tel: (401) 943.2686 | fax: (401) 942.0920
Operate and Release Values
Operate and release values are dependent on the measuring coil, the
rate of energization (0.1 AT/ms), the detection of the operate (closing)
and the release (opening) moment, the position of the measuring
coil relative to the earthโs magnetic ๎eld and on the environmental
Operate and Release Times
๎e operate and release times are dependent mostly on the energiza-
tion and de-energization rate. ๎ey are proportional to the R/L time
of the coil. Operate time is inversely proportional to the ratio of ener-
gization to operate value. Release time is proportional to the ratio of
energization to release value.
Bounce Time
๎e bounce time is almost independent of the energization, how-
ever, a high energization gives a somewhat shorter bounce time. ๎e
bounce time is dependent on the current to be switched; above ap-
proximately 100 mA the bounce time is almost zero.
Contact Resistance
๎e contact resistance is dependent on the wire composition, wire
diameter, energization and contact layer. ๎e published contact
resistance is measured with an open contact voltage of 20 mV and
a current through the closed contacts of 10 mA, using the 4-point
method (Kelvin method). Distance between measuring points for all
switch types is 41 mm.
Breakdown Voltage
๎e breakdown voltage depends on the gap between the contact
blades, kind of gas ๎lling, gas pressure, material of the contact layer
and the availability of free electrons in the gas. ๎e ๎rst three items
are set by the design of a particular reed switch. ๎e last item is very
dependent on ambient conditions. ๎erefore minimum values are
given in the published data.
Insulation Resistance
๎e insulation resistance is dependent on the condition of the inside
of the glass envelope and on the environment, e.g. relative humidity,
conducting layers on the outside of the glass envelope.
Life Expectancy
๎e life of a dry-reed switch is in๎uenced by the contact layer, the
mechanical characteristics of the reed switch blade, the load, the load
circuit parameters and the applied magnetic ๎eld. ๎e contact layer
and the blade characteristics are determined by the manufacturer.
Load, load circuit parameters and magnetic ๎eld are determined by
the user. ๎e load should be within the maximum published values.
๎e load circuit parameters (wiring capacitance and inductance),
should be kept as low as possible and the applied magnetic ๎eld must
be stronger than necessary for obtaining the maximum operate value.
Due to the in๎uence of the load circuit on contact
resistance and sticking, and also the in๎uence of the applied
magnetic ๎eld and used coil or magnet, life-test information can
only be compared when it is the result of testing under exactly
the same conditions (test equipment).
๎e electrical characteristics are measured using either the NARM1
coil or the 10JK coil. Using another coil may change these character-
istics. ๎e measuring method e.g. speed, detection and the position
of the coil with respect to the earthโs magnetic ๎eld may also a๎ect
the characteristics. ๎e de๎nitions of the NARM1 coil and the 10JK
coil are as follows:
10JK Coil: 10000 turns of 47 SWG single enameled copper wire
on an elliptical coil former of 12.5 mm winding length.
NARM 1 Coil: 5000 turns of 46 AWG single enameled copper
wire on an elliptical coil former of 10.4 mm winding length.
tel: (401) 943.2686 | fax: (401) 942.0920