of the battery charging characteristic. r54221 CO: Battery charging characteristic total output / Batt outp total DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6720 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the output of the battery charging characteristic after manual/automatic switchover. r54225.0...8 CO/BO: Battery charging characteristic status / Batt status DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6720 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the status of the battery charging characteristic. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 08 Note: Signal name Battery charging characteristic voltage < p54210[0] Battery charging characteristic voltage < p54210[1] Battery charging characteristic voltage < p54210[2] Battery charging characteristic voltage < p54210[3] Battery charging characteristic voltage > p54210[3] Battery charging characteristic voltage in the hysteresis range 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP 6720 Yes No 6720 Yes No 6720 Yes No 6720 Yes No 6720 Yes No 6720 For bit 08: The hysteresis range is set using p54214. p54985 Mainboard LED test / Mainb LED test DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8055 Description: 280 Min Max Factory setting - - 0000 bin Setting to test LEDs H1000 and H1010 on the mainboard. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p54985 = 0: --> the internal control for the LEDs is active. p54985.x = 1 (x = 0...3): --> the internal control for the two LEDs is not active. --> the appropriate LED for diagnostics is switched on. --> if both colors of an LED are switched on, then orange is output. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 p54990 Mainboard diagnostics EEPROM address / EEPROM address DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 8055 Description: Signal name LED H1000 green LED H1000 red LED H1010 green LED H1010 red 1 signal On On On On 0 signal Off Off Off Off Min Max Factory setting 0 32767 0 FP 8055 8055 8055 8055 Sets the address for the memory location of the EEPROM on the mainboard. The memory location that can be written to is defined using the start address (p54990 = address) and the write command (p54992 > 0 = number). Dependency: Refer to: p54991, p54992, p54993, r54994 p54991[0...31] Mainboard diagnostics EEPROM write values / EEPROM write_vals DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Description: Func. diagram: 8055 Min Max Factory setting 0 255 0 Sets the write values for the EEPROM on the mainboard. p54991[0]: The value is written to the memory location with p54990 = address. p54991[1]: The value is written to the memory location with p54990 = address + 1. ... p54991[31]: The value is written to the memory location with p54990 = address + 31. Dependency: Refer to: p54990, p54992, p54993, r54994 p54992 Mainboard diagnostics EEPROM write command / EEPROM write_cmd DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Description: Func. diagram: 8055 Min Max Factory setting 0 32 0 Setting for the write command to write to the EEPROM on the mainboard. Procedure: p54992 > 0 --> write operation is initiated. Dependency: Refer to: p54990, p54991, p54993, r54994 Note: - the parameter value defines the number of bytes to be written. - the address is set in p54990. - the write values are set in p54991. - the parameter is automatically set back to zero after the write operation has been completed. p54993 Mainboard diagnostics EEPROM write protection / EEPROM write_prot DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Description: Func. diagram: 8055 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 1 Sets the write protection for the EEPROM on the mainboard. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 281 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Value: 0: 1: Deactivated Activated Dependency: Refer to: p54990, p54991, p54992, r54994 r54994[0...31] CO: Mainboard diagnostics EEPROM display values / EEPROM disp_values DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 4 Data type: Unsigned8 Func. diagram: 8055 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and connector output for the values in the EEPROM on the mainboard. Dependency: Refer to: p54990, p54991, p54992, p54993 p55050 CI: Voltage controller setpoint signal source / I_set s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6805 Min Max Factory setting - - 2050[1] Description: Sets the signal source for the current setpoint. p55055 Current setpoint ramp-up time/ramp-down time / I_set t_RU/t_RD DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6805 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [s] 10.000 [s] 0.050 [s] Sets the ramp-up time/ramp-down time for the current setpoint. The current setpoint change is limited so that the setpoint can change by a maximum of 100 % in the time that is set here. p55056 Current setpoint minimum threshold / I_set min thresh DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6805 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 50.00 [%] 0.40 [%] Description: Sets the absolute value of the minimum current setpoint. p55060 Current setpoint significance / I_set significance DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6806 Min Max Factory setting 10 20 11 Description: Sets the significance for the setpoint. Value: 10: 11: 12: 20: Note: The current actual value sensing in SINAMICS DCP measures the reactor current. Reactor current Current side 1 Current side 2 Power The specified setpoint is converted into a reactor current setpoint and this is used for the closed-loop current control. For value = 10: Reactor current setpoint = setpoint (no conversion) For value = 11: The current at side 1 is specified as setpoint. If U1 <= U2: reactor current setpoint = setpoint (no conversion) If U1 > U2: reactor current setpoint = setpoint * U1/U2 282 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters If value = 12: The current at side 2 is specified as setpoint. If U1 <= U2: reactor current setpoint = setpoint * U2/U1 If U1 > U2: reactor current setpoint = setpoint (no conversion) If value = 20: The power is specified as setpoint. If U1 <= U2: reactor current setpoint = setpoint/U1 If U1 > U2: reactor current setpoint = setpoint/U2 Explanation: U1: voltage at side 1 U2: voltage at side 2 All values are referred to rated device quantities (rated current, rated voltage, rated power). p55065 Current setpoint sign delay time / I_set sign t_del DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6805 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.250 [ms] 1000.000 [ms] 100.000 [ms] Sets the delay time for the current direction change. The delay time is started when the sign changes at the ramp-function generator output. A current setpoint of zero is entered while the delay time is running. r55070 CO: Current setpoint after the ramp-function generator / I_set after RFG DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6805 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the current setpoint after the ramp-function generator. r55071 CO: Current setpoint reactor / I_set reactor DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6806 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the current setpoint in the reactor. r55072 CO: Current setpoint after limiting to the minimum / I_set aft lim min DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6805 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the current setpoint after suppressing low setpoints. r55073 CO: Current setpoint corrected / I_set corrected DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6806 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the current setpoint after the correction current controller. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 283 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55075.0...2 CO/BO: Current setpoint status / I_set status DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6805 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the status of the current setpoint. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 p55080 Dynamic overload load profile / Dyn overload prof DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Signal name Setpoint very low Setpoint positive Setpoint negative 1 signal Yes Yes Yes FP 6805 6805 6805 Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Description: 0 signal No No No Func. diagram: 6808 Min Max Factory setting 0 3 0 Sets the load profile. If value = 0: Short time current = base load current = rated device current If value = 1: Short time current = base load current = p55081 * rated device current In this operating mode, at low ambient temperatures, an increased current is continuously permitted. However, the temperature-dependent derating already starts at a lower ambient temperature than for operation without increased current. If value = 2: Short time current = 150 % * base load current If value = 3: Short time current = 160 % * base load current Value: 0: 1: 2: 3: No overload Increased current Low overload High overload p55081 Dynamic overload current increase / Dyn overld I_incr DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 6808 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 20.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the permissible current increase for the load profile "increased current" (p55080 = 1). r55082[0...8] CO: Dynamic overload temperatures calculated / Dyn overld T_calc DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6808 Min Max Factory setting - [C] - [C] - [C] Description: Display and connector output for various calculated temperatures. Index: [0] = Barrier layer temperature at IGBT T1A [1] = Barrier layer temperature at IGBT T1B [2] = Barrier layer temperature at IGBT T2A [3] = Barrier layer temperature at IGBT T2B [4] = Barrier layer temperature at free-wheeling diode D1A [5] = Barrier layer temperature at free-wheeling diode D1B [6] = Barrier layer temperature at free-wheeling diode D2A [7] = Barrier layer temperature at free-wheeling diode D2B [8] = Maximum permissible barrier layer temperature 284 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55083 CO: Dynamic overload current limit / Dyn overld I_lim DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6808 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the instantaneous maximum permissible current setpoint. This is either the rated current, the short-time current or the base load current. The value displayed here acts as upper current limit. r55084[0...8] CO: Dynamic overload power loss calculated / Dyn overld P_loss DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6808 Min Max Factory setting - [W] - [W] - [W] Description: Display and connector output for various calculated power losses. Index: [0] = Power loss at IGBT T1A [1] = Power loss at IGBT T1B [2] = Power loss at IGBT T2A [3] = Power loss at IGBT T2B [4] = Power loss at free-wheeling diode D1A [5] = Power loss at free-wheeling diode D1B [6] = Power loss at free-wheeling diode D2A [7] = Power loss at free-wheeling diode D2B [8] = Total power loss in the power unit Note: For index 0 ... 7: These power losses refer to a component. For index 8: Total power loss in the power unit = sum of the power losses for all components x number of B6 bridges. 30 kW device: 2 B6 bridges 120 kW device: 3 B6 bridges r55085.0...1 CO/BO: Dynamic overload state / Dyn overld state DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6808 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the state of the dynamic overload. Bit field: Bit 00 01 Signal name Threshold for maximum barrier layer temperature exceeded Conditions for alarm A60039 fulfilled 1 signal Yes 0 signal No FP 6808 Yes No 6808 p55090 Dynamic overload load cycle overload time / DynOverld t_overld DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6008 Min Max Factory setting 1.00 [%] 300.00 [%] 60.00 [%] Description: Sets the permissible overload time for the dynamic overload. Dependency: Refer to: F60530 Note: Fault F60530 is initiated if the duration of the maximum permissible overload current exceeds the time set here. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 285 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55091 CO: Dynamic overload load cycle monitoring signal / Dyn overload t_sig DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6808 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the output of the load cycle monitoring. This signal indicates the percentage of the permissible overload duration that has already been utilized. p55100 Installation altitude / Install_altitude DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6810 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [m] 5000 [m] 0 [m] Sets the installation altitude at which the device is operated. The current and voltage are reduced for an installation altitude exceeding 2000 m. p55101[0...1] Reduction of temperature thresholds / Reduce temp_thresh DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6008, 8048 Description: Min Max Factory setting -20.00 [C] 0.00 [C] 0.00 [C] Sets the reduction values for the fixed temperature thresholds. The values set here are added to the corresponding temperature thresholds. The thresholds can only be reduced as only negative values can be set. Index 0: Reduction of the threshold for derating dependent on the ambient temperature. This means that the threshold for A60502 is also reduced (see function diagrams 6808 and 6810). Index 1: Reduction of the threshold for derating dependent on the heat sink temperature. This means that the threshold for A60080 is also reduced (see function diagram 8048). Index: [0] = Ambient temperature [1] = Heat sink temperature p55102 Heat sink temperature threshold exceeded response / Heat sink_tmp resp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6810 Min Max Factory setting 1 4 2 Description: Sets the response when the maximum permissible heat sink temperature is exceeded. Value: 1: 2: 3: 4: p55105 Voltage minimum / Volt min DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6810 Description: Pulse frequency and current reduction Current reduction Pulse frequency reduction Immediate shutdown with fault Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [V] 600.00 [V] 30.00 [V] Sets the minimum voltage. Operation is only possible if the voltages on side 1 and side 2 continuously exceed the value set here. 286 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55110 PV array flying connection operating mode / PV FlyConn op_mode DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6810 Min Max Factory setting 0 2 0 Description: Sets the operating mode for "PV array flying connection". Value: 0: 1: 2: Dependency: Refer to: p55350 No "PV array flying connection" "PV array flying connection" on side 1 "PV array flying connection" on side 2 Refer to: F60058, F60500 Note: - it is not permissible to set p55350 < 3 - and at the same time set p55110 > 0 (F60058). - for p55110 > 0, when reaching the dynamic overvoltage limits (p55182, p55187) fault F60500 is initiated. r55112 CO: PV array minimum current / PV I_min DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6810 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the minimum current of the PV array. This minimum current is necessary in order to draw a PV array into the normal voltage range. r55115 CO: Limit actual current limit / Lim I_lim actual DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6810 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the absolute value of the currently valid current limit. r55120 CO: Current/power limit reactor current setpoint output / I/P_lim I_reac_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6810 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the reactor current setpoint after the current/power limiting. r55122 CO: Voltage limiting reactor current setpoint output / U_lim I_react_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6812 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the reactor current setpoint after the voltage limiting. r55125.0...15 CO/BO: Limitation status / Lim status DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6810 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - - Display and connector output for the status of the setpoint limiting. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 287 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Signal name Positive current limiting active Negative current limiting active Voltage in the undervoltage range Voltage in the normal voltage range below rated voltage Voltage in the normal voltage range above rated voltage Voltage in the overvoltage range Voltage in illegal range PV flying connection active Lower voltage limit reached on side 1 Upper voltage limit reached on side 1 Upper voltage limit reached on side 2 Lower voltage limit reached on side 2 Dynamic voltage limit reached on side 1 Dynamic voltage limit reached on side 2 PWM limited reached Main current controller has reached its limit 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No FP 6810 6810 6810 6810 Yes No 6810 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No 6810 6810 6810 6812 6812 6812 6812 6817 6817 6825 6820 p55130 Limiting side 1 undervoltage lower / Lim S1 U_under low DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 6812 Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 50 [V] Sets the lower threshold value for the undervoltage on side 1. The reactor current is reduced to zero from this value. p55131 Limiting side 1 undervoltage upper / Lim S1 U_under up DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 6812 Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 100 [V] Sets the upper threshold value for the undervoltage on side 1. The reactor current is reduced from this value. p55132 Limiting side 1 overvoltage lower / Lim S1 U_over low DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 6812 Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 800 [V] Sets the lower threshold value for the overvoltage on side 1. The reactor current is reduced from this value. p55133 Limiting side 1 overvoltage upper / Lim S1 U_over up DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Description: Func. diagram: 6812 Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 1000 [V] Sets the upper threshold value for the overvoltage on side 1. The reactor current is reduced to zero from this value. 288 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55140 Limiting side 2 undervoltage lower / Lim S2 U_under low DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6812 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 50 [V] Sets the lower threshold value for the undervoltage on side 2. The reactor current is reduced to zero from this value. p55141 Limiting side 2 undervoltage upper / Lim S2 U_under up DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6812 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 100 [V] Sets the upper threshold value for the undervoltage on side 2. The reactor current is reduced from this value. p55142 Limiting side 2 overvoltage lower / Lim S2 U_over low DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6812 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 800 [V] Sets the lower threshold value for the overvoltage on side 2. The reactor current is reduced from this value. p55143 Limiting side 2 overvoltage upper / Lim S2 U_over up DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6812 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 1000 [V] Sets the upper threshold value for the overvoltage on side 2. The reactor current is reduced to zero from this value. p55145 Voltage limiting recovery time / U_lim t_recovery DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6812 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [s] 10.000 [s] 0.500 [s] Sets the recovery time for the voltage limiting. After exiting voltage limiting, the current is ramped-up with the recovery time set here. r55150 CO: Voltage limiting reactor current setpoint output / U_lim I_react_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6812 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the reactor current setpoint after the voltage limiting. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 289 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55151 CO: Correction current controller output / Corr_ctrl outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6806 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the correction current controller output. p55155 Current actual value external activation / I_act val ext act DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6806 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to activate the external current actual value Value: 0: 1: p55156 CI: Current actual value external signal source / I_act ext s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 3 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6806 Not activated Activated Min Max Factory setting - - 0 Description: Sets the signal source for the external current actual value. p55160 Correction current controller integrating time / Corr_ctrl t_int DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6806 Min Max Factory setting 1 [ms] 5000 [ms] 1000 [ms] Description: Sets the integrating time for correction current controller. p55161 Correction current controller limiting / Corr_ctrl lim DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6806 Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [%] 50.000 [%] 10.000 [%] Description: Sets the limiting for correction current controller. r55170 CO: Limiting the reactor current setpoint after U dyn / Lim I_ re_sp U dyn DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6817 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the reactor current setpoint after dynamic voltage limiting. r55172 CO: Main current controller reactor current setpoint / Mn ctr I_react_set DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Description: 290 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the reactor current setpoint of the main current controller. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55180 CI: Limiting side 1 U dyn signal source / Lim S1 U dyn s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6817 Min Max Factory setting - - 52002[0] Description: Sets the signal source for the dynamic voltage limiting on side 1. p55181 Limiting side 1 U dyn delta U / Lim S1 U dyn dU DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6817 Min Max Factory setting 0.10 [V] 400.00 [V] 10.00 [V] Description: Sets the range of the dynamic voltage limiting on side 1. p55182 Limiting side 1 overvoltage dynamic / Lim S1 U_over dyn DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6817 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 1000 [V] Sets the threshold value for the overvoltage on side 1. Above this voltage, the power unit pulses are inhibited. p55185 CI: Limiting side 2 U dyn signal source / Lim S2 U dyn s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6817 Min Max Factory setting - - 52002[0] Description: Sets the signal source for the dynamic voltage limiting on side 2. p55186 Limiting side 2 U dyn delta U / Lim S2 U dyn dU DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6817 Min Max Factory setting 0.10 [V] 400.00 [V] 10.00 [V] Description: Sets the range of the dynamic voltage limiting on side 2. p55187 Limiting side 2 overvoltage dynamic / Lim S2 U_over dyn DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6817 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0 [V] 1500 [V] 1000 [V] Sets the threshold value for the overvoltage on side 2. Above this voltage, the power unit pulses are inhibited. r55201 CO: Main current controller PI output / Main ctrl PI outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the PI output of the main current controller. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 291 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55202 CO: Main current controller I component / Main ctrl I comp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the I component of the main current controller. r55210 CO: Main current controller precontrol output / Mn ctr prctr outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the output of the main current controller precontrol. p55220[0...1] Main current controller Kp / Main ctrl Kp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting 0.0001 5.0000 0.2000 Description: Sets the proportional gain Kp for the main current controller. Index: [0] = Current direction positive [1] = Current direction negative p55221[0...1] Main current controller Tn / Main ctrl Tn DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting 0.010 [ms] 1000.000 [ms] 5.000 [ms] Description: Sets the integral time Tn for the main current controller. Index: [0] = Current direction positive [1] = Current direction negative p55222[0...1] Main current controller precontrol Tv / Mn ctr prctr Tv DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting -1.000 [ms] 1.000 [ms] 0.000 [ms] Description: Sets rate time Tv for the D elements in the voltage actual value channels of the main current controller precontrol. Index: [0] = Side 1 [1] = Side 2 p55226 Main current controller voltage lower limit / Main ctr U low lim DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Description: 292 Min Max Factory setting 1.0 [%] 50.0 [%] 10.0 [%] Sets the lower limit of the voltage actual values for precontrol and adaptation of the main current controller. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55228 Main current controller limiting / Main ctrl limit DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting 1.0 [%] 200.0 [%] 200.0 [%] Description: Sets the limiting for main current controller. p55230 Main current controller precontrol multiplier / Mn ctr prctr fact DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting 0.0 [%] 100.0 [%] 98.0 [%] Description: Set the multiplier to evaluate the precontrol for the main current controller. r55235 Discontinuous limit / Discontinuous lim DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6820 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Description: Displays the current until the current in the individual power units is discontinuous r55250 CO: Power unit 1 control angle / PU1 ctrl_angle DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6825 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the control angle of power unit 1. r55251[0...1] CO: Power units 2 and 3 control angle / PU 2 3 ctrl_angle DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6825 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the control angle of power units 2 and 3. Index 0: Control angle of power unit 2. Index 1: Control angle of power unit 3. r55252[0...1] CO: Differential current controller output / I_diff_ctrl_outp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6825 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the outputs of the differential current controller. Index 0: Correction value to symmetrize power units 1 and 2. Index 1: Correction value to symmetrize power units 1 and 3. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 293 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55260 Differential current controller integrating time / I_diff_ctrl t_int DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6825 Min Max Factory setting 0.001 [s] 5000.000 [s] 100.000 [s] Description: Sets the integrating time for the differential current controller p55262 Differential current controller limiting / I_diff_ctrl limit DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6825 Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [%] 50.000 [%] 10.000 [%] Description: Sets the limiting for the differential current controller. p55270 Closed-loop control mode / Cl-loop ctrl_mode DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6825 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the operating mode for the closed-loop control. Value: 0: 1: Note: Setting p55270 = 1 is only for internal Siemens testing. p55305 Modulator control angle limiting positive / Mod ctrAng lim pos DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6825 Description: Closed-loop controlled operation Directly controlled PWM Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 200.00 [%] 200.00 [%] Sets the positive limiting for the control angle. In conjunction with p55306, it is possible to restrict the operating range of the SINAMICS DCP. Dependency: Refer to: p55306 Note: Examples: Control angle limited to: 0 ... +200 %: only positive current possible -200 ... 0 %: only negative current possible -100 ... +100 %: only step-down possible p55306 Modulator control angle limiting negative / Mod ctrAng lim neg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6825 Description: Min Max Factory setting -200.00 [%] 0.00 [%] -200.00 [%] Sets the negative limiting for the control angle. In conjunction with p55305, it is possible to restrict the operating range of the SINAMICS DCP. Dependency: Refer to: p55305 Note: Examples: Control angle limited to: 0 ... +200 %: only positive current possible -200 ... 0 %: only negative current possible -100 ... +100 %: only step-down possible 294 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55310 Modulator individual bridge enable / Mod indiv br enab DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6830 Min Max Factory setting 1 4 3 Description: Sets the enable signal for the individual bridges. Value: 1: 2: 3: 4: p55320 Modulator frequency / Modulator freq DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6830 Description: Bridge 1 enabled Bridge 2 enabled All bridges enabled Bridge 3 enabled Min Max Factory setting 25.000 [%] 100.000 [%] 100.000 [%] Sets the modulator frequency. The 100% value corresponds to the rated power unit frequency. p55321 Modulator optimize step-down/step-up transition / Mod opt step-dn/up DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6830 Min Max Factory setting 0 2 1 Description: Activates the simultaneous step-down and step-up in the transition range between stepping-down and stepping-up. Value: 0: 1: 2: p55322 Modulator switching frequency operating mode / Mod f_sw op_mode DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6830 Deactivated Activated Activated with frequency derating Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Sets the operating mode for the modulator switching frequency. Value: 0: 1: Note: For p55322 = 0: Fixed switching frequency Variable switching frequency Fixed switching frequency (according to parameter p55320). For a fixed switching frequency, at a specific operating point (= ratio between the input and output voltages), the maximum current ripple is obtained. The current ripple is very low at other operating points. However, the low current ripple does not represent an advantage. A high switching frequency results in switching losses. This means a lower device efficiency, which has a negative impact on energy efficiency and energy costs. For p55322 = 1: For a variable switching frequency, depending on the particular operating point, the switching frequency is reduced, so that the maximum current ripple is obtained at all operating points. This improves the efficiency at many operating points. r55325 CO: Modulator switching frequency / Modulator f_switch DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6830 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [Hz] - [Hz] - [Hz] Display and connector output for the actual switching frequency of the modulator. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 295 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55350 Precharging operating mode / Prechg_mode DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 1 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6835 Min Max Factory setting 1 4 3 Description: Sets the operating mode for resistor precharging. Value: 1: 2: 3: 4: Dependency: Refer to: p55110 Resistor precharging side 1, up pulsing on side 2 Resistor precharging side 2, up pulsing on side 1 Resistor precharging both sides (side 1, side 2) Resistor precharging both sides (side 2, side 1) Refer to: F60058 Note: It is not permissible to set p55350 < 3 - and at the same time set p55110 > 0 p55352 CI: Precharging target value signal source / Pre targ_val s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6835 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 2050[2] Sets the signal source for the target value for precharging using the "pulsing up" technique. When precharging, the voltage is pulsed up to this target value. p55355[0...1] Precharging wait time after precharging contactor close / Prchg t prchg_cont DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6835 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 1000000 [ms] 100 [ms] Description: Sets the wait time for closing the precharging contactor. Index: [0] = Side 1 [1] = Side 2 p55356[0...1] Precharging wait time after DC contactor closed / Prechrg t DC cont DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6835 Min Max Factory setting 0 [ms] 1000000 [ms] 100 [ms] Description: Sets the wait time for closing the DC contactors. Index: [0] = Side 1 [1] = Side 2 p55357[0...1] Precharging setpoint voltage tolerance / Prechrg U_set tol DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6835 Min Max Factory setting 0.0 [%] 20.0 [%] 3.0 [%] Description: Sets the tolerance for reaching the setpoint voltage for resistor or pulsing up precharging. Index: [0] = Side 1 [1] = Side 2 296 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55360 Precharging charge current / Prechrg I_charge DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6835 Min Max Factory setting 0.000 [%] 100.000 [%] 5.000 [%] Description: Sets the charging current for precharging using using the "pulsing up" technique. p55370 Contactor test / Contactor test DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 4 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6835 Min Max Factory setting 0 22 0 Description: Setting to test the contactors. Value: 0: 11: 12: 21: 22: r55375.0...3 CO/BO: State of the contactors / Contactor state DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6835 No contactor test Close precharging contactor side 1 Close DC contactor side 1 Close precharging contactor side 2 Close DC contactor side 2 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the state of the contactors. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 Signal name Precharging contactor side 1 DC contactor side 1 Precharging contactor side 2 DC contactor side 2 r55399[0...9] CO: Trace power unit / Trace PU DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - 1 signal On On On On 0 signal Off Off Off Off FP 6835 6835 6835 6835 Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 8054 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the trace in the power unit. Index: [0] = Voltage controller P component (r54131) [1] = Voltage controller I component (r54132) [2] = Current setpoint (r55172) [3] = Voltage 1 (r55501) [4] = Voltage 2 (r55502) [5] = Precontrol output (r55210) [6] = Current controller output (r55201) [7] = Current controller I component (r55202) [8] = Current actual value (r55511) [9] = Control angle power unit 1 (r55250) Note: The trace can be triggered in the following ways: - p50831 = 1 (manual trigger) - overcurrent (automatic trigger) - overvoltage (automatic trigger) It takes approximately 5 ms to record the trace. The signals to be traced are fixed and cannot be changed. The recorded trace is output periodically at this parameter. Between the individual repeats, there is a pause (all signals = 0) of approximately 5 ms. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 297 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters p55450 Device fan run-on time / Dev fan t_run-on DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6845 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.0 [s] 3600.0 [s] 240.0 [s] Sets the run-on time for the device fan. After a pulse inhibit (operating state >= 0.9 is reached) the device fan(s) run until the following conditions are satisfied: - the power unit has cooled down. - the run-on time has expired (p55450). The power unit is considered to have cooled down if all of the power unit temperature sensors indicate values of less than 35 C. p55455 Device fan test / Dev fan test DCP_CTRL Can be changed: T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6845 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to test the device fan. Value: 0: 1: Note: If p55455 = 0: Fan off Fan on --> the internal control is active. If p55455 = 1: --> the device fan is switched on for testing. --> the internal control is not active. p55456 Device fan minimum speed / Dev fan min_speed DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6845 Description: Min Max Factory setting 20 [%] 100 [%] 20 [%] Sets the minimum speed for the device fan. For instance, this parameter is used to test the maximum fan noise. Dependency: Refer to: p55457 Note: For setting p55456 = 100 %, the automatic adaptation of the fan speed to the power unit temperature is deactivated. This parameter is only active for device types with variable-speed fans. 30 kW device: - the fans are not variable-speed fans. - parameter p55456 is inactive. 120 kW device: - the fans are variable-speed fans. - parameter p55456 is active. p55457 Device fan minimum speed / Device fan n_max DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 4 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: - Description: Min Max Factory setting 20 [%] 100 [%] 100 [%] Sets the maximum speed for the device fan. This parameter is used for the following applications: - reducing fan noise in the final test area. - consciously allowing the device temperature to rise faster to stress the device for testing purposes. 298 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters Dependency: Refer to: p55456 Note: This parameter is only active for device types with variable-speed fans. 30 kW device: - the fans are not variable-speed fans. - parameter p55456 is inactive. 120 kW device: - the fans are variable-speed fans. - parameter p55456 is active. r55460.0...1 CO/BO: Device fan state / Dev fan state DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6845 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the state of the device fan. Bit field: Bit 00 01 r55470 Device fan operating hours display / Dev_fan h disp DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6845 Signal name Switch on fan Switch on fan inverted 1 signal On On 0 signal Off Off Min Max Factory setting - [h] - [h] - [h] Description: Displays the operating hours for the device fan. p55471 Device fan service life / Dev_fan serv life DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6845 Min Max Factory setting 0 [h] 1000000 [h] 30000 [h] Description: Sets the service life for the device fan. Dependency: Refer to: A60510 Note: An appropriate alarm is issued 500 hours before the set service life expires. p55472 Device fan reset operating hours / Dev_fan reset h DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Integer16 Func. diagram: 6845 Min Max Factory setting 0 1 0 Description: Setting to reset the operating hours of the device fan that have accumulated. Value: 0: 1: Dependency: Refer to: r55470 Note: Procedure to reset the operating hours: FP 6845 6845 Inactive Reset Set p55472 = 1 --> the operating hours counter (r55470) is set to zero. --> the parameter is automatically set to zero after this is done. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 299 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55480[0...2] Device fan speed / Device fan n DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6845 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [rpm] - [rpm] - [rpm] Displays the speeds for the device fan. r55480[0]: device fan 1 r55480[1]: device fan 2 r55480[2]: device fan 3 Note: This parameter only shows the actual fan speed for device types equipped with variable-speed fans. 30 kW device: - the fans are not variable-speed fans. - a value of zero is indicated in r55480[0...2]. 120 kW device: - the fans are variable-speed fans. - the actual speeds are displayed in r55480[0...2]. r55501 CO: Actual value voltage side 1 / Act val U S1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818, 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the voltage on side 1. r55502 CO: Actual value voltage side 2 / Act val U S2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818, 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the voltage on side 2. r55503 Actual value voltage side 1 / Act val U S1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [V] - [V] - [V] Description: Display for the voltage on side 1. r55504 Actual value voltage side 2 / Act val U S2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [V] - [V] - [V] Description: Display for the voltage on side 2. r55505 CO: Actual value voltage inner side 1 / Act val U inner S1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818, 6850 Description: 300 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the inner voltage on side 1. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55506 CO: Actual value voltage inner side 2 / Act val U inner S2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6818, 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the inner voltage on side 2. r55507 Actual value voltage inner side 1 / Act val U inner S1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [V] - [V] - [V] Description: Display and connector output for the inner voltage on side 1. Dependency: Refer to: p55515 r55508 Actual value voltage inner side 2 / Act val U inner S2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [V] - [V] - [V] Description: Display of the actual value for the inner voltage on side 2. Dependency: Refer to: p55516 r55510 CO: Actual value reactor current sum / Act val I_re sum DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the sum of the reactor currents. The value is the sum of r55511 and r55512. Dependency: Refer to: r55511, r55512 r55511 CO: Actual value reactor current power unit 1 / ActVal I_react PU1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the reactor current of power unit 1. Dependency: Refer to: r55510 r55512 CO: Actual value reactor current power unit 2 / ActVal I_react PU2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the reactor current of power unit 2. Dependency: Refer to: r55510 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 301 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55513 CO: Actual value reactor current power unit 3 / ActVal I_react PU3 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the reactor current of power unit 3. Dependency: Refer to: r55510 p55515 Resistance inner side 1 / R inner S1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 20.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the internal resistance of the voltage source connected at side 1. The setting value for this parameter is referred to the rated device quantities (rated voltage, rated current) p55515 = Ri * I_rated/U_rated Ri: Internal resistance of the voltage source connected at side 1. p55516 Resistance inner side 2 / R inner S2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Description: Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [%] 20.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the internal resistance of the voltage source connected at side 2. The setting value for this parameter is referred to the rated device quantities (rated voltage, rated current) p55516 = Ri * I_rated/U_rated Ri: Internal resistance of the voltage source connected at side 2. p55518[0...1] Voltage actual value smoothing time constant / U_act T DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting 0.00 [ms] 1000.00 [ms] 100.00 [ms] Description: Sets the smoothing time constant in the voltage actual value channel. Index: [0] = Side 1 [1] = Side 2 r55520 CO: Actual value reactor current sum averaged / ActVal I_re SumAvg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Display and connector output for the sum of the averaged reactor currents. The value is the sum of r55521, r55522 and r55523. Dependency: 302 Refer to: r55521, r55522 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55521 CO: Actual value reactor current power unit 1 averaged / ActVal I_re PU1avg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the averaged reactor current of power unit 1. Dependency: Refer to: r55520 r55522 CO: Actual value reactor current power unit 2 averaged / ActVal I_re PU2avg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the averaged reactor current of power unit 2. Dependency: Refer to: r55520 r55523 CO: Actual value reactor current power unit 3 averaged / ActVal I_re PU3avg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the averaged reactor current of power unit 3. Dependency: Refer to: r55520 p55525 Actual value current offset adjustment / ActVal I offs adj DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting -5.00 [%] 5.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the offset for the "local" adjustment of the current actual value. p55526 Actual value current gain adjustment / ActVal I gain adj DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting -5.00 [%] 5.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Description: Sets the gain for the "local" adjustment of the current actual value. r55530 Actual value reactor current sum averaged / ActVal I_re SumAvg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Displays the sum of the averaged reactor currents. The value is the sum of r55531, r55532 and r55533. Dependency: Refer to: r55531, r55532 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 303 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55531 Actual value reactor current power unit 1 averaged / ActVal I_re PU1avg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Description: Displays the actual value for the averaged reactor current of power unit 1. Dependency: Refer to: r55530 r55532 Actual value reactor current power unit 2 averaged / ActVal I_re PU2avg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Description: Displays the actual value for the averaged reactor current of power unit 2. Dependency: Refer to: r55530 r55533 Actual value reactor current power unit 3 averaged / ActVal I_re PU3avg DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Description: Displays the actual value for the averaged reactor current of power unit 3. Dependency: Refer to: r55530 r55540[0...4] CO: Actual power / Act P DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the actual power. Index: [0] = Power at the output [1] = Power at side 1 [2] = Power at side 2 [3] = Power at side 1 (with external current measurement) [4] = Power at side 2 (with external current measurement) Note: SINAMICS DCP cannot measure the power. For index 0: P = U_out * I_out The power is calculated from the voltage measured at the output and the calculated output current. The result is the power that is either issued or fed in at the side with the lower voltage. For index 1: P = U1 * I1 The power is calculated from the voltage measured at side 1 and the output current at side 1. The result is the power that is either issued or fed in at side 1. For index 2: P = U2 * I2 The power is calculated from the voltage measured at side 2 and the output current at side 2. The result is the power that is either issued or fed in at side 2. For index 3: P = U1 * I_ext (I_ext = value according to p55156) The power is calculated from the voltage measured at side 1 and the externally measured current at side 1. The result is the power that is either issued or fed in at side 1. 304 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters For index 4: P = U2 * I_ext (I_ext = value according to p55156) The power is calculated from the voltage measured at side 2 and the externally measured current at side 2. The result is the power that is either issued or fed in at side 2. For index 3 ... 4: These indices only supply sensible values if there is an external current measurement at the appropriate side and p55156 is correspondingly set. r55541 CO: Actual value current side 1 / Act val I_S1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the actual value of the current at side 1. Note: The current actual value sensing in SINAMICS DCP measures the reactor current. The current at side 1 is calculated from the reactor current actual value. If U1 <= U2: - current at side 1 = reactor current actual value. If U1 > U2: - current at side 1 = reactor current actual value * U2/U1. Explanation: U1: voltage at side 1 U2: voltage at side 2 All values are referred to rated device quantities (rated current, rated voltage, rated power). r55542 CO: Actual value current side 2 / Act val I_S2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [%] - [%] - [%] Description: Display and connector output for the actual value of the current at side 2. Note: The current actual value sensing in SINAMICS DCP measures the reactor current. The current at side 2 is calculated from the reactor current actual value. If U1 <= U2: - current at side 2 = reactor current actual value * U1/U2. If U1 > U2: - current at side 2 = reactor current actual value. Explanation: U1: voltage at side 1 U2: voltage at side 2 All values are referred to rated device quantities (rated current, rated voltage, rated power). r55543 Actual value current side 1 / Act val I_S1 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Description: Display of the actual value for the current at side 1. Dependency: Refer to: r55541 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 305 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r55544 Actual value current side 2 / Act val I_S2 DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 1 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Description: Displays the actual value of the current at side 2. Dependency: Refer to: r55542 p55545[0...1] Actual value voltage offset adjustment / ActVal U offs adj DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Description: Min Max Factory setting -5.00 [%] 5.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the offset for the "local" adjustment of the voltage actual value. Index 0: Adjustment of the voltage actual value at side 1 Index 1: Adjustment of the voltage actual value at side 2 Index: [0] = Side 1 [1] = Side 2 p55546[0...1] Actual value voltage gain adjustment / ActVal U gain adj DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6850 Description: Min Max Factory setting -5.00 [%] 5.00 [%] 0.00 [%] Sets the gain for the "local" adjustment of the voltage actual value. Index 0: Adjustment of the voltage actual value at side 1 Index 1: Adjustment of the voltage actual value at side 2 Index: [0] = Side 1 [1] = Side 2 r55550.0...15 CO/BO: Power unit monitoring status / PU monit status DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned16 Func. diagram: 6855 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Display and BICO output for the status of the power unit monitoring. Bit field: Bit 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 306 Signal name IGBT1 desaturation occurred IGBT2 desaturation occurred IGBT3 desaturation occurred IGBT4 desaturation occurred IGBT5 desaturation occurred IGBT6 desaturation occurred IGBT7 desaturation occurred IGBT8 desaturation occurred Overcurrent has occurred in power unit 1 Overcurrent has occurred in power unit 2 Overvoltage has occurred at side 1. Overvoltage has occurred at side 2. Overtemperature has occurred at the AC Overtemperature has occurred at the BD 1 signal Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 signal No No No No No No No No No No No No No No FP 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 6855 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters 14 15 Note: Overvoltage condition or failure of the electronics power supply Overcurrent has occurred in power unit 3 Yes No 6855 Yes No 6855 For bit 14: There is either an overvoltage condition at side 1 or at side 2, or the electronics power supply signals an undervoltage condition at the external 24 V power supply p55551 BI: Power unit fault acknowledge signal source / PU F ackn s_src DCP_CTRL Can be changed: U, T Access level: 2 Data type: Unsigned32 / Binary Func. diagram: 6855 Description: Min Max Factory setting - - 2139.0 Sets the signal source for "acknowledge fault" of the power unit. r55600[0...6] Power unit properties voltages / PU property U DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6860 Min Max Factory setting - [V] - [V] - [V] Description: Displays the voltage properties of the power unit. Index: [0] = Minimum voltage [1] = Rated voltage [2] = Maximum voltage 1 [3] = Maximum voltage 2 [4] = Maximum voltage 3 [5] = Minimum voltage continuous [6] = Voltage drop r55601[0...3] Power unit properties currents / PU property I DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6860 Min Max Factory setting - [A] - [A] - [A] Description: Displays the current properties of the power unit. Index: [0] = Rated current [1] = Current 1 reduced [2] = Current 2 reduced [3] = Current 3 reduced r55602 Power unit properties power / PU property P DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6860 Min Max Factory setting - [kW] - [kW] - [kW] Description: Displays the power properties of the power unit. r55603 Power unit properties frequency / PU property f DCP_CTRL Can be changed: - Access level: 3 Data type: FloatingPoint32 Func. diagram: 6860 Description: Min Max Factory setting - [kHz] - [kHz] - [kHz] Displays the clock frequency of the power unit. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 307 2 Parameters 2.2 List of parameters r61000[0...239] PROFINET Name of Station / PN Name of Station CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Description: Displays PROFINET Name of Station. Notice: An ASCII table (excerpt) can be found, for example, in the appendix to the List Manual. r61001[0...3] PROFINET IP of Station / PN IP of Station CU_DCP (PROFINET Can be changed: CBE20) Data type: Unsigned8 Description: 308 Access level: 3 Func. diagram: 2410 Min Max Factory setting - - - Displays PROFINET IP of Station. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Function diagrams 3 Content 3.1 Table of Contents 310 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams 313 3.3 CUD input/output terminals 318 3.4 PROFIdrive 328 3.5 Internal control/status words 333 3.6 Sequence control 338 3.7 Auxiliary functions 340 3.8 Superimposed closed-loop control 343 3.9 Closed-loop control 346 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions 363 3.11 Faults and alarms 369 3.12 Data sets 374 3.13 Communication between devices 376 3.14 Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) 378 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 309 3 Function diagrams 3.1 Table of contents 3.1 3.2 Table of contents Explanations on the function diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 1020 - Explanation of the symbols (part 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 1021 - Explanation of the symbols (part 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 1022 - Explanation of the symbols (part 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 1030 - Handling BICO technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 3.3 CUD input/output terminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 2050 - Digital inputs (DI 0 ... DI 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 2055 - Digital outputs (DO 0 ... DO 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 2060 - Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 2065 - Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 6 ... DI/DO 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 2075 - Analog inputs (AI 0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 2080 - Analog inputs (AI 1 ... AI 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 2085 - Analog inputs (AI 3 ... AI 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 2090 - Analog inputs (AI 5 ... AI 6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 2095 - Analog outputs (AO 0 ... AO 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 3.4 PROFIdrive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 2410 - PROFIBUS (PB)/PROFINET (PN)/USS, addresses and diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 2460 - IF1 receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 2470 - IF1 send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 2472 - IF1 status words, free interconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 3.5 Internal control/status words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 2546 - Control word, faults/alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 2548 - Status word, faults/alarms 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 2580 - Control word, sequence control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 2585 - Status word, sequence control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 3.6 Sequence control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 2650 - Sequencer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 3.7 Auxiliary functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 3100 - Fixed values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 3102 - Function generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 310 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 3 Function diagrams 3.1 Table of contents 3.8 Superimposed closed-loop control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 6700 - MPP Tracker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 6720 - Battery charging characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 3.9 Closed-loop control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 6800 - Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 6805 - Setpoint processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 6806 - Correction current controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 6808 - Dynamic overload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 6810 - Current/power limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 6812 - Voltage limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 6817 - Voltage limitation, dynamic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 6818 - Voltage controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 6820 - Main current controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 6825 - Residual current controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 6830 - Pulse width modulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 6835 - Contactor control/precharging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 6845 - Fan control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 6850 -Actual value acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 6855 - Power unit monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 6860 - Power unit, properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 8030 - Temperature sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 8048 - Monitoring functions in the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 8054 - Internal diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 8055 - General diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 8056 - Diagnostic memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 3.11 Faults and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 8060 - Fault buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 8065 - Alarm buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 8070 - Fault/alarm trigger word (r2129) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 8075 - Fault/alarm configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 3.12 Data sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 8560 - Command Data Sets (CDS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 311 3 Function diagrams 3.1 Table of contents 3.13 Communication between devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 9350 - Paralleling interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 3.14 Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 9912 - Control word interconnection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 312 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 3 Function diagrams 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams Function diagrams 1020 - Explanation of the symbols (part 1) 314 1021 - Explanation of the symbols (part 2) 315 1022 - Explanation of the symbols (part 3) 316 1030 - Handling BICO technology 317 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 313 Parameter name Parameter name [unit] Index name rxxxx[x] Display parameter with index (parameter may appear multiple times) Parameter name Index name [aaaa.b] Parameter name from ... to [unit] pxxxx[y...z] (Def) [aaaa.b] Parameter name Index name from ... to [unit] pxxxx[y] (Def) Adjustable parameter (if parameter appears multiple times, diagram references are specified). Adjustable parameter with index (if parameter appears multiple times, diagram references are specified). Connector input CI with index range [y...z] pxxxx[y...z] (xxxx [y]) Connector input CI with index [y] pxxxx[y] (xxxx [x]) Parameter name Binector input BI with index range [y...z] and factory setting (Def.x) with pxxxx[y...z] (Def.x) bit x. setting (Def.x) with bit x. Parameter name Binector output BO (parameter may appear multiple times) rxxxx Parameter name [unit] Connector output CO [unit] and Index name with index [y] (parameter may appear multiple rxxxx[y] times) Parameter name Binector output BO with Bit name bit yy (parameter may appear rxxxx.yy multiple times) The function diagrams are divided into signal paths 1 to 8 to enable quicker navigation. Signal path Text Connector output CO with [unit] and index range [y...z] (parameter may appear multiple times) rxxxx[y...z] Connector/binector output CO/BO rxxxx rxxxx Parameter name Bit Binector input BI name with index [y] and factory pxxxx[y] (Def.x) Parameter name [unit] Parameter name [cccc.d] Text Text pxxxx[D] pxxxx[E] pxxxx[M] Parameter belongs to Drive Data Set (DDS). Parameter belongs to Encoder Data Set (EDS). Parameter name Name of parameter (max. 18 characters) [Unit] [Unit] "r" = Display parameter. Parameters of this type are read-only. "xxxx" stands for the parameter number. "[y]" specifies the valid index, while "[y...z] specifies the applicable index range. ".ww" speci rxxxx[y] or rxxxx[y...z] or rxxxx[y].ww or rxxxx.ww = Unique signal name = Signal comes from source diagram cccc = Signal comes from signal path d pxxxx aaaa b pxxxx Parameter belongs to Command Data Set (CDS). Text cccc d To "Function diagram name" [aaaa.b] = For binectors [aaaa.b] pxxxx[C] b = Unique signal name = Signal goes to destination diagram aaaa = Signal goes to signal path b [aaaa.b] aaaa = Original parameter of signal = Signal comes from source diagram aaaa = Signal comes from signal path b Adjustable parameter with factory setting for selecting time slice. pxxxx[Y] (ZZZ.ZZ s) Default in p2048. PROFIdrive sampling time pxxxx[y] or pxxxx[y...z] or pxxxx[y].ww or pxxxx.ww Time slice 4,000.00 s. CAN bus sampling time from ... to [1020.7] There is no fixed sampling time for this function. Processing takes place in the background. The cycle time depends on the Control Unit's computational load. Not relevant A static state is represented here. The sampling time data is not relevant. Background Parameter belongs to Motor Data Set (MDS). (xxxx[y].ww) Parameter belongs to Power Unit Data Set (PDS) (Def.w) (Def) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 pxxxx[P] [1020.7] [aaaa.b] 1 DO: All Objects 2 3 4 5 6 fp_1020_89.vsd - Explanation of the symbols (part 1) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3 Function diagrams 1020 - Explanation of the symbols (part 1) Display parameter (parameter may appear multiple times) 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams Fig. 3-1 314 Parameter name [unit] rxxxx [x...y] Fig. 3-2 1021 - Explanation of the symbols (part 2) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 S pxxxx 0 1 1 y x The factory setting for the switch position is displayed (in this case, the delivery state is switch position 1). Outputs a logical "1" at output y if x < S. 0 & 1 S 1 y x S Q R Q Monitoring Axxxxx or Fxxxxx x1 =1 Positioning in sheet at bottom right. Outputs a logical "1" at output y if x > S. S = Input for setting R = Input for resetting Q = Non-inverted output Q = Inverted output 0 S y 1 x y = 1 if x1 != x2. x2 y Outputs a logical "1" at output y if x < S. If x >= S + H, y returns to 0. 0 H S x -1 y 1 x y = -x MLU x2 LL x Output y = logical "1" if output signal x > 0, i.e. if it is positive. dx dt SET y y= 1 DO: All Objects 2 3 MLL y x dx S&H dt 4 5 6 fp_1021_89.vsd 315 - Explanation of the symbols (part 2) 03.06.2014 y Sample and hold element. y = x if SET = 1 (no retentive memory during POWER OFF) 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3 Function diagrams x 1 x is limited to the upper limit value LU and the lower limit value LL and is output at output y. The binary signals MLU and MLL have the value "1" if upper or lower limiting is active. y x1 y= x 2 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams H LU x y Outputs a logical "1" at output y if x > S. If x <= S - H, y returns to 0. 0 y = |x| x1 y x y 1022 - Explanation of the symbols (part 3) T T x 0 pxxxx 0 y y pxxxx Digital signal x must retain the value "1" without interruption during time T, before output y switches to "1". t First-order delay element. T T T T pxxxx = Time constant x y pxxxx x 0 x T pxxxx y 0 pxxxx pyyyy x T y T1 y x T1 T2 T2 x y y pxxxx pxxxx Digital signal x must retain the value "0" without interruption during time T, before output y switches to "0". T T T pxxxx Digital signal x must retain the value "1" without interruption during time T1 or the value "0" during time T2, before output y switches its signal state. T T1 x SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 y T1 T2 The rising edge of a pulse at input X sets output Y to 1 for pulse duration T. The pulse generator cannot be retriggered. At T=0, a pulse duration of one cycle applies. T2 x y 1 DO: All Objects 2 3 4 5 6 fp_1022_89.vsd - Explanation of the symbols (part 3) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3 Function diagrams 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams Fig. 3-3 316 pxxxx Fig. 3-4 1030 - Handling BICO technology SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 r0723.15 Binectors are binary signals that can be freely interconnected (BO = Binector Output). They represent a bit of a "BO:" display parameter (e.g. bit 15 of r0723). r0723 Connectors are "analog signals" that can be freely interconnected (e.g. percentages, speeds, or torques). Connectors are simultaneously "CO:" display parameters (CO = Connector Output). At the signal destination, the required binector/connector is selected using the appropriate parameters: "BI:" parameters for binectors (BI = Binector Input) or "CI:" parameters for connectors (CI = Connector Input) The main setpoint for the speed controller (CI: p1070) should come from the motorized potentiometer output (CO: r1050) and the "Jog" command (BI: p1055) from digital input DI 0 (BO: r0722.0, terminal X122.1) on the CU320. Digital input DI 0 1 Control bit 8 p840[C] 2090.0 r2090.0 [2460] [2580] Setpoint channel Motorized potentiometer 2 Sollwert r2050[1] [2460] [6805] p840[0] = 2090.0 Terminal X122.1 acts as "Jog bit 0". 2 p55050] = 2050[1] The motorized potentiometer output acts as the main setpoint for the speed controller. 1 DO: All Objects 2 3 4 5 6 fp_1030_89.vsd 317 - Handling BICO technology 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3 Function diagrams 1 3.2 Explanations on the function diagrams p55050 2050[1] 3 Function diagrams 3.3 CUD input/output terminals 3.3 CUD input/output terminals Function diagrams 2050 - Digital inputs (DI 0 ... DI 3) 319 2055 - Digital outputs (DO 0 ... DO 3) 320 2060 - Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 5) 321 2065 - Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 6 ... DI/DO 7) 322 2075 - Analog inputs (AI 0) 323 2080 - Analog inputs (AI 1 ... AI 2) 324 2085 - Analog inputs (AI 3 ... AI 4) 325 2090 - Analog inputs (AI 5 ... AI 6) 326 2095 - Analog outputs (AO 0 ... AO 1) 327 318 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-5 [1020.7] 2050 - Digital inputs (DI 0 ... DI 3) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4000 s CUD X177.9 P24_S p50765 (0 ms) X177.11 DI 0 24 V T 0 + r53010.00 + 5V 1 M X177.12 + DI 1 24 V r53010.01 p50766 (0 ms) T 0 r53010.02 + 5V 1 M X177.13 + DI 2 24 V r53010.03 p50767 (0 ms) T 0 r53010.04 + 5V 1 M X177.14 DI 3 24 V r53010.05 p50768 (50 ms) T 0 r53010.06 + 1 r53010.07 M 2 3 4 5 6 fp_2050_89.vsd 319 - Digital inputs (DI 0 ... DI 3) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2050 - 3 Function diagrams 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 3.3 CUD input/output terminals 5V [1020.7] P24 2055 - Digital outputs (DO 0 ... DO 3) CUD DO 0 s_src p50771 (0) T 0 T <1> 1 CUD DO 1 t_del 0...10000 [ms] p50776 (0 ms) + DO 0 + + CUD + X177.19 + 1 Short-circuit monitoring r53020.01 CUD DO inv p50770[1] A60018 DO overload M r53021.00 CUD DO 1 s_src p50772 (0) T 0 T <1> + DO 1 + + 1 + Short-circuit monitoring CUD DO 2 t_del 0...10000 [ms] p50777 (0 ms) CUD DO 2 s_src p50773 (0) T 0 CUD DO 3 t_del 0...10000 [ms] p50778 (0 ms) A60018 DO overload M + X177.23 r53021.01 <1> + DO 2 X177.21 + + 1 + r53020.02 CUD DO inv p50770[2] T X177.20 + 1 + + 1 Short-circuit monitoring r53020.03 CUD DO inv p50770[3] A60018 DO overload M r53021.02 CUD DO 3 s_src p50774 (0) T 0 T <1> DO 3 + + 1 + X177.22 + + 1 Short-circuit monitoring A60018 DO overload M + X177.24 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 r53021.03 <1> For log. "1": Output transistor is conductive 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_2055_89.vsd - Digital outputs (DO 0 ... DO 3) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2055 - 3 Function diagrams 4000 s r53020.00 CUD DO inv p50770[0] 3.3 CUD input/output terminals Fig. 3-6 320 CUD DO 0 t_del 0...10000 [ms] p50775 (0 ms) Fig. 3-7 [1020.7] CUD 2060 - Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 5) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4000 s X177.10 P24_S DI/DO 4 t_del_inp p50790 (0 ms) CUD DI/DO typ 0...1 p50789[0] (0) 1 DI T DI X177.15 DI/DO 4 + 0 + r53010.09 [8020.1] r53010.08 [5812.1] 0 + 1 + DO DO r53020.04 + 24 V Short-circuit monitoring M <1> CUD DI/DO inv 0...1 p50780[0] (0) r53021.04 DI/DO 4 t_del_out 0...10000 [ms] p50785 (0 ms) 0 T CUD DI/DO 4 s_src p50781 (0) T + A60018 DI/DO 5 t_del_inp p50791 (0 ms) CUD DI/DO typ 0...1 p50789[1] (0) 1 5V X177.16 DI/DO 5 0 1 1 DI T DI 0 + r53010.11 [8020.1] r53010.10 [5812.1] + 1 + DO DO CUD DI/DO inv 0...1 p50780[1] (0) Short-circuit monitoring M <1> r53020.05 + + DI/DO 5 t_del_out 0...10000 [ms] p50786 (0 ms) M X177.23 r53021.05 0 T T + 1 A60018 1 CUD DI/DO 5 s_src p50782 (0) 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_2060_89.vsd 321 - Digital inputs/outputs bidirectional (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 5) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2060 - 3 Function diagrams <1> The wiring represented as a dashed line applies during use as a digital output (p50789[x] = 1) 3.3 CUD input/output terminals M [1020.7] CUD 2065 - Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 6 ... DI/DO 7) X177.10 P24_S DI/DO 6 t_del_inp p50792 (0 ms) CUD DI/DO typ 0...1 p50789[2] (0) 1 DI T DI X177.17 DI/DO 6 + r53010.13 0 r53010.12 + 0 + 1 + DO DO CUD DI/DO inv 0...1 p50780[2] (0) Short-circuit monitoring M <1> r53020.06 + 24 V r53021.06 DI/DO 6 t_del_out 0...10000 [ms] p50787 (0 ms) 0 T CUD DI/DO 6 s_src p50783 (0) T + A60018 DI/DO 7 t_del_inp p50793 (0 ms) CUD DI/DO typ 0...1 p50789[3] (0) 1 5V X177.18 DI/DO 7 0 1 1 DI T DI 0 + r53010.15 [8002.1] r53010.14 [8020.1] + 1 + DO DO CUD DI/DO inv 0...1 p50780[3] (0) Short-circuit monitoring M <1> r53020.07 + + DI/DO 7 t_del_out 0...10000 [ms] p50788 (0 ms) M X177.24 M r53021.07 0 T T + 1 A60018 1 CUD DI/DO 7 s_src p50784 (0) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 <1> The wiring represented as a dashed line applies during use as a digital output (p50789[x] = 1) 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_2065_89.vsd - Digital inputs/outputs bidirectional (DI/DO 6 ... DI/DO 7) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2065 - 3 Function diagrams 3.3 CUD input/output terminals Fig. 3-8 322 4000 s Fig. 3-9 U I r52xxx Signal type Normalizing Offset 0 1 2 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% ---100% ... +100% -10V ... +10V -20...+20mA -100% ... +100% --4 ... 20mA 0 ... +100% --- 2075 - Analog inputs (AI 0) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4,000 s [1020.7] CUD AI 0 inv p50704 (0) CUD CUD AI 0 ena s_src p50706 (1) CUD AI 0 sig proc 0...3 p50703 (0) CUD AI 0 offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50702 (0.00) CUD AI 0 T 0...10000 [ms] p50705 (0) CUD AI 0 scal -1000.0...1000.0 [%] p50701[D] (100.0) X177.25 1ms + u 10V i AI 0 + + 20mA -1 3 -1 2 + 10V=100% 20mA=100% + 21 0 CUD AI 0 type 0...2 p50700 (0) r53030.00 AI m act inv p50744 (0) AI m act offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50742 (0.00) AI m act scal -270.00...270.00 [V] p50741[D] (60.00) 1ms + + AI m act ena s_src p50746 (1) AI m act sig 0...3 p50743 (0) AI m act T 0...10000 [ms] p50745 (0) -1 3 -1 2 0% 0 0 r52013 + 1 -1 1 0 r52012 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_2075_89.vsd 323 - Analog inputs (AI 0) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2075 - 3 Function diagrams <1> This analog input is not accessible. 3.3 CUD input/output terminals 1 + M 1 CUD AI wire brk F60046 Wire brk at AI 0 <1> r52011 1 -1 0 r52010 + 0 + 1 X177.26 0% 0 p50701 * 100% I r52xxx 2080 - Analog inputs (AI 1 ... AI 2) Signal type Normalizing Offset 0 1 2 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% [1020.7] CUD AI 1 inv p50714 (0) CUD CUD AI 1 offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50712 (0.00) CUD AI 1 ena s_src p50716 (1) CUD AI 1 sig proc 0...3 p50713 (0) CUD AI 1 scal -1000.0...1000.0 [%] p50711[D] (100.0) X177.27 CUD AI 1 T 0...10000 [ms] p50715 (0) 1ms + u 10V i AI 1 20mA X177.28 + + -1 3 -1 2 + 21 0 CUD AI 1 type 0...2 p50710 (0) r53030.01 (i 2mA) CUD AI 2 inv p50724 (0) CUD AI 2 offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50722 (0.00) 10V=100% u + 10V CUD AI 2 sig proc 0...3 p50723 (0) CUD AI 2 T 0...10000 [ms] p50725 (0) p50721 * 100% + -1 3 -1 2 1 X177.30 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 3 0 r52017 1 -1 1 4 5 6 fp_2080_89.vsd - Analog inputs (AI 1 ... AI 2) 0% 0 + [5884.1] 0 r52016 2 CUD AI 2 ena s_src p50726 (1) CUD AI 2 scal -1000.0...1000.0 [%] p50721[D] (100.0) 1ms AI 2 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 1 CUD AI wire brk F60047 Wire brk at AI 1 X177.29 r52015 1 -1 0 r52014 + 0 + 1 10V=100% 20mA=100% + 0% 0 p50711 * 100% 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2080 - 3 Function diagrams U ---100% ... +100% -10V ... +10V -20...+20mA -100% ... +100% --4 ... 20mA 0 ... +100% --- 3.3 CUD input/output terminals Fig. 3-10 324 1,000 s Fig. 3-11 2085 - Analog inputs (AI 3 ... AI 4) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4,000 s [1020.7] Fast AI inv p50734 [0] (0) CUD Fast AI offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50732[0] (0.00) 10V=100% u AI 3 Fast AI sig 0...3 p50733[0] (0) Fast AI T 0...10000 [ms] p50735[0] (0) Fast AI scal -1000.0...1000.0 [%] p50731[0] (100.0) 100s X177.1 Fast AI ena sig s p50736 [0] (1) + 10V -1 3 -1 2 + 1 Fast AI inv p50734 [1] (0) Fast AI offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50732[1] (0.00) u p50731 * 100% + -1 3 -1 2 1 X177.4 3 1 4 5 6 fp_2085_89.vsd 325 - Analog inputs (AI 3 ... AI 4) r52021 1 -1 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2085 - 3 Function diagrams 2 0 0 r52020 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 0% 0 + 3.3 CUD input/output terminals 10V Fast AI sig 0...3 p50733[1] (0) Fast AI T 0...10000 [ms] p50735[1] (0) 100s AI 4 Fast AI ena sig s p50736 [1] (1) Fast AI scal -1000.0...1000.0 [%] p50731[1] (100.0) + r52019 1 -1 0 r52018 X177.3 0 + 1 X177.2 10V=100% 0% 0 p50731 * 100% 2090 - Analog inputs (AI 5 ... AI 6) Fast AI inv p50734 [2] (0) CUD Fast AI offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50732[2] (0.00) 10V=100% u AI 5 Fast AI sig 0...3 p50733[2] (0) Fast AI T 0...10000 [ms] p50735[2] (0) Fast AI scal -1000.0...1000.0 [%] p50731[2] (100.0) 100s X177.5 Fast AI ena sig s p50736 [2] (1) + 10V -1 3 -1 2 + 1 Fast AI inv p50734 [3] (0) Fast AI offs -200.00...200.00 [%] p50732[3] (0.00) u 10V Fast AI sig 0...3 p50733[3] (0) Fast AI T 0...10000 [ms] p50735[3] (0) 100s AI 6 p50731 * 100% + -1 3 -1 2 1 X177.8 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2 3 0 r52025 1 -1 1 4 5 6 fp_2090_89.vsd - Analog inputs (AI 5 ... AI 6) 0% 0 + 0 r52024 1 DO: DCP_CTRL Fast AI ena sig s p50736 [3] (1) Fast AI scal -1000.0...1000.0 [%] p50731[3] (100.0) + r52023 1 -1 0 r52022 X177.7 0 + 1 X177.6 10V=100% 0% 0 p50731 * 100% 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2090 - 3 Function diagrams [1020.7] 3.3 CUD input/output terminals Fig. 3-12 326 4,000 s Fig. 3-13 2095 - Analog outputs (AO 0 ... AO 1) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4000 s [1020.7] CUD CUD AO 0 sig proc 0...3 p50751 (0) CUD AO 0 s_src p50750 (0) -1 3 -1 2 CUD AO 0 T 0...10000 [ms] p50752 (0) CUD AO 0 scal -200.00...200.00 [V] p50753 (10.00) CUD AO 0 offs -10.00...10.00 [V] p50754 (0.00) Uout [V] = x y [V] = + 1 x 100% y * p50753 r52026 * p50753 + p50754 100% X177.49 + AO 0 0 r52026 X177.50 M CUD AO 1 sig proc 0...3 p50756 (0) CUD AO 1 s_src p50755 (0) -1 3 -1 2 CUD AO 1 T 0...10000 [ms] p50757 (0) CUD AO 1 scal -200.00...200.00 [V] p50758 (10.00) CUD AO 1 offs -10.00...10.00 [V] p50759 (0.00) Uout [V] = x + y [V] = 1 x 100% y * p50758 X177.51 + r52027 * p50758 + p50759 100% AO 1 0 r52027 X177.52 M 3 4 5 6 fp_2095_89.vsd 327 - Analog outputs (AO 0 ... AO 1) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2095 - 3 Function diagrams 2 3.3 CUD input/output terminals 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 3 Function diagrams 3.4 PROFIdrive 3.4 PROFIdrive Function diagrams 2410 - PROFIBUS (PB)/PROFINET (PN)/USS, addresses and diagnostics 329 2460 - IF1 receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 330 2470 - IF1 send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 331 2472 - IF1 status words, free interconnection 332 328 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-14 2410 - PROFIBUS (PB)/PROFINET (PN)/USS, addresses and diagnostics SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 USS settings Set PROFIBUS address PB address 1...126 p00918 (126) Memory Field bus baud p02020 Current PROFIBUS address PROFIdrive sampling time Field bus USS PZD Fieldbus USS DO_no p02022 p02035 Field bus address Field bus USS PKW p02021 p02023 [1020.7] PROFINET address PROFIBUS POWER ON SET X1400 CBE20 PN IP of Station r61001[0...3] PN Name of Station r61000[0...239] PZD IF HW assign p08839[1] Process data transmission Ethernet interface see: FP2485 FP2487 FP2489 <2> PROFINET + PZD IF HW assign p08839[0] Field bus protocol p02030 X126 PZD IF2 2 1 0 <1> PROFIBUS connection PROFIBUS protocol 3 1 0 Field bus protocol p02030 X178 <4> <5> 3 1 0 RS 485 AOP30/USS interface PROFINET USS X179 <4> + 2 1 0 USS protocol + PPI protocol + Parameter management RS 232 <1> Position 99: When CBE20 is inserted: Switch position = 2 When CBE20 is not inserted: Switch position = 1 <2> Position 99: Switch position = 0 Monitoring and diagnostics PB suppl t_monit p02047 <6> IF1 PD PZD state Set_failure r02043.00 T See: FP2460 FP2470 FP2472 FP2481 FP2483 PZD IF1 + Cyclic telegrams from the master 0 DCP_CTRL IF1 PD fault delay 0...100 [s] p02044 (1) A01920 PB: Interrupt cyc conn <3> T + + 0 S Q + t Telegram failure from master <3> R RQ IF1 PD PZD state Sync op act r02043.01 PB status r02054 A01900 PB/PN: ConfigTelegr error PB diag standard r02055[0...2] F01910 Fieldbus: setp timeout <3> Monitoring is only performed once at least one "valid" cyclic telegram has been received for the first time. "Valid" means: Master is in operation and user data is transferred. <5> Bus termination can be switched on/off with p50820 <6> Not with CPU stop 329 1 2 3 4 5 DO: CU_DCP;DCP_CTRL - PROFIBUS (PB) / PROFINET (PN) / USS, addresses and diagnostics 6 fp_2410_89.vsd 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2410 - 3.4 PROFIdrive Diagnostic parameters 3 Function diagrams <4> Only one of the two interfaces RS 485 (X178-3, 4) or RS 232 (X179-3, 4) - may be used. Field bus error r02029[0...7] PZD receive word 1 + + + 2460 - IF1 receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) PZD receive word 2 PROFIBUS PROFINET USS PROFIdrive receive telegram + PZD receive word 5 + Header Drive object 1 PZD receive word 6 r02060[2] r02050[2] + + r02060[3] IF1 PZD recv DW + r02060[4] IF1 PZD recv DW r02092.15 r02093.00 IF1 PZD recv DW r02050[3] r02050[4] [1020.7] ... ... ... r02093.15 Con/bin outp inv p02098[0].0 r02050[5] + + r02060[5] IF1 PZD recv DW 0 + + + r02094.00 + 1 + + <4> <2> Con/bin S_src p02099 [0] (0) + p2048 2 connector-binector converters Drive object 2 . . . PROFIdrive sampling time r02091.15 r02092.00 + + r02050[1] IF1 PZD recv DW + PZD receive word 4 r02091.00 + r02060[1] r02050[0] IF1 PZD recv DW + + PZD receive word 3 r02060[0] ... 1 Con/bin outp inv p02098[0].15 + + Drive object n + . . . 0 1 PZD receive word 29 r02050[28] + + Drive object m r02094.15 + PZD receive word 30 r02050[29] + Trailer PZD receive word 31 <2> r02060[29] IF1 PZD recv DW Con/bin S_src p02099 [1] (0) r02050[30] + + PZD receive word 32 Con/bin outp inv p02098[1].0 r02060[28] IF1 PZD recv DW + r02060[30] IF1 PZD recv DW 0 <3> r02095.00 + 1 r02050[31] + 1 1 Con/bin outp inv p02098[1].15 <3> + + + <1> To comply with the PROFIdrive profile, receive word 1 must be used as control word 1 (STW1) (due to bit 10, "Control request"). 0 r02095.15 + SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 <2> Using the two connector-binector converters, the bits from two of the PZD receive words (5 to 32) can be extracted and used as binectors. <3> For words and double words, the 4000 hex = 100% and 4000 0000 hex = 100% representations apply respectively. <4> The connector-binector converter only ever converts the lower 16 bits, regardless of the input variable. 1 2 3 4 5 DO: DCP_CTRL - IF1 receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 1 6 fp_2460_89.vsd 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 1 8 - 2460 - 3 Function diagrams <1> r02090.15 3.4 PROFIdrive Fig. 3-15 330 r02090.00 Fig. 3-16 <2> <1> <2> IF1 PZD send DW 2470 - IF1 send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 IF1 diag send DW r02063[0...30] IF1 PZD send DW IF1 PZD send DW IF1 PZD send DW IF1 PZD send DW IF1 PZD send DW IF1 PZD send DW IF1 PZD send DW p02061 [0] (0) p02051 [1] (0) p02061 [1] (0) + p02051 [2] (0) p02061 [2] (0) + p02051 [3] (0) p02061 [3] (0) + p02051 [4] (0) p02061 [4] (0) + p02051 [5] (0) p02061 [5] (0) + p02051 [6] (0) p02061 [6] (0) + p02051 [7] (0) + IF1 PZD send DW IF1 PZD send DW p02061 [28] (0) + PZD send word 2 + PZD send word 3 + PZD send word 4 + PZD send word 5 + PZD send word 6 <1> Header PZD send word 8 p02051 [8] (0) + Drive object 1 Drive object 2 + + . . . + + Drive object n p02051 [28] (0) + . . . PZD send word 9 + + PROFIdrive send telegram PZD send word 7 + + IF1 PZD send DW [1020.7] PZD send word 1 + + + p02061 [27] (0) ... + + + IF1 PZD send DW IF1 diag send word 1...16 r02053[0...31] + + p02061 [7] (0) PROFIdrive sampling time <3> p02051 [0] (0) + PZD send word 29 + PZD send word 30 p02051 [29] (0) p02061 [29] (0) + p02051 [30] (0) p02061 [30] (0) + p02051 [31] (0) Drive object m Trailer PZD send word 31 + <4> + PZD send word 32 + PROFIBUS PROFINET USS 331 1 2 3 4 5 DO: DCP_CTRL - IF1 send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999) 6 fp_2470_89.vsd 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2470 - 3.4 PROFIdrive <4> Physical word and double word values are inserted in the telegram as referenced variables. (Telegram content = 4000 hex or 4000 0000 hex for double words if the input variable has the value 100%.) 3 Function diagrams <1> To comply with the PROFIdrive profile, send word 1 must be used as status word 1 (ZSW1) rather than as the DWORD. <2> Each PZD word can be assigned a word or a double word. Only one of the 2 interconnection parameters (p2051 or p2061) can have a value <> 0 for a PZD word. <3> Using the two connector-binector converters at [2472], the bits from 5 of the send words can be interconnected with any binectors. [1020.7] 0 2472 - IF1 status words, free interconnection p02082 [0...15] [0] (0) [1] (0) Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[0].0 1 p02080 [0...15] [0] (0) [1] (0) + 1 + Bin/con ZSW send r02089[0] + 1 (0) 0 [15] + 1 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[0].15 + + 0 [15] 1 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[3].0 + (0) 1 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[2].15 + 0 Bin/con ZSW send r02089[2] + + 1 1 0 p02083 [0...15] [0] (0) [1] (0) 1 1 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[3].15 + Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[1].0 Bin/con ZSW send r02089[3] + + + p02081 [0...15] [0] (0) [1] (0) 0 + 1 Bin/con ZSW send r02089[1] (0) 0 [15] + 1 1 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[4].0 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[1].15 + + 1 + (0) 0 [15] 1 0 p02084 [0...15] [0] (0) [1] (0) + 1 Bin/con ZSW send r02089[4] + 1 1 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[4].15 + + SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 + (0) 1 2 3 DO: DCP_CTRL;CU_DCP - IF1 status words, free interconnection 4 0 [15] + 1 5 6 fp_2472_89.vsd 03.06.2014 1 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2472 - 3 Function diagrams p2048 3.4 PROFIdrive Fig. 3-17 332 Bin/con ZSW inv p02088[2].0 5 binector-connector converters 3 Function diagrams 3.5 Internal control/status words 3.5 Internal control/status words Function diagrams 2546 - Control word, faults/alarms 334 2548 - Status word, faults/alarms 1 335 2580 - Control word, sequence control 336 2585 - Status word, sequence control 337 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 333 Bit no. simultaneous acknowledgment of all faults on all drive objects. 2546 - Control word, faults/alarms <2> These parameters belong to Command Data Sets (CDS), depending on STW fault/alarm r02138 Control word faults/alarms [1020.7] 0 the relevant drive object (DO). 1 2 3 4 Ackn all faults 1. Acknowledge <2> 2. Acknowledge <2> 3. Acknowledge <2> 5 p02102 (0) <1> 6 p02103 [C] (0) >1 p02104 [C] (0) 7 p02108 [C] (1) <2> p03111 [C] (1) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 <2> T p03112 [C] (0) 1 DO: All Objects [8060.1] 9 <2> p02112 [C] (1) 1 10 r02138.10 Ext alarm 1 eff [8065.1] <2> p02116 [C] (1) 1 11 r02138.11 Ext alarm 2 eff [8065.1] <2> p02117 [C] (1) 1 12 r02138.12 Ext alarm 3 eff [8065.1] <2> p02106 [C] (1) 1 13 r02138.13 Ext fault 1 eff [8060.1] <2> p02107 [C] (1) 1 14 r02138.14 Ext fault 2 eff [8060.1] 1 15 r02138.15 Ext fault 3 eff [8060.1] Ext fault 3 t_on p03110 [ms] & Ackn fault 8 p02105 [C] (0) Pulse generator <2> r02138.07 2 0 3 4 5 6 fp_2546_89.vsd - Control word faults/alarms 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2546 - 3 Function diagrams <1> This parameter belongs to the Control Unit and serves as the source for 4,000.00 s 3.5 Internal control/status words Fig. 3-18 334 PROFIdrive bit Fig. 3-19 [1020.7] 2548 - Status word, faults/alarms 1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Original sampling time Bit no. ZSW fault/alarm 1 r02139 Status word, faults/alarms 1 0 r02139.00 1 2 From fault buffer [8060.6] 3 r02139.03 4 From alarm buffer [8065.4] 5 r02139.05 6 r02139.06 7 r02139.07 8 r02139.08 9 10 11 r02139.11 12 r02139.12 13 14 15 3 4 5 6 fp_2548_89.vsd 335 - Status word, faults/alarms 1 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2548 - 3 Function diagrams 2 3.5 Internal control/status words 1 DO: All Objects 16,000 s ON/OFF1 <2> p03982.00 2580 - Control word, sequence control ON / OFF (OFF1) p00840 [C] [5830.3] (2090.0;1) OC / OFF2 <2> p03982.01 OFF2 S_src 1 p00844 [C] (1) [1020.7] Control word sequence control Bit no. STW seq_ctrl r00898 r00898.0 1 0 0 1 & 1 = ON 1 r00898.01 To sequence control [2650] 2 r00898.02 To sequence control [2650] 0 r00898.03 3 OFF2 S_src 2 p00845 [C] (1) [8020.3] To sequence control [2650] 4 5 OC / OFF3 <2> p03982.02 OFF3 S_src 1 p00848 [C] (1) 1 6 0 7 8 OFF3 S_src 2 p00849 [C] (1) [8020.3] & 9 p00854 [C] (1) p03982.03 p03982.10 <1> <2> 1 r00898.10 10 0 <2> Operation enable p00852 [C] (2090.1;1) [5830.3] 11 1 12 0 13 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 14 <1> Bit 10 must be set in the first PZD word of the telegram received from the serial interfaces, so that the drive can accept the process data. 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 <2> p3982 is for setting the control word from STARTER or from the AOP30. It must not be used by the user. Therefore it is not included in the List Manual. 3 4 15 5 6 fp_2580_89.vsd - Control word sequence control 08.05.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2580 - 3 Function diagrams PROFIdrive bit + 3.5 Internal control/status words Fig. 3-20 336 PcCtrl active r00807.00 Fig. 3-21 16,000 s [1020.7] Bit no. 2585 - Status word, sequence control SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 PROFIdrive bit Status word sequence control ZSW seq_ctrl r00899 r00899.0 0 1 r00899.01 2 r00899.02 3 4 r00899.04 5 r00899.05 6 r00899.06 7 r00899.07 8 r00899.08 Sequence control [2650] 1 <1> 9 r00899.09 10 11 r00899.11 12 14 <1> Process data from control system is requested. 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_2585_89.vsd 337 - Status word sequence control 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 2585 - 3 Function diagrams 15 3.5 Internal control/status words 13 3 Function diagrams 3.6 Sequence control 3.6 Sequence control Function diagrams 2650 - Sequencer 338 339 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-22 [1020.7] S1 : Switching On Inhibited 2650 - Sequencer SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 16,000 s S1 : Switching On Inhibited Fault acknowledgement [2546.7] OFF 1 = 0 Note 1: Statuses S1 to S5 are defined in PROFIdrive profile V4.1 Fault S1 : Switching On Inhibited OFF 3 = 0 Note 2: "p.e." means "pulses enabled" OFF 2=1 AUS S2: Ready For Switching On OFF 2 = 0 OFF 3=1 and n=0 OFF 1 = 1 S1 : Switching On Inhibited Voltageenable S1 : Switching On Inhibited S3: Switched On Operating enable=0 Seq_ctrl quad_dis r50001 Operating enable=1 OFF 1 = 0 Voltageenable Voltageenable + Seq_ctr op_state r52800 S4: Operation Control of operating state Enable ramp-function generator, speed generator, Ia controller OFF 3 = 0 2 3 4 5 6 fp_2650_89.vsd 339 - Sequencer 25.04.2016 Fault handling Fault add info r50047 7 8 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP - 2650 - 3 Function diagrams 1 DO: DCP_CTRL Drv op_display r00002 Op_display r50000 3.6 Sequence control OFF 2 = 0 + 3 Function diagrams 3.7 Auxiliary functions 3.7 Auxiliary functions Function diagrams 3100 - Fixed values 341 3102 - Function generator 342 340 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-23 3100 - Fixed values SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 11 fixed values 8 fixed control bits Background [1020.7] Setting range -200.00 to +200.00% Fix val 1 p50401 Fix bit 0 p50421 r52401 +0% r02902[0] +5% r02902[1] + 10 % r02902[2] + 20 % r02902[3] + 50 % r02902[4] + 100 % r02902[5] + 150 % r02902[6] + 200 % r02902[7] - 5% r02902[8] - 10 % r02902[9] - 20 % r02902[10] r53230.00 Fix val 2 p50402 Fix bit 1 p50422 r52402 r53230.01 Fix val 3 p50403 Fix bit 2 p50423 r52403 r53230.02 Fix bit 3 p50424 r53230.03 Fixed value 1 [%] p02900[D] Fix bit 4 p50425 r53230.04 Fix bit 5 p50426 Fixed value 2 [%] p02901[D] r53230.05 Fix bit 6 p50427 r53230.06 Fix bit 7 p50428 - 50 % r02902[11] - 100% r02902[12] - 150 % r02902[13] - 200 % r02902[14] r53230.07 r52001 200,00 % r52002 -100,00 % r52003 -200,00 % r52004 50,00 % r52005 150,00 % r52006 -50,00 % r52007 -150,00 % r52008 0 r00000.00 0,00 % r00000 1 r00001.00 100,00 % r00001 3 4 5 6 fp_3100_89.vsd 341 - Fixed values 100,00 % 11.11.2015 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 3100 - 3 Function diagrams 2 r52000 3.7 Auxiliary functions 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 0,00 % FG period duration FG pulse width FG bandwidth 0.00...60000.00 [ms] 0.00...60000.00 [ms] 0.0025...16000.0000 [Hz] p04821 (1000.00) p04822 (500.00) p04823 (4000.0000) p04830 [1020.7] 3102 - Function generator Square p4829 p4824 p4826 p4827 p4821 p4828 FG amplitude scal 0.00000...200.00000 [%] p04831 (100.00000) p4822 Staircase FG control p04819 (1) Binary noise p4829 p4829 p4824 p4824 p4826 p4826 p4827 FG outp_sig [%] r04818[0] p4827 p4821 p4828 p4823 FG status signal r04806.00 p4828 p4825 Triangle p4829 p4829 p4824 p4824 p4826 p4826 p4827 p4827 p4821 p4821 p4828 p4828 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 p04824 (5.00) -1600.00...1600.00 [%] FG amplitude 1 DO: CU_DC 2 p04825 (7.00) p04826 (0.00) -1600.00...1600.00 [%] -1600.00...1600.00 [%] FG 2nd amplitude FG offset 3 FG status r04805 Sine 4 p04827 (32.00) p04828 (-100.00) p04829 (100.00) 0.00...100000.00 [ms] -10000.00...0.00 [%] 0.00...10000.00 [%] FG ramp-up offset FG lower limit FG upper limit 5 6 fp_3102_89.vsd - Function generator 03.06.2014 Only value "0" meaningful for p4810 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 3102 - 3 Function diagrams FG operating mode FG signal shape 0...99 1...5 p04810 (0) p04820 (1) 3.7 Auxiliary functions Fig. 3-24 342 FG control 0...3 p04800 (0) 3 Function diagrams 3.8 Superimposed closed-loop control 3.8 Superimposed closed-loop control Function diagrams 6700 - MPP Tracker 344 6720 - Battery charging characteristic 345 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 343 MPPT op_mode p54030 MPPT I_stage p54006 MPPT char interval p54035 MPPT I_reduce p54007 MPPT char dur p54036 MPPT I srch range p54037 MPPT act P T p54011 MPPT char I r54040 MPPT act P s_src p54010 (55540[0]) [6850.4] MPPT char P r54041 + MPPT I_limit s_src p54002 (1) MPPT I stVal s_src p54003 (55112) MPPT energy direct p54009 MPPT U_min rch s_s p54013 [6812.7] (55125.11) MPP tracker + 1 0 MPPT enable s_src p54014 [0...3] (899.11) [2585.7] (1) (55125.7) [6810.5] (0) 1 & 1 MPPT I_s man s_src p54000 (2050[1]) [2460.5] + SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 MPPT man/aut s_src p54001 (1) 1 DO: DCP_CTRL + 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6700_89.vsd - MPP tracker 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6700 - 3 Function diagrams 6700 - MPP Tracker MPPT srch interv p54005 3.8 Superimposed closed-loop control Fig. 3-25 344 16,000 s Fig. 3-26 6720 - Battery charging characteristic SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 16,000 s Batt U_values Batt I_values p54210[0..3] p54211[0..3] I_batt Batt Status r54225.0 r54225 r54225.00 r54225.01 r54225.02 r54225.03 r54225.04 r54225.08 p54211[0] Batt U < p54210[0] Batt U < p54210[1] Batt U < p54210[2] Batt U < p54210[3] Batt U > p54210[3] Batt U in hys_rng p54211[1] Batt U_act s_src p54203 (55506) p54211[2] p54211[3] U_batt + 1 0 Batt enab s_src p54204 (899.11) charging characteristic p54214 (50.00 V) Batt Hyst Batt man/aut s_src p54201 (1) 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6720_89.vsd 345 - Battery charging characteristic 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6720 - 3 Function diagrams 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 3.8 Superimposed closed-loop control Batt man I_s s_src p54200 (2050[1]) 3 Function diagrams 3.9 Closed-loop control 3.9 Closed-loop control Function diagrams 6800 - Overview 347 6805 - Setpoint processing 348 6806 - Correction current controller 349 6808 - Dynamic overload 350 6810 - Current/power limitation 351 6812 - Voltage limitation 352 6817 - Voltage limitation, dynamic 353 6818 - Voltage controller 354 6820 - Main current controller 355 6825 - Residual current controller 356 6830 - Pulse width modulation 357 6835 - Contactor control/precharging 358 6845 - Fan control 359 6850 -Actual value acquisition 360 6855 - Power unit monitoring 361 6860 - Power unit, properties 362 346 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-27 6800 - Overview SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Voltage 2 + + + Voltage actual value Voltage 1 measurement + + + Side 1 [6850] [6820] + Side 2 PWM 1 + Precontrol [6830] + Rampfunction generator Setpoint Setpoint ---> Reactor current + + + [6805] + - [6806] + + Limits 0 Limits + + - 1 [6817] [6808] [6810] [6812] Main current controller [6830] [6820] Residual current controller + + [6830] [6850] [6806] externally measured actual current 3 3 + 4 + + 3 5 6 fp_6800_89.vsd 347 - Overview 25.04.2016 + 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 3 8 - 6800 - 3 Function diagrams [6818] Current actual value measurem ent 3.9 Closed-loop control Voltage controller 2 PWM 3 + [6825] Setpoint PWM 2 + [6818] Correction current controller 1 DO: DCP_CTRL + + I_set t_RU/t_RD p55055 (0.050 s) I_set after RFG [%] r55070 I_set s_src p55050 (2050[1]) [2460.5] 1 I_set aft lim min [%] r55072 1 + 0% 0 0% 0 Enable 1+ ON/OFF1 r00898.00 [2580.8] OC / OFF2 r00898.01 Setp very low r55075.00 I_set min thresh p55056 (0.40 %) I_set sign t_del p55065 (100.000 ms) [2580.8] Setp positive r55075.01 & OC / OFF3 r00898.02 + + [2580.8] Setp negative r55075.02 Operation enable r00898.03 [2580.8] stop a limit has been reached [6810.7] [6812.8] [6812.5] [6817.7] [6820.6] [6825.8] SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6805_89.vsd - Setpoint processing 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6805 - 3 Function diagrams 6805 - Setpoint processing 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-28 348 500 s Fig. 3-29 6806 - Correction current controller SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 500 s I_set significance p55060 I_set aft lim min [%] r55072 Setpoint ---> Reactor current + + + + [6805.7] Corr_ctrl t_int p55160 (1000 ms) Corr_ctrl lim p55161 (10.000 %) I_set reactor [%] r55071 [6810.1] I_act val ext act p55155 (0) y 0 0 + [6850.2] Act val U S2 [%] r55502 [6850.2] I_set corrected [%] r55073 + x Act val U S1 [%] r55501 1 - Corr_ctrl outp [%] r55151 [2585.8] I_act ext s_src p55156 (0) Pulses enab r00899.11 stop a limit has been reached [6810.7] [6812.8] [6812.5] [6817.7] [6820.6] [6825.8] + Corr_ctrl lim p55161 (10.000 %) I_act val ext act p55155 (0) 1s A 0 0 AB T 0 1 F60511 Dev I_act int ext too high I_set significance p55060 B Act val I_S1 [%] r55541 [6850.4] 11 12 13 Act val I_S2 [%] r55542 [6850.4] 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6806_89.vsd 349 - Correction current controller 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6806 - 3 Function diagrams F60058 Par not consistent 3.9 Closed-loop control Act P [%] r55540 [6850.4] 6808 - Dynamic overload Barr lay_temp max r55082[8] Thermal model of power unit Temp PU1 [8048.2] r52051[0] Temp PU2 [8048.2] r52051[1] [1020.7] Temp IGBT T1A r55082[0] + + + + + Maximum Temp diode D2B r55082[7] + Temp PU3 [8048.2] r52051[2] + 1 + + + + Air intake temp r52050[5] Thresh temp exc r55085.0 + 0 Maximum > 45 Air intake temperature sensor A60502 AirIntTmp too high 2C p55101[0] Reduce temp_thresh CondA60039 fulfill r55085.1 SET (Q=1) + Q A60039 Dyn overload T too high + I_set reactor [%] [6805.7] r55071 A B>A & RESET Q (Q=0) B Priority: 1. RESET 2. SET basic current + Dyn overld I_lim [%] r55083 1 short-time current 0 [6810.4] DynOverld t_overld p55090 Dyn overload prof p55080 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Dyn overld I_incr p55081 porperties of power stack maximum temperature ActVal I_re SumAvg [%] r55520 [6850.2] load cycle monitoring Dyn overload t_sig [%] r55091 F60530 Dyn overload temp too high 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6808_89.vsd - Dynamic Overload 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6808 - 3 Function diagrams ActVal I_re SumAvg [%] [6850.2] r55520 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-30 350 16,000 s Dyn overld P_loss [W] r55084 Fig. 3-31 Install_altitude p55100 6810 - Current/power limitation SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 500 s Reduce temp_thresh p55101 Heat sink_tmp resp p55102 PU property I r55601[0...n] PU property U r55600[0...n] Volt min p55105 (30.00 V) U_lim t_recovery p55145 (0.500 s) Temp sensor disp [C] r52050 600 V Lim I_lim actual [%] r55115 + [6808.3] [8048.3] Dyn overld I_lim [%] r55083 [6808.7] [6818.5] F60500 Overvolt detected F60509 PU undervoltage U Act val U S1 [%] r55501 PV I_min [%] r55112 [6850.2] Act val U S2 [%] r55502 [6850.2] ON/OFF1 r00898.00 Allow overvoltage + [2580.8] Allow overvoltage p55110 PV FlyConn op_mode [6850.2] Lim status r55125.0 r55125 r55125.02 r55125.03 r55125.04 r55125.05 r55125.06 r55125.07 U < U_min U < U_rated U > U_rated U > U_max U > U_perm PV FlyConn active + Pos I_lim active r55125.00 y I_set reactor [%] r55071 I/P_lim I_reac_set [%] r55120 x [6806.7] Neg I_lim active r55125.01 [6812.1] 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6810_89.vsd 351 - Current/power limitation 27.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6810 - 3 Function diagrams 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 3.9 Closed-loop control -1 Lim S1 U_under low p55130 (50 V) Lim S2 U_over up p55143 (1000 V) Lim S1 U_under up p55131 (100 V) Lim S2 U_over low p55142 (800 V) U_lim t_recovery p55145 (0.500 s) U_lim t_recovery p55145 (0.500 s) 100% 100% U Act val U inner S1 r55507 U Act val U inner S2 r55508 [6850.1] [6850.1] -100% -100% p55132 (800 V) Lim S1 U_over low p55141 (100 V) Lim S2 U_under up p55133 (1000 V) Lim S1 U_over up p55140 (50 V) Lim S2 U_under low Low U_lim S1 rch r55125.08 y I/P_lim I_reac_set [%] r55120 x [6810.7] Upp U_lim S2 rch r55125.10 y x Upp U_lim S1 rch r55125.09 U_lim I_react_set [%] r55122 + Low U_lim S2 rch r55125.11 U_lim I_react_set [%] r55150 p55145 (0.500 s) U_lim t_recovery SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 p55145 (0.500 s) U_lim t_recovery 4 5 6 fp_6812_89.vsd - Voltage limiting 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6812 - 3 Function diagrams 6812 - Voltage limitation 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-32 352 500 s Fig. 3-33 6817 - Voltage limitation, dynamic SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Target voltage [6835.2] Pulse frequency U_rated r50071 U_rated r50071 Lim S2 U dyn s_src p55185 (52002) 1 0 Lim S2 U_over dyn p55187 100% Min F60500 Overvolt detected Fault value = 3 Boost side 2 [6835.2] U Act val U inner S2 r55508 [6850.1] Boost current [6835.2] y p55186 (10.00 V) Lim S2 U dyn dU 1 U_lim I_react_set [%] r55150 x 0 Lim S1 U dyn dU p55181 (10.00 V) [6812.7] Boost side 1 [6835.2] Dyn U_lim S2 rch r55125.13 Lim I_ re_sp U dyn [%] r55170 Dyn U_lim S1 rch r55125.12 _ >1 Boost side 2 [6835.2] U Act val U inner S1 r55507 [6850.1] Boost side 1 [6835.2] Target voltage [6835.2] U_rated r50071 U_rated r50071 1 Lim S1 U_over dyn p55182 Min 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6817_89.vsd 353 - Voltage limitation, dynamic 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6817 - 3 Function diagrams 0 3.9 Closed-loop control Lim S1 U dyn s_src p55180 (52002) 1 DO: DCP_CTRL F60500 Overvolt detected Fault value = 3 -100% + [6817.7] 6818 - Voltage controller I_set significance p55060 Boost side 1 [6835.2] y Setpoint ---> Reactor current I_set corrected [%] r55073 [6806.6] Boost side 1 [6835.2] _ >1 Boost side 2 [6835.2] 1 x 0 U_ctrl enab s_src p54145 (1) U_ctr I_lim posS_s p54141 (52002) _ >1 U_ctrl Kp p54125 Boost side 2 [6835.2] U_ctrl t_RU/t_RD p54101 (0.050 s) U_ctrl droop p54127 U_ctrl Tn p54126 U_ctrl Kp disp [%] r54131 1 Lim I_lim actual [%] r55115 + y x + 1 1 + p54102 U_ctrl act val sel + [2585.8] U_ctr act val Tv p54121 0 Act val U S1 [%] r55501 [6850.2] 2 + Act val U inner S1 [%] r55505 [6850.2] 3 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Act val U inner S2 [%] r55506 [6850.2] 1 [6818.7] U_act dead range r54135.01 1 DO: DCP_CTRL Act val U S2 [%] r55502 [6850.2] 1 LeadLagBlock dc link buffering U_ctr I_lim negS_s p54142 (52004) PWM limit reached [6825.8] U_ctrl act val T p54122 U_ctr VDC dead rng p54124 U_ctrl Vdc t_min p54146 2 p54102 U_ctrl act val sel 3 4 5 6 fp_6818_89.vsd - Voltage controller current setpoint [6820.1] U_ctrl lim reach r54135.00 +/- + U_ctrl enabled r54135.02 0 0 0% + - Pulses enab r00899.11 & _ >1 [6810.7] U_ctrl I-comp disp [%] r54132 U_ctrl setp s_src p54100 (1) [6818.2] 0 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6818 - 3 Function diagrams U_ctrl act s_src p54105 (0) 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-34 354 Pulse frequency Lim I_ re_sp U dyn [%] r55170 Fig. 3-35 6820 - Main current controller SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Pulse frequency Mn ctr prctr Tv p55222[0] Mn ctr prctr Tv p55222[1] d dt Mn ctr prctr fact p55230 (98.0) d dt Precontrol + Discontinuous lim r55235 y Act val U S1 [%] + r55501 Main ctrl Kp p55220[0] (0.2000 ) x [6850.2] p55226 (10.0 %) Main ctr U low lim + Adaptation + Control factor [6825.1] y Act val U S2 [%] r55502 x + Main ctrl Tn p55221[0] [6850.2] Kp p55226 (10.0 %) Main ctr U low lim Main ctrl limit p55228 Tn y + Main ctrl I comp [%] r55202 + - x + - 0 current setpoint [6818.8] + I_ctrl lim reach r55125.15 + + 1 current setpoint from master [9350.6] Mn ctr I_react_set [%] r55172 PWM limit reached [6825.8] no. Of power sections p51800 PU topo pos ActVal I_react PU1 [%] r55511 [6850.2] ActVal I_re SumAvg [%] r55520 [6850.2] 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6820_89.vsd 355 - Main current controller 27.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6820 - 3 Function diagrams 1 DO: DCP_CTRL Pulses enab r00899.11 3.9 Closed-loop control [2585.8] y [6805.4] + + 1 x + - + PU1 ctrl_angle [%] r55250 0 _ >1 PWM lim rch r55125.14 y + + Control factor [6820.7] + x PU 2 3 ctrl_angle [%] r55251[0] x PU 2 3 ctrl_angle [%] r55251[1] 1 + + + 0 y I_diff_ctrl t_int p55260 (100.000 s) + I_diff_ctrl limit p55262 (10.000 %) 1 0 y x Pulses enab [2585.7] r00899.11 + I_diff_ctrl_outp [%] r55252[0] + p55306 (-200.00) Mod ctrAng lim neg ActVal I_re PU1avg [%] r55521 [6850.2] + [6825.8] PWM limit reached + + - ActVal I_re PU2avg [%] r55522 [6850.2] y x + + I_diff_ctrl_outp [%] r55252[1] + SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 ActVal I_re PU1avg [%] r55521 [6850.2] + + - 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 ActVal I_re PU2avg [%] r55522 [6850.2] ActVal I_re PU3avg [%] r55523 [6850.2] 5 6 fp_6825_89.vsd - Differential current controller 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6825 - 3 Function diagrams 6825 - Residual current controller I_set after RFG [%] r55070 Mod ctrAng lim pos p55305 (200.00) 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-36 356 Pulse frequency Cl-loop ctrl_mode p55270 (0) Fig. 3-37 6830 - Pulse width modulation SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Pulse frequency Mod indiv br enab p55310 (3 ) PU property f r55603 Modulator freq Mod opt step-dn/up p55320 (100.000 %) p55321 Mod f_sw op_mode p55322 Modulator f_switch [Hz] r55325 Settings status pulse frequency from master [9350.6] Seq_ctrl quad_dis r50001 + Setp positive [6805.5] r55075.01 & PU1 ctrl_angle [%] [6825.7] r55250 Enable direction DC2 --> DC1 + Control signal jumper 1 [6850.5] PWM 1 + Decision Direction + + PU 2 3 ctrl_angle [%] + [6825.7] r55251[0] PWM 2 Control signal jumper 2 [6850.5] PWM 3 Control signal jumper 3 [6850.5] + + PU 2 3 ctrl_angle [%] [6825.7] r55251[1] + Setp negative [6805.5] r55075.02 & + Enable direction DC1 --> DC2 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6830_89.vsd 357 - Pulse width modulation 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6830 - 3 Function diagrams Enable [2585.8] r00899.11 3.9 Closed-loop control Pulses enab + Prechrg_cont S1 r55375.00 Prechrg t DC cont p55356[0/1] (100 ms) Prechrg I_charge p55360 (5.000 %) Prechrg U_set tol p55357[0/1] (3.0 %) Prechg_mode p55350 (3) DC cont S1 r55375.01 Contactor test p55370 (0 ) Relays Contactors 3 + Side 1 4 + ON/OFF1 r00898.00 5 6 + Contactor control/pre-charging [2580.8] Power unit 7 + 8 + Side 2 9 + 10 Pre targ_val s_src p55352 [2460.5] (2050[2]) r55600[0] PU property U Prechrg_cont S2 r55375.02 DC cont S2 r55375.03 Boost side 1 [6817.2] F60501 Prechrg fault det Boost side 2 [6817.2] Act val U S1 [%] r55501 [6850.2] Boost current [6817.2] SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Act val U S2 [%] r55502 [6850.2] Target voltage [6817.2] 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 + 3 4 5 6 fp_6835_89.vsd - Contactor control/pre-charging 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6835 - 3 Function diagrams 6835 - Contactor control/precharging + Prchg t prchg_cont p55355[0/1] (100 ms) 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-38 358 16,000 s Fig. 3-39 r55460.00 [1020.7] Fan ON inv Dev fan test p55455 6845 - Fan control SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 16,000 s Fan ON + Dev fan t_run-on p55450 (240.0 s) Pulses enab r00899.11 0 T 1 r55460.01 Blower supply >1 M M + <1> [2585.8] M <1> Temp sensor disp [C] r52050[0] Temp sensor disp [C] r52050[1] Temp sensor disp [C] r52050[6] <1> only connected if unit has speed regulated fans 3 Fan speed reference Device fan n r55480[0] p55456 (20 %) Dev fan min_speed Device fan n r55480[1] Fan speed detection Device fan n r55480[2] Dev_fan serv life p55471 (30000 h) Dev_fan reset h p55472 F60067 Fault PU temp exc Fault value = 10 Dev_fan h disp r55470 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6845_89.vsd 359 - Fan control 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3 Function diagrams A60510 Fan end serv life reach 3.9 Closed-loop control Operating hours counter 6850 -Actual value acquisition + + + + Act val I_S2 [%] r55542 _ >1 [6850.4] Act val I_S1 [%] r55541 R inner S1 p55515 [6830.7] Control signal jumper 1 Control signal jumper 2 Control signal jumper 3 +/-80% Act val I_re sum [%] r55510 F60503 PU overcurrent + ActVal I_react PU1 [%] r55511 ActVal I_react PU2 [%] r55512 ActVal I_react PU3 [%] r55513 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 r55530 F60504 PU overvoltage Reactor current 1 Reactor current 2 Reactor current 3 ActVal I_re PU1avg [%] r55521 ActVal I_re PU2avg [%] r55522 ActVal I_re PU3avg [%] r55523 + ActVal I offs adj p55525 ActVal I gain adj p55526 + + + + 3.3 ms + Current actual value measurem ent + + Act P [%] r55540 Act val I_S1 [%] r55541 Act val I_S2 [%] r55542 + ActVal I_re SumAvg [%] r55520 + + I_act abs val [A] r00068 Act val I_S1 r55543 Act val I_S2 r55544 100 ms + 1 DO: DCP_CTRL Output (= Side 2) + Allow overvoltage [6810.2] r55533 Input (= Side 1) 850 V / 1050 V [6850.4] r55532 Pulse frequency Voltage actual value measurement + - R inner S2 p55516 r55531 ActVal U gain adj p55546 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6850_89.vsd - Actual value acquisition 02.05.2016 I_act abs val smth [A] r00027 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6850 - 3 Function diagrams ActVal U offs adj p55545 + + 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-40 360 U_act T p55518 Act val U S2 [%] Act val U S2 r55502 r55504 Act val U inner S2 [%] Act val U inner S2 r55506 r55508 Act val U S1 [%] Act val U S1 r55501 r55503 Act val U inner S1 [%] Act val U inner S1 r55505 r55507 Fig. 3-41 6855 - Power unit monitoring SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 16,000 s PU monit status r55550 r55550.0 r55550.1 r55550.2 r55550.3 r55550.4 r55550.5 r55550.6 r55550.7 PU monit status r55550 r55550.8 r55550.9 F60505 PU IGBT desat 8 signals "IGBT desaturation has occurred" + F60506 PU overcurrent Evaluation + H1904 H1900 H1905 H1901 H1906 H1902 H1907 H1903 Q S Q R 2 signals "Overcurrent has occurred" + H1700 Q S Q R + H1701 PU monit status r55550 r55550.10 r55550.11 F60507 PU overvoltage Power unit 2 signals "Overvoltage has occurred" + H1501 Q S Q R + H1503 PU monit status r55550 r55550.12 r55550.13 Being ackn [2548.6] r02139.00 F60508 PU overtemp 2 signals "Overtemperature has occurred" PU F ackn s_src p55551 (2139.0) A 1 DO: DCP_CTRL B 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6855_89.vsd 361 - Power unit monitoring 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6855 - 3 Function diagrams A>B o12.0 3.9 Closed-loop control Op_display r50000 Reset _ >1 Article No. r50070[0] PU property I r55601[0...n] Serial no. r50069[0] PU property P r55602 Options r50068[0] PU property f r55603 U_rated r50071 I_rated r50072 Power unit SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_6860_89.vsd - Power unit, properties 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 6860 - 3 Function diagrams 6860 - Power unit, properties PU property U r55600[0...n] 3.9 Closed-loop control Fig. 3-42 362 Background 3 Function diagrams 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions Function diagrams 8030 - Temperature sensor 364 8048 - Monitoring functions in the device 365 8054 - Internal diagnostics 366 8055 - General diagnostics 367 8056 - Diagnostic memory 368 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 363 8030 - Temperature sensor <2> A...KTY84 (p50490=1), PT100 (p50490=6), NTC thermistor (p50490=7) or PT1000 (p50490=8) B...PTC thermistor (p50490 = 2,3,4,5) <3> Lay shielded cable, with shield connected to ground at both ends <4> Terminal 54 (sense) is used for compensating cable resistances; for this, the cable from terminal 53 to the temperature sensor and the cable from connection 54 to the temperature sensor should be around the same length. Temp_sens ext disp [C] r52052 <1> Shutdown temperature <5> If terminal 54 (sense) is not required, then terminal 54 must be connected to terminal 55. 0...200 [C] p50492 (0) + >1 Temp_sens ext typ p50490 (0) CUD <3> X177.53 <3> <4> X177.54 0,6 s + 0...200 [C] p50491 (0) <2> A + Character istic + + B <5> <3> Ext temp_fault r53130.1 Alarm temperature + >1 A60032 Ext temp high A + Ext temp_alarm r53130.0 X177.55 Operating temperature (dependent on type of PTC thermistor) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1 DO: DCP_CTRL F60029 Ext temp high F + 2 3 4 5 6 fp_8030_89.vsd - Temperature sensor 25.04.2016 Monitoring (short-circuit/ wire break) F60096 Temp_sensor faulty 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8030 - 3 Function diagrams [1020.7] <1> For r52052, the following applies: Value = temperature: for KTY84 (p50490=1), PT100 (p50490=6), NTC thermistor (p50490=7) or PT1000 (p50490=8) for PTC thermistor (p50490 = 2,3,4,5) Value = 0: 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions Fig. 3-43 364 8,000 s Fig. 3-44 Temperature sensor 1 + X202 8048 - Monitoring functions in the device SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 8,000 s + > Schwelle -5 r52050[0] Temp PU1 r52051[0] + X202 r52050[1] Temp PU2 r52051[1] + r52050[6] Temp PU3 r52051[2] > 90 + r52050[2] > Schwelle > Schwelle -5 F60067 Fault PU temp exc F60097 Power supply unit fault = P5 F60093 P5 overload P15 F60094 P15 overload A60080 Alarm PU temp exc Abweichung > 5% P10 F60067 Fault PU temp exc + Abweichung > 5% F60521 Flt mod_temp exceeded N10 + F60521 Flt mod_temp exceeded > 90 A60520 Alarm mod_temp exceed > 95 F60090 Fault CUD temp exc > 90 A60081 Alarm CUD temp exc r52050[4] Temp CUD Ctrl Unit Note: The temperature sensors are monitored for wire breaks and F60096 is triggered if necessary. 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_8048_89.vsd 365 - Monitoring functions in the device 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8048 - 3 Function diagrams r52050[3] Mainboard temp 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions > 95 + + Electr supp U_disp r50823[1] A60520 Alarm mod_temp exceed + + Electr supp U_disp r50823[0] F60092 N10 outside tol A60080 Alarm PU temp exc Temperature sensor on the CUD module Temperature sensor on the mainboard module F60091 P10 outside tol p55101[1] Reduce temp_thresh > 95 + = A60080 Alarm PU temp exc [1020.7] p55101[1] Reduce temp_thresh X202 Temperature sensor on the power supply module > Schwelle > Schwelle -5 Temperature sensor 3 + Supply voltage F60067 Fault PU temp exc p55101[1] Reduce temp_thresh Temperature sensor 2 + > Schwelle 8054 - Internal diagnostics F60064 Comm_error with TMS320 F60164 Com_err to mainb r50829[0...55] CUD calib. val F60063 Incorr AI/AO calib_values Properties of electronics module F60065 SW update TMS320 failed F60165 SW upd mainb fail r50812 Mainb calib_values F60163 CalVal mainb incor Internal communication monitoring r50810 Mainb serial no. F60523 Mainb I2C bus error F60525 Mainb watchdog err A60526 Mainb PwrSup sw-off A r50811 Mainb part no. r50060[0] Device version ext r50060[1] Device version int Int diag r50827[0..1] r50060[2] DSAC Bootloader r50060[3] BIOS version r50060[4] Config EEPROM A60098 A SysUtil too high r50060[5] Base system r50060[6] DC/DC converter Software version Monitoring of computing time capacity utilization r50060[7] TMS version r50060[8] TMS image F60099 F SysUtil too high TMS320 util [%] r50820[0...1] r50060[9] TMS bootloader r50060[10] TMS bootloader im r50060[11] Mainb version r50060[12] Mainb bootloader r50060[13] DCC version Trace PU [%] r55399[0...9] power stack trace r50060[14] FBLOCKS version SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_8054_89.vsd - Diagnostics, internal 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8054 - 3 Function diagrams [1020.7] 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions Fig. 3-45 366 Background Fig. 3-46 LED H1000 8055 - General diagnostics SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 8,000 s Diagnostic LEDs red orange [1020.7] Description "Hardware Reset pending" or "Processor clock failure" or "Software update" Initialization Mainb LED test p54985 (0 ) green 0.5 Hz Operation, pulses disabled green 2.0 Hz Operation, pulses enabled red 0.5 Hz Fault red 2.0 Hz No internal communication with the CUD LED H1010 Description H1000 LED control H1010 dark "Hardware Reset pending" or "Processor clock failure" or "Software update" green DC contactors open EEPROM EEPROM address p54990 (0 ) orange 0.5 Hz green 2.0 Hz orange 2.0 Hz 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 Pre-charging EEPROM write_vals p54991[0...31] EEPROM disp_values r54994[0...31] EEPROM write_cmd p54992 (0 ) A60522 EEPROM write_protect act Step up Step down Overvoltage range 3 p54993 (1 ) EEPROM write_prot 4 5 6 fp_8055_89.vsd 367 - General diagnostics 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8055 - 3 Function diagrams red 2.0 Hz Setpoint equal to zero 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions green 0.5 Hz Diag_mem tr s_src p50839 [0...5] (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) \USER\SINAMICS\ DATA\LOG\ DiagStor.spd Diag_mem trace STW p50831 every time an unusual event occurs: Memory -> diagnostics file Diag_mem msg_no p50838 Sampling values: - Reactor currents - Voltage side 1 - Voltage side 2 Memory 200 ms long Diag_mem copy file p50832 Once per hour: Memory -> diagnostics file Memory - Average measured temperature values Diagnostics file on the SD card Diagnostics file each time a fault occurs: Information -> diagnostics file - Detailed information on faults After each action: Information -> diagnostics file - Information about change important parameter, software-updates etc. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Each time an internal error occurs: Information -> diagnostics file - Detailed information on internal errors 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 fp_8056_89.vsd - Diagnostic memory 25.04.2016 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8056 - 3 Function diagrams 8056 - Diagnostic memory 0 ... no action 1 ... trigger immediately 2 ... trigger at trace trigger frequency 3.10 Signals and monitoring functions Fig. 3-47 368 250 s [1020.7] 3 Function diagrams 3.11 Faults and alarms 3.11 Faults and alarms Function diagrams 8060 - Fault buffer 370 8065 - Alarm buffer 371 8070 - Fault/alarm trigger word (r2129) 372 8075 - Fault/alarm configuration 373 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 369 + Comp_no act r03132 8060 - Fault buffer Fault code Fault time "active" Fault value Fault time "inactive" Fault drive object initiating Component Diagnostic number attributes fault fault Fault times + 32 bit counter, freewheeling + [8065.1] Operating time + + Fault 1 r0945[0] r0947[0] r0949[0] [I32] r2133[0] [Float] r0948[0] [ms] r2130[0] [d] r2109[0] [ms] r2136[0] [d] r3115[0] Fault 2 r0945[1] r0947[1] r0949[1] [I32] r2133[1] [Float] r0948[1] [ms] r2130[1] [d] r2109[1] [ms] r2136[1] [d] r3115[1] r3120[0] r3122[0] r3120[1] p3981 p2102...p2105 Ackn fault p2102...p2105 [2546.1] r02138.07 >1 <1> Faults acknowledg ement Fault 1 Fault 2 p2106 Ext fault 1 eff 1. Acknowledg ed fault r0945[7] r0947[7] r0949[7] [I32] r2133[7] [Float] r0948[7] [ms] r2130[7] [d] r2109[7] [ms] r2136[7] [d] r3115[7] r0945[8] r0947[8] r0949[8] [I32] r2133[8] [Float] r0948[8] [ms] r2130[8] [d] r2109[8] [ms] r2136[8] [d] r3115[8] r3120[8] r3122[8] r0945[9] r0947[9] r0949[9] [I32] r2133[9] [Float] r0948[9] [ms] r2130[9] [d] r2109[9] [ms] r2136[9] [d] r3115[9] r3120[9] r3122[9] r3120[7] r3122[7] p2106r02138.13 [2546.3] r0945[15] r0949[15] [I32] r0948[15] [ms] r2109[15] [ms] r3115[15] r0947[15] r2133[15] [Float] r2130[15] [d] r2136[15] [d] r3120[15] Fault 1 r0945[56] r0949[56] [I32] r0948[56] [ms] r2109[56] [ms] r3115[56] r0947[56] r2133[56] [Float] r2130[56] [d] r2136[56] [d] r3120[56] r3122[56] Fault 2 r0945[57] r0949[57] [I32] r0948[57] [ms] r2109[57] [ms] r3115[57] r0947[57] r2133[57] [Float] r2130[57] [d] r2136[57] [d] r3120[57] r3122[57] p2107 Ext fault 2 eff p2107r02138.14 [2546.3] p2108, p3110...p3112 Ext fault 3 eff p2108, p3110...p3112 [2546.1] r02138.15 7. Acknowledg ed fault [oldest] Clear fault buffer r0945 r0947 r0948 r0949 r2109 r2130 r2133 r2136 r3115 r3120 r3122 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 r3122[15] SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 r0945[63] r0949[63] [I32] r0948[63] [ms] r2109[63] [ms] r3115[63] r0947[63] r2133[63] [Float] r2130[63] [d] r2136[63] [d] r3120[63] 16 bit counter, freewheeling Outgoing fault Fault buff change >1 III RESET + r00944 POWER ON Fault buffer change [8065.6] r3122[63] Fault reactions to sequence control [2610] 3 4 Fault pres r02139.03 5 6 fp_8060_89.vsd - Fault buffer Automatic <2> Fault acknowledged <1> This fault is overwritten by "more recent" faults (except "safety faults"). <2> Refer to "Fault buffer - Saving on switching off" in the List Manual. <3> The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). 2 p2147 (CU) = 1 >1 Msg ZSW global Group fault pres r03114.10 Fault 8 1 DO: All Objects p0952 = 0: Fault buffer is cleared + Incoming fault Fault 8 Fault cases qty p00952 + r3122[1] RESET Fault 8 Counter 16 bits Incoming fault III RESET Current fault Faults ackn DO p03981 p3981 POWER ON [1020.7] 0 = "No fault present" <3> III Background Act fault val r03131 03.06.2014 [5811.1, 5838.1] 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8060 - 3 Function diagrams r02114[0] 1 ms Act fault code r02131 3.11 Faults and alarms Fig. 3-48 370 LED "RDY" [flashing light red] Fig. 3-49 8065 - Alarm buffer SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Actual alarm code r02132 0 = "No alarm present" <1> Alarm code [8060.1] p2112 Operating time Ext alarm 1 eff p2112 r02138.10 [2546.3] p2116 Alarm value Alarm time "active" Background [1020.7] Component Diagnostic attributes number warning warning Alarm time "inactive" Alarm times Counter 16 bits Incoming alarm Alarm 1 (oldest) r2122[0] r2124[0] [I32] r2134[0] [Float] r2123[0] [ms] r2145[0] [d] r2125[0] [ms] r2146[0] [d] r3121[0] r3123[0] Alarm 2 r2122[1] r2124[1] [I32] r2134[1] [Float] r2123[1] [ms] r2145[1] [d] r2125[1] [ms] r2146[1] [d] r3121[1] r3123[1] + III RESET + Alarm counter p02111 p2111 = 0: Alarm buffer is cleared Ext alarm 2 eff p2116 r02138.11 [2546.3] RESET >1 + POWER ON Clear alarm buffer p2117 Ext alarm 3 eff p2117 r02138.12 [2546.3] Alarm 8 (most recent) r2124[7] [I32] r2134[7] [Float] r2123[7] [ms] r2145[7] [d] r2125[7] [ms] r2146[7] [d] r3121[7] r3123[7] r2122[8] r2124[8] [I32] r2134[8] [Float] r2123[8] [ms] r2145[8] [d] r2125[8] [ms] r2146[8] [d] r3121[8] r3123[8] r2122[9] r2124[9] [I32] r2134[9] [Float] r2123[9] [ms] r2145[9] [d] r2125[9] [ms] r2146[9] [d] r3121[9] r3123[9] r2122[7] r2122 = 0 r2123 = 0 r2124 = 0 r2125 = 0 r2134 = 0 r2145 = 0 r2146 = 0 r3121 = 0 r3123 = 0 Alarm history Alarm 1 (most recent) Alarm 2 Msg ZSW global Group alarm pres r03114.09 Alarm 56 (oldest) r2122[63] r2124[63] [I32] r2123[63] [ms] r2125[63] [ms] r2134[63] [Float] r2145[63] [d] r2146[63] [d] [5811.1] r3121[63] r3123[63] 16 bit counter, freewheeling Incoming alarm r02110 Alarm number Outgoing alarm Alarm pres r02139.07 >1 III RESET + Alarm buffer change Alrm buff changed r02121 POWER ON [2548.2] 16 bit counter, freewheeling III RESET Sum buffer changed r02120 <1> The buffer parameters are cyclically updated in the background (refer to status signal in r2139). POWER ON 1 DO: All Objects 2 3 4 5 6 fp_8065_89.vsd 371 - Alarm buffer 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8065 - 3 Function diagrams >1 3.11 Faults and alarms Fault buffer change [8060.8] Fault/alarm buffer changes from other drive objects 8070 - Fault/alarm trigger word (r2129) Fault/alarm trigger word (e.g. as trigger frequency for trace recordings) F/A trigger signal r02129 F/A trigger sel p02128 [0] 0. Fault/alarm code [1] 1. Fault/alarm code [15] 15. Fault/alarm code 0. Message present r02129.00 1. Message present r02129.01 15. Message present r02129.15 Fault/alarm trigger setting SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 1 DO: All Objects 2 3 4 5 6 fp_8070_89.vsd - Fault/alarm trigger word (r2129) 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8070 - 3 Function diagrams [1020.7] 3.11 Faults and alarms Fig. 3-50 372 Background Fig. 3-51 <1> Change fault reaction for a maximum of 20 faults 8075 - Fault/alarm configuration SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Background <1> p02101 p02100 [1020.7] Change fault message type <==> Alarm for a maximum of 20 faults/alarms p02118 p02119 [0] 0. Fault code [0] Fault reaction 0 = NONE [0] 0. Fault/alarm code [0] Fault/alarm type 1 = Fault [1] 1. Fault code [1] Fault reaction 1 = OFF1 [1] 1. Fault/alarm code [1] Fault/alarm type 2 = Alarm 3 = No message 2 = OFF2 3 = OFF3 reserved reserved reserved [19] 19. Fault code [19] Fault reaction reserved [19] [19] 19. Fault/alarm code Fault/alarm type <1> Change acknowledge mode for a maximum of 20 faults p02126 p02127 [0] 0. Fault code [0] Acknowledge mode 1 = Acknowledgement only using POWER ON. [1] 1. Fault code [1] Acknowledge mode 2 = IMMEDIATE acknowledgment after removal of fault cause. 3 = Acknowledgement only for PULSE INHIBIT [19] 19. Fault code [19] Acknowledge mode 1 DO: All Objects 2 3 4 5 6 fp_8075_89.vsd 373 - Fault/alarm configuration 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 - 8075 - 3 Function diagrams Any changes can only be made in one individual value range, specified by SIEMENS, in each case. When changes 3.11 Faults and alarms <1> With the factory settings, the fault reaction, acknowledge mode, and message type are preassigned in a meaningful way for all faults and alarms. 3 Function diagrams 3.12 Data sets 3.12 Data sets Function diagrams 8560 - Command Data Sets (CDS) 374 375 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-52 8560 - Command Data Sets (CDS) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Not relevant Example: Switching Command Data Sets CDS0 --> CDS1 BI: p0810 = "1" CDS1 selected r0836.0 = 1 BI: p0810 = "0" CDS0 selected r0836.0 = 0 t t CDS0 effective r0050.0 = 0 [1020.7] Source CDS1 effective r0050.0 = 1 Destination Copy CDS p00809[0] (0) Copy CDS p00809[1] (0) t Start Copy CDS p00809[2] (0) + CDS selected r00836 r00836.0 + CDS effective r00050 r00050.0 CDS count p00170 (2) CDS select., bit 0 p00810 CDS1 (0) CDS0 4 5 6 7 fp_8560_89.VSD 03.06.2014 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3.12 Data sets 3 3 Function diagrams 375 1 2 DO: DCP_CTRL - Command Data Sets (CDS) 3 Function diagrams 3.13 Communication between devices 3.13 Communication between devices Function diagrams 9350 - Paralleling interface 376 377 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-53 9350 - Paralleling interface SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 500 s [1020.7] CUD X165 PU topo pos p51800 (0) Par_IF bus term p51805 (0) OFF1 from master r53310.2 Puls_enab fr mast r53310.3 Sync+ + RS 485 0 current setpoint from master [6820.2] + 1 + + SyncPar IF bus addr p51806 pulse frequency from master [6830.3] Evaluation + CAN 0 + Mn ctr I_react_set [%] r55172 [6818.5] Modulator f_switch [Hz] r55325 [6830.7] 1 + + + Com mon t_del p50099 CUD 1 = "Telegram monitoring time expired" X166 Telegr mon dur r53310.0 0 + 1s P_IF F60014 s_src p51808 (53310.0) F60014 Par_IF t_monit expired Telegr mon pul r53310.1 Monitoring r51809 Par_IF diag info Telegr mon t_fail p51807 r51810 Par_IF act disp 1 DO: DCP_CTRL 2 3 4 5 6 7 fp_9350_89.VSD 377 - Parallel connection interface 25.04.2016 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3 Function diagrams r51811 Par_IF CAN diag 3.13 Communication between devices T 3 Function diagrams 3.14 Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) 3.14 Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) Function diagrams 9912 - Control word interconnection 378 379 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Fig. 3-54 Signal 9912 - Control word interconnection SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 PROFIdrive sampling time <1> [1020.7] Interconnection parameter Meaning STW BOP.1 p0844[0] = r0019.1 STW BOP.2 p0848[0] = r0019.2 STW BOP.3 - STW BOP.4 - STW BOP.5 - STW BOP.6 - STW BOP.7 p2102[0] = r0019.7 STW BOP.8 - STW BOP.9 - STW BOP.10 - STW BOP.11 - STW BOP.12 - STW BOP.13 - STW BOP.14 - STW BOP.15 - <1> The BICO interconnection is just an example and may be changed by the user. 1 DO: CU_DCP 2 3 4 5 6 fp_9912_89.vsd 379 - Control word interconnection 03.06.2014 7 Function diagram v 1.2 SINAMICS DCP 8 3 Function diagrams p0840[0] = r0019.0 3.14 Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) STW BOP.0 3 Function diagrams 3.14 Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) 380 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Faults and alarms 4 Content 4.1 Overview of faults and alarms 382 4.2 List of faults and alarms 386 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 381 4 Faults and alarms 4.1 Overview of faults and alarms 4.1 Overview of faults and alarms 4.1.1 General information on faults and alarms Indicating faults and alarms If a fault occurs, the drive indicates the corresponding fault(s) and/or alarm(s). The following methods are available for displaying faults and alarms: * Display via the fault and alarm buffer for PROFIBUS. * Display via the commissioning software in online operation. Differences between faults and alarms The differences between faults and alarms are as follows: Table 4-1 Differences between faults and alarms Type Faults Description What happens when a fault occurs? * The appropriate fault reaction is triggered. * Status signal ZSW1.3 is set. * The fault is entered in the fault buffer. How are faults eliminated? * Remove the original cause of the fault. * Acknowledge the fault. Alarms What happens when an alarm occurs? * Status signal ZSW1.7 is set. * The alarm is entered in the alarm buffer. How are alarms eliminated? * Alarms acknowledge themselves. If the cause of the alarm is no longer present, they automatically reset themselves. 382 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.1 Overview of faults and alarms Fault buffer - save when switching off The contents of the fault buffer are saved to the non-volatile memory when the Control Unit is switched off, i.e. the fault buffer history is still available when the unit is switched on again. The fault buffer of a drive object comprises the following parameters: * r0945[0...63], r0947[0...63], r0948[0...63], r0949[0...63] * r2109[0...63], r2130[0...63], r2133[0...63], r2136[0...63] The fault buffer contents can be deleted manually as follows: * Delete fault buffer for all drive objects: p2147 = 1 --> p2147 = 0 is automatically set after execution. * Delete fault buffer for a specific drive object: p0952 = 0 --> The parameter belongs to the specified drive object. The fault buffer contents are automatically deleted when the following occurs: * Restore factory setting (p0009 = 30 and p0976 = 1). * Download with modified structure (e.g. number of drive objects changed). * Power-up after other parameter values have been loaded (e.g. p0976 = 10). * Upgrade firmware to later version. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 383 4 Faults and alarms 4.1 Overview of faults and alarms 4.1.2 Explanation of the list of faults and alarms The data in the following example has been chosen at random. The information listed below is the maximum amount of information that a description can contain. Some of the information is optional. The "List of faults and alarms" (Page 386) has the following layout: - - - - - - - - - - - - Start of example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Axxxxx (F, N) Fault location (optional): Name Drive object: List of objects. Cause: Description of possible causes. Fault value (r0949, interpret format): or alarm value (r2124, interpret format): (optional) Information about fault or alarm values (optional). Remedy: Description of possible remedies. - - - - - - - - - - - - End of example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Axxxxx Axxxxx (F, N) Fxxxxx Fxxxxx (A, N) Nxxxxx Nxxxxx (A) Alarm xxxxx Alarm xxxxx (message type can be changed in F or N) Fault xxxxx Fault xxxxx (message type can be changed in A or N) No message No message (message type can be changed in A) A message comprises a letter followed by the relevant number. The meaning of the letters is as follows: * A means "Alarm" * F means "Fault" * N means "No message" or "Internal message" (or "No report") The optional brackets indicate whether the type specified for this message can be changed and which message types can be adjusted via parameters (p2118, p2119). Note You can change the default properties of a fault or alarm by setting parameters. References: SINAMICS DCP operating instructions The "List of faults and alarms" (Page 386) supplies information referred to the properties of a message set as default. If the properties of a specific message are changed, the corresponding information may have to be modified in this list. Fault location (optional): Name The fault location (optional), the name of the fault or alarm and the message number are all used to identify the message (e.g. with the commissioning software). 384 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.1 Overview of faults and alarms Drive object: Each message (fault/alarm) specifies the drive object in which it can be found. A message can belong to either one, several, or all drive objects. Cause: Describes the possible causes of the fault or alarm. A fault or alarm value can also be specified (optional). Fault value (r0949, format): The fault value is entered in the fault buffer in r0949[0...63] and specifies additional, more precise information about a fault. Alarm value (r2124, format): The alarm value specifies additional, more precise information about an alarm. The alarm value is entered in the alarm buffer in r2124[0...7] and specifies additional, more precise information about an alarm. Remedy: Provides a general description of the methods available for eliminating the cause of the active fault/alarm. WARNING Service and maintenance personnel are responsible for choosing a suitable method for eliminating the cause of faults on a case-for-case basis. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 385 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Product: SINAMICS DCP, Version: 4703500, Language: eng Objects: CU_DCP, DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Product: SINAMICS DCDC_V, Version: 1200700, Language: eng Objects: DCP_CTRL F01000 Internal software error Drive object: All objects Cause: An internal software error has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - evaluate fault buffer (r0945). - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - if required, check the data on the non-volatile memory (e.g. memory card). - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. - replace the Control Unit. F01001 FloatingPoint exception Drive object: All objects Cause: An exception occurred during an operation with the FloatingPoint data type. The error may be caused by the basic system or an OA application (e.g., FBLOCKS, DCC). Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Note: Refer to r9999 for further information about this fault. r9999[0]: Fault number. r9999[1]: Program counter at the time when the exception occurred. r9999[2]: Cause of the FloatingPoint exception. Bit 0 = 1: Operation invalid Bit 1 = 1: Division by zero Bit 2 = 1: Overflow Bit 3 = 1: Underflow Bit 4 = 1: Inaccurate result Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - check configuration and signals of the blocks in FBLOCKS. - check configuration and signals of DCC charts. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. F01002 Internal software error Drive object: All objects Cause: An internal software error has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. F01003 Acknowledgement delay when accessing the memory Drive object: All objects Cause: A memory area was accessed that does not return a "READY". Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - contact the Hotline. 386 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms N01004 (F, A) Internal software error Drive object: All objects Cause: An internal software error has occurred. Fault value (r0949, hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - read out diagnostics parameter (r9999). - contact the Hotline. See also: r9999 (Software error internal supplementary diagnostics) F01005 Firmware download for DRIVE-CLiQ component unsuccessful Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: It was not possible to download the firmware to a DRIVE-CLiQ component. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): yyxxxx hex: yy = component number, xxxx = fault cause xxxx = 000B hex = 11 dec: DRIVE-CLiQ component has detected a checksum error. xxxx = 000F hex = 15 dec: The selected DRIVE-CLiQ component did not accept the contents of the firmware file. xxxx = 0012 hex = 18 dec: Firmware version is too old and is not accepted by the component. xxxx = 0013 hex = 19 dec: Firmware version is not suitable for the hardware release of the component. xxxx = 0065 hex = 101 dec: After several communication attempts, no response from the DRIVE-CLiQ component. xxxx = 008B hex = 139 dec: Initially, a new boot loader is loaded (must be repeated after POWER ON). xxxx = 008C hex = 140 dec: Firmware file for the DRIVE-CLiQ component not available on the memory card. xxxx = 008D hex = 141 dec: An inconsistent length of the firmware file was signaled. The firmware download may have been caused by a loss of connection to the firmware file. This can occur during a project download/reset in the case of a SINAMICS Integrated Control Unit, for example. xxxx = 008F hex = 143 dec: Component has not changed to the mode for firmware download. It was not possible to delete the existing firmware. xxxx = 0090 hex = 144 dec: When checking the firmware that was downloaded (checksum), the component detected a fault. It is possible that the file on the memory card is defective. xxxx = 0091 hex = 145 dec: Checking the loaded firmware (checksum) was not completed by the component in the appropriate time. xxxx = 009C hex = 156 dec: Component with the specified component number is not available (p7828). xxxx = Additional values: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - check the selected component number (p7828). - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring. - save suitable firmware file for download in the directory "/siemens/sinamics/code/sac/". - use a component with a suitable hardware version - after POWER ON has been carried out again for the DRIVE-CLiQ component, download firmware again. Depending on p7826, the firmware will be automatically downloaded. A01006 Firmware update for DRIVE-CLiQ component required Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The firmware of a DRIVE-CLiQ component must be updated as there is no suitable firmware or firmware version in the component for operation with the Control Unit. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Component number of the DRIVE-CLiQ component. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 387 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: Firmware update using the commissioning software: The firmware version of all of the components on the "Version overview" page can be read in the Project Navigator under "Configuration" of the associated drive unit and an appropriate firmware update can be carried out. Firmware update via parameter: - take the component number from the alarm value and enter into p7828. - start the firmware download with p7829 = 1. A01007 POWER ON for DRIVE-CLiQ component required Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ component must be powered up again (POWER ON) (e.g. due to a firmware update). Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Component number of the DRIVE-CLiQ component. Note: For a component number = 1, a POWER ON of the Control Unit is required. Remedy: - Switch off the power supply of the specified DRIVE-CLiQ component and switch it on again. - For SINUMERIK, auto commissioning is prevented. In this case, a POWER ON is required for all components and the auto commissioning must be restarted. F01010 Drive type unknown Drive object: All objects Cause: An unknown drive type was found. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Drive object number (refer to p0101, p0107). Remedy: - replace Power Module. - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. F01011 (N) Download interrupted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The project download was interrupted. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: The user prematurely interrupted the project download. 2: The communication cable was interrupted (e.g. cable breakage, cable withdrawn). 3: The project download was prematurely ended by the commissioning software (e.g. STARTER, SCOUT). 100: Different versions between the firmware version and project files which were loaded by loading into the file system "Download from memory card". Note: The response to an interrupted download is the state "first commissioning". Remedy: - check the communication cable. - download the project again. - boot from previously saved files (power-down/power-up or p0976). - when loading into the file system (download from memory card), use the matching version. F01015 Internal software error Drive object: All objects Cause: An internal software error has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. 388 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01016 (F) Firmware changed Drive object: All objects Cause: At least one firmware file in the directory was illegally changed on the non-volatile memory (memory card/device memory) with respect to the version when shipped from the factory. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 0: Checksum of one file is incorrect. 1: File missing. 2: Too many files. 3: Incorrect firmware version. 4: Incorrect checksum of the back-up file. Remedy: For the non-volatile memory for the firmware (memory card/device memory), restore the delivery condition. Note: The file involved can be read out using parameter r9925. The status of the firmware check is displayed using r9926. See also: r9925 (Firmware file incorrect), r9926 (Firmware check status) A01017 Component lists changed Drive object: All objects Cause: On the memory card, one file in the directory /SIEMENS/SINAMICS/DATA or /ADDON/SINAMICS/DATA has been illegally changed with respect to that supplied from the factory. No changes are permitted in this directory. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): zyx dec: x = Problem, y = Directory, z = File name x = 1: File does not exist. x = 2: Firmware version of the file does not match the software version. x = 3: File checksum is incorrect. y = 0: Directory /SIEMENS/SINAMICS/DATA/ y = 1: Directory /ADDON/SINAMICS/DATA/ z = 0: File MOTARM.ACX z = 1: File MOTSRM.ACX z = 2: File MOTSLM.ACX z = 3: File ENCDATA.ACX z = 4: File FILTDATA.ACX z = 5: File BRKDATA.ACX z = 6: File DAT_BEAR.ACX z = 7: File CFG_BEAR.ACX z = 8: File ENC_GEAR.ACX Remedy: For the file on the memory card involved, restore the status originally supplied from the factory. F01018 Booting has been interrupted several times Drive object: All objects Cause: Module booting was interrupted several times. As a consequence, the module boots with the factory setting. Possible reasons for booting being interrupted: - power supply interrupted. - CPU crashed. - parameterization invalid. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). After switching on, the module reboots from the valid parameterization (if available). - restore the valid parameterization. Examples: a) Carry out a first commissioning, save, carry out a POWER ON (switch-off/switch-on). b) Load another valid parameter backup (e.g. from the memory card), save, carry out a POWER ON (switchoff/switch-on). Note: If the fault situation is repeated, then this fault is again output after several interrupted boots. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 389 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01019 Writing to the removable data medium unsuccessful Drive object: All objects Cause: The write access to the removable data medium was unsuccessful. Remedy: Remove and check the removable data medium. Then run the data backup again. A01020 Writing to RAM disk unsuccessful Drive object: All objects Cause: A write access to the internal RAM disk was unsuccessful. Remedy: Adapt the file size for the system logbook to the internal RAM disk (p9930). F01023 Software timeout (internal) Drive object: All objects Cause: An internal software timeout has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. F01030 Sign-of-life failure for master control Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: For active PC master control, no sign-of-life was received within the monitoring time. The master control was returned to the active BICO interconnection. Remedy: Set the monitoring time higher at the PC or, if required, completely disable the monitoring function. For the commissioning software, the monitoring time is set as follows: <Drive> -> Commissioning -> Control panel -> Button "Fetch master control" -> A window is displayed to set the monitoring time in milliseconds. Notice: The monitoring time should be set as short as possible. A long monitoring time means a late response when the communication fails! F01031 Sign-of-life failure for OFF in REMOTE Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: With the "OFF in REMOTE" mode active, no sign-of-life was received within 3 seconds. Remedy: - Check the data cable connection at the serial interface for the Control Unit (CU) and operator panel. - Check the data cable between the Control Unit and operator panel. A01032 (F) ACX: all parameters must be saved Drive object: All objects Cause: The parameters of an individual drive object were saved (p0971 = 1), although there is still no backup of all drive system parameters. The saved object-specific parameters are not loaded the next time that the system powers up. For the system to successfully power up, all of the parameters must have been completely backed up. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. See also: p0971 (Save drive object parameters) Remedy: Save all parameters (p0977 = 1 or "copy RAM to ROM"). See also: p0977 (Save all parameters) 390 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01035 (F) ACX: Parameter back-up file corrupted Drive object: All objects Cause: When the Control Unit is booted, no complete data set was found from the parameter back-up files. The last time that the parameterization was saved, it was not completely carried out. It is possible that the backup was interrupted by switching off or withdrawing the memory card. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: aa = 01 hex: Power up was realized without data backup. The drive is in the factory setting. aa = 02 hex: The last available backup data record was loaded. The parameterization must be checked. It is recommended that the parameterization is downloaded again. dd, cc, bb: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. See also: p0971 (Save drive object parameters), p0977 (Save all parameters) Remedy: - Download the project again with the commissioning software. - save all parameters (p0977 = 1 or "copy RAM to ROM"). See also: p0977 (Save all parameters) F01036 (A) ACX: Parameter back-up file missing Drive object: All objects Cause: When downloading the device parameterization, a parameter back-up file PSxxxyyy.ACX associated with a drive object cannot be found. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Byte 1: yyy in the file name PSxxxyyy.ACX yyy = 000 --> consistency back-up file yyy = 001 ... 062 --> drive object number yyy = 099 --> PROFIBUS parameter back-up file Byte 2, 3, 4: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: If you have saved the project data using the commissioning software, carry out a new download for your project. Save using the function "Copy RAM to ROM" or with p0977 = 1 This means that the parameter files are again completely written into the non-volatile memory. Note: If the project data have not been backed up, then a new first commissioning is required. F01038 (A) ACX: Loading the parameter back-up file unsuccessful Drive object: All objects Cause: An error has occurred when downloading PSxxxyyy.ACX or PTxxxyyy.ACX files from the non-volatile memory. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Byte 1: yyy in the file name PSxxxyyy.ACX yyy = 000 --> consistency back-up file yyy = 001 ... 062 --> drive object number yyy = 099 --> PROFIBUS parameter back-up file Byte 2: 255: Incorrect drive object type. 254: Topology comparison unsuccessful -> drive object type was not able to be identified. Reasons could be: - Incorrect component type in the actual topology - Component does not exist in the actual topology. - Component not active. Additional values: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Byte 4, 3: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 391 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - If you have saved the project data using the commissioning software, download the project again. Save using the function "Copy RAM to ROM" or with p0977 = 1 so that all of the parameter files are again completely written to the non-volatile memory. - replace the memory card or Control Unit. Re byte 2 = 255: - Correct the drive object type (see p0107). F01039 (A) ACX: Writing to the parameter back-up file was unsuccessful Drive object: All objects Cause: Writing to at least one parameter back-up file PSxxxyyy.*** in the non-volatile memory was unsuccessful. - In the directory /USER/SINAMICS/DATA/ at least one parameter back-up file PSxxxyyy.*** has the "read only" file attribute and cannot be overwritten. - There is not sufficient free memory space available. - The non-volatile memory is defective and cannot be written to. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): dcba hex a = yyy in the file names PSxxxyyy.*** a = 000 --> consistency back-up file a = 001 ... 062 --> drive object number a = 070 --> FEPROM.BIN a = 080 --> DEL4BOOT.TXT a = 099 --> PROFIBUS parameter back-up file b = xxx in the file names PSxxxyyy.*** b = 000 --> data save started with p0977 = 1 or p0971 = 1 b = 010 --> data save started with p0977 = 10 b = 011 --> data save started with p0977 = 11 b = 012 --> data save started with p0977 = 12 d, c: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - check the file attribute of the files (PSxxxyyy.***, CAxxxyyy.***, CCxxxyyy.***) and, if required, change from "read only" to "writeable". - check the free memory space in the non-volatile memory. Approx. 80 kbyte of free memory space is required for every drive object in the system. - replace the memory card or Control Unit. F01040 Save parameter settings and carry out a POWER ON Drive object: All objects Cause: A parameter was changed in the drive system which means that it is necessary to save the parameters and re-boot. Remedy: - save parameters (p0971, p0977). - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. Then: - upload the drive unit (commissioning software). F01041 Parameter save necessary Drive object: All objects Cause: Defective or missing files were detected on the memory card when booting. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Source file cannot be opened. 2: Source file cannot be read. 3: Target directory cannot be set up. 4. Target file cannot be set up/opened. 5. Target file cannot be written to. Additional values: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. 392 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - save the parameters. - download the project again to the drive unit. - update the firmware - if required, replace the Control Unit and/or memory card card. F01042 Parameter error during project download Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error was detected when downloading a project using the commissioning software (e.g. incorrect parameter value). For the specified parameter, it was detected that dynamic limits were exceeded that may possibly depend on other parameters. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): ccbbaaaa hex aaaa = Parameter bb = Index cc = fault cause 0: Parameter number illegal. 1: Parameter value cannot be changed. 2: Lower or upper value limit exceeded. 3: Sub-index incorrect. 4: No array, no sub-index. 5: Data type incorrect. 6: Setting not permitted (only resetting). 7: Descriptive element cannot be changed. 9: Descriptive data not available. 11: No master control. 15: No text array available. 17: Task cannot be executed due to operating state. 20: Illegal value. 21: Response too long. 22: Parameter address illegal. 23: Format illegal. 24: Number of values not consistent. 25: Drive object does not exist. 101: Presently de-activated. 104: Illegal value. 107: Write access not permitted when controller enabled. 108: Unit unknown. 109: Write access only in the commissioning state, encoder (p0010 = 4). 110: Write access only in the commissioning state, motor (p0010 = 3). 111: Write access only in the commissioning state, power unit (p0010 = 2). 112: Write access only in the quick commissioning mode (p0010 = 1). 113: Write access only in the ready mode (p0010 = 0). 114: Write access only in the commissioning state, parameter reset (p0010 = 30). 115: Write access only in the Safety Integrated commissioning state (p0010 = 95). 116: Write access only in the commissioning state, technological application/units (p0010 = 5). 117: Write access only in the commissioning state (p0010 not equal to 0). 118: Write access only in the commissioning state, download (p0010 = 29). 119: Parameter may not be written in download. 120: Write access only in the commissioning state, drive basic configuration (device: p0009 = 3). 121: Write access only in the commissioning state, define drive type (device: p0009 = 2). 122: Write access only in the commissioning state, data set basic configuration (device: p0009 = 4). 123: Write access only in the commissioning state, device configuration (device: p0009 = 1). 124: Write access only in the commissioning state, device download (device: p0009 = 29). 125: Write access only in the commissioning state, device parameter reset (device: p0009 = 30). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 393 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 126: Write access only in the commissioning state, device ready (device: p0009 = 0). 127: Write access only in the commissioning state, device (device: p0009 not equal to 0). 129: Parameter may not be written in download. 130: Transfer of the master control is inhibited via binector input p0806. 131: Required BICO interconnection not possible because BICO output does not supply floating value 132: Free BICO interconnection inhibited via p0922. 133: Access method not defined. 200: Below the valid values. 201: Above the valid values. 202: Cannot be accessed from the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). 203: Cannot be read from the Basic Operator Panel (BOP). 204: Write access not permitted. Remedy: - enter the correct value in the specified parameter. - identify the parameter that restricts the limits of the specified parameter. F01043 Fatal error at project download Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fatal error was detected when downloading a project using the commissioning software. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Device status cannot be changed to Device Download (drive object ON?). 2: Incorrect drive object number. 3: A drive object that has already been deleted is deleted again. 4: Deleting of a drive object that has already been registered for generation. 5: Deleting a drive object that does not exist. 6: Generating an undeleted drive object that already existed. 7: Regenerating a drive object already registered for generation. 8: Maximum number of drive objects that can be generated exceeded. 9: Error while generating a device drive object. 10: Error while generating target topology parameters (p9902 and p9903). 11: Error while generating a drive object (global component). 12: Error while generating a drive object (drive component). 13: Unknown drive object type. 14: Drive status cannot be changed to "ready for operation" (r0947 and r0949). 15: Drive status cannot be changed to drive download. 16: Device status cannot be changed to "ready for operation". 17: It is not possible to download the topology. The component wiring should be checked, taking into account the various messages/signals. 18: A new download is only possible if the factory settings are restored for the drive unit. 19: The slot for the option module has been configured several times (e.g. CAN and COMM BOARD) 20: The configuration is inconsistent (e.g. CAN for Control Unit, however no CAN configured for drive objects A_INF, SERVO or VECTOR ). 21: Error when accepting the download parameters. 22: Software-internal download error. Additional values: only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - use the current version of the commissioning software. - modify the offline project and carry out a new download (e.g. compare the number of drive objects, motor, encoder, power unit in the offline project and at the drive). - change the drive state (is a drive rotating or is there a message/signal?). - carefully note any other messages/signals and remove their cause. - boot from previously saved files (power-down/power-up or p0976). F01044 CU: Descriptive data error Drive object: All objects Cause: An error was detected when loading the descriptive data saved in the non-volatile memory. Remedy: Replace the memory card or Control Unit. 394 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01045 CU: Configuring data invalid Drive object: All objects Cause: An error was detected when evaluating the parameter files PSxxxyyy.ACX, PTxxxyyy.ACX, CAxxxyyy.ACX, or CCxxxyyy.ACX saved in the non-volatile memory. Because of this, under certain circumstances, several of the saved parameter values were not able to be accepted. Also see r9406 up to r9408. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - Check the parameters displayed in r9406 up to r9408, and correct these if required. - Restore the factory setting using (p0976 = 1) and re-load the project into the drive unit. Then save the parameterization in STARTER using the "Copy RAM to ROM" function or with p0977 = 1. This overwrites the incorrect parameter files in the non-volatile memory - and the alarm is withdrawn. A01049 CU: It is not possible to write to file Drive object: All objects Cause: It is not possible to write into a write-protected file (PSxxxxxx.acx). The write request was interrupted. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Drive object number. Remedy: Check whether the "write protected" attribute has been set for the files in the non-volatile memory under .../USER/SINAMICS/DATA/... When required, remove write protection and save again (e.g. set p0977 to 1). F01050 Memory card and device incompatible Drive object: All objects Cause: The memory card and the device type do not match (e.g. a memory card for SINAMICS S is inserted in SINAMICS G). Remedy: - insert the matching memory card. - use the matching Control Unit or power unit. F01054 CU: System limit exceeded Drive object: All objects Cause: At least one system overload has been identified. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Computing time load too high (r9976[1]). 5: Peak load too high (r9976[5]). Note: As long as this fault is present, it is not possible to save the parameters (p0971, p0977). See also: r9976 (System utilization) Remedy: Re fault value = 1, 5: - reduce the computing time load of the drive unit (r9976[1] and r9976[5]) to under 100 %. - check the sampling times and adjust if necessary (p0115, p0799, p4099). - de-activate function modules. - de-activate drive objects. - remove drive objects from the target topology. - note the DRIVE-CLiQ topology rules and if required, change the DRIVE-CLiQ topology. When using the Drive Control Chart (DCC) or free function blocks (FBLOCKS), the following applies - the computing time load of the individual run-time groups on a drive object can be read out in r21005 (DCC) or r20005 (FBLOCKS). - if necessary, the assignment of the run-time group (p21000, p20000) can be changed in order to increase the sampling time (r21001, r20001). - if necessary, reduce the number of cyclically calculated blocks (DCC) and/or function blocks (FBLOCKS). F01055 CU: Internal error (SYNO of port and application not identical) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: All applications that operate with slaves at one port must be derived from the same SYNO clock cycle. The first application whose registration (log-on) connects a slave to a port defines the SYNO clock cycle that will be used as basis for the port. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 395 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01056 CU: Internal error (clock cycle of parameter group already assigned differently) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The requested parameter group (IREG, NREG, ...) is already being used in a different clock cycle. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01057 CU: Internal error (different DRIVE-CLiQ type for the slave) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The requested DRIVE-CLiQ type (hps_ps, hps_enc, ...) has been specified differently for the same slave component. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01058 CU: Internal error (slave missing in topology) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The requested slave component does not exist in the topology. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01059 CU: Internal error (port does not exist) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The port object assigned according to the topology of the requested slave component does not exist. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01060 CU: Internal error (parameter group not available) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The requested parameter group (IREG, NREG, ...) is not offered by this slave type. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01061 CU: Internal error (application not known) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: An application that is not registered with TSM has attempted to register with registerSlaves(). The cause can be an unsuccessful TSM registration or an incorrect registration sequence. It is always necessary to log in to the TSM before registerSlaves() can be used. 396 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01063 CU: Internal error (PDM) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: An internal software error has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. F01068 CU: Data memory memory overflow Drive object: All objects Cause: The utilization for a data memory area is too large. Fault value (r0949, interpret binary): Bit 0 = 1: High-speed data memory 1 overloaded Bit 1 = 1: High-speed data memory 2 overloaded Bit 2 = 1: High-speed data memory 3 overloaded Bit 3 = 1: High-speed data memory 4 overloaded Remedy: - de-activate the function module. - de-activate drive object. - remove the drive object from the target topology. A01069 Parameter backup and device incompatible Drive object: CU_DCP Cause: The parameter backup on the memory card and the drive unit do not match. The module boots with the factory settings. Example: Devices A and B. are not compatible and a memory card with the parameter backup for device A is inserted in device B. Remedy: - insert a memory card with compatible parameter backup and carry out a POWER ON. - insert a memory card without parameter backup and carry out a POWER ON. - If required, withdraw the memory card and carry out POWER ON. - save the parameters (p0971 = 1). A01069 Parameter backup and device incompatible Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The parameter backup on the memory card and the drive unit do not match. The module boots with the factory settings. Example: Devices A and B. are not compatible and a memory card with the parameter backup for device A is inserted in device B. Remedy: - insert a memory card with compatible parameter backup and carry out a POWER ON. - insert a memory card without parameter backup and carry out a POWER ON. - save the parameters (p0977 = 1). F01072 Memory card restored from the backup copy Drive object: All objects Cause: The Control Unit was switched-off while writing to the memory card. This is why the visible partition became defective. Remedy: Check that the firmware and parameterization is up-to-date. After switching on, the data from the non-visible partition (backup copy) were written to the visible partition. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 397 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01073 (N) POWER ON required for backup copy on memory card Drive object: All objects Cause: The parameter assignment on the visible partition of the memory card has changed. In order that the backup copy on the memory card is updated on the non-visible partition, it is necessary to carry out a POWER ON or hardware reset (p0972) of the Control Unit. Note: It is possible that a new POWER ON is requested via this alarm (e.g. after saving with p0971 = 1). Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for the Control Unit. - carry out a hardware reset (RESET button, p0972). A01099 Tolerance window of time synchronization exited Drive object: All objects Cause: The time master exited the selected tolerance window for time synchronization. See also: p3109 (RTC real time synchronization tolerance window) Remedy: Select the re-synchronization interval so that the synchronization deviation between the time master and drive system lies within the tolerance window. See also: r3108 (RTC last synchronization deviation) A01100 CU: Memory card withdrawn Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The memory card (non-volatile memory) was withdrawn during operation. Notice: It is not permissible for the memory card to be withdrawn or inserted under voltage. Remedy: - power down the drive system. - re-insert the memory card that was withdrawn - this card must match the drive system. - power up the drive system again. A01104 CU: Do not power down. File system being optimized. Drive object: All objects Cause: The file system is currently being optimized in the non-volatile device memory of the Control Unit. This process may take several minutes. Notice: The Control Unit must not be powered down during optimization, as this can lead to user data being lost. Remedy: Leave the Control Unit powered up during optimization. Note: The alarm disappears automatically once file system optimization is complete. F01105 (A) CU: Insufficient memory Drive object: All objects Cause: Too many functions have been configured on this Control Unit (e.g. too many drives, function modules, data sets, OA applications, blocks, etc). Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - change the configuration on this Control Unit (e.g. fewer drives, function modules, data sets, OA applications, blocks, etc). - use an additional Control Unit. F01106 CU: Insufficient memory Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: There is not sufficient free memory space available. Remedy: Not necessary. 398 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F01107 CU: Save to memory card unsuccessful Drive object: All objects Cause: A data save in the non-volatile memory was not able to be successfully carried out. - non-volatile memory is defective. - insufficient space in the non-volatile memory. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - try to save again. - replace the memory card or Control Unit. F01110 CU: More than one SINAMICS G on one Control Unit Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: More than one SINAMICS G type power unit is being operated from the Control Unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Number of the second drive with a SINAMICS G type power unit. Remedy: Only one SINAMICS G drive type is permitted. F01111 CU: Mixed operation of drive units illegal Drive object: All objects Cause: Illegal operation of various drive units on one Control Unit: - SINAMICS S together with SINAMICS G - SINAMICS S together with SINAMICS S Value or Combi Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Number of the first drive object with a different power unit type. Remedy: Only power units of one particular drive type may be operated with one Control Unit. F01112 CU: Power unit not permissible Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The connected power unit cannot be used together with this Control Unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Power unit is not supported (e.g. PM240). 2: DC/AC power unit connected to CU310 not permissible. 3: Power unit (S120M) not permitted for vector control. Remedy: Replace the power unit that is not permissible by a component that is permissible. F01120 (A) Terminal initialization has failed Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An internal software error occurred while the terminal functions were being initialized. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. - replace the Control Unit. F01122 (A) Frequency at the measuring probe input too high Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The frequency of the pulses at the measuring probe input is too high. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: DI/DO 9 (X122.8) 2: DI/DO 10 (X122.10) 4: DI/DO 11 (X122.11) 8: DI/DO 13 (X132.8) 16: DI/DO 14 (X132.10) 32: DI/DO 15 (X132.11) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 399 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 64: DI/DO 8 (X122.7) 128: DI/DO 12 (X132.7) Remedy: Reduce the frequency of the pulses at the measuring probe input. F01150 CU: Number of instances of a drive object type exceeded Drive object: All objects Cause: The maximum permissible number of instances of a drive object type was exceeded. Drive object type: Drive object type (p0107), for which the maximum permissible number of instances was exceeded. Number permitted: Max. permissible number of instances for this drive object type. Actual number: Current number of instances for this drive object type. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): ddccbbaa hex: aa = drive object type, bb = number limited, cc = actual number, dd = no significance Remedy: - power down the unit. - suitably restrict the number of instances of a drive object type by reducing the number of inserted components. - re-commission the unit. F01151 CU: Number of drive objects of a category exceeded Drive object: All objects Cause: The maximum permissible number of drive objects of a category was exceeded. Drive object category: Drive object category, for which the maximum permissible number of drive objects was exceeded. Number permitted: Max. permissible number for this drive object category. Actual number: Actual number for this drive object category. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): ddccbbaa hex: aa = drive object category, bb = number limited, cc = actual number, dd = no significance Remedy: - power down the unit. - suitably restrict the number of drive objects of the specified category by reducing the number of inserted components. - re-commission the unit. F01152 CU: Invalid constellation of drive object types Drive object: All objects Cause: It is not possible to simultaneously operate drive object types SERVO, VECTOR and HLA. A maximum of 2 of these drive object types can be operated on a Control Unit. Remedy: - power down the unit. - restrict the use of drive object types SERVO, VECTOR, HLA to a maximum of 2. - re-commission the unit. F01200 CU: Time slice management internal software error Drive object: All objects Cause: A time slice management error has occurred. It is possible that the sampling times have been inadmissibly set. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): 998: Too many time slices occupied by OA (e.g. DCC). 999: Too many time slices occupied by the basic system. Too many different sampling times may have been set. Additional values: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. 400 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - check the sampling time setting (p0112, p0115, p4099, p9500, p9511). - contact the Hotline. F01205 CU: Time slice overflow Drive object: All objects Cause: Insufficient processing time is available for the existing topology. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - reduce the number of drives. - increase the sampling times. F01221 CU: Bas clk cyc too low Drive object: All objects Cause: The closed-loop control / monitoring cannot maintain the envisaged clock cycle. The runtime of the closed-loop control/monitoring is too long for the particular clock cycle or the computing time remaining in the system is not sufficient for the closed-loop control/monitoring. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Increase the basic clock cycle of DRIVE-CLiQ communication. See also: p0112 (Sampling times pre-setting p0115) F01222 CU: Basic clock cycle too low (computing time for communication not available) Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: A time slice has not been defined that fulfills the requirements. The port cannot be correctly operated as the alternating cyclic clock cycle cannot be maintained. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Method ID. Note: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Contact the Hotline. A01223 CU: Sampling time inconsistent Drive object: All objects Cause: When changing a sampling time (p0115[0], p0799 or p4099), inconsistency between the clock cycles has been identified. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Value lower than minimum value. 2: Value higher than maximum value. 3: Value not a multiple of 1.25 s. 4: Value does not match clock-cycle synchronous PROFIBUS operation. 5: Value not a multiple of 125 s. 6: Value not a multiple of 250 s. 7: Value not a multiple of 375 s. 8: Value not a multiple of 400 s. 10: Special restriction of the drive object violated. 20: On a SERVO with a sampling time of 62.5 s, more than two drive objects or one drive object of a type other than SERVO have been detected on the same DRIVE-CLiQ line (a maximum of two SERVO type drive objects are permitted). 21: Value can be a multiple of the current controller sampling time of a servo or vector drive in the system (e.g. for TB30, the values of all of the indices should be taken into account). 30: Value less than 31.25 s. 31: Value less than 62.5 s (31.25 s is not supported for SMC10, SMC30, SMI10 and Double Motor Modules). 32: Value less than 125 s. 33: Value less than 250 s. 40: Nodes have been identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line whose highest common denominator of the sampling times is less than 125 s. Further, none of the nodes has a sampling time of less than 125 s. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 401 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 41: A chassis unit was identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line as a node. Further, the highest common denominator of the sampling times of all of the nodes connected to the line is less than 250 s. 42: An Active Line Module was identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line as a node. Further, the highest common denominator of the sampling times of all of the nodes connected to the line is less than 125 s. 43: A Voltage Sensing Module (VSM) was identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line as a node. Further, the highest common denominator of the sampling times of all of the nodes connected to the line is not equal to the current controller sampling time of the drive object of the VSM. 44: The highest common denominator of the sampling times of all of the components connected to the DRIVE-CLiQ line is not the same for all components of this drive object (e.g. there are components on different DRIVE-CLiQ lines on which different highest common denominators are generated). 45: A chassis parallel unit was identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line as a node. Further, the highest common denominator of the sampling times of all of the nodes connected to the line is less than 162.5 s or 187.5 s (for a 2 or 3x parallel connection). 46: A node has been identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line whose sampling time is not a multiple of the lowest sampling time on this line. 52: Nodes have been identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line whose highest common denominator of the sampling times is less than 31.25 s. 54: Nodes have been identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line whose highest common denominator of the sampling times is less than 62.5 s. 56: Nodes have been identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line whose highest common denominator of the sampling times is less than 125 s. 58: Nodes have been identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line whose highest common denominator of the sampling times is less than 250 s. 99: Inconsistency of cross drive objects detected. 116: Recommended clock cycle in r0116[0...1]. General note: The topology rules should be noted when connecting up DRIVE-CLiQ (refer to the appropriate product documentation). The parameters of the sampling times can also be changed with automatic calculations. Example for highest common denominator: 125 s, 125 s, 62.5 s --> 62.5 s Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ cables. - set a valid sampling time. See also: p0115, p4099 A01224 CU: Pulse frequency inconsistent Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: When changing the minimum pulse frequency (p0113) inconsistency between the pulse frequencies was identified. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Value lower than minimum value. 2: Value higher than maximum value. 3: Resulting sampling time is not a multiple of 1.25 s. 4: Value does not match clock-cycle synchronous PROFIBUS operation. 10: Special restriction of the drive object violated. 99: Inconsistency of cross drive objects detected. 116: Recommended clock cycle in r0116[0...1]. Remedy: Set a valid pulse frequency. F01250 CU: CU-EEPROM incorrect read-only data Drive object: All objects Cause: Error when reading the read-only data of the EEPROM in the Control Unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the Control Unit. 402 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01251 CU: CU-EEPROM incorrect read-write data Drive object: All objects Cause: Error when reading the read-write data of the EEPROM in the Control Unit. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: For alarm value r2124 < 256, the following applies: - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the Control Unit. For alarm value r2124 >= 256, the following applies: - for the drive object with this alarm, clear the fault memory (p0952 = 0). - as an alternative, clear the fault memory of all drive objects (p2147 = 1). - replace the Control Unit. F01255 CU: Option Board EEPROM read-only data error Drive object: All objects Cause: Error when reading the read-only data of the EEPROM in the Option Board. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the Control Unit. A01256 CU: Option Board EEPROM read-write data error Drive object: All objects Cause: Error when reading the read-write data of the EEPROM in the Option Board. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the Control Unit. F01303 Component does not support the required function Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A function requested by the Control Unit is not supported by a DRIVE-CLiQ component. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: The component does not support the de-activation. 101: The Motor Module does not support an internal armature short-circuit. 102: The Motor Module does not support the de-activation. 201: The Sensor Module does not support actual value inversion (p0410.0 = 1) when using a Hall sensor (p0404.6 = 1) for the commutation. 202: The Sensor Module does not support parking/unparking. 203: The Sensor Module does not support the de-activation. 204: The firmware of this Terminal Module 15 (TM15) does not support the application TM15DI/DO. 205: The Sensor Module does not support the selected temperature evaluation (r0458). 206: The firmware of this Terminal Modules TM41/TM31/TM15 refers to an old firmware version. It is urgently necessary to upgrade the firmware to ensure disturbance-free operation. 207: The power unit with this hardware version does not support operation with device supply voltages of less than 380 V. 208: The Sensor Module does not support de-selection of commutation with zero mark (via p0430.23). 211: The Sensor Module does not support single-track encoders (r0459.10). 212: The Sensor Module does not support LVDT sensors (p4677.0). 213: The Sensor Module does not support the characteristic type (p4662). Remedy: Upgrade the firmware of the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved. For fault value = 205: Check parameter p0600 and p0601 and if required, adapt interpretation. For fault value = 207: Replace the power unit or if required set the device supply voltage higher (p0210). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 403 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms For fault value = 208: Check parameter p0430.23 and reset if necessary. A01304 (F) Firmware version of DRIVE-CLiQ component is not up-to-date Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The non-volatile memory has a more recent firmware version than the one in the connected DRIVE-CLiQ component. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Component number of the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved. Remedy: Update the firmware (p7828, p7829 and commissioning software). F01305 Topology: Component number missing Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The component number from the topology was not parameterized (p0121 (for power unit, refer to p0107), p0131 (for servo/vector drives, refer to p0107), p0141, p0151, p0161). Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Data set number. Note: The fault also occurs if encoders have been configured (p0187 to p0189) but no component numbers exist for them. In this case, the fault value includes the drive data set number plus 100 * encoder number (e.g. 3xx, if a component number was not entered in p0141 for encoder 3 (p0189)). See also: p0151 (Terminal Module component number) Remedy: - enter missing component number. - if required, remove the component and restart commissioning. See also: p0151 (Terminal Module component number) A01306 Firmware of the DRIVE-CLiQ component being updated Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Firmware update is active for at least one DRIVE-CLiQ component. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Component number of the DRIVE-CLiQ component. Remedy: Not necessary. This alarm automatically disappears after the firmware has been updated. A01314 Topology: Component must not be present Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: For a component, "de-activate and not present" is set but this component is still in the topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: aa = component number bb = component class of the component cc = connection number Note: Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: - remove the corresponding component. - change the setting "de-activate and not present". Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). See also: p0105 (Activate/de-activate drive object) A01315 Drive object not ready for operation Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: For the active drive object involved, at least one activated component is missing. Note: All other active and operational drive objects can be in the "RUN" state. 404 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: The alarm automatically disappears again with the following actions: - de-activate the drive object involved (p0105 = 0). - de-activate the components involved (p0125 = 0, p0145 = 0, p0155 = 0, p0165 = 0). - re-insert the components involved. See also: p0105 (Activate/de-activate drive object) A01316 Drive object inactive and again ready for operation Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: If, when inserting a component of the target topology, an inactive, non-operational drive object becomes operational again. The associated parameter of the component is, in this case, set to "activate" (p0125, p0145, p0155, p0165). Note: This is the only message that is displayed for a de-activated drive object. Remedy: The alarm automatically disappears again with the following actions: - activate the drive object involved (p0105 = 1). - again withdraw the components involved. See also: p0105 (Activate/de-activate drive object) A01317 (N) De-activated component again present Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: If a component of the target topology for an active drive object is inserted and the associated parameter of the component is set to "de-activate" (p0125, p0145, p0155, p0165). Note: This is the only message that is displayed for a de-activated component. Remedy: The alarm automatically disappears again with the following actions: - activate the components involved (p0125 = 1, p0145 = 1, p0155 = 1, p0165 = 1). - again withdraw the components involved. A01318 BICO: De-activated interconnections present Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: This alarm is used in the following cases: - If an inactive/non-operational drive object is active again/ready for operation - If there are items in the list of BI/CI parameters (r9498[0...29], r9499[0...29]) - If the BICO interconnections saved in the list of BI/CI parameters (r9498[0...29], r9499[0...29]) have actually been changed Remedy: Reset alarm: - Set p9496 to 1 or 2 or - de-activate the drive object again. A01319 Inserted component not initialized Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Initialization is required for at least one inserted component. This is only possible if the pulses are inhibited for all the drive objects. Remedy: Activate pulse inhibit for all drive objects. A01320 Topology: Drive object number does not exist in configuration Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A drive object number is missing in p0978 Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Index of p0101 under which the missing drive object number can be determined. Remedy: Set p0009 to 1 and change p0978: Rules: - p0978 must include all of the drive object numbers (p0101). - it is not permissible for a drive object number to be repeated. - by entering a 0, the drive objects with PZD are separated from those without PZD. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 405 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms - only 2 partial lists are permitted. After the second 0, all values must be 0. - dummy drive object numbers (255) are only permitted in the first partial list. A01321 Topology: Drive object number does not exist in configuration Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: p0978 contains a drive object number that does not exist. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Index of p0978 under which the drive object number can be determined. Remedy: Set p0009 to 1 and change p0978: Rules: - p0978 must include all of the drive object numbers (p0101). - it is not permissible for a drive object number to be repeated. - by entering a 0, the drive objects with PZD are separated from those without PZD. - only 2 partial lists are permitted. After the second 0, all values must be 0. - dummy drive object numbers (255) are only permitted in the first partial list. A01322 Topology: Drive object number present twice in configuration Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A drive object number is present more than once in p0978. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Index of p0978 under which the involved drive object number is located. Remedy: Set parameter p0009 = 1 and change p0978: Rules: - p0978 must include all of the drive object numbers (p0101). - it is not permissible for a drive object number to be repeated. - by entering a 0, the drive objects with PZD are separated from those without PZD. - only 2 partial lists are permitted. After the second 0, all values must be 0. - dummy drive object numbers (255) are only permitted in the first partial list. A01323 Topology: More than two partial lists created Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Partial lists are available more than twice in p0978. After the second 0, all must be 0. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Index of p0978 under which the illegal value is located. Remedy: Set p0009 to 1 and change p0978: Rules: - p0978 must include all of the drive object numbers (p0101). - it is not permissible for a drive object number to be repeated. - by entering a 0, the drive objects with PZD are separated from those without PZD. - only 2 partial lists are permitted. After the second 0, all values must be 0. - dummy drive object numbers (255) are only permitted in the first partial list. A01324 Topology: Dummy drive object number incorrectly created Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: In p0978, dummy drive object numbers (255) are only permitted in the first partial list. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Index of p0978 under which the illegal value is located. Remedy: Set p0009 to 1 and change p0978: Rules: - p0978 must include all of the drive object numbers (p0101). - it is not permissible for a drive object number to be repeated. - by entering a 0, the drive objects with PZD are separated from those without PZD. - only 2 partial lists are permitted. After the second 0, all values must be 0. - dummy drive object numbers (255) are only permitted in the first partial list. 406 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F01325 Topology: Component number not present in target topology Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The component configured in a parameter (e.g. p0121, p0131, etc.) is not present in the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Configured component number that is not present in target topology. Remedy: Establish topology and DO configuration consistency. A01330 Topology: Quick commissioning not possible Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Unable to carry out a quick commissioning. The existing actual topology does not fulfill the requirements. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ccccbbaa hex: cccc = preliminary component number, bb = supplementary information, aa = fault cause aa = 01 hex = 1 dec: On one component illegal connections were detected. - bb = 01 hex = 1 dec: For a Motor Module, more than one motor with DRIVE-CLiQ was detected. - bb = 02 hex = 2 dec: For a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ, the DRIVE-CLiQ cable is not connected to a Motor Module. aa = 02 hex = 2 dec: The topology contains too many components of a particular type. - bb = 01 hex = 1 dec: There is more than one master Control Unit. - bb = 02 hex = 2 dec: There is more than 1 infeed (8 for a parallel circuit configuration). - bb = 03 hex = 3 dec: There are more than 10 Motor Modules (8 for a parallel circuit configuration). - bb = 04 hex = 4 dec: There are more than 9 encoders. - bb = 05 hex = 5 dec: There are more than 8 Terminal Modules. - bb = 07 hex = 7 dec: Unknown component type - bb = 08 hex = 8 dec: There are more than 6 drive slaves. - bb = 09 hex = 9 dec: Connection of a drive slave not permitted. - bb = 0a hex = 10 dec: There is no drive master. - bb = 0b hex = 11 dec: There is more than one motor with DRIVE-CLiQ for a parallel circuit. - bb = 0c hex = 12 dec: Different power units are being used in a parallel connection. - cccc: Not used. aa = 03 hex = 3 dec: More than 16 components are connected at a DRIVE-CLiQ socket of the Control Unit. - bb = 0, 1, 2, 3 means e.g. detected at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100, X101, X102, X103. - cccc: Not used. aa = 04 hex = 4 dec: The number of components connected one after the other is greater than 125. - bb: Not used. - cccc = preliminary component number of the first component and component that resulted in the fault. aa = 05 hex = 5 dec: The component is not permissible for SERVO. - bb = 01 hex = 1 dec: SINAMICS G available. - bb = 02 hex = 2 dec: Chassis available. - cccc = preliminary component number of the first component and component that resulted in the fault. aa = 06 hex = 6 dec: On one component illegal EEPROM data was detected. These must be corrected before the system continues to boot. - bb = 01 hex = 1 dec: The Order No. [MLFB] of the power unit that was replaced includes a space retainer. The space retainer (*) must be replaced by a correct character. - cccc = preliminary component number of the component with illegal EEPROM data. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 407 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms aa = 07 hex = 7 dec: The actual topology contains an illegal combination of components. - bb = 01 hex = 1 dec: Active Line Module (ALM) and Basic Line Module (BLM). - bb = 02 hex = 2 dec: Active Line Module (ALM) and Smart Line Module (SLM). - bb = 03 hex = 3 dec: SIMOTION control (e.g. SIMOTION D445) and SINUMERIK component (e.g. NX15). - bb = 04 hex = 4 dec: SINUMERIK control (e.g. SINUMERIK 730.net) and SIMOTION component (e.g. CX32). - cccc: Not used. Note: Connection type and connection number are described in F01375. See also: p0097 (Select drive object type), r0098 (Actual device topology), p0099 (Device target topology) Remedy: - adapt the output topology to the permissible requirements. - carry out commissioning using the commissioning software. - for motors with DRIVE-CLiQ, connect the power and DRIVE-CLiQ cable to the same Motor Module (Single Motor Module: DRIVE-CLiQ at X202, Double Motor Module: DRIVE-CLiQ from motor 1 (X1) to X202, from motor 2 (X2) to X203). Re aa = 06 hex = 6 dec and bb = 01 hex = 1 dec: Correct the order number when commissioning using the commissioning software. See also: p0097 (Select drive object type), r0098 (Actual device topology), p0099 (Device target topology) A01331 Topology: At least one component not assigned to a drive object Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: At least one component is not assigned to a drive object. - when commissioning, a component was not able to be automatically assigned to a drive object. - the parameters for the data sets are not correctly set. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Component number of the unassigned component. Remedy: This component is assigned to a drive object. Check the parameters for the data sets. Examples: - power unit (p0121). - motor (p0131, p0186). - encoder interface (p0140, p0141, p0187 ... p0189). - encoder (p0140, p0142, p0187 ... p0189). - Terminal Module (p0151). - option board (p0161). F01340 Topology: Too many components on one line Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: For the selected communications clock cycle, too many DRIVE-CLiQ components are connected to one line of the Control Unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): xyy hex: x = fault cause, yy = component number or connection number. 1yy: The communications clock cycle of the DRIVE-CLiQ connection on the Control Unit is not sufficient for all read transfers. 2yy: The communications clock cycle of the DRIVE-CLiQ connection on the Control Unit is not sufficient for all write transfers. 3yy: Cyclic communication is fully utilized. 4yy: The DRIVE-CLiQ cycle starts before the earliest end of the application. An additional dead time must be added to the control. Sign-of-life errors can be expected. The conditions of operation with a current controller sampling time of 31.25 s have not been maintained. 5yy: Internal buffer overflow for net data of a DRIVE-CLiQ connection. 408 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 6yy: Internal buffer overflow for receive data of a DRIVE-CLiQ connection. 7yy: Internal buffer overflow for send data of a DRIVE-CLiQ connection. 8yy: The component clock cycles cannot be combined with one another 900: The lowest common multiple of the clock cycles in the system is too high to be determined. 901: The lowest common multiple of the clock cycles in the system cannot be generated with the hardware. Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring. - Reduce the number of components on the DRIVE-CLiQ line involved and distribute these to other DRIVE-CLiQ sockets of the Control Unit. This means that communication is uniformly distributed over several lines. Re fault value = 1yy - 4yy in addition: - increase the sampling times (p0112, p0115, p4099). If necessary, for DCC or FBLOCKS, change the assignment of the run-time group (p21000, p20000) so that the sampling time (r21001, r20001) is increased. - if necessary, reduce the number of cyclically calculated blocks (DCC) and/or function blocks (FBLOCKS). - reduce the function modules (r0108). - establish the conditions for operation with a current controller sampling time of 31.25 s (at the DRIVE-CLiQ line, only operate Motor Modules and Sensor Modules with this sampling time and only use a permitted Sensor Module (e.g. SMC20, this means a 3 at the last position of the order number)). - For an NX, the corresponding Sensor Module for a possibly existing second measuring system should be connected to a free DRIVE-CLiQ socket of the NX. Re fault value = 8yy in addition: - check the clock cycles settings (p0112, p0115, p4099). Clock cycles on a DRIVE-CLiQ line must be perfect integer multiples of one another. As clock cycle on a line, all clock cycles of all drive objects in the previously mentioned parameters apply, which have components on the line involved. Re fault value = 9yy in addition: - check the clock cycles settings (p0112, p0115, p4099). The lower the numerical value difference between two clock cycles, the higher the lowest common multiple. This behavior has a significantly stronger influence, the higher the numerical values of the clock cycles. F01341 Topology: Maximum number of DRIVE-CLiQ components exceeded Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Too many DRIVE-CLiQ components were defined in the actual topology. Note: Pulse enable is withdrawn and prevented. Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring. - reduce the number components on the DRIVE-CLiQ line involved in order to maintain the maximum quantity structure. F01354 Topology: Actual topology indicates an illegal component Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The actual topology indicates at least one illegal component. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = cause. xx = 1: Component at this Control Unit not permissible. xx = 2: Component in combination with another component not permissible. Note: Pulse enable is prevented. Remedy: Remove the illegal components and restart the system. F01355 Topology: Actual topology changed Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The device target topology (p0099) does not correspond to the device actual topology (r0098). The fault only occurs if the topology was commissioned using the automatic internal device mechanism and not using the commissioning software. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 409 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. See also: r0098 (Actual device topology), p0099 (Device target topology) Remedy: One of the following counter-measures can be selected if no faults have occurred in the topology detection itself: If commissioning is still not completed: - carry out a self-commissioning routine (starting from p0009 = 1). In general: Set p0099 = r0098, set p0009 = 0; for existing Motor Modules, this results in servo drives being automatically generated (p0107). Generating servo drives: Set p0097 to 1, set p0009 to 0. Generating vector drives: Set p0097 to 2, set p0009 to 0. Generating vector drives with parallel circuit: Set p0097 to 12, set p0009 to 0. In order to set configurations in p0108, before setting p0009 to 0, it is possible to first set p0009 to 2 and modify p0108. The index corresponds to the drive object (p0107). If commissioning has already been completed: - re-establish the original connections and re-connect power to the Control Unit. - restore the factory setting for the complete equipment (all of the drives) and allow automatic self-commissioning again. - change the device parameterization to match the connections (this is only possible using the commissioning software). Notice: Topology changes that result in this fault being generated cannot be accepted by the automatic function in the device, but must be transferred using the commissioning software and parameter download. The automatic function in the device only allows constant topology to be used. Otherwise, when the topology is changed, all of the previous parameter settings are lost and replaced by the factory setting. See also: r0098 (Actual device topology) F01356 Topology: There is a defective DRIVE-CLiQ component Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The actual topology indicates at least one defective DRIVE-CLiQ component. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): zzyyxx hex: zz = connection number of the component at which the defective component is connected yy = component number of the component at which the defective component is connected xx = fault cause xx = 1: Component at this Control Unit not permissible. xx = 2: component with communication defect. Note: Pulse enable is withdrawn and prevented. Remedy: Replace the defective component and restart the system. F01357 Topology: Two Control Units identified on the DRIVE-CLiQ line Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: In the actual topology, 2 Control Units are connected with one another through DRIVE-CLiQ. As standard, this is not permitted. It is only permitted, if the OA application OALINK is already installed on both Control Units. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): yyxx hex: yy = connection number of the Control Unit at which the second Control Unit is connected xx = component number of the Control Unit at which the second Control Unit is connected Note: Pulse enable is withdrawn and prevented. Remedy: - remove the DRIVE-CLiQ connection, restart the systems, install OALINK on both Control Units and commission. - remove the connection to the second Control Unit and restart. - for the S120M component DRIVE-CLiQ extension, interchange the hybrid cable (IN/OUT). 410 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01358 Topology: Line termination not available Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: At least one line with distributed drives is not terminated. The last participant on the line must be terminated with a line termination connector. This therefore ensures the degree of protection of the distributed drives. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): zzyyxx hex: zz = connection number of the distributed drive where there is no terminating connector yy = component number xx = CU connection number Remedy: Install the line terminating connector for the last distributed drive. F01359 Topology: DRIVE-CLiQ performance not sufficient Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The DRIVE-CLiQ performance is not sufficient at one line in order to identify an inserted component. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - Distribute components across several DRIVE-CLiQ lines. Note: For this topology, do not withdraw and insert components in operation. F01360 Topology: Actual topology not permissible Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The detected actual topology is not permissible. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): ccccbbaa hex: cccc = preliminary component number, bb = no significance, aa = fault cause aa = 01 hex = 1 dec: Too many components were detected at the Control Unit. A maximum of 199 components is permissible. aa = 02 hex = 2 dec: The component type of a component is not known. aa = 03 hex = 3 dec: It is illegal to combine ALM and BLM. aa = 04 hex = 4 dec: It is illegal to combine ALM and SLM. aa = 05 hex = 5 dec: It is illegal to combine BLM and SLM. aa = 06 hex = 6 dec: A CX32 was not directly connected to a permitted Control Unit. aa = 07 hex = 7 dec: An NX10 or NX15 was not directly connected to a permitted Control Unit. aa = 08 hex = 8 dec: A component was connected to a Control Unit that is not permitted for this purpose. aa = 09 hex = 9 dec: A component was connected to a Control Unit with out-of-date firmware. aa = 0A hex = 10 dec: Too many components of a particular type detected. aa = 0B hex = 11 dec: Too many components of a particular type detected on a single line. Note: The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 411 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: Re fault cause = 1: Change the configuration. Connect less than 199 components to the Control Unit. Re fault cause = 2: Remove the component with unknown component type. Re fault cause = 3, 4, 5: Establish a valid combination. Re fault cause = 6, 7: Connect the expansion module directly to a permitted Control Unit. Re fault cause = 8: Remove component or use a permissible component. Re fault cause = 9: Upgrade the firmware of the Control Unit to a later version. Re fault cause = 10, 11: Reduce the number of components. A01361 Topology: Actual topology contains SINUMERIK and SIMOTION components Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The detected actual topology contains SINUMERIK and SIMOTION components. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: cc = fault cause, bb = component class of the actual topology, aa = component number of the component cc = 01 hex = 1 dec: An NX10 or NX15 was connected to a SIMOTION control. cc = 02 hex = 2 dec: A CX32 was connected to a SINUMERIK control. Remedy: Re alarm value = 1: Replace all NX10 or NX15 by a CX32. Re alarm value = 2: Replace all CX32 by an NX10 or NX15. A01362 Topology: Topology rule(s) broken Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: At least one topology rule for the SINAMICS S120 Combi has been broken. In the event of a fault, the ramping up of the drive system is aborted and closed-loop drive control is not enabled. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): The alarm value indicates which rule has been violated. 1: The S120 Combi may only be wired via DRIVE-CLiQ socket X200 to X100 on the NCU. 2: Only one Single Motor Module (SMM) or one Double Motor Module (DMM) may be connected via X200 to the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101 on the NCU. 3: Only one Terminal Module 54F (TM54F) or one DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module (hub) may be connected via X500 to the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X102 on the NCU. 4: Only Sensor Modules may be connected to DRIVE-CLiQ sockets X201 up to X203 (3-axis) or X204 (4-axis) on the S120 Combi. 5: Only one Sensor Module, type SMC20 or SME20 may be connected to DRIVE-CLiQ socket X205 (X204 is not available for 3-axis). 6: If a Single Motor Module is being used as the first expansion axis, only one more Single Motor Module may be connected (via X200 to X201 on the first Single Motor Module). 7: Only Sensor Modules may be connected to the corresponding DRIVE-CLiQ socket X202 on any Single Motor Modules which may be present. 8: For a second Single Motor Module or for a Double Motor Module, it is not permissible to connect anything at X201. 9: If a Double Motor Module is used as an expansion axis, only Sensor Modules may be connected to X202 and X203. 10: If a Terminal Module 54F (TM54F) is configured, only one DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module (DMC20, DME20) may be connected to X501 of the TM54F module via DRIVE-CLiQ socket X500. 11: On the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module, only Sensor Modules Cabinet (SMC) and Sensor Modules External (SME) may be connected to X501 through X505. 412 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 12: Only certain Motor Modules may be used for expansion axes. 13: For an S120 Combi with 3 axes, nothing must be connected at the DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module at X503. Remedy: Evaluate the alarm value and ensure compliance with the corresponding topology rule(s). F01375 Topology: Connection duplicated between two components Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: When checking the actual topology, a ring-type connection was detected. The fault value describes a component contained in the ring. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): ccbbaaaa hex: cc = connection number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aaaa = preliminary component number (%1) Component class: 0: Component unknown. 1: Control Unit 2: Motor Module 3: Line Module 4: Sensor Module 5: Voltage Sensing Module 6: Terminal Module 7: DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module 8: Controller Extension 9: Filter Module 10: Hydraulic Module. 49: DRIVE-CLiQ component 50: Option slot 60: Encoder 70: DRIVE-CLiQ motor 71: Hydraulic cylinder 72: Hydraulic valve 80: Motor Connection number: 0: Port 0, 1: Port 1, 2: Port 2, 3: Port 3, 4: Port 4, 5: Port 5 10: X100, 11: X101, 12: X102, 13: X103, 14: X104, 15: X105 20: X200, 21: X201, 22: X202, 23: X203 50: X500, 51: X501, 52: X502, 53: X503, 54: X504, 55: X505 Remedy: Output the fault value and remove the specified connection. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). F01380 Topology: Actual topology EEPROM defective Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: When detecting the actual topology, a component with a defective EEPROM was detected. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): bbbbaaaa hex: bbbb = reserved aaaa = preliminary component number of the defective components Remedy: Output the fault value and remove the defected component. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 413 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01381 Topology: power unit incorrectly inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a power unit in the actual topology that has been incorrectly inserted. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the incorrectly inserted component (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component involved is incorrectly inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01382 Topology: Sensor Module incorrectly inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a Sensor Module in the actual topology that has been incorrectly inserted with respect to the target technology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the incorrectly inserted component (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component involved is incorrectly inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01383 Topology: Terminal Module incorrectly inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a Terminal Module in the actual topology that has been incorrectly inserted with respect to the target technology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the incorrectly inserted component (% 1) 414 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component involved is incorrectly inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01384 Topology: DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module incorrectly inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module in the actual topology that has been incorrectly inserted with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the incorrectly inserted component (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component involved is incorrectly inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01385 Topology: Controller Extension incorrectly inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a controller extension 32 (CX32) in the actual topology that has been incorrectly inserted with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the incorrectly inserted component (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component involved is incorrectly inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 415 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01386 Topology: DRIVE-CLiQ component incorrectly inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a DRIVE-CLiQ component in the actual topology that has been incorrectly inserted with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the incorrectly inserted component (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component involved is incorrectly inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01389 Topology: Motor with DRIVE-CLiQ incorrectly inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ in the actual topology that has been incorrectly inserted with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the incorrectly inserted component (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component involved is incorrectly inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01416 Topology: Component additionally inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has found a component in the actual topology which is not specified in the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = component class (% 2) cc = connection number (%4) bb = component class of the additional component (%1) aa = component number (%3) 416 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note: The component class of the additional component is contained in bb. The component is described in dd, cc and aa, where the additional component is inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - remove the additional component (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01420 Topology: Component different Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected differences in the actual and target topologies in the electronic rating plate. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: aa = component number (%1), bb = component class of the target topology (%2), cc = component class of the actual topology (%3), dd = difference (%4) dd = 01 hex = 1 dec: Different component type. dd = 02 hex = 2 dec: Different Order No. dd = 03 hex = 3 dec: Different manufacturer. dd = 04 hex = 4 dec: Connection changed over for a multi-component slave (e.g. Double Motor Module), defective EEPROM data in the electronic rating plate, or only part of a multi-component slave set to "de-activate and not present". dd = 05 hex = 5 dec: NX10 or NX15 used instead of CX32. dd = 06 hex = 6 dec: NX10 or NX15 used instead of CX32. dd = 07 hex = 7 dec: Different number of connections. Note: The component class is described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - connect the expected component (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Topology comparison - if required, adapt the comparison level: - parameterize the topology comparison of all components (p9906). - parameterize the topology comparison of one components (p9907, p9908). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01425 Topology: Serial number different Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected differences in the actual and target topologies in relation to one component. The serial number is different. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = reserved cc = number of differences (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number (%1) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 417 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note: The component class is described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - change over the actual topology to match the target topology. - download the target topology that matches the actual topology (commissioning software). Re byte cc: cc = 1 --> can be acknowledged using p9904 or p9905. cc > 1 --> can be acknowledged using p9905 and can be de-activated using p9906 or p9907/p9908. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01428 Topology: Incorrect connection used Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected differences in the actual and target topologies in relation to one component. For a component, another connection was used. The different connections of a component are described in the alarm value. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number of the target topology (%4) cc = connection number of the actual topology (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number (%1) Note: Component class and connection number are described in F01375. The drive system is no longer booted. In this state, the drive control (closed-loop) cannot be enabled. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - reinsert the DRIVE-CLiQ cable to the component (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). - automatically remove the topology error (p9904). Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). F01451 Topology: Target topology is invalid Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error was detected in the target topology. The target topology is invalid. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): ccccbbaa hex: cccc = index error, bb = component number, aa = fault cause aa = 1B hex = 27 dec: Error not specified. aa = 1C hex = 28 dec: Value illegal. aa = 1D hex = 29 dec: Incorrect ID. aa = 1E hex = 30 dec: Incorrect ID length. aa = 1F hex = 31 dec: Too few indices left. aa = 20 hex = 32 dec: component not connected to Control Unit. Remedy: Reload the target topology using the commissioning software. A01481 (N) Topology: power unit not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a power unit that is missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. 418 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01482 Topology: Sensor Module not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a Sensor Module that is missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01483 Topology: Terminal Module not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a Terminal Module that is missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 419 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01484 Topology: DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01485 Topology: Controller Extension not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a Control Extension (CX32) missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). 420 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01486 Topology: DRIVE-CLiQ component not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a DRIVE-CLiQ component missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). A01487 Topology: Option slot component not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected an option slot component missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 421 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01489 Topology: Motor with DRIVE-CLiQ not inserted Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The topology comparison has detected a motor with DRIVE-CLiQ missing in the actual topology with respect to the target topology. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): ddccbbaa hex: dd = connection number (%4) cc = component number (%3) bb = component class (% 2) aa = component number of the component that has not been inserted (% 1) Note: The component is described in dd, cc and bb, where the component has not been inserted. Component class and connection number are described in F01375. Remedy: Adapting topologies: - insert the components involved at the right connection (correct the actual topology). - adapt the project/parameterization in the commissioning software (correct the target topology). Check the hardware: - check the 24 V supply voltage. - check DRIVE-CLiQ cables for interruption and contact problems. - check that the component is working properly. Note: Under "Topology --> Topology view" the commissioning software where relevant offers improved diagnostics capability (e.g. setpoint/actual value comparison). F01505 (A) BICO: Interconnection cannot be established Drive object: All objects Cause: A PROFIdrive telegram has been set (p0922). An interconnection contained in the telegram was not able to be established. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Parameter receiver that should be changed. Remedy: Establish another interconnection. F01506 (A) BICO: No standard telegram Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM31 Cause: The standard telegram in p0922 is not maintained and therefore p0922 is set to 999. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): BICO parameter for which the write attempt was unsuccessful. Remedy: Again set the required standard telegram (p0922). A01507 (F, N) BICO: Interconnections to inactive objects present Drive object: All objects Cause: There are BICO interconnections to an inactive/inoperable drive object. The BI/CI parameters involved are listed in r9498. The associated BO/CO parameters are listed in r9499. The list of the BICO interconnections to other drive objects is displayed in r9491 and r9492 of the de-activated drive object. Note: r9498 and r9499 are only written to, if p9495 is not set to 0. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Number of BICO interconnections found to inactive drive objects. Remedy: - set all open BICO interconnections centrally to the factory setting with p9495 = 2. - make the non-operational drive object active/operational again (re-insert or activate components). 422 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01508 BICO: Interconnections to inactive objects exceeded Drive object: All objects Cause: The maximum number of BICO interconnections (signal sinks) when de-activating a drive object was exceeded. When de-activating a drive object, all BICO interconnections (signal sinks) are listed in the following parameters: - r9498[0...29]: List of the BI/CI parameters involved. - r9499[0...29]: List of the associated BO/CO parameters. Remedy: The alarm automatically disappears as soon as no BICO interconnection (value = 0) is entered in r9498[29] and r9499[29]. Notice: When re-activating the drive object, all BICO interconnections should be checked and if required, re-established. F01510 BICO: Signal source is not float type Drive object: All objects Cause: The requested connector output does not have the correct data type. This interconnection is not established. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Parameter number to which an interconnection should be made (connector output). Remedy: Interconnect this connector input with a connector output having a float data type. F01511 (A) BICO: Interconnection with different scalings Drive object: All objects Cause: The requested BICO interconnection was established. However, a conversion is made between the BICO output and BICO input using the reference values. - the BICO output has different normalized units than the BICO input. - message only for interconnections within a drive object. Example: The BICO output has, as normalized unit, voltage and the BICO input has current. This means that the factor p2002/p2001 is calculated between the BICO output and the BICO input. p2002: contains the reference value for current p2001: contains the reference value for voltage Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Parameter number of the BICO input (signal sink). Remedy: Not necessary. F01512 BICO: No scaling available Drive object: All objects Cause: An attempt was made to determine a conversion factor for a scaling that does not exist. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Unit (e.g. corresponding to SPEED) for which an attempt was made to determine a factor. Remedy: Apply scaling or check the transfer value. F01513 (N, A) BICO: Interconnection cross DO with different scalings Drive object: All objects Cause: The requested BICO interconnection was established. However, a conversion is made between the BICO output and BICO input using the reference values. An interconnection is made between different drive objects and the BICO output has different normalized units than the BICO input or the normalized units are the same but the reference values are different. Example 1: BICO output with voltage normalized unit, BICO input with current normalized unit, BICO output and BICO input lie in different drive objects. This means that the factor p2002/p2001 is calculated between the BICO output and the BICO input. p2002: contains the reference value for current p2001: contains the reference value for voltage SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 423 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Example 2: BICO output with voltage normalized unit in drive object 1 (DO1), BICO input with voltage normalized unit in drive object 2 (DO2). The reference values for voltage (p2001) of the two drive objects have different values. This means that the factor p2001(DO1)/p2001(DO2) is calculated between the BICO output and the BICO input. p2001: contains the reference value for voltage, drive objects 1, 2 Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Parameter number of the BICO input (signal sink). Remedy: Not necessary. A01514 (F) BICO: Error when writing during a reconnect Drive object: All objects Cause: During a reconnect operation (e.g. while booting or downloading - but can also occur in normal operation) a parameter was not able to be written to. Example: When writing to BICO input with double word format (DWORD), in the second index, the memory areas overlap (e.g. p8861). The parameter is then reset to the factory setting. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Parameter number of the BICO input (signal sink). Remedy: Not necessary. F01515 (A) BICO: Writing to parameter not permitted as the master control is active Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: When changing the number of CDS or when copying from CDS, the master control is active. Remedy: If required, return the master control and repeat the operation. A01590 (F) Drive: Motor maintenance interval expired Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The selected service/maintenance interval for this motor was reached. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Motor data set number. Remedy: carry out service/maintenance and reset the service/maintenance interval (p0651). F01800 DRIVE-CLiQ: Hardware/configuration error Drive object: All objects Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ connection fault has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 100 ... 107: Communication via DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 ... X107 has not been switched to cyclic operation. The cause may be an incorrect structure or a configuration that results in an impossible bus timing. 10: Loss of the DRIVE-CLiQ connection. The cause may be, for example, that the DRIVE-CLiQ cable was withdrawn from the Control Unit or as a result of a short-circuit for motors with DRIVE-CLiQ. This fault can only be acknowledged in cyclic communication. 11: Repeated faults when detecting the connection. This fault can only be acknowledged in cyclic communication. 12: A connection was detected but the node ID exchange mechanism does not function. The reason is probably that the component is defective. This fault can only be acknowledged in cyclic communication. Remedy: Re fault value = 100 ... 107: - ensure that the DRIVE-CLiQ components have the same firmware versions. - avoid longer topologies for short current controller clock cycles. For fault value = 10: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ cables at the Control Unit. - remove any short-circuit for motors with DRIVE-CLiQ. - carry out a POWER ON. For fault value = 11: - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance 424 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms For fault value = 12: - replace the component involved. A01839 DRIVE-CLiQ diagnostics: cable fault to the component Drive object: All objects Cause: The fault counter (r9936[0...199]) to monitor the DRIVE-CLiQ connections/cables has been incremented. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Component number. Note: The component number specifies the component whose feeder cable from the direction of the Control Unit is faulted. The alarm automatically disappears after 5 seconds, assuming that no other data transfer error has occurred. Remedy: - check the corresponding DRIVE-CLiQ cables. - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance A01900 (F) PB/PN: Configuration telegram error Drive object: All objects Cause: A controller attempts to establish a connection using an incorrect configuring telegram. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Connection established to more drive objects than configured in the device. The drive objects for process data exchange and their sequence are defined in p0978. 2: Too many PZD data words for output or input to a drive object. The number of possible PZD items in a drive object is determined by the number of indices in r2050/p2051. 3: Uneven number of bytes for input or output. 4: Setting data for synchronization not accepted. For more information, see A01902. 211: Unknown parameterizing block. 223: Clock synchronization for the PZD interface set in p8815[0] is not permissible. More than one PZD interface is operated in clock synchronism. 253: PN Shared Device: Illegal mixed configuration of PROFIsafe and PZD. 254: PN Shared Device: Illegal double assignment of a slot/subslot. 255: PN: Configured drive object and existing drive object do not match. 500: Illegal PROFIsafe configuration for the interface set in p8815[1]. More than one PZD interface is operated with PROFIsafe. 501: PROFIsafe parameter error (e.g. F_dest). 502: PROFIsafe telegram does not match. 503: PROFIsafe connection is rejected as long as there is no isochronous connection (p8969). Additional values: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 425 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: Check the bus configuration on the master and the slave sides. Re alarm value = 1, 2: - Check the list of the drive objects with process data exchange (p0978). Note: With p0978[x] = 0, all of the following drive objects in the list are excluded from the process data exchange. Re alarm value = 2: - Check the number of data words for output and input to a drive object. Re alarm value = 211: - Ensure offline version <= online version. Re alarm value = 223, 500: - Check the setting in p8839 and p8815. - Check for inserted but not configured CBE20. - Ensure that only one PZD interface is operated in clock synchronism or with PROFIsafe. Re alarm value = 255: - Check configured drive objects. Re alarm value = 501: - Check the set PROFIsafe address (p9610). Re alarm value = 502: - Check the set PROFIsafe telegram (p60022, p9611). A01902 PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation parameterization not permissible Drive object: All objects Cause: Parameterization for isochronous operation is not permissible. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 0: Bus cycle time Tdp < 0.5 ms. 1: Bus cycle time Tdp > 32 ms. 2: Bus cycle time Tdp is not an integer multiple of the current controller sampling time. 3: Instant of the actual value sensing Ti > Bus cycle time Tdp or Ti = 0. 4: Instant of the actual value sensing Ti is not an integer multiple of the current controller sampling time. 5: Instant of the setpoint acceptance To >= Bus cycle time Tdp or To = 0. 6: Instant of the setpoint acceptance To is not an integer multiple of the current controller sampling time. 7: Master application cycle time Tmapc is not an integer multiple of the speed controller sampling time. 8: Bus reserve bus cycle time Tdp - data exchange time Tdx less than two current controller sampling times. 10: Instant of the setpoint acceptance To <= data exchange time Tdx + current controller sampling time 11: Master application cycle time Tmapc > 14 x Tdp or Tmapc = 0. 12: PLL tolerance window Tpll_w > Tpll_w_max. 13: Bus cycle time Tdp is not a multiple of all basic clock cycles p0110[x]. 16: For COMM BOARD, the instant in time for the actual value sensing Ti is less than two current controller sampling times. Remedy: - Adapt the bus parameterization Tdp, Ti, To. - adapt the sampling time for the current controller or speed controller. Re alarm value = 10: - Reduce Tdx by using fewer bus participants or shorter telegrams. Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET F01910 (N, A) Fieldbus: setpoint timeout Drive object: All objects Cause: The reception of setpoints from the fieldbus interface (onboard, PROFIBUS/PROFINET/USS) has been interrupted. - bus connection interrupted. - controller switched off. - controller set into the STOP state. See also: p2040 (Fieldbus interface monitoring time), p2047 (PROFIBUS additional monitoring time) 426 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: Restore the bus connection and set the controller to RUN. Note regarding PROFIBUS slave redundancy: For operation on a Y link, it must be ensured that "DP alarm mode = DPV1" is set in the slave parameterization. F01911 (N, A) PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation clock cycle failure Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The global control telegram to synchronize the clock cycles has failed - in cyclic operation - for several DP clock cycles or has violated the time grid specified in the parameterizing telegram over several consecutive DP clock cycles (refer to the bus cycle time, Tdp and Tpllw). Remedy: - check the physical bus configuration (cable, connector, terminating resistor, shielding, etc.). - check whether communication was briefly or permanently interrupted. - check the bus and controller for utilization level (e.g. bus cycle time Tdp was set too short). PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET F01915 (N, A) PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation sign-of-life failure drive object 1 Drive object: All objects Cause: Group display for problems with the sign-of-life of the master (clock-cycle synchronous operation) on the drive object 1 (Control Unit). For central measurements, synchronism with the central master is lost. Remedy: Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET A01920 (F) PROFIBUS: Interruption cyclic connection Drive object: All objects Cause: The cyclic connection to the PROFIBUS master is interrupted. Remedy: Establish the PROFIBUS connection and activate the PROFIBUS master in the cyclic mode. Note: If there is no communication to a higher-level control system, then p2030 should be set = 0 to suppress this message. See also: p2030 (Field bus int protocol selection) A01921 (F) PROFIBUS: Receive setpoints after To Drive object: All objects Cause: Output data of PROFIBUS master (setpoints) received at the incorrect instant in time within the PROFIBUS clock cycle. Remedy: - check bus configuration. - check parameters for clock cycle synchronization (ensure To > Tdx). Note: To: Time of setpoint acceptance Tdx: Data exchange time A01930 PB/PN current controller sampling time clock cycle synch. not equal Drive object: All objects Cause: The current controller sampling time of all drives must be set the same for the clock cycle synchronous operation. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Number of the drive object with different current controller sampling time. Remedy: Set current controller sampling time to identical values (p0115[0]). Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET See also: p0115 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 427 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01931 PB/PN speed controller sampling time clock cycle synch. not equal Drive object: All objects Cause: The speed controller sampling time of all drives must be set the same for the clock cycle synchronous operation. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Number of the drive object with the different speed controller sampling time. Remedy: Set the speed controller sampling times to identical values (p0115[1]). Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET See also: p0115 A01940 PB/PN clock cycle synchronism not reached Drive object: All objects Cause: The bus is in the data exchange state and clock synchronous operation has been selected using the parameterizing telegram. It was not possible to synchronize to the clock cycle specified by the master. - the master does not send a clock synchronous global control telegram although clock synchronous operation was selected when configuring the bus. - the master is using another clock synchronous DP clock cycle than was transferred to the slave in the parameterizing telegram. - at least one drive object has a pulse enable (not controlled from PROFIBUS/PROFINET either). Remedy: - check the master application and bus configuration. - check the consistency between the clock cycle input when configuring the slave and clock cycle setting at the master. - check that no drive object has a pulse enable. Only enable the pulses after synchronizing the PROFIBUS/PROFINET drives. Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET A01941 PB/PN clock cycle signal missing when establishing bus communication Drive object: All objects Cause: The bus is in the data exchange state and clock synchronous operation has been selected using the parameterizing telegram. The global control telegram for synchronization is not being received. Remedy: Check the master application and bus configuration. Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET A01943 PB/PN clock cycle signal error when establishing bus communication Drive object: All objects Cause: The bus is in the data exchange state and clock synchronous operation has been selected using the parameterizing telegram. The global control telegram for synchronization is being irregularly received. -.the master is sending an irregular global control telegram. - the master is using another clock synchronous DP clock cycle than was transferred to the slave in the parameterizing telegram. Remedy: - check the master application and bus configuration. - check the consistency between the clock cycle input when configuring the slave and clock cycle setting at the master. Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET 428 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01945 PROFIBUS: Connection to the Publisher failed Drive object: All objects Cause: For PROFIBUS peer-to-peer data transfer, the connection to at least one Publisher has failed. Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary): Bit 0 = 1: Publisher with address in r2077[0], connection failed. ... Bit 15 = 1: Publisher with address in r2077[15], connection failed. Remedy: - check the PROFIBUS cables. - carry out a first commissioning of the Publisher that has the failed connection. See also: r2077 (PROFIBUS diagnostics peer-to-peer data transfer addresses) F01946 (A) PROFIBUS: Connection to the Publisher aborted Drive object: All objects Cause: At this drive object, the connection to at least one Publisher for PROFIBUS peer-to-peer data transfer in cyclic operation has been aborted. Fault value (r0949, interpret binary): Bit 0 = 1: Publisher with address in r2077[0], connection aborted. ... Bit 15 = 1: Publisher with address in r2077[15], connection aborted. Remedy: - check the PROFIBUS cables. - check the state of the Publisher that has the aborted connection. See also: r2077 (PROFIBUS diagnostics peer-to-peer data transfer addresses) F01950 (N, A) PB/PN clock cycle synchronous operation synchronization unsuccessful Drive object: All objects Cause: Synchronization of the internal clock cycle to the global control telegram has failed. The internal clock cycle exhibits an unexpected shift. Remedy: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Note: PB: PROFIBUS PN: PROFINET F01951 CU SYNC: Synchronization application clock cycle missing Drive object: All objects Cause: If DRIVE-CLiQ components with different application clock cycle are operated on a DRIVE-CLiQ port, this requires synchronization with the Control Unit. This synchronization routine was unsuccessful. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade the software of the DRIVE-CLiQ components. - upgrade the Control Unit software. Note: If a Controller Extension is being used (e.g. CX32, NX10), then the following applies: Check whether the Controller Extension is issuing error messages, and if required, remove these. F01952 CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization of component not supported Drive object: All objects Cause: The existing system configuration requires that the connected DRIVE-CLiQ components support the synchronization between the basic clock cycle, DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle and the application clock cycle. However, not all DRIVE-CLiQ components have this functionality. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Component number of the first faulty DRIVE-CLiQ component. Remedy: Upgrade the firmware of the component specified in the fault value. Note: If required, also upgrade additional components in the DRIVE-CLiQ line. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 429 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A01953 CU SYNC: Synchronization not completed Drive object: All objects Cause: After the drive system is powered up, the synchronization between the basic clock cycle, DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle and application clock cycle was started but was not completed within the selected time tolerance. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. If the error occurs after the drive sampling times were changed, and if a Terminal Module 31 (TM31) is being used, the sampling times (p0115, p4099) should be set as integer multiples to the drive clock cycles (p0115). F01954 CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization unsuccessful Drive object: All objects Cause: Synchronization between the basic clock cycle, DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle and application clock cycle was started and was not able to be successfully completed (e.g. after switch-on). Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: 1. Remove the cause of a possible DRIVE-CLiQ fault. 2. Initiate a new synchronization, e.g. as follows: - remove the PROFIBUS master and re-insert again. - restart the PROFIBUS master. - switch-off the Control Unit and switch-on again. - carry out a Control Unit hardware reset (RESET button, p0972). - carry out a parameter reset and download the saved parameters (p0009 = 30, p0976 = 2, 3). A01955 CU DRIVE-CLiQ: Synchronization DO not completed Drive object: All objects Cause: After the drive system is powered up, the synchronization between the basic clock cycle, DRIVE-CLiQ clock cycle and application clock cycle was started but was not completed within the selected time tolerance. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components of the DO. A01990 (F) USS: PZD configuration error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The configuration of the process data (PZD) for the USS protocol is incorrect. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 2: PZD amount (p2022) too great for the first drive object (p978[0]). The number of possible PZD items in a drive object is determined by the number of indices in r2050/p2051. Remedy: Re alarm value = 2: Check the amount of USS PZD (p2022) and the maximum PZD amount (r2050/p2051) for the first drive object (p0978[0]). A02000 Function generator: Start not possible Drive object: All objects Cause: The function generator has already been started. Remedy: Stop the function generator and restart again if necessary. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. See also: p4800 (Function generator control) A02005 Function generator: Drive does not exist Drive object: All objects Cause: The drive object specified for connection does not exist. 430 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: Use the existing drive object with the corresponding number. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02006 Function generator: No drive specified for connection Drive object: All objects Cause: No drive specified for connection in p4815. Remedy: At least one drive to be connected must be specified in p4815. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02007 Function generator: Drive not SERVO / VECTOR / DC_CTRL Drive object: All objects Cause: The drive object specified for connection is not a SERVO / VECTOR or DC_CTRL. Remedy: Use a SERVO / VECTOR / DC_CTRL drive object with the corresponding number. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02008 Function generator: Drive specified a multiple number of times Drive object: All objects Cause: The drive object specified for connection is already specified. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Drive object number of the drive object that is specified a multiple number of times. Remedy: Specify a different drive object. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02009 Function generator: Illegal mode Drive object: All objects Cause: The set operating mode (p1300) of the drive object is not permissible when using the function generator. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Number of the drive object involved. Remedy: Change the operating mode for this drive object to p1300 = 20 (encoderless speed control) or p1300 = 21 (speed control with encoder). Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02010 Function generator: Speed setpoint from the drive is not zero Drive object: All objects Cause: The speed setpoint of a drive selected for connection is greater than the value for the standstill detection set using p1226. Remedy: For all of the drives specified for connection, set the speed setpoints to zero. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 431 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A02011 Function generator: The actual drive speed is not zero Drive object: All objects Cause: The speed actual value of a drive selected for connection is greater than the value for the standstill detection set using p1226. Remedy: Set the relevant drives to zero speed before starting the function generator. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02015 Function generator: Drive enable signals missing Drive object: All objects Cause: The master control and/or enable signals are missing to connect to the specified drive. Remedy: Fetch the master control to the specified drive object and set all enable signals. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02016 Function generator: Magnetizing running Drive object: All objects Cause: Magnetizing has not yet been completed on a drive object specified for connection. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Number of the drive object involved. Remedy: Wait for magnetizing of the motor (r0056.4). Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - restart the function generator. A02020 Function generator: Parameter cannot be changed Drive object: All objects Cause: This parameter setting cannot be changed when the function generator is active (p4800 = 1). See also: p4810, p4812, p4813, p4820, p4821, p4822, p4823, p4824, p4825, p4826, p4827, p4828, p4829 Remedy: - stop the function generator before parameterizing (p4800 = 0). - if required, start the function generator (p4800 = 1). Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. See also: p4800 (Function generator control) A02025 Function generator: Period too short Drive object: All objects Cause: The value for the period is too short. See also: p4821 (Function generator period) Remedy: Check and adapt the value for the period. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. See also: p4821 (Function generator period) 432 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A02026 Function generator: Pulse width too high Drive object: All objects Cause: The selected pulse width is too high. The pulse width must be less than the period duration. See also: p4822 (Function generator pulse width) Remedy: Reduce pulse width. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. See also: p4821 (Function generator period), p4822 (Function generator pulse width) A02030 Function generator: Physical address equals zero Drive object: All objects Cause: The specified physical address is zero. Remedy: Set a physical address with a value other than zero. See also: p4812 (Function generator physical address) Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. See also: p4812 (Function generator physical address) A02040 Function generator: Illegal value for offset Drive object: All objects Cause: The value for the offset is higher than the value for the upper limit or lower than the value for the lower limit. See also: p4826 (Function generator offset) Remedy: Adjust the offset value accordingly. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. See also: p4826 (Function generator offset), p4828 (Function generator lower limit), p4829 (Function generator upper limit) A02041 Function generator: Illegal value for bandwidth Drive object: All objects Cause: The bandwidth referred to the time slice clock cycle of the function generator has either been set too low or too high. Depending on the time slice clock cycle, the bandwidth is defined as follows: Bandwidth_max = 1 / (2 x time slice clock cycle) Bandwidth_min = Bandwidth_max / 100000 Example: Assumption: p4830 = 125 s --> Bandwidth_max = 1 / (2 x 125 s) = 4000 Hz --> Bandwidth_min = 4000 Hz / 100000 = 0.04 Hz Note: p4823: Function generator bandwidth p4830: Function generator time slice clock cycle See also: p4823 (Function generator bandwidth), p4830 (Function generator time slice cycle) Remedy: Check the value for the bandwidth and adapt accordingly. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 433 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A02047 Function generator: Time slice clock cycle invalid Drive object: All objects Cause: The time slice clock cycle selected does not match any of the existing time slices. See also: p4830 (Function generator time slice cycle) Remedy: Enter an existing time slice clock cycle. The existing time slices can be read out via p7901. Note: The alarm is reset as follows: - remove the cause of this alarm. - restart the function generator. A02050 Trace: Start not possible Drive object: All objects Cause: The trace has already been started. See also: p4700 (Trace control) Remedy: Stop the trace and, if necessary, start again. A02051 Trace: recording not possible as a result of know-how protection Drive object: All objects Cause: TRACE recording is not possible as at least one signal or trigger signal being used is under know-how protection. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Recorder 0 2: Recorder 1 3: Recorders 0 and 1 See also: p4700, p4711, p4730, p4731, p4732, p4733, p4734, p4735, p4736, p4737 Remedy: - Temporarily activate or deactivate know-how protection (p7766). - Include the signal in the OEM exception list (p7763, p7764). - Where relevant do not record the signal. See also: p7763 (KHP OEM exception list number of indices for p7764), p7764 (KHP OEM exception list) A02055 Trace: Recording time too short Drive object: All objects Cause: The trace duration is too short. The minimum is twice the value of the trace clock cycle. See also: p4721 (Trace recording time) Remedy: Check the selected recording time and, if necessary, adjust. A02056 Trace: Recording cycle too short Drive object: All objects Cause: The selected recording cycle is shorter than the selected basic clock cycle 0 (p0110[0]). See also: p4720 (Trace recording cycle) Remedy: Increase the value for the trace cycle. A02057 Trace: Time slice clock cycle invalid Drive object: All objects Cause: The time slice clock cycle selected does not match any of the existing time slices. See also: p4723 (Trace time slice cycle) Remedy: Enter an existing time slice clock cycle. The existing time slices can be read out via p7901. A02058 Trace: Time slice clock cycle for endless trace not valid Drive object: All objects Cause: The selected time slice clock cycle cannot be used for the endless trace See also: p4723 (Trace time slice cycle) Remedy: Enter the clock cycle of an existing time slice with a cycle time >= 2 ms for up to 4 recording channels or >= 4 ms from 5 recording channels per trace. The existing time slices can be read out via p7901. 434 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A02059 Trace: Time slice clock cycle for 2 x 8 recording channels not valid Drive object: All objects Cause: The selected time slice clock cycle cannot be used for more than 4 recording channels. See also: p4723 (Trace time slice cycle) Remedy: Enter the clock cycle of an existing time slice with a cycle time >= 4 ms or reduce the number of recording channels to 4 per trace. The existing time slices can be read out via p7901. A02060 Trace: Signal to be traced missing Drive object: All objects Cause: - a signal to be traced was not specified. - the specified signals are not valid. See also: p4730 (Trace record signal 0), p4731 (Trace record signal 1), p4732 (Trace record signal 2), p4733 (Trace record signal 3) Remedy: - specify the signal to be traced. - check whether the relevant signal can be traced. A02061 Trace: Invalid signal Drive object: All objects Cause: - the specified signal does not exist. - the specified signal can no longer be traced (recorded). See also: p4730 (Trace record signal 0), p4731 (Trace record signal 1), p4732 (Trace record signal 2), p4733 (Trace record signal 3) Remedy: - specify the signal to be traced. - check whether the relevant signal can be traced. A02062 Trace: Invalid trigger signal Drive object: All objects Cause: - a trigger signal was not specified. - the specified signal does not exist. - the specified signal is not a fixed-point signal. - the specified signal cannot be used as a trigger signal for the trace. See also: p4711 (Trace trigger signal) Remedy: Specify a valid trigger signal. A02063 Trace: Invalid data type Drive object: All objects Cause: The specified data type to select a signal using a physical address is invalid. See also: p4711 (Trace trigger signal), p4730 (Trace record signal 0), p4731 (Trace record signal 1), p4732 (Trace record signal 2), p4733 (Trace record signal 3) Remedy: Use a valid data type. A02070 Trace: Parameter cannot be changed Drive object: All objects Cause: The trace parameter settings cannot be changed when the trace is active. See also: p4700, p4710, p4711, p4712, p4713, p4714, p4715, p4716, p4720, p4721, p4722, p4730, p4731, p4732, p4733, p4780, p4781, p4782, p4783, p4789, p4795 Remedy: - stop the trace before parameterization. - if required, start the trace. A02075 Trace: Pretrigger time too long Drive object: All objects Cause: The selected pretrigger time must be shorter than the trace time. See also: p4721 (Trace recording time), p4722 (Trace trigger delay) Remedy: Check the pretrigger time setting and change if necessary. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 435 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F02080 Trace: Parameterization deleted due to unit changeover Drive object: All objects Cause: The trace parameterization in the drive unit was deleted due to a unit changeover or a change in the reference parameters. Remedy: Restart trace. A02095 MTrace 0: multiple trace cannot be activated Drive object: All objects Cause: The following functions or settings are not permissible in conjunction with a multiple trace (trace recorder 0): - measuring function - long-time trace - trigger condition "immediate recording start" (IMMEDIATE) - trigger condition "start with function generator" (FG_START) Remedy: - if required, deactivate the multiple trace (p4840[0] = 0). - deactivate function or setting that is not permissible See also: p4840 (MTrace cycle number setting) A02096 MTrace 0: cannot be saved Drive object: All objects Cause: It is not possible to save the measurement results of a multiple trace on the memory card (trace recorder 0). A multiple trace is not started or is canceled. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Memory card cannot be accessed. - card is not inserted or is blocked by a mounted USB drive. 3: data save operation to slow. - a second trace has been completed before the measurement results of the first trace were able to be saved. - writing the measurement result files to the card is blocked by the parameter save. 4: Data save operation canceled. - for instance, the file required for the data save operation was not able to be found. See also: p4840 (MTrace cycle number setting) Remedy: - insert or remove the memory card. - use a larger memory card. - configure a longer trace time or use an endless trace. - avoid saving parameters while a multiple trace is running. - check whether other functions are presently accessing measurement result files. A02097 MTrace 1: multiple trace cannot be activated Drive object: All objects Cause: The following functions or settings are not permissible in conjunction with a multiple trace (trace recorder 1): - measuring function - long-time trace - trigger condition "immediate recording start" (IMMEDIATE) - trigger condition "start with function generator" (FG_START) Remedy: - if required, deactivate the multiple trace (p4840[1] = 0). - deactivate function or setting that is not permissible See also: p4840 (MTrace cycle number setting) A02098 MTrace 1: cannot be saved Drive object: All objects Cause: It is not possible to save the measurement results of a multiple trace on the memory card (trace recorder 1). A multiple trace is not started or is canceled. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Memory card cannot be accessed. - card is not inserted or is blocked by a mounted USB drive. 436 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 3: data save operation to slow. - a second trace has been completed before the measurement results of the first trace were able to be saved. - writing the measurement result files to the card is blocked by the parameter save. 4: Data save operation canceled. - for instance, the file required for the data save operation was not able to be found. See also: p4840 (MTrace cycle number setting) Remedy: - insert or remove the memory card. - use a larger memory card. - configure a longer trace time or use an endless trace. - avoid saving parameters while a multiple trace is running. - check whether other functions are presently accessing measurement result files. A02099 Trace: Insufficient Control Unit memory Drive object: All objects Cause: The memory space still available on the Control Unit is no longer sufficient for the trace function. Remedy: Reduce the memory required, e.g. as follows: - reduce the trace time. - increase the trace clock cycle. - reduce the number of signals to be traced. See also: r4708 (Trace memory space required), r4799 (Trace memory location free) A02150 OA: Application cannot be loaded Drive object: All objects Cause: The system was not able to load an OA application. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): 16: The interface version in the DCB user library is not compatible to the DCC standard library that has been loaded. Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. Re alarm value = 16: Load a compatible DCB user library (compatible to the interface of the DCC standard library). Note: OA: Open Architecture See also: r4950, r4955, p4956, r4957 F02151 (A) OA: Internal software error Drive object: All objects Cause: An internal software error has occurred within an OA application. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. - replace the Control Unit. Note: OA: Open Architecture See also: r4950, r4955, p4956, r4957 F02152 (A) OA: Insufficient memory Drive object: All objects Cause: Too many functions have been configured on this Control Unit (e.g. too many drives, function modules, data sets, OA applications, blocks, etc). Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 437 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - change the configuration on this Control Unit (e.g. fewer drives, function modules, data sets, OA applications, blocks, etc). - use an additional Control Unit. Note: OA: Open Architecture F03000 NVRAM fault on action Drive object: All objects Cause: A fault occurred during execution of action p7770 = 1 or 2 for the NVRAM data. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): yyxx hex: yy = fault cause, xx = application ID yy = 1: The action p7770 = 1 is not supported by this version if Drive Control Chart (DCC) is activated for the drive object concerned. yy = 2: The data length of the specified application is not the same in the NVRAM and the backup. yy = 3: The data checksum in p7774 is not correct. yy = 4: No data available to load. See also: p7770 (NVRAM action) Remedy: - Perform the remedy according to the results of the troubleshooting. - If necessary, start the action again. F03001 NVRAM checksum incorrect Drive object: All objects Cause: A checksum error occurred when evaluating the non-volatile data (NVRAM) on the Control Unit. The NVRAM data affected was deleted. Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. F03500 (A) TM: Initialization Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: When initializing the Terminal Modules, the terminals of the Control Unit or the Terminal Board 30, an internal software error has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): yxxx dex y = Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting xxx = component number (p0151) Remedy: - power down/power up the power supply for the Control Unit. - check the DRIVE-CLiQ connection. - if required, replace the Terminal Module. The Terminal Module should be directly connected to a DRIVE-CLiQ socket of the Control Unit. If the fault occurs again, replace the Terminal Module. A03501 TM: Sampling time change Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The sampling times of the inputs/outputs were changed. This change only becomes valid after the next boot. Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F03505 (N, A) TM: Analog input wire breakage Drive object: TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The wire-break monitoring for an analog input has responded. The input current of the analog input has exceeded the threshold value parameterized in p4061[x]. Index x = 0: Analog input 0 (X521.1/X521.2) Index x = 1: Analog input 1 (X521.3/X521.4) 438 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): yxxx dec y = analog input (0 = analog input 0 (AI 0), 1 = analog input 1 (AI 1)) xxx = component number (p0151) Note: For the following analog input type, the wire breakage monitoring is active: p4056[x] = 3 (unipolar current input monitored (+4 ... +20 mA) Remedy: - check the wiring for interruptions. - Check the magnitude of the injected current - it is possible that the infed signal is too low. - Check the load resistor (250 Ohm). Note: The input current measured by the Terminal Module can be read out from r4052[x]. For p4056[x] = 3 (unipolar current input monitored (+4 ... +20 mA)) the following applies: A current less than 4 mA is not displayed in r4052[x] - but instead r4052[x] = 4 mA is output. F03505 (N, A) Analog input wire breakage Drive object: TM150 Cause: The wire-break monitoring for an analog input has responded. The input current of the analog input has exceeded the threshold value parameterized in p4061[x]. Index x = 0: Analog input 0 (X521.1/X521.2) Index x = 1: Analog input 1 (X521.3/X521.4) Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): yxxx dec y = analog input (0 = analog input 0 (AI 0), 1 = analog input 1 (AI 1)) xxx = component number (p0151) Note: For the following analog input type, the wire breakage monitoring is active: p4056[x] = 3 (unipolar current input monitored (+4 ... +20 mA) Remedy: - check the wiring for interruptions. - Check the magnitude of the injected current - it is possible that the infed signal is too low. - Check the load resistor (250 Ohm). Note: The input current measured by the Terminal Module can be read out from r4052[x]. For p4056[x] = 3 (unipolar current input monitored (+4 ... +20 mA)) the following applies: A current less than 4 mA is not displayed in r4052[x] - but instead r4052[x] = 4 mA is output. A03510 (F, N) Calibration data not plausible Drive object: CU_DCP Cause: During ramp-up, the Terminal Module 31 (TM31) calibration data is read in and checked for plausibility. At least one calibration data point was determined to be invalid. Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary): Bit 1: 10 V value, analog input 0 invalid. Bit 3: 10 V value, analog input 1 invalid. Bit 4: Offset, analog output 0 invalid. Bit 5: 10 V value, analog output 0 invalid. Bit 6: Offset, analog output 1 invalid. Bit 7: 10 V value, analog input 1 invalid. Remedy: - power down/power up the power supply for the Control Unit. - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring. Note: If it reoccurs, then replace the module. In principle, operation could continue. The analog channel involved possibly does not achieve the specified accuracy. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 439 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A03510 (F, N) TM: Calibration data not plausible Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: During ramp-up, the Terminal Module 31 (TM31) calibration data is read in and checked for plausibility. At least one calibration data point was determined to be invalid. Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary): Bit 1: 10 V value, analog input 0 invalid. Bit 3: 10 V value, analog input 1 invalid. Bit 4: Offset, analog output 0 invalid. Bit 5: 10 V value, analog output 0 invalid. Bit 6: Offset, analog output 1 invalid. Bit 7: 10 V value, analog input 1 invalid. Remedy: - power down/power up the power supply for the Control Unit. - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring. Note: If it reoccurs, then replace the module. In principle, operation could continue. The analog channel involved possibly does not achieve the specified accuracy. A03550 TM: Speed setpoint filter natural frequency > Shannon frequency Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The natural filter frequency of the speed setpoint filter (p1417) is greater than or equal to the Shannon frequency. The Shannon frequency is calculated according to the following formula: 0.5 / p4099[3] Remedy: Reduce the natural frequency of the speed setpoint filter (PT2 low pass) (p1417). F03590 (N, A) TM: Module not ready Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The Terminal Module involved does not send a ready signal and no valid cyclic data. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Drive object number of the Terminal Module involved. Remedy: - check the 24 V power supply. - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring. - check whether the sampling time of the drive object involved is not equal to zero (p4099[0]). F07082 Macro: Execution not possible Drive object: All objects Cause: The macro cannot be executed. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): ccccbbaa hex: cccc = preliminary parameter number, bb = supplementary information, aa = fault cause Fault causes for the trigger parameter itself: 19: Called file is not valid for the trigger parameter. 20: Called file is not valid for parameter 15. 21: Called file is not valid for parameter 700. 22: Called file is not valid for parameter 1000. 23: Called file is not valid for parameter 1500. 24: Data type of a TAG is incorrect (e.g. Index, number or bit is not U16). Fault causes for the parameters to be set: 25: Error level has an undefined value. 26: Mode has an undefined value. 27: A value was entered as string in the tag value that is not "DEFAULT". 31: Entered drive object type unknown. 32: A device was not able to be found for the determined drive object number. 34: A trigger parameter was recursively called. 35: It is not permissible to write to the parameter via macro. 440 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 36: Check, writing to a parameter unsuccessful, parameter can only be read, not available, incorrect data type, value range or assignment incorrect. 37: Source parameter for a BICO interconnection was not able to be determined. 38: An index was set for a non-indexed (or CDS-dependent) parameter. 39: No index was set for an indexed parameter. 41: A bit operation is only permissible for parameters with the parameter format DISPLAY_BIN. 42: A value not equal to 0 or 1 was set for a BitOperation. 43: Reading the parameter to be changed by the BitOperation was unsuccessful. 51: Factory setting for DEVICE may only be executed on the DEVICE. 61: The setting of a value was unsuccessful. Remedy: - check the parameter involved. - check the macro file and BICO interconnection. See also: p0015, p0700, p1000 (Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for speed setpoints), p1500 (Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for torque setpoints) F07083 Macro: ACX file not found Drive object: All objects Cause: The ACX file (macro) to be executed was not able to be found in the appropriate directory. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Parameter number with which the execution was started. See also: p0015, p0700, p1000 (Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for speed setpoints), p1500 (Macro Connector Inputs (CI) for torque setpoints) Remedy: - check whether the file is saved in the appropriate directory on the memory card. Example: If p0015 is set to 1501, then the selected ACX file must be located in the following directory: ... /PMACROS/DEVICE/P15/PM001501.ACX F07084 Macro: Condition for WaitUntil not fulfilled Drive object: All objects Cause: The WaitUntil condition set in the macro was not fulfilled in a certain number of attempts. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Parameter number for which the condition was set. Remedy: Check and correct the conditions for the WaitUntil loop. A07089 Changing over units: Function module activation is blocked because the units have been changed over Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An attempt was made to activate a function module. This is not permissible if the units have already been changed over. Remedy: Restore units that have been changed over to the factory setting. F07110 Drive: Sampling times and basic clock cycle do not match Drive object: All objects Cause: The parameterized sampling times do not match the basic clock cycle. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): The fault value specifies the parameter involved. See also: r0110, r0111, p0115 Remedy: Enter the current controller sampling times so that they are identical to the basic clock cycle, e.g. by selecting p0112. Note which basic clock cycle is selected in p0111. The sampling times in p0115 can only be changed manually in the sampling times pre-setting "Expert" (p0112). See also: r0110, r0111, p0112, p0115 A07200 Drive: Master control ON command present Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The ON/OFF1 command is present (no 0 signal). Remedy: Switch the signal via binector input p0840 (current CDS) or control word bit 0 via the master control to 0. The command is either influenced via binector input p0840 (current CDS) or control word bit 0 via the master control. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 441 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F07220 (N, A) Drive: Master control by PLC missing Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The "master control by PLC" signal was missing in operation. - interconnection of the binector input for "master control by PLC" is incorrect (p0854). - the higher-level control has withdrawn the "master control by PLC" signal. - data transfer via the fieldbus (master/drive) was interrupted. Remedy: - check the interconnection of the binector input for "master control by PLC" (p0854). - check the "master control by PLC" signal and, if required, switch in. - check the data transfer via the fieldbus (master/drive). Note: If the drive should continue to operate after withdrawing "master control by PLC" then fault response must be parameterized to NONE or the message type should be parameterized as alarm. A07350 (F) Drive: Measuring probe parameterized to a digital output Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The measuring probe is connected to a bi-directional digital input/output and the terminal is set as output. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 8: DI/DO 8 (X122.9/X132.1) 9: DI/DO 9 (X122.10/X132.2) 10: DI/DO 10 (X122.12/X132.3) 11: DI/DO 11 (X122.13/X132.4) 12: DI/DO 12 (X132.9) 13: DI/DO 13 (X132.10) 14: DI/DO 14 (X132.12) 15: DI/DO 15 (X132.13) To the terminal designation: The first designation is valid for CU320, the second for CU305. Remedy: - set the terminal as input (p0728). - de-select the measuring probe (p0488, p0489, p0580). F07500 Drive: Power unit data set PDS not configured Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Only for controlled line supply infeed/regenerative feedback units: The power unit data set was not configured - this means that a data set number was not entered into the drive data set. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Drive data set number of p0185. Remedy: The index of the power unit data set associated with the drive data set should be entered into p0185. F07501 Drive: Motor Data Set MDS not configured Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Only for power units: The motor data set was not configured - this means that a data set number was not entered into the associated drive data set. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): The fault value includes the drive data set number of p0186. Remedy: The index of the motor data set associated with the drive data set should be entered into p0186. F07502 Drive: Encoder Data Set EDS not configured Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Only for power units: The encoder data set was not configured - this means that a data set number was not entered into the associated drive data set. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): The fault value includes the drive data set number of p0187, p0188 and p0189. The fault value is increased by 100 * encoder number (e.g. for p0189: Fault value 3xx with xx = data set number). 442 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: The index of the encoder data set associated with the drive data set should be entered into p0187 (1st encoder), p0188 (2nd encoder) and p0189 (3rd encoder). F07510 Drive: Identical encoder in the drive data set Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: More than one encoder with identical component number is assigned to a single drive data set. In one drive data set, it is not permissible that identical encoders are operated together. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1000 * first identical encoder + 100 * second identical encoder + drive data set. Example: Fault value = 1203 means: In drive data set 3, the first (p0187[3]) and second encoder (p0188[3]) are identical. Remedy: Assign the drive data set to different encoders. F07511 Drive: Encoder used a multiple number of times Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Each encoder may only be assigned to one drive and within a drive must - in each drive data set - either always be encoder 1, always encoder 2 or always encoder 3. This unique assignment has been violated. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): The two parameters in coded form, that refer to the same component number. First parameter: Index: First and second decimal place (99 for EDS, not assigned DDS) Parameter number: Third decimal place (1 for p0187, 2 for p0188, 3 for p0189, 4 for EDS not assigned DDS) Drive number: Fourth and fifth decimal place Second parameter: Index: Sixth and seventh decimal place (99 for EDS, not assigned DDS) Parameter number: Eighth decimal place (1 for p0187, 2 for p0188, 3 for p0189, 4 for EDS, not assigned DDS) Drive number: Ninth and tenth decimal place Remedy: Correct the double use of a component number using the two parameters coded in the fault value. A07531 Drive: Command Data Set CDS not present Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The selected command data set is not available (p0836 > p0170). The command data set was not changed over. See also: p0810 (Command data set selection CDS bit 0), r0836 (Command Data Set CDS selected) Remedy: - select the existing command data set. - set up additional command data sets. N07570 (F) Encoder identification data transfer running Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The encoder type was automatically determined using p0400 = 10100. Remedy: The fault can be acknowledged without any additional measures. A07850 (F) External alarm 1 Drive object: All objects Cause: The condition for "External alarm 1" is satisfied. This fault causes the pulses to be suppressed - this is necessary to transfer the encoder parameterization to p0400ff. Note: The "External alarm 1" is initiated by a 1/0 edge via binector input p2112. See also: p2112 (External alarm 1) Remedy: Eliminate the causes of this alarm. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 443 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A07851 (F) External alarm 2 Drive object: All objects Cause: The condition for "External alarm 2" is satisfied. Note: The "External alarm 2" is initiated by a 1/0 edge via binector input p2116. See also: p2116 (External alarm 2) Remedy: Eliminate the causes of this alarm. A07852 (F) External alarm 3 Drive object: All objects Cause: The condition for "External alarm 3" is satisfied. Note: The "External alarm 3" is initiated by a 1/0 edge via binector input p2117. See also: p2117 (External alarm 3) Remedy: Eliminate the causes of this alarm. F07860 (A) External fault 1 Drive object: All objects Cause: The condition for "External fault 1" is satisfied. Note: The "External fault 1" is initiated by a 1/0 edge via binector input p2106. See also: p2106 (External fault 1) Remedy: - eliminate the causes of this fault. - acknowledge fault. F07861 (A) External fault 2 Drive object: All objects Cause: The condition for "External fault 2" is satisfied. Note: The "External fault 2" is initiated by a 1/0 edge via binector input p2107. See also: p2107 (External fault 2) Remedy: - eliminate the causes of this fault. - acknowledge fault. F07862 (A) External fault 3 Drive object: All objects Cause: The condition for "External fault 3" is satisfied. Note: The "External fault 3" is initiated by a 1/0 edge via the following parameters. - AND logic operation, binector input p2108, p3111, p3112. - switch-on delay p3110. See also: p2108, p3110, p3111, p3112 Remedy: - eliminate the causes of this fault. - acknowledge fault. F08000 (N, A) TB: +/-15 V power supply faulted Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Terminal Board 30 detects an incorrect internal power supply voltage. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 0: Error when testing the monitoring circuit. 1: Fault in normal operation. Remedy: - replace Terminal Board 30. - replace Control Unit. 444 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F08010 (N, A) TB: Analog-digital converter Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The analog/digital converter on Terminal Board 30 has not supplied any converted data. Remedy: - check the power supply. - replace Terminal Board 30. F08500 (A) COMM BOARD: Monitoring time configuration expired Drive object: All objects Cause: The monitoring time for the configuration has expired. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 0: The transfer time of the send configuration data has been exceeded. 1: The transfer time of the receive configuration data has been exceeded. Remedy: Check communications link. F08501 (N, A) PN/COMM BOARD: Setpoint timeout Drive object: All objects Cause: The reception of setpoints from the COMM BOARD has been interrupted. - bus connection interrupted. - controller switched off. - controller set into the STOP state. - COMM BOARD defective. Remedy: - Restore the bus connection and set the controller to RUN. - check the set monitoring time if the error persists (p2040). See also: p8840 (COMM BOARD monitoring time) F08502 (A) PN/COMM BOARD: Monitoring time sign-of-life expired Drive object: All objects Cause: The monitoring time for the sign-of-life counter has expired. The connection to the COMM BOARD was interrupted. Remedy: - check communications link. - check COMM BOARD. A08504 (F) PN/COMM BOARD: Internal cyclic data transfer error Drive object: All objects Cause: The cyclic actual and/or setpoint values were not transferred within the specified times. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Check the parameterizing telegram (Ti, To, Tdp, etc.). F08510 (A) PN/COMM BOARD: Send configuration data invalid Drive object: All objects Cause: COMM BOARD did not accept the send-configuration data. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Return value of the send-configuration data check. Remedy: Check the send configuration data. A08511 (F) PN/COMM BOARD: Receive configuration data invalid Drive object: All objects Cause: The drive unit did not accept the receive configuration data. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Return value of the receive configuration data check. 1: Connection established to more drive objects than configured in the device. The drive objects for process data exchange and their sequence are defined in p0978. 2: Too many PZD data words for output or input to a drive object. The number of possible PZD items in a drive object is determined by the number of indices in r2050/p2051 for PZD IF1, and in r8850/p8851 for PZD IF2. 3: Uneven number of bytes for input or output. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 445 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 4: Setting data for synchronization not accepted. For more information, see A01902. 5: Cyclic operation not active. 17: CBE20 Shared Device: Configuration of the F-CPU has been changed. 223: Illegal clock synchronization for the PZD interface set in p8815[0]. 500: Illegal PROFIsafe configuration for the interface set in p8815[1]. 501: PROFIsafe parameter error (e.g. F_dest). 503: PROFIsafe connection is rejected as long as there is no isochronous connection (p8969). Additional values: Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: Check the receive configuration data. Re alarm value = 1, 2: - Check the list of the drive objects with process data exchange (p0978). With p0978[x] = 0, all of the following drive objects in the list are excluded from the process data exchange. Re alarm value = 2: - Check the number of data words for output and input to a drive object. Re alarm value = 17: - CBE20 Shared Device: Unplug/plug A-CPU. Re alarm value = 223, 500: - Check the setting in p8839 and p8815. - Ensure that only one PZD interface is operated in clock synchronism or with PROFIsafe. Re alarm value = 501: - Check the set PROFIsafe address (p9610). A08520 (F) PN/COMM BOARD: Non-cyclic channel error Drive object: All objects Cause: The memory or the buffer status of the non-cyclic channel has an error. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 0: Error in the buffer status. 1: Error in the memory. Remedy: Check communications link. A08526 (F) PN/COMM BOARD: No cyclic connection Drive object: All objects Cause: There is no cyclic connection to the control. Remedy: Establish the cyclic connection and activate the control with cyclic operation. For PROFINET, check the parameters "Name of Station" and "IP of Station" (r61000, r61001). If a CBE20 is inserted and PROFIBUS is to communicate via PZD Interface 1, then this must be parameterized using the STARTER commissioning tool or directly using p8839. A08530 (F) PN/COMM BOARD: Message channel error Drive object: All objects Cause: The memory or the buffer status of the message channel has an error. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 0: Error in the buffer status. 1: Error in the memory. Remedy: Check communications link. A08550 PZD Interface Hardware assignment error Drive object: CU_DCP Cause: The assignment of the hardware to the PZD interface has been incorrectly parameterized. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 3: Assigned COMM BOARD missing. See also: p8839 (PZD interface hardware assignment) Remedy: 446 Check the parameterization and if required, correct (p8839). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A08550 PZD Interface Hardware assignment error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The assignment of the hardware to the PZD interface has been incorrectly parameterized. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Only one of the two indices is not equal to 99 (automatic). 2: Both PZD interfaces are assigned to the same hardware. 3: Assigned COMM BOARD missing. 4: CBC10 is assigned to interface 1. See also: p8839 (PZD interface hardware assignment) Remedy: Check the parameterization and if required, correct (p8839). A08564 CBE20: Syntax error in configuration file Drive object: All objects Cause: A syntax error has been detected in the ASCII configuration file for the Communication Board Ethernet 20 (CBE20). The saved configuration file has not been loaded. Remedy: - Check the CBE20 configuration (p8940 and following), correct if necessary, and activate (p8945 = 2). Note: The configuration is not applied until the next POWER ON! - reconfigure the CBE20 (e.g. using the STARTER commissioning software) See also: p8945 (CBE2x interface configuration) A08565 PNCOMM BOARD : Consistency error affecting adjustable parameters Drive object: All objects Cause: A consistency error was detected when activating the configuration (p8945) for the Communication Board Ethernet 20 (CBE20). Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 0: general consistency error 1: error in the IP configuration (IP address, subnet mask or standard gateway). 2: Error in the station names. 3: DHCP was not able to be activated, as a cyclic PROFINET connection already exists. 4: a cyclic PROFINET connection is not possible as DHCP is activated. Note: For all alarm values, the following applies: currently set configuration has not been activated. DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol See also: p8940 (CBE2x Name of Station), p8941 (CBE2x IP Address of Station), p8942 (CBE2x Default Gateway of Station), p8943 (CBE2x Subnet Mask of Station), p8944 (CBE2x DHCP Mode) Remedy: - Check the required interface configuration (p8940 and following), correct if necessary, and activate (p8945). or - Reconfigure the station via the "Edit Ethernet node" screen form (e.g. with STARTER commissioning software). See also: p8945 (CBE2x interface configuration) A13000 License not adequate Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: - for the drive unit, the options that require a license are being used but the licenses are not sufficient. - an error occurred when checking the existing licenses. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 0: The existing license is not sufficient. 1: An adequate license was not able to be determined as the memory card with the required licensing data was withdrawn in operation. 2: An adequate license was not able to be determined as there is no licensing data available on the memory card. 3: An adequate license was not able to be determined as there is a checksum error in the license key. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 447 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 4: An internal error occurred when checking the license. Remedy: Re alarm value = 0: Additional licenses are required and these must be activated (p9920, p9921). Re alarm value = 1: With the system powered down, re-insert the memory card that matches the system. Re alarm value = 2: Enter and activate the license key (p9920, p9921). Re alarm value = 3: Compare the license key (p9920) entered with the license key on the certificate of license. Re-enter the license key and activate (p9920, p9921). Re alarm value = 4: - carry out a POWER ON. - upgrade firmware to later version. - contact the Hotline. A13001 Error in license checksum Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: When checking the checksum of the license key, an error was detected. Remedy: Compare the license key (p9920) entered with the license key on the certificate of license. Re-enter the license key and activate (p9920, p9921). F13009 Licensing OA application not licensed Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: At least one OA application which is under license does not have a license. Note: Refer to r4955 and p4955 for information about the installed OA applications. Remedy: - enter and activate the license key for OA applications under license (p9920, p9921). - if necessary, de-activate unlicensed OA applications (p4956). F13010 Licensing function module not licensed Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: At least one function module which is under license does not have a license. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Bit x = 1: The corresponding function module does not have a license. Note: Refer to p0108 or r0108 for the assignment between the bit number and function module. Remedy: - enter and activate the license key for function modules under license (p9920, p9921). - if necessary, de-activate unlicensed function modules (p0108, r0108). F13100 Know-how protection: Copy protection error Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The know-how protection with copy protection for the memory card is active. An error has occurred when checking the memory card. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 0: A memory card is not inserted. 2: An invalid memory card is inserted. 3: The memory card is being used in another Control Unit. 12: An invalid memory card is inserted (OEM input incorrect, p7769). 13: The memory card is being used in another Control Unit (OEM input incorrect, p7759). Remedy: For fault value = 0: - Insert the correct memory card and carry out POWER ON. Re fault value = 2, 3, 12, 13: - contact the responsible OEM. - Deactivate copy protection (p7765) and acknowledge the fault (p3981). - Deactivate know-how protection (p7766 ... p7768) and acknowledge the fault (p3981). 448 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note: In general, the copy protection can only be changed when know-how protection is deactivated. KHP: Know-How Protection See also: p3981 (Faults acknowledge drive object) F13101 Know-how protection: Copy protection cannot be activated Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error occurred when attempting to activate the copy protection for the memory card. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 0: A memory card is not inserted. Note: KHP: Know-How Protection Remedy: - insert the memory card and carry out POWER ON. - Try to activate copy protection again (p7765). F13102 Know-how protection: Consistency error of the protected data Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error was identified when checking the consistency of the protected files. As a consequence, the project on the memory card cannot be run. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): yyyyxxxx hex: yyyy = object number, xxxx = fault cause xxxx = 1: A file has a checksum error. xxxx = 2: The files are not consistent with one another. xxxx = 3: The project files, which were loaded into the file system via load (download from the memory card), are inconsistent. Note: KHP: Know-How Protection Remedy: - Replace the project on the memory card or replace project files for download from the memory card. - Restore the factory setting and download again. F30051 Power unit: Motor holding brake short circuit detected Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: A short-circuit at the motor holding brake terminals has been detected. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting. Remedy: - check the motor holding brake for a short-circuit. - check the connection and cable for the motor holding brake. F30053 FPGA data faulty Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The FPGA data of the power unit are faulty. Remedy: Replace the power unit or update the FPGA data. F30080 Power unit: Current increasing too quickly Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The power unit has detected an excessive rate of rise in the overvoltage range. - closed-loop control is incorrectly parameterized. - motor has a short-circuit or fault to ground (frame). - U/f operation: Up ramp set too low. - U/f operation: rated current of motor much greater than that of power unit. - infeed: High discharge and post-charging currents for voltage dip. - infeed: High post-charging currents for overload when motoring and DC link voltage dip. - infeed: Short-circuit currents at power-up due to the missing line reactor. - power cables are not correctly connected. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 449 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms - power cables exceed the maximum permissible length. - power unit defective. Additional causes for a parallel switching device (r0108.15 = 1): - a power unit has tripped (powered down) due to a ground fault. - the closed-loop circulating current control is either too slow or has been set too fast. Fault value (r0949, interpret bitwise binary): Bit 0: Phase U. Bit 1: Phase V. Bit 2: Phase W. Remedy: - check the motor data - if required, carry out commissioning. - check the motor circuit configuration (star-delta) - U/f operation: Increase up ramp. - U/f operation: Check assignment of rated currents of motor and power unit. - infeed: Check the line supply quality. - infeed: Reduce the motor load. - infeed: Correct connection of the line reactor. - check the power cable connections. - check the power cables for short-circuit or ground fault. - check the length of the power cables. - replace power unit. For a parallel switching device (r0108.15 = 1) the following additionally applies: - check the ground fault monitoring thresholds (p0287). - check the setting of the closed-loop circulating current control (p7036, p7037). F30081 Power unit: Switching operations too frequent Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The power unit has executed too many switching operations for current limitation. - closed-loop control is incorrectly parameterized. - motor has a short-circuit or fault to ground (frame). - U/f operation: Up ramp set too low. - U/f operation: rated current of motor much greater than that of power unit. - infeed: High discharge and post-charging currents for voltage dip. - infeed: High post-charging currents for overload when motoring and DC link voltage dip. - infeed: Short-circuit currents at power-up due to the missing line reactor. - power cables are not correctly connected. - power cables exceed the maximum permissible length. - power unit defective. Additional causes for a parallel switching device (r0108.15 = 1): - a power unit has tripped (powered down) due to a ground fault. - the closed-loop circulating current control is either too slow or has been set too fast. Fault value (r0949, interpret bitwise binary): Bit 0: Phase U. Bit 1: Phase V. Bit 2: Phase W. Remedy: - check the motor data - if required, carry out commissioning. - check the motor circuit configuration (star-delta) - U/f operation: Increase up ramp. - U/f operation: Check assignment of rated currents of motor and power unit. - infeed: Check the line supply quality. - infeed: Reduce the motor load. - infeed: Correct connection of the line reactor. - check the power cable connections. - check the power cables for short-circuit or ground fault. - check the length of the power cables. - replace power unit. 450 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms For a parallel switching device (r0108.15 = 1) the following additionally applies: - check the ground fault monitoring thresholds (p0287). - check the setting of the closed-loop circulating current control (p7036, p7037). F30895 PU DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the power unit to the Control Unit involved. Fault cause: 11 (= 0B hex): Synchronization error during alternating cyclic data transfer. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F31142 (N, A) Encoder 1: Battery voltage fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: When switched-off, the encoder uses a battery to back up the multiturn information. The battery voltage is no longer sufficient to check the multiturn information. Remedy: Replace battery. F32142 (N, A) Encoder 2: Battery voltage fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: When switched-off, the encoder uses a battery to back up the multiturn information. The battery voltage is no longer sufficient to check the multiturn information. Remedy: Replace battery. F33142 (N, A) Encoder 3: Battery voltage fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: When switched-off, the encoder uses a battery to back up the multiturn information. The battery voltage is no longer sufficient to check the multiturn information. Remedy: Replace battery. F34851 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Voltage Sensing Module involved (VSM) to the Control Unit. The DRIVE-CLiQ component did not set the sign-of-life to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 10 (= 0A hex): The sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram is not set. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Upgrade the firmware of the component involved. F34860 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Voltage Sensing Module involved (VSM) to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 1 (= 01 hex): Checksum error (CRC error). 2 (= 02 hex): Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 3 (= 03 hex): Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 451 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 4 (= 04 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 5 (= 05 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 6 (= 06 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list do not match. 9 (= 09 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set. 16 (= 10 hex): The receive telegram is too early. 17 (= 11 hex): CRC error and the receive telegram is too early. 18 (= 12 hex): The telegram is shorter than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 19 (= 13 hex): The telegram is longer than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 20 (= 14 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 21 (= 15 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 22 (= 16 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list does not match and the receive telegram is too early. 25 (= 19 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set and the receive telegram is too early. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). F34875 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Supply voltage failed Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The DRIVE-CLiQ communication from the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved to the Control Unit signals that the supply voltage has failed. Fault cause: 9 (= 09 hex): The power supply voltage for the components has failed. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the power supply voltage wiring for the DRIVE-CLiQ component (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the dimensioning of the power supply for the DRIVE-CLiQ component. F34885 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Voltage Sensing Module involved (VSM) to the Control Unit. The nodes do not send and receive in synchronism. Fault cause: 26 (= 1A hex): Sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram not set and the receive telegram is too early. 452 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 33 (= 21 hex): The cyclic telegram has not been received. 34 (= 22 hex): Timeout in the telegram receive list. 64 (= 40 hex): Timeout in the telegram send list. 98 (= 62 hex): Error at the transition to cyclic operation. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the power supply voltage of the component involved. - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the component involved. F34886 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Voltage Sensing Module involved (VSM) to the Control Unit. Data were not able to be sent. Fault cause: 65 (= 41 hex): Telegram type does not match send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F34887 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Fault detected on the DRIVE-CLiQ component (Voltage Sensing Module) involved. Faulty hardware cannot be excluded. Fault cause: 32 (= 20 hex): Error in the telegram header. 35 (= 23 hex): Receive error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 66 (= 42 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 67 (= 43 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 96 (= 60 hex): Response received too late during runtime measurement. 97 (= 61 hex): Time taken to exchange characteristic data too long. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - if required, use another DRIVE-CLiQ socket (p9904). - replace the component involved. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 453 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F34895 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Voltage Sensing Module involved (VSM) to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 11 (= 0B hex): Synchronization error during alternating cyclic data transfer. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F34896 VSM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Inconsistent component properties Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The properties of the DRIVE-CLiQ component (Voltage Sensing Module), specified by the fault value, have changed in an incompatible fashion with respect to the properties when booted. One cause can be, e.g. that a DRIVE-CLiQ cable or DRIVE-CLiQ component has been replaced. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Component number. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON. - when a component is replaced, the same component type and if possible the same firmware version should be used. - when a cable is replaced, only cables whose length is the same as or as close as possible to the length of the original cables should be used (ensure compliance with the maximum cable length). A35200 (F, N) TM: Calibration data Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error was detected in the calibration data of the Terminal Module. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): ddcbaa dec: dd = component number, c = AI/AO, b = fault type, aa = number c = 0: analog input (AI, Analog Input) c = 1: analog output (AO, Analog Output) b = 0: No calibration data available. b = 1: Offset too high (> 100 mV). Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - Replace the component if necessary. F35207 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 0 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module (TM), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[0], p4103[0]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[1]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[0] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[0] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[0] = 250 C - if r4101[0] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[0] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[0] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. 454 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[1] - hysteresis (5 K, for TM150, can be set using p4118[0]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35208 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 1 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module (TM), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[2], p4103[1]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[3]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[1] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[1] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[1] = 250 C - if r4101[1] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[1] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[1] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[3] - hysteresis (5 K, for TM150, can be set using p4118[1]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35209 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 2 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module (TM), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[4], p4103[2]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[5]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[2] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[2] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[2] = 250 C - if r4101[2] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[2] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[2] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[5] - hysteresis (5 K, for TM150, can be set using p4118[2]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35210 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 3 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module (TM), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[6], p4103[3]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[7]). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 455 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[3] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[3] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[3] = 250 C - if r4101[3] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[3] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[3] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[7] - hysteresis (5 K, for TM150, can be set using p4118[3]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 A35211 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 0 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The temperature measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module (TM) (r4105[0]) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[0]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[0] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[0] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[0] = 250 C - if r4101[0] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[0] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[0] - hysteresis (5 K); for TM150, can be set using p4118[0]. See also: p4102 A35212 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 1 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module (TM) (r4105[1]) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[2]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[1] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[1] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[1] = 250 C - if r4101[1] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[1] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[4] - hysteresis (5 K); for TM150, can be set using p4118[1]. See also: p4102 A35213 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 2 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module (TM) (r4105[2]) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[4]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[2] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[2] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[2] = 250 C - if r4101[2] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[2] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[4] - hysteresis (5 K); for TM150, can be set using p4118[2]. See also: p4102 456 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A35214 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 3 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module (TM) (r4105[3]) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[6]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[3] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[3] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[3] = 250 C - if r4101[3] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[3] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[6] - hysteresis (5 K); for TM150, can be set using p4118[3]. See also: p4102 F35220 (N, A) TM: Frequency limit reached for signal output Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The signals output from the Terminal Module 41 (TM41) for tracks A/B have reached the limit frequency. The output signals are no longer in synchronism with the specified setpoint. SIMOTION (p4400 = 0) operating mode: - If the TM41 has been configured as the technology project, this fault is also output in response to short-circuited A/B signals in X520. SINAMICS (p4400 = 1) operating mode: - the fine resolution of TM41 in p0418 does not match that of the connector input that was interconnected at p4420 - the encoder position actual value r0479 interconnected at connector input p4420 has an excessively high actual speed - the output signals correspond to a speed, which is greater than the maximum speed (r1082 of TM41). Remedy: SIMOTION (p4400 = 0) operating mode: - enter a lower speed setpoint (p1155). - reduce the encoder pulse number (p0408). - check track A/B for short-circuits. SINAMICS (p4400 = 1) operating mode: - enter a lower speed setpoint (p1155). - reduce the encoder pulse number (p0408). Notice: The output signal is no longer monitored after changing the message type to "Alarm" (A). F35221 (N, A) TM: Setpoint - actual value deviation outside the tolerance range Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The deviation between the setpoint and the output signals (track A/B) exceeds the tolerance of +/-3 %. The deviation between the internal and external measured value is too high (> 1000 pulses). Remedy: - reduce the basic clock cycle (p0110, p0111). - if required, replace the component (e.g. internal short-circuit). A35222 (F, N) TM: Encoder pulse number not permissible Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The encoder pulse number entered does not match the permissible pulse number from a hardware perspective. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Encoder pulse number is too high. 2: Encoder pulse number is too low. 4: Encoder pulse number is less than the zero mark offset (p4426). Remedy: - enter the encoder pulse number in the permissible range (p0408). - if necessary, replace TM41 SAC with TM41 DAC. Note: TM41 SAC: order no. = 6SL3055-0AA00-3PA0 TM41 DAC: order no. = 6SL3055-0AA00-3PA1 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 457 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms The following applies for TM41 SAC: - minimum/maximum value for p0408: 1000/8192 The following applies for TM41 DAC: - minimum/maximum value for p0408: 1000/16384 A35223 (F, N) TM: Zero mark offset not permissible Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The entered zero mark offset is not permissible. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Zero mark offset is too high. Remedy: Enter the zero mark offset in the permissible range (p4426). F35230 TM: Hardware fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The Terminal Module (TM) used has signaled internal errors. Signals from this module may not be evaluated because they are very likely to be incorrect. Remedy: If required, replace the Terminal Module. F35233 DRIVE-CLiQ component function not supported Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM31 Cause: A function requested by the Control Unit is not supported by a DRIVE-CLiQ component. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Terminal Module 31 does not support the function "Timer for temperature evaluation" (X522.7/8, p4103 > 0.000). 4: The improved actual value resolution is not supported (p4401.4). 5: The improved setpoint resolution is not supported (p4401.5). 6: The residual value handling in the setpoint channel cannot be deactivated (p4401.6). 7: Output frequencies greater than 750 kHz cannot be activated (p4401.7). Remedy: For fault value = 1: - De-activate timer for temperature evaluation (X522.7/8) (p4103 = 0.000). - Use Terminal Module 31 and the relevant firmware version to enable the "Timer for temperature evaluation" function (Order No. 6SL3055-0AA00-3AA1, firmware version 2.6 and higher). See also: p4103 F35400 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 4 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[8], p4103[4]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[9]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[4] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[4] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[4] = 250 C - if r4101[4] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[4] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[4] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[9] - hysteresis (p4118[4]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 458 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F35401 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 5 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[10], p4103[5]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[11]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[5] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[5] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[5] = 250 C - if r4101[5] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[5] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[5] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[11] - hysteresis (p4118[5]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35402 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 6 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[12], p4103[6]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[13]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[6] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[6] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[6] = 250 C - if r4101[6] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[6] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[6] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[13] - hysteresis (p4118[6]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35403 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 7 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[14], p4103[7]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[15]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[7] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[7] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[7] = 250 C - if r4101[7] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[7] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[7] and can be interconnected. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 459 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[15] - hysteresis (p4118[7]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35404 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 8 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[16], p4103[8]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[17]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[8] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[8] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[8] = 250 C - if r4101[8] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[8] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[8] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[17] - hysteresis (p4118[8]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35405 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 9 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[18], p4103[9]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[19]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[9] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[9] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[9] = 250 C - if r4101[9] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[9] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[9] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[19] - hysteresis (p4118[9]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 460 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F35406 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 10 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[20], p4103[10]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[21]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[10] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[10] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[10] = 250 C - if r4101[10] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[10] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[10] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[21] - hysteresis (p4118[10]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 F35407 (N, A) TM: Temperature fault/alarm threshold channel 11 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: For the temperature evaluation via the Terminal Module 150 (TM150), at least one of the following conditions to initiate this fault is fulfilled: - alarm threshold has been exceeded longer than that set in the timer (p4102[22], p4103[11]). or - fault threshold exceeded (p4102[23]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[11] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[11] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[11] = 250 C - if r4101[11] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[11] = -50 C The temperature actual value is displayed via connector output r4105[11] and can be interconnected. Notice: This fault only causes the drive to shut down if there is at least one BICO interconnection between the drive and the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: - allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[23] - hysteresis (p4118[11]). - if required, set the fault response to NONE (p2100, p2101). See also: p4102 A35410 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 4 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[4]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[8]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[4] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[4] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[4] = 250 C - if r4101[4] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[4] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[8] - hysteresis (p4118[4]). See also: p4102 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 461 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A35411 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 5 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[5]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[10]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[5] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[5] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[5] = 250 C - if r4101[5] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[5] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[10] - hysteresis (p4118[5]). See also: p4102 A35412 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 6 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[6]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[12]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[6] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[6] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[6] = 250 C - if r4101[6] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[6] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[12] - hysteresis (p4118[6]). See also: p4102 A35413 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 7 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[7]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[14]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[7] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[7] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[7] = 250 C - if r4101[7] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[7] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[14] - hysteresis (p4118[7]). See also: p4102 A35414 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 8 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[8]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[16]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[8] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[8] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[8] = 250 C - if r4101[8] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[8] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[16] - hysteresis (p4118[8]). See also: p4102 462 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A35415 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 9 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[9]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[18]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[9] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[9] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[9] = 250 C - if r4101[9] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[9] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[18] - hysteresis (p4118[9]). See also: p4102 A35416 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 10 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[10]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[20]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[10] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[10] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[10] = 250 C - if r4101[10] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[10] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[20] - hysteresis (p4118[10]). See also: p4102 A35417 (F, N) TM: Temperature alarm threshold channel 11 exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: The temperature (r4105[11]) measured using the temperature sensing of the Terminal Module 150 (TM150) has exceeded the threshold value to initiate this alarm (p4102[22]). Note: For sensor type "PTC thermistor" and "Bimetallic NC contact" (p4100[11] = 1, 4), the following applies: - if r4101[11] > 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[11] = 250 C - if r4101[11] <= 1650 ohms, the temperature r4105[11] = -50 C Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Temperature actual value at the time of initiation [0.1 C]. Remedy: Allow the temperature sensor to cool down to below p4102[22] - hysteresis (p4118[11]). See also: p4102 N35800 (F) TM: Group signal Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The Terminal Module has detected at least one fault. Remedy: Evaluates other actual messages. A35801 (F, N) TM DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred between the Control Unit and the Terminal Module involved. Fault cause: 10 (= 0A hex): The sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram is not set. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ connection. - replace the component involved. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 463 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A35802 (F, N) TM: Time slice overflow Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A time slice overflow has occurred on the Terminal Module. Remedy: Replace the Terminal Module. A35803 (F, N) TM: Memory test Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error has occurred during the memory test on the Terminal Module. Remedy: - check whether the permissible ambient temperature for the Terminal Module is being maintained. - replace the Terminal Module. F35804 (N, A) TM: CRC Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A checksum error has occurred when reading-out the program memory on the Terminal Module. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Difference between the checksum at POWER ON and the actual checksum. Remedy: - check whether the permissible ambient temperature for the component is maintained. - replace the Terminal Module. A35805 (F, N) TM: EEPROM checksum error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Internal parameter data is corrupted. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): 01: EEPROM access error. 02: Too many blocks in the EEPROM. Remedy: - check whether the permissible ambient temperature for the component is maintained. - replace the Terminal Module 31 (TM31). A35807 (F, N) TM: Sequence control time monitoring Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Error, timeout, sequence control on the Terminal Module. Remedy: Replace the Terminal Module. F35820 TM DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Control Unit to the Terminal Module involved. Fault cause: 1 (= 01 hex): Checksum error (CRC error). 2 (= 02 hex): Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 3 (= 03 hex): Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 4 (= 04 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 5 (= 05 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 6 (= 06 hex): The address of the component in the telegram and in the receive list do not match. 7 (= 07 hex): A SYNC telegram is expected - but the received telegram is not a SYNC telegram. 8 (= 08 hex): No SYNC telegram is expected - but the received telegram is one. 9 (= 09 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set. 464 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 16 (= 10 hex): The receive telegram is too early. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). F35835 TM DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Control Unit to the Terminal Module involved. The nodes do not send and receive in synchronism. Fault cause: 33 (= 21 hex): The cyclic telegram has not been received. 34 (= 22 hex): Timeout in the telegram receive list. 64 (= 40 hex): Timeout in the telegram send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the component involved. F35836 TM DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred between the Control Unit and the Terminal Module involved. Data were not able to be sent. Fault cause: 65 (= 41 hex): Telegram type does not match send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F35837 PTM DRIVE-CLiQ: Component fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Fault detected on the DRIVE-CLiQ component concerned. Faulty hardware cannot be excluded. Fault cause: 32 (= 20 hex): Error in the telegram header. 35 (= 23 hex): Receive error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 66 (= 42 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 67 (= 43 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 465 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - if required, use another DRIVE-CLiQ socket (p9904). - replace the component involved. F35845 TM DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred between the Control Unit and the Terminal Module (TM) involved. Fault cause: 11 (= 0B hex): Synchronization error during alternating cyclic data transfer. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F35850 TM: Internal software error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An internal software error in the Terminal Module (TM) has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Background time slice is blocked. 2: Checksum over the code memory is not OK. Remedy: - replace the Terminal Module (TM). - if required, upgrade the firmware in the Terminal Module. - contact the Hotline. F35851 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Terminal Module involved (TM) to the Control Unit. The DRIVE-CLiQ component did not set the sign-of-life to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 10 (= 0A hex): The sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram is not set. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Upgrade the firmware of the component involved. F35860 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Terminal Module involved (TM) to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 1 (= 01 hex): Checksum error (CRC error). 2 (= 02 hex): Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 3 (= 03 hex): Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 4 (= 04 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 5 (= 05 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 6 (= 06 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list do not match. 9 (= 09 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set. 466 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 16 (= 10 hex): The receive telegram is too early. 17 (= 11 hex): CRC error and the receive telegram is too early. 18 (= 12 hex): The telegram is shorter than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 19 (= 13 hex): The telegram is longer than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 20 (= 14 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 21 (= 15 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 22 (= 16 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list does not match and the receive telegram is too early. 25 (= 19 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set and the receive telegram is too early. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). F35875 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Supply voltage failed Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The DRIVE-CLiQ communication from the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved to the Control Unit signals that the supply voltage has failed. Fault cause: 9 (= 09 hex): The power supply voltage for the components has failed. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the power supply voltage wiring for the DRIVE-CLiQ component (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the dimensioning of the power supply for the DRIVE-CLiQ component. F35885 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Terminal Module involved (TM) to the Control Unit. The nodes do not send and receive in synchronism. Fault cause: 26 (= 1A hex): Sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram not set and the receive telegram is too early. 33 (= 21 hex): The cyclic telegram has not been received. 34 (= 22 hex): Timeout in the telegram receive list. 64 (= 40 hex): Timeout in the telegram send list. 98 (= 62 hex): Error at the transition to cyclic operation. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 467 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the power supply voltage of the component involved. - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the component involved. F35886 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Terminal Module involved (TM) to the Control Unit. Data were not able to be sent. Fault cause: 65 (= 41 hex): Telegram type does not match send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F35887 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Fault detected on the DRIVE-CLiQ component (Terminal Module) involved. Faulty hardware cannot be excluded. Fault cause: 32 (= 20 hex): Error in the telegram header. 35 (= 23 hex): Receive error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 66 (= 42 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 67 (= 43 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 96 (= 60 hex): Response received too late during runtime measurement. 97 (= 61 hex): Time taken to exchange characteristic data too long. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - if required, use another DRIVE-CLiQ socket (p9904). - replace the component involved. F35895 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communication error has occurred from the Terminal Module involved (TM) to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 11 (= 0B hex): Synchronization error during alternating cyclic data transfer. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: 468 Carry out a POWER ON. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F35896 TM DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Inconsistent component properties Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The properties of the DRIVE-CLiQ component (Terminal Module), specified by the fault value, have changed in an incompatible fashion with respect to the properties when booted. One cause can be, e.g. that a DRIVE-CLiQ cable or DRIVE-CLiQ component has been replaced. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Component number. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON. - when a component is replaced, the same component type and if possible the same firmware version should be used. - when a cable is replaced, only cables whose length is the same as or as close as possible to the length of the original cables should be used (ensure compliance with the maximum cable length). F35899 (N, A) TM: Unknown fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fault has occurred on the Terminal Module that cannot be interpreted by the Control Unit firmware. This can occur if the firmware on this component is more recent than the firmware on the Control Unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Fault number. Note: If required, the significance of this new fault can be read about in a more recent description of the Control Unit. Remedy: - replace the firmware on the Terminal Module by an older firmware version (r0158). - upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018). A35903 (F, N) TM: I2C bus error occurred Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error has occurred while accessing the internal I2C bus of the Terminal Module. Remedy: Replace the Terminal Module. A35904 (F, N) TM: EEPROM Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An error has occurred accessing the non-volatile memory on the Terminal Module. Remedy: Replace the Terminal Module. A35905 (F, N) TM: Parameter access Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The Control Unit attempted to write an illegal parameter value to the Terminal Module. Remedy: - check whether the firmware version of the Terminal Module (r0158) matches the firmware version of Control Unit (r0018). - if required, replace the Terminal Module. Note: The firmware versions that match each other are in the readme.txt file on the memory card. A35906 (F, N) TM: 24 V power supply missing Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The 24 V power supply for the digital outputs is missing. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): 01: TM17 24 V power supply for DI/DO 0 ... 7 missing. 02: TM17 24 V power supply for DI/DO 8 ... 15 missing. 04: TM15 24 V power supply for DI/DO 0 ... 7 (X520) missing. 08: TM15 24 V power supply for DI/DO 8 ... 15 (X521) missing. 10: TM15 24 V power supply for DI/DO 16 ... 23 (X522) missing. 20: TM41 24 V power supply for DI/DO 0 ... 3 missing. Remedy: Check the terminals for the power supply voltage (L1+, L2+, L3+, M or +24 V_1 for TM41). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 469 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A35907 (F, N) TM: Hardware initialization error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The Terminal Module was not successfully initialized. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): 01: TM17 or TM41 - incorrect configuration request. 02: TM17 or TM41 - programming not successful. 04: TM17 or TM41 - invalid time stamp Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. A35910 (F, N) TM: Module overtemperature Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The temperature in the module has exceeded the highest permissible limit. Remedy: - reduce the ambient temperature. - replace the Terminal Module. A35911 (F, N) TM: Clock synchronous operation sign-of-life missing Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The maximum permissible number of errors in the master sign-of-life (clock synchronous operation) has been exceeded in cyclic operation. When the alarm is output, the module outputs are reset up to the next synchronization. Remedy: - check the physical bus configuration (terminating resistor, shielding, etc.). - check the interconnection of the master sign-of-life (r4201 via p0915). - check whether the master correctly sends the sign-of-life (e.g. set up a trace with r4201.12 ... r4201.15 and trigger signal r4301.9). - check the bus and master for utilization level (e.g. bus cycle time Tdp was set too short). A35920 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 0 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 1630 Ohm (TM150: R > 2170 Ohm), PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 50 Ohm (TM150: R < 180 Ohm), PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35921 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 1 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 1630 Ohm (TM150: R > 2170 Ohm), PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 50 Ohm (TM150: R < 180 Ohm), PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. 470 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A35922 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 2 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 1630 Ohm (TM150: R > 2170 Ohm), PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 50 Ohm (TM150: R < 180 Ohm), PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35923 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 3 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 1630 Ohm (TM150: R > 2170 Ohm), PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 50 Ohm (TM150: R < 180 Ohm), PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35924 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 4 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35925 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 5 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35926 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 6 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 471 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35927 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 7 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35928 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 8 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35929 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 9 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35930 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 10 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35931 (F, N) TM: Error temperature sensor channel 11 Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150 Cause: When evaluating the temperature sensor, an error occurred. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 1: Wire breakage or sensor not connected. KTY84: R > 2170 Ohm, PT100: R > 194 Ohm, PT1000: R > 1944 Ohm 2: Measured resistance too low. PTC thermistor: R < 20 Ohm, KTY84: R < 180 Ohm, PT100: R < 60 Ohm, PT1000: R < 603 Ohm 472 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - make sure that the sensor is connected correctly. - replace the sensor. A35999 (F, N) TM: Unknown alarm Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An alarm has occurred on the Terminal Module that cannot be interpreted by the Control Unit firmware. This can occur if the firmware on this component is more recent than the firmware on the Control Unit. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Alarm number. Note: If required, the significance of this new alarm can be read about in a more recent description of the Control Unit. Remedy: - replace the firmware on the Terminal Module by an older firmware version (r0158). - upgrade the firmware on the Control Unit (r0018). F36851 Hub DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: DRIVE-CLiQ communication error from DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module in question to Control Unit. The DRIVE-CLiQ component did not set the sign-of-life to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 10 (= 0A hex): The sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram is not set. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Upgrade the firmware of the component involved. F36860 Hub DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: DRIVE-CLiQ communication error from DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module in question to Control Unit. Fault cause: 1 (= 01 hex): Checksum error (CRC error). 2 (= 02 hex): Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 3 (= 03 hex): Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 4 (= 04 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 5 (= 05 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 6 (= 06 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list do not match. 9 (= 09 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set. 16 (= 10 hex): The receive telegram is too early. 17 (= 11 hex): CRC error and the receive telegram is too early. 18 (= 12 hex): The telegram is shorter than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 19 (= 13 hex): The telegram is longer than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 20 (= 14 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 473 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 21 (= 15 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 22 (= 16 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list does not match and the receive telegram is too early. 25 (= 19 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set and the receive telegram is too early. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). F36875 HUB DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Supply voltage failed Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The DRIVE-CLiQ communication from the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved to the Control Unit signals that the supply voltage has failed. Fault cause: 9 (= 09 hex): The power supply voltage for the components has failed. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the power supply voltage wiring for the DRIVE-CLiQ component (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the dimensioning of the power supply for the DRIVE-CLiQ component. F36885 Hub DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: DRIVE-CLiQ communication error from DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module in question to the Control Unit. The nodes do not send and receive in synchronism. Fault cause: 26 (= 1A hex): Sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram not set and the receive telegram is too early. 33 (= 21 hex): The cyclic telegram has not been received. 34 (= 22 hex): Timeout in the telegram receive list. 64 (= 40 hex): Timeout in the telegram send list. 98 (= 62 hex): Error at the transition to cyclic operation. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the supply voltage of the component involved. - carry out a POWER ON. - replace the component involved. 474 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F36886 Hub DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: DRIVE-CLiQ communication error from DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module in question to Control Unit. Data were not able to be sent. Fault cause: 65 (= 41 hex): Telegram type does not match send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F36887 Hub DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Fault detected on the DRIVE-CLiQ component (DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module) involved. Faulty hardware cannot be excluded. Fault cause: 32 (= 20 hex): Error in the telegram header. 35 (= 23 hex): Receive error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 66 (= 42 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 67 (= 43 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 96 (= 60 hex): Response received too late during runtime measurement. 97 (= 61 hex): Time taken to exchange characteristic data too long. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - if required, use another DRIVE-CLiQ socket (p9904). - replace the component involved. F36895 Hub DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Alternating cyclic data transfer error Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: DRIVE-CLiQ communication error from DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module in question to Control Unit. Fault cause: 11 (= 0B hex): Synchronization error during alternating cyclic data transfer. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON. F36896 Hub DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Inconsistent component properties Drive object: DCP_CTRL, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The properties of the DRIVE-CLiQ component (DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module), specified by the fault value, have changed in an incompatible fashion with respect to the properties when booted. One cause can be, e.g. that a DRIVE-CLiQ cable or DRIVE-CLiQ component has been replaced. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): Component number. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 475 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON. - when a component is replaced, the same component type and if possible the same firmware version should be used. - when a cable is replaced, only cables whose length is the same as or as close as possible to the length of the original cables should be used (ensure compliance with the maximum cable length). F40000 Fault at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): First fault that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the fault buffer of the specified object. F40001 Fault at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): First fault that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the fault buffer of the specified object. F40002 Fault at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X102 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X102. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): First fault that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the fault buffer of the specified object. F40003 Fault at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X103 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X103. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): First fault that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the fault buffer of the specified object. F40004 Fault at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X104 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X104. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): First fault that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the fault buffer of the specified object. F40005 Fault at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X105 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A fault has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X105. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): First fault that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the fault buffer of the specified object. A40100 Alarm at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X100. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): First alarm that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: 476 Evaluate the alarm buffer of the specified object. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A40101 Alarm at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X101. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): First alarm that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the alarm buffer of the specified object. A40102 Alarm at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X102 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X102. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): First alarm that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the alarm buffer of the specified object. A40103 Alarm at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X103 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X103. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): First alarm that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the alarm buffer of the specified object. A40104 Alarm at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X104 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X104. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): First alarm that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the alarm buffer of the specified object. A40105 Alarm at DRIVE-CLiQ socket X105 Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: An alarm has occurred at the drive object at the DRIVE-CLiQ socket X105. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): First alarm that has occurred for this drive object. Remedy: Evaluate the alarm buffer of the specified object. F40799 CX32: Configured transfer end time exceeded Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The configured transfer end time when transferring the cyclic actual values was exceeded. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components. - contact the Hotline. F40801 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ: Sign-of-life missing Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to the controller extension involved. Fault cause: 10 (= 0A hex): The sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram is not set. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - replace the component involved. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 477 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F40820 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ: Telegram error Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to the controller extension involved. Fault cause: 1 (= 01 hex): Checksum error (CRC error). 2 (= 02 hex): Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 3 (= 03 hex): Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 4 (= 04 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 5 (= 05 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 6 (= 06 hex): The address of the component in the telegram and in the receive list do not match. 7 (= 07 hex): A SYNC telegram is expected - but the received telegram is not a SYNC telegram. 8 (= 08 hex): No SYNC telegram is expected - but the received telegram is one. 9 (= 09 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set. 16 (= 10 hex): The receive telegram is too early. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). F40825 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ: Supply voltage failed Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The DRIVE-CLiQ communication from the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved to the Control Unit signals that the supply voltage has failed. Fault cause: 9 (= 09 hex): The power supply voltage for the components has failed. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the supply voltage wiring of the DRIVE-CLiQ component (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the dimensioning of the DRIVE-CLiQ component power supply. F40835 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to the controller extension involved. The nodes do not send and receive in synchronism. Fault cause: 33 (= 21 hex): The cyclic telegram has not been received. 34 (= 22 hex): Timeout in the telegram receive list. 478 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 64 (= 40 hex): Timeout in the telegram send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - replace the component involved. F40836 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ: Send error for DRIVE-CLiQ data Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to the controller extension involved. Data were not able to be sent. Fault cause: 65 (= 41 hex): Telegram type does not match send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). F40837 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ: Component fault Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Fault detected on the DRIVE-CLiQ component concerned. Faulty hardware cannot be excluded. Fault cause: 32 (= 20 hex): Error in the telegram header. 35 (= 23 hex): Receive error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 66 (= 42 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 67 (= 43 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - if required, use another DRIVE-CLiQ socket (p9904). - replace the component involved. F40845 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ: Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the Control Unit to the controller extension involved. Fault cause: 11 (= 0B hex): Synchronization error during alternating cyclic data transfer. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 479 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F40851 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Sign-of-life missing Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the controller extension involved to the Control Unit. The DRIVE-CLiQ component did not set the sign-of-life to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 10 (= 0A hex): The sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram is not set. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Upgrade the firmware of the component involved. F40860 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Telegram error Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the controller extension involved to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 1 (= 01 hex): Checksum error (CRC error). 2 (= 02 hex): Telegram is shorter than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 3 (= 03 hex): Telegram is longer than specified in the length byte or in the receive list. 4 (= 04 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 5 (= 05 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list. 6 (= 06 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list do not match. 9 (= 09 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set. 16 (= 10 hex): The receive telegram is too early. 17 (= 11 hex): CRC error and the receive telegram is too early. 18 (= 12 hex): The telegram is shorter than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 19 (= 13 hex): The telegram is longer than that specified in the length byte or in the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 20 (= 14 hex): The length of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 21 (= 15 hex): The type of the receive telegram does not match the receive list and the receive telegram is too early. 22 (= 16 hex): The address of the power unit in the telegram and in the receive list does not match and the receive telegram is too early. 25 (= 19 hex): The error bit in the receive telegram is set and the receive telegram is too early. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). 480 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F40875 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Supply voltage failed Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: The DRIVE-CLiQ communication from the DRIVE-CLiQ component involved to the Control Unit signals that the supply voltage has failed. Fault cause: 9 (= 09 hex): The power supply voltage for the components has failed. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - check the supply voltage wiring of the DRIVE-CLiQ component (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the dimensioning of the DRIVE-CLiQ component power supply. F40885 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the controller extension involved to the Control Unit. The nodes do not send and receive in synchronism. Fault cause: 26 (= 1A hex): Sign-of-life bit in the receive telegram not set and the receive telegram is too early. 33 (= 21 hex): The cyclic telegram has not been received. 34 (= 22 hex): Timeout in the telegram receive list. 64 (= 40 hex): Timeout in the telegram send list. 98 (= 62 hex): Error at the transition to cyclic operation. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the power supply voltage of the component involved. - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - replace the component involved. F40886 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Error when sending DRIVE-CLiQ data Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the controller extension involved to the Control Unit. Data were not able to be sent. Fault cause: 65 (= 41 hex): Telegram type does not match send list. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). F40887 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Component fault Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: Fault detected on the DRIVE-CLiQ component concerned. Faulty hardware cannot be excluded. Fault cause: 32 (= 20 hex): Error in the telegram header. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 481 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 35 (= 23 hex): Receive error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 66 (= 42 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 67 (= 43 hex): Send error: The telegram buffer memory contains an error. 96 (= 60 hex): Response received too late during runtime measurement. 97 (= 61 hex): Time taken to exchange characteristic data too long. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: - check the DRIVE-CLiQ wiring (interrupted cable, contacts, ...). - check the electrical cabinet design and cable routing for EMC compliance - if required, use another DRIVE-CLiQ socket (p9904). - replace the component involved. F40895 CX32 DRIVE-CLiQ (CU): Cyclic data transfer error Drive object: TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: A DRIVE-CLiQ communications error has occurred from the controller extension involved to the Control Unit. Fault cause: 11 (= 0B hex): Synchronization error during alternating cyclic data transfer. Note regarding the message value: The individual information is coded as follows in the message value (r0949/r2124): 0000yyxx hex: yy = component number, xx = error cause Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). A50001 (F) PN/COMM BOARD: Configuration error Drive object: All objects Cause: CBE20: A PROFINET controller attempts to establish a connection using an incorrect configuring telegram. The "Shared Device" function has been activated (p8829 = 2). Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): 10: A CPU sends a PROFIsafe telegram. 11: F CPU sends a PZD telegram. 12: F CPU without an A CPU. 13: F CPU with more PROFIsafe subslots than activated with p9601.3. 14: F CPU with fewer PROFIsafe subslots than activated with p9601.3. 15: PROFIsafe telegram of the F-CPU does not match the setting in p60022. Remedy: CBE20: Check the configuration of the PROFINET controllers as well as the p8829 and p9601.3 setting. A50002 (F) COMM BOARD: Alarm 2 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: A specific telegram word (send) is being used twice. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Telegram word used twice See also: p8871 (SINAMICS Link send telegram word PZD) Remedy: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: Correct the parameter assignment. See also: p8871 (SINAMICS Link send telegram word PZD) 482 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A50003 (F) COMM BOARD: Alarm 3 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: A specific telegram word (receive) is being used twice. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): yyyyxxxx hex: yyyy = info. 1, xxxx = info. 2 Info. 1 (decimal) = Address of sender Info. 2 (decimal) = Receive telegram word See also: p8870 (SINAMICS Link receive telegram word PZD), p8872 (SINAMICS Link address receive PZD) Remedy: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: Correct the parameter assignment. A50004 (F) COMM BOARD: Alarm 4 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: - telegram word (receive) and address of sender inconsistent. Both values have to be either equal to zero or not equal to zero. - drive object number p8872 > 16 with p8811 = 16. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): yyyyxxxx hex: yyyy = info. 1, xxxx = info. 2 Info. 1 (decimal) = Drive object number from p8870, p8872 Info. 2 (decimal) = Index from p8870, p8872 See also: p8870 (SINAMICS Link receive telegram word PZD), p8872 (SINAMICS Link address receive PZD) Remedy: In the case of CBE20 SINAMICS Link: Correct the parameter assignment. A50005 (F) COMM BOARD: Alarm 5 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: Sender not found on SINAMICS Link. Alarm value (r2124, interpret decimal): Address of sender that cannot be located See also: p8872 (SINAMICS Link address receive PZD) Remedy: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: Check the connection to the sender. A50006 (F) COMM BOARD: Alarm 6 Drive object: CU_DCP, TM150, TM15DI_DO, TM31 Cause: CBE20 SINAMICS Link: The parameter assignment indicates that the sender and the receiver are one and the same. This is not permitted. Alarm value (r2124, interpret hexadecimal): yyyyxxxx hex: yyyy = info. 1, xxxx = info. 2 Info. 1 (decimal) = Drive object number from p8872 Info. 2 (decimal) = Index from p8872 See also: p8872 (SINAMICS Link address receive PZD) Remedy: In the case of CBE20 SINAMICS Link: Correct the parameter assignment. All p8872[index] must be set to a value not equal to p8836. A50010 (F) PN/COMM BOARD: Station name invalid Drive object: All objects Cause: CBE20: PROFINET Name of Station is invalid. Remedy: CBE20: Correct the name of the station (p8940) and activate (p8945 = 2). See also: p8940 (CBE2x Name of Station) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 483 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A50020 (F) PNCOMM BOARD: Second controller missing Drive object: All objects Cause: CBE20: The PROFINET function "Shared Device" has been activated (p8829 = 2). However, only the connection to a PROFINET controller is present. Remedy: CBE20: Check the configuration of the PROFINET controllers as well as the p8829 setting. F60014 (N, A) Parallel interface telegram monitoring time expired Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The telegram monitoring time for communication via the parallel interface has expired. No further valid telegrams were received during the active monitoring time (p51807). Possible causes: - interrupted connecting cable - electromagnetic interference on the connecting cable - telegram monitoring time set too short (p51807) Remedy: - check connecting cable and cable connection. - check that the connecting cable has been routed in compliance with EMC. - increase the telegram monitoring time if necessary (p51807). A60018 (F, N) Digital output overloaded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: At least one digital output is overloaded or is short-circuited. Alarm value (r2124, interpret binary): Bit 0 = 1: CUD digital output 0 (DO 0, X177.19) is overloaded Bit 1 = 1: CUD digital output 1 (DO 1, X177.20) is overloaded Bit 2 = 1: CUD digital output 2 (DO 2, X177.21) is overloaded Bit 3 = 1: CUD digital output 3 (DO 3, X177.22) is overloaded Bit 4 = 1: CUD digital output 4 (DO 4, X177.15) is overloaded Bit 5 = 1: CUD digital output 5 (DO 5, X177.16) is overloaded Bit 6 = 1: CUD digital output 6 (DO 6, X177.17) is overloaded Bit 7 = 1: CUD digital output 7 (DO 7, X177.18) is overloaded Note: The fault value corresponds to the inverted value of parameter r53021. Information about the short-circuit monitoring for the individual digital outputs for further interconnection is available here. DO: Digital Output Remedy: Check the overloaded digital outputs and rectify the overload or short circuit. F60029 (N, A) External temperature too high fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The external temperature is higher than the set fault threshold (p50492). Note: r50047[1]: measured value of the external temperature sensor (in C) for temperature sensors with continuous characteristic Temperature sensor with continuous characteristic - KTY84 (p50490 = 1) - PT100 (p50490 = 6) - NTC thermistor K227 (p50490 = 7) - PT1000 (p50490 = 8) The value = 0 for other temperature sensors. Remedy: - check the threshold for triggering the fault (p50492). - check the temperature at the location where the external temperature sensor is installed - and if necessary, reduce. See also: p50492 (Temperature monitoring external fault threshold) 484 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A60032 (F, N) External temperature too high alarm Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The external temperature is higher than the set alarm threshold (p50491). Note: r50047[1]: measured value of the external temperature sensor (in C) for temperature sensors with continuous characteristic Temperature sensor with continuous characteristic - KTY84 (p50490 = 1) - PT100 (p50490 = 6) - NTC thermistor K227 (p50490 = 7) - PT1000 (p50490 = 8) The value = 0 for other temperature sensors. Remedy: - check the threshold for triggering the alarm (p50491). - check the temperature at the location where the external temperature sensor is installed - and if necessary, reduce. See also: p50491 (Temperature monitoring external alarm threshold) A60039 (F, N) Dynamic overload temperature too high Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The calculated power semiconductor temperature has exceeded the permissible value. Remedy: Check that the permissible load cycle is maintained. F60046 (N, A) Wire break at analog input 0 Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: A wire break has been detected at the CUD's analog input 0 (AI 0, X177.25/26). This fault is triggered if p50700 = 2 (unipolar monitoring of current input (+4 mA to +20 mA)) is set and an input current of less than 2 mA is flowing. Possible fault causes: - wire break or contact problem in the supply line - parameter p50700 set incorrectly Note: This fault is also indicated via binector input r53030.0. AI: Analog Input See also: p50700 (CUD analog input 0 type) Remedy: - check the wiring of the input terminals (X177.25/26) (cable break, contacts, etc). - check the parameter assignment for analog input 0 (p50700). F60047 (N, A) Wire break at analog input 1 Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: A wire break has been detected at the CUD's analog input 1 (AI 1, X177.27/28). This fault is triggered if p50710 = 2 (unipolar monitoring of current input (+4 mA to +20 mA)) is set and an input current of less than 2 mA is flowing. Possible fault causes: - wire break or contact problem in the supply line - parameter p50710 set incorrectly Note: This fault is also indicated via binector output r53030.1. AI: Analog Input See also: p50710 (CUD analog input 1 type) Remedy: - check the wiring of the input terminals (X177.27/28) (cable break, contacts, etc). - check the parameter assignment for analog input 1 (p50710). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 485 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F60056 (N, A) Important parameter not set Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The settings required for operation have still not been made. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: converter still not commissioned/commissioning not completed (p0010 not equal to 0). Remedy: Make the setting as appropriate for the fault value displayed. F60058 Parameter settings not consistent Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Inconsistent values have been set in parameters depending on each other. Note: This is only active for operating state < o7.0. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 0: parameter values in p55130, p55131, p55142, p55143 are not in ascending order. 1: parameter values in p55140, p55141, p55132, p55133 are not in ascending order. 11: parameter values in p55130, p55131 are not in ascending order. 12: parameter values in p55132, p55133 are not in ascending order. 13: parameter values in p55140, p55141 are not in ascending order. 14: parameter values in p55142, p55143 are not in ascending order. 20: setting p55080 > 0 is not permissible for this device. 30: setting p55350 = 1, 2 and simultaneously p55110 > 0 is not permissible. 40: parameter values in p54210[0], p54210[1], p54210[2], p54210[3] are not in ascending order, or do not differ by at least 1 V. 50: setting p55155 = 1, and simultaneously p55060 = 10 is not permissible. The reactor current cannot be externally measured. Remedy: Make the setting as appropriate for the fault value displayed. F60063 (N, A) Incorrect calibration values for analog inputs/outputs Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The factory-set calibration values on the electronics module for the analog inputs/outputs are implausible. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), voltage input, incorrect offset value 2: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), voltage input, +10 V incorrect value 3: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), voltage input, -10 V incorrect value 4: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), voltage input, reference value incorrect 5: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), current input, incorrect offset value 6: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), current input, +20 mA incorrect value 7: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), current input, -20 mA incorrect value 8: Analog input 0 (X177.25/26), current input, reference value incorrect 9: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), voltage input, incorrect offset value 10: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), voltage input, +10 V incorrect value 11: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), voltage input, -10 V incorrect value 12: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), voltage input, reference value incorrect 13: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), current input, incorrect offset value 14: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), current input, +20 mA incorrect value 15: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), current input, -20 mA incorrect value 16: Analog input 1 (X177.27/28), current input, reference value incorrect 17: Analog input 2 (X177.29/30), voltage input, incorrect offset value 18: Analog input 2 (X177.29/30), voltage input, +10 V incorrect value 19: Analog input 2 (X177.29/30), voltage input, -10 V incorrect value 20: Analog input 2 (X177.29/30), voltage input, reference value incorrect 21: Analog input 3 (X177.1/2), voltage input, incorrect offset value 22: Analog input 3 (X177.1/2), voltage input, +10 V incorrect value 23: Analog input 3 (X177.1/2), voltage input, -10 V incorrect value 24: Analog input 3 (X177.1/2), voltage input, reference value incorrect 486 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 25: Analog input 4 (X177.3/4), voltage input, incorrect offset value 26: Analog input 4 (X177.3/4), voltage input, +10 V incorrect value 27: Analog input 4 (X177.3/4), voltage input, -10 V incorrect value 28: Analog input 4 (X177.3/4), voltage input, reference value incorrect 29: Analog input 5 (X177.5/6), voltage input, incorrect offset value 30: Analog input 5 (X177.5/6), voltage input, +10 V incorrect value 31: Analog input 5 (X177.5/6), voltage input, -10 V incorrect value 32: Analog input 5 (X177.5/6), voltage input, reference value incorrect 33: Analog input 6 (X177.7/8), voltage input, incorrect offset value 34: Analog input 6 (X177.7/8), voltage input, +10 V incorrect value 35: Analog input 6 (X177.7/8), voltage input, -10 V incorrect value 36: Analog input 6 (X177.7/8), voltage input, reference value incorrect 37: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, incorrect offset value 38: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, +25 V incorrect value 39: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, -25 V incorrect value 40: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, incorrect reference value 41: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, incorrect offset value 42: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, +80 V incorrect value 43: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, -80 V incorrect value 44: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, incorrect reference value 45: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, incorrect offset value 46: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, +270 V incorrect value 47: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, -270 V incorrect value 48: Analog input XT1.103/104, voltage input, incorrect reference value 49: Analog output 0 (X177.49/50), incorrect offset value 50: Analog output 0 (X177.49/50), -10 V incorrect value 51: Analog output 0 (X177.49/50), +10 V incorrect value 52: Analog output 0 (X177.49/50), incorrect reference value 53: Analog output 1 (X177.51/52), incorrect offset value 54: Analog output 1 (X177.51/52), -10 V incorrect value 55: Analog output 1 (X177.51/52), +10 V incorrect value 56: Analog output 1 (X177.51/52), incorrect reference value Note: r50047[1]: Incorrect calibration value Remedy: Send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60064 (N, A) Error communicating with second processor TMS320 Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Communication with the second processor (TMS320) has failed. Note: r50047[1]: Communication counter in send direction r50047[2]: Communication counter in receive direction Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60065 (N, A) Software update for second processor (TMS320) failed Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Software update of the TMS320 processor on the CUD not successful. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: The TMS320 does not respond. 2: The TMS320 cannot be released (memory is password-protected). 3: Incompatible version of the bootloader software. 4: Incompatible version of the application software. 5: Error when deleting the TMS320 flash memory. 6: Error when programming the TMS320 flash memory. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 487 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 7: TMS320 restart after programming unsuccessful. 8: Update has taken an excessively long time (timeout). 9: Abnormal cancellation of the update. 100: Test software (version under 1000) active on the TMS320. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60067 (N, A) Fault power unit temperature exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The power unit temperature has been exceeded. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Temperature in power unit 1 too high. 2: Temperature in power unit 2 too high. 3: Temperature in power unit 3 too high. 10: Fan speed too low. Note regarding fault value = 1, 2, 3: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Note regarding fault value = 10: r50047[1]: Speed of fan 1 (in revolutions per second) r50047[2]: Speed of fan 2 (in revolutions per second) r50047[3]: Speed of fan 3 (in revolutions per second) Remedy: - check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. - check the function of the device fan. F60069 (N, A) Invalid article number (MLFB) Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The data read from the power unit (serial number, MLFB, accessory options) is invalid. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: The serial number is invalid or missing. 2: The article number (MLFB) is invalid or missing. 3: The accessory options (Z options) are invalid. 4: Incorrect serial number CRC 5: Incorrect MLFB CRC 6: Incorrect accessory options CRC 7: The MLFB read out is not known to the software. 8: Unable to read data. 9: MLFB cannot be changed in actual operating state. Note for fault value = 1, 4: r50047[1]: 1st character of the serial number r50047[2]: 2nd character of the serial number ... r50047[30]: 30th character of the serial number Note for fault value = 2, 5, 7: r50047[1]: 1st character of the MLFB r50047[2]: 2nd character of the MLFB ... r50047[30]: 30th character of the MLFB 488 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note for fault value = 3, 6: r50047[1]: 1st character of the Z options r50047[2]: 2nd character of the Z options ... r50047[30]: 30th character of the Z options Note for fault value = 9: r50047[1]: Operating state Remedy: Send the device to an authorized repair shop. Note: MLFB: Machine-readable product code A60080 (F, N) Alarm power unit temperature exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The temperature in the power unit has exceeded the internally specified alarm threshold. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Power unit 1. 2: Power unit 2. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: - check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. - check the function of the device fan. A60081 (F, N) Alarm CUD module temperature exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The temperature of the Control Unit (CUD) has exceeded 90 C. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: - check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. - check the function of the device fan. F60090 (N, A) Fault CUD module temperature exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The temperature on the Control Unit (CUD) has exceeded 95 C. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 489 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: - check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. - check the function of the device fan. F60091 (N, A) Reference voltage P10 outside tolerance Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Reference voltage P10 (+10 V) at terminal X177.31 outside tolerance. The deviation is greater than +/-5 %. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: Check the current load of the reference voltage P10 (X177.31). F60092 (N, A) Reference voltage N10 outside tolerance Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Reference voltage N10 (-10 V) at terminal X177.32 outside tolerance. The deviation is greater than +/-5 %. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: Check the current load of the reference voltage N10 (X177.32). F60093 (N, A) Power supply P5 overloaded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Power supply P5 (+5 V) at connector X179.1 is overloaded. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: 490 Check the current load of the power supply P5 (X179.1). SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F60094 (N, A) Power supply P15 overloaded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Power supply P15 (+15 V) at terminal X177.41 is overloaded. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: Check the current load of the power supply P15 (X177.41). F60096 (N, A) Temperature sensor faulty Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: A cable break or a short circuit has been detected for at least one temperature sensor. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: A cable break has occurred. 2: A short circuit has occurred. Note: r50047[1]: Incorrect sensor 0 = power unit 1 1 = power unit 2 2 = power supply module 3 = mainboard module 4 = CUD module 5 = air intake 6 = power unit 3 7 = external sensor r50047[2]: Value of the analog-to-digital converter Remedy: Send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60097 (N, A) Power supply unit fault Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The power supply unit in the SINAMICS DCP has a fault condition. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (switch-off/switch-on). Note: The device must be sent to an authorized repair shop if the problem still occurs after switching the electronics power supply off and on again several times. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 491 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms A60098 (F, N) Alarm system utilization too high Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The average computing time utilization (r9976[1]) is greater than 95 %. Remedy: Reduce computing time utilization using the following measures: - remove DRIVE-CLiQ components that are not required. For Drive Control Chart (DCC) or free function blocks (FBLOCKS), the following applies - reduce the number of cyclically calculated blocks (DCC) and/or function blocks (FBLOCKS). - shift blocks or function blocks into slower time slices. F60099 (N, A) Fault system utilization too high Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The average computing time utilization (r9976[1]) is greater than 100 %. Note: r50047[1]: Averaged computing time utilization (in %) r50047[2]: Maximum computing time utilization (in %) Remedy: Reduce computing time utilization using the following measures: - remove DRIVE-CLiQ components that are not required. For Drive Control Chart (DCC) or free function blocks (FBLOCKS), the following applies - reduce the number of cyclically calculated blocks (DCC) and/or function blocks (FBLOCKS). - shift blocks or function blocks into slower time slices. F60163 (N, A) Incorrect calibration values for the mainboard Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The mainboard module has either no or incorrect calibration values, serial or item numbers. The fault value indicates the first incorrect calibration value. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 2: Checksum (CRC) of the serial number incorrect (r50810). 3: Checksum (CRC) of the item number incorrect (r50811). 4: Calibration values voltage side 1 incorrect (r50812). 5: Calibration values voltage side 2 incorrect (r50812). 6: Calibration values current power unit 1 incorrect (r50812). 7: Calibration values current power unit 1 smoothed incorrect (r50812). 8: Calibration values current power unit 2 incorrect (r50812). 9: Calibration values current power unit 2 smoothed incorrect (r50812). 1000: Timeout when establishing a connection between the CUD and mainboard. 1001: Rejecting the calibration values was initiated and carried out. 1002: The calibration values are saved in an unknown data format. Remedy: Send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60164 (N, A) Communication error to the main board Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Communication to the mainboard has failed. Note: r50047[1]: Communication counter in send direction r50047[2]: Communication counter in receive direction Remedy: Carry out a POWER ON (switch-off/switch-on). F60165 (N, A) Software update for mainboard (TMS320) failed Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Software update for the TMS320 processor on the mainboard not successful. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: The TMS320 does not respond. 2: The TMS320 cannot be released (memory is password-protected). 3: Incompatible version of the bootloader software. 4: Incompatible version of the application software. 492 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms 5: Error when deleting the TMS320 flash memory. 6: Error when programming the TMS320 flash memory. 7: TMS320 restart after programming unsuccessful. 8: Update has taken an excessively long time (timeout). 9: Abnormal cancellation of the update. 100: Test software on TMS320 active (version below 1000). Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60500 (N, A) Overvoltage detected Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: An overvoltage condition for the input voltage was detected. Possible causes: - The input voltage exceeded 1000 V. - after switching on, the input voltage was in the overvoltage range (800 ... 1000 V) for longer than 30 seconds. The device can only be switched on again after 5 min. - in operation, the input voltage was in the overvoltage range (800 ... 1000 V) for longer than 50 ms. - for PV flying connection, the non-PV side exceeded the voltage limit (p55182, p55187). Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Overvoltage > 1000 V. 2: Overvoltage > 800 V. 3: Overvoltage for PV flying connection (> p55182, p55187). Remedy: Check the input voltage. F60501 (N, A) Precharging fault detected Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: A precharging fault has occurred. The following was identified after the precharging time (p55355[0, 1]) expired: - the voltage is not stable (i.e. it fluctuates by more than +/-p55357). or - the voltage has not reached the minimum value (r55600[0], approx. 30 V). Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Precharging fault on side 1. 2: Precharging fault on side 2. Remedy: Check the precharging circuit (precharging resistors, contactors, wiring). Check the parameter settings for precharging (p55350 and following). A60502 (F, N) Air intake temperature too high. Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The air intake temperature has exceeded the highest permissible temperature to initiate this alarm. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: Check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 493 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F60503 Power unit overcurrent Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: A power unit overcurrent has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Overcurrent in power unit 1. 2: Overcurrent in power unit 2. 3: Overcurrent in power unit 3. Remedy: - check the control parameter settings (p55220 and following). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60504 Power unit overvoltage Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: A power unit overvoltage has occurred. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Overvoltage on side 1. 2: Overvoltage on side 2. Remedy: Check the input voltage (side 1) and/or output voltage (side 2). F60505 Power unit IGBT desaturation Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: An IGBT desaturation monitoring has responded in the power unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Value in r55550. Remedy: - check the control parameter settings (p55220 and following). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. See also: r55550 (Power unit monitoring status) F60506 Power unit overcurrent Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Overcurrent monitoring has responded in the power unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Value in r55550. Remedy: - check the control parameter settings (p55220 and following). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. See also: r55550 (Power unit monitoring status) F60507 Power unit overvoltage Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Overvoltage monitoring has responded in the power unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Value in r55550. Remedy: - check the control parameter settings (p55220 and following). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. See also: r55550 (Power unit monitoring status) F60508 Power unit overtemperature Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: Overtemperature monitoring has responded in the power unit. Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal): Value in r55550. Remedy: - check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. - check the function of the device fan. See also: r55550 (Power unit monitoring status) 494 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms F60509 (N, A) Power unit undervoltage Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: In operation, the input voltage or output voltage has fallen below 30 V. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: Undervoltage on side 1. 2: Undervoltage on side 2. Remedy: Check the input voltage (side 1) and/or output voltage (side 2). A60510 (F, N) Device fan service life reached Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The device fan has reached its set service life in 500 hours. The service life of the device fan is set in p55471. Remedy: Replace the device fan and reset the operating hours counter. Procedure to reset the operating hours: Set p55472 = 1 --> the operating hours counter (r55470) is set to zero. --> the parameter is automatically set to zero after this is done. See also: r55470 (Device fan operating hours display), p55471 (Device fan service life), p55472 (Device fan reset operating hours) F60511 (N, A) Deviation between the internal and external current actual value too high Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The deviation between the internal and external current actual value is too high. Note: The signal source for the external current actual value was set in p55156. Remedy: - check the external current transformer for the current actual value. - if necessary increase the threshold to identify the deviation (p55161). See also: p55161 (Correction current controller limiting) A60520 (F, N) Alarm module temperature exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The temperature has exceeded 90 C. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 3: Power supply module temperature too high. 4: Mainboard module temperature too high. Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: - check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. - check the function of the device fan. F60521 (N, A) Fault module temperature exceeded Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The temperature has exceeded 95 C. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 3: Power supply module temperature too high. 4: Mainboard module temperature too high. SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 495 4 Faults and alarms 4.2 List of faults and alarms Note: r50047[1]: Temperature power unit 1 (in C) r50047[2]: Temperature power unit 2 (in C) r50047[3]: Temperature power supply module (in C) r50047[4]: Temperature mainboard module (in C) r50047[5]: Temperature CUD module (in C) r50047[6]: Air intake temperature (in C) r50047[7]: Reference voltage +10 V (in Volt) r50047[8]: Reference voltage -10 V (in Volt) r50047[9]: Temperature power unit 3 (in C) Remedy: - check the ambient temperature and reduce if necessary. - check the function of the device fan. A60522 (F, N) Mainboard EEROM write protection active Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: An attempt to write to the EEPROM on the mainboard was unsuccessful. Write protection is active. Note: Only for internal Siemens use. Remedy: Remove write protection for the EEPROM on the mainboard. F60523 (N, A) Mainboard I2C bus communication error Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: An I2C bus communication error has occurred on the mainboard. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): I2C error code (only for internal Siemens error diagnostics). Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60525 (N, A) Mainboard watchdog error Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The processor on the mainboard does not respond. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. A60526 (F, N) Mainboard power supply switch-off alarm Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: "Power supply fault" and/or "Power supply shutoff alarm" signal present in operation. Fault value (r0949, interpret decimal): 1: "Power supply fault" active. 2: "Power supply shutoff alarm" active. 3: "Power supply fault" and "Power supply shutoff alarm" active. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. F60530 (N, A) Dynamic overload temperature too high Drive object: DCP_CTRL Cause: The permissible dynamic overload time was exceeded. Remedy: - carry out a POWER ON (power off/on). - if necessary, send the device to an authorized repair shop. 496 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 A Appendix Content A.1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed) 498 A.2 List of abbreviations 501 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 497 A Appendix A.1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed) A.1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed) The following table includes the decimal and hexadecimal notation of ASCII characters that can be displayed (printable). Table A-1 Character 498 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed) Decimal Hexadecimal Meaning 32 20 Space ! 33 21 Exclamation mark " 34 22 Quotation mark # 35 23 Number sign $ 36 24 Dollar % 37 25 Percent & 38 26 Ampersand ' 39 27 Apostrophe, closing single quotation mark ( 40 28 Opening parenthesis ) 41 29 Closing parenthesis * 42 2A Asterisk + 43 2B Plus , 44 2C Comma - 45 2D Hyphen, minus . 46 2E Period, decimal point / 47 2F Slash, slant 0 48 30 Digit 0 1 49 31 Digit 1 2 50 32 Digit 2 3 51 33 Digit 3 4 52 34 Digit 4 5 53 35 Digit 5 6 54 36 Digit 6 7 55 37 Digit 7 8 56 38 Digit 8 9 57 39 Digit 9 : 58 3A Colon ; 59 3B Semicolon < 60 3C Less than = 61 3D Equals > 62 3E Greater than ? 63 3F Question mark @ 64 40 Commercial At SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 A Appendix A.1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed) Table A-1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed), continued Character Decimal Hexadecimal A 65 41 Capital letter A B 66 42 Capital letter B C 67 43 Capital letter C D 68 44 Capital letter D E 69 45 Capital letter E F 70 46 Capital letter F G 71 47 Capital letter G H 72 48 Capital letter H I 73 49 Capital letter I J 74 4A Capital letter J K 75 4B Capital letter K L 76 4C Capital letter L M 77 4D Capital letter M N 78 4E Capital letter N O 79 4F Capital letter O P 80 50 Capital letter P Q 81 51 Capital letter Q R 82 52 Capital letter R S 83 53 Capital letter S T 84 54 Capital letter T U 85 55 Capital letter U V 86 56 Capital letter V W 87 57 Capital letter W X 88 58 Capital letter X Y 89 59 Capital letter Y Z 90 5A Capital letter Z [ 91 5B Opening bracket \ 92 5C Backslash ] 93 5D Closing bracket ^ 94 5E Circumflex _ 95 5F Underline ` 96 60 Opening single quotation mark a 97 61 Small letter a b 98 62 Small letter b c 99 63 Small letter c d 100 64 Small letter d SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Meaning 499 A Appendix A.1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed) Table A-1 ASCII table (characters that can be displayed), continued Character Decimal Hexadecimal e 101 65 Small letter e f 102 66 Small letter f g 103 67 Small letter g h 104 68 Small letter h i 105 69 Small letter i j 106 6A Small letter j k 107 6B Small letter k l 108 6C Small letter l m 109 6D Small letter m n 110 6E Small letter n o 111 6F Small letter o p 112 70 Small letter p q 113 71 Small letter q r 114 72 Small letter r s 115 73 Small letter s t 116 74 Small letter t u 117 75 Small letter u v 118 76 Small letter v w 119 77 Small letter w x 120 78 Small letter x y 121 79 Small letter y z 122 7A Small letter z { 123 7B Opening brace | 124 7C Vertical line } 125 7D Closing brace ~ 126 7E Tilde 500 Meaning SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations A.2 List of abbreviations Note The following list of abbreviations includes all abbreviations and their meanings used in the entire SINAMICS family of drives. Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning A... Alarm Alarm AC Alternating Current Alternating current ADC Analog Digital Converter Analog-digital converter A AI Analog Input Analog input AIM Active Interface Module Active Interface Module ALM Active Line Module Active Line Module AO Analog Output Analog output AOP Advanced Operator Panel Advanced Operator Panel APC Advanced Positioning Control Advanced Positioning Control AR Automatic Restart Automatic restart ASC Armature Short-Circuit Armature short-circuit ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange American standard code for information interchange AS-i AS-Interface (Actuator Sensor Interface) AS-interface (open bus system in automation technology) ASM Asynchronmotor Induction motor BB Betriebsbedingung Operating condition BERO - Proximity switch B BI Binector Input Binector input BIA Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut fur Arbeitssicherheit BG-Institute for Occupational Safety and Health BICO Binector Connector Technology Binector connector technology BLM Basic Line Module Basic Line Module BO Binector Output Binector output BOP Basic Operator Panel Basic Operator Panel C Capacitance Capacitance C... - Safety message CAN Controller Area Network Serial bus system CBC Communication Board CAN Communication Board CAN CBE Communication Board Ethernet Communication Board PROFINET (Ethernet) CD Compact Disk Compact disk CDS Command Data Set Command data set CF card CompactFlash card CompactFlash card CI Connector Input Connector input C SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 501 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning CLC Clearance Control Clearance control CNC Computer Numerical Control Computer-supported numerical control CO Connector Output Connector output CO/BO Connector Output / Binector Output Connector/binector output COB ID CAN Object Identification CAN object identification CoL Certificate of License Certificate of License COM Common contact of a changeover relay Center contact on a changeover contact COMM Commissioning Commissioning CP Communications Processor Communications processor CPU Central Processing Unit Central processing unit CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check Cyclic redundancy check CSM Control Supply Module Control Supply Module CU Control Unit Control Unit CUA Control Unit Adapter Control Unit Adapter CUD Control Unit DC MASTER Control Unit DC MASTER DAC Digital Analog Converter Digital-analog converter DC Direct Current Direct current DCB Drive Control Block Drive Control Block DCBRK DC Brake DC braking DCC Drive Control Chart Drive Control Chart DCN Direct Current Negative Direct current negative DCP Direct Current Positive Direct current positive DDS Drive Data Set Drive data set DI Digital Input Digital input DI/DO Digital Input / Digital Output Bidirectional digital input/output DMC DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module Cabinet DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module Cabinet DME DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module External DRIVE-CLiQ Hub Module External DMM Double Motor Module Double Motor Module DO Digital Output Digital output DO Drive Object Drive object DP Decentralized Peripherals Distributed peripherals DPRAM Dual Ported Random Access Memory Dual-port random access memory DQ DRIVE-CLiQ DRIVE-CLiQ DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory Dynamic random access memory DRIVE-CLiQ Drive Component Link with IQ Drive Component Link with IQ DSC Dynamic Servo Control Dynamic Servo Control DTC Digital Time Clock Timer D E EASC External Armature Short-Circuit External armature short-circuit EDS Encoder data set Encoder data set EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only-Memory 502 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning EGB Elektrostatisch gefahrdete Baugruppen Electrostatic sensitive devices ELCB Earth Leakage Circuit-Breaker Residual current operated circuit breaker ELP Earth Leakage Protection Ground-fault monitoring EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility Electromagnetic compatibility EMF Electromotive Force Electromotive force EMK Elektromotorische Kraft Electromotive force EMV Elektromagnetische Vertraglichkeit Electromagnetic compatibility EN Europaische Norm European standard EnDat Encoder-Data-Interface Encoder interface EP Enable Pulses Enable pulses EPOS Einfachpositionierer Basic positioner ES Engineering System Engineering system ESB Ersatzschaltbild Equivalent circuit diagram ESD Electrostatic Sensitive Devices Electrostatic sensitive devices ESM Essential Service Mode Essential service mode ESR Extended Stop and Retract Extended stop and retract Fault Fault FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Frequently asked questions FBLOCKS Free Blocks Free function blocks FCC Function Control Chart Function control chart FCC Flux Current Control Flux current control FD Function Diagram Function diagram F-DI Fail-safe Digital Input Fail-safe digital input F-DO Fail-safe Digital Output Fail-safe digital output FEM Fremderregter Synchronmotor Separately excited synchronous motor FEPROM Flash EPROM Non-volatile write and read memory FG Function Generator Function generator FI - Residual current FOC Fiber-Optic Cable Fiber-optic cable FP Funktionsplan Function diagram FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array Field programmable gate array FW Firmware Firmware Gigabyte Gigabyte F F... G GB GC Global Control Global control telegram (broadcast telegram) GND Ground Reference potential for all signal and operating voltages, usually defined as 0 V (also referred to as M) GSD Generic Station Description Generic Station Description: Describes the features of a PROFIBUS slave GSV Gate Supply Voltage Gate supply voltage GUID Globally Unique Identifier Globally unique identifier SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 503 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning High Frequency High frequency HFD Hochfrequenzdrossel High-frequency reactor HLA Hydraulic Linear Actuator Hydraulic linear drive HLG Hochlaufgeber Ramp-function generator HM Hydraulic Module Hydraulic Module HMI Human Machine Interface Human machine interface HTL High-Threshold Logic Logic with high fault threshold HW Hardware Hardware i. V. In Vorbereitung Under development: This property is currently not available I/O Input/Output Input/output I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit Internal serial data bus IASC Internal Armature Short-Circuit Internal armature short-circuit IBN Inbetriebnahme Commissioning ID Identifier Identification IE Industrial Ethernet Industrial Ethernet IEC International Electrotechnical Commission International Electrotechnical Commission IF Interface Interface IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Bipolar transistor with insulated control electrode IGCT Integrated Gate-Controlled Thyristor Semiconductor power switch with integrated control electrode IL Impulsloschung Pulse suppression IP Internet Protocol Internet protocol IPO Interpolator Interpolator H HF I IT Isole Terre Non-grounded three-phase line supply IVP Internal Voltage Protection Internal voltage protection Jogging Jogging KDV Kreuzweiser Datenvergleich Data cross-check KHP Know-How Protection Know-how protection KIP Kinetische Pufferung Kinetic buffering Kp - Proportional gain KTY - Special temperature sensor L - Symbol for inductance LED Light Emitting Diode Light-emitting diode LIN Linear motor Linear motor LR Lageregler Position controller LSB Least Significant Bit Least significant bit LSC Line-Side Converter Line-side converter J JOG K L 504 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning LSS Line-Side Switch Line-side switch LU Length Unit Length unit LWL Lichtwellenleiter Fiber-optic cables M - Symbol for torque M Mass Reference potential for all signal and operating voltages, usually defined as 0 V (also referred to as GND) MB Megabyte Megabyte MCC Motion Control Chart Motion Control Chart MDI Manual Data Input Manual data input MDS Motor Data Set Motor data set MLFB Maschinenlesbare Fabrikatebezeichnung Machine-readable product code MM Motor Module Motor Module MMC Man-Machine Communication Man-machine communication MMC Micro Memory Card Micro memory card MSB Most Significant Bit Most significant bit MSC Motor-Side Converter Motor-side converter MSCY_C1 Master Slave Cycle Class 1 Cyclic communication between master (class 1) and slave MSR Motorstromrichter Motor-side converter MT Messtaster Probe N. C. Not Connected Not connected N... No Report No report or internal message NAMUR Normenarbeitsgemeinschaft fur Mess- und Regeltechnik in der chemischen Industrie Standardization association for measurement and control in chemical industries M N NC Normally Closed (contact) NC contact NC Numerical Control Numerical control NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association Standardization body in the US NM Nullmarke Zero mark NO Normally Open (contact) NO contact NSR Netzstromrichter Line-side converter NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory Non-volatile read/write memory OA Open Architecture Software component (technology package) which provides additional functions for the SINAMICS drive system OAIF Open Architecture Interface Version of the SINAMICS firmware from which the OA-application can be used OASP Open Architecture Support Package Expands the STARTER commissioning tool by the corresponding OA-application O OC Operating Condition Operating condition OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer Original equipment manufacturer SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 505 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning OLP Optical Link Plug Bus connector for fiber-optic cable OMI Option Module Interface Option Module Interface p... - Setting parameters P1 Processor 1 CPU 1 P2 Processor 2 CPU 2 PB PROFIBUS PROFIBUS PcCtrl PC Control Master control PD PROFIdrive PROFIdrive PDS Power unit Data Set Power unit data set P PE Protective Earth Protective ground PELV Protective Extra-Low Voltage Safety extra-low voltage PEM Permanenterregter Synchronmotor Permanent-magnet synchronous motor PG Programmiergerat Programming device PI Proportional Integral Proportional integral PID Proportional Integral Differential Proportional integral differential PLC Programmable Logic Controller Programmable logic controller PLL Phase-Locked Loop Phase-locked loop PM Power Module Power Module PN PROFINET PROFINET PNO PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation PROFIBUS user organization PPI Point-to-Point Interface Point-to-point interface PRBS Pseudo Random Binary Signal White noise PROFIBUS Process Field Bus Serial data bus PS Power Supply Power supply PSA Power Stack Adapter Power Stack Adapter PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient Positive temperature coefficient PTP Point-To-Point Point-to-point PWM Pulse Width Modulation Pulse width modulation PZD Prozessdaten Process data r... - Display parameters (read only) RAM Random Access Memory Read/write memory RCCB Residual Current Circuit Breaker Residual current operated circuit breaker RCD Residual Current Device Residual current operated circuit breaker RCM Residual Current Monitor Residual current monitor RFG Ramp-Function Generator Ramp-function generator RJ45 Registered Jack 45 Term for an 8-pin socket system for data transmission with shielded or non-shielded multiwire copper cables RKA Ruckkuhlanlage Cooling unit RLM Renewable Line Module Renewable Line Module Q R 506 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning RO Read Only Read only ROM Read-Only Memory Read-only memory RPDO Receive Process Data Object Receive process data object RS 232 Recommended Standard 232 Interface standard for cable-connected serial data transmission between a sender and receiver (also known as EIA232) RS485 Recommended Standard 485 Interface standard for a cable-connected differential, parallel, and/or serial bus system (data transmission between a number of senders and receivers, also known as EIA485) RTC Real-Time Clock Real-time clock RZA Raumzeigerapproximation Space vector approximation - Continuous duty S S1 S3 - Intermittent duty SAM Safe Acceleration Monitor Safe acceleration monitoring SBC Safe Brake Control Safe brake control SBH Sicherer Betriebshalt Safe operating stop SBR Safe Brake Ramp Safe brake ramp monitoring SBT Safe Brake Test Safe brake test SCA Safe Cam Safe cam SD Card SecureDigital Card Secure digital memory card SDI Safe Direction Safe motion direction SE Sicherer Software-Endschalter Safe software limit switches SG Sicher reduzierte Geschwindigkeit Safely-limited speed SGA Sicherheitsgerichteter Ausgang Safety-related output SGE Sicherheitsgerichteter Eingang Safety-related input SH Sicherer Halt Safe standstill SI Safety Integrated Safety Integrated SIL Safety Integrity Level Safety integrity level SLM Smart Line Module Smart Line Module SLP Safely-Limited Position Safely limited position SLS Safely-Limited Speed Safely-limited speed SLVC Sensorless Vector Control Vector control without encoder SM Sensor Module Sensor Module SMC Sensor Module Cabinet Sensor Module Cabinet SME Sensor Module External Sensor Module External SMI Sensor Module Integrated SINAMICS Sensor Module Integrated SMM Single Motor Module Single Motor Module SN Sicherer Software-Nocken Safe software cam SOS Safe Operating Stop Safe operating stop SP Service Pack Service pack SP Safe Position Safe position SPC Setpoint Channel Setpoint channel SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 507 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning SPI Serial Peripheral Interface Serial peripheral interface SPS Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung Programmable Logic Controller SS1 Safe Stop 1 Safe stop 1 (monitored for time and ramp) SS2 Safe Stop 2 Safe stop 2 SSI Synchronous Serial Interface Synchronous serial interface SSM Safe Speed Monitor Safe feedback from speed monitor SSP SINAMICS Support Package SINAMICS support package STO Safe Torque Off Safe torque off STW Steuerwort Control word T TB Terminal Board Terminal Board TIA Totally Integrated Automation Totally Integrated Automation TM Terminal Module Terminal Module TN Terre Neutre Grounded three-phase line supply Tn - Integral-action time TPDO Transmit Process Data Object Transmit process data object TT Terre Terre Grounded three-phase line supply TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic Transistor-transistor logic Tv - Derivative action time UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply Uninterruptible power supply USV Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung Uninterruptible power supply UTC Universal Time Coordinated Universal time coordinated Vector Control Vector control U V VC Vdc - DC-link voltage VdcN - Partial DC-link voltage, negative VdcP - Partial DC-link voltage, positive VDE Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker Association of German Electrical Engineers VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Association of German Engineers VPM Voltage Protection Module Voltage Protection Module Vpp Volt peak to peak Volt peak-to-peak VSM Voltage Sensing Module Voltage Sensing Module WEA Wiedereinschaltautomatik Automatic restart WZM Werkzeugmaschine Machine tool Extensible Markup Language Extensible Markup Language (standard language for Web publishing and document management) W X XML 508 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations Abbreviation Source of abbreviation Meaning ZK Zwischenkreis DC link ZM Zero Mark Zero mark SW Zustandswort Status word Y Z SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 509 A Appendix A.2 List of abbreviations 510 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Index Numbers 1020 Explanation of the symbols (part 1), 314 1021 Explanation of the symbols (part 2), 315 1022 Explanation of the symbols (part 3), 316 1030 Handling BICO technology, 317 2050 Digital inputs (DI 0 ... DI 3), 319 2055 Digital outputs (DO 0 ... DO 3), 320 2060 Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 5), 321 2065 Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 6 ... DI/DO 7), 322 2075 Analog inputs (AI 0), 323 2080 Analog inputs (AI 1 ... AI 2), 324 2085 Analog inputs (AI 3 ... AI 4), 325 2090 Analog inputs (AI 5 ... AI 6), 326 2095 Analog outputs (AO 0 ... AO 1), 327 2410 PROFIBUS (PB) / PROFINET (PN) / USS, addresses and diagnostics, 329 2460 IF1 receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999), 330 2470 IF1 send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999), 331 2472 IF1 status words, free interconnection, 332 2546 Control word, faults/alarms, 334 2548 Status word, faults/alarms 1, 335 2580 Control word, sequence control, 336 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 2585 Status word, sequence control, 337 2650 Sequencer, 339 3100 Fixed values, 341 3102 Function generator, 342 6700 MPP Tracker, 344 6720 Battery charging characteristic, 345 6800 Closed-loop control, overview, 347 6805 Setpoint processing, 348 6806 Correction current controller, 349 6808 Dynamic overload, 350 6810 Current/power limitation, 351 6812 Voltage limitation, 352 6817 Voltage limitation, dynamic, 353 6818 Voltage controller, 354 6820 Main current controller, 355 6825 Residual current controller, 356 6830 Pulse width modulation, 357 6835 Contactor control/precharging, 358 6845 Fan control, 359 6850 Actual value acquisition, 360 6855 Power unit monitoring, 361 6860 Power unit, properties, 362 8030 Temperature sensor, 364 511 Index 8048 Monitoring functions in the device, 365 8054 Internal diagnostics, 366 8055 General diagnostics, 367 8056 Diagnostic memory, 368 8060 Fault buffer, 370 8065 Alarm buffer, 371 8070 Fault/alarm trigger word (r2129), 372 8075 Fault/alarm configuration, 373 8560 Command Data Sets (CDS), 375 9350 Paralleling interface, 377 9912 BOP20 control word interconnection, 379 A Access level (parameter), 18 Active (parameter, C1(x), C2(x), U, T), 17 Actual value acquisition, 360 Adjustable parameters, 15 Alarm Cause, 385 Display, 382 Drive object, 385 Explanation of list, 384 Fault location, 384 General information, 382 How to distinguish an alarm from a fault, 382 List of all alarms, 386 Name, 384 Number, 384 Remedy, 385 Alarm buffer, 371 Alarm value, 385 Analog inputs (AI), 318 Analog outputs (AO), 318 ASCII table, 498 Auxiliary functions, 340 Axxxx, 384 B Basic Operator Panel (BOP), 378 Battery charging characteristic, 345 BI, Binector Input, 16 BICO technology, 317 512 Binector Input (BI), 16 Output (BO), 16 Binector-connector converter, 332 Bit field (parameter), 20 BO, Binector Output, 16 C C1(x) - State commissioning device, 17 C2(x) - State commissioning drive, 17 Can be changed (parameter, C1(x), C2(x), U, T), 17 CDS, (Command Data Set), 374, 375 CI, Connector Input, 16 Closed-loop control overview, 347 CO, Connector Output, 16 CO/BO, Connector/Binector Output, 16 Command data sets, 374 Connector Input (CI), 16 Output (CO), 16 Connector-binector converter, 330 Contactor control, 358 Converter Binector-connector converter, 332 Connector-binector converter, 330 Correction current controller, 349 CUD Input/output terminals, 318 Current limitation, 348, 351 D Data set, 374 Data type (parameter, signal source), 18 DC link buffer, 354 Dependency (parameter), 20 Description (parameter), 19 Diagnostics Diagnostic memory, 368 General diagnostics, 367 Internal diagnostics, 366 Digital inputs (DI), 318 Digital inputs/outputs (DI/DO), 318 Digital outputs (DO), 318 Directory ASCII table, 498 Display Alarms, 382 Faults, 382 Display parameters, 15 DO, Drive Object, 16 Drive object, 16 Dynamic overload, 350 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Index E Explanations about the list of parameters, 14 Of the list of faults and alarms, 384 on function diagrams, 313 F Factory setting, 19 Fan control, 359 Fault Cause, 385 Display, 382 Drive object, 385 Explanation of list, 384 Fault location, 384 General information, 382 How to distinguish a fault from an alarm, 382 List of all faults, 386 Name, 384 Number, 384 Remedy, 385 Save when switching off, 383 Fault buffer, 370 Save when switching off, 383 Fault value, 385 Fixed control bits, 341 Fixed percentage values, 341 Fixed values, 315, 341 Function (parameter), 19 Function diagrams, auxiliary functions Fixed values, 341 Function generator, 342 Function diagrams, Basic Operator Panel 20 (BOP20) Control word, BOP20 interconnection, 379 Function diagrams, closed-loop control Actual value acquisition, 360 Contactor control/precharging, 358 Correction current controller, 349 Current/power limitation, 351 Dynamic overload, 350 Fan control, 359 Main current controller, 355 Overview, 347 Power unit monitoring, 361 Power unit, properties, 362 Pulse width modulation, 357 Residual current controller, 356 Setpoint processing, 348 Voltage controller, 354 Voltage limitation, 352 Voltage limitation, dynamic, 353 Function diagrams, communication between devices Paralleling interface, 377 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Function diagrams, CUD input/output terminals Analog inputs (AI 0), 323 Analog inputs (AI 1 ... AI 2), 324 Analog inputs (AI 3 ... AI 4), 325 Analog inputs (AI 5 ... AI 6), 326 Analog outputs (AO 0 ... AO 1), 327 Digital inputs (DI 0 ... DI 3), 319 Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 4 ... DI/DO 5), 321 Digital inputs/outputs, bidirectional (DI/DO 6 ... DI/DO 7), 322 Digital outputs (DO 0 ... DO 3), 320 Function diagrams, data sets Command Data Sets (CDS), 375 Function diagrams, explanations Explanation of the symbols (part 1), 314 Explanation of the symbols (part 2), 315 Explanation of the symbols (part 3), 316 Handling BICO technology, 317 Function diagrams, faults and alarms Alarm buffer, 371 Fault buffer, 370 Fault/alarm configuration, 373 Fault/alarm trigger word (r2129), 372 Function diagrams, internal control/status words Control word, faults/alarms, 334 Control word, sequence control, 336 Status word, faults/alarms 1, 335 Status word, sequence control, 337 Function diagrams, PROFIdrive IF1 receive telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999), 330 IF1 send telegram, free interconnection via BICO (p0922 = 999), 331 IF1 status words, free interconnection, 332 PROFIBUS (PB) / PROFINET (PN) / USS, addresses and diagnostics, 329 Function diagrams, sequence control Sequencer, 339 Function diagrams, signals and monitoring functions Diagnostic memory, 368 General diagnostics, 367 Internal diagnostics, 366 Monitoring functions in the device, 365 Temperature sensor, 364 Function diagrams, superimposed closed-loop control Battery charging characteristic, 345 MPP Tracker, 344 Function generator, 342 Function module, 16 Fxxxx, 384 513 Index G P General information about parameters, 14 on faults and alarms, 382 on function diagrams, 313 Paralleling interface, 377 Parameters Access level, 18 Can be changed, 17 Data type, 18 Description, 19 Full name, 16 Function, 19 Index, 15, 20 Linked parameters, 15 List of all parameters, 22 Name, 16 Number, 15 Safety instructions, 21 Short name, 16 Values, 19 Password for access level 4, 18 Power limitation, 348, 351 Power unit Monitoring, 361 Properties, 362 Trace, 368 Precharging, 358 PROFIBUS (PB), 328 PROFIdrive, 328 PROFINET (PN), 328 Pulse width modulation (PWM), 357 pxxxx, 15 I Index Factory setting, 20 Parameters, 15, 20 Industrial security, 11 Input/output terminals CUD, 318 L Linked parameters, 15 List Abbreviations, 501 ASCII table, 498 Complete table of contents, 7 Faults and alarms, 386 Function diagrams, 309 Index, 511 List of abbreviations, 501 Parameters, all, 22 Table of contents, function diagrams, 310 List of abbreviations, 501 M Main current controller, 355 Monitoring functions in the device, 365 MPP Tracker, 344 N Name Alarm, 384 Fault, 384 Parameters, 16 Number Alarm, 384 Fault, 384 Parameters, 15 O Object, 16 Objective of this manual, 5 R Residual current controller, 356 rxxxx, 15 S Safety instructions Fundamental, 9 General, 10 Industrial security, 11 Safety instructions (parameter), 21 Search tools for this manual, 5 Sequence control, 338 Setpoint processing, 348 Signal path for function diagrams, 314 Symbols Explanation, Part 1, 314 Explanation, Part 2, 315 Explanation, Part 3, 316 T T - Ready state, 17 Target group for this manual, 5 Temperature sensor, 364 Trace, power unit:, 366 514 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Index U U - Operation state, 17 V Values (parameter), 19 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Version List of all parameters, 22 List of faults and alarms, 386 Voltage controller, 354 Voltage limitation, 352 Voltage limitation, dynamic, 353 515 Index 516 SINAMICS DCP List Manual (LH21), 05/2016 Siemens AG Industry Sector Drive Technologies Large Drives P.O. Box 4743 90025 NUREMBERG GERMANY www.siemens.com/automation Subject to change (c) Siemens AG 2014 - 2016