ICs for Communications
Frequently Asked Qu estions 11.99 DS 1
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Edition 11.99
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General Questions
Frequently Asked Questions 3 11.99
Frequently Asked Questions for DuSLI C
This FAQ is separated into several subchapters in order to ease the search for the right
1General Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
2Interfaces & Control of DuSLIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
3DC Feeding / AC Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
4Ringing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5Auxiliar y Fea tu r e s (DTMF, Calle r -ID, TTX , ...) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6Externa l Ci rcuit ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
7Tooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
1 General Questions
1. What is the DuSLIC
The DuSLIC is a dual channel codec-SLIC combination consisting out of a
two-c hannel cod ec filter with addit io nal features (li ke DTMF recog nition, Caller-ID
tra nsm ission , Line-Echo-Canceller) and two single-channel ringi ng-SLIC devi ces.
The DuSLIC is a family wi th a variety of differ ent SLICs that give the most benefit
for the different applications.
2. Whats the advantage to a combo - SLIC solution?
The major advantages compare d to a standard combo sol ut ion are:
- high integration factor (Ringing, D TMF, Caller-ID, TTX, Feeding, ...)
- "one design for all countries" due to softwa re program m ing of all parameters
- excelle nt transmi ssion perfor man ce (also for mod em V.34 and V.90)
- integrated test and diagnosis functions IDTF allow line test ing
- PBX support with 3-party confer encing and message- waiting-lamp support
- cheap pro tection possi bl e
3. What features are handled by the DuSLIC?
- Intern al unbalanc ed/ balanced ringi ng capability up to 85 Vrms
- Programmabl e teletax (TTX) genera tion
- Programmabl e bat tery feed with cap ability for driving longer loops
- Fully programmable dual-channel codec
General Questions
Frequently Asked Questions 4 11.99
- Gr ound/loop start signaling
- Pola rity re v er s al
- Integrated te st and diagnos is function s
- On-hook t ransmission
- Integrated DT MF gene rator
- Integrated DT MF dec oder
- Integrated call er ID (FSK) generator
- Integrated fa x/modem detection (univers al tone detection)
- Integrated Line Echo Ca ncel lation uni t
- Optimized fil ter struct ure for mod em trans missi on
- Three-party conferencing (in PCM/µC mode)
- Message waiting lamp support (PBX)
- Powe r optimized arc hitectur e
- Power management capability (integrated battery switches)
- 8 and 16 kHz PCM Transmiss ion
- Specification in accordance with ITU-T Recommendation Q.552 for Z-interface
and applicable LSSGR
4. What different SLICs are provided for the DuSLIC?
An overview of the different SLICs i s available as "DuSLIC Chip Selection Gui de".
Here a short summary:
- SLIC-E for central office, PBX systems and digital loop carrier systems (only
balanced ringing)
- SLIC-E2 as long-haul variant of the SLIC-E with increased DC feeding current and
higher longitudinal balance
- SLIC-P for power sensitive applications like NTs and PCM-x applications
(balanced and unbalanced ringing)
- SLIC-S only together with the SLICOFI-2S without EDSP (i.e. DTMF, LEC, CID,
...) features.
- SLIC-S2 as long-haul variant of the SLIC-S with increased DC feeding current and
higher longitudinal balance
5. Are the different SLI Cs pin-compatible?
All SLICs have the same pinning. Although some pins are not used in the different
SLIC types, they f it into th e s ame PCB, if this PC B wa s d esigned to handle the se
differences (pins are internally not connec ted if unuse d).
6. Can I connect a combo codec to the SLIC-x?
No that is not possible. The separati on concept is different.
General Questions
Frequently Asked Questions 5 11.99
7. Can I connect a standard SLIC to the SLICOFI-2?
No that is not possible. The separa tion conce pt is different .
8. Why is the separation done between DuSLIC and SLIC-x as it has been done?
In order to optimize the architecture it is better to have a low-voltage part and a
high-voltage part. Theref ore the SLICOFI handles all low-voltage part features, the
SLIC-x works in the high vol tage area.
9. What are the target applications?
Target appl i cation s are all appli cat ions with PO TS/SLIC interfac es. Dif ferent SLIC
types target then the applicat ion s in more detail.
10. Why is the PBX market especially supported?
Several features are dedicated for the PBX market:
- all timesl ots are programmable -> no switching matrix needed any more
- DTMF reco gni tion, Caller- ID and TTX supported
- 3-party-conferencing
- Message-w aiting-lamp functionality supported
- up to 8 MHz PCM clock allows easy connect i on of several DuSLICs
- "one design for all countries" due to softwa re program m ing of all parameters
- two PCM highways
11. What is the main advantage for inte lligent NT (NT-Plus, NTab) applications?
Wit hin the intelligent NT or also SDSL NT the following features all ow an opti mized
- high integration -> no external components like DTMF receiver, TTX generator or
Call er-ID gener at or are needed
- integrated balanced and unbalanced ringi ng
- integrated li ne testing
- very low power consumption and up to t hree internal battery switches
- glueless interface
- "one design for all countries" due to softwa re program m ing of all parameters
- excelle nt transmi ssion perfor man ce (also for mod em V.34 and V.90)
- support of external ri nging (ring-trip within DuSLIC)
12. What is the main advantage for PCM-x/Pairgain/Digital Loop Carrier/DAML
Wi thin the PCM-x systems the following featur es allow an optim iz ed solution:
- integrated balanced and unbalanced ringi ng
- integrated li ne testing
Interfaces & Control of DuSLIC
Frequently Asked Questions 6 11.99
- very low power consumption and up to three internal battery switches
- glueless interface
- "one design for all countries" due to softwar e program ming of all paramet ers
- excellent transmission performance (also for modem V.34 and V.90)
- support of extern al ringing (ring-trip wit hin DuSLIC )
13. What is the main advantage for Terminal Adapters/SOHO Routers/Cable
Within application with local power supply like ISDN terminal adapters, SOHO
Routers or Cable Modems, the following features allow an optimized solution:
- high int egration -> no ext ernal components like DTMF receiver , TTX generator or
Calle r-ID gener ator are neede d
- integrated balanced and unbalanced ringing
- glueless interface
- "one design for all countries" due to softwar e program ming of all paramet ers
- excellent transmission performance (also for modem V.34 and V.90)
14. How can I a dapt the circuitry to my country specifications?
A software is available that allows You to generate coefficients for your application,
taking into account your external components (protection) and country
2 Inte rfaces & Cont ro l of DuSLIC
15. How can I cont rol the device?
The DuSLIC is controlled eit her via a serial controller interface (SCI) if operated in
PCM mode, or via command/indication (C/I) commands and the monitor channel if
operat ed in IOM mode.
16. What is the difference between PCM and IOM interface access?
The DuSLIC provides two differen t possibilities to connect to other devices: PCM
mode and IOM mode . The selection is done via pinstrappi ng.
In PCM mode there are eight PCM lines (clock, framing, receive highway A and B,
transmit highway A and B, driver output highway A and B) and five SCI (serial
contr oller interf ace) lines (clock , receiv e, trans mit, chipsel ect , interrup t) availabl e.
Via the PCM lines the DuSLIC is connected to other telecom devices and voice
data is transmitted. Via the SCI interface the DuSLIC is controller. The PCM
interface works from 256 kbit/s up to 4 Mbit/s either in single or double clocking
mode) . The SCI interface works bet ween 0 and 8 MHz.
DC Feeding / AC Transmission
Frequently Asked Questions 7 11.99
If IOM is selected as operation mode, the DuSLIC onl y works in 2 Mbit/s mode. All
control and voice data is handled by the IOM -2 interface. Via pinstrapping an IOM
channel consisting of four times lot s is select ed. In the first two timeslots the voice
data will be put, in the second two timeslots commands and indications (C/I
channel ) con trol the DuSLIC, the monitor channel programs the DuSLIC.
17. Are the different SLICs pin-compat ible?
All SLICs have the same pinning. Although some pins are not used in the different
SLIC types, they f it into the same PCB, if this PCB was designed to handle these
differences (pins are internall y not connecte d if unused).
18. How is an isolation between POTS and an data interface in an application
If an isolation betwe en the POT S inte rface and some dataport connect ed to a PC
is required (EN 60 950), isolation can be realized by using optocouplers. In IOM
mode the 4 IOM lin es have t o be s eparated by 4 optoco uplers (e.g. SFH6943 -2).
The supply voltage has also to be isolated.
In PCM mode both PCM and SCI lines have to be isolated (9 lines). Nine
optocouplers (e.g. 2 x SFH6943-2 and SFH6186-2) have to be used. The supply
voltage has also to be isolated.
19. Is there any free input/output pin available i n the DuSLIC?
On the SLICOFI-2 four pins per channel can be programmed by software as input/
output. Debounce and interrupt handling can be programmed. Two of the four pins
can be used als o as analog meas urement inpu t. Two of the four pins can be used
to direct ly drive rela ys.
20. To which devices does the DuSLIC connect together?
The DuSLIC is able to connect to all devices using the PCM or IOM-2 interface
using either double or single clocking mode. Due to the high flexibility
(programming of the PCM interface behavior) of the interface, connections to all
stand ard PCM, IOM -2, GCI, TDM interfa ces can be achieved.
21. Is the DuSLIC able t o work also under jittery environment?
The DuSLIC has been desi gned t o work also under jitte ry clock condit io ns.
3 DC Feeding / AC Transmissi on
22. Which transmission specifications are fulfilled?
All major spec ifications are fulfilled, like Q.552, G.71 2.
23. What modem performance can be achieved?
Wi th the Du SLIC i t i s possible to tr ansf er u p t o 56k baud. N ew f ilte r s truct ures tha t
are very widely and flexibly programmable allow a very good modem performance.
Frequently Asked Questions 8 11.99
24. What i s the idle channel noise?
The id le channe l nois e of t he D uSLI C w itho ut usi ng t he TTX gener ato r is t ypical ly
-76 dB; while using the TTX generator, it is typical l y -73 dB.
25. What Vbat voltage is minimum needed to provide a certain DC feeding
An application note "DuSLIC Voltage and Power Dissipation Calculation" is
available the shows all necessary calculations.
26. What i s the accuracy of the programming of the feeding current?
The DuSLIC itself provides an accuracy of the current programming of 2% (gain
error). In addition the accuracy of the line resistance (typically 1%) has to be added
for t he overall accuracy. The offset errors can be calibrated within t he DuSLIC.
27. What i s the power consumption of the DuSLIC?
An application note "DuSLIC Voltage and Power Dissipation Calculation" is
available the shows all necessary calculations.
4 Ringing
28. What voltage has to be applied to VBATR or VHR to get a certain ringing
An application note "DuSLIC Voltage and Power Dissipation Calculation" is
available the shows all necessary calculations.
29. What kind of r inging is supplied?
The SLIC-E provides balanced ringing up to 85 Vrms. The SLIC-P provides in
addition up to 50 Vrms unbalanced ringing. The SLIC-S provides up to 45 Vrms
balanced ringing only.
30. What i s the power consumption of the DuSLIC?
An application note "DuSLIC Voltage and Power Dissipation Calculation" is
available the shows all necessary calculations.
31. What i s the accuracy of the programming of the ri nging voltage?
The accur acy of the ringing voltage is 5 % under worst case cond itions including
the accur acy of external comp onent s.
Auxiliary Features (DTMF, Caller-ID, TTX, ...)
Frequently Asked Questions 9 11.99
5 Aux il iar y Feat ur es (D TM F, C a ll er-ID, TTX, ...)
32. What auxiliary features are supported?
The following features are summari zed as auxiliary feat ures or EDSP features:
- DTMF recognition
- Tone generation
- Caller-ID generation
- TTX gener ation
- Line Echo Canceler
- Lin e Testing
- Three-party conferencing
- Universal Tone Detector
33. What type of Ca ller-ID is supported?
Two different modes of Caller-ID support are implemented. One is the high level
framing m ode w her e sei zur e and m ark bits are gener ate d auto mati cally. The FSK
(frequency shift key) signal according to V.23 and Bell 202 is generated
automatically. The data is managed via a 48 bytes buffer. The second mode is the
low level framing mode, where the protocol and framing information has to be
handled manually. This allows to use the Caller-ID s ender also for countries with
different implementations.
For c ountries with DTMF calle r ID DTMF tone g eneration and po larity reversal is
34. What is the maximum programmable metering (TTX) pulse?
The DuSLIC supports both 12 kHz and 16 kHz metering pulses. A notch filter in
transmit direction is integrated. DuSLIC-E and DuSLIC-P support up to 2,5 Vrms
amplit ude, the DuSLIC-S only up to 1,2 Vrms. The amplitude and frequency is SW
progr am mab le. For turning on the TTX pulses, a soft switching is implemente d.
35. What kind of line testing is supported by the DuSLIC?
The DuSLIC has several possibilities to perform line testing. For that either DC
feeding, ring signals, ramps, tones in the transmission bandwidth or 12/16 kHz
signals can be generated. At the same time level meter blocks can be used to
The following measurement s are supported:
- line resistance
- ringer capacity
- ringing vol tage
- foreign vol tages
Externa l Ci rcuit ry
Frequently Asked Questions 10 11.99
- leakage currents
- feeding current
- tr ansversal / longitudinal current
- battery voltage
- .. .
36. How good is the DTMF receiver?
There is a test report availab le showing th e performance of the D TMF r eceiver.
37. What is the performance of the Line Echo Canceler (LEC)?
The LEC is a high performan ce rate adapt ive echo cancel ler with up to 8 ms echo
time. The transhybrid filter can attenuate more than 50 dB. Freeze mode and
modem dete ction is suppor ted.
6 External Circuitry
38. How is the protection rea lized?
The protection differs on the requirements depending on country specification,
application and the type of DuSLIC used. Therefore an application note shows
different implementations for protection.
7 Tooling
39. What tools are available?
- coefficie nt calcul at ion softwa re Dusl ico s
- eval uation board SMART 3265 wi th control SW
- intel ligent NT demonstration board SIPB 8x9x2 featuring DuSLIC
- Intel ligent NT for 4B3T demonstration board SIPB 8090-16